The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 28, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Mr, and Mrs. Fred A. Ilunnoll
Bpont 8unday at Deschutes.
Thoro will bo no services at tha
Catholic church next Sunday.
'Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Over
turf, a Krt baby. Into Saturday night.
vd K. Kvorott returned Saturday
from a business and ploasuro trip
to Seattle.
i A. I). Norton "was In town tha first
ot the week from his Mtlllonu valley
rhn Knlmrrliitlnn Tlsnrllitr Gluli will
hno a daneo In SnthorV hall Katur-
tioy evening.
Misses Hvn and-Trcsalo Uuntlng
tqullatt yosturday for their homo nt
Kfefco, Wash.
'Walter Harrison and non oftino In
Baturday from their homestead In
Hampton valley.
J Mrs. J. I. Kuyea and children have
gone to Puget Sound to spend two
or three months.
j, D. C. Petorson of La Pino Is re
turning with his family to Doaoh, X.
D,,!to spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. DanUscher loft
Sunday for Portland, having sold out
their grocery store here.
W. P. Golden ban finished his work
on .the now French homo and It lsJconccrnnK j,ulldliK construction to
The regular buBtnosa mooting ot
tho Ladles' Aid Society of tho Metho
dist church will ho held al tho homo
of Mrs. 8. C. Caldwell next Wodnea
day afternoon at 3:30.
Sam Ulakesly has taken charge ot
Tho Bond Company s camp on tho
west sldo of tho river. C. A. Holmes,
who hns hold thlB position, has ro
turncd to his homo In Michigan.
At tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. II. 1).
Ford Saturday evening. Miss Qladyii
Smith and Lloyd Klllott ot Ln Pino
wore married by Dr. Oorby. They
tett for La Pino In tho Poterson car.
A number of tho frlonds ot Mr. and
Mrs. A. II. Horn gavo them n surprise
party last ovonlng at their homo nt
tho brick yard. The occasion was tho
19th anniversary ot tholr wedding
Mr. and Mrs. It. It. Deyarmond and
daus htor Fay. Mr. and Mrs. II. C.
Kills and Miss Mary K. Coleman went
ddwn to tho opal spring In Crooked
river cunon Sunday nnd spout tho
Tho New rtond Thcntre. formerly
the Star, will open Saturday night
probably, depending on tho arrival
of flxtuioa ordered. A number of
Improvements havo beon made In tho
R. H. MutxlR arrived last week
from Pennsylvania and will bo hero
most of tho summer. It Is probable
that ho will havo some announcement
now ready for occupancy,
Tom Murphy loft Sunday on a trip
cast, and It la reported that he will
not be alone when he returns.
v Miss Florence Young Is nt homo
from Hums whore she taught the
past winter In tho city schools.
( Forrest W. Neeld cam In Satur
aay from Hampton valley on his way
to Dawson, Neb., his old home.
. Mrs. Frank Pcrclvall, whose hus
band has a homestead southeast of
Uond, Is visiting Mrs. F. O. Minor.
Mrs. L. C. Rudow entertained tho
IJrlscIllas at tho Dream last night,
with ice cream at Corkett's after tho
, O. M. Patterson and N. P. Welder
returned Saturday night from Med
ford where they attended the sessions
of tho Odd Fellows.
f Mrs. Itulcn Stahl of Vancouver.
Wash., arrived Saturday night for a
Visit of three weeks with her daugh
ter, Mrs. C. I. Uoxell.
Misses Ora and Nollle Collins left
yesterday for Portland to spend the
summer. Miss Nellie taught In tho
Durns schools the P8t term.
mnko perhaps next week.
Cards arc out announcing the wed
ding of F. M. Uoxell, son ot Mr. and.
