The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 04, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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I. '
Hurlitjt I'nul Vcnr IhihI lleni Mutate
Mini IIiip Hnlil li!MO Aitvn Tlmt N
Ilclnjt ll(U'li)C)l by I'iikIiiimtn
, (mil .Mmlo lit to (Jootl I'im-iii.
JiWk l
KtrlkliiK ovlili'iiro or tlm tlovoloii
input of Ciintritl OrcKnii In the past
(wolvo montlm Ik founil In llio record
of duo rent entnto man In llnnil nlono
J. II. Minor, who him boon luilru.
niimtnl In brlmtlng In itljtht tmtlsllod
IMirrliHKorii of rnrmliiR laud In ono
particular coiiunnnll)'. Kovun of th
Uht nro nctlvo and iiKKretmlvo form
er t ho kind of peoplo Hint Contral
Orojtmi needs In ureal nuiiilmm.
Tlwso nun coiner Hindu tltulr pur
chase In tlui Hlstura nml Clorerdale
illmrlct, tho InmlM of which section
nro a special fealurn of Mr. Minor's
IniilncMi. KhcIi purchaan was for l10
nrres, making n total of 1280 acre.
Mot of tint won hayn a family and
nro making tholr homes on tholr land
unit dotrolopltiK lu Incidentally, limy
nro an asset (o Hand a I hoy do busi
ness with tho hanka and merchant
hero and lirhiK In their farm (trod!
Tho following la a lUt of thesot
I. 0. Uriihc, 100 acrvi, Clovordala
district, I7S00.
Kll Pray, ICO, Clovcrdala, $8000.
O. V, nival, 100, Clovcrdale,
Dunoan McGrcgory, 100, Clover
dale, 15600.
Peter Hmtlh, 1C0, Ctovordalo,
V. I1. Hlmor, 100, Clovurdnlo, con
Idorntlon not kIvcii out.
T. i. Hhiivr, 100, Hlstori, consider
ntlon not kIvoii out.
II. C. Cllnu, ldO, Waters. 10500,
With tho nxcoptlon of tho Hlmor
liny, IIiuno an) nil IrrlKntod ranches,
Mr. (Minn hint week purchwtod tint
John Wundorllch plmn. Ho cornea
from rounty, WaHhliiKtnn. Mr.
Cllno HiiyH thin liind Im oijunl, ho bo
IIdyom, In (irodiiotlvo iiohmIIiIIHIch lo
that khIIIiik In HknitH county nt jnoo
nn noro, mill hla Impression of tho
ollmiitu hero lit butter. Ho mado two
trlw In to InvoHllKatii HiIh property
lioforo huyliiKi nnd iilso look It utter
trlpH through California nnd Idnho.
.Mr. Minor nlntm thut oiirh of these
buyers IiiIIh him Hint ho Im hotter ant
lAftod now with hla properly Hinu
when ho IioiikIiI It nnd llnd It hotter
t ti it it It was ropro'ented to he, Instead
of not iin good us reprMsunled us la
KomellmoH tho case.
Not only him Mr. Minor Hold fnrma
lo other, hut him hluiKolf hoiiKht one
In tho l.nldlnw country. It Im ii 40
ueri) Improved (met purchased from
Jny Nichols. On tho deal Mr. Miner
traded In hla auto. Ho him also Just
onmpleted n llvo-room IniiiRnlow In
Kenwood, nt n cost of f 160(1, nnd ex
pect h to move In tomorrow.
Mr. Minor came to llund from Ho.
uttlo whom ho hud n real estate of
fice, frequently hrliiKlnK pnrtle lo
(Jontrul OroKon, In nddlllou to tho
Hitters country Innda, ho haa hnndlel
property In'tho Powell liutto district
and alio town lota In Hand,
A. M. PrliiRle, who returned from
Portland Hunday nlitht, witnessed tho
iiuliU alKht of n locomotive ImrnlnK
up, when the oll-hurnlnx enicliio
drawlnic tho O.-W. It. & N. train icnt
on Are, on the Trout Creek grade,
and all Ita woodwork waa destroyed.
