The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 04, 1913, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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    . -iwHWr
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rAorc 12.
. . f
CIATION Officers
Proposed ltontl Imic For $200,(MH)
J)l.cined, nnil Parly lft Sunday
lo Make Trip Over the Highway
ltoutos lo He Improved.
Officers ot the Crook County Good
Honda Association mere guests ot
honor at a dinner given at the Mouu
tain View Saturday evening, there
being visitors present from Prlne
vlllc, Redmond, Lnldlaw, Deschutes
and Hums, with 2S local men In at
tendance Addresses on good roads
were mado by several of the visitor.
Sunday morning they loft on a trip
to inspect the roads which it Is pro
posed to improve by a bond issue of
The dinner was arranged by tho
Commercial Club and Prcstdont K.
M. Cam presided. Talks were mado
by M. A. Lynch, president of the as
sociation; W. D. llnrnes, one ot the
directors; V. V. King, secretary; Os
car Hyde of Prlnevllle; ex-Judge
William Miller ot Durns and 11. H.
De Armond of Dcnd.
Mr. King said the county could
legally bond Itself for $300,000 but
that It was the Intention to Issue only
$200,000. The money accumulated
as a sinking fund to pay off the Is
sue, he eald, could q loaned to far
mers at a low rate ot Interest, mak
ing It possible for them to obtain
money to make improvements. Air.
King declared this was an excellent
feature ot the law under which the
bond issue Is authorized.
Much enthusiasm was shown at
the meeting, and thoso who attended
the dinner spent an enjoyable even
ing. Those present were:
E. M. Lara, O. C. Henkle. Dr. U.
D. Kctchum, H. H De Armond, O. A.
Tborson, E. M. Thompson, Frank
May, P. C. Garrison, M. L. Merrltt,'
W. F. King of Prlnevllle, John
Steidl, V. A. Forbes, William Mil
ler of Hums, W. H. Coble. M. S. Lat
tln. U. N. Hoffman, A. J. Harter. II.
I). Ford, M. A. Lynch of Itedmond,
J. P. Keyes, C. M. Ked field ot Des
chutes, 11 H. Dayley of Laldlaw, A.
C. Moad of Deschutes, II. E. Allen,
E A Hnat at Deschutes. Ownr Hvde
" I
of Prlnovlllo, H. J. Ovorturf, V. I).
Harncs ot Laldlnw, C. 8. Hudson, C.
M. McKay, It. I). Gould, II. C. Kills,
11. P. M Inter, C. G. Sownrd, It J. Todd
and K. It. Post.
Tho officers of tho association, ac
compnnlod by Messrs. Kills and
Steidl. loft Sunday morning over tho
road to Hums, going na far an the
Lake county Hue; then they went to
Prlnovlllo over tho Puck mountain
road; from thoro to Kedinnud and
Cltno Falls and on to Slaters and
to the summit ot tho Cascades ovur
the Santtam route, returning to Ited
mond yostordny afternoon, Mr. Kills
returning homo yesterday morning
and McKay and Stoidt got lu last
Pcrxtnal and Other Short Items of
Mrs. J. E. Kngebrctson canio uown
from I.a Pino last week to visl: her
husband, returning Monday,
Itoy Allgood hag sheared his ahe-v.
The log hauler which has been off
the road for two or three weeks re
sumed operations yesterday morning.
It. 1). Lambereon ox pect a to lcavo
tho planer shortly nnd begin scaling
In the woods.
Tho taking ot a completo isvcntnry
of stock on hand In the yard was
finished on Monday.
The mill has been given a coat, of
whitewash both Inside and out.
The mill was shut down for ropalra
for a tlmo Saturday morning and
again on Monday.
With tho winning of Its suit
against tho state Insurance commis
sioner, the Union Pacific Life Insur
ance Company has secured Its license
to do business In Oregon. The com
pany announces that It la now pre
pared to enter this field to write life
insurance. Its policy will be to niako
loan 8 In the vicinity from which Its
premiums are received, loaning on
farm lands as well as other classes of
good security. In this manner tho
money of the company will bo kept
In Oregon and bo used for the build
ing up of Oregon Institutions, tho
profits of the business going to resi
dents of tho state instead of to East
ern capitalists.
