The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 28, 1913, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Do you know nbout
thorn? These lire the
remedies that are
justly famous on ac
count of their won
derful curative
Koxull KomcdloH are nimlo
, after tho in on I approved
formula from tho purest,
hlKliont ntronKtli lnm,
in onu of tho tlnoHt lnl
oratorios In tho world.
E"vory formula Ih tent
ed and tried. Uno
remedy for each ail
ment. Auk for
Patterson Drug Co.
The 3fe2SSS Store
W, A. Heeler of Knlamn, Wash,,
was In town last week.
Miss Hlna Hhultx linn boon on the
alok Hit tho past week.
W. T. Lealer ot Hurna wno In Head
for a faw daya laat wook.
Mr. ntnl Mm. Fred A. flhonqtieat
wero down from their ranch Mondny.
0. II. Allen waa In (own from lila
ranoh up rlvor tho first of tho week.
HSohnrd Itorold la m from Ida
homestead In Loko county for fow
Horn to Mr. and Mr. Sylvester L.
Stalls, tfila morning, a 7 (impound
W. I Win la working with tho
Deschutes river aurvoy orow at Hon
limn Falls.
Tho lloml Steam Laundry haa re
ceded Ita big manglo which waa or
derod aomu time no.
Thn nnw fishing and other lawa
passed Ity tho laat .U-glsInturo bo
voiim effective! Juno 4.
Mra. John II. Illttnor left Saturday
for Snlom, where aho will spend tho
ntimiuer with hor huahand.
John l.lnttcr succeeded In landlnK
n 30-lneh trout Sunday, tho record
wo far reported hy a Hand man.
Ilond waa vlalted hy a aevero than
tier atorm at 3 o'clock Tucaday morn
Ing and there waa n fall of ,60 Inchea
of rain.
Wlllard Hnuaton la hore on a vlalt
with rolatlvea. Ho la now located at
Willow itanch. Cal., In tho sawmill
l FCHKhr jja m sS Af jjJr
jDcaA flmyi-
jOon'i yov know ideAc oAc lot oj! feofiic
who vouJtd not iikc thtlr AouJcJ o ie iLfted
u io cveAuLodif could 4ec the kind of fuAnL
ixxAe and Auja they havt.
2ou and df wouldn't mind, would we?
QAcn't ouA hxtAlandi pood to u to five tA
Just whatever we want to Leauiufy ouA hoinei
with"? 7lo wonder -we aAe haftfty!
' Hut aS've alwayA ftAacticed economy In
Luulna thinaJi foA the home, cf've louaht the
Lct, it 44 tAue, Lut that i the e he a ft est,
So iony,
(P,S,-ppu pet the leat fuAniture, and a,Aea
sonallc frLc$s, from
S. sdfl. jAt
Whero Your Dollar
Sheldon A, Volkmnn, traveling
freight nnd pnssongor ngont of thn
Oront Northora Hallway, wan lioro
lant Tliuraday.
W. II. II. Williams, wlfo mid won
hnvo iitttirnnd from Stiattlo whoro
Ihoy woi'o cal i.mI hy tho donth of tliolr
ilniutuior nail sister.
Ilurvny II. DuArmund niul wlfo of
Modfonl havo coinu to Head to ro
aldo. Mr. DoArtuniid la n lawyer (tail
nan npuiuxl an ollloo In tho HHthor
Mra. A. C. Lucas Hiinrit Hnulrdny
and Hiiudny In Itcdmond whom Mr.
.liens In now riitinltiK tho Hotel He'd
uiond. Hint will i(o down next wook
lo spond tho aiiiumur.
Tim O'Mitlley and T. J, Casey onrao
In Inat wank from Hpotcano to tnlfo
ohnrKO of tho llotol Ilond liar which
ta expected to ho reopened about thii
first of Jtinu.
J. Ilnkur cmao In from I'ortlnnd
laat wouk to iiinkn preparations for
bringing In IiIh family mid oslnbllsh
lug them on hla liotncattiail In tho
Homo Illdgu dlatrlot.
Tho inomliora of fho I'rlscllln Club
wero tuitot tallied nt tho home of Mr.
and Mra. M. 0. Coo Monday evening.