Mrs. C. I. Uoxell ot Ucnu, ami Miss
Allco S. rtordman at Chinook. Wash.,
on Juno 22. Tho couplo will resldo
at Redmond, whero Mr. Uoxell Is In
Dr. U. Fcrrell will lecture nt tho
Ford homo this evening at 7:15 un
der tho auspices of the Proshytcrlnn
church on "Tho Physiology of tho
Hraln nnd Its Relation to Mental De
velopment." All teachers and moth
ers are Invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Dallcy ot Isl
ington. Ky.. arrived In Ilend last
evening. Mr. llalley Is connected
with tho Adams Express Company In
Lexington and Is now taking his va
cation and looking over this country
with tho possible view ot locating.
Tho Oregon Land & Immigration
Co. has gotten out soma very attrac
tive calendars which are ontlrely a
local product. They contnln largo
photographs depleting homestead
country and Uend vIowb. and the ad
vertising printing was dono by Tho
Offer to travellers the most comfortable
and modern rooms in Bend.
Steam heat, baths, hot. and" "cold Jwater,
new furniture.
Beautiful location on the banks ot the
Deschutes River. .
Free bus to and from depot.
Special Sunday Dinner served from 5:80
to 7: 80 P. M. Plates 50 cents.
Spend Sunday afternoon on our green
lawns and ccol verandah watching the clouds,
the rivr and the mountains. Then step in to
' I - r. II IIIH.IM Mil,!,, ! Ill' " .
AdvertioeuuMitN hiM'ttotl under this
lifMittltifi nt the ico of ho cent a
word for wicli Insertion, llcount on
extended Insertions. Clinritca are
imynble In ndvauro except for mlvcr
tNcw having n regular ticcount"'Mllli
Tho Ilulletlii. All paid adei'tlsi
incuts will bo ported In The Ilulletlii
illice nt the time of receipt.
For Rent.
FOR RENT Two modern live
room bungalows on Sth street, I.
D. Wlost. Htf
FOR RENT Furnished room In
modern house, prlvato family. Mrs.
A. M. Urn. 10tr
FOR RENT Furnished cabin IB
a month. W. U. Lesh, lot It. blk IS.
Center Addition. 12tf
FOR RUNT Part or nil of tho
Central building. Otllccs or living
rooms. 11. J. Ovorturf. 12tf
FOR RENT G-room bungalow. In
Detchutca Addition. Water and elec
tricity. 91-1. Inquire ot S. K, Rob
erts. 10tf
FOR RENT Small houso, partly
furnished, near depot; light house
keeping or sleeping room for two;
$G a month. Inquire nt Uullelln. lltf
FOR RENT 120 aero Irrigated
ranch In Powell Uuttcs, all tillable.
Plowing all dono ready for seed I tin.
E. U. Williams. Redmond, Ore. 12p
FOR RENT Throo comfortablo
rooms centrally located. Suitable for
family. Running water and electric
lights. Very moderate Inquire at
Bulletin oRlco. 8tf
WANTED Olrl for house work.
Phono Stanley ranch. 8tf
WANTED Position as cook In
hotel or rcstnurnat. experienced, in
quire nt Bulletin otltce. 12-13p
WANTED Iidy wants work In
houso 10 to 4 dally. Miss K. Slat-
ford, now shack back of Presbyterian
church. HP
To Exchnngc.
FOR TRADE 4 passenger auto
mobile for good team and harness.
Wrlto or tolcphone 1. E. Wlmcr, at
Laldlaw. ll-13p
WE HAVE Portland property to
exchange for Rend real estate. Uend
Realty & investment Co., 622 Cham
ber ot Commerce, Portland, Ore. 4tf
W. D. CURSEY, Prop:
I :
Hotel Oregon
Newly Furnished
Clean Beds 50cts
Meals - - - 25cts
Home Cooking
' . f Manager
Iit and Found.
LOST A desk chair seat In or
near Uend. Finder please return to
Bulletin office. 0-Hp
LOST Elgin watch, 1G lowols.
silver ease. Reward for return to the
Bulletin office. 12-lSp
LOST Two rings tied in hand-
kerohlof. Reward for return to of
fice Dream Thoatre. 12
LOST Suit ease on Uend-Uurns
road, between Uend and Brooking'.
Reward for return to Bulletin., ll'p
FOUND Oil cup from automobile
Owner can have same by calling nt
Bulletin office and paying for this ad
vortlsement. 10U
LOST Three horses from 23 mllo
post Burns road. Ono light bay with
cloverlear brand on right shoulder;
one Iron gray, both shoulders sore;
one sorrel maro with V on ahouldor,
Wt about 1000 each. Notify F. Hur
wltt. Bend, Ore. Reward of 20. Tho
hones were raised at Lone Pino
ranch by Mr. Haokett. 12p
Hlx loaves of frrIi bread for i!3c,
I(i;ivh of Mule bread for lUc, chick
en lirrail ."JOe iuck, .American Ilak
ery. Wall Hlrcet. New atore. A Htf
For Hale.
FOR RENT Offlco rooms In tho
Bather building. E. A. Bather, lltf
FOR BALE Second hand hack,
chea. Call at Forestry Offlco. 7tf
FOR BALE Promo camorn, 2A
by bi, complete. Call at ISlito Stu
dio. lOtf
FOR BALE -Jersey bull, good
wide. 23 mouths old, 935. John Swl
gor, Bond. ll-12p
FOR SALE -Biunll slxo Westing,
houso electrlo fan, $S. Toluphono K.
A. Cast. DoAchutos. 12-H.
FOR BALK Tho Altnmout Hotel
building and furniture, nil now uml
ilrst elnss. J. A. Hastes. -Itf
FOR 8ALU IxR high grado plate
camorn, with extension bellows. In
qulro nt Forestry Office. 7tf
FOR HALEFlvo dozen folding
camp chairs, 50c oaoh, less than halt
price. Apply at fltar Thoatre. 1 Ip
FOR SALE Baled clover hay at
Anderson brothers" much three miles
from laldlaw on Tumalo road. Tele
phone. lOtt
FOR BALE Cook Rtoven, dresser,
one mattress nnd springs. Inqulro nt
old lrlgatlon building opposite Bui
lutln office. 12p
FOR BALE flood team, weight
1200 each, ? nnd 0 years old. Also
wagon and hnrncss. Bco T. Elicit, at
Bend Co. Mill. 12-lSp
FOR BALE Thrco cholco relln
qutshments, somo Improvement nnd
plouty ot water. Address Bullett not
Itco or Box 247, Bond. ll-12p
FOR SALE Two room house In
Centor addition In good order Inside,
or will trade for a team o fhnrscs or
a cow. 8. Chrlstopherson, Bend. 2p
FOR BALE Rough lumber, nt
Andorson brothers' sawmill halt way
between Bend and laldlnw, on old
Tumalo road. Reasonable prices. lOtf
FOR BALE Ono aero, 2 two-room
houses, barn, woodshed, water. Closo
In on 7th street. 91000, 9200 down,
bal. monthly. Jones & Renshaw, 7tf
boar, one year old, weight about 330
pounds. Ed llalvorson, Bond. ftf
FOR BALE Wo dollvcr to nny
part of tho city. Bond Grocery,
where tho sun rises. 1 blk oast ot de
pot. 9tf
ALFALFA and clover and timo
thy hay mixed, at Powell Butte. Ad
dress O. L. Brazeo, Redmond, Ore
gon. 4-13p
FOR 8ALE Furnlturo nnd under
taking business In Madras, Ore. Will
sell or rent building. W. O. Loucks,
Madras. 0-1 2p
FOR 8 ALB 80 acres Irrigated
land In Laldlaw district, partly Im
proved, 92100. Address A-04, caro
Bulletin. Ctfbcp
WE 8TILL have a largo quantltr
of clover nnd timothy hay on handat
911 per ton at tho ranch. Baled In
flno shape. Star Ranch Co., Tumalo,
Oregon. lOtf
80 ACRES Irrigated Central Ore
gon ditch land, deeded, Improved, 3
miles from railroad. Less than cost,
torms. Ed Markham. 028 Chamber of
Commerce, Poitlasd, Oro. Up
SEVENTY dollar kltehon ran no for
salo for 940. Is a six holo malleable
steel range, used only nbout six
weeks and Is absolutely as good as
now. Bee Robert B. (lould. 12tf
FOR BALE-rMare wt alwut 1100
horse wt about 1200, both about 0
years old. Doublo harness with team
If wanted. Will trado for heavier
tenm. Tltno on good security. Call
at Evergreen Rooming Houso. i:-13p
FOR SALE First patent flour nt
Jl.-fi sack, tomatoes 10 cts oan,
homemado catsup 20 cts bottle, gran
ulated whlto sugar 9M0 per 100 lbs.