In aomo way tho oil caught fire, and
then all tho oil In tho lender hurned
up, making n roaring hlace. Pas
sengers and train rrew managed to
puih tho coachea nwny from tho
engine, down tho grade. Fireman
Do Haven had hla hnlr hadly hurned.
Fire's Out
THEN comes (he matter of
iniurnncc. You net out your
policy and note the company
in which you are insured. Certain
queiu'ons should not arise to worry
you at such a time.
You should not be worried by the
ueiu'on of whether you are insured in a
company that dickers and delays over
You should not be worried over the
(lucition of whether the company can pay
the claim.
You should not be worried by the
qudlion of whether you have had enough
protection to cover your loss.
To be insured in the Hartford
Fire Insurance Company
eliminates the ftrft two of these worries.
By consultation with a "Hartford" nccnt before
taking out your twltcy, he will tell you the
proper proportion of insurance to carry, and that
eliminates the third worry.
The evident thing to do before the fire, in
order lo eliminate worry, is to be insured in the
right kind ot company.
M. S. LATTIN Bb CO., Agents
aiiM. iaHk
" CtfsTDY'A'N EfEiASTf.-"
Whin Janut ft. Ketna Laid For Him
a Big 0tt on Dtiom,
AIIIkmikIi .liimex It. Keelie wna known
in the uervlext of Willi direct oK'ni
lorn, he wirn nuythlutr hut n hettlux
iiinu on the rnie IruekM, Hu dourly
loved in win vnliuihlo xliikoM, nnd ho
(von nenrly ovorylhliin In IhU line ox
topi the fliiHulf KmhIIhIi Derliy. JIU
iiurHOM rmoly cnrrlod uiiythlut; hut nn
IuIIiiIIohIiiiiiI wuger IllK wither were
row nnd for lxttveeii with him.
Ono dny uhoii hU Hon Itrimli colt
llomiin wiim iinikliiK liN rneliitf dohut
lit HIioopnIiohiI Mr. Koeno vUlted the
iiiiihliH'k In tiiuipiiiiy with III trainer,
Ilium) Howe, uud Iiimk'cIo(I tho colt
mluuiely. Kii'iio wiim ver. fond of
Nihiiidiiy, the coII'm diim, nnd hu talked
proudly of III exioelittloiiM or Heioim.
I'he colt Imd workisl exrepllnmilly
fiixt, nnd the nice liNikeil nn mire u
line ttiliiun cuii he H't'iiriled on u ritco
Innk. -
Tint rexult of tho conference with
Itowo Wiii4 Unit Mr. Koene decided to
uiiikc one of hi nire htrge Ik'U on
Hokoiii lo win. 'J ho now of tho Keouo
wiiKer oi on I cd iiIiiiiihI ii KCUMiilliiu In
the rim:, mid the price iignltiMt the colt
wont ttuuhllnjt.
The nuv wan run, und lleaoni lout
! mi eelimh. He wont out with 1 ter
ry Muld, nnd tho two raced atrldo for
xtiide like u teuiu. When It wnn He
kiiiii'm turn to xlrlde hla none allowed
In front, nnd when It waa Kerry Mnld'a
turn flui allowed n Mount udvaulage.
So It unit all the way, Mr. Keene
wnti'hlng the context through Ida Held
ghiMiuM wit limit ii murmur. The crowd
wita on It tin-H. An they pnMed the
Juilgeit It wh Horry Mald'n turn to
-Irlde. Then the npple of Mr", Keeuo'a
eye at the tlmu lout tho verdict, and
the vli- chairman of the Jockey club
ot one of lit few wajfer ou tho turf.
-New York World.
When ES
-p i
That It ono of the big advantage of llio
yj'JrTEjiiiJ aatCLVaBBaVtBHaVj
t S i "ft-.
cy fffiret ion
Oil Cook-stove
When you arc through cooking you limply turn out tho flame. There
it no wlo of fuel. And yet you can have full heat again when tt'a
wanted, by merely ttiiking a match,
Tho NEW PERFECTION COOK STOVE I. much neater ana"
cleaner than an ordinary rangei
no dirty fuelt no aihe. Aik
your dealer for the New Perfec
tion Stovo. It bake, broiU, roaita
or toaUj.
For Dt Retalt W RitcnuoiaJ
Where the Weather Plague You Only
to Faielnata You Later.
