THIS nKNI hUM.KTltf, RKJr, vtkhnksimv, may OH, tOUl. ! m ' - - --" 4 ---- --"4 4 CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. .rxiaKfL ------ 1 I j LAIDLAW 1 - -- ---- (Special to Tho Rend Dulletln.) LAIDLAW. May SO. Thursday af ternoon Prof. Thos. Shaw, fnrmlug export of tho Great Northern Rall Way, lectured here on dry nnd Irri gated farming. Ho ahowed perfect maslory or his subject nnd tho nil vice and encouragement ho offered irrlirntiK tho meadows the farmer of this vicinity must hnvolrrnunVx, it. . . ... - repaid him for taking on afternoon' MrH:, A- Meal stornnd daughter "n(T" wlmn h n-im knnn.ilonn In Him busiest soason on n farm. The nudl torlum and annex of tho church wero filled to eapaclty with attentive lis teners nnd cngor questioners. J. T, Hardy and 'Sheldon A. Volkman, as sistant traveling freight und passon- gor agents or tho Oregon Trunk ana tiroat Northern Hatlwavs, respective ly, accompanied Prof. Shaw nml each was requested to thank the road ho represented for giving tho people of this community an opoftunlty to hoar this "farming missionary.' Farmers will finish planting their grain crops this week. Several hundred acres of potatoes will be plantod around Laldlaw. A. Mcallstor and wife were at Dend baturday. Stllllo Drown was driving tho cream wagon last week, Mr. Parr be ing out of town on business. tiw. D. llarnes nnd C. P. Decker nt tended tho good roads meeting at ltcdniond.i ; ' , 'J. N. II. Gerklng nnd Oroverwe'ro in Prlnevlllo last week on business. . i Phil Smith attended tho cbceso factory mcctlug hero Saturday and was trading with Laldlaw merchants. 'Ray Drown is now working with the surveyors. ;Mrs. Crawford and daughter from the Gibson ranch wero trading in town on tho 22nd. Misses Lcota and Prances Murk will leave tho 2Sth for Portland to vslt relatives and assist their fath er and mother In looking up a lo cation for a new home. The wngon that was hauling milk totho cheeso. factory has been taken off for a vhllo owing to the fact that the exens6'as too great for the amount of milk, and now the patrons will have to haul their own milk for a few days until a new arrangement Is made. Ice cream and cake were sercvd at tho Odd Fellows hall after the speak ing Thursday and the receipts were $20. to go toward paying for an or gan for tho church. J. M. SIry is doing some construc tion work tor the state contractor nt Laldlaw. I HAMPTON BUTTE j (Special to The Dend Dulletln.) - HAMPTON DUTTE, May 25. This locality has been favored with come flno growing weather the past wcck. Earl -Rogers Tetnrnod from Dend Thursday. He bought- a "twain and wagon nnd brought In a load of freight for Mrs. M.' W. Sheppard. J. M. Brlckey and Dert Meeks have been busy breaking brush. They broke 10 acres for V. Johnson and 18 acres or T. a Ewlng and have start ed breaking some on their own home steads. Earl Rogers and G. A. Johnson r breaking brush for Mrs. and Miss Sheppard. Joe Dozell was visiting friends In this locality Friday. C. J. Stouter of Lost Creek valley' ... fn . ..I..I..I... i i -". was In this vicinity on business last weeic, and was on his way to Dncd. Mrs. O. Cook has been on the sick iisi uui is inuon netter at mis writ ing. Miss Rlva McFadden has arrived In .the valley and Is preparing to es tablish residence on her claim. William Waymouth was calling on frleuds,-ln this vicinity Sunday. V. Johnson made a business trip to Hampton Saturday. FICKSBURG y- --- (Special to The Dulletln) PICKSDURG. Lake County, May 19 A townslte of 40 acres has been laid out on the survey of the Ore gon Eastern Railway which Is now building westward from Vale, and the townslte company, composed of Chicago capitalists, has named tho town In honor of r. Roche Flck, who has been Identified with the set tlement of a large portion of Cen tral Oregon, especially northern Lake county. At preaont the near est postofllcu to tho new town Is Ar row, hut tho establishment of better mail fHoIlltles is looked for at an early date. The settlors hvo formed a devel opment club with the following offi cers: v President, W. Roche Flck; vice