Thoy walked nut to tho ranch whoro
thoy enjoyed n ploulc suppor and ro
turned Into In tho evening by convoy
Tho romnlna of Mlrlmel Coffey,
aged 88 yonr. who died nt tho homo
of hla aon nitar Iho 47 mlliiioHt on thn
rond lo Hums, wont nhlppod from
flood laat weok to Minnesota. Ho dlud
of old ago. Tho body wa accom
panied by hla sou's wlfo.
Tho University of Oregon nn
noiiiicmi olsowhoro In thla Issue Ita
auiiimor school from Juno 23 to Aug
ust 1. Thnro will bo 25 Instructors,
with distinguished educators from
tho East added to tho faculty. Fifty will bo Klvcu.
A surprise party waa Riven Arthur
Jones nt hla homo last Wednesday
evening, tho occasion bolng his birth
day. Those present wero Mr. and
Mrs. !. W. llrown. Mrs. V. A. Iloa
vor, Hay llcnver, Harry Wyso and
Mr. and Mra. Anderson nnd son.
E. J. Wilson has resigned ns trav
eling freight nad passenger agent of
the 0.W. II. ft N. Co., with hoad
quarter at Ilond, nnd will aticcecd
to tho position In thn Crook County
Hank at I'rlnovlllo vacated by L, A.
Ilooth, whn Rea to Tho Dulles aa re
ceiver of the land office. Mr. Wilson
enters tiHin hla new duties Juno 1.
Six rim guards have been appointed
bv Supervisor Merrltt of tho Des
chutes national forest for tho aunt
rner aeaaon. They are William Ush
or, Frank II. Davton. C. A. Smith. J.
i:. Mills, Harry Shlldera nnd (loorRo
Onnny. I'erry South and Ilurton
Oney havn also been put on ns tarn
lornry rangers.
iiirrrrit.HAiiv cowtiwt.
Tho secretary of tho Kastorn Star
Orange cast of town haa recolvod
n letter from tho auporlntendent of
Kxposltlon of Kugenlcs, North Port
land, asking that a bettor baby con
test bo held hero and tho prUo win
ners aont to tho fair at Salem thla
fall. The content la not for beauty
alone, but for physical fitness. City
babies aa woll aa country babies are
wanted In the contest. The prizes
are worth the trial, tho first IioIhr
$100 and the second $60. All chil
dren from alx months lo five yesra
old may bo ontorod. Fuller announce
ment will bo niadu lator.
Doea Its Duty.
Ilond Man Una Hern MImsIiik Since
Marrli 112 and HnKbcr la AiixIoiin.
What may bo a chho of foul play
Is tho hnsla of n unlet Investigation
now boltiK mndo to ascertain tho
whereabouts of Kd Krltsch, who hna
been iiiIrhIiik aluco March 12. Frltach
Mpotit tho ovonltix of Hint day cAll
liilf on a friend and nbout Ki.10 loft
apparently to return to hla bonrdliiR
placo. Ho did not arrive thero and
lina not boon neon alnco.
irltach waa employed on tho newer
nnd It nppoars that hla pay for work
up lo tho dat of his dlsapiienrnuce
haa never been called for, which la
tnkon an evidence that ho did not
lanvo voluntarily. Ho hna a brother
In Clallam county, Washington, who
Is very anxious to cot nowa of him.
Supreme Court llcrldea Aunliml Hie
Dembnte llydnICIertrlr Conipnny,
The atnto Supremo. Court ItnB ren
dorod n decision of Interest In tlil.i
jectlon, rolntliiK to claim for water
rlRhta, Tho oaao wau that of the
I'rlnglo Fnlla Klectrlc & Power Co.
ngnlnat Charlea A. Patterson, Hos
chutes Hydro-Klectrlc Company ot
al, uppellanta, nnd tho Circuit Court
of Crook county la alllrmod In a de
cision holding that tho defendant's
claim to title to tho watora of the
west fork of tho Deschutes rlvor noar
cringle I'alla waa fraudulent. The
court enjoins tho defendants from
Intnrforlng with tho plaintiff nnd
cancels the defendant's permit.
