The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 14, 1913, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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    tiik iiKNi nvhiMrw, msn. wkini:hiav, may if, totn.
H-H II H-r4-M-H-l-H
. . .. ( vJW.crrl l"rJ,'i,w
Oootf betlillnK mlila to tli6 conK
fort 'ufilitVliotfa. '-Wio'iWnwu'o
provides- tho tx-Ht ,nliillur. U III'
variably tliu iiiiiii wliii niiiUi'd lliu
iiuiNt money out of liU tma. ,,
It U well tu art Dlit ii row of
vvorareuii treea to protwt t ho
lio yitrd, mid audi n wliitlbrutik
fur llm fiirm MiIIiIIiihn wlllmnku
ii uri'iit tlllTuri'iiio In tliu wlnuir,
HfnirilU' the jtoiiiik lirifriliiir
OWH friltll TllU fllttl'llllllt HllH'k,
A fnlluliliiH ration will ruin n
wiw for n breeder.
Keep n record of each now to
determine htir wurtti wa n breed
er. I'n 1 1 1' u the rnltlo headed
how tlmt U linnl tu Imiullu tit
. IiIkkIiiu tlmo
Handle ttio joiiiik Imiir care
fully. 'iVnrli lilin In obey the
wont mid to walk ahead of jroti.
An iitiuoverniiblu I war Ik uiohI
Importance of Training Work Anlmala
to Walk Rapidly,
Hoiiiif iK-yilu Kltu lioraoa llitlo credit
fur InlclllKi'iit'i', u ml. while, of course,
they cannot riiiKOii or pass the tlmo
of f it jr with one iniiitlicr, they io loiiru
waiiy tlilnp. uauiilly froui tinlill, unfit
tlu Nntloniil MtiK'Icttiiiii. Ilorac vary
Itrcatly In iIiIn rraiievt, us all who Imro
bundled many horsra well know. Tho
vnrlntloii of horse In thin rciect I
probably no inuri', however, t tin (i tin?
tillTerem-o In tliu ability various men
waes to handle heme.
One of ttii most Important tlilnc n
horse may I tmiulit lu to walk fat.
A contractor who hullda roada or doe
nlmllnr work haa hi tcama trained to
walk font, ami he haa them all work
lliit ut nu i'Tfn volt, which la o tiece.
wiry when tlii are following fnrli oth
er rloely at their work. Bomctlme
farmer put their tcama In nt urb
Johx, mailing n till or n nit to level a
mini, rind ho mm n few oitrn tlollar
Tim leaaon brought out on aurh a Job
ire too plain to I overlooked, The
fimt team muit watt for the alow,
ami nunc ran work for any length
of time faster than the aloweat. Htirh
u atriklng cotunarlaou la not conduct
I'holu lir I'tunajrlvanta Agricultural col
Tti policy of ((repine tirtvxl marts
lo irform Hi wxtutry farm work
and at ih aama lima produc a
crop of foala la ana that ahould
command llaalf la all thinking man.
Mart of coml conformation, bona
bihI tire malad In pura btetl draft
alalllona will proiluea typa o(
lHir mueli in drmarxl at asrvlknt
prltv Nona but purr bint slat
lltttia of any of Ilia rreoiill draft
Lirerda hnulil be ud Kavplnc lha
biiMMl mrr atradlly at work ra
ull In Iftinurr ami ballar foala.
Tl IVrotirrmi Ktada rllly aliown If
ownnl b- lha I'auiiaylvaiiln Agrl
cultural collar.
tu prhlo In h hIow uiovIiik I i'n in. nor I
it u vnilll lo Hit- nhllll)' of tho Ivnui'a
owiiit to train hla honn'a,
Homo horxf nro miiiirnlly alower
Kalitil thiiii uthur. mid many niiiilre
i iiiKUlDK K"lt iKMiiiiKf tliu drhvr
poruillH It. Noiiiu Utium with out)
driver will atep off aiuiirt mid fnat, but
with miothvr will qtiickly learn tlmt
to Juki move la nil Hull la riMUlrod,
tli drlvur prohnhl IiiivHik hU ml ml
miywlivre hut on Ida work. We can
hardly hhuiie I ho alow muvlujj luKcurd
or it liorxc for hla fault.
A loo eouiiiiiiii inlitliike la hUrltlng
mi nnihliloun roll with n may old liorxtf.
