w itf-, nn"" TfiwxnrTWP" " W(f PAGR 1. T1IR HKNI HULLKTIN, I1RNI, WKIiNKADAY, JUNK -I, IIMfl. s 4000 ACRES ME I PATENT LI5I LANDS NEAR BEND INVOLVED Hlate Knglnccr John II. LeuN Coil I flci Thnt Inrpc Acreage in Re claimedDescription of Lund In New List No. 8. Lower S3. S. S5, SO. 8vS. SO. Total from state. . Tutnl from county t t Rrldgu. Ferguson ..... 117.83 las.ao 160.34 HC.70 B4.20 237.63 $ 1, N04.HU 23,G30.00 fSooclnl to The nulletln.) SALEM, Juno 2. Over 4000 acres near Rend, In the Central Oregon Irrigation Company's project, are In cluded In patent list No. 8 which has been recommended to the. general land ofllco for patent w'thln the last few days. The state engineer has certified thnt the lands have lieen fully reclaimed. The list Includes the following lauds: Sec. Twp. n Acrea SH NEU 23 17 8 12 K 80 SEU NWH 23 17 S 12 B 40 84 23 17 S 12 B 320 NE 24 17 3 12 E .ICO NEU NWV1 24 17 S 12 K 40 .14 NWVi 24 17 S 12 B SO. SEU SWU 24 17 S 12 E 40 NEU SEU 24 17 S 12 B 40 S4 SEU 24. 17 S 12 E 80 NJ 25 17 S 12 K 320 8WU 25 17 S 12 E 1C0 NEUSEU '25 17 S 12 E 40 8.4 SBfr 25 17 S 12 E SO E&a . 26, 17 S 12 E 320 BfSWU 34 17 Sr 12 E 80 4.. 35 17 S 12 E "320 Bi SV 17 17 S 13 E SO SWU SEU 17 17 S 13 E 40 BWU ' 18- 17 S 13 E 158.38 NWU SEU "18 17 8 13 E 40 814 SEU 18 17 S 13 E 80 All of 19 17 S 13 G35.92 NU 20 17 S 13 E 320 NH 8WU 20 17 S 13 E 80 SWU SWU 20 17 S 13 E 40 All 30 17 S 13 E C35.03 Total 4309.33 EUMINIHY CLAIMS Soli Expert ami Forester lu the .Sitters Country. (The Staters Herald.) J. Hoy Harvey, formerly forest supervisor of this district, and Adolph Nilson arrived In Sisters last Friday with a crew of men and after outlining went to the head of the Metollus where they were met by four soil exports from the O. A. O. at Corvallts and took up the task of making n thorough examination of the soils In thnt locality for the pur pose of determining their value for agricultural purposes. The first work to be done will bo the examination and testing of tho soil on tho 50 or moro claims that applications were made for last fall. The timber will nlso bo cruised on these claims as there Is a difference In figures between the applicants nnd tho forestry norvlco as to the amount of timber on them. The work as mapped out will last all summer and will cover all or tho land of n agri cultural nature lu that part of the reserve as well as n cruise of all tim ber that did uot come under tho cruise made last summer. notion,. lii tho County Court or tho Btnto of Oregon In nnd for tho County of Crook, In tho mutter of tho estate of John V. White, deceased. Notice la hereby given by tho un dersigned, tho ndmlnlBtrntur of tho estate of John W. White, deceased, that In pursuance to an urder of tho County Court, or tho County of Crook, Oregon, mado on tho 13th day of May, ID 13, In tho matter of tho estate of John W. White, do- conned, tho undersigned will sell at public auction on Thutttdny, tho 12th day of June, 19 13, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at Ilcnd, Crook county, Oregon, all tho right, tltlo nnd Inter est of nnld John W. White, nt tho time of his death and all tho right, tltlo nnd Interest thu said estuto has acquired In addition to .that of tho said John W. While nad at tho time of his death In nnd to tho following described real estate to wit: First. IM 7 of block 2 of llond. Oregon. Second. lat 4 in section 2 and lot 1 uiul tho south halt of tho northeast Qunrtcr of section 3, In township 21 8. or range 10 East of tho Wlllamutto Meridian and tho HWUBWtti section 35 In township 20, H. in range 10 Bast or thu Wlllantetto Meridian nnd tho WHBBU "ltd tlto HIJUHWtti Heo. 3. nnd tho NWNIJU. seo. in, town. 21 south of rnngo 10 B., W. M., and, third, tho HljjN'tt'U. hcc. f, in town, ship 20 south ot range 12 east, W. M. Fourth. Lot 12 In block 11 ot Ilcnd, Oregon. Fifth. Tho SB U NB U nnd tho NBUSBU or section 33, townHhip 17 H., It. 12 Bast or tho Willamette Meridian, and sixth: Tho 8H NWU nnd NM4BWU, sec. 34, T. 17 8., It. 12 B.. W. M all In Crook county, stnte or Oregon. Terms and conditions or sate, cash, Dated this 13th day or May, 1913. A. C. I.UCA8, Administrator or the estate or John W. White, deceased. Vornen A. Forbes, attorney for Ad ministrator. ' 1014 BEND BETS $3.384.85 Superintendent Myem Announce School Motley Apportionment. County School Superintendent Myers has made the following ap portionment or school money: 1. Prlnevi.lle J 1,998.90 2, Lower Hye Grass. . . . 3i. ... 4. Mill Creek 5. Howard , ' 6- Upper tMcKay 7. Lower McKay .? 8. Powell Rutte '. 9.. Sisters 10. Haystack 11.- Crlixly., 12. lien'd.'...7 ,331 Mountain View 14. New Culver a8. Grade.... 16. Mud Springs 17. Fair View f 38, "Crooked Kiver. . . . 1 9. Athwood rs 0. S!ytsm. , 21, llre&so, 23. Madras.,. 23. Meadow Maury;.. Post Red Rook Reaver. , Diamond Peak Camp Creek. Deschutes 3J. 34. 206.06 219.03 144.97 185.70 199.27 212.85 226.42 414.C7J. 253.57 ar.s.oi; Rend.... 7 3,384.85 199.27 SIS. 26 99.25 397.88 104.25 172.12 SSS.S2 97.47 117.83 918.33 117.83 1-44.97 97.47 158.65 185.70 187.49! 106.041 165.34 173.91 280.72 126.401 77.65 REAL ESTATEJRANSFERS Reeds That Have Ueen Filed For Record nt PrlueWIIe. (Special to Tho llullctln) PRINBV1LLE, Juno 3. Among the deeds which have been tiled for record: with the county clerk are tho following; """ Oen'd Park Co. to M. E. Lo Illanc. Its 11-12. blk 121, 1st add lieud Park. $300. Rend Park Co. to N. S. Lclthcad. Its 7-8, blk 14, Center Add. Rend. $1. Rend Park Co. to Otto Johnson. It 2, blk 109. 1st add Rend Park. $150. Lydla E. Hawk to Albert L. Doo- ley, 1-6 Interest In Its 8-9, blk 19. Deschutes. $10. Edward McGlothlen to J. R. Miner. seU 5-15-11. $1. J. R. Miner to Peter Sniidt, seU 5-15-11. $1400. Peter Smldt to Duncan MacGrcgor, M Interest In eoU 5-15-11. $1000. Jas. Ryan to Rertha H. Grant. It 10. blk 2. Rend. $10. J. Alton Thompson to A. F. Howes, nwU neU 11-16-12. $900. Chas. F. Rell to Chas. It. Currlo, swU neU. soU. it 2 of 5-14- 19. $1500. "Lou B. Nash to Chas. R. Currle. Its 1- 2. el4 nwi 7-14-19. $1500. Fred J. Rlelly to Chas. It. Currlo, neU 12-14-18,$1500. ' Rend Park Co. to Anna, Pedarson, It 7. blk 105, 1st add Rend Park. $140. James 51. Lawrence to Wm. A. Glasgow. neU 35-21-10. $10. Rend Park Co. to Gust W. John son, It 5, blk 68. Rend Park. $190 j A RIOT OF BLOOM SEVENTH ANNUAL ROSE FESTIVAL Portland, Ore., June 9 to 14, Inc. LOW ROUND TRIP Fores from all O-W. R.. 6E N. stations to PORTLAND and RETURN VIA TICKETS ON SALE JUNE 8,9,11,13 FINAL LIMIT JUNE 16 A Carnival of Fun, Beauty and Wholesome Enjoyment Bring tho folks and witness the gorgeous event. Full particulars cheerfully fur iushe4 upon application. DOJTTMLSSIT J. H. Corkett, Agent, HONOR PAID OLD SOLDIERS 24. 