The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 04, 1913, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 13
) .
Hurtcy of ()n-on Trunk outli of
llcnjl Oono Over Willi Clilef KiikI
ncer nml Oilier- Trip AIo
Made to Hid llitmry Country.
A (our of Central OrcKoti was Hindu
tliu iiiiit week by Louis Illll, tliu
ohulriiuu) of llm hoard of dlruotura of
I ho Oront Northern Hallway, with n
party of other railroad olllclal nml
Himteri, men. Mr. Hill was Imro on
Wi'tltasiliiy nlKlit, lint notliliiK was
B'mmi cit liy It! in ns to railroad or
OllHT tlOVloMI)unl rOll(,MIIl(ltt!(l.
Tho party wunl Mouth from horn
Thursday In nuto a for ns tin) route
of tint Natron cutoff of tho Houthtirn
I'nclllc, near Crescent. Chief Bugl-
ncr r l.upff r of tho Oreicon Trunk was
nloiiK nml won shown over tho survey
of that rond I'outh of here by Mr.
Illll, who had mapa of tho survey. Mr.
Lupfcr, who miiiio tluio a no succeed
Oil Italjih Iludd ai chief engineer, had
never been over the propound route.
Asked rosartlliiK extension of Uio
Oregon Trunk, Mr. Illll said: 'Alwul
that I have notliliiK to.clvo out now.
You will know that tho work linn
been started when you sen tho trad
ers on tho ground, and that I nn
much at I can tall you."
The imrty, traveling by special
tntlii, loft the aura at llcdmoud and
went to Bittern by nuto, arriving hero
Wednesday evening. They walked
over to tho awiulll of Thu llnd Co.
and took look at It, I'. I.. Howe, u
lumber dealer of Minneapolis, being
especially Interested In tho local lum
ber iirnduet.
The vlsltora returned to I'ortland'
Thuriiday night hut cnino bnck to'
Jtedmund Runday morning, going to
Trlnevllle. They proceeded then by
why of Mllllcan's ranch to Hampton
valley nnd spent Monday with Wil
liam I Inn ley, going on to HiKiknnu by
way of Ontario.
Accompanying Mr. Illll to Hnnd
were l'rMnt J. II. Young of tho
Oroxon Trunk: J. J. Hlllott nnd K.
O. Hie, danker of Ht. Paul; A. M.
3.ii pf or. chief oNRlNHer of thu Oromm
Trunk: I'. I.. Ilimo of Minneapolis;
J It. HtliWMtM of I'rlnevlllo. In the
party on tks crot-late trip wrn
Itwi w. . Ivlilimn of tho Orewn
A Wealern Colonisation Co.. IS. P
Ueedy and K. V. (Irahaw, industrial
agantit of the Oreflt .Northern.
Prank Hnborfsoti of Portland, for
merly of lloud. who Is chairman of
the I'ortland Automnblle Club's lour
Ing committee, tnle.d last week that
he plana nt least one compreheiiRlvo
tour of Central Oregon for tho club,
and that the tourists will apund one
night at least In llend. i
Certificates of Deposit
WHEN you havo money you wish to Ret Interest
on, cull for n Cortlllcnto of Deposit. Wo Isauo
those on G or 12 months (lino nnd jmy 4 per cent in
cither cono. Thy ccrtiflcnto Ih also a negotiable instru
ment nnd mny bo assigned, sold or cashed nnywhero,
tho enmo as a note. Certificates being transferable
ennnut bo checked against. They should bo presented
for payment or renewal when duo as wo do not pay
interest after dnto, for obvious reasons. Wo are not
obliged to pay these- certificates beforo matutity any
more than you could bo forced lo pay a note bofore it
was due, but wo huvo never refused to cash n certifi
cate, whether duo Qr not, and wo expeqt, tocontinuo
this policy. Do you know of any safer way you can
mnke your money work for you and at tho same time
havo it unquestionably uvuilablo at any time?
It iW 1 !. t
U. FERRW.L, President
M. m. .vn.n, v,uuicr
lint Clow llofico to Obey Juillrliil
Miiiulati!, Which AppeiirM IIUwil,
Kind (Iiiiiio Win den Ih .Volllleil.
(Special to Tho liiillellii)
tMUNKVII.I.H, Juno J. County
Jililgu Hprlnger Ima ordurtfd Henry
Clow, custodian of tho coiirthousu
and grouiidii, to put out poison for
tho Nong'hlrdK that live ubout tho
toiirthnusu. A there lit n penalty
of from V to $100 for IiIIIIiir or
taking or hnvlng Jn possession any
wild bird except giimo blrdH in sen
Hon nnd destructive birds, atiuh ns
Kngllah sparrows, hawks, etc., tho
aforesaid custodian haa not ynt
polHoiied any onghlriU, na reiiieiited
liy hla honor, who hit nmurned a
lurdthlp over the thlugn of thu air,
not being autUllcd with Ills large and
Hoiiiewhut burdeiiHomu doiiiulu,
Crook county.