president, L. T. Murphy; secre tar. Rex It. Hackett; treasurer, L. E. Dowman. Tho organization will work for the betterment of tho com-, munlty along development .lines and cspoctallv disalres the settlement of the'Nrtlle lands that can bo scoured front .the. govQrnmfjnt nfc homesteads, some of them within ten miles of nere. The building of a- school honce. construction of a now rood (o connect with Fort Itock and loma Vlst'i, the establishment of better mall serv'ce and a mall route from Fort Rock down the valley Instead of the roundabout trip from Silver I.aW'&wer'JOTiponlf-iHe matters that the clvii" de'fcldKa to take"np, . The secretary was- lnstrudted to work for tho establishment of n largo storo nnd blacksmith shop, whllo a barber, n hutchor and tunny farmers nro needed. --'---- I PINEHURST 1 I -- -- (Special to Tho lloml llullotln.) PlNKItt'RST, May 50. the farm. " "' ' ' ' Mrs. noon witn Airs. i. it. itoot. Mrs. Delia Nichols was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Swisher on Thursday evening. J. R. llenham, who has n flno farm near Deschutes, purchased 30 sucks or seed potatoes of Jay Mchols last week. '"? A. P. Ramsay also bought his sup ply of potntoes from Mr. Nichols. Mrs. A. J. Ilnrter nnd mother-in-law spent Tuosdny nt tho homo of her parent, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. M. Couch. J. R. Couch, who has been visit ing lu Canada and Eastern Wash ington, returned Friday for his nu tomoblle and will make a short visit. Charles Spaugh mndo n business trip to Laldlaw Saturday and attend ed uie meeting or cheese makers. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geuo Winter wero In Lnldlaw Saturday. i Mr. and Mrs. Wlll'amson who re-' ceutly purchased tho James McDer mott nlsco went to Laldlaw on bust- ness Saturday. .Airs. l.eorge couch. Jay Mcliols and John Couch went to Dend Sat urdny In Mr. Couch's car. vjJ. F. Green, who has purchased tho farm of Charles McDormltt, ar rived recently to take charge. Mrs. Chris Peterson was tho guest of Mrs. G. M. Couch Tucsdn.y. L. H. Root made a business trip to Laldlaw Thursday, - AMONG THE SETTLERS NORTHEAST OF TOWN (Special to The Dend Dulletln.) Mrr nnd Mrs. William' Hocch of Shanlko are visiting relatives and friends hero. They drove ovor In their car, arriving Friday. They ex pect to return home today (Wednes day). Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Elder entor- talced Sunday in honor of Mr. andjl,nrentB '" t,le Willamette valley, re Mrs. Hoech W. G. Waugh Is struggling with a live- cold. He attended tho meet ing of the I. O. O. P. Monday night and the shower bath he received on the way In was all In favor of the cold. The settlers lu this neighborhood are rejoicing that the "Doss Irriga tor" took command Immediately on the breaking of tho canal last week. Mrs. Willie Hoech and Mrs. Colo K. Smith called on Mrs. Ernest Have mann Saturday afternoon. ALFALFA (Special to The Dulletln) ALFALFA. May 25. Miss Jessie Pvntt Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Dutt, who lives east of Dend. Mr. Wlllard has returned from his search tor the hoi sea ho lost. L" """" ""' ",' vwo "ro """ wn i range. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Forest wero trading In Alfalfa Saturday. Hubert Dealey has taken up a homestead near Hear Creek imtte. Plans are being mado to start a FIRSTCLASS EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE Pilot Butte Hotel J. P. TAaOART, Prop. Good Dining Room iFREE AUTO BETWEEN Headquarters for Commercial Men lilectrlc Lighted Throughout THE BEND HOTEL HUGH O'KANE, MANAQBR flood Rooms Free bus' to and from trains BEND. OREGON -- - FRUIT TREES Our nursery is located on Powell Rutte, fourteen miles eiist of Bend. Our trees ure the kind we recommend after over thirty years experience in the fruit business in t)il- neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will please voil Catalog free on request. Come and see our orchards and nursery. Office address, Prineville, Ore, T ; : Mafqlle'tte nursery cq. Sunday school In tho near future. Tho hour will bo lit tho afternoon. Mrs. Wlllnrd took n lot of broilers to Dnnd lust week nud gut n fancy prlco. linn's llnitson had tho misfortune to lose n iluo Jothb.v cow lust weok. Ho fed his cowh too much dnmp til rutin buy nt night nnd the umt morn ing one was dutul. Tho showers have been very bono llclul. Tho nlfnlfa Holds uro looking lino nnd many piedlot n hunvy crop. Mrs. Danburry und Mrs. Iloyd went to lleud Tuesday to ntluud the tun oral o( nit old friend. H. I j, Molony received word from his father, who visit od hero Inst sum mer, ehnt hu wns about to leave for Kansas Cltvv, Mo., to hnvu t onncur removed from his Up. Prank Kobnrge U sufterlng from nn nttnek of grip, tho second ho has hnd this spring. Mr. Wooloy has begun riding tho ditch. -- GIST (Special to Tho Dend Dulletln.) GIST, Mny 26. A Inrgo represen tation of the Ulst-Tumnlo commun ity attended the agricultural lecture given nt Lnldlaw Thurudny after noon. Mrs. P, W. Lcvorcnx wns tho guest of Mrs. Richards on tho 20th. Tho members of tho Plhlnvlew Sl,ndn). school commlttco mot Friday nfternoan nt the homo nf Mm. Ed Glltett. Tho uru working diligently und expect to, prepare a good pro gram for Children's Day. Mrs. Baylor nnd Mrs. Dickey wore business callers nt Dend Saturday. Mm. Lcvcrenz nnd Mrs. Rlchnrds nnd little son Herbert called ut Mrs. Crawford's Tuesday morning. Ellis Edglngton or Slstors visited at the Pullla luhome Sundny. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Loverenz mado a trip to Dend Saturday. Mrs. Crawford nnd daughter were in Laldlaw Thursday. HAMPTON (Special to Tho Dend Dulletlu.) HAMPTON. May 20. John Whit- nkcr, who spent the winter with his turned to hi homestead hero during tho last week. Ho wits accompanied by his father In his nuto. Mrs. Htirloy Iloguo Is on the sick list. Mr. Iloguo Is seeding 20 acres, after which he expects to return to Dend to resume locating. Mr. Durrls came In to his home stead tvlth a load last Tuesday and returned to Dend after his family tho last of the week. Soveral homesteaders aro begin ning to mako final proof on their claims under tho three-year law. I. Zlcrolf Is plowing 20 acres for Floyd Phillips. O. Drogsvold Is assisting Mr. Den cer fenco his place, after which he expects to return to Dend for tho summer. Mrs. Denoer Is visiting relatives lu Dond. Sirs. !ee Miller Is very poorly nnd recently had medical advice lam Dend. This section has been visited by ai'iirnl frnnft ilinu'Alu rlltrlni? tlm iinnt two weeks. Alvln Tlmmrmnn. whnan nlnlm In on top of Hampton butto, met an old school friend from Mlchlgau hero HOTEL AND DEPOT -- - Special Attention to Transient Travel flood Meals All arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and east of hero gl if Inst Sundny Ho expects to Hpond tho summer with Thompson Dros, Fischer und It. Kngslront of DnruuB were business visitors lit llnuiptoit tho 17th. Mr. Doxonn tort Thursday for Dond to bring In u loud of household goods. Mrs. Grace Dassott nnd Mrs. l.oe Millar drovo to Impurlnl Wednesday to do some shopping. A. S, Fogg luiido n business trip tu the Dry l.nku and Unrnes regions lmit Saturday. Mrs. Hnsklns, from Harney Holes, spent the Sih and Uth hero on busi ness. Mr. nnd Mrs. It. It. Iloguo left Thursdny for Dend whero thoy will tiinko a short visit with their daugh ters, Mrs. Wright nud Mrs, Rosen han, of Hotel W.rlght. Leo Miller Is plowing ready to plant his spring onts. Mr. llenklo wns hero Wednesday with n party of prospective home steaders. . Horace ltrooklnga of Rolyat wna n buslnoss visitor nt Hampton Inst Tuesday. Mr, Rtggs bo's been plowing for Mr. Hunting. Tho Intter expects to finish seeding 13 acres this week, mostly wheat and pons. Mrs. H. O. Miller, mother of Leo and Louis Miller, of this place, la visiting here. Messrs. Phillips, Dlack, Harrison and I O. Peck mndo a business and pleasure trip to Iron Mountain last week. Mrs. J. N, Crow spent tho day recently with Mrs. Praser of Imper ial. A six months' term of school wns closed here last Friday, without a day having been missed except legal holiday. The average attendance was 7. Tho last day