TIIH IlKNP IMhWTlS, mill), WKDSKHUAV, Jl'NIJ I, lOl.'l. 1'AOE 8. .N A OIKJANI.I- Hl'KDAV H('IIOH. Mm, U. II. Wlmiioru pruucjii'ii at lint I'lno Kori'Hl MOllOOl Iioiimo, Mix liillcn HoulliutiNt or lll'llll Oil IImi iluniH mini, ouoli nlturimtii Hiimliiy, t 11 it. in. A U u ml ny huIioo) Iium Intrn orKHiilxoil lo mom unch Kinnliiy nt ID n. in, N UiivHoM U Hiiporln Ifiiilonl; Wllllmn .MoN'iuiKlit. iinmIhU nut Miiirliiuiiiliiiili Mr. A, II. (loi't 'mi, Micrciiiry. on (lio nortli I no of tint : ttioticn on foot, to th it loft, emu hi I ntiKio do- tlio norllionat NOTH'K. TO WHOM IT MAY t'ONCMKNi Nutlet Ih liuruhy kIvuii that, jiur Miiiuit to i mj I n I lo ii m Imnilnron) iiiloiituil liy tlit Common Council In iliu inuttur n( thu uxtiuiHloii of W'nil HllUlll lltlHllIlllttUll UN VHtllllllHlllllUllt No. 1 iiinliir Cliiiitiir 80 or tlio Olmr- tor or thu City of llunil. thu Common toiiiiuir Iiiih iiiioliitiul II. I). Ilrown, J. .n. iiiiiiiur mill N. I'. Hiultli n h vIuwith to vlnw unlit tixtomiloii or wiill Htruct In nrcortliiiicu wlih thu mcthoil iirufcrllitul by thu Chuitur or thu City of lluiul, mill tiulil Common Coiinoll Iiiim nut Tiumtiiy, thu 1 tit iluy of Juiiit, 1U13, ut 10 o'clock it. in. In th Council ilooimt In thu John on IIiiIIiIIiik In thu Cty or Hum), u thu tliuo mill iiliiro for miiIiI vluwur to mi'iit mill iiiiikc thu uwntiiHiiKiut or ilitiiiitKtHt mill lioiiulltn tin provlilud ly law. That thu houiiUiirli'H mid tormlnl or mi I il itrononml uxtutiMluu or Wall nit fot known iin KNtiihllNhmviit No. 1 under Chnntur 20 or tli'o Clmrtur of thu City or lltuid, urn iih follow: JJlJM'UII'TIO.N 01" WAU, HTHKItT K.YIIC.NUION AMI KIAAH AVK- Nl'i:. IIukiuiiIiik ut it point on tlio houIIi lint- or thu north wkhI ijuurtur of thu uoilhiHiHt uuiirinr of nuctlou 32, lowimhli IT noiitn, mult IX twt, W M., which point lar H. bit do mii.n 57 niluutv 41 tcoiiil V. iTiK iik foot from thu Monti nioiiti ini'iit niurkliiR thu Mjiithi'imt cornur ot thu Hiild iiurthwcKt iiinrtur or tlio nortlii'iint oiitirtcr of nlU mftloii 32, t I iiic n point on thu Wi-murly llritt or Wall Htrcut mid Idcotlcul with tlio iiortht'iitft corner or Lot (1) Onu, lilock (1) Onu or North Addition to thu City or llund, lliioicu N. 38 do icri'i'B 3.1 inluutf 30 mi.cijiiiIm K CM 71 foot, on thi went line or Wall Htrci-t oxtendod, thinrt N. 0 dotfrefH 14 in I uu leu 33 nocunU W. 311.80 fuot, to thu Koiith lluu ot Kill Avenue thenru Writ StUl.38 fitt, tlitmct South 10.00 fit. thunca West iKO.OO feet, thctictt North 100.00 fit-t. tbencti Kant XfcO.OO feet, theiico Koiith 10.00 feut, llicriro Kant 201.04 loot to u iHiliit on the wt lino or Wall Htrvot Kxtcimloii. IidIiik N. 0 dwRroi'it 14 inlnutv S3 traiiil W. HJ runt from thu noutli llnu of Kill A ven in- mid 30.00 fit't HNt or the rant llnu of thu nld iiortliwimt ijutir ter or thu iiorthemit quarter of Hold wtlnu 32. thi'iico N. 0 ilt'Kreen 14 liilllllti 22 tcuiid W. 434 21 feet, thencu on a curvu to the loft of rad io or 70 feet, ceil trill nuglu 4 t tie Kree 4& inliiiileM 38 Rocuudi, a ill lancu of 54. fill feet, thencu N. 46 du :ree 00 III I II II U W. 1C7.3H reel, tnoro or v to thu liitemeitluii with thu Kuctlon llnu lietweeli MectloiiK 29 nml 32, IwIiik N. h