Mr. Clow nlao nn' the Judge In
tend ta order every town In the
county to ihmlroy the bird, nnd that
he will iiuike audi nn order effecting
tho town,
It In unduritood that icvernl per
son specially Interesled In bird are
taking action to "get" Judge Hprlng
er for hi retried ixilsoulng order.
The Htnte Came Warden nnd the
Audubon Hoclety h'vae been notliled
with a view to ascertaining If the
lhsuanc of tln order Is not Illegal,
Just a tin! uctlon frowned may be
shown to bo, '
Wmt Alilo Ills llrputlc by Appear
ing With Militiamen.
THK DXU.KH, June 2. Oovernor
West has descended UKin Tho Dalli-a
In a clean-up campaign and a a re.
lilt Of the sudden activity of a group
of local deputies a local resort was
raided and 32 women and a number
of "guest" arrested. When Sheriff
ChrlRinan refused to place the pris
oner In Jail, the (lovcrnor took a
hand In the matter, appearing on the
scen with 11 tto militiamen and
practically compelling Chrlsman to
Chrlsman stated that his tardlncs
wa because- thu special deputlca
showed no authority nnd ho could not
liuprlnoii simply on their bare word.
The Inmctea of the liistlflitlons will
be freed, it la said, and only thu prin
cipals proceeded, against. In somo
quarters there U considerable Indig
nation against the Oovernor alleged
unwarranted Interference In a local
matter. It Is stated that the town Is
and ha beu In an exeullontly clean
ct)CNni( i'Assics nuiu.vwnt.
Th cnlr lra)Mnnt Ioh tak
at Its rrutar HMtlm last night was
the paaaa nf an ordinance pmlitb
King the hh of ldwalV dv liteyete.
motor rvcle. rollr skatv and other
County Judge Worden wa retain!
In olllcu liy nn overwhelming vc te In
tht recall election hold today. Cnm
pleto return from five precinct give
Worden fl2fi to 274 for White Par
tial returns from other precincts give
Worden nn oven greater lead.
V. O. MINOR, Secretary ;
Attacks Commissioner xind Gives Lie to Officials,
Branding Reports "Slanderous Dirty Yarns."
Bayley and Elkins Say Judge Lies.
"lie (llayloy) had Ills hnnd In thu county treasury to the elbows,
o If he wa not prosperous It was nbsolutoly no one' fault but hi
own, 'When ho (Koblmton) or anyone else ay that a request was
made to tho Jiulgo to order a warrant, (for tho nuto) It Is absolutely
and emphatically a lie." Kxtracta from Judgo O. Kprlnger' letter.
"It's a pack of Ilea from start O finish," County Commissioner 1.
II. Ilayley.
"Thu statement Hprlngcr tnakoi about tho nuto affidavit I n Ho.
H was rouuostad to order n warrant." Sheriff Wank Klklns.
ICven h county Judge will turn!
Wltue the communication printed
lielow from tho Hon. 0. Springer:
It makes ugly charges against
County Commissioner It. II. Ilayley,
openly Insinuating, If not directly
charging, graft In county expendi
ture. It gives tho He direct to J. C.
Robinson, Frank Klklns, Wlllla W.
Drown and It. H. Hayley, who signed
tho now-famous "unto aflldavll" pub
lished In The Ilulletln of May H.
Yesterday Mr. Ilayley, In Sisters,
aw a copy of tho Springer letter,
and, a recorded above, brands It ns
n lie from start to finish. liy next
week The Ilulletln hopes to publish
a detailed statement from Mr. Day
ley, In which It Is probable Mr.
Springer will receive even more pu Il
licit)'. Jt seems also very probable
that a libel suit will be Instigated
against Springer.
Sheriff Klklns nt I'rlnevllle. when
he read the paragraph In Springer's
letter regarding tho auto affidavit
over the phone, branded it as a lie.
He, probably acting with the other
officials directly connected with tho
nintter, will havo on Interesting re
ply to mako next week.
Dtillelln Wa Slighted. I
The letter wasn't intended for The
Ilulletln at all, for Mr. Springer does
not admire this paper, which he
brands n brainless, slanderous, a
tool of Dayley'a and several other
things. However, the communica
tion, which was sent to other Journ
als, was srcureil.-nnd although pretty
lung, pretty horribly written and
pretty far from any point, Is pub
lished for the amusement and in
struction of Ilulletln readers.