Thla announced iiollcy of the com
pany means that this locality will
benefit from tho business of the com
pany to Just tho extent that It pat
ronizes the company In placing Its
Insurance. Advertisement. 131
The won! "Mil" In niilled to the
mouth of water fowl, though wmo
term tlila part of the duck tlie "scoop
shovel." "Honk" to applied to tin'
mouth of other iKiultry,
KiikIIMi fanclcra tire tryltitf n revive
Interest In the (In me. As he dure um
lie bred for cook Held, they nre advo
cating thnt this bird tie turned looe In
the forests lo breed like the Jutitfle
fowl, nnd they claim that In n few
years he will rvutiln the ivir to llv
and uuiko its paid apart na pheasant
Tho market demands that enpuna
have no comb. no It Is Hie prnctlre
at time of operation In dult the birds
In doing Hits starl at the buck and
cut front, nnil cut even with the skill'
nnd make u smooth Job of It.
A single poultry farm In New Jer
sey marketed t.tlM.478 eegs last year
nnd a reltable firm of nrcouutniit In
ventilated their claims nnd found the
owners made J10.4KI.Kl profits In a
single year. Ye, tlie Auierlenn hen Is
a money maker when treated rlht,
Piiuiiklits are enjoyed by the hens
In winter nud should Is? cut In half
nnd bung up hi the coop. The soft,
sweet meat helps to make their crops
spongy. They have a feeding value,
are cheap and beneficial.
Joseph Utillik. a notorious Pennsyl
vania chicken thief, was recently shot
while steallucehlckeus and sent to the
tastern Multeiitlnry for a minimum
term of sU and a maximum term of
eleven years, plus $H0 tine nud costs
This is his uliit h conviction for chick
eu sti'ulliu:. and many think he should
he sentenced to an Insane asylum for
A rmss of the African nnd Canadian
kim i! Is declared by New tinglnml epl
rures to lie the I teat liihle nibtariteck
yet Invented. The nffsprlng of this
mntliiK Is a "mule" It cannot repro
There Is much to be learned at the
fairs and shows about modern poultry
culture, and It Is at these many deter
mine to keep belter poultry and others
get the Inspiration to go Into the busi
ness. These exhibitions are In-coming
a wonder for slxe and lienutlful quali
ty nnd nre great help to the advance
of this great branch of agriculture.
A committee of three was appointed
by the American Poultry association
to Investigate the extent of the United
States government's co-operation with
poultrymeti. We are curious to know
jnst how , much the government has
done to promote the billion dollar
poultry Industry nnd hope the com
mittee gets nil the facts.
Department of tho Interior
U. S. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Ore
gon. May 2Sth, 1913.
Notice Is hereby glvon that Wit
rvc Jl ,-. Gc 2JL-r V
il $SrAr l!fY "(Oil ik Ar r yr tnmmroPrinno I
0 Nur-HV' Vtll JSN AV 4? S lV6A0UITJ0!M V
f jnjtT V yi wy wsunrovji j
."ffV VnflVw Vvs WHICH fvtKtMM
s!.i cW..ii.i ,. VJ-v)
I : s ax i i nratrorriiJ . . i .
i tT5 fC-'iC'l 3 r W
C Our . .. Vi i avsMrsut v
yyovc IHIS MAP
DltrAllUTIH CtNTtrt
(.MKiirt Mll.Lt
tun una Mcrcs'tr
ixurntc rovtrt T7WisrTari
You Should See La Pine
iiiltuiMifMiiiilingcounUy. ThcUmtUa ilch, dtp votcsnlc nil formn
Uon. no link, U Itvrt, lis gwxl itiliiur. sml rx-tllrul ililiiklns lar
littrnltfixr lhM wfrtl Tit (rtlKStnt tattit w ilh lp-;tual wlf rilil
csn biurchsKil at fj.c-j prrsctvon rxy ttiuit. Th iirtaiimllnii filsr ctrttl mUlti air lull ol inluml wimtlm anil Juit lh lnre
for a vacation t.a flat If. only aboiu two irnu oUt but KruwiiiK taplill It ha a llUphoiic ytm, two io.j.1 tiolcti. tsu Ms i"'ii
mttclumflw "Utra. a Brl rUlittryaii.l jl tinl.lf. an ctllut m(kt (lh t.a I'lur Inlrr HuuiiUIii), oar uf lh iihmI iMuKfu.ite
ruinmtrtlalclubatn Ihralalr- anj lliUclnli liy llir nay, h ilaown pfuiKfly ami hv iat yrar tin-lttl Ihrrruu au allrafllt tluti Iim)
Thnt ait lhic auiall saw uilll' In I lie tlcuilly of I. I'inr. whl h I )u, Ihr l-rxlunliis ol Hit 1.1 liimlirlln ami nilllltiaj litulur4 llial Mill Im
duue htt( Thctc ait aoo.1 bptnluaa In nianiifiKlu Iiim ami tithrr limine, Dura hric In nliiiallniial niaiuia I.a Hnr It pmaitulv i ha
