The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 04, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGK 4.
Editor nnd Publtshor.
Managing Editor.
ABsoclnto Kilitor.
An Independent newspaper aland
Ing fur tho squaro dcnl. cleati busi
ness, clean politics nnd tho best In
terests ot Mend nnd Central Oregon.
uno yenr 51.50
Blx months 80
Three months........ CO
All subscriptions aro duo nnd
nf expiration will bo malted subscri
ber nnd It renewal Is not made with
in reasonable tlmo the paper will bo
Plcaso notify us promptly of any
change of address, or of falluro to re
ceive tho paper regularly.
Make all chcoks nnd orders pay
nolo to llotul Uullctln.
The Uullctln ha been dcHlffnntetl
by tho County Court of Crook O'unty
to publUh oniclnlly nil the proceed
lugs of the court.
destruction nt tho county courthouse, class cross-state auto nnd wagon
ho tnsy find himself seriously Invol
vod. Whether or not ho can bo Im
plicated for nctunl law violation, as
seems probable, tho fact remains that
tho very proposal ot his shameful
scheme brands him as being cither
mentally unbalanced or cruelly unfit
to wield authority.
The good roads movement has re
ceived a good start. Lot us hopo
that It progresses favorably, and
thnt nit communities will put their
shoulders to tho wheel nnd so labor
that when the mntter of bonding
comes up this county Bhnll go on
record unanimously for progressive
rond construction.
In-Portland tho other day C. S.
Hudson told tho' members of tho
stands with her face toward, tho Pa
cific her right hand In southern
Washington, her left hand In the Wil
lamette Valley, and her back to Cen
tral Oregon." and he urged her at
least to look over her shoulder.
And that was good advice good
not only from the standpoint of Cen
tral Oregon, but also from Portland's.
Central Oregon mny bo developing
slowly, but she Is advancing surely,
nnd as she forges ahead Into her own
It will mean that a territory enor
mous In acres and In possibilities, at
Portland's back door, will, with what
she must sell and what sho must buy,
be able to lend a tremendous Impetus
to Portland's growth.
Especially Is tho time rlpsnlng for
n determined onori on rorunnu s
part to cultivate her relations with
Central Oregon, because anyone
famlllnr with local conditions rca
llzes'thnt It will be a matter only or
n few years at most when tho con
struction of railroads to the south
will opon tho gates to California. And
then Portland will hare to uht her
battles on an even footing with San
Francisco and San Francisco is an
active and aide rival, against whom
Portland had hotter exert herself,
not only later but also today, when
the foundations of n lasting cooper
ation between this territory and Ore
gon's metropolis may be established
Idino County Appropriate FiiiuIh for
Trniiv-Mnuntnlii Route.
(Sisters Herald.)
Judging from n telegram received
by tho Hornld from County Judgo 11.
W. Thompson, of Eugene, tho people
of Crook County are prnctlcnlly as
sured of n first class road connecting,
them with tho Willamette Valley.
ljino county open' unlto n sum
last summer on surveys nnd csth
llshtng x new gr.ido for the McKcn-
zte road on tho west side of the
Cascades. This survey reduces the
grade to not over ten per cent at
any point and witl be finished In n
manner that will make of It n first
Tho money necessary to cover tho
expense- hns been appropriated by
ljino County nnd It 1 expected that
tho work will bo completed this
suiumor. With tho exception of n
short stretch ot snmly grndo tho
rond between Sisters nnd tho county
lino Is In good condition and It Is
estimated thnt the oxpouno ot chang
ing tho grade nt this point so ns to
make It an easy grndo und conform
with tho rond on tho other side This
will bo n long needed Improvement
as Central and Western Oiogon prao
tlontly hns no connecting rond that Is
pnssahlo by nuto without much
Improvement of the McKonilo
route will do much to lucronsoiuto
tourist trnvol noross tho mountains.
WASHINGTON. Mny 88. A now
mnp of tho stato of Oregon, showing
the total detlgnntlou or lands sub
ject to entry under tho enlarged
homestead act, tuts been Issued.
Copies mny bo obtained by addressing
j nny member of tho Oregon delegation
In Congress or from the Secretary or
the lntorlor. Tho new map shows
groatly Increased nroas now subject
to entry under tho enlarged home
stead net, tho larger designations be
ing In tho counties of Morrow, Mai
nour, Hartley, Crook, Lako nnd
I nt f W
(III f " CWAV l-'f.r'
nnd lambs. Aro calling for prlnvo
stuff which Is fairly linn. Wethers
nt 96 nnd owes nt 5,3il nnd spring
Inmbs 7 to $7.8f aro prlco lops lit
thn various sheep classes, l.lquliln
tlon largo and nuiKO of prices wide.
Tho water users under tho Central
Oregon Irrigation Company's segre
gation plan a largo meeting nt Red
mond this Saturday, at 1:30. A call
for tho meeting has been Issued by
Secretary Colo E. Smith, by order of
President P. J. Young.
"Statlra c. Ilrlggs, writing letters
for Judge $24.80"
That modest little Hera Is tucked
nwajr among tho bills allowed by tho
County Cjiirt at Its last meeting.