When HiU la dono It U Ki'iierully Ihh
irtliNV Hit1 alow uno la "ho k'UIIo." eo
nhv to work n rolt lK'ld, but the
riMiill Ik iiliiioKt ruliioiia to the colt
ho fur nit n faxt, eltlcleiit worker la
niiitrriiiit Tho difference III the
rfaomil or work u rant aiepplnit tenut
mid a hIow (emu will do I urtouudn
mid will hunlly bo believed until xetiu
deiuniiatrutfd, mm In udjulnlu wheat
Held of the uiiio nlr.e, where the well
trained tea in will renp the wheat iinieli
fnater tlimi and neemluKlj n eaxy a
the alow lea in At leimt nt the end of
it dny'H work they aeein no more tlrett
than the inuuardx (live the volt 4
ihuiue to be an elllcleut horae.
Hog ChoUra Pravantion.
No apeellii t'lire him been found for
Iihk clioieru, hut In a tew limnim-en re
eoverlen Dave tnkeii place where the
preventive -enun tuln Iihmi promptly
iiHed The Hermit. If freth mnde mid
rroin ii reputithiu, reliable iiinuiifui'tur
er, la effective In pieveiilluu the dla
ease. Temporary liuuiiiiilty la hnd by
the Hlnnlc liijei'ihiii treiitineut In which
eriim iimnt1 l lined Permanent Ini
niiinliy U Had by IiiJim'Uum reruiu and
it very hiiiiiIi iiimiilty of virulent blood
nt the mime time.
PumpMnr Por Dairy' Covvf.
Pumpkin tire unod fetil for dairy
cowh, mid i'ere la notlilnu In the claim
tlmt they will dry Hiilniitln up, It ran
lie anid thnt field piimpkliM contnln
pmrtlmlly the nniii amount of dUjeatl.
ble mitrleiiu ua turnlpa.
Thera ara aoma folka," aaya prtaehar,
"I think are uwful quoor.
, They.nevor think of liianHtri Ood
' Until NovembVa har. " "'
"Thty ait thtlr inerclea rlahl alonj,
Their bli'aalnua coinn to ehaari
Dill, no) It'a not ThnnkiKlvlim day.
Wall till Novatnbar'a liera.
"Tli church Italia loll of merclta,
Ami thty call to duty clean
Hut, tin; I he IIiihi lo niTr Ihatikf
la whn Novtinliflr'a hara.
"(loil'i poor ara ovr with u. '
They oft liuimer and nxd chi-r,
Hut TliiOikauivma dny'a for charity.
Walt till Novtmbor'a hara,
"H'a rlaht lo havo TiiankaKlvIni 1f
If llinukful all Ilia year,
Hut hIiui u rIiiimi to put off lhanka '
Until Novainbar'a haral
"TlmnkaKlvlin la r hollow thall
l.'nlraa Ilia Imirt If III It
We iniiat I hn lilvor linllnte.
Whuaa alfta ura m liillnlla"
(J.-l)iH)ri it hen tilwnya lay ut about
tho name time In the day? A. While
Hi full lay ii hen generally lay nlxiut
the Kiime hour, mid iih alio tieiin the
cud of her clnich of vuu aim laya it lit
tie Inter cacti day Until alio tilt.
(, In feed I ii heua In what proKir
lion ahituld iiinah Miami o eolld Kraln7
A.-Uue pound iniiali to two ioutida
i! ruin.
Q.-la It tiereaaiiry to put vcntllntorH
In the roof of mi open front Iiouno)
)Ha the Muacovy duck mature na
ipiltkly ue the I'ekliitfT A. No to
Q.-l hnvo nn Orpluclmi hero thnt la
pure while, tho llrat one I have aeeii.
and I wUh you lo tell mo how toiimku
lilin atay while. A. Very few OrpliiK
lonx alay whlto. Tliu aim nnd rain
reein to cotiaplro to turn them braiwy,
Home clnliu that protection from theao
keep them while, Try It
Q.-l am from the koiiIIi. nnd you nro
from the north, mid there la n mutter
I with you t(j'xplalu, I recently via
lied my mint In New York atnto nml
found the etun thcrr fnvh. awvet nnd
.in;o mid .'tu i-etit per donen. but down
here In I'lorlda the i-kk nro amnll,
liKwlly atnlu mid na low na 12 centa.
lo you aiitHie uny one ccnild be pen
ua eiiouuh to make aii cjtK fnriti pay
here? A.-In the fiiriumih tunny farm
en tottxlrter heua a nwdwrtrjr evil.
They kivp amnll alxed iiiotiKrela nnd
let them ecmich for Iheuiaelrea rill
aitiiuuer. Their rRjca an laid any
where nml He In the heal nil dny. nnd
the bud neetlnc, luiudllnit mid aiorltu:
aMilU thoiu. Near towua nlid clltct
the Mrinem. trntrkel n b'ller priHluii.
hut lu out of the way plni-ea the cm:
wait for a chnnii ruatouier nnd often
nnlt him? nnd, ImiIiik low In ipiHlliy.
Hie price N low An ecu farm produc
Iuk n Inui ion laid while you wall prod
uct niiKlit to tloiirUh In audi rotten cue
It U wUe for the crute fnlletier to
bo nn the lookout for alrk nnd dead
fowla, opiHlnlly lu the hot aeiiiuiii nml
lowurd the end of the feeding period.
Tho removal of a fowl tlmt la off Ita
feed to a rnm run often rvatore It
quickly When a dead fowl U left to
putrefy In n crate the whole bunch la
often knocked out.
There la nlwnya nlwlnm In knowing
when In rpilt. Wo refer here to ci
hlbllora who atart with big wlna at the
(H'uIuk of the allow aeaaoti mid then
loae all and uiorv limn they have pi In
til In the end One wny to llitia fntl
down la to acini the amne blrda to too
tunny Miow. They atari Due, get
worn out nml then loo.
Miiaty atniw la unhenlltiy for hena
to Kcmtcti lu. nml ontx atonal In the
alu-a f. If there la much of It. often
awent nml mold. Clean, dry whent
atntw la our favorite for acrnlch floor
Feeding tiena grain lu the ahonf la
not pmcllciil. While they get aome
exert'lao leurlug the ahenrea npnrt,
they nearly nlwnya get too much grain
mid much lij wnaled. It la Ixdter to
thrnah the grain and mnlcu the heua
dig for nil they get In the atmw.
Hlnte btillellna give iin much Infor
mntlon nUmt the lilnla na Inaect do
ntroyera, but aeldntn do you rend of
the (loatructliui dime by poultry to the
peata. Turkeya mid guinea are nt
the head of the bug killer proceaalon,
nnd their prnngntlou ahould be eu
ro urn ced What la more, they turn
them hmm lulu pound of fancy meat.
That the inmlern chicken thief a n
arlentllle expert la nhowit lir the man.
nrr lu which the whole Hock of Harry
Hodlue of rnlllugdnle. Pa , waa atolett.
The tlilevca almply threw n rug. nut
united with chloroform, under the
rooKt mid aklpped with the' uncon
acloua blnla.
Ill placing leg tinnda on fowl a tlie.v
ahould not lie aenleil to rnntrlct the
leg. mid allowance ahould he made fr
future growth of ahnnk. It la torture
for a fowl to wear n band thnt la too
amnll, and when thla la allowed to Ite
come Imbedded In the leg the owner
ahould be pulled iy the R . ( A.
A company liaa lHeii tirgiiuUed In
rnliimliht eoiiiity, I'n.. for the rnUlmr
of lioga mid lurkeva on aeeond growth
tlmlhTluiid thnt la good for nothing
eUe. Ilnrren land la eonaldenMl Ideal
for poultry, by many until they try the
trhk. "
There la n rnnnrd going the mnnd,a.
