Till! IlKND IIUMJCTIN, IJI5ND, XVKUJWHUAX, JUNK , lpjfl. rAOB 11. ". .w.tfW-J i I 1 r i AN INSOLENT WRITER. ' H Pound Ha Couldn't qietals to Tpioal John Dull, Tlmt niiruutlnu Krolrli peer, t ho Karl , (it U'VIHI, Will) H'llllldll II Slll iiimvh re porter wlm iiiimmuIhhI IiIiii by deeliir HlU lllllt "III! Kl'lllll'HHIII I'l'i-r SH'llUs (U t Milliliter without mi HiIiihIiicIIoiii It simply Isn't done.' Ik mi old frli'iiil of dimes I'nincls lMvi-r, the AiiHtrnlliui I iitiVfllHt tlint In, liwyer doesn't nelu till)' know tlit1 Hurl of ,vuii, tint Im , Known IiIh Hivtetly llrlllsli Hurt, "I oiilit to." siild IMvyer, "I wn broke in l.iiiiilnii mihI I leiirned to , know tlitr trnw llrllnn Ouiv I an swered mi njLlHTlicciiifiit (urn literary secrettiry. To nniku ivrlnlii Unit my ( Ml cr would Ik mid I wired tliv ml vvrtlser 11 follows! ''Do not viiitflifi ii literary secretary niilll you luivu rend my utter of up plltiilloii.' "Tlmt li'tli-r whs ii pew, I thought 1 f.fTimlil In ml Hit (ilnif with It sure. I wiim ifilnln of it when n iiirpe. sipinre leiier dln-vlcd me to iippenr ill ii mini mI address tit ii Kit 'ii liuur. It wnx n four iituiiiy turn ride, tint I didn't tare .My fortune win iienlnp out heforu me, I siimiidcred tliu fourpeme Mltliout n miserly thoupht. A iioiiinntu Imtler ushered mu Into n Muck onk library, where tliu original stuffed model of John Hull mil ut ii tnlile, tint down uiM'kly mid wnlied to tie KKkn to "Ilium! Hit lilt tliu desk nilli hi Mm ImmI liiiud. "uu ti ii not dlrtnlti to on Kapllsh 1111111,' Mill) till- old limine. "'No. Kir." I viilit. "I tell yon, lie shouted, you cannot dletnte in mi HnplUhmiiii!' "XVrtululy nut. I sold. M,liit .vim trliil to.' Ii rnld. 'You ft-nt iiiv this Impertinent telegram, No HiiulMiiiiiin would luiru done Unit. It was mi aiimtIciiii trleU.' "I tried to soot lie hi in, for I wanted tlmt Joli. Hut lie put tiotlrr Mini hotter. I'limlly he lold ine outright tlmt ho tind hlrvd'ti young inun woo onru hnd work hi for a lord, "'I have sent for yon,' mM bo. 'and yon oliould ! grateful to in n order li it ni it you n proper tvMit for the traditions of Knglaiid nud fur ttit Itrtt Uli ling' "'Von old fossil. mid I. 'If I had a British Dug hetr I'd tear It la two and rliobo you to death wild It. " Chicago News. "COOKING A PILL" That Is What Opium Smektrs Call "HIMIno tha Pip." The opium rinoUer lu the net of amukliiK I" mid to lut "cookluK n pill." KinntoTH of liibaiTO In mn-lUK ojiluin ih'H liiMv Ixt'U mUled loto tho Udlef Unit the litrjco Uiwl of tho pl U tilled wljh iipliiin when rvtilly the "plir I Kliuply pnti-d over u tiny openliiK lu the coviT of the Uiwl. llentliiK of tho IkiwI prixlures denxo fumes, which are ilritwu thniUKh the Ixiwl nnd the stem of the pipe Into the stiuiker's mouth. Neither dors one pl(c of opium pro duce Miiwr. A "pill" dmv only even un luexiterlenceil smoker ns n Inrce drink would etTeet n tterxin unused to alcohol. The opium uer who have lieeu pictured stretched un hunks of opium deu lu utter siior have hern mtunilrd with I he d run Itit'lliiliijt on u In-d. the smoker places the liirinil within iiixy reneh nud HkIiIm the himp I'inimit oil, luiriiliiK slowly nnd Million! evil odors or futile. iihI exeliiNtrHy The suioker Is Iheu riniil) to preir Ids "pill " '1 lio )en-hnk. or dlpHT. n Inns, nee dle Iimhi liiiriiineut, Ih put Into the opium rveeptiicli iind turioil slowly lu the hbtrk nud dltky siilininie until n munll ipinntlly of opium udherex