55. 26. 27. 28. 29. SO. 31. 2. Cray Rutte Ruck Creek. .. . Lava 36. Sheep Rock.... 36. Cross Keys 87. Ha Creek 38. Rear Creek... ., , 89. Upper Rye Graes - in a.. ..I.. 1l fc?UJlV7. ...... 41. Alkali Flat,.. 42. Trail Crossing. 43. La Pine... 44. Lamonta. . 45. Cloverdale. 4C -.47 48. Ochoco.'. . 49. Vanora, , ,0. Cllne Falls , M. Ronny View j D 2.- M)M,miiMTrat JE - ..I" - - ij. iaiuiaw. 54. f.5. 56. 67. 58. 59. CO. Kxerclses Held Afternoon and Here Lnnl Friday! (Jnncs Decorated. '..... Upper 51111 Creek. ....... i ....... ,.... Bhepard. . Paulina Valley. . . r. . Rllzzard Ridge.,.; Paulina Opal Springs Redmond. Vlbbert j 61. Plalnvlew 62. Opal City 63. Lone Pine 64. Pinehurst Ui, Pleasant Ridge, , , . , 60. North Rutte 67. Round Rutte. ...... 68. Lylo Gap 69. Willow Creek 70. Terrebonne 71. Guerin 72. Rutte Valley 73. Richardson........ 74. Rlverdale 75. North Lone PJne , . , 76. Tetherow Rutfe.'if' 77. .Rolyat. . . . I . ,v, ., f 78. Hampton... 79 80. MetolluB. 81. Dry Creek. 82. Jordan. , , ., ,.......'f ' 158.55 178.91 253.57 106.04 260.35 253.57 19.27 260.35 446.82 165.34 260.35 97,47 219.63 138,20 3Q7.S5, 280.7,2 104.25 206,06 217.85 368.95 139.97 451.76 287.50 72.77 1,683.48 '1,78.0,1 199.27 280.72 151.76 280.72 233.21 151.76 375.73 206.06 280.72 353.58 151.76 192.49 178.91 131,40 239.99 -117J83 119.61, .1&3.55 ' 144.97 353.68' 294.29 382.52 Decoration Day exorcisos were held last Friday afternoon at the Raptlst ehurch. honor being paid tho men who fought In the Civil War A short address was delivered by Dr I. I, Gorby, tho other local ministers assisting in the program. Mrs. Ash ley Forrest sang "The Star Spangled Ranner very beautifully. There wero eight old . soldiers present. After the program at the church the Journey to the cemetery was made and the graves of the sol dier dead there were decorated. Among the flowers was a largo bunch sent by Mrs. D. E. Gunsolus from Portland to be placed on the grave of .Mr. Person. ,1: RKATH OF K. A. MILLER. B. A. Miller of Rlack River Falls, Wis., whose son, II. A. Slitter. Is tho proprietor or the Miller Lumber Company or Rend, died at Hlzton, Wis., on Wednesday, May 28. Jlr Miller was vice president of the First National Rank of his home city and general manager of the Central Wis cbnjijn. Telephone Company. He was about 60 years old. Resides II. A. Miller of Rend, there survive Mrs, Miller, two daughters and a son. -OTlCK TO CRKDITOIW. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter or It. O. Rlackwell, bankrupt; No. 2401 In bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given that on tho 27th day or 5ray, A. D. 1913, It. G Rlackwell of Rend, Oregon, the bankrupt- above named, was duly adjudl- fc4 AS ' ffi -. TA !. V ? I h ta ws? For Coupons Out of the Duke's Mixture Sack .Manr jmen are getting untold plciiure nut of the Unzrtl&Mytrt Duke's Mixture ck. One ,1c packsuR holdi many pipcfulu of pure, mild smoking or, if you plce. It will make many rlarrttrs of llieKood old-fashioned kind that you roll yourtclf. Sh&dL w. re 0?i cated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the offices of the undersigned, Rooms 401-2-3-4-5 Fcnton Rulldlng, Portland, Oregon, on the 11th day or June, 1913, at U A. M., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be presented In form required by tho Bankruptcy Act, and sworn to. The schedule filed discloses esti mated' assets amounting to $1600.00. CHESTER G. MURPHY, Referee In Rankruptcv. Dated May 27tb, 1913. 13 ' ,Jk & W m. .v.. 1, 7. &1. " 7 jJa jm .TJ1L pure, -co. ,4 3 '' tog X "- Duke's 5fixture, tnde br the LigSttt & Mjtr$ Tobacco Co. at Dur ham, N. C, is the favorite with cijra. rctte smokers. It' the tobacco that makes rolllns" popular with men Who want the true tatte of mild, (elected tobacco. Wo w nwklng this bund tbe lender of its kind. P.y wht you will, you nnnot pet better grmuuUtcd fibacco than Duke's Mixture. You till get the Mm a bljr one and a half ounce Mck enough to toako many cigarette-for 4c. And with 'each lack you get a book of cigarette papen and a present coupon, Vlll'.U. Save tho Present Coupons With tfco coupons you ran gel many handsome, deslrablo presents - articles suitable for men. women, boys and girls. Something for erery wewber of the household. ontL "a,OJ0rer tr My and Juno Our new Illustrated catalogue of pres. enta will bo sent to anyone who scuds us their name and address. teuton! t'om Puktt Mtiturt ma bt atMi.1 rwiST. teuton frit pnna urn ii'.. . .. w" se '. vm w. i- - , .. D r m m ZZ r" '" FUlfl PICK PLUG CITT. PIEDMONT Itliud tji U4 Premium Dpt, St. Louts, Ma, A I'lHktdtlcd tul in The llullctln 1 j rend by hundred nnu orlngs tho nil vcrtUcr itood ictunm for the money invented, ' Vienna Cafe Wall Street Good Mi'iilx, l'l'i'imicd v 1 1 ) Oeuulluei, nt Nludeiutu I til ti'i Ijiri;i Ionvea o( W1io1-jiiiu Bread 5c Ench ATrlnl Will i oinlnco. There is no use to advertise the H orticultural Pre Delia 4 ii : : j 4 4 nmm Enrji dm Cttc. WAVft a co FltATIiliNAL HOCIimUH. A I. O. O. I B Rend l-ode No, UlM Itvgular MrutliiRS every Monday nlKlu VUltora wulcoinu, W. h. Whig. U, N. Huffman, N. 0. Bery .M. W. OK A. Pilot Ilutte Camp No. 97,11 i Meets every Tuesday in Mather Hall Visiting Neighbor always weliae, W. W. Orcutt, Consul, Mnrtln It. KnutNon, Clerk. . lP.ttCHirriH M)ll(Ii: N O. t it ill K. of P. i Meets ovary Wednea day eveuliiK nt 8 p in. ) In Castlo Hall, K 'a J llnther Rldg. VltltliiijiL Jue In lies, C. C. L. M. Maltoyitulds . K. or It fc'H. as to its reliability, promptness and accuracy in pay ing losses, but it is necessary for i you to know that : J. B. Miner jn RH.VI) M)lGi: .NO. A. I'. A. M. Meets on Thursday on or IV. full moon of mcli Visiting brotli'tt font tho mouth, always welcome. J. D. Davidson, W. M. A. M. Lara, i Oooretury FltATKII.VAIi lllt)Tlli:itll(M)., Regular meetliiKs held by Ilcnd Udge No, 897 In Kather'a Hall uit tho first and third Thursday evening each month. Visiting members nt order always Welcome. ' J. II. MINER, Pres. FRED HUEY, Hec. . IIEREKAHH. Ilond lA)dgo No. 208 meets vvetjr second and fourth Friday evening, athcr's Hall. Vlsltlug Lrothnnt and slaters welcomd. i Mrs. Lucy Frenoh, N. (1. Miss Lois V. Force, Rec. thty. : L. is the official agent of this territory. Bend, Oregon. ROVAL NKKRIIIORM Regular meeting on first and third Friday girunlugs at HatuorV Hall. Mrs. Margaret Rales, Oracle r Mrs. Alfurcttn Orcutt, Recordr - .