V. ('. MtCulMon (ItnnKlnR Ills (Iro
rrry to tho Iarn HuIIiIIiik.
W. C. McCulston la moving hit
grocery atoro thla woek from tho lo
cation which ho haa been occupying
on Wall atreet to tho atoro on Oregou
itrcot formerly devoted to th euro
eery department of A. M. I.ara & Co.
for several weeks carpenters hnvi
noen nt work making changes In tho
now atoro. enlarging tho apaco avall
ablo for slielvlng nnd display coun
ters and putting fixtures In place.
In tho meantime Mr. McCulston haa
. eon ordering n new atock of goods
which has been Installed as fast as
space haa been nvallable. The new
jtoio will havo Us opening on Mon
ua, Juno 5.
Mr. McCulston camo to Uond about
two nnd n half years ago and has
conducted hla grocery business since
Uia. time In the building from which
to now moves In order to care for hla
growing trade.
Notlco la horoby given that, pur
auant to rcsolutlona heretofore
adopted by tho Common Council In
tho matter of tho extension of Wall
Street designated as establishment
.No. 1 under Chapter 20 of tho Char
ter of tho City ot Uond, tho Common
Council haa appointed II. D. llrown,
J. N. hunter and .V. P. Smith aa
vlowora to view aald extcnalon of
Wall Street In accordance with the
method prescribed by the Charter of
tho City of Head, and aald Common
council haa act Tuesday, the 12th
day of June, 1913, at 10 o'clock a.
in. In the Council Itooma in the John
son Uulldlng In tho City of Uend, aa
the time mid place for aald view era
to meet and make tho assessment ot
damages and benefits aa provided by
that tho boundaries nnd termini
of ruid proponed extension of Wall
..troet known aa Kstaulishmunt No.
I under Chapter 20 of tho Chartei
r the City of Uend, am aa follows.
HcKinnliiR nt a point on tho south
line of the northweat quarter of the
northeast quarter of section 32,
township 17 south, range 12 enst,
W. M., which point bcata S. 89 de
trees t7 minutes 41 seconds W.
i58.9S feet from tho atono monu
ment marking tho southeast corner
of tho nad northwest quarter ot the
northeast quarter ot said section 32,
being a point on the westerly lino of
Wall Street and Idontlcal with tho
uorthoaat cornor of Lot (1) One,
Stock tl) One or North Addition to
tho City of Ilond, theuco N. 38 de
grees 33 mluutca 30 seconds to,
ii8i.71 feet, on tho west lino of Wall
Stteel extended, thence N. 0 degrees
14 in I nu tea 22 seconds W. 99.8G foot,
to the aruth Uno of Hilts Avenue,
thencu Weat 201.38 feet, thence
South 10.00 feet, thence West
."80.00 feet, theuco North 100.00
foot, thonco Host 280.00 feet, thence
South 10.00 feet, thence Uaat 201.04
toot to n point on the weat Uno of
Wall Street Kxtonslon. being N. 0
degrees 14 mlnutea 22 aoconda W.
80 foet from the south line ot GUIs
Avenuo and 30.00 foet west of tho
eaat line of tho aald northweat quar
ter of tho uorthoaat quarter ot aald
section 32, thonco N. 0 degrees 14
mlnutea 22 seconds W. 434.29 foot,
thonco on a curve to tho loft of rad
ius of 70 feet, central nnglo 44 de
jreea 45 mlnutea 38 aecouds, a dis
tance of 54.00 feet, thonco N. 4G do
jrecs 00 mlnutea W. 107.39 feet,
more or less to tho lntorsoctlon with
the section Uno between sections 20
nnd 32, being N. 89 degrees 5G mitt
utoa 14 seconds 108. 1C feet from
the northeast corner of tho aald
northwest quarter of tho northeast
quarter of aald Boctlon 32, thonco In
section 39. of satno township and
rango, aa follows, N, 15 degrees 00
mlnutea W. 30 feet ntoro or less to
tho east lino or the O. W. H. ltlley
road, thonco N. G doBreea 54 minutes
W. 95.14 feet, along the eaat lino ot
said road, thonce 8. 45 degrees 00
mlnutea K. 175 foet more or less to
tho lntorsoctlon wlto tho section Uno
botwoon auld aoctlona 29 and 32, be
ing 83,18 feat west of the northeast
corner of tho aald northwest quar
ter ot tho northeast quarter ot aald
section 32, thence In aectlon 33, aa
follows. S. 45 dogreoa 00 mlnutea E3.
