The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 21, 1913, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    thk mcND nvhhvmN,, wi i-mmimy, .may at, una.
" "WCMEft JiMCAQeS." "
A nm)ndr of Un Daya Whan Crlno
tin Wat th Vogu.
I'lfty-oiio iirlvitlu IcIIucm nf Dr. JJ,
lliiilliux, pliyHk'liui to dm prliieu Im
tixrlnl, litivu Im'oii (iiiiihIiiIciI by Iter
mill Mlnil to furin "Tliu KiiiprcHH ICu
Kfiilo mill Her t'lich'." A lelter from
llliiitllr. (IH.Mli lt'Hoi'll'N dm iiiirt'X'4
I'i'rHiiiiiilly mill illauitHMeii diu fabiiloti
niiiill(inl(i of dm ilrt'imnK alio wore:
"All thin HtilfT In MiiiKirlfil by n
Hint of nIu'IoIoii or lluxllilo Iron, The
l'llllll'H la Kft'lldy MttlU'llfll to II1I4
ciiki', which to iin m'piiin wry iiiiKruco
fill mill Inconvenient. Hint NtkltH to It
In Hill tif diu iiiliH of diu Diiipcrur, (o
whom alio Hlmply ri'iilluH (hut alio iIdcu
not know how alio mi iininy yeurn
without it iiiko.
"t en a only llml two exriuo for thin
fiiNhlon. Ouo Im Unit women who wear
It hiivo Iholr Ii'kh free In walking mill
. iiro not hmiiiuu-il hy aklrtn ami nttl-
i-oiitH hmiuliiK on their rnlri'H iiml
tlilitlia iiml IiiiikmIIiik their movemeiitaj
the udiur. In her in ho. In t nut theru Ian
aort of liurinoiiy between tint nmpll
tmlo of thu woinnii unit tliu alio of tliu
nimrliiiriitH In which aim liven.
Here ii down women adorn die union
iiilinlrnhly unit are In hiirmoiiy with
die whlo Hpiu-CH. thu ninplo aenta, dm
width mill heluht of dm door. 1
knew iiofhhiK of iliN rrot. which I
now nnili-mtiinil. iiml I now nw why
thin laMefalNe In llaeir-hna iifvttr
IIii'Ichs ii certnlu Jiiatneaa In ll nppll
ciilloii." STAGE HANDS.
Local peoplo nri nurprltiod nt dm
QUICIC roiiultN received from olinplo
buckthorn bark, iilycorlno, otc-iia
tiilxml In Adlur-l-kit, tho Oorniiin itp
pondlclllH remedy. Tho I'nttornun
DriiK Co. Htutcn that thla almoin roin
vily uiidHDpUolntm tho dlxeallvo aya
lout iiml drnwH off tho ImpiirKlmi ho
tliornugliiy dint A HINMI.K DOHH ro
llovea Hour atomuoh, una on tho
Hlomiirh mid coiiHtlpntlon IN
You will hnvo no Irritated fnco If
you havu your HhavliiK donu nt In
nun & l)avlilnon'K harbor Hliop. Adv.
mm i ii i ii nmrrtrrni-m
Diipnrtiiiont of tho Intnrlor, United
KtntuM Land Ofllcu, Tho Uullea,
Oregon, April 28th, 11)13.
To .1 allien Herb of Jltind, Oregon.
Monroe, Wnnli., No. 1436 Coiu
inorclnl Drive, Vancouver, I), C,
You nro lioroby notified thnt Inane
f, (lorby, who given Hond, Oregon,
uh IiIh noat-omco addreaa, did on
April 28, 1013, Mo In till offlco hla
duly oorroborntod application to con
text mill aeourn tho onurollatlon of
your iloHort Innd, Kntry No. ,
Kurlnl No. 08RQ0. inn do April 28,
Hill, for BWtt NW. Section 13,
Towimhlp 18 H., KatiKo 12 1-2.. U'll-
From tho Important Carpanttr Down
to tht Lowly "Orlp."
