THK HHNI IlUMiKTlW, BHSW, W IIIhNF.HDAY, MAY 31, 1010. PACK 7. Stt ' f1& MHBMMRMIiNMtai f Do you know about them? Those arc the remedies that are justly famous on ac ,' count of their won derful curative powers. .'' Iluxnll HomvilluM iiro rrimlo after tho moat approved i fonmiliiH from tho, x' IiIkIiuhI HtroniUli iItukh, In one of tlio (Int'Ht Jnl oratorlos In the world. Kvery formttln la tent vd mid tried. One romudy for enoh all- inunt. Auk for KltKK liOOKLET. Patterson Drug Co. ' The 3fe2aSS Store Beware of THERE IS ONLY ONE Bend Cash Grocery East of Depot. Where the Sun Rises. We tire the only store that makes these prices. No rent, no eostly fixtures or expensive build ings. You pay only for your groceries. We do not have to taek on 10 $ to cover credits. We haven't any. We cut on big orders. Flour, first patent $1.25 pr sock Fmheggs 20 cents a dozen Creamery butter 2 lbs. for 65 cents 3 pounds steel cut WJco coffee $1.00 Honey made by tke bees 12 cts. per pound Bananas... 30 cts. per dozen Fels naptha soap 10 bars for 55 cents We Deliver. We Want Your Business. tfotj yvudtr&&&-& JU4Az&ucAJbMrv u si4rvmjiAJ r it JV-.. ''-& Jj r - vafe s.V'S a. jDenA Qmy- j'-HAert yo-u Juy youA new Summer jfuAni uAd fjAaclLcc economy ontl pet ihe pood kind. 3ftn you can u4e ii ihe xihoie year aAound, di'Jk a Shame and nearly IrAeaks youA Jiack io move heavy ciolAJ oui and in ihe ioujc eveAy clay. John, LaLy and a? enjoy oucioor4 jo muci, and aiay oui in ihe fresh uiA moAe since we've louphi 11J some new JummeA furniiure, dome iake ftoAch-ied wiih -uA, ' t QlwayA youAJ, (r , &, S.-llou aei AeJUialJte, iylih fuAnUu'(ia Aifhi pAicei ioo, fAom 6. M, Jl Whero Your Dollar 'L&C'RL NBVVSTEMS Mra. J, V. Klkliia In visiting In I'ortlnml. yiytl Corknlt Ih In Portland for inmllcal tnmtninnt. V. A, Forbes ruttirnod lunt wouk fn'.iii nttuudlnic court In Prltiovlllu. Tlmm will Iki mirvloofl at tint Cnth ollc church Htiinliiy at 10: .'10 a. in. Tin) Afternoon MlO club will moot toninriow with MrM. M. H. Luttlii. Ilodgor (t. Caldwell or Poitltiml was In llend on busluuan yeetorday. T. C. Itanch mill family oxpect to atari Friday Tor Ciwirornln In n rlK. Tim Oalmllorltu Chili will kIvo n datine In Huthor'n hull Hoturday night. Mm. 0. P. NlHWuimnr ntitnrtnlnod tli it teaohora at hur homo Thursday night. IWrn, to Mr. anil Mm. 0. I'. Put nam, Tuesday moon, n H -pound boy. Tho band concert I'rlday night will he at tho wirnur uf Pond and OnigQii atrouta. Illll I low nil wait arrested Sunday for flghtliiK h tul wnn lined flfi In Itooonlor ISllln court. Prank Motion him returned from Klumiilli Fnlla whuru lie. wont several weeka ago on business. I'rlday night Mm, A. M. Iira gavo n retention In honor of Miss Arrhi lllaok, who left .Monday for her homo At ItOSOlllirg. P. II. Chamberlain, who was for merly engaged In missionary work In tho mil, linn recently arrived In Imitators 2?istos fiocnpson Doa IUDuty. . jatmnw , , f VlHMiiir " J -J ii EV vpo&p Jloncl from Portland with hli wlfo mid live children. Tliuy aro touting on tho Mender tract C. L. Moad, owner of tho Imperial Hotel In Portland, with lilit wife mid non, HiiMit tho pant week In Hend, at thu'Altaiiiont. Tho Prlscllln Cttih mot al tho Wlcint homo Mondnjr lilKht, Miss Oer truilo Morton tun Mian Paiillnu Wleat ItollIK tllO llOHteHSOH. The Deschutes aurvoy party hna lonted tho mom wlioro tlio library fornierly wan, next (o tint Unlit com puny'H olllco, for n aUiro room. ' Tho aehool children have liven having pIcnlcH Kloto tit Ih wouk. Tho IiIkIi dl'IiooI MtnilMiita wont up river Monday ami hud a trig outlitK William ItamlhiH and fatnlly ar rived Monday from Prldny llarlior, Waalt.. mnkliiK the Ioiik trip hy auto. Tliay will make their homo hero. Tho ltfliidhf aro old frlunda of I'aul it. PHtorMon. Mr. and Mm. It. 8. Drake, who havo tieiiti nt tlio .Mountain View for nevonil woeka, loft tlilw-itioriiliiK for llorkeley. Cal., wlmro they will vla It relative for wtvernl weeka lieforo returning to their homo In Seattle. H. P. Lev. fornierly umiUlttnt aalea iiinnar of the Mend Park Company. Inw gone Into Hid real ontnte himlnuiiM In Heat tie for hlmaolf, now lielttK tho maiiiiKnr of the llend Land Company, In tho Arcudn lltilhlliiR. The crew of eiiKlneera who nro on KiiKed on tho atirvoy of tho Dcaohtitca river went Into camp at Henlinm 1'alln Monday on tho vant aide. A dlamoml drill will I to uaod In making Hitindlngii for a dam rciorvolr Ite at the fall. Tho City Council had a short aca alon luat nUht hut nothing of Impor tance wan done. There will Imi an other meeting Friday evening when the city engineer will fllo tho aseii- meiit roll In tho atrvet Improvement wotk now under way. Tho llend ixoplo had fin nlitindanc of ami iioiiiont lant Prlday ovenlni( In ad lltlo i. tue regular attracM I'll if th c toning, there waa a concct by Ihii iin I at Wall and Mlnnciiotii atreeta, n Imnkt't aoolnl Ity the Motho dUt ladlei In the Johnaon hulldlng niil a dance In Hathor'a Hall hy tho Itoyal NelghlKira of America. The foientry telephone lino to ('rune Pralrlu hai lieeii flulahed to within a mile of the ranger station. Thin stretch cannot ho put up until later In the kuiroii when tho meadow drloM off. A portion of tho iipur up (ireen Mountain waa constructed hut thla work could nut ho Mulshed now owing to the anow jut on the moun tain. A alight change Iibm I teen in.iilo In the program of lecture arranged hy Dr. Gornj; aa announced In The Ilullctln lust wcok. Instead of tho lecture hy Dr. Coo thla evening, Dr. Oorhy will give a preliminary talk and Dr. Coo will upe. k next Monday evening. All aro Invited to attend tho meetnigs, which will he held at the resldenco of II. II. Ford at 7:45. Mlsa Mllltcno l.oiloux ot Walla Walla, Wash., la visiting her sister. Mra. 0. M. Patterson. T01SITE PROMOTER HERE Nt. Paul Man U IntrrrMcil In Dcvcl iiiinent '. of the Cum-miIi'm. "It In my confident expectation that the railroad will come ncro the Cut chiIom within a couple of jciim. ' Such wna tho statement of A. A. White, lownaltu promoter of St. Paul, who was hero yoatorday. While Mr. Ahlto flatly state that ho and his aksocuitw linvu no connection with any mllumd. It haa alwnya heon 11 .natter of common report that nt least indirectly he waa nillllsted with the Illll Interests, During tho 40 yeata of hla activity hu haa laid out and owned more than 40 townsltea, nliout 40 of which woro on Illll lined, chief ly In Minnesota, Montana and North Dakota. Mr. Whlto Is atratlng thrco town sites on the west ulope of the Cas cades about opposite Hend. Oue will io at Poster, at the Junotlon of mld- Jle and anuth forka of the Santlam river, one a mile and 11 half enbt of Cascadla and tho third at Clear I.ko. ner tho summit of the Cascades. whore extensive power developments are under way. anld to ho Illll work. Tho laUer will ho a aummcr resort hotel prluolpally. Mr. Whlto la the owner of the Oregon Hotel In Prlno- vllle, which, ho states, ho haa for sale. CHURCH NOTICES McthodUt. Sorvlcca Sunday at 11 a. in. and 8 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Hpworth League at 7 p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday at S p. in. Choir practice Wednesday nt S p. m. Climtit of the llretht-eu. No services mm Sunday. Sorvlcca Sunday, June 1, ut 3 p. m. In Metho dist church. lYeshjtcrlan, Itogular aervlcea nt tho Star Tho atr next Sunday, conducted hy tho puBtor. The children a day program iitinounced for June 8 haa heen post poned until the now church la com pleted. Sunday nchQol Sunday at 10 a, iu How Faruham, mtpt. Uapthtt. Sunday Bchool at 9:45, preaching at. 11 a. ru. and 8 p, m. Hrotherhood at p. m. Young people's mooting at 7 p, ai. Prayer mottlng a p. m. on Wodneuday. Choir practlco Tatraday evblng at 7:30. KINGOFGAMBLEhS Francois Blnno, the Ex-Convict, Who Bought Monaco. THEN STARTED MONTE CARLO. A Dold and Rackttss Ooldisr of For tuns, H. Instituted tin Glided 0am log Palae. That Now Win Millions Ysarly For Its Waalthy Owntra. I'm mold llliinc, an oxouvUt from tlomhurg, Itoiight the prlnelmllty of Momti'O, IkmiIm nod luigguge. The Ken inn of gamhlltig had claimed many an Individual, mniiy a uohle mid hla eslnto nil not infreiieutly an entlro city, nit It had never loforo undertaken .in Ii n con"inwl on thU. Fntlieok Ittaiic la olio of tho most re luarkahle of ull Aoldlura of fortune. Of ula eirly lilntory little la known. He tvna aelr.iil hy the authorities of Horn 'nirg for ImvltiK made fraudtilctit uxo if the teti'Kraph In relation to atock xrlinuj;e iiewn received from Purls. II In method wna one of the very nldeat -iiflinuly. tlw corruption of tho urn liloyeea. It neenis that at this time lha Ocrinaii Inw did not precisely cover thla apeilea of awlmllliig. and he and tila tivlu brother escaped with a sen lenee of seven months. Friiucola lllnuv una tint dlKcoumceiL Ho had accumulated 100,000 franm, ami with that sum he established the Ktimanl nt llnmhurg. Tho Kursaal ilourlxlnil. and Illnuc might have gm 111 there to the reallzatlun of hla am billons hut for the national sentiment he waa shrewd enough to foreaee. Bin ne renllxcd that the time wna not far distant when the German people would put down the sort of gambling In which he was engaged, no he began o look about for aotnc new country In which to aet up hla temple of fortune. On the roast of the Mediterranean, between the klngdoma of France and Italy, there whs n little Independent principality. It waa not mora than two mile nnd n ipmrter long and hard ly thriiMiunrtera of n mile wide, hut It wna nu ludeeiident kingdom, with an nld nnd royal Iioiiko. Charlea III. waa the reigning prince, but he wna n tattered monarch, nnd hla i-oiirt wna n iM-gpirly make believe. In hla dcHpernte altuatlou It la aald he np nlled to n whrvwd Pnrlslan for wunsol. who ndvtacd him to aet up gaming ta llica and thereby -ruin other people's iitijci-ta almv yon have already ruined your own. Onirics 111. followed that pregnant iidvlee He sold n gambling courcaaloo h.tle principality to two ml'venturerx, Puval nnd lfevfe. Thetc men built the rnaino. tail their venture wna not particularly nuci-rssful. They nascrteil that Charlea' nvartce could uot le aatla tied, nnd when Frnncola Itlnuo arrived on the Modllrrrnnrnn. around IftX). he Iwught the couceaalon and moved hla gambling cNlablPibment from the Kur nal at Ilomburg to Monaco. Frnncola Iltanc waa a bold and dar ing adventurer. The little principality wna divided practically Into thrco toxtna Monaco. Condnmlne and Monte Cnrlo. It waa the laat that Francois lllanc occupied. He employed the best architect to bo hnd. built n great ca sino, laid out beautiful gnnlena and tor- rnrea nnd rxH?nded over 3.00).000 tiw)ii the mere pn4ect of making Monte Carlo the gambling beadijunr lera of Kurope. Fmneola Itlnnr. the ex-convlct from Ilomburg. wna no ordinary mnn. Lord Ilroiighnin Knld that Itlnuc wna the unsiteit financier of hla time At any Pile. Ida great financial ndventuivJuMI led tiaolf. lllanc cnnie to live In splen dor. He married hla daughtera to iriuivi. he nrcuiuulnted a fortune ot J.VI.000.0O0 fniiH. ami he left behind "llin nn eatnhllahnient that uet ut leust t.t.00i).oo() n year In protlta. More than thla, Francois ithtnc 'totight nnd paid for the principality of Monaco. He paid Ctmrlc-4 III. riOO.OO) 'ninca n yenr nnd all hla exlieuaea. with 1 percentage of the protlta; ho kept up ill I ho romls nnd garden for the prln 'Ipallty: he paid the poll- nnd magla tnitea nnd all fixed chnrgea of the Hlugdom. Moreover, -when the mor ohauta of Nice eudonvoriHl to erauade ho Frem-h aeni.te to nalat gambling at Monte Cnrlo nnd when tho aubjoeta of iio principality thicntcned to revolt lllaue. daring and full of tvaourcea. Ind Charlea Inaue an edict nloliihlng all taxea In the principality, and out of his oiut"s!on. lu tiddltlon to what he had already paid, Illnuc paid ull tho taxea if Monaco. When Albert Honor Charlea, the present Prince of Motmeo, eume to (he throne he remained under the thumb of the famlllo lllanc, and In 18US the onc'jaalon they hnd obtained wan n ueeif for tlfty yeara iiaui the pay. mentor 10,000,000 frunca down, 15.000, 100 to In puld lu 11114 ami other vnst mina, together with prnotlcaHy all tlxwl hurgea or the principality. All thla la done by n company culled La Soclete ile-i llatna de Mfr te Monte Curio, And ao the genlua of gambling ate a Id nu and Ida court, a monarch of one of the oldest ivlgulug houaea lu Kuropc .palace, no army, a principality with H Htihjecta, nnd u hUhop and cntheilral to iMxiti-Melvllle Davlaaou Paat, lu the Saturday ISvenlng Post. Ktpt Him Postad. "Concleu-e la what tella man when hela doing wrojig." .. , fl'lia,! mu'y latrue In-yqur ramllr.' rvplliHl Mr. Meektou, "but my wffj's name In Henrietta." Washington BUr Thou ahalt not riA by grlavtng over tb IrreiuHllahl mt, tartby nt&Mdy. You It in Neckwear, we have just re ceived some attractive and neat FRILLS AND COLLARS. An attractive new line of Boys' Wash Suits, -priced from 65c to $1.25 New ALL SILK Messnline Petticoats, all col ors, plain and changeable $3.50 and $4.00 KAYSER GUARANTEED SILK GLOVES Short Long 50 CQiits $ 1 .00 This is the store that everyone should know. Quality Merchandise and a Square Deal at Marmheimer's THE MOST IN THE DEST IN QUALITY MUSICAL SHOW TONIGHT Ibinil Will Give Kxccllcnt Program at the Dream. The llend Concert Hand has ar ranged an excellent program which It will give this evening at the Dream Theater, there being two perform ances, starting at 7:45 o'clock. In addition to orchestra numbers, there will ha selections by several ladles. and the Prlscllla girls will give a scarf drill. Tho following Is the program: IMlOCnA M. March Koh-I-Noor Orchestra. Vocal Solo Selected Mrs.' Forrest. Cornet Solo Selected Ashloy Forrest. Waltz -. "Only a Dream" Orchestra. Scarf Drill Prlsollla Club Violin Solo Selected Mrs. E. V. Ward. Selection, "Marltana" Wallace Orchestra. Mandolin Solo, "Mexloall".. Springer O. M. Guptll. Vocal Solo . . . Selected Mrs. n. J. Todd. Uend Park March Walter Dell Orchestra. ADMISSION !Mc AND l."Sc i.' COME TO SEE US AND CAMP NECESSITIES. HAVE YOU A LCTUSmRlGYOUjl IN i AXE OR WATERPROOF MATCHBOX? Mfli i niY YOUR OWN BORROW. YOU ARE GOING OUT FOR FUN. YOU CAN HAVE LOTS MORE OFIT IF YOU FEEL INDEPENDENT IN USING YOUR OWN THINGS. OUR LINE OF OUTING HARDWARE WILL MAKE YOU HAVE A BULLY FINE TIME. Skuse Hardware Company. -- WRpUr Ohm of AM KkMta. Want the NEWEST Things VALUE J) RIIS-POTTSJEODING llend Man Goc to North Carolina to Claim HU Ilrlde, Tho following special dispatch, to tho Charlotte (N. C.) Observer will 1)0 read with Interest here, both the bride and groom being well known In llend: .,., . j "Winston-Salem, N. C, May 15.' A marriage ot very wide Interest oc curred here at 6 o'clock thla evening at tho residence or Capt. and Mm. W. L. Stagg. West End, when their niece, Miss Ruth Potts, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It. U Potts, was wedded to Mr. John Rlls of Dend, Or., tho son of Jacob Rlla of New York, philanthropist, lecturer and author. Rev. W. A. Lambeth, pastor of tho West End Methodist church, offici ated and the only attendant was Mrs. Frank Stagg as dame of honor," It Is understood here that Mr. and Mrs. Rlls will spend some time at the. summer homo of the bridegroom's father, llluo nranch Farm, Ilarre, Maw. Afterward thoy will come to Hend to reside. Mr. Rlls being la tho L'nlted States forest service. 1.1 Cents for a Shae At Innes &. Davidson's barber shop on Oregon street. Just IS cents.-Adv. WE WILL SHOW YOU MANY STRONG KNIFE. A POCKET GUN AND THINGSi DON'T ' a - jm ' - "