64.76 feet, thence &aat 37.t8 foot
to tho oast line of the said northwest
quarter of ths northeast quarter of
aald section, thenco Knot, 18.72 foot,,
thonco on a curvo to tho right, tan
gent to n Uno bearing N. CI degrees
3 mlnutea 30 seconds 15., radius of
curvo 1.10 feet, central nttglo 38 de
grees CO minutes 30 seconds n dis
tance of 88.30 foet, thonco on a
curve to the left, of radius or 220
feet, central nnglo 20 dugrocs 41
minutes 30 seconds n dlstanco of
102.49 foet, Intersecting the section
lino between sections 29 and 32 nt a
dlstanco of 85. SO feet from tho be
ginning cf said curve, thence from
said point X. 03 degrees 18 minutes
30 secouilH I'. 223.16 leot inoru or
less, to the west lino of Fifth Street
In I.ylto, theuco S. 0 dngreos 35 min
utes 45 seconds W. G7.5I feet, along
the said west lino of Fifth Street,
thnnco S, 0.1 dngreos 18 minutes 30
seconds W 192.19 ft., Intersecting the
suction line 88.70 feet from tho west
ilitu of Fifth Street, thonco on a
curve to tho right of radius of 280
feet, central angle 20 degrees 41
minutes 30 seconds n dlstnnco of
130.43 feot, thonco on n curvo to
tho left of radius of 70 feot, central
angle 90 degrees 14 minutes 22 sec
jnds a dlstanco of 110.26 feet, thence
H. 0 degrees 14 minutes 22 seconds
.v. 731.91 feet, thonco West 30 feet,
to tho oast Uno of tho northweat
quarter of tho northoast quarter, of
mid section .12, thenco West S.7C
feot, thenco S. 38 degrees 33 min
utes 30 seconds W 559 08 feet to
ho northerly lino of North Addition,
being Idontlcal with tho northwest
Cornor of lxt One (1) of Hlock Two
(2) of said North Addition to Head,
thence S. 89 degreea C7 minutes 41
.ccoiida W. 102.36 feet to tho point
cf beginning, adjoining nnd being
Jit extension of Wall Street as plat
ted In Hettd and North Addition to
And tho following nro tho bound
aries and descriptions of the private
uroperty ta bo appropriated for such
Description Through Hlock 10, I,ytle,
Wnll Street Extension.
Heglnnlng at the southwest cor
ner of I4 1, Hlock 16, Lytic, accord
ing to the plat thereof on filo in tho
trflce of tho county clerk of Crook
county, thenco northerly t.51 let
thenco N. 63 degrees 18 minutes 30
icconds B. 157.S2 feet to tho east
line of lot 2 and tho west lino of
Fifth Street, thenco south along the
laid eaat line of lot 2, S. 0 degrees
35 mlnutea 43 acconda E. 77.40 feet,
thence west 140 feet to tho point of
Description Through Tract .1, Un
known Owner, Lytic Acre.
Ueglnnlng at a point on tho sec
tion line, on tho north Uno of tho
northeast quarter or th no-heP'-qunrter
of aectlon 32, township 17
south, range is eut. ,-ot...
'tears S. "9 deereea 55 mlnutea 14
leconda K. 225.14 feet, from tho
northweat corner of aald uurtheuai
quarter of the northeast quarter,
t.ience south 46.62 feet, thonce N.
63 degrees 18 minute. 30 seconds
I'. 103.49 feet, thenco N. 89 degrees
55 minutes 14 seconds W. 93.21 feet
o the point of beginning.
Fractional Tract He turrit Tracts 5
mill (I, Ljtlo Acres, Owner Un
known. Hcglnnlng nt a point on the sec
tion line, the north line of the north
east quarter of the northeaat quarter
of aectlon 32, township 17 aoutb,
rango 12 east. W. M.. which point
beara S. 89 degree 55 mlnutea 14
seconds E. 225.14 feet from tho
northwest corner of tho said north
eaat quarter ot the northeaat quar
ter ot aectlon 32. townahlp 17 south,
rango 12 east, W. M., thonce south
16.62 feet, thonce S. 63 degrees 18
mlnutea 30 seconds K. and on a curve
of radlua of 280 feet to the left, a
distance of 19.98 feet, thenco north
erly 54.99 feet, theuco S. 89 de
crees 55 mlnutea 14 seconds E.
17.14 feet to the point of beginning.
Ibiln Tract.
Ileglnnlng at a point on tho south
Ine 't the southwest quarter ot the
southeast quarter of section 29.
'ownshlp 17 south, range 12 oast;
W. M.. which point beara X. S9 do
trees 55 mlnutea 14 seconds W. S3.
18 feet from the Bontneast corner of
ald tract, thence N. 89 degrees 55
mlnutea 14 secends W. 64.98 feet,
thonco N. 46 degrcea W. 39 feet
more or leaa to the Intersection with
tho eaat line of the O. W. II. ltlley
road, thence N. 5 degrcea 54 mln
utea W. 95.14 feet, along tho said
east line of the said road, thence
S. 45 degrees to. 175 foet, mora or
less to tho point of beginning.
Ktlclo-on Tract.
Iloglnnlng nt n point 1272 feet
west of nnd 208 feet south of the
northeast corner of the northeast
quarter of the northeaat quarter of
lection 32. township 17 south, range
12 cast. W. M., being the northweat
corner ot what la known na Tract 7
of Lytlo Acrea owned hy Erlck-
srn. thenco south 0 dgreea 14 mln
utea 22 aoconda K. 200 feet, thenco
eaat 4.31 feet, to the eaat Uno ot
Wall Street Extension, thenco N. 0
decrees 14 mln'Mes 22 seconds W.
200 feot along tho aald cast line of
Wall Street Extension, thonco west
4.31 feot to the point of beginning.
Tlllle Hatea Tract.
Beginning at a point 1272 feet
weat of and 436 feet south of th
northenst corner of tho northoast
quarter of tho northenst quarter of
ectlrn 32. townshin 17 south, range
12 cost. W. M., being tho northwest
comer of tbo THII Hates tract known
ns Tract 18, Lytle Acreage, thonce
south 200 feet, thence onst 431 feet,
to tho oast lino of Wnll Street exten
sion, thonco N. 0 degrees 14 minutes
22 seconds V. along aald east line
-f Wall 8treet Extension 200.00 feet.
tnnro west 4.31 feot to the point of
Luthle nntl Etlcknoii Trt'ct.
P-eglnnlnc nt n' point 1272 feet
west of nnd 636 feet south of the
nnrfhen8t corner of tho northeast
qunrter of the northeast quarter of
section 32. townshin 17 south, range
13 enst, W. M., being the northwest
corner of tho Luthlo and Erlckaon
tract, known aa Tract 19, Lytlo Acro
nge, thenco south 200.00 feet, thonco
eaat 4 31 foet to tho oast line of
Wnll Street Extension thence N. 0
detrreea 14 minutes 22 seconds W.
200.00 feet along tho eaat Uno ot
aald Wall Street Extension, thonce
west 4.31 foet to the point of begin
ning. The Bend Company, Wall Street Kx
Roglnnlng at a point on the aah
Una of the northwest quarter of the
anrUist "uartar of section 33,
townahlp 17 aoutb, range 13 out. W.
IBvxa too sf
2W off
on the remainder of our LADIES SUITS.
New White Lawn and Voile x CO AA
Dresses, from 'P- IO q7.UJ
Another lot of Attractive Waists, priced C 1 Cfjj
Warners "AvJa," the hot weather corset, tf f(
cool and comfortable, priced at W
M., which point beara S. 89 degrees
ol minutes 41 teconda W. 458.98
feet from tho atone monument mark
ing tho southeast corner ot the said
tract, thenco N. 38 degrcea 33 nun
utea 30 aoconda E 684.71 feet, thence
X. 0 degrees 14 mlnutea 22 seconds
tV. 99.86 feet, thenco west 201.38
feet, thence south 10.00 feet, thenco
west 280.00 feet, thence north 100.00
.eet. thence east 280.00 feet, thenco
iouth 10.00 feet, thence east 201.