to the Cillit It Is Iheu plmeil oer the thlltie of the himp. nud ttirnliiu the dipper the smoker ndlx nud -k the "plir until II Is remlj ror Hie ple 'I he llu.v s-ek N then lhnit luio the opviiluu 4if the IhiwI, uhlch. lieni iilxoe the iiiuip. eluulj lieuliis to produce opium fumes, lidli ure ilniwu lu i) the suioker throuuli Ihe stem of til pipe. The "pill" Insis only It in Ilurt lu forty seconds, nun In enjoy uimlhei Hinoke the suine pr'iiriitliu lime to he rviHiiled. New York Ttlliuue. Humlllsttd Hubby. A newly mnrrled eoiiple hud hnd a Utile dlxiiKrvemeut ulsiut some cukes whli h the wire hud lutide. The litis. ImiiiiI eoliiplullied Unit llioxe hN mother used to produce Mere far siierlor Un thv next day the girl set In-fore him a pliile of hot mhes. "Now ou hnve nehleved souirthliiK!H he exelnlined enlhiishistlcHlly. "These lire exmtly like what uiuther used to make, How did .urn do It)" .J "I will give you Ihe rei-liie." replied Ihe wife coldly. "I used iniirvurlue lu stend of butter, etrs n enr old. I put iiluui lu the ttuur uud added plenty or water to the milk."- lAindun Tlt'lllu. Hs Didn't Know Art. "Where did ,vuu tt Unit mnrhle Btntuellu, my deurV "Why, nt Miirtlno's. Isn't It love.vY And such a ImrKiilu! It wns marked Imir off Didn't you see the lin; "Yes, hut I thought the liitr referred to the eluthluu." C'levelund I'lutu Dealer, Uniophlstlcstsd, "Dr.rllng." wild the fonii yonlh pro ducing n rliitf, "which Is the rinht tin? gerV "I'or giHMlness' sake, AlKy!" respond ed the imildeu. "Don't you know) 'lueleeu years old uud never heeu eu uiiixed to u ulrl heforo!" Chleufo Trlb ijuo. . Basy, ' I,ticy-!low ran bring the ronnt to his uuees nt mv feetV Wellv Dron a ' ' iiir ln- MhJ tioor; 'Nnf Orleans' D. E. MTERBtKY BOOSTING llend Mini Tells Poi-lluiidciM Thing, doing Well Mens (Tliu Oregon Jotirnal.) "J.nst your In tliu best year tlmt wo Imvn hud nl lltmd," mid 1). K. Mini, tor, olio or (lio most prominent mid tlKilt'HH boosters from tliu miHtorii OrtiKou city. "Wo do not uliilm Unit mm iniiiiy m;(iiIii hflvu eoiiio tliuro In Urn niHt yt'iir ii h Imvo vomo thoru lio foro, hut thuro linn licon u mora miiIi Nllllltllll ulllHR (if IVO)ll coino In ihU Unit, ivoilo with iiionuy, who Imvo ooiiio to Mtay," ' Wo hiitu dm lira In our lionnot Unit tlioru Ih koIiiu to ho RomothliiK doliiK In mllrottd diivnloiuiiut lu tlin iionr riituri', for thuro tiro iniiiiy rnll road olllclnlN, hiiIi-oiIIoIiiIh nud promt ncnt (lovvloinnoiit inon InitxIiiK nhout tho toHii, iiomliiK In on noftrly nvory trnlii," di'i'lnrcd .Mr. Iluntor. "llicrn wan n pood rnln Htorm thi'Mi u Muk mko that pnictlnnlly an. Htiri'M n of ftuod orom liud a Rood oHr." Krom Hint point ml lliiltuin, .Mr. Iliintur oxtolli'd linnd. ALFALFA JOING FINELY I', .1, Viiiiiik I'lelil Aenme Teuly Inches llluli. A hiindlu of ulfnlfn H Inches Ioiik was hroiiKht lu Haturdny hy I. J Yoiiiik from his rnuaJi northonat of town. It tins n rich green color showing that It Is In n healthy con dition. "1 Imvn nlmiit three acres of old stniid nlfalfn that will uernKo 20 Inches hltth," anld Mr. Youne. "That hin't so had for Mny 31, Is It, nnd this u very backward sprliiK at that? The alfalfa that was needed this jenr will uvurnKo 12 to 15 Inches and It la doliiK flue, I hnvo alKiut 8S acres In clover and nlfnlfn, If this line warm leather continues, we will he euttluK hay hy July 4th. Wis will Ket a Rood second crop and besides huto flue pasture afterwarda." lllVY 1'IHCi: OK MACIIINKHY. The heaviest piece of machinery In llend Is the Asher maniele which Is now In operation at tho laundry. It Mas Installed hy a mechanic sent In hy the rompany from Keattlu and was put In operation Monday. It ententes the capacity of tho laundry about J th reo times as regard flat work. It has a itreal pressure and does much better wurk than tho old mangle. Tho weight of It Is 10,000 pounds nnd It cost I2S00. XT? J 4;. .Vf- J y $ a t yissr , wmssssseiiwi u.. .