Wo want your business. Bend Oro
cory, 7th and Fir, east of depot. 12tf
FOR BALE 160 aero relinquish
ment, water right worth 930 por aero.
all fenced, nearly all plowed, some
crop, Flno location lVi milos from
town. 91000 below value for this.
Need money. Address Owner, Bo
302, Bend, Oregon. 10-13
FOR BALE Four flno lota In
Park Addition In block 13. Water,
light and sldowalks; attractive
houses occupy adjoining property.
Same prices you pay for unimproved
lota far out. "Inqulro "Bargain", at
Bulletin olnce, 2tl
FOR BALE ISO acres under
ditch 8 miles east of Bend. School
on placo adjoining. Good huoso nnd
barn. Eighty acres, foncod, several
acres cleared and about 15- acrcf
partly cleared. Over 91100 of Im
provements, If sold noon will take
0. O. I. prices. Uend Brick & Lumboi
Co. 3tf
Deportment of tho Interior, U, B.
'Lad Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
May Sth, 1913.
Notlco is hereby given that Nina
L, Elliott, nsslgneo of Dona Mc
Naught, nsslgneo of Cora A. Swlger,
of Palsloy, Oregon, who, on Juno 1st,
1909, mado desort land entry No.
010312 for EWNW'i. section 13,
townshlpo 18 south, range 12 east,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notico
of Intention to make final proof, to
establish claim to tho land above des
cribed, before II. C, Ellis, U. 8", Com
missioner, nt his office at Uend, Ore
gon, on tho 14th day ot June, 1913,
Claimant names as witnesses:
J. A. Eastes, George 8. Young and
John Swlger, of Uend, Oregon, and
R. N. Elliott, of Paisley, Oregon.
9-13 O. W MOOUB. KUUr.
IAN. p
,n tho County Court of tho Btato of
Oregon for tho County of Crook.
In tho matter of tho Estate nnd
Ouardlanshlp of Mm. Mary L. Page
Upon reading and filing tho peti
tion of Mrs. Mary L. Pago, praying
tho appointment of J. M. Lawrence
as the guardian of her estate, with
in tho Btato of Orogon, It Is ordored
(hat said petition bo hoard At the
county court room In tho city of
Prineville, said county, on Buturday.
the 7th day of Juno, 1913, at 10
o'clock a. m. on said day, and that
notlco of said hearing to all pprsons
Interested be given by the publica
tion of this order In The Bond Bul
letin or one week prior to said date
of bearing.
Dated at Prineville, Oregon, this
26th day ot May, 1913.
U ' ' County Jddge,
The New Grocery
Buy Where
Your $ Goes
the I'nrthost
2 1-pound tins Salmon -'flu
U pounds Raisins. u
Jl-pound can Toiimtdcs - 10a
1 .suck good Flour for 61.13
10c sucks Stilt for -3u
Rrintf your Jluitcr nnd Ejs to us.
Pilot Butte Cash Grocery
Coi Mh nnd FirSts., Center Addition, Hum), Oregon
Services Sunday nt 11 a. m. and
8 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Epworth Luaguo at 7 p. m. Prayer
mooting Thursday at 8 p. m. Ohulr
practlco Woducsday at 8 p. m.
Sunday school at 9:4S, preaching
ut 11 n. m. and 8 p. in. Brotherhood
at 3 p. m. Young peoplo'a mooting at
7 p. in. Prayer mooting nt 8 p. in. on
Wodnesday. Choir practlco Tmirsdiiy
evening at 7:30.
Regular services at Urrnm the
atro Sunday, Juno 1, at 11 ju m sub-J
Ject "Tho Reason I llollavo In Total
Abstliiouco In tho Use ot All Intoxi
cants." Mrs. Marlon Coe will sine
a solo. Sunday school at 10 n. in.,
Rosa Farnhnm, stipt.
Churrh of the llrrlhrm.
Services next Sunday at 3 p. m. at
tho Methodist church. A cordial Invi
tation to ull.
A lecturer of national Importance
Mrs. Bnnn Hartsell Wallace, will I
In Bond the last ot this week and
dellvor two lectures next Sunday, one
In tho Baptist church at 3 p. in. and
the other nt 8 o'clock In tho Metho
dist churrh. Mrs. Wallace cornea
highly rceommnndrd na a alngor aa
well aa a forceful speaker. Tho lec
tures are free and tho public Is In
vited to hear her
Fisherman's Lunch
BiiLii"Ji ' i ' mm, n ji -ar
Put up neatly
in boxes
tliul mc light nnd
easily curried.
25C ,
V ft - ,lll
Carl Hagen and lugvald Jlolt havo
come back from their homesteads.
Eric Asiiluiid has gouo to his homo
near Portland.
Tho nrd Is practically donned out
of dry Inch lumber, tho only ship
ments now going being shop.
R. B. Lamhoraon laid off on ac
count of sickness Tuesday.
R. ZulLng hhs loft to so out on his
Tho kicking halt of Jim Bean's
combination team btjearno angered
last Friday bocaimn Jim tried to tako
oft tho harness without unbuckling
ionic of tho straps and kicked himself
about a quarter of n mllo down tha
road. The only damage dono was
when be ran Into a clothes lino and
broko It down.
On account of tho grading on Wall
streot, hte teama hauling lumber to
tho care are now going around by
Bond street.
John P. Ilnusmnn, accompanied by
his wife, was here Baturday from
I Portland and mado final proof on hit
I dosnrt claim between Bond and Laid-
law, formerly tho l,aura llandl claim.
; Mr. liausman was taken III last week
with appendicitis and the doctors set
10 a. m. Saturday as the time for an
operation. But Mr. liausman told
thom thoro was nothing doing thru
and camo on to Uend to make flnil
proof on tho date scheduled, lie re
turned Sunday to Portland whom ho
la In business as a customs broker
Department of the Interior. V. H.
Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
May 1st. 1913.
Notlco la hereby given that John
.. - ... ..... v. .....
1 1 . iiiiuiK oi ueuu, wrcRiu. ;n. -
.May 27th. 1909. madu desert entry
No. OlOir.. for SEUBWVl, NViWH
sec. 3 and NEUHKVi, sec. 4, town
ship 17 south, range 13 east, Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notlco ot
Intention to mako final proof, to es
tablish claim to tho land abovn des
crlltcd, before II. C. Ellis. V. B. Com
nilssloner. at his offlco at Bond, Ore
goi. on tho 28th day of Juno, 1913
I Claimant names as witnesses
Earl B. Houston, Adelaide I., All,
William J. Alt, Albert llarrynun,
i all of Ilend, Oregon.
112-16 C W. MOORE, Register
57 Varieties
Tho finest things to toko
along on your fishing and
camping trips an 4 picnic
Full lino of Groceries
and Dry Goods at this store
E. A. Sather
Up-To-Date Furniture
Down-To-Date Prices.
Seeing la ItollevInK, Cull and Seo.
10 Cent Counter
and Sundries.
All tho Necessary Articles for Camping Trips.
"Square Peal for Every Customer,"