It was a good bill for the two com
mlsslguers to pass, for without doubt
no expenditure that the court ever
has authorized has led to more soul
satisfying entertainment for the
people of Crook county at large than
has this. Judgo Springer's communi
cations to the press and the people
of the county have come to occupy
a unique place In our local public
life the spice of that lite, indeed.
As regular as death and taxes, as
versatile as sin, as voluminous as
eternity and as logical as reason,
these periodic epistles are worth
more to the tax payers than all the
county autos ever manufactured and
all tho cement ever distributed by a
generous railroad corporation. It is
the unanimous desire of reading vot
ers that the good work continue.
Only, Mr. Commissioners, why not
add a few dollars to the cost and
provide au editor for the letters as
well as a stenographer? It would
lie an admirable Investment.
Theiuovoment to Invoke tho refer
endum against the county attorney
bill . should receive no support in
Crook tylunty, For most sections
the new law promises to be an ad
mirable one, and for Crook county it
Is eapeciuliy advantageous. With
suchxR hugo territory, and with The
Dalles so fur removed, there is every
logical,, reafcon why a district or
county uttorney should have his
headquarters at Prlneville, and none
why the cumbersome old order
should be retained.
If Judgo Springer Is correctly
quoted In his Intention to poison the
aoag birds of Crook county, and as
having issued an order for their
June 4, 1913.
Dear friend:
Meal makes good bread,
meal makes mush. Oat
meal makes good mush
for breakfast too. You
can get so many nice
breakfast foods at the
Meal 35c per sack
Quaker Oatmeal 15c Pkg.
Your friend,
P. S. They sell so
many breakfast foods
where we buy that they
are always fresh. Mama
sends me always to
On and after Juno 10th Oregon
bridegrooms will bo obliged to do
moro than' pay the county clerk their
marriage llcenso fees. 'For slnco the
stnte has decided to 'try Its hand nt
eugenics, In a mild way, ecry pros
pective groom will bo obliged to
show a physician's certificate stating
that ho is free from certain diseases
before tho county clerk mny Issue a
license. It Is provided that tho
physician's fee shall not exceed $2.60.
Receipts for tho week havo been:
Cattlo 853, calves 69, hogs 2014,
sheep 4570, horses 2C.
Cattle values suffered a severe cut
during the week and the mnrket Is
generally 25 to CO cents lower.
Steers received tho brunt of tho at
tack. Ilcst bullocks wor.o soiling
steady $8.25 to $8.50 toward tho
close with good grass stuff around
8 cents. Ilutcher stuff was slow to
participate In tho slump as heifers
brought $8 nnd cows $7.80, although
these prices aro not In exlstenco to
day. Good bulls asd stags are
steady to a shado weaker, while
calves remain unchanged. Heavy
liquidation from drouth afflicted sec
tion on California nnd Rocky Moun
tain states, has hurried along tho an
nual advent of tho grass cattlo run
Heef Is not as plontlful as In former
years und tho trade expects a com
paratively steady market all spring
and summer.
The hog market displayed strong
"come lwck" qualities from opening
to closing nnd gained approximately
25 cents. Ilcst light swlno sold
steady Wednesday $S.K0 to $8.55.
Domand hss been brisk and big
enough to absorb receipts which Imvo
been hotter than tho average. Un
certainty ns to tho market status tho
coming week prevents much specu
lation. Sheep hnusu proved an Ir
regular affair up to Thursday and
thereafter appeared to be steadier.
I Killers are surfeltod on poor mutton
Shingles Mouldings
Building Material
s : u "
I i
THe Miller Lumber Company
Bend, Oregon.
chasing land that will Increase m
value. No Investment on earth Is so safo,
so sure, so certain to enrich its owner, as un
developed real ostcto.M--Crover Cleveland.
Because they ARE developed. Close in and located
to the heat advantage, being close to the river
and the railroad.
There is mo question as to the increase in value.
That will come as the town grows.
No investment could he safer, surer, or moro
certain to prove profitable to tho buyer.
f i. -r
Bend Park Company
455 Empire Building, Scuttle, WilsIi.
National Bank Building, Haul, Oregon.
Descriptive literature on Bend and Central Oregon mailed upon request.
BBkX (aml6fm H E B W (( R&)
Now is the time to roof your building.
Don't wait until the rain starts
and you are inconvenienced '
by working in the wet.
Do the work while the conditions are
favorable and save yourself the annoyance
and disagreeable duty of being
compelled to hurry a job that requires
care and attention.
No matter what kind of a roof
you have or what kind of a building
you own, you ought to see us
about your roof troubles.
Our roofing experience will help you.
We will show you the kind of a ,
roof you should have and the way
you should lay it and demonstrate to
your complete satisfaction that there
is no other roofing on the market
that will give you so good a roof service
as Malthoid Roofing.
Made hy the Paraffine Paint Co. Skuse Hardware Co.
Sat Fnwcisci mi frerywtefe BcBd o w
"Cut ot
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