H feet, thence N. 0 degrees 14 min
utes 22 seconds W. 434.29 feet,
.henco on a curve of radius of 70
feet, to tho left, central angle 44 de
jreea 45 mlnutea 38 seconds, a dis
;ance of 54.69 feet, thence N. 45 de
trees W. 167,39 feet to the north
. no of tho aald northweat quarter ot
the northeast quarter of aectlon 32,
thence S. 8S degrcea t5 minutes 14
seconda E. 84.98 feet (whence the
northeaat corner of aald northweat
quarter ot aald northeast quarter,
section 32. beara S. 89 degrees 55
mlnutea 14 seconds E. 83.14 feet),
iheuce S. 45 degreea E. 64.7G feet,
thence eaat 37.58 feet, to the eaat
.Ine of aald tract above named, thenco
iouth along said eaat line as follows,
3. 0 degrcea 14 mlnutea 22 aeconda
E. 833.32 feet, thenco west 5.76 feet, j
thence S. 38 degreea 33 mlnutea 30
teconda W. 669.98 feet, to the south1
line of tho said northwest quarter ot 1
the northeast quarter of section 32,1
.ownshlp 17 south, rango 12 east. w.
M., thence S. 89 degreea 6, mlnutea
11 aeconda W, 102.36 feet to the
point of beginning.
.iuuiimiii Truct, Wall Street Extcn
alon. neginnlng at a point In the north
east quarter of tho northeast quar
ter of section 32, township 17 south,
range 12 cast, W. M-. which point
bears S, 0 degreea 14 mlnutea 22 acc
IffS 4t
IRr'flHt'V I' ihji
1 .1 T "tt ' If 111 1 I 11 1
U 'lFiES. 'P
Kf ,bSSFVV-jx35
Masj-; - ii-
iln i
U1d, I
VJflk J
Skuse Hardware Company.
W Repr Uubs of AU Kin.
onda E. 45.61 feet from the north
west corner of said northeaat quar
ter of the northeaat quarter ot aald
aectlon, thence eaat 18.72 feet, thenco
on a curve to the right on a radius
of 130 feet, central angle 38 degrcea
66 mlnutea 30 aeconda. a dlatanco
or 88.36 feet, whose tangent at the
point of curve (tears N. 51 degrees
3 mlnutea 30 aeconda to.; thence on
a curve or radlua of 220 feet, central
angle 26 degreea 41 minutes 30 aec
onda, a distance of 85.80 feet, to the
Intersection with tho north line of
the aald northeast quarter or tho
northeast quarter or aectlon 32,
thence S. 89 degrees 55 minutes 14
seconds E. 23.74 feet, thenco south
erly 54.99 feet, thence on a curve ot
280 feet radius, parallel to a line 60
feet dlatant from the north aldo
ot said tract, a dlstanco along said
curve or 110.45 feet, thence on a
curve or 70 feet radlua, central an
gle 90 degreea 14 minutes 22 aec
onda, to the left, a distance of 110.25
feet, thence S. 0 degrees 14 mlnutea
22 aeconda E. 60.96 feet, thence N.
89 degrees 55 mlnutea 14 aeconda W.
30 feet, to the weat line of aald north
eaat quarter ot the northeaat quar
ter section 32. thence N. 0 degrees
14 mlnutea 22 aeconda W. 162 33
feet to the point of beginning, being
that portion or tho Swnnson Tract,
commonly known aa Lytlo acre No.
6 which will be used by the Wall
Street Extension.
Dated at Uend, Oregon, May 27,
Thla notice (s published pursuant
to order or the Common Council or
the City of Uend heretofore mado
under the provisions of Chapter 20
of the Charter of tho City or Uend.
Recorder or the City or nend.
12-14 (Legal Advertisement)