& w ..tiHAai' -". -4 . GHUHCHJOIICES McIIiikIIkI, HorvlccH Hunday nl 11 n. tn, nud 8 p. in, Hunday ncliool at 10 n, m. Upworth Ki'Mkiio ut 7 i. m. I'rnyor incvtliiK Tim r rnln y nt H p, m. Choir practlco Wudiu'adny nt 8 p. in. Ilnpllxt. Kundny nrhool nt )'AT,, prcaclilriK at' 11 n, in. nnd 8 p, tn. flrothorhood nt 3 p. tn. Youni; pvoplu'H tueotlnR nt 7 p. in. I'rnyor inootliiK nt 8 p, in. on Wi'dnoadny, Choir prnutlco Tnumday ovcnlnK ut 7:30. Prculiylaliui. Korvlcea at tho Dronm Thontro on Hunday, June 8, nl 11 n. in., miliject "Tho Church nnd tho World," Hun dny mcIiooI nl 10 n. in., Koub Fnrulinm LOW ROUND rti9Ti 7 "L 1 W sWi Summer ROSE FESTIVAL PORTLAND JUNE 9-14 $9.95 Round Trip Tickets on sale June 8, 0, li, 13; return limit June 1G. This is the great annual floral and civic cele bration at I'ortland. A week of splendid pnrndes by day nnd night, music, gnla attire, etc. Leaving 6:-l5 A. M. daily, arrive Portland G:30 1. M. in a through train. SCHEDULES AND DETAILS WfLL R. II. CROZIER, Asst. Gen. Tom. Agt., J. H. CORBETT, Agt., Portland, Ore. Bend, Ore. W. C. WILKES, Awt. Gen. FrL & Pom. Agt., Portland. Ore. ELECTRIC TOASTERS REGULAR PRICE $4.00 This Week $2.50 . W ELECTRIC IRONS GUARANTEED FOREVER $4.25 - ifa j Bjend Waiej Light & PoweGcfe v 4 i . ..--. Iiiuporlntondont. domes for nil, Mrs, ,M. o. Coo will Klnu nnd Mm. Word play the violin. Cliurcli of Uip llrrllirni. No ffcrvlccti next Hundny. Hnrvlcon nirnln Hiimlnv limn 1ft nt 1 n tn again Hun lay. Juno !, nt 3 p. .' lu Motiodlt church. On Exemption, "Wtii'rp llierv a winner there's nl wnyn wrr." "Not nlwuyn." "Widl. imiiitf nn Inclnnro to tho mil trnry" "H'Iihii yoirri plnylntt card with your Klrl for tow." Unfteling. .Mm ItHitmui -I'm ntmld lhi Aneofn hill m ihi ii il'Ii llfiiliiiiii- itui hf. nr il mi illx Mr". Il-iiiuiiii -TluiiV what I m llitunnu un .iw York 11 mm. Tlnri Ic no lime co mlrji(ile tint a mil n mny tf truv -HliKK-K-nre. TRIP FARES VIA i noFiinNTDiiNKRv mMm xlaf laf I 11 mWIlla I CENTRAL OREGON LINE Carnivals SPOKANE JUNE 16-21 $16.70 Round Trip TickcU on sale June 1G and 18; re turn limit June 23. This is the first year of Spokane's carnival, a week devoted to parades, concerts, ath letics, civic and industrial features. Leaving G:4G A. M. daily, arrive spokano 0:45 P. M. same day; chang ing cars to the limited at noon. BE FURNISHED ON REQUEST. I I nW' wm4vu'. mm i -. . . A W WW NOTK'i: VOll laillf.H'ATIO.V. J)pnrtmcnt of tho interior, V. H. I.imd Offlco nt Tho Dalles, drcgon, .Mny Int, 1013. Notlro In lioruhy given that John I'. Yoiiiik of Dnnd, Uroiton, who. on ly 27tll, 1009, niBllO (lOICrt entry No. ooir,, for HBHWV. N8W ace. 3 nnd M;HK',i, ecc. , town whip 17 aotith, rntiKo 12 cnt, Wll Inmctto Meridian, hna filed notlco of Intention to tnako final proof, to m tnhllah claim to tli land nlmvo de crlhed, licforo II. C. KIIIm, IT. H. Com mlKMlonur, nt hla onlce nt Hend, Orc Kob, on the 28th day of Juno, 1913. Claimant tinmen as wltnentes: Karl II. Houston, Adelaide .. Alt, William J. Alt, Albert Hnrryman, all of llend, OrcKon. 