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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1913)
TICK IIKNI) tlVhhKTIN, nK.VD, Wl'.ltSKHDAY, MAY J I, 101.1. rAGB 1. X L 'WV ' '. "'"V ). 'At, "It 'vnaJUL ffeirascaW? Do you know about them? These nre the remedies thnt nre justly famous on ac count of their won derful curative powers. Kcxnll Homed Ion nre tnmlu after thi moat approved formulas from the parent, li,Klicnt HtrutiKtlt ilrtiK, In ono of the flnont lab oratories In tlio world. Every formula In tost oil and tried, Ono remedy for each nil metit. Ask for FKEB II0OKLI3T. Patterson Drug Co. The ?fetttt&g, Store LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Tho Prlacllla mill Monday night with Mlaa Bldner. Tho livening "600" club meet to night with Mr. Bawhlll. John It. Hllnaon of Prlnovlllo wn t Ho ml vlaltor Saturday night. Mr. M. K, Penny of Portland I vlaltlng .hor dauehtur, Mm. A. A llunna. Tho Caballorlle Club held It fort nightly danoo In Snthur hnll Hatur duf evening. Mr. nml Mri. Itobort II. Gould ar rived Maturdny nml tiro atnylng at Mrs. Framo'a. Tho noxt danoo given liy tho Huh srlptlan Oanolng Club will bo on tho itvonliiR of Mny 31. Victor Bchreder of Itolyat wn In town Friday, going to l.aatern Waah Ington oil n hualucfi trip. K. II. riuuimy, a real ealato man of Heattle, who owns property hero, wa n llond vliltor last week. II. A. Mlllor Itt Thursday for HUtpn, VIc being called there byj the lllucaa of hi father. Mr. Lara entertained Saturday night tho wlvr and relative of ruom Imra of tho Emblem Club, J. I. Cronln of the P. J. Cronln H.vldlery Co. of Portland, I visiting hi alitor, Mrs. II. W. Skua. During tho paat week Ilend ha been vlatted with ahowora that aro of groat benefit to tho farmer. ' nlQKHi OPDalHil' jOeai flmy JCa-uAa Aaa Juii Zreen over ioiee me o tell me Aer iAoxiLit, rSAe'J loAi that maid iAe had that xtaA juci a iAeaauAe. 7lot, if A he'd Zruy lino A cum foA hcA- kiteheh floor, a J o?Ve iejo.ecl AeA to do, 4ie wouldn't have Ao much tAouhle keeftiny. helf, aft makes a kitchen oA liathroom Jo much eaaieA to keeft clean, and jbesidcA, it aluray aivea them a moAe attAact" ive afrfteaAanee, at've liouaht fAettf nevs mattinaa far my Jcd Aoom thi JumineA. c7Aey a ive the rual a Ae-si and a Ac more Jantiary, al-xo. Come over and Ace them, 3ay John dcaAlxf laveA to flay in the kitchen now, ' Aye. 3ye Xou. j,flj Siyau'tt danJy tlnoUum and matting If you go damn to 5. M. Jk Where Your Dollar 0. W. AMiot of Tnconin, who own property hero, was In town Saturday nt tho Pilot liutto llotol. Mlaa Klloti IMoolc of Portland la via ItliiK MIm Arrlo lllaclc HiIh wook, luiv lug arrived Mondny evening. Lottla Aya and Karl Austin worn down from I. Pluo and Creacont on Saturday, slaying nt tho Pilot liutto. H. K. MoiihIiiihI, who recently onuio to 1 tattle from Health), linn taken om ploymuiit with the Milter liiiiuber Co. The lucky iiunihor In (he radio of n hitiidpnluted roae tile at Mm. Pow oImoii'h art shop wa hold by Mra, Hugh O'Kuiiu. Dr. Harl II. OMborn, veterinary at the O. A. C, wna hero lnal Wcdnoa day, goliUf on aouth and oitnt on a Lrl nf imvornl dnya. Mra. IC. It. Poat Itna arrived from lllgln. III., and Joined her huabnnd hero. Tho aro living In ono of tho Onulll cottages, V. I.. Power, who wn aiiporlnien dent of tho tho demonatrntlon farm In Crook county hut aiiiumor, v.aa a Huud vliltor