thnt hena will double, tlielroiitput if
the limine U llliiiulmiteil at iiIqIiI. nnd
market rhlckeija will eat nnd grow
ranter. Hell luuat hae ( r) regnlur
nnmunt of aleep. like liuinan. or they
break down, and their. res iiine;iluer.r
nnd dlpetdlve HppnnMu ran onlv do n
certain amount of work and uiuat havo
real alao or n rollapae'rccilr,
Dopnrtmnnt of tho Interior, Unltod
Htittoa Land Ortlco, .l.nkovlow,
OroKon, April 28th, 101.1,
To Charlea K, (leorgo of No, 407
l.iiiilberniiiliH Hank Illdg,, Port
laud, Orocoii, Coutcatco:
You nro Imrohy notified thnt l'rcd
0. Miller, who glvea llond, Oregon,
cof (J. 8. IIoiihoii, nn hla poat-olllce
iiddruati, did on March lOtli, 101 a,
lilo In tlila olllco Ida duly corroborated
application lo contoat nnd auciiro tho
cuncolliitloii of. your lloiuoatend,
entry No, , Herlnl No. 02811
mado December 7th, 100, for NlC'i
NW'4, Hocllon 1.1 and IMit 'i, nnd .1,
8Wt NKli, KA HWVi, BIS '4 NWV4,
NW'i Hi:U, Bectlon 11!. Townnhlp
22 H Kniigo 20 H., Wlllnniolto
Meridian, mid na grounda far hla con
teat lie nllogcH that Chnrlea K, George
linn wholly failed to oatuhllali hla
realdonce on anlil tract, haa totally
failed to cultlvnlo nnd I in prove tho
lutuo an reijulred by law mid Una
abandoned tho antno for inoro than
oiio yenr lat pnnt.
You nro. tlioroforo, further noti
fied that tho nn Id allegations will bo
takou by thla olllco na having been
coufeaaod by you, mid your aatd entry
will he canceled thereunder without
your further right to ho board there
in, cither beforo thla office or on ap
peal, If you fall to fllo In thla office
within twenty dnyr after tho
KOUItTIt publication of thla notice,
at aliown bolow, your nnawor, under
oath, npcclflcally meeting nnd ro
apoudliiR to theno allcgatlona of con
ical, or If you full within that tlmo to
file In thla olllco duo proof that you
havo nerved a copy of your nnawcr on
tho aald contestant In peraon or by
reglatered mall. If thla ncrvico la
tuado by tho delivery of a copy of
your nnawcr on tho aald contestant
In person, proof of such sor
vlco tnuat bo either tho aald contest
ant's written acknowledgment of hla
receipt of tho copy, allowing tho dnto
of Ita receipt, or tho affidavit of the
peraon by whom tho delivery waa
undo atntlng when and whoro tho
copy waa delivered; If, mado by regla
tered mall, proof of audi acrvlco must
constat of tho affidavit of tho peraon
by whom tho copy wna mailed stating
vhen and tho poatoffico to which It
waa mulled, and thla affidavit inuat
bo accompanied by tho poatmaatcr'a
receipt for tho lotter.
You ahould atato In your nnawor
tho name of tho oatomco to which
von dcalro further notices to bo aonl
to you.
FituD p. cuoni.mii.m;u.
Dnto of first publication May 7,
Dnto of second publication Mny II,
I I t JA " J if- UlSr Ja ki eJ"
"Yes, our new wagon s a Studebaker
the only kind we KNOW"
"Tho Studebaker idea, hna been in our family for
aisty years. Wo hnvo never thought of buying any
other kind of a wagon."
"It'a true, we're continually being offered other
wagons costing n, little leas, with lots or promises as to
what they will do. But wo know in our family what n
Studebaker will do. A few dollars difference in ptico
doesn't mean much. It'a tho service a wagon gives
that wo consider most."
"Long service for a fair price means more every
timo than short service for a few dollars less."
'That's why wo stick to Studebaker and "Stick to StuJo
baker' la a pretty good motto for a. man who uiea wagon."
"Studebaker wagon aro built of good stuff. They're mad 4
right by peoplo who've had yeara and years of experience in
making them right people who aro trutted the world ver."(
"studebaker weon latt, becauae they'ro made to lait."
"Look out for tho dealer who tell you hi wagon I ut at
good aa Studebke, That's my advice after good deal of
emerienco and tho exnerience 6( all of my people,' You set ft
otuacbaiter ana you've got a soiq
Sa ear Dtoltt
. Dato of third publication May 21,
Dato of fourth publication May 28,
Department of tho Interior, United
Hiatus Land Olllco, Tho Dalles,
Oregon, April io, 1013.
To Wllllnm H. Ayora, of Dayton,
Wash., Contcsteu.
You aro hereby notified thut Vic
tor liercovltz, who given (lend. Ore
gon, an hla pOHtolflcc address, did on
April 5, 1013, fllo In thla office hla
duly corroborated application to con
tost and secure tho cancellation of
l your homestead, entry No, ,
Berlal No. 08128, mado March 23,
1 1011, for NNK, HW"NB,
'NWVi, NK't8WK, noctlon 15, town-
nhlp 20 H rango II K., Willamette
meridian, nnd aa grounds for hla
contest ho alleges that aald William
ft. Aycra ban never established hla
ronldenco upon aald tract; that ho
has wholly abandoned said tract for
more than alx months last past.