12-1 C C. W. MOOIIB, Jlcglstor. See Us I for Photo Portraits Copying Enlarging nnd all-around COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY We are located here and guarantee our work. i: : I! t Elite Studio New PALACE MARKET Charles Boyd, Prop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. ! : DEPOT HOTEL RIGHT AT THE PAS SENGER STATION. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMESEEKERS. Rates Reasonable. L.c. Fleming; Prop. - I R. H. DEYARMOND I . Machine Shop and j t Garage : We know how to do all f kinds of Machine Work. 1 TRY US AND SEE. I . Insist on having a perfect bathroom Btautiful, therefore pleating. Sanitary, therefore h'alihful. Durable, therefore economical. And beiidci this let it hire an individuality, an cspreuion of your own Uttet, Thctc retulu are raiily obuincd through our csrtf id following of y "ur v iihei and our wing 'StattdariT plumbing fixmtea of which there ii mch an exteniive variety of pleating design. Let ui citiniate for you. J. J. RYAN, Plumbing and Heating Minnesota St. !ijB-ai;i2 ri?;i,i?2 liXl! .wj..i7wa Situated in the hub of the principal theater and shopping district. Recently redecorated and refurnished throughout, and better equipped today than ever before. EUROPEAN PLAN. Rooms without bath, $1.00 par day and up. ,Roonuwha sta, 92.00. pr-4ay a p. Three skilled barbers nro nt. In-. ncS & Davidson's barber, shop' to servo you. Adv. lllMNKHM AND ritOI'KKSIONAU irasT. it o it i: it x fl O O h I) civil Engineer Bend Oregon C. V. MSWONOKIt, Ilond, Oro. UNDKUTAKKIU Licensed ICnibnlmcr, Funeral Plrector. Phone. Lady Assistant It O H H V A It N II A M Attorney at Iaw Office In old First National Dank Dulldlng. Dietetic, llyfilonlc, Natural Thera peutics. Chronic Disorders a Specialty DIt. It. I). KKTCIIUM Druglci I'fiyslclan Hours 9 to C Anther Bldg llIK J. II. IIAXHK AIIHTItAtTT CO., Incorporated. Complete tract Indexes nnd photo graphic copies of all Crook County records. Prlnevlllo, Oregon. it. W. W. FAULKNBlt. D. M D. PB.NTI8T O'Donnell Dulldlnj; Dcnd, Oregou v. a. COK, M. I. Physician and Burgeon Office over First National Dank Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. ni,; 'l to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m, BEND, :-: OltEGON O. H. UK N HON Attorney At Imir Office In old First National Bank Ilulldlns Bend, Oregon VEItXO.V A. FOIlItES LAWYER. First KaUonal Bank Building. Bend, --.---. Oregon. GKOKfiK H. YOU NO Civil, Mining and Irrigation Knglnrer. Offlco at Room S, First National Bank Building. II. H. I)K A KM ON I) iaWVKIt Sather Building Bend, Oregon U, N. HOFF.MAN , NOTAHY PUIIlin BulIeUn Office, Bend, Oregon. II. C. KllIS Attorney-nt-Ijiw ' United State Commissioner - First National Bank Building' BEND. OREGON . DR. J. 11. COXXARN DKXTIST Over Deschutes Banking A Trust Co. Office Houra 9 to 3. SEEDS CUUBC7S SEEDS SWCtEO I FECIAL OFFER: 'at. t. fc.us x.w n..& AtxUi vn ! mika too car Mnsbest rastontr. Driri- rnllerMnsi saj,MTrttaiUt-l r nil 1-iniin ,aMt 1 mooa I IIM'S tl Uw ABMt I Taralr. T ipLfkLd t (Mm, a 1m VUl tailMlitori !. ti nru la all. 4)OAUAXTECI TO PlJCAkK. Write to-day; Mention thlt Paper. WAAMAAWWA SEND 10 CENTS ltlWHrtUlHlUMhUUT4lMlU !u7in&i L (HtlWllfft IU.W H-U . m. My tto U ki tt ( Bib,l"08ttyw5?.ii FbHIond'f Famous Hotel Hokd for the Excellence of lis 6ul5incEuipcanpioB); 1 ' ' iiiii,pgMjMajJ HH JJ ) "slllUUB aWUJWniU N.X.WRKiMt:Wr hmRimw9B' v