A far dh this paper I concerned.
It la always Interested to see our
selves as others see us nnd when n
mnii of Mr. Springer's honored Judg
ment na wo nro a rotten as ho
says wo nro, why. there's no uio try
ing to bldo tho fact, Is there?
The letter follows:
"Aa there I a wide dlffaronce be-
twntn thu policy advttaated by thu
county Judge and the (prolmbly that)
of hold-over ComiHlMloner Bavloy.
and also Mr. Ilayley Is pretty bull-
headwl and the Judge bt partial sim
ilarly altlletod. It hi not strange that
there should h) more or Uns friction
In the 'administration of tho county
affairs. I'nder the Ilayloy-Bllls ad
ministration, Mr. Ilayley was allowed
to act In the capacity of oounty road
master. Thousands of dollnrn were
placed at his command, nnd he was
permitted to buy bridges and road
material and build expensive grades
without advertising for bids, and
then apparently permitted to O. K.
i 1 Swill 1 1 r ifg) I 3K
I pP lip
j . j Are You Swatting j jp
' ' the Flies? j C
( If you are, you aro having unnecessary troubles. c Jp
Put in SCREEN DOORS and keep them out of TS
c tho houfo and you will not bo bothered, Good s Hjjgjy
t 5 screen doora aro to bo had at this store at prices f TN
) that will rellovo you of Uio fly nuisance without &&m
c imposing a penalty on your pockotbook.. Wo can 5li?
. C fit any door. Just say what you need and we'll (?W
do tho rest. ?' f . ? ffi
. uiunuiQ uv luncob uumi y iwva " P J f N
. r Z3B7.
N- p. smith;- ;ifi
his own bills. In other words, he had
his hands In tho county treasury to
tho ijlhnwH so If ho was no( prosper
ous. It was absolutely no one's fault
Mil his own. While such a course
enabled him to mnke things move,
and while, If ho Is tho paragon of
virtue that some of his friends he
llovo him to be, perhaps Crook coun
ty Ima been very fortunate In getting
a lot of good rood work dona econom
ically, still If he should be like the
lieef trust or some other bad trust
and mo we read nbout. ha may havo
taken too much, commission on each
bridge and each carload of culvert;
also he may havo pocketed too much
clear money on each grade. In fact,
If ho had so desired, he could hare
done a thriving business. Hut all
that Is passed now, and It would he
unwise and unkind to mention It,
which I would not do at this time If
It did not seem necessary to explain
tho present situation.
"During tho campaign my atten
tion was called to a certain timber
cruising deal which waa pending and
In which the county waa to pay more
than S23.000 tor a cruise of the tim
ber within tho county. As the party
who was to do the cruising was sup
posed to havo cruises of the bulk of
tho timber In his office, It was feared
that ho might bo mean enough to
copy tho cruises from the books of
tho company. As this could lio done
for $ir00 to $2000, It would leave
n large portion of the $20,000 ns
net profits, after Comm'ssloner Day
ley, or somo less scrupulous person
representing .tho county, had en
dorsed his work. Also he might
agree with the timber men to trans
crllm a sixty per cent cruise and thus
tho county bo out a large sum of
money and recelvo no Itonoflt. After
hearing of this matter, your proscm
Judgo aald that If the matter as as
It looked. It should never go Jf he
ware elected: he also, on tho first
oportunlty. asked Commissioner Dar
ter If he would not drop It and Join
In an effort to obtain the cruise from
the owners In tb same way that the
aiuiewtor obtains a list of other real
estate taxations. To this Mr. Hayler
asHted. Accordingly your prewiut
Judge set about this matter soon after
he took office. He ir'Md the mat
ter to the State CoinmlM'on- Con
vention and succeeded In learnt"
nbout all that had bean dono In the
counties of tho state: he then went
to Snleni and had a lengthy confer
ence with the State Tax Commission
ers, determined. If possible, to get
a fair estimate of the timber without
(Continuod on Pago Two)
- . --- m-h ffiW nv vto.-. m k . -tv-. wi. anv isw -. sx v
'caterpillar engines
1 for farming work
Two Will lie Shipped to licml nml
Token (o ilmiiey Vnlley to Turn
the Soil, Kuyrt Mr. Htlnwii.
J. It. fltlnsoti of I'rlnevllle, who
was here last week with the Hill par
ty, told of the Introduction of the
caterpillar engine Into Central Ore
gon farming operations.
"Tho Oregon & Western Coloniza
tion Co. ho recently sold 1C00 acres
of land In tho Harney valley to Port
land parties," said Mr. Stlnson, "and
the purchastra will ship two eater
pillar engine to llend and take them
out to thclryanch to bo used In farm
ing operations.