I tmut nllmv tlmt It aomctlmea rain
In Ireland, hut liiah rnlu la not quite
like other ruin. It U. aa n rule, aofter
than rnlu cUewhere. und If tho truth
miiHt Ik! told I like rnlu ao lone na one
lum not to May. "for tho rain It ralncth
every day."
IrUli weather la not no much cap
prliloiia ua itHjiirttlnli. It llkea to
ptnitue you. If hut to prepare you to
enjoy the more Km miiiny. lucltlnc
mood. It will weip und wall all night,
nnit. lo, the next morning Ireland la
one eueet amlle and ncom to nay: "la
It rululut: I waa yoitterduy? Ah, then.
I'll rnlu no more.'
And the ruuiieU leap nnd Intich. nnd
the panluroM nnd very alone walla
kIImIoii; the Inrkn enrol on their cele
I la I journey: there Im n puiiKeiit, healthy
nmell of drylm: Hut; the mountain
an nil dimpled with the Jny of life mid
huiimIiIuo: the hike Ilea -MTfectly atlll.
content to rellect the overhnnetiiK face
of lien von. mid Jut won't your houor
huy the atoutet pair of homemade
hone from n harefoat. bareheaded
daughter of dethroned klnjru with eyea
like dewdropa und a voire that would
rlmrm the colli out of the moat churl
Uh purae?
If on mucIi mornlnga aa theae you
do not lone your heart to Ireland It
muMt be made of atom, tinlmprcitalon-
laltte atuff Indeeil. lllackwuoil'ii Maua-
Edible Flewtr of Outter Tree,
lly fnr the mott reumrkuhle of edl
hlo ilowen It that culled from the but
ler tree of I ml In. The bloHouiH of thU
itliiicukir trei ore the chief iiieaua of
aulMiMem-e with the HhIN nnd other
Indian hill trllic An average treo
yleldit from ?x) to :UV) pouuda of puliy.
Iioll aliHpotl tlowew that,, when they
drop off during March uud April, the
hot mouth of the Indian year, are
eagerly gathered by the nntlvea. They
have when freh n peiullar und lua
cloiiri tiiHto. hut the fragrance of them
U not pleUMunt and la bent nnd moat
brlolly described ua 'mouay." Uaually
they are curel In the miiii. ahrlvcl to
one-fourth of their alxe mid then re
Meiuhle iiothlug ao much ua ruUlua.
The uatlvea prepare, them for food by
lulling or tHlug them In Mweetmeata.
tmburhiiu Ufe Miiguxlne
You will have tio Irritated faco If
you lutvo your ahavlng dono at In-
noa tc Oavldion'a harbor allop, Adv,
iiiiiimiiii i iii i leaf
I)oinrtrucnt of tho Interior, United
HtntoH I.nnd OIIIm. Tho Dnllea,
Oregon, Mny 17, 1913.
To Jncnh Hchinldt of lllllMdalo, Oro-
Kou, Coutostoo:
You uro hereby notified that
Oeorgo (I. Hodaon, who kvim llend,
Oregon, l. O, Hox 347, aa hla poat
ofTlce nddrcaa, did on Mny 17, 1913,
file In thl office hla duly corroborated
nppllcntlon to contoat and xocure tho
cancellation of your homoatead, Kn-
try No. , Mortal No. 06681,
made Mny 7th, 1910, for weat half,
Hoctlon 10, townahlp 20 aouth, range
1ft oflHi, Willamette Meridian, nnd ui
grounda for hla contoat hu allege
that unld Jacob Hclinndt has failed
to oatnlillah hla renldonco or roaldn
ou aold land, nor haa he mado uny
Improvcmouta of any character thoro
on; that ho hna failed to cultivate
wild tract or any part thereof und
that audi failure haa not been duo
to hla cniplo) merit In tho army, navy
or marine corw of Hi t'nlted,Htate
In time of war or otherwlac.