dcKrten Ui inln uit 14 mccoiiiIi W. 1C&.10 feet from thu nortlicimt corner or thu Maid liorlhwext iiinrter or thu iiortlienut litartcr or nld mucIIoii 32. Ilieiicu In nectlou 2V. of Maiiio townhln mid rmiKu, on follow. N. 4& duKrei'N 00 minute W. 3y feet muru or Iumm to lhn nil linn nf thr H V II Illlnv road, thuiico N. & dunree i4 minute i TJ!rt 15.14 feot. aloiiK tlio nt llnu or Mid rand, thencu H. 46 deKrei-n 00 minute It. 175 reel moru or Im to 'he InluraiH'tloii ltn tli Moctleti llnu i.Hecii Mid MiH-tl'tu 3b and 32. f Idk 13. IS fot wtwt of thu HorthtHit tlon line, tiortlKiint iiiinrlcr of iiunrttir of mvcUoii 32. towiiMlilo 17 Mouth, rmiKu 12 iimtt, which point Iiuiiih H. h) demd'H TiR inlnutbM 14 4Ui'ondH 13, 225.14 feot, from thu uorthweNt cornur of- milil mirtliunt iiunrtur of tlio uorthmiMl ijimrlur, tiiencu mnitli 4d.12 feut, tliuncu N. 03 iluiireuH 18 inliiiitCH 30 HecoiulH 14. 103.411 feet, thuiico N. 80 duKruvu 55 liilniitcii 14 Kucoiid W. 13,21 rent to thu point or hi'KlnnliiK. I'liirlloiMil Trmt llftttwii I'rnclN ft nml (I, lijtlo Ail in, Oitner t,'n- klHUMI. I ItiuIritilfiK nt a nolnt on thn eo (Ion line, thu north lino or thu north unt Mimrlur or the nortlieiiitt ijuurtor oi muciioii a, towiiHinp 17 MOtltll, nilllln 12 eiint. W. At., whleli imtiit. liuiirN H. 80 dUKree 55 llllllllte 14 Mecouil K. 225.14 feot from thu nortliwcMl cornur or thu Hiild uorth- uiiHt iiuiirlur or thu nurtlicimt itiiiir tur or Mcatlon 32. towimlilp 17 Mouth, raiiKu 12 uiiNt, W. M., thonco outh 4n.)2 reel, thencu K. (13 degreed 18 inliiiileM ,10 bucoihIn 13. mid on a curvu or rnillim or 280 feet to tlio loft, it dlntmicu of 10.18 fentr thuueu north urly 64.10 feut, thencu K. 89 do ur cen 55 minute 14 econd K. 17.14 feet to thu olnt or Ih-kIniiIiik. Itwtlti Tinrt. lli'Klnnlnic nt n point on thu couth llnu or thu Houthwcjit ouiirtcr or thn MoiithmiMt qunrtur of portion 20, towimhlp IT Mouth, rniiKo 12 aat, W. M.. which point huarn N. 89 do upteM 55 mlimle 14 MocontU W. 83. 18 t'it from tlio HOiitiienMt corner or nil III tract, thencu N. X9 deftreeM 55 mlnutuM 14 nucond W. 81.08 rout, tllitlicu N. 4C lli'KreiHi W. 30 feet moru or lean to thu luturnuctlon with thu oiiMt lino nt the O. W. II. Jtlley road, thonco N. 5 duKrctm 54 mill lite W. 05.14 reel, nloiiK thu nd uat line of thu wild road, thuiico H 4. ileuree 15. J 75 feet, moru or leu to thu point u IiukIiiiiIiik. llrlrtiMiti Tntct. UcKlunltiK nt n point 1273 feet went or nml 208 feut Mouth of the nortlieuiit corner of thu northemt quartur or thu iiortlienut qunrtur of Mectlon 32, townhlii 17 Mouth, rnnsn) 12 eimt, W. M., lielnK thu north went' corner or whnl l known a Tract 7 of l.ytlo Acre owned by Krlck mo ii. thence Mouth 0 derreea 14 min ute 22 Mcconda 11 200 fret, thencu at 4.31 feet, to the rnit lino of Wnll Street Kxtenaton. thencu N. 0 deicree 14 minute 22 aecond W. 200 feet nlouc thu nald enit line of Wall Htreet Kxtoimlon, thencu writ 4.31 feet to thu point or bOKlnnlrfK. TIIIIp llMtm Tract. IlfRlnnlni; at a paint 1273 root wct of nml 43C feet south or thu northcaat corner or tlio northenat quartur or thn northeimt nuiirter or Mectlon 32, tow n i lo 17 nouth, rmirn 12 eflnt. W. M.. PeliiK thu north went cornur or thn Tllllu llntea trnct known na Tract 18. Lytic Acreane. thencu outh 200 reet, thencu unit 431 reel, to thn ent Una or Wall street cxtcn Mlon, thoncfl N. 0 deKrte 14 minute 22 Mecumi w. nlonc mhIiI enut lino or Wall Htreet Kxtenalon 200.00 feet, tnence went 4.31 feet to thu point or heRlnnlnic. I.utlik nml llrliUwin Trnct. HeKlnnliiK nt n Klnt 1272 reet wut or and C3G reel Mouth or thu iiortheait corner or tin; northunit quarter or thu northcaat quarter or Mectlon 32, townahlp 17 south, rnnrn 12 est, W. M., lelnB th northweHt or thu I.uthlu and Krlckon tract, known a Trnct 10. l.ytlo Acre nKe. thence (otith 200.00 feet, thnnro isit 4.31 rtet to the cunt lino of Wall Street Kxteimlon thonco N. 0 Uocreim 14 minute 22 vecond W. 200.00 fi-l nloiiK ttm enat lino of ii ciirvo ,or rnuiiin or 70 Kruu 45 mlilUtuN 38 mucOiuIm, a ill- tmico of 54.00 fool, thonco N. 45 iln Kruu W. 1 07.30 rout Ut thu north no or thu mild northwont qunrtur or Iho north(fnt iiuirlr or muoKoii 32, thonco 8, 80 iloRroen o5 minute 14 mouoimIm K. 84.08 foot (whoucu tlio uoithuiiHt cornur of mild northwuit qunrtur of mild northuiiHt qunrtur, Mocllon 32, hear H. 80 iloKree 55 mlntituH 14 Mucoud H. 83.14 root), tlluiicu H. 40 dcKrcwi H. 04.70 rout, thonco uiist 37.58 foot, to thu oimt lino or unld trnct nliovo nnmod, thoucu Mouth iiIoiik Hiild oant llnu iin tollown, H. 0 duKrcc 14 iiilniitoM 22 Mccond K. 833.32 rout, thonco went 5.70 feot, thonco , 38 doKroe ,13 mliiuto .10 Mccond W. 550.08 rout, to thu Mouth llnu or thu anld northwuKt qunrtur or tlio uorthunal quarter or Mectlon 32, townahlp 17 Mouth, run no 12 entit, W. M., thuiico H, 811 ili'KreeM 57 IlilllllteM 41 auconda W. 102.30 foot to thu point or beglnnlnK. NtvmiNon Trnrl, Wnll Hticet Htrn Mlon. lluitlnnliiK at a point In thn north ennt quartur of the northo:it quur tor or Mectlon 32, towiiMhlp 17 nouth, rniiKo 12 eaat, W. M., which point henr H. 0 degree 14 minute 22 muc onil K, 45.01 reel from tho north wot corner or anld iiortlienut quar ter of thu northviiHl qunrtur of nald section, thencu onMt 18.72 feet, thonco on n curve to the right on it rnilliiM of 130 reet, ceutrnl iiiikIo 38 iloKree 5(1 mluutoH 30 mccoiiiIh, a dlMtuncu or 88.30 fuel, wIiohu tatiKunt nt tho IKiInt of curvu hoar N. 51 ilegrfiti 3 minute 30 hccoiuIm K. j thonco on n curve or rndlu or 220 fct, control nn;lu 20 iloRreo 41 inlmiteH 30 ec oiiiIh, n dlntanco or 85.80 feot, to tho luturiectloii with thu north llnu or. thu Maid northeast quarter or tho; northoiiMt quarter or tcctlon 32, thonco' H. 80 ddcrce 65 minute 14 mocoiiiIm K. 23.74' T"ot, thonco Mouth" urly 54.00 fenl, thonco on n curve of 280 feot rndltiK, pnrnllel to a lino CO rent dlMtnnt from tho north dido or Maid trnct, n dltnnco nlonft Miild eurvo or 110.45 root, thencu on ft curvu ot 70 root rndlUM, central nn Klo 00 ilPKreen 14 minuted 22 hoc ond. to tho loft, u dlMtuncu or 110.25 root, thuiico H, 0 ilKr0ei 14 inlniitca' 22 Mccond i:. 