You aro, tlioroforo, further noti
fied that tho wild allegations will ho
taken by this olllco as having been
confessed by you, and your aald
entry will bo canceled thereunder
wlthont your further right to bo
heard therein, cither beforo this of
II co or on appeal, If you fall to fllo
In thla olllco within twenty days
after tho FOUUTII publication of this
notice, as shown below, your answer,
under oath, specifically meeting and
rusnondlne to these alleeatlons of
! contest, or If you fall within that time
to fllo In thla office duo proor that
you havo served a copy of your
answer on tho aald contestant cither
In person or by registered mall. If
thla aervlco Is made by tho delivery
of a copy of your answer to the con
testant In iiereon, proof of such
acrvlco must bo olthor tho aald con
testant's written acknowledgment of
his receipt of tho copy, showing the
dato of Ita receipt, or tho affidavit
of tho person by whom the delivery
was made stating when and where
tho copy was delivered; If made by
registered mall, proof of audi acr
vlco must consist of tho affidavit of
tho person by whom the copy was
mailed staling when and tho post
office to which It was mailed, and
this affidavit must bo accompanied
by tho postmaster's receipt for the
You should -atato In your answer
tho namo of tho poat offico to which
you deslro futuro notlcca to bo Bent
to you.
C. V. MOOItK. Uoglster.
Dato of first pnhlloatlon April 23,
Dato of second publication April
.30. 1013.
Dato of third publication May 7.
Dato of fourth publlcat'on May 14,
investment, '
er will ei.
South Bend, IncJ.
r i ITw HI
what he thinks of OUR FEED.
Our Flour is on snle at United Warehouse Cos Warehouse
"Fine and Light1'
and excellent for the
making of bread, biscuit,
rolls and pastry, is our
splendid household Flour
-the best help the house
wife could -have in the
production of all bread
stuffs. Try it once, and
you will find it ho good
that you will always use
it afterwards. It yields
delicious, sweet and
nourishing loaves that every one in the family will enjoy.
The Purest and Best Always at
Bend Milling & Warehouse Co.
We Deliver the Goods
i - -i ! a- iii- ' -i i i - i -
Hay, Barley, Oats, Wheat and Bran at lowest prices.
The Largest Barn in Central Oregon.
Bend, Oregon.
Excursions East
HSt,' ""sf
Baltimore, $107.50
Boston 110.00
Buffalo 92.00
Chicago 72.60
Colorado Springs 55.00
Denver 55.00
DesMoines u'5.70
Detroit 83.50
Duluth .. 60.00
Indianapolis 79.90
Kansas City 60.00
Tho train leaving Ilend 0:45 A. M., Redmond " A. M.. Torro
bonne "M A. M., Culver S.-00 A. M., Metoliu 8:30 A. M., Madnu 8:40
A. M.. Maujiin 10:48 A. M., makes direct connection at Fallbridge with
limited train FJwt via Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry.
Train schedules and other details will be furnished on request.
Bairgao checked and sleeping car accommodations arranged through
to destination if doslred. J, U. COKUETT, Agu, Bend, Ore.
It. 11. CRO.IKR. Aswt. Gen'l Pasi. Aift. W. C. WILKES
Portland, Oris. A&rt. Gen'l Krt. & Pas. Agu, Portland, Ore.
Why? ' '
Because our Stock is fresh and our
PRICES the LOWEST in town
Mr. Homesteader, it
our prices before
Hi JhcFulIBn
. - 'ofiFced fa heccaaaryi. but
the quality of tho con
tents Is of much more
importance. To keep
your horaea In propor
condition, alcck and fat
enough for working pur
poses, they should bo
given our choice, selected
Feed, made of the fresh
est and purest grain and
always of uniform qual
ity. Ask any horseman
" CrOOpOZt&
GfUQZ. 1
1 VBajX '"olL
VSPffife J-sSbtf
Milwaukee 72.50
Minneapolis C0.00
New York 108.50
Omaha 60.00
Philadelphia 108.50
Pittsburgh 91.50
St. Louis 70.00
St. Paul 60.00
Toronto 92.00
Washington 107.50
Winnipeg 60.00
will pay you to get.
buying elsewhere
Bend, Oregon.