You nro, therefore, further noti
fied that tho ald allegntlona will he
taken by thl oftlco na having been
conferred liy you, and your anld
entry will be canceled thereunder
without your further right to bo
hoard thoroln, cither before thl of
fice or on appeal, If you fall lo file
In till oRlco within twenty day
after the KOUIITH publication or thl
notice, as ahown below, your anawor,
under onth, apcclflcally meeting and
rcapotidlnt; to tbeao allegations of
contest, or If you fall within that time
to file In thl ofllce due proof that
you havo aerved a copy of your
anawer on the aald contestant either
In person or by registered mall. If
this service la made by the delivery
of a copy of your answer to the con
testant In person, proof of such
service must bo cither the said con
testant's written acknowledgment of
his receipt of the copy, showing the
date of its receipt, or the affidavit
of the person by whom the delivery
was mado stating when and where
the copy was delivered; If made by
registered mall, proof of audi ser
vice limit conalit of tho affidavit of
tho perron hy whom tho copy was
mailed stating when and tho post
oftlco to which It was mailed, and
thla nffldavlt must he accompanied
by the postmaster's receipt for the
You should atato In your answer
the name of the post office to which
von desire future notices to b sent
to you.
O. W. MOOKK, Iteglstor.
Date of first publication May 21,
Oato of second publication May 28,
Dato of third publication June 4,
Oato of fourth publication Juno 11,
Summer School auF'
GUISHED EASTERN EDUCATORS added to regular faculty.
University Dormitories Open. Hoard and Room nt?3.f0 per week.
Reduced Railroad Rates.
For complete Illustrated catalog, address THE REGISTRAR,
University of Oregon, Eugene.
A Cook Book Worth Having!
"Good Living"
Is n splendidly printed, strongly bound,
and well written up-to-date Cook Book
by Sarah Van Buren. It contains 605
PAGES and a complete index. It is
bound with an OI CLOTH COVER.
that can be washed when soiled in the
The Regular Price is $2.50
Our Price is $1.00
WHILE THEY LAST. We have only
a small number. Housekeepers
should hurry.
m The Owl Pharmacy
Ralph Polndexter.
First National Hank Building.
Th PoUto.
Whoever mny linvv Introduml the
potato Into KiikIiiiuI. uccordliut to Dr.
Idinm'M "TiiIiIp Trnltn." It wan not
known lu North America In I WW, when
IIiiIi'IkIi'm iiIoiiImU thcrv um mini to
tmvt m'tit It over to tin. Hut tho Swu
IkIi biititttij" or vl jwtuij from
whlrli tin' vcKvtnliTi' derives Km imule.
wim broiuht to I rein ml nmuy yenrn Im
foiv hy t'iiiiuln llawklun from Knutn
IV. In South Auierlca. ThU Ii trol
u I ily the itiltit or Slnikeniiaru'H time.
"1.1't tilt' nky ruin iotutoe. I will n
iiiiiIu lieiol" crh'H Hlr John KiiUtulT,
embnirhitf Mra. I'onl. Iuilou Tclo
Kntw What Hs Was Doing.
Tom VouiiJ ojehi'r tii much
money ou tout Kir I Uou't you know
ulrlH nlwiiyri turi'iit ovcrythluu u mini
Klvex them nml then uiiirry the fellow
who wives hlx money .link -Sure I
tio ThniV Hie reittm I'm, blowluu In
initio. Huston Tnimerlit
Hsr Ear For Music.
"Whnt U t tin t tune your ilutiRhter In
: "Which tlnuuhterV,, uakiil Iw. rum
rox. "If It Ik tin older f:lrl It'it l.lHyt'
lluuKiirlitu rlmptoily, 'mul If It'a ilie
yoiinL'er tnv tt'a ttrcts 'J7."Woah
liiKtoit Htiir.
Tlt truest mark of Mint hont with
Kivnt iiiiMltlei Im tieliitf born wlthoat
Duiuno inc. rnoi i ca. i oavo
sold to eight men each a 160-
acre tract in toe Sisters and -CIo-verdole
country. Every on wilf
make affidavit that he is satisfied
and pleased with his buy, and that
everything has proved to bo as
represented, and even better!
These eight deals represent 1280 acres.
purchasers are tho best advertisement for
the country and for the real estate dealer.
1 do a special business in farming lands and
if you want a good ranch it will bo to,
your advantage to see mo.
, i ' '.!
V- 2 -. MH JIHltt.