was celebrated to tho surprise of Mrs, L, C. Peck, tho teacher, by the Indies of tho neighborhood taking basket lunch and spending the day. - - CRESCENT (Special to Tho Dond Dulletln.) CRH8CENT. May 23. J. U Rlngo emtio In from ltnroth Monday whero ho Is assisting Mr. Heard putting In hay from here. J. L. nnd (Hen Howard of La Pino wore Crcsceut visitors Sunday. C. Stlnchllold and O. H. Hoskell passed through Crescent Friday en routo for (.onroth, south of hero, whero thoy nro Interested In tho townslte. (Jcorgo Mayfleld was In from his ranch Wednesday. J. L. Howard brought In a load of freight for K. G. Raurk Thursday. Mr. Marbut, of the Washington ofllco of forestry, J. R. Harvey, chief of land classification and A. I Stra horn, soil expert, both of the district forestry offlco at Portland, and Sir. Lampham, wero lu Crescent Friday. Klmcr Tyler loft for Clilllquln, Thursday morning where he will go to work on the Crntor Lake road. v- -- 4 . t CLOVERDALE ; i -- .4 (Special to Tho Doud Dulletln.) CLOVERDALE, Mny 20. Mr. Waldron came In an nuto from Walla Walla last Thursdny night. Ho brought homo Miss Floronce Wal dron, who has been attending High School at Walla Wnlla. E. M. Pray has tho contract for building II. Hewer's barn. He will start to work Tuesday. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wlcsso on May 24, a 7 V4 -pound girl. W. P. Slmer has made much im provement on (his homestead. Ho has nearly all of It fenced and four acres lu grain. Misses Florence Waldron and Erma Pray wero Sisters visitors on Sunday. Misses Ruth Huwley and Hazel Temploton were callors at the Grube homo Sunday, Many of tho ranchers In this vicin ity aro sending cream to tho cooper ative creamery at Redmond. Mr. Audrus Is dlreotor from Clovordalo. Mr. Hooper of Walla Walla pnssed thiough hero Friday on his way to Sisters. Alva Temploton who liau been III nt Rodhioud U expected homo Tuos dny. Miss Mary Pryrcnr spent Thurs day evening with her grandparents. t4---fr-4 "---- . PRJNGLE flats -'--- y (Spoclnl to The Dond llullotln.) ' PRINGLE FLATS, Mny 10. Wo have been having somo flno rnlns of Into, which aro doing good to the train and gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Paugl)U and daugh ter Oraco visited Mr, aitd Mr.'a'ul Hold Sunday Miss Marolo White has gono . to Indiana to visit her friends. . Martin Halliheyor (ntends'tontaka We carry a complete stock of Farm Implements and Repairs oil kinds of Wire Fencing Tents, Camping Outfits Lawn Mowers Lawn Hose Base Ball Goods Garden Tools Pumps and Pipe for - deep wells. Lot us fijjuro your woll bill. Bend Hardware Co UNIVERSITY Summer School TWENTY-FIVE INSTKUCTOIIS-FIKTY C0UKSBS DISTIN GUISHED EASTERN EDUCATORS milled to rritulnr faculty. University Dormitories Open. ltonnl nml Room nt f 3.60 per week. Reduced Railroad Rntea. For complete Illustrated catalog-, nddrom THE REGISTRAR, University of a trip to Dond next week to bring out Dr. Rosin and family to tholr homestead. Mr. Lakins will brljig In a car- loud of cow to his homestead on yi.i...i.r,..i. , , ' , .. J , . . Charles (Icniing Is doing consider- niiin iiniiruvruicnis on nis ciaiui mis spring. He Is fencing 100 acres nud has seven acres In rye. --- - j POWELL BUTTE "- (Special to The Dond Diillotln.) POWELL DUTTE, May 28. W J. Galbralth nnd family are visiting in Walla Walla. Wash. If Mr. (Inl - brnlth finds something ilsflrablo .. . ... . .. .. inoy win stay, otuorw so tttey expect ",,."," ' . ., ' " "". w" to loo I,. nn,i. ' i..l'r ' IR of any rei. to loon to in Dend. A. D. Morrill proved up this week on his homestead near Dend. J. D. Davidson Is on his home stead this wook. The warm weather nftor tho rnlns of last weok Is showing Its effects on the crops. Alfalfa and clover aro doing rtuo nnd spring sown grain Is showing up greener orery dny. 