- ORIIRIt OF IMKTEItN HTAIL urim ioiiko meets in regular ses sion on the Second and Fourth Mon day Evening each month, In Masun74 Hall. Fannlo Farrls, W. M . Arrlo Rlack, Boc., DIRECTORY OK OFFICIALS. J Hoofing' of nil kinds, Kopnlrintf promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNINQ AND Furnace Contractor Guttering. Spouting, Cornices and Skylight. i N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPERHANGER. Efltlmntcson Wall Paper nt application I'ortlnnd I'ricca Cheopest and Best Wnli I'ix?r Samples In the county. (Jet My l'ricta. Hhop ob Orrgon Hired, Ktar ft UrKbutcs bouk BOX lo UI!Nt,OK)CON i Congressmen Harry W. Ui A. W. Iafferw 1 Clover Leaf Dairy PURE MILK AND CREAM TGLUPHONG and we will deliver S. L. STAATS, Prop. SEEDS Frisk, Rillittlt, purs SusrsnlssdlaPltsss KKTtr7Isrdsr sad ruattritiouUlit.tiii up.rlor tntrlU l Our NouinrqOiownDi.d., PKCOL rrm FOR 10 CENTS s will ssni DoiluaJd our ra.,WffiOU? iOLl-ETION PliflDMIWU , , . . Ita sk.risrr...ku4r.vw(.' , , , J .r.u..u4,sa uitu. . , , JSJ ilMlSrwi.UWOMMtl.MHt. , ' . tli Writ m?tit S.ai IS id, L. fc.i. ... --...f' ? f!1 S4 "i" nthmn f.-Ji.'Ujdwi.-Ti. "i!."!1!?." t" " b.trMU,. OuUm O.lit, iwrfipSK,i''8afli5Ci; nft ools Fulled Nltn. President Woodrow WlUon Viae President. .Thomas R. Marsbill 1 Heerutary of Htato W, J. Rrait Keeretary of Navy . . Josenhus DaoirJa Hueretary or War . . . .J., M. Oarrlsoti JJecretnry or lutwlor . . . .K. K. Ln Heorotary Agrlewlture I). F. Houttnu Secretary or Treasury .W. F. McAdoS Keeretary Commerce . .V. C. Itednbl Secretary or Labor . . . .W. II. WilaJn Attorney Oeueral ..Jas. Meltoynol.U Poatmaater Ovnoral .Albert RurhHuu Htntr. Governor Oswald West Secretary of Htato .... It. W. Olcolt Traasurer Thus. II. Ka Atty Oeneral A. M. Crawtord 8uierlntnitent Public Instruction L. It, Alderttfati fitato Printer V. 8, Dunlw.iv Commissioner Iibor Btntlatlcs . . O. P. Huff Oamo Warden W. L. Klnlay Stnte Hnglncer John II. Lewis United Hlulea Sonators Ueorgo K. Chainberliii ttl N. H. Blnuotc W. A. Hawloy Nevrntli Judicial District. 1 ' JtnlKO W. L. Rradshaw Attorney w. II. Boll Crook County, h JuJko 0. 8irlner uiorK Warren Rrowp Shorlff Frank Kltcliia Treasurer Ralph Jordan Assessor II'. A Foat'k 8chool 8upt j, B. MyerV coroner p. R. Polndexter Surveyor Fred A. Ico Commlsslonors It. H. Ray ley Willis W. Ilrown lho Courts. k Circuit Meets first Monday In May and third Monday In Octohor. 4 Probate Meets first Monday h) each month. Commissioners' Mocts first Wed nesdny In January, March, May, July, Soiitembor and Nnvomber. . Rend Hchool District No. IV. ' Directors H. J. Ovorturf. Chmn F. M. IUV Clvdo M. McKay Olork , . h, IS. Allen City of Rend. A Mayor ,,..0. P. Putnam Recorder , H. C Kllbi Treasurer H, J. OvertJrt Chief of Police ,.,.,.8. II Roberta City Englnoor . . . .doorgo 8. Yount Councllmen II. K. Allcrf; .... P.,,A, L. French ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,A, 8. Collin .,... ,,,,, .. , ,,,,,,,, II, I), Ford ,,,..., ,., John Btoh' ,... 1 . 1 1 , , B, A, Bather Justices of tho Peace Rend Precinct Ward II, Coble Deschutes Precinct .,,W. W. Oroutt I 1 N s