"So far aa I know this will bo the
first use of such engines on a farm
In Central Oregon. One of these men
Is n practical farmer of much experi
ence. '
Somo tlma ago n traction engine
waa taken Into the Harney country,
to be used for farm work, but It was
not of the caterpillar type.
i:HrtH' Trip to 1m I'lnc DMrict May
Itcoiilt In 0enliiK Area.
On a trip whose chief purpose Is an
examination and classification of
lands now in the forest reesrves of
the upper Deschutes valley, C. J.
li.,.tr -. tl..i. ..:.. ..jl'""" ' "K i:u, iu ixj iv oy
"-. .-..... -... ..!.. "lZj, rcet In size. Tho contract for this
Kingman Drewstare. assistant secro-work WM ,et t0 JanK, T Adamf.
tary of the Oregon Conservation
Commission, arrived last night from'
Portland. Today, together with J
Hoy Harvey, of tho forest service,
they are autolng In the Dlack Ilutte
country, nnd tomorrow will go to La
Tho examination is the outgrowth
of petitions signed by residents of the
I .a Pino country, and addressed to
Secretary of tho Interior Lane and
J. N. Teal of Portland, chairman of
the Oregon Conservation Com
mission. Wherever soil and other
conditions warrant tho Investigators
In recommending that the lands be
taken from the reserve and opened
to homestead entry, this will bo done.
It Is expected that cons'dcrablo area
will thus como under cultivation and
linprmeiuciitH .Made In the Old Star
Tho llend Theatro was opened on
Saturday night In the old Star build
ing, under the management of Has-
sett and Walkup. Many Improve
ments have beon made In the interior
In the way of wall decorations, and
several raws of reserved seats have
been put In at thu rear. Ventilators
are also another Improvement.
Pictures, are changed every day
and a matinee will be given every
Sunday afternoon, the drat being on
last Sunday. Oeorgo M. Co veil of
Portland Is playing the plnno and
Harry Wyse operating the machine.
The latest newB from Portland, re
ceived shortly beforo noon, was that
Allieo led Kushlight In the mayoralty
raie by a vory narrow margin. The
wires" have been down since, and uo
further new bus been received.
The First National Bank
Or. U. O. COE. Pr.ldn E. A. 8ATHER.
O. S. HUDSON. Cathl.r
Capital fully paid ... S3&.0O0
Rtockhold.rt' liability 3S,000
Surplut - , - - SIO.OOO
Dairy Cows.
Wo now havo 25 herd of high grade
Holsteln cows at Jones Dairy Ranch
two miles east of Bend. Shipper
guarantees oil to be fresh this sum
mer. Sale will take place Thursday,
June 5th, 1913. Cash or credit.
First come, first served.
Hrick or Stone Structure Will Cost
About fHOOQ Three Store Itooms
Will He Provided, and Second
Story ytuy lie Added Abut.
Bxoavatlon work is now In prog
ress on the Miilzlg property on Ore
gon street where the owner. It. D.
Mutzig, will erect n brick or stono
building to cost in tho neighborhood
of $8000.
The present plans call for a one-
story structure 70 feet deep, with a
70-foot frontage on Oregon. Mr.
Mutzig mny decide to put on a sec
ond story before construction work la
started. He has not yet chosen be
tween brick and stone as the material
to be used. There will be three stora
rooms, each having a width of 22
feet in the clear. An eight-foot base-
n..-. I. !.! ..... I . a ....
The building will be thoroughly
oaern, wlth attractlve front. A ce-
raent sidewalk will be laid and clus
ter lights Installed, to make It con
form to the First National Dank cor
ner. Mr. Mutzig has applications from
a number of tenants but has signed
no leases with any yet. If there Is
sufficient demand, he will build a
second story.
Treasurer Has Money With Which to
Itedrcm Warrant.
The Dulletin is in receipt of tho
following letter from County Treas
urer Ralph Jordan:
"Under date of May 29, I have
Issued a call for all registered general
fund, scalp and high school warrants.
I have about $3000 on band with
which to take care of unregistered
warrants as presented.
"The county Is now paying cash for
Its warrants, for the first time since
July 12, 1912.
"About the 10th or this month I
expect to have a report roady, show
ing all money rccelred and paid out
by my olllce since Oct. 1, 1912. and
will send you a copy to be published."
Due Director nnd Clerk Will Do Clio
cn by Voters.
The annual school eleetlon will be
held at the school house on Monday,
June 16, at i p. m., at whloh one di
rector to serve for three years and n
clerk to serve for one year will bo
chosen. The retlrlug member of the
Itourd of directors Is H. J. Overturf.
The school district may also vote
on the question of making a levy for
free text books, nt this meeting, If
the voters so desire.
' yjj
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