'Potatoes aro coming up now nnd while some nro Just planting all ex pect a. good crop. Jean Dotlore enmo In last weok with his brld.o from North Dakota, nnd thoy have eottled on their home stead hero. Mrs. D. A. Pattorson Is undor tho wenthor with n light attack of grip, ffi1..?E2 fl,'h0,, ,,UnUng "" spuds last weok. Walter Foster's house Is resplen dent In. a new coat of paint, Ed Pers son doing tho work. P. II. Curtis, who bought tho For. rest Dunn relinquishment, Is busy clonrlng and proparlng land for crop, John Culver Is sewer In Dend. working on tho Mora rain, and tho farmors aro rejoicing, -------- PLAINVJEW --- - (Special to The Dend Dullntln.) PLAINVIEW, May 20. Edward Strnhm and sister, Mrs. toting, nnd MIhb Ellen Crawford nttendud tho ball gamo at Hlsteru, Mrs. McCaltlster has been on the sick list tho past .wnok. Mrs. Knickerbocker's sister from Portland Is huro visiting her. Everybody Is busy seodlng now. Ouy McCulllstnr hns put In ovor 200 ncros or grain; Purdo IqOulllstor Is seodlng n lnrgo acreage mid Sir. Pow olson Is planting about CO acres of alfalfa, The fruit trees aro all loaded and thoro aro prospects for a good crop. Mrs. Rubles or Bisters Is visiting at tho homo of her parouts, Mr. and Mrs. John Strahm. s Tho farmers', hired Mr. Yah'Tossol to make two trips a week to Red mond with cream, Rev. D, Loree wl;: preach .at the. OF OREGON JUNR 2.1 AUGUST I, IVIJ Oregon, Eugene. Plain Vlow school house Bunda, juiio 1. A gvor lwM conlesl will tk plnce nt the school house Haloid night. nuuco is ucroiir kiycii uiai inn nro- 'IwsimI aHs'ineift for Hpcolnl Htret tiupruvuiiioui .u. i liim .... ,..... iiouuii in urcoroaucu witn i no pro- visions of Section 2, Chapter 19, of tho Chut tor of Dend. Urugon, and now on file In the office of tho City Recorder In nud for said City mul State nud Is subject to examination by any who deslru to examine thn aamn. Any objection to said aptortlui. monl must bo mudo in writing to tho Common Council of tho City of Dend and fund with tho City Record 'er of said City within ten days from " publication or this notice, and , ", ?,"' objections bo so niod, tho sam Ih'lll !., Iliiur.l l.u lit.. fTitii.i.i.... S..n..- iiiiion, s Mosul ii g the cost of wild bpeclal Btroiit Improveiupnt No, 1. Dated at Dend, Oregon, this 2?th day of May. 1013, and published llllr.kl.lll ... ,l.n ..... .-...... . 11 .1.. ti'iiiaiiiiiiv iu imi iiuijiu.ia l niwiiun 11. Chaiilur lit. nf Ihn niinrlur i.t tno City of Dend. 12 II. C. EI.LI8, nccorder of the City of Dund.Oregou, (Ugal Advertisement! NOTICE. In tho County Court of tho Slate of Oregon In and for tho Couuty of Crook. In tho matter of tho cstato of John W. While, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by tho un dersigned, tho administrator of the cstato of John W. Whllo, docoasod. that In pursuance to an order of tho Oregol;, made onthoinlh riilnta ffrtital . !.. ..u. uay oi nay, mis, in tho mutter of tho citato of John W. While, do ceased, tho undersigned will sell nt public auction on Thursday, tho 12th dsy of June, 1013, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a, m., at Dond, Crook county, Oregon, all the right, title and Inter- C8t ' 8alrt J"" VV- Whlto, at tho uino ot ins Heath nnd nil thn right, i i.i . . . . . . . : uuu a mi interest tuo said estato hn acqulrod In addition to that of th(J said John W. Whllo nnd nt the tlmo or his death In and to tho following descrlbod ronl estato to wit: First. I.ot 7 of block 2 of Dond, Oregon. Second. M i In section 2 and lot 1 und tho south half or tho iiorthenut quarter of section 3, In township 21 H. f rungo 10 East of tho Wlllumutto Meridian mid th BWUHWVi, soctlon 35 In township 20, H. In ruugo 10 )iatt of tho Wlllnmotlo Merldlitn and tho WttHEVi mid the SESW',;, sec. 3, nnd thu NWUNEH. see. 10, town 21 south of range 10 E W. M., nnd, third, tho BWNWW.'Boc. D, In town ship 20 south of rango 12 oast, W. M. Fourth. Lot 12 In block 11 of Doud, Oregon. Fifth. Tho BE Vi NE V4 and tho NEV.SEH or section 33, township 17 8., R. 12 East or tho Willamette Meridian, nud sixth: Tho H14NWH mid N'.iSWVt. boo. 31, T. 17 B R. 12 K v, m.. all lu Crook county, slnto of Oregon. Terms nnd conditions or salo, cash. DMcd this 13th 'day or May, 1913. A , ,V A) - UOAH, Admlnslrato or tho .estato or John W. White, decoasod. Vernon A. Forbes, attorney ror Ad- mlqlstrator, iq-14