00.90 foot, thencu N, 80 doKrooM 66 minute 14 Mccond W. 30 root, to thu wont llnu or Miild north oiiHt qunrtur or tho northenat qunr tur auction 32, thonco N. 0 degree 14 minuted 22 aecondn W. 102,33 feet to thu point or beginning, holng that portion or the Hwnnnon Tract, commonly known n l.ytlo ncrc No. 0 which will ho need by tho Wnll Htreet Kxtenalon. Untod nt Jlond, Oregon, Mny 27, 1013. Thl notice I publlhed purnunnt to order or tho Common Council or thu City or llund heretofore made undur thn provlnlon of Chapter 20 or thn Charter ot thn City or llond. II. C. Kf.I.IH, Hocorder or tho City of Hend. 12-14 (legnl Advertloment) POLK'S' OREGON ond WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of each ritf. Town and Villi, alvlnr dMcrlpllv iktlch of ch plici. locillon, populiilon, ttli (Tipli, hlpplnr and tinklntr point Ito Clmlrttd Dlrtorr. complltd If builiiMi and proiMilon. n. u roue co hrattix rrr BEND VIEW is at an nvcrngc elevntion 100 leet above the city of Uend. Cormnnnds a charming view of the city of Bend and the surrounding country. 15 minutes walk from business center. Lots 50x110. BEND VIEW CO. Bend, Ore. Von will hare no Irritated race ir you have your ahavlng done at In- ' nc & Dnvldon'a barber shop. Adv. ! DAILY TIIAIX KCMKDUI.H. j Joint Ore;on Trunk-Dcachutes Lino. Arrival 8:15 P. M, Departuro C.4C A. M. ' 'iHir ot thu mhIiI north woMt iwld Wall 8ir?t l!xtonilon, thonco iunri . a. ..-. ... . i. .. .... :. . .;.. i.r nf thu iiorthiMi.t Himrtnr at aal.l "."" " u "" J'"1 " - -,...-.--. - k . ' Zil K"V-i!2: wlTliu'lUmd Cmnmuiv. Wnll Htreet Kx- I -. Mr1Oll folloM I d t,. Itlnku t. k IP .. J A..i i ),.. ,-r'n.,.. ..r ii, ,!.i,r,,;Hi,VHi ' Hfttlmim-5 t Mt on tho aotith nmtter or tho nortliHNt mnIiI aectlon. tliuuc KiimL thuueu on a curvu to thu gent to n llnu bviirliiK N. 61 iWgro i mlnutuM 30 Mucunu I... radlu ut SPEED AND ACCURACY ounrter of"'" "f "" wil .garter r tho il "i VLi mritii n4-t(.r ef riiii 32. , riui.i 1.1." wwMhln 17 Mouth, rmito 12 wt. W. l .Ur M ,lle l,ol '""f"1 l'9 derw. PI Ulril.. mlm. I... 41 ,... k.Im W lAK Ot r.i v 130 foot"."! nBloaX-.& l'w' ,t0M t" "l0"- """n "irk K r 6C30.. rueM0TMeZd0?dr.': .. Mid tancu or 88.30 reet. thuncu on a .l',i,Le: ' J' ""T" ."'1. " '" curvu to thu left, or rudlu ol t.v feet, cuntnil aiiglo 20 dtntreuM 41 mlimtiM 30 Mcconda n dlatancu of 102 49 feut, llituniictllii; tuu Meotlon llnu Itotwuun acotloiiM 29 mid 32 at u illNtancu of 85.80 reet from tho be ginning of audi curve, thencu from mmIiI point N. 03 degree 18 minute 30 Mecond K. 223.16 feut moiv oi lo, to thu went line of Fifth Htreet In l.ytlo, thonco 8. 0 degree 35 min ute 45 Mucond W. 07. 61 feet, along tho Maid west llnu or Fifth Street, thencu H. 03 degree 18 minute 30 Mecond W 192.19 ft.. lnturectliiK thu motion llnu 88.70 root from thu wont .Itio of Fifth Htreet, thoucu on a nirvo to thu right of rndlu or 280 feut, central angle 20 degree 41 minute 30 Mecond n dl.tunco of 130.43 feet, thencu on a curvn to thu left of radlu of 70 root, central miKlo 90 degree 14 mlnutea 22 mcc oiiiIh a dlatancu or 110.26 feet, thencu H. 0 degree 14 minute 22 Mocomla i.. 731.91 red. thencu Weat 30 reet. to tho eaat Hue or tho northwoat qunrtur of thu northonat quarter of cald Mectlon 32, thencu Wcit 6.70 reel, thonco 8. 38 degree 33 mill ute 30 HOcoiid W. 669.98 feot to thu northerly llnu of North Addition, doing Identical with tho northwettt corner of Lot Ono (1) of lilock Two t2) or Hold North Addition to llund, thunco H. 89 dugruo 67 minute 41 Luconda W. 102.30 foot to Ihu point cf beginning, adjoining unit bolng mi oxtoiiMlon or Wall Hlroot na plat tod In llond and North Addition to llund. And tho following nro tho bound nrle nnd doMcrlptlonu or thu private property to ho appropriated for auch purpoics! DcMcriptlon Througli lilock Id, Lytic, Wnll Htreet Kxteimlon, Ileglnnlng ut the Boutliwost cor ner or Lot 1, lilock 1C, l.ytlo, accord ing to thu plat thereof ou II lo In tho olllco or tho county clerk ot Crook county, thonco northerly 0 61 reet thunco N, 03 degree 18, minute 30 Huconda 11. 167.62 toot to tho cant lino ot lot 2 and tho woat lino or Fifth Htroot, thonco Boutli along tlio anld cant lino or lot 2, 8. 0 dugroou 36 mlnutoa 43 ocouda 12. 77.40 feet, thonco west 140 feot to tho point ot beginning. Pocriptlou Tlirougli .Tract B, Vn known Owner, Lytlo AcroN, Ute 30 Mecond K 084.71 root, thence N. 0 degree 14 minute 22 Mecond W. 99 80 reel, thence weat 201 38 feet, thencu outh 10.00 feet, thencu weal 280.00 feut, thence north 100.00 root, thence ent 280.00 root, thencu Mouth 10 00 reet, thence eaat 201. 04 teet. thencu N. 0 degree 14 mill to 22 Mecond W. 434.29 feet. That means the Underwood when you mention typewriters. THE WHITE IS KING A WORLD'S CHAMPION IS THE Underwood The Machine You Will Eventually Buy' Underwood Typewriter Company, Incorporated V. 08 Sixth Street, Portland, Ore. Branches in all Principal Cities. Renewing Your Soles IS MY BUSINESS. When your SHOES need REPAIRING take them to R.H.LOVEN Wall street, Bend, Ore 1 W'E-PARKER & CO. I SANITARY PLUMBING Stem aad Hot Water Heating j I We carry the largest stock of goods In Cen tral Oregon. Jobbing promptly attended to The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. cata logue free. White Sewiig Maekiie Co. 1460 Market Street San Francisco, California J Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary . I J Hi 111 M lt.tJfclkai1 MU VMVV tK t. Ir tft. M1 IHltHf, AAH 1 1 a VKkM A- AM JUiiuiw la iiuuiiiicijr iic ituui in uiijr utuiiiui wunuiiiitiiuii. . Brick Buildings never burn, although they are sometimes i L . injured by falling timbers or combustible interior woodwork. M 4 A brick building is absolutely fire proof if wire glass is used- in the windows and if burned clay floors are used. An interior fire in such a building is confined to the room in which it originates; no outside fire can attack it. The proportion of burned clay in a building construction measures its fire proof qualities. .. r Burned clay is the only building material that has been f. through the fire before you get it, in such a manner that it will resist fire. All combustible material is burned out of the brickt . before you get it. WHEN YOU BUILD USE BRICK. ; The United Warehouse Company Oregon Bend, i: I T I I Jj fur; The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. STORAGE AND FORWARDING General Commission Merchants We handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar, Flour, Salt, Hides, Land Plaster. MEATS Fresh. Hams, and Lard. Salt an B aeon T I I TS, United Warehouse Company A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon O'DONNELL BROTHKltS UNION MARKET licglnnlag at a point on tho &oo-' wmmmm