altn-acrcachiiolpark in Ihr hiail tflhr trtkltnc arciloii. anil now itachttuplolhc Iwclllh sfailr. A CalliulKchuuli Mill Ix built litir
thla lining, anil olhrrchutchrt air planulnir Iti tttallli I hin-el. M rinr haa ortr li,io atallaMr tlrtulc hoin- K)tr tilth Ihr
imnfiahatrcumiurnttd lot!tlrp ami tthirh atimr wouM tmll.1 a gooil ilitdclty. Thr big ana f farm laud UiUilary lo t.a lint iuit
alonr bnlM ami maintain a km! ilrtilitty Th vatl Iracttoftunl-tr tlltiulaiy lu La llnr sunM aloti bulM a (owl ilitJ cily. With lh
rumiDf ollh tmil'ii talltoail ayrtnt to La I'lnr. whkb will tit aoui. ilrrtlopmtiil In ami alumni I.a llnr -lilt tsiiM. I,a I'm
ran br itachrd via Or. Net., N.I. O. W- R JkN. amtl' I' K. Vouran Miakr inonry by Uiylnc ltowfly at Ij I1m- In advanr Cf thr
rallroaila. Uthcr atr itolnc II, why net YUt" WAKK L'l'lothr fcet that a aulid. rclMocatt tuarn Inon ot lh ntaiitt a ad Utl atfttaua
lapiuiy, amiinai trorfiy valuta Mill ciirobarcvfiiiniiy riicva now nom ivamuu. inr inma air raiy
Ch lut Vou don't lulu thr rouiiry, but you aouu acquit valuablr tnotrty. Will Iwlay tor lat,
oftht NotthMttt I bound lotto
only a irw tic
ami ttrmato
only a rw ilollaia Lrt muulh vn each lut Vou don't tnlu thr mvnrr. but vou aouu aoiultc valuablr utotMrrty. Wilt Iwlay fur idal. WKta
Mtltablr af tnl, wilh oo.l bank rtfr'tnera, wanlrd In all aita oflhr Unllrtl Slate t.
Ham D. Hell of I-aldlaw, Oregon, Arho
on December -Clh, 1007, made home
stead entry No. 1SS33, Herlnl No.
0428(5, for 8WMNWU. ec. 13:
KHNKU and NBU8KU, sec. H,
township 1C south, range 11 east,
Willamette meridian, has filed notk
of Intention to make final flve-your
pi oof, to establish claim to the land
a v- described, bcfoi-i itrorx' I'
Altken, U. 8. Commissioner, at his
office at Sister. Oregon, on the 12th
day of July, 1913.
Claimant names ,it wit manes'
Jerry Richardson of (list, Oregon;
Ceorgo Hell. J. P. Haley and Wil
liam Hall, all of Luldlt.v, Oregon.
13-17 C. W. MOOiU lleulatcr.
An ordlnanco prohibiting tho use
of bicycles, motorcycles, trloyclcs,
roller skates, automobiles, buggies,
wagons, hacks nnd other vehicles of
conveyance upon tho public sldowalks
within the corporate limits of the
City of Ilend, and providing tho pen
alty for the violation thereof,
llu It ordained by tho Common
Council of tho City or llcnd:
Hectlou 1. It shall bo unlawful fur
any person or persons to ride, drive
or operatu upon any public sidewalk
within tho coriKirato limits of the
city of Ilend any bicycle, motorcycle,
tricycle, roller skate, automobile,
hiiKgy, wagon, haok or uthor ohlclt
of convey unco provldod, however
that the provisions of this ordinance
shall not apply to the tun ot fmby
carriages or perambulators upon said
sidewalks, I
Hectlou 2. Any person violating:
tho provisions of this ordinance shaU
bo punished by n fine, of not lets than
110 or more than faO or by Impris
onment for not less than 2 da turf
more than twenty days, or i both
audi flno and Imprltoniiiont-
Jlead first tlmo May 24, 1&13 r ,
Head second tlmo Junu 3, 113,
Passed J unit 3, 1913.
Attest: Approved
II. C. Kf.LIH, 0. P. PUTNAM,
Hecorder. MayoJV
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We have so many inquiries from people wanting to rent small houses,
which we cannot furnish them. that in order to encourage building to
meet this growing demand we have selected a limited number of our
inside residence lots which we will sell at the following prices and on
very easy terms of payment:
. . . . . . . .
20 Lots in Park Addition at $150.00 Each 1J
20 Lots in Center Addition at . . .... $200.00 Each
These are all nice large lots 50 foot frontage and most of them
140 feet deep. Large enough for a home and a good garden. They are
all available to city water and electric light and close to sidewalks. Come
and see us about these lots if you want a bargain.
The Bend Company
D. E. HUNTER, Real Estate Manager
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