The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 28, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    !THB WKN BUUjfalN, HKNl, WJilNK8lAY, MAY tt, 101S.
Proceedings of
Term of
County commissioners met May 7.
rrescnt G. SnrlnKor, county Judge,
' Commissioners Uaylcy nnd Urown
Odin Falls put In n claim tor lum
Iter furnished tho county. Referred
to Commissioner llayley with In
structions that ho report as soon na
he can ascertain the full amount
Fred H. Ilctarcns was appointed
road supervisor for Centrallo dls
trlco No. 39.
R. E. Osborn was appointed road
supervisor for Kutcher district No.
too ciaim tor i.oa.&o. presemcu)
uy me cuy oi rrineviiie ior roau
taxes collected ror tno years ioi,
1902 and 1903, was referred to Dis
trict Attorney Hell.
The claim of W. II. Klrkham for
$25, one-half of the fine Imposed on
Chas. O'Kelley for tearing down a
flag, was referred to the district at-1
Tho bonds of the following road
supervisors were approved: W. E.
Claypool, district 35, $200; Glenn
llendrlckson, district 36, $500; Perry
Monroe, district 10, $500: Roy New
ell, district 8, $200: J. W. Schmidt,
district 16, $500; S. E. Scars, district
11, $500.
Tho report of R. V. Jenkins, super
visor of Haystack district No. 6,
covering bills to the amount of
$441.16, was approved.
Upon request of petitioners, work
on the Aubrey road was ordered dis
continued. In consideration of said
petitioners building a bridge over
the Deschutes at the -point or survey.
Is ordered that survey of said road
be not taxed against them.
Whereas, each road supervisor Is
entitled to receive his portion of the
road fund for immediate and neces
sary spring work on the road; It Is
hereby ordered that the county clerk
issue warrants against the road fund
in favor of each supervisor who baa
had his bond approved; said warrant
to bo for at least one-halt tho
amount of money available for each
district tor road purposes, as appor-
tioncd uy tno county treasurer.
The county clerk Is ordered to for -
ward to each road supervisor a re -
celpt book suitable for giving re-l
celpts for moneys received by him In
the performance of his duty, or to
take a receipt for any moneys ad
vanced by him as road supervisor.
It is ordered that each road super
visor carry a suitable receipt book
and take a receipt for all moneys ad'
vanced by him as such supervisor In
payment of labor or material.
Whereas, W. M. Farrell, road sup
ervisor of district No. 30 has re
ported that the amount of money ap
portioned to him for spring work
has already been consumed In pay
ing for work and material used In
his district and that the road still'
requires work and material to place
It In proper condition for travel. It
is ordered that the clerk draw a
warrant in favor of said W.M. Far
rell for full amount of road fund
now due said district In the county
Whereas, Perry Monroe, road sup
ervisor of district No. 10, has re
ported that the amount of money
apportioned to his district for spring
work has already been consumed In
paying for work and material, and
that the road still requires further
work, It Is ordered that the county
clerk draw a warrant In favor of said
Perry Monroe for the sum of $262.85
and for the full amount then remain
ing In the road fund of said district
and due Bald district for road im
provement. The supervisor of !Lyle Gap road
district No. 30, Is hereby ordered to
change tho road running by Mrs.
Heasley'a. place as agreed upon by
Commissioner Drown.
Report of road supervisor Sears
for district No. 11 fpr month of April
for $105.65, approved.
The petition of the Forest Service
presented by Homer Ross, for the
survey of all that portion of tho
Prlnevllle-Mltchell road lying Jn
Crook county, Is hereby granted and
County Surveyor Rice is hereby In
structed to make tho survey and re
port the samo at tho next regular
term of this court.
Whereas, It appears that by a cet-
taln order of this court of the date
of January 2, 1913, the road super
visor of district No. 12 built certain
bridges In said district, viz, two
bridges on the Kellum road at the
request of tho Central Oregon Irri
gation Co., of Deschutes, Oregon, and
whereas, it further appears that the
said supervisor, R. M. Elder, did
build said bridges prior to December
28i 1912, at tho cost of $39.48 for
labor and material, and It further ap
pears that said company has not yet
paid said bills nor any piift thereof
as It promised and agreed, It Is there-,
rote ordered that said hill of $39.48
be referred to the district attorney
for Immediate collection.
fine claim of Wallenburg & Farrer
pf $123.39 for 7712 feet or lumber 1
for tho Springer canyon bridge at $J6
'jaOO.'.V" allowed, 1
$JwW8l'of - EJder,. eppofe'
vLroh-'Sr road fllstrlct No; 12, for.
the May
County Court
$120.35, wib allowed.
I Uobates for wrongful assessments
were allowed as follows:
D. K. Hunter, U5.27.
O. M. Patterson, $04. SO.
J. C. Koblnson, $34.83.
Veda Patterson, $17.55.
W .It. Cook. $11.40.
K. S. Price, $5.18.
8. A. Logan, $7.25.
Oco. A. Stephens, $4;3S.
Floyd Dent, $24.48.
Paul Mcrtchlng, $2.90.
Ilend Milling Co.'s claim of wrong
ful assessment continued for further
Oregon & Western Colonisation
Cog cIo)m ,iene,j
O. M. Patterson's claim continued
for further Information; facts not
suinclently set forth.
Petition presented by tho Hamp
ton Valley Improvement Association the claims of S. S. Steams for dam
requesting extra covering on tho now ages In tho sum of $500 and Units
i,rlJgcg between sections 15 nnd lfi,
township 22 south, rango 31 east.
Oredered that the road supervisor of
that district look after same.
The request of A. E. Hates for a
plain slab to mark tho gravo of a
county pauper wan continued.
A license was granted to tho In
terior Warchouso Co,
The following old warrants were
cancelled: S. M. Scott, $6; Wallace
Williams, $1.20; Grace Smith, $1.20;
C. W. Whltcomb, $15; W. A. Wlno
fosky, $1.50; Chas. D. Wise. $1.
Petition of Deschutes Mutual Tel.
Co. for Inquiry Into condition of the
telephone lines. It Is hereby declared
to be the policy of this court to deal
fairly with all lines operating on the
public roads In this county and to
enforce the law Impartially aa for as
our duty Ilea regarding all lines rela
tive to Infringement upon tho rights
of tho travtllng public or of other
telephone lines.
A warrant for $25 was ordered
drawn on the high school fund In .
favor of J. E. Myers to meet tho cost
of necessary expressage for high
school for monthB of May and June,
A warrant for $50 was ordered
fimn nn tm ia.ii .... i r. ..'.,..,. .. i, . i..ii.i,inu. .,
wm MWnvMvB(aB 1UUU III 1H1UI I
,of 0. Springer, county Judge, to meet
l I
Oregon Land & Immigration Go.
. f3trf
v '
5- - -v. u." t"
tho transportation charges of delin
quent children to varloua stuto Insti
tutions, Whereas, certain grades luillt by
tho county da not entirely conform
tu tho original surveys, and upon
request of the county commissioners
County Surveyor Itlca surveyed nld
grades nnd presented plats of samo
to this court with a recommendation
that each pint of survey be nccupted
as part of tho record of tho county
road of which the grado Is to bo u
part. It la ordered that tho said
survey and plat of tho Powoll Hutto
grade, tho llayley grado and tho
Hartor grade, bo nnd tho samo Is de
clared to bo n part of tho record of
the county mad to which each grado
severally belongs.
Tho county clork reported tho
name and amounts of count)' war
rants Issued In payment of scalp
bounties. Tho sum of $1085.50 wus
so expended. Hcport approved.
Prlnevlllo-Mltchell road. Mill for
powder by Ilend Harnwaro Co. shows
that tho forest service received ihiw
dcr to tho vnluo of $171.25. It Is
ordered that said road bo charged
with $ 17i.25.
Now comes on to bo heard for
final determination nnd udjustmon'.
Malr for $30 In establishing tho
Frank S. Hoffman et al road. It
further appearing from tho viewers'
report that a good and foaslblo road
can bo made at moderato cost along
tho line of survey thorcof, and If es
tablished and opened Is of sufficient
Importance to Crook county and the
public to warrant tho county In pay
ing a part of tho damages claimed
In caso said road Is established. It
ordered, adjudged and decreed that
said road Is hereby approved and
ordered opened and that S. 8. 8tcarna
bo allowed damago In the sum of
$250 to bo paid by tho county, pro
vided, that tho petitioners fllo satis
factory evidence that thoy havo paid
or settled tho remaining $250 of tho
claim, and havo adjusted tho claim
of Louis Dlatr.
Tho bill of Oregon Trunk Railroad
for rental of storage shed at Red
mond for $5 Is allowed.
The hill of $135.80 of Deputy
Sheriff Van Allen for expenses of trip
to Walla Walla Is allowed.
Tho erroneous assessment of taxes
on Odd Fellows at Madras for the
year 1911 for $14 was ordored can
celled. Tho report of J. II. Wilson, expert,
this county to January 6, 1913, was
IH4T YT VVI the business center of Bend
KFNVlfOOD stie best view property
IXIL'It TV JJMJ on tjie mftrket and is bound
to be the most valuable residence property in Bend
Isr17klUlJI7fl has sidewalks, water and
iH,IN W JJU electric llght8
WlTWWtf'Vri prices and terms are the
n.iM vv jju best ofrered in Bend . .., .
Buy a lot in Kenwood; we will make the terms to
suit you. The money you are paying for rent now
will in a very short time make you the owner of a
J. Ryan, Agent5
On rocominoudntlon of School Sup,
Myers, Geo. 12. RobertB Is huroby ap
point oil truant oiucvr for llcud nt n
salary of $5 pur month.
Tho original survey nnd viewers'
report proving satisfactory tho M. A,
Jullck road Is ordered rovlowml and
Tho bill of tho slate treasurer for
expenses of llru patrol for thn sum of
$140. 8S, was rererrud to District At
torney Hell.
Adjourned to meet on tho first
Monday In Juno, 1913, nt tho hour of
10 n, m.
It appearing that II. F. Jones was
assessed $8000 on Hotel Redmond
for 1912, and for tho years 1910-11
tho same property wan assessed for
$100; and It further appearing that
tho property had not been Improved
since 1910 only In tho sum of $180,
and It being known to this court
that sitld property has not Incrvasod
materially in vnluo within tho hut
year, It Is hereby ordered that said
II. F. Jones bo granted a reduction
In tho assessment of Hotel Redmond
In tho sum of $5000, nnd that his
taxes bo rebated accordingly,
R. W. Ilrccsa was assessed on
property that he did not possess to
tho amount of $8000. It Is ordered
that ho bo given credit by tho sheriff
with tho tax on said $8000 worth of
proporty when proper affidavit of tho
samo shall havo been made and filed.
Tho petition for tho D. II. Yeoman
road has been referred to tho district
attorney for bis approval.
On recommendation of School Sup.
Myers, (1. Holt and L. H. Larson
wero ordered changed from school
district No. 00 to district No. 47.
Whereas. It appears that the scalp
bounty fund has been overdrawn In
the sum or $3500, It Is hereby order
ed that tho county clerk draw a war-
(Contlnucd on page nine)
Kh;!it Persons Convicted of Crime,
Five Pleaded tlullty nnd Tlirco
Wero Acquitted by the Juror.
(Special to Tho Ilulletln)
PRINKVILLB, May 20. Tho fol
lowing Is a summary of the work ac
complished by tho district attorney
at tho term of Circuit Court which
' "
adjourned Inst Wednesday:
Persons convicted of crltno after
II. F. Jones, Redmond, gambling,
fined $150,
(ii'orgo Messlngur, Ilend, larceny
of a stuur and hulfor, 1 to 10 years.
Dick Garrett, Youngs, larceny of 11
steor, 1 to 10 yonrs.
V. M. Robertson, larceny of tttaro
nnd gelding, 1 to 10 years.
W. L. Robertson, larceny of maro
nnd Holding, 1 to 10 yours.
(laylord MeDanlul, murder In sec
ond degree, sentenced for life.
Pat McKlutin, Mntollus. violating
local option law, lilted $50.
Frank Rellley, tho samo, fined $50.
Persons acquitted nflor trial
George Kenlnur, larceny of horse,
other Indictments pending.
Fnnnlu C, Pooh, murder In first
Ray Clarke, Youngs, larceny of n
Tho Jury In tho John MoPhurson
caso was hung and ho will bo tried
at tho next term, ns will Kentnor
Persons who pleaded guilty
Alonro Weaver, larceny from n
dwelling, 2 to 7 yours.
Frank Coffman, larceny by bailee,
Art Hollon, viubeisleinout, pa
roled. Orvlllo Morris, 10 years and pa
roled. M. A. Robinson, obtaining prop
erty by fnlie pretense, sentenced and
The following eases wero continued
until the September term for trlsl:
F, E. llroslus, selling liquor to
Charley llensley, assault with dan
gerous woaon.
William Pnusch, pointing gun at
another person.
Tho caso era lint Henry Taylor.
charging assault wtlh a dangerous
weapon, was dismissed on motion of
tho district attorney.
On Sunday Shorltf Klklns took the
following men to thn penltcntlsry:
Alomo Weaver, Georgo Merslngcr,
W. L. and V. M. Robertson, Gaylord
McDanlol and Dick Garrett.
Sand and Gravel
Plastering Sand.
Concrete Sand.
Roofing Gravel.
Concrete Gravel.
Road Material. "
Sidewalk Material.
All Material Washed and Screened.
Bolton, Ruetenik and May
Bend, Oregon
Hilliard, Gibb & Juiiussen
foundation construction. Lot ub put In n ce
ment Bldownlk for you now. Evcryono ought to
be "DOIN' IT."
Auto Trucks
Operating Regularly Between
IK't'iN Thut Hnvn lleen Filed For
Itwoiil nt Piliiovllle, 1
(Special to Tito llullullii)
PRINHVILLH, May 20. Among
the deeds that havo bunu lllml with
tho co.mty clerk for record are tho
lluiid Park Company to Iwntero
Ikedn, lots 7 uinl 8, block 92, lleud
Park. $060.
l.n Pino Townnlto Company (
Irn M. Cook, Its 31 nnd 32, blk 112,
La Pino. $400. '
Albert L. Hnrudor to G, Muullor.
nwUuwVi, hoc. 13-16-12. ,
Karl J, Hiiruetlo to Deschutes Re
clamation & Irrigation Co., 60 foot
right of way for ditch across swi(
soVi, sec. KM CI S.
Kenwood Promotion Company to
Churlen W. Forsott, Itn 7 and 8, blk'
25, first addition to Kenwood.
R. F. Ills to James Chamber M4ii
sou, section 33, and HwViSwU,
swttliwHi aectluii 24-17-I4.
Ralph .Pntterson to R. V, Polndnx-,
ter, wHsoK, oliswU, sec. 14-21.
10 and nwUeU, noUswli, see.
Mary L. Dooley to Alltort L. Don.
ley, IIn 8 nnd 9, blk 19, Desolation
(addition tu lleud). $1800, '
Ilend Park Co. to Krlo (). Peterson
It 3, blk 101, first addition to lleud
Park. $160. '
Ilend Park Co. to N. E. I.lndstront
It 2. blk 101, first addition to Ilend,
I'BrK, 9100,
Frederick Schmtlt to Margaret
HchDiltl, hair Interest In nwKswU..
sec. S4-17-14. $1000.
Rend Park Co. to Hklkanosukl
Iwosakl, It 1, blk 93, Ilend Park.
Ilend Park Co. to Albert Olson, It
II, Ml, 110, first addition to llsnl
Pirk. $150.
(Crook County Journal)
Georgo Sly and son, who lire near
tho Klamath lino In Crook county.
have been arrested, charged with
stealing proerty from settler' cob
Ins. Thoy had a preliminary hoar.'
Ing before a Justice of tho pence and
wern bound over to tho grand Jury,
nt the September term. of court. It
Is said that a good deal of stolen
property was found In their Kstes