Huiida?. M. (I. O'.Malloy, atato mnnngor of tho I'rnlenml 'Brotherhood In Ore koii. catno In Friday night from Port laud to apend a few uaya. J. P. Koyea returnod Friday from an extended trip. While In Hpnknno ho attended a mooting of tho West ern Pine Manufacturers' Anaoelatlou. J. D. Dnvldaon wna Inld up aevcra) dnya tho paat week with an attack of rhuumntlam but la able to bo out now. Mra. Dnvldaon camo In from tholr homestead to bo wjlh him. Mlaa Vera Knutla Ima returnod from n aonaon'H toncltlliR at Ilufua, Ore., and expecta to apend tho auin inor nt tho homo of hor father, E. A. Knntta, aouthcast of town. O. M. Patterson and N. P. Wcldor will go to Modford noxt week to rep resent the llond lndisa at tho annual meeting of tho Grand Lodge, I. O. O. l, of Oregon, on the Slat. Frank lliittorworth of Slater wna In town Tueaday nd for tho first lime In five y intra had an opportunity to aee the change In tho town. "I oan't find nay of tho old landtnnrka," ho aald. Kirn. Z M. Ilrnwn rxiinn over from Prluevlllo Saturday and joined hoi Imilinmt. Mr. Ilrown now Inline hnr engaged In aaaeaalng looal property. Mra. Drown wai accompanied by Mlaa llaldwlu. II. Fries and wife and J. J. Mur phy, who have ranchea In llarney county near Iron MouilQiln, wore here Saturday, on their way to Pugot Round polnta. Mr. Fries will atao go on to AUaka. News haa been received hero of tht marlage of Jean Charle Ilolloro and Mlaa Anna Margaret Carroll at Grand Forka, N. 1)., recently. Mr. Ilollorc la well known In Ilend, hiring -a homcatoad In the Powetl liutto coun try. I'. I. Shaw of Seattle, who la owner of Ilend buatneas property, haa pur cnaaed through J. II. Miner 180 acre of land adjoining tho Slater town alte which ho will plat. Tho pur ehaao waa made from II. C. Drown, tho price not being given out. ?t4?&t64?iLs &?2zC- ompsdn Dooa It Duty. Thorn la n nioimnKo nt tho Wcntorit I'n Ion toloxraph offlco fur L. C, liamea, Mr. nnil Mra. John Foriiusnn, who have been living ncmr Prluevlllo. have returned to Ilend. Itov. I. 0, .f iKld niiuoiincoa that for the preaout the llaptlat eliurch will dlacontlnuo tho publication of their woekly bulletin. Tho young poopto'n aoolnl, which wna to have occurred luat night, wna ludeflultely pcatponed on account of tho death of Mra. France Itood. O'Douuoll I Iron, hnvo Juat Inatnllod In their market a two-Ion York Ice machine which auppllea rofrlgeratlou for both their cold storage room mid the ahow cuae. William I.. Oraliam or Portland, who la lutereated In tho Garrett prop erty, la hero mid nunouiic if that they will place the property on the mar ket Immediately. HE PASSED IT ON. The Diplomat Oavad Hlmatlf by Quick Wittad Ruaa. The piiKHlug of tho court fool na mi lUHiliulliiu did not liaaii that kin: had ci'hkoI lo take pleamire In the aort of uouitoimu that the Joater hud oeuti llii'iiaiHl to iHtrpetmte. King Frederick William I. of PrtiKMlu waa no Incur rlKlliln Joker and Kreatly enjoyed teat Hit; tho cltn crniti of lilx mluUter and ndvler by pluiiuluu emlmrrnaalug alluntlima, from which they could ex tricate IhoiUMulvvrt only by tho uxerclac of the ipilckimt wit. Ilowerrr, "Da Kuril Fur Alio'' declare that the king wna olmoat ux ready to enjoy bla ovVn dlat'umilturo aa that of bla luteiided victim. One day at a aninll dinner tho klnjr. Imppeulng to Imi In tho mood to play a prank, chute na hi victim ono of bla .ululatera aratotl nt Ida left. Aftor a niinm'iit'a thougbt Ida mnjeaty leaned tuwnnl tin courtier on bla right nnd, (iTlug blm n geutlo alnp on tho cheek, ald."Pmwlt." Aa the tnp wna pnaaei from Rural to guiat round tho table, the king In lenilitua bei-niiM nppareul. The mln tater nt Fredurli'k William' left would IthiT hare to commit lene majeate by dapping Ida aoverelgu or admit blm f Inxiteii and bo the laughlni; ntock if the table. Although the company wna already in n gnle of merriment nt hi oxH-niw. he mlnUter wn not nt nil rendy to u-knowltxltfo n defimt. Jiut na the Mliiw wna pMHintl to blm he let n knife 'nil clntterlm: to the llnr U'tween the lu? nnd hlnjaolf. Immediately n aerv int aprnug furwnnl. pb-ked tho knife ip ami handed It to the mttdater, but .rliut wn too lackey'a natonNhment to fivlve, Inaiend of n word of thnnka, I tap on tli chek. The mlntatcr by ala wit had aareil thealtuntlnn without delnllng the ruten of the en mo. The Hlng wna the flrat to Join In the laugh' er nnd npplntiae that fnsjtcd tho mln later clorernea. Australian Namta. Mark TVvnln, native of a country wIiono place namoa won tho admlra tlon of Itolmrt I- Htrtvenaou, wna him olf delighted by the placu name of Auatralla. Aa ainuaement for A hot lay be collected a Hat of eighty-one. nclndlng audi aoul aatUfjIiig olyyl able n Murrlwlllumba, Yaranyackah, Koudoparlngii nnd JnmbenK), nnd put dxty-alx of them Into n poem of forty Ight llnea. Theao nre potl wonla for MHtry," ho any. "Hut the lxat wont n that lUt and tho moat mualral nml (tirgly U Woollou-nooHou." London Chruntclo. Couldn't Qtt to Rahaaraal. All actor, IfoliiK unable to tlnd work on tho atuRu and needing hla menla, llnully ohtulned the promlao of n con dtictor'a Job on tho atrvet enr line. "When do I report r' "At -I n. in. aluirp." nnld the mnnager. "Shade of Uoolhl" exclaimed tho Theaplan. "I couldn't ataud audi hour. Tho lines would offaot tho anl iry. Why, I'd bo Inlo for rehenwal v ery day." IjouUtIIIo Courier-Journal. A Hungry On. "Your atnmnch la an ntTecteil thnt I fear we alutll hnvo to opurato for It re nmvHl." "All right. Remove It 1 nover tuo It nnyhuw." "You never uao R) Whnt bualneaa are you In?" "I'm n poet." IIoiiHton Post. A Parallal. Mr. Morry -Jnck Jonen. I nm told. Inputted while ho wna being married. Mr. Orouoh-Well, haven't moil lieeji known to J"ke on tho scarroUU Haiti uioro Amerli'un. Spltaful. Kdlth-So you ure really engaged at inxtl I'm awfully glud to bear It, dear! tiludya Yea, I waa aurc you would bo. You hnvo lean competition uiiw. lAindou Mall. Dangaroua to tha Diaphragm, Jack Reggie lufngltiea that he Is n hdy killer. i:tbel-Well, he Isn't far mi. We RlrU n I mont dlo laughing hv inmT Ibwton Truuaerlpt. Wo aro beat of nil led to men's prin ciples by what tbuj do, Rutler. Qood Rataon, !SES "What on earth mado you huy that in iu iiuiwrj tuau ww iierjuj marked qowtx. -Kxcnanga, ""-" - - " It l n great mistake to try to IIt to Borrow or nvou ywtorday today. .. 5 BUNG CASE VERDICT AGAINST EX MAYOR JONES Ileilmoiiil Miiii'm Alleged Ignoritiice of Dmtv I'likcr Doenn't Contlnro Jury That lie Wiin n Klranacr Altogether In the f'ame. (Kdltorlal Correspondence) PJUNKVII.I.K, Mny 10. Ono of the caaea tried before Judgo llrad xhav. thla week that attracted at tention and provided nmuacment was thnt or the Stnto va. II. F. Jonea. .lone la the exmayor of Kedmon 1, and waa r.nnrRed with gambling. U will bo remembered that he acquired tho "ox" portion or hla title through the forcible auggeatlon of Governor' Weat, after conviction In n Juatlco'n court on a charge of gambling, lent Augiiat. Dcaplto all tho poraunslvo olo qtienco of J. A. Wilcox, tomo time recorder of Itedmond, who looka like Gladatono and who actod aa Jonca' attorney, the ox-mayor wn found guilty by a Jury of hla peer, and the Judge fined him tir.n. Homo of tho testimony wna enter taining. For Inatnnco. W. A. Hell, dlatrlct attorney, round It ncccaaary to aak Dillon, tho detective and the itnto'a chief wltneaa, "How do you play poker?" Dillon proved hlmaeir good rorgottor, but rememlercd enough to be nble-to atato that when lone flnlahcd he "had no chl to eaah In." Jonca' quick loaaea, ac cording to Attorney Wilcox, clearly estniuiBiiea die fact that he never tumbled, na thoy demonatratcd hla ignorance or the game. Hut tho Jury didn't acorn to take thla point or vlow ind waan't oven Influenced by the fact, demonatratcd by tho defenac, that ono can't play poker In Ited mond on credit. Tho Joaea defenae was chiefly 'taaed on the allegation that the ex mayor played aolcly aa a munlclpla detective, to ferret out evidence. TRACK MEETAT REDMOND Ilend Ilcpre.cnlcil by Three HIrIi School llnya. A triangular high achool track meet waa held at Itedmond Saturday, (lend being repreaented by three of the high achool boya. Prlnevllle won tho meet, acorlng 72 V4 point. Red mond waa second-with 41 and Rend third with 12.H points. Tboao wbo took part In the meet from hero wero Ivan McGlllvray and Claudo and Lloyd Kelley. McGlll vray won the dlacu throw, 89 reet 10 Inches, and tho shot put. 40 reet i Inchea. C. Kelley tied for second place In the standing broad Jump. A larce crowd or students and town people went down ror the meet. In cidentally, they had some fun at the 'ixpenae of Robert II. Gould, who was it tho Hotof Redmond with hla brldo. Tho orowd got together n lot of old ahoea nnd tin oana and thoroughly decorated the nuto of J. C. Rhodea. who had gone down to meet Mr. and Mr. Gould and W. D. Choney. Fl'XKRAL OF MRS. HOOD. Tho funeral of Mr. Frances A. Rcod was 'bold nt the homo of her dauRhtor. Mra. W. J. Crabenhorst. at 10 o'clock thla morning. Rov. K. O. Judd officiating. Mrs. Rood died of pneumonia Monday nt 11 p. m. Francos M. Anthony was horn on April 23. 1845. near Atwater, Ohio. On October 1. 18C7, she was married to Warren D. Rood and to thorn wero born thrco children, two of whom Bttrvlvo Mra. Grahonhorst nnd E. D. Rood of Flaaher. IS. D. Sirs. Rood camo to Ilend with hor daughter last fall. ; Hot rolla and bread nt the Ameri can I la Very every afternoon At B o'clock. New More on Wall Mrvd.lOtf CHURCH NOTICES lkiptM. Ulblo school at 9:45 a. n. Preach ing service nt 11. subject "The Amu- ranco of Salvation." Hrotherhood at 3 p. m. No preaching In the evening oh acount o'f baccalaureate sermon at the Methodist church. Tho young people's meeting will be held at 7. Prnver mooting Wednesday evening nt 8 o'clock. Choir practlca Thurs day evening ut 7:30. ' Catholic. Servlos Sunday morning at the reg ular hour, 10:30 o'clock. l'resli) terlnn, There will be special sorvlcos on Sunday, tho. ISth, at the Star Thea tre, at 11 a. m conducted by tho pastor; subjeot, "Walking; With God." Mrs. B. R, Post will Blnu a BOj0' Jt?WJSlsJi.i; .. -u- M.......V.... nj -t u m. school graduation sormon by Rev, R. f. Vnwhiin Th Ftnnflnv mliiuil will meot at 10 a. in. at tho Star, Rosa Fnrnham,.aupt. ,1501 111 UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS NEW ARRIVALS for Summer Wear WjuteCordiiro;' Skirts White Lingerie Waists dcsiffns, sizes Jil to 42, $1.2 $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 a dcsiffns, sizes Jil to 42, Infants White Dresses 65, 75, 85, $!,$!. 50 Ladies' and Misses' White Dresses in voiles, ul lovers, etc. latest models, pricedfrom $5 to $8:50 NEW DRESS ACCESSORIES Jabots, Lace Collars, Robespierre Collars 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c We carry Machine Needles for all kind of Sewmj Machine THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY Mannhelmer's J HATS, CAPS, FURNISHINGS, NECKWEAR K.KPt.l.IKNCI.I OITICIAX COMING Dr. Kenneth T. InR. optician and refracting specialist, will Iks In Ilend for a period of ten days beginning on May 22. Dr. Long I a competent and experienced optician and will bo prepared to make examination and preacrlbo and fit glasses. While In llond he will mako his headquarters it the otrtco of Or. U. C. Coe and ap pointments may bo made with Dr. Coo. -Adr. 10-11 AM0NQ THE SETTLERS NORTHEAST OF TOWN -- (Special to The Bend Bulletin.) Mr. and Mr. Charles Hoech spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Wal ker at Alfalfa. Mrs. Luis Ellington and Carl Har nand. recently from Germany, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hnvemann. On April 12 a seven-pound girl 'aby was born to Mr. and Mr. It. E. Crimea. , Tho father and slater" of R. E. Grimes, from Salem, aro visiting at his ranch. The baaket social held under tho ipaplcoB of tho Eastern Star Grange on May 10 proved a delightful suc cess. Tho proceeds of the evening wero ?32. HARN AND EVERYTHING FOR HORSES ONLY THE STRONGEST LEATHER GOES INTO THE HARNESS WE SELL. YOU CAN KNOW THAT THE HARNESS YOU BUY FROM US WILL GIVE LONG. HONEST WEAR. A WE DO NOT SELL "CHEAP" HARNESS AT ANY PRICE. BUT JfiiJ ' FOR A CHEAP PRICE. BUY YOUR HARNESS FROM US 'AND YOU WILL BE "HITCHED UP" TO OUR STORE FOR ALL TIME FOR ALL YOU NEED IN HARNESS AND HARDWARE. Skuse Hardware Company. Wa Kvfjslr Uus of All KIsKtt. " tit $1.75 and $2.50 voile and lawn, neat $1.25, tf C Hid VaWsiW POWELL BUTTE -- (Special to Tho Bend Bulletin.) POWELL BUTTE, Slay 11. Mrs. Sarah Phillips, who has been v lilt ing here during the past year, and her son Ruby, wbo has been here the past few months, expect to return to their home In Canada the flrat of tho week. Mr. Blair and family are new ar rivals In this neighborhood, coming from Portland. Mrs. D. A. Paterson has been sick with the grip but is much better now. W. J. Galbralth and chlldern are Just recovering from a siege of Uie mumps. J. P. Bowman Is hauling potatoes to La Pine where he get 75 cent to $1 a sack. A. D. Morrill la pulling trees on the L. P. Uahlen homestead. Creamery men from Redmond were In tho neighborhood last week en gaging cream of local farmers, as t&oy expect to sVirt the Red creamery soon again. Powell Butte has teen tlslted by several fine showers during the past week Just what was needed by tho farmers. George Schobert is still planting potatoes on that 90-acre "patch" of hi. He says ha will leave them In the ground for fertilizer If thoy aro not a good price this fall. WE SELL GOOD HARNESS 4H JsMSa