To the outsider tin ti-rui hIiicv hnml
N npplbil to every one that work Ix
hind thu footllghttt uxcept the playorx,
but theru U ultu mi nrUtvcrutlo lino of
Therw ntv the atnc cnrwntir nnd thn
nltmit hIuk enrHutir. who build
acciiery: there are thu pri)rty innn mid
the iiNnUiunt prorty man, who innk
and Ktuipo nil LlmU of ttiliiK out of
papier uiiichu for pruptTtlt mid look
after thu furniture mid definition of
thu tKe: theru nro thu fly men. who
niiinlpulnto the niped nt the top of tho
then i er. hiiUlluir mid lowering Htenery
and nlo rulnliiK mid dnipplmc thu cur
tain. Thu nnt ii ml Imbltnt of thcuo dy
men In on platform up In tho Men.
many feet nbovu thu Miu'e, nnd when
not othonvlfu employiM thry tin vw tho
dlnconcertlnir hnblt of audibly Koaalp
liiK and plnyliiK vnnU Then theru nro
tlieplcctrlclun mid hN nwllnntH. wbou
lamlnecii It l to oKnitu thu lluhlN.
The humble! of the rek'tllar ataff Ii
the "jcrlp." TIiIn man baudlen aeonery
nnd doe- Keneml utility work ntMiut thu
tajru. When uxleeucy deiunuda tho
forru U mbtetl to from tho roUNtnbout
who tiiually lnfet thu Mane eat nt nee,
eklacout a mbierabluixbtei)i'throUi:h
cnuul Jolm n ud "aoiiKluBM ujton the
lUvmlMim of thu retsuhir Htarf. Mary
Kliaw In Itidon 8 1 nil h1 Mnituxlno.
Th liuvltabU Commant.
A cominlltee of liivetltfatluK aclcn
tllH appriHichiil u Imty.
"Maflnm," aald I'mfcmor I'ruwlna.
thu M)Uniiioii, olTerlnK her a iniiKiillb
eont uiirywtntheuitiui of rare nnd lototy
bin "inndnHi. permit iin to preMiutthU I
llttWer tu you ua n token of our IiIkIi re
Hnl." Kim i'IhiuhmI dm dplomlld bloiwoin In
Ihm Illy ltd ml.
ItriMthlioKly tho rotuiultteo invnlted
lier rHHiue.
"How Uniutlful It In I" aim muiwered.
"WhHt mi oxiiillte abade of purile! I
rboulil luvu to ihivu a dnmn of that
Dr. I'rewlua noddeil knowingly to the
coiiimltlee. n h If to Miy, "I titlii ou ft."
Tim committee winked at the pro
fiwir mid wbUpurwl, "You win."
Nvwiirk Ntfwa.
Departuiont of tho In tor lor, V, ft,
Land Ofllcu at Tho Dal Ion, Oregon,
April 24th, 1013,
Notion In lioroby slvon thai Milton
A. I'flliiior, of Hand, OrcKon, who, on
March .ltd, 1010, iimdo lioiiiestfjad
entry No. 00134, for N', Hoctlon
0, Towntihlp 17 South, Hnnci) 14 KaHt,
Wlllauiotto Meridian, ban fllnd
notlcu of Intention to tnako
11 ii n I th run y o a r proof, U
OHtablUh (Ifdin to tho Innd above do
ncrlbed, beforo II. C. Klllu, U. H. Com
inlHHlonnr, nt IiIh ofllco nt llcnd, Oro
gon, on tho 2nd dny of Juno, 1913.
Olalnmnt nntnea na wltnnaaea:
Umory J. Taylor, Jnuien D. Uiivldaon,
Itoy A. Wool ley nnd (Jim Ilnnkeo nil
of I'owoll lliitto, OrnRoii.
812 C. W. MOOHU. Hctlator.
notici: von ruiiMOATio.v.
Uoimrtuiout of tho Interior, V. B.
iMiui Offlco nt Tho Halloa, Oregon,
April 19th, 1913.
Notice la hereby given that Jntnca
A. Kuatra of Hand, Oregon, who, on
May 2nd, 1910, tuodo honifatoad en
try,. No. 00000, for NMBWU. BW
HWU, Bcc. 20, nnd NWKWU,
Bcctlon 20, Towimblp 17 Houth,
ItniiKo 12 Knnt, Wlllntnntto Morldlnn,
Ima filed notice of Intention to ninko
flat! tin c u M-er prnnf, in eatablUb
f.Irtllll In f lut Intul lilmvo itumirlliMil Im.
. -- - - ...... ..... -.v.. ..j-
lumeuo .iinnuian, mm iin Krouuun ior,foro II. C. 13111a, U. B. Commlaalonor,
hla ronluNt ho ullRen that aald untry'nt hia olHco nt Ilenil, OroKon, on tho
man Ima failed to muko hla improve 7th dny of Juno, 1013.
iiiuntH and nlo IiIh hocoiiiI unntial I t'lnlilinnt nn'mca an wltncaHoa
proof nnd thnt ho Ima dono nothing jolln Hteldl, Frank O. Minor, Thonina
whlltOVOr III ItliprOVltlK tho lailll hIIICO TwiMd. HrllnB n. (!nn. nit nf llmwl
Jila nununl proof offered In July, Oreuon.
luii, mm mat no ta n non-reHiuoni.7.n c. Wt jiOOUB, ItcRlator.
in inu ainiu in wreKun.
You tiro, therefore, furthor noil-
lied thnt tho aald nlleKallona will bo
taken by Dili ofllco rs havlni beon
eonfetHUd by you, mid your aald eutry
will bo canceled thereunder without
your further rlxhl to be heard tbcre
tn, either before thin ofllco or on np
pent, If you fall to Mo In thin office
within twenty dnya after tho
KOUKTII publication of thla notlco,
na ahown lielow, your anawer, under
oath, aMclflcnlly meetlnic and ro
apoudliiK to tha alleKatlona of con
teat or If you fnll within thnt time to
Me In thla ofllco duo proof that you
hnvo nerved a copy of your nnawer on
tho anld conteatant either In imraon
or by renlatered mall. If thla aorvlco
la tnndo by tho doll very of n copy of
your nnawer to tho contestant In per'
ami, proof of audi aorvlco must bo!
cither tho aald conteatnnt'a written1
acknowlodRnient of hla recolpt of tho
coto'. alinwinir tho ilnte of Ita receipt.
or tho ntlldnvlt of tho pernio liy
whom delivered; If tnndo by reKlator
ed mull, proof of audi aorvlco inuat
connlat of tho nmilnvlt of tho tieraon
by whom tho ropy wna mailed atntlnc
when and tho pout ofllco to which it
wna innlloit, anil thla nfililnvit muit
bo nccoirtpanled by tho ostinaater'a
receipt for tho letter.
You ahoitld atnto In your nnawer
tho linnie of tho poatofflce to which
you dealro futuro notice to bo fiont
to you.
C. V. MOOHK. IJoKlator.
Hate of flrat publication May 7,
Date of accond publication Mny 14,
Onto of third publication Mny 21,
nopnrtineiit of tho Interior, U. B.
Laud Offlco nt Tho DnlluH, Oregon,
April 24th, 1913.
Notlco I heroby Klvon thnt Mnry
K. Hoover, naalaneo of Corn A. Bwler,
of Mend, OrcKon, wfio, on Juno Int.
1009, tnndo Deaert I.nnd Kntry, No.J
010218, for BW BWt nnd NW
BW4, Bcctlon 12, Townahlp 18
Hon tb, Ilnngo 12 Hnnt. Wlllatnctto
Morldlnn, linn Mod notlco or Inten
tion to tnnko firm I proof, to entabllnh
claim to tho land above doHcribod,
boforo II. O. Hllla, If. B. Cotnuilaa
loner, nt IiIh ofllco at (lend, Oregon
on tho .tint dny of May, 1913.
Claimant tiamen nn wltneaaen:
Jncob K. Thomna, Nlcholoa HcVrlmt,
tleorgo B. Young nnd George V.
Hoover, nil of Ilond, Oregon.
fc12 C, W. MOOIIK, ItcRlater.
Joint Oregon TrunkI)caohutea Lino.
Arrival 8:1C P. M.
Depnrturo. C : 45 A. M.
Business Directory
Directory of cti Clly, Town an4
Villa, alvlnc derlpllva ikttch of
oach plic. location, population, til
traph, hlppln an4 banking point;
atM CIilnJ Ulroctorr. compiled by
tiuilntu and protMilon.
it nt nn nverage elevation 100 lect
above the city of JJend.
Commnnds a churining view of the
city of Bend nnd the surrounding
15 minutes walk from business
center. Lots 50x110.
Bend, Ore.
Tba Paean.
It In liiterexlliitf to riTonl that the
flrot KniftliiK of n peenn tree wan m."
Mimpll'heil by it tiegm wlnve. nnd It In
doubtful whether liny other member of i
the black mie bin ever performed mi
eoonumle aervlro to thla country that la
mo Nlgual In Ita Importance. In IKI7 !
Antolnu, tho nlavu giirdeimr of Telea
phoru J. Ilotnmi of I.oiiIhImiiii. gnifted
HUteeii treea of the variety that la uuw
known im thu Centennial. He later
ami-ceded In grafting 110 other iiecnna,
and thuKU were the only gnifted uut
tniH In Amerlcii before I8u Archi
bald Itutledgu lit Outlui.
Tha Proptr Way.
"1 wlah you wouldn't growl ao much."
declared the wife, an ex-nctrexn.
"Why ahouldnt I gniwl when tho
mealN nro cold'" retorted the hiiabaud.
"You took mo from thu atugu to bu
your wlfo."
"1 did."
"Then If you disapprove of tho wny
I play the part kindly exprwH yourdla
approval by ineitim of bUsea." Kmuaa
City Journal.
Onto of fourth publlcntlsn Mny 28,
l)oHrt)fltit of tho Interior. If. S.
ImhA Olttee at Thu IXtlltw. Oregon.
April It tb. 1913.
Not lee la herelijr given thnt Jncob
K. Ttiomaa. aMlgtiM of Cora A.
Hwlgur, of Ilond, Oregon, who, on
June lat. 1909. iimde lieaert Land
entry No. 09742, for W'fc NWU,
hteotlou 12, Townahlp is miutli.
Ituux 12 Knat, Willamette Meridian,
una Med notlco of Intention to nmke
final proof, to oatnbliah claim to thu
Innd nbovo deaorlbed. hefore II. C.
HIIIh, U. B. CommlHluner. nt hla
ofllco nt Ilond, Oregon, on tho 31at
dny of Mny, 1913.
Claimant nnniea na wltnoaoa:
Jncob !. Thomaa, Nloholna DeVrlea,
Qeorgo B. Young and George 1
Hoover, all of Ilond, Oregon.
812 O. W. MOOItH, Ueglitor.
ttitim i i --nrarnT -r-i,
In a
it means
It's the world's champion for
Speed and Accuracy
Holds every world's record since tests began.
"Tho Machine You Will Eventually Buy"
Underwood Typewriter
Company, Incorporated
First Class Work
of all kinds
done promptly.
Washington and Mayer
Shoea bold.
Wall street, Bend, Ore
Steam and llot Water Heating
We carry the largest
stock of Roods in Cen
tral Oregon. Jobbing
promptly attended to
If ytro bare an InTrntlm or any
patret mUlcr, Trite Immediately to
W W WK1GIIT. rt ittf t attorary
Loan & Trutl Bldf . Wilpf loo.D. C
The BEST all-round Family
Sewing Machine that can
be produced. Made in both
styles. The rotary makes
both LOCK and CHAIN
stitch. The latest up to
the minute steel attach
ments with each machine.
Sold on easy payments.
Send name and address for
our beautiful II. T. cata
logue free.
White Sewing Machiie Co.
14G0 Market Street
San Francisco, California
08 Sixth Street, Portland, Ore.
Brunches in nil Principal Cities. JJ
Trlala of Waalth.
"Wealth dooau't nlwiiyH hrtnft Imp
plneHH," rittmirkfil tho youiiuutur with
tin larKO aiitftiicli'H,
"Nnw," iiMHrtwl tho other kid.
"Look ut tnu t'OUMln .vonilvr. Ilo'a trot
' wilts, nnd lit' can't decide between
iilllM))8 mid leu crunm." l'lttaburith
"Womn nro horn Kumblerii."
'That, la rather n vloleu) Mtntoment"
"It la triio. Mighty row of$buiu but
oro wlllltiB to uiurrr,'' tlouBtou Pait.
To Htr Inoradlbla, Otharwlaa.
' Ile-'My brother la making more
money than bo can apond. Hbo My
foodneaal Wber'a l0,worklntt Jflthp
uilutY-Ooatou TruuBcrlut.
Stop the LossPires are Unnecessary
Brick is absolutely fire proof in nny ordinary conflagnvtion.
Brick Buildings never burn, although they are sometimes
injured by falling timbers or combustible interior woodwork.
A brick building is absolutely fire proof if wire glass is used
in the windows and if burned clay floors are used.
An interior fire in such n building is confined to the room in
which it originates; no outside fire can attack it.
The proportion of burned clay in a building construction
measures its fire proof qualities.
Burned clay is the only building material that has been
through the fire before you get it, in such a manner that it will
resist fire. All combustible material is burned out or -the brick,
before you get it.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
Bend, Oregon
General Commission
We handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar,
Flour, Salt, Hides, Land Plaster.
Fresh. Hams, Bacon
and Lard.
Ihe United Warehouse Company
A. M, Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon