The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 14, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Ono Out mi A-r Hnougli-lrrlgnlloii
Iruirlopmt'iit, iin IndloaU'il by Wn.
U'V IVrmlts, I v-
rrnur WiM After 'Megniiii.
(Hpoolnl to Thu Hullottn)
" HAI.HM, May 12. Tho oonlrnot
bstwoon tho statu mill tho federal
.government reclamation service for
Hut co-omirnllvu .iiuvny o' tho water
QK f'ouriji'H of OroRu'l l'-i Won signed,
jnnd tho way h obwr .r tho work to
iri.cood. Tho contract vnu uigncu
Iiii week, tho ma'am '." ii rervlco tio-
.lig represented by I., i'. lopaon, tho
Htporvlslng oiiKlii'i" .11 Cregon. Tho
h i to mid Kovorn ut r.toh put up
t..i) 000 for tho vk.
Tho lamest share of tho fund will
ho spoilt on tho Deschutes rlvor, hut
'tho contract permits tht lino of tho
fund In suivn g other streams, ana
,lt l llkclv thai worl: will ho done
on Ui u Mit.'Mur I ivor ana too joiiii
Day project.
, Timber 1'iilrul Hlwiixortl.
Tho iitato board of forestry, which
liulil n moot Inn In Rnlem lnnt week,
estimated that the cost of patrolling
limber land In Eastern Oregon
Hhould not exceed ono cent an aero
'Tho board frowned uimn tho efforts
of certain pontons In that part of tho
state to contract with tlmhor owner
'to patrol their holdings during tho
column season for n nuarior see
tlou, which la equal to 3 eenta an
A law panned by the last lcglsla-
turo provide that ovory ownur woo
' doo not llvo within ono and a half
lnllni nf tiU timber land mint pro
'vldo a nuinolonl patrol for It, and In
co of an owner' refusal or negloct
. to funilnli n patrol, tho state forest
er I aulhorlied to provide ono at
coat not to exceed 6 cent an aora
pur milium. Tho tato forester la
urging timber owner to Join forest
tiro patrol associations a that otTor
i' I ha chrnpoHt cost for effective patrol.
.Much Water Development.
4 Tho atato onglnoor ha Issued n
tttatomont showing that 114 wator
permit wero Issued during tho quar-
tor Jut ended, under which It I
propound to Irrigate 40,071 aero,
develop 1601 horsepower and aupply
' water for domestic and municipal
line. The fee amounted to (3288,
, Tho atatement ay: "Thoo per
mit cover lonit largo Irrigation pro
jeot. perhapa tho moat Important bo-
lug that flloil by tho Oregon Land
Corporation of Portland, which cov
or about 20,000 aero on tho head-
' waters of the Deschutes rlvor In tho
vicinity of Creacont. Thl projuct
, cover n -part of tho wagon road
grant and It I tho purpose of tho par
tie handling It to effect an oxclwngo
with -tho foroat aorvlco o that tho
land to bo Irrigated wilt Ho In a com
pact body Initnai! of ovory odd aoo-
' tfona granted to tho road company.
Vatr for thl project will bo tok
en' from Cottonwood, Miller, Shoo.
Hiring nnd Sink creek and It ontalil
tho conttruetlon of n resorvolr at
Fish lake.
Oovurnnr West la preparing to Wo
n libel suit agaluil tho Portland Telo-
' groin for puhlUhlng alleged dofnm
htory articles agalnit him relative to
, hi oonduct of tho atato penitentiary
brick yard funda. It U probablo tho
tilt will bu for 150.000 damago.
Amateurs IVrcnt "That Rascal lat"
f In Creditable Manner.
At tho Dream Theatro on Friday
ovoulnK. "'mat Ilacal Pat," a one
nni fnrco romudv. waa nresontad by
I local talent under the auspice of tho
I ' l'ratornl llrotherhood. A told In
Tho JJulleJin at wceK, mo piuy con-
. 'Ifii tho dimcultlca Into which Pat
kMcNoggorty got himself bjr trying to
ofvo Ivs'o nlaatef LIvJngpTo'ud, lii
' lovo with Laura, and her undo, Puff-
, Fred L. Huoy as Pa,t wa much In
uvldonco through tho wholo courao
of tho play, which took about CO
minutes to proannt. Tho situation In
which holfouud hlnmolf when,, believ
ing Llvlngatone to liavo gone away
' for threo weoka, ho ontored Major
PuffJackot'H uorvlco, and his floun-
dorlug uttompta to got out of hlfl
troulilou, created much amusomont.
U. N. Iloffmnn na Llvlngstpno took
Ills purl with spirit, dcolnlmlug hla
'love for l.uuru and calling down
'wrath upou tho hondu of Pat nnd
' 'Mujor PuiTJockot In turn.
PulTJackot, In tlio poraon of Hobs
.Furnhani, was truly puffed and
'crusty, Btrultlng about tho stnGO and
grumbling hts dlallko of nil things.
i ' Tho Indies in tho cast, Miss Harriet
.DoIhcii oh Nancy und Mra. It, J. Todd
aa Laura, acted their parts with a
i ivory piuuBiiui vuuiitiuuku.
in ' During tho couruo of tho play Mr.
Huoy sang two songs, ono w m io
foal hltB, whloh wero well received,
ospoolally by th auatonco at tho sec
1 tond performance.
Ml tha arraniramonts for tho nlay
.were .niivds-Vy Mrs, p. .W BJ,rlprr
' who atltuaoa to me many aoiaii in
(i vnry thorough mnniior. In Justice
to tho performer, It hIioiiIiI Iio Minted
thnl tlio uliiy wim gomm tin In roc-
oril-lirciikliiK tlnio for llond tnlont,
tlm Unit rehearsal with nil tho cnnt
present lining hiilil lnnt Tuosdny.
I'nl MoNogimrty Fred I. Hnoy
Mnjor I'uffjnckot . . Hour Farnhnm
Charles I,lvlugstniio' . ,U. N. Hoffman
Nancy ....... .Miss llnrrlot Dolsnn
I.uiirit .Mrs. It. J. Todd
Hi'lciitlllv DUciixfiloii in Arrnngeil Hy
Dr. (lorby.
A anrloa of scientific locturoa hfta
boon rirraiiKcil by Dr. Oorby, pastor
of the Prualiytorlan church, to bo do-
llverod to mothont and Huiiday anhool
teachura. Thvao uddroKae will bo
given at tlio homo of II. It. Ford, and
there will bo onta for nil. Tho Ipe-turi-s
begin nt 7:46 p. in. Tho llrat
will bo by Dr. If. C. Coo on tho aul-
Jort, "Tho Anatomy of tho Child and
Adolosront Drain," dullvornd on May
21. On May 28 tho vocond tectum
will bo glvon by Dr. H. Forroll, hi
subject being "Tho Nervous Hystoui
und Hoimutlon In Connection With
Drain Dovolnpmunl." Tho third will
ho glvon by Dr. Uorby on-Juno 4, tho
Hiiliji'cl tiaed by him being "Tho Phys
ical Hani of Moral Inutnictlon, That
In, thu Tup of tho Head."
Fntlien of Itoya Dnittued on April 10
Ara HvttardiHl In Kearrli.
Tho bodle of William Gorton and
!,awrouco McClaakoy, tho boys who
waro drowned in tho Deschutes on
April 10, coino to tho urfaco last
week and wero recovered. Kvcr
alnca tho dlvor brought up from Port
land gnvo up lit enrch, the father
cf .tho drowned Ixiys liavo been
watching tha rlvor In tho hopo that
tho hodleft would rUo, Thursday
tlielr patience was rewarded by tho
finding of ono of them, which, though
nlmoMt unrecognisable, waa ascertain
ed to bo that of tho McClaskcy boy.
Minify Coroner Polndoxter at Prlno
villa walveil an Inquest and tlio fun
eral wn hold Thursday afternoon nt
3:30 from tho homo of tho boy' par
ent. Tho body of tho florton boy wa
found Friday morning and tho fun-
oral held that afternoon at tho un
dertaking parlor.
Itoth Imdles wero found not far
from where tho Itnyjt wore aeon to go
down for tho last time, tlm first on
tho cast side of tho river nnd tho sec
ond on tho west.
Petition l Filed For Klamalli Coun
ty i:it-ctlon Next Month.
petition aliened by C70 allogod voter
of Klamath county wa filed with tho
county clerk hero yesterday request
Ing tho resignation of County Judgo
Will 8. Wordon. It Is probalbo that
an election will bo called for Juno 3.
Juduo Wbrden, widely known as
tho "flood noad Judge," ha an
nounced hla Intention to fight to a
finish. Ho ay If tho people want
him ho want to contlnuo tho work,
and It thoy do not ho will Ikj do-
llshtod tn null. In tho formor ovont
Iio pro in I boh a continuance of hla for
mer progrcaslvo policies. Whllo
thoro Is strong opposition, It Is no
lloved by eompeteitt obsorvora Uiat
Worden will bo returned to tho of
Tho sermon to tho graduating class
of tho llond High School will bo
proachod at tho Methodist church by
Nov, K. C. Nowham next Sunday ovo
nlng at 8 o'clock. In vlow of thoso
special service thoro will bo no ser
vices on Sunday evening at any of
tho other" churches. t
uuuuuixjiuiaiiiuJ.'ii.LJ xi i iu
it-tHm -
Sand and Gravel
Plastering Sand.
! Concrete Sand.
Roofing Gravel.
Concrete Gravel. .
,, ;Road Material.
t .Sidewalk Material.
All Material Washed and Screened.
hit iniimni ii ii ... i... - swwwswiwsyi
V r-. 'V
ISOIton, Kuetenik and May
Rend, Oregon
' OF
j ,,fXA
For Kill I ii if to IMIiiiiIi.Ii Fire Unlit
In or Svnr National Foret Hnwll
I'liK1 Aio liupofted, mill Warn-
lug (llviu to Uic Public.
During tho last mouth flvo men
luivi) pleaded guilty In tho United
Statu District Court In Portland to
lire trespass tn tho Dcachutes Nat
ional Foroat, nnd wero ouch fined $10
without costs.
Tho churgo on which tho men wore
arraigned was for violation of sec
tion 62 of tho Penal Code which pro
vides a fine of not mora than $1000
or not moro than ono yenr's Impris
onment or both flno nnd Imprison
ment, for fnlluro to totally extinguish
n flro built In or near any forest, tlm
hor or other Inflammable material
upon tho public domain beforo leav
ing It.
On July 15. 1912, Dock F. South
of Slaters loft burning a camp flro In
llrushy draw In the forest, "sup poo
I nc that It waa In a safe condition."
This fire, which was soon nfler dis
covered by Forest Gunrds Iluchauan
and Moody and extinguished, did no
damago but was so located that only
tho lack of wind provonted It apread
to tho surrounding timber with per
haps disastrous results.
On tho morning of September 25,
1012, A. W. Culp, Charles Kagles,
Don Maker nnd C. T. McCall, all of
Madras, loft their camp flro burning
near Cultas river bridge on Crano
Pralrlo. Tho flro had been built In
tho high dry grass on tho edge of a
lodgopolo plna grovo. It was dis
covered by Hangers Itlls and Lnwton
and extinguished.
Tho flro reports of tho Deschutes
forest for thu last few years show
that thoro are records of flvo Urea,
each of which covered an area of nt
least n section of land, that wero
known to liavo been caused by Just
such carelessness. In addition to
these flvo, thoro liavo been a great
many smaller fires that wero discov
ered and put out leforo they had
covered so largo an area,
Tho punishment meted out by the
court will no doubt servo aa a warn
ing to tho public to oxorclso great
care with flro In national forests,
making auro that their camp flroa are
completely oxtlngulsohd beforo leav
ing them.
HtaatM HouM Ilullt OO Yearn Ago M'm
KcMroyetl Friday Afternoon.
Tho oldest residence In this vicin
ity, It Is believed, wn destroyed by
flro Thursday afternoon, when tho
old W. II. Staats houso was burned.
It wa occupied by Standford Hud res
nnd fnmlly. Mrs. Hndres and tho
two small children woro In the houso
at tho tlino, alio being asleep. Thoy
had n close call, n tho room was full
of smoko whan she wa aroused. Tho
flro is hollovod to havo started In tho
kitchen, from tho flue. Nothing was
saved except a trunk full of pictures,
Mr. Kndros was away when tho flro
was discovered, hts fathor-ln-law, J,
C, McKcehan, being t,tio first to see
It. No Insurance was, carried on tho
houso or tho contents.
Part of tho building was of logs,
being erected some 30 yoars ago, Mr.
Ktaata says. A frame part had been
I added later, making It a two-story
I structure.
Hack Fill Notv Take Place In Con-
Mriiclloii Hnglnecr' Itciwrt
Tttelto Manhole Ciinipleted-r-
Jtvport Mmlo For April.
Tho onglneor'a rciort covering tho
work done on tho scwor In April wn
uubmlttod to thu council ut Its meet
ing last evening. According to thin
roport, tho work In tho uptown dis
trict Is mora than three-fourths com
pleted nnd moro than half of tho
plpu la laid. Considerable progress
has been made on tho main sower In
tho north part or tho city nnd on tho
tunnel at tho foot of Sixth street.
In April 2412 feet of plpo wn laid
aa compared with 1R92 up to April 1.
Tho earth excavation now totals
'2010 feet and thc.rock 352, Twelve
manholes ara completed, nushtanK
and 10 plain concrete tanks. The to
tal backfill now amounts to 219C
As In March, tho avcrago number
of men on the payroll wa 65. Tho
total number of hours worked wa
There are so many advantages in
in roofing a building with Malthoid
there is hardly space here to
enumerate them all. '
In the first place, " . .-'
Malthoid is made to wear and
stand the ravages of the elements '
for a very long time.
It is made in the
largest roofing factory in the world and
by men who have been making roofings
for twenty-six years.
It is, therefore, as perfect a
roofing as it is possible to make in
this day and age.
Malthoid can be laid quickly
it can be laid by any one
it requires no tools no experience
no expense no technical care
no trouble.
As it comes in rolls, it can be
quickly, cheaply, and conveniently
transported. It can be carried on
mule back to the inner recesses of the
most inaccessible mountains.
It can be used in any climate, for it
never melts and it never freezes.
It can be used on every kind of a ,,
building, because it is made to fit every
building condition.
As it is fire-resisting, " i , J .'
it enjoys the same insurance rates as '
roofs of tin and iron. 4
Because it is a non-conductor
it keeps out the cold in winter and
prevents the heat in summer,
and buildings roofed with it have an "
equitable temperature throughout
the year. ;
It will last longer than iron or tin
is less expensive to lay and
never gives any of the troubles caused by
both of these metals.
It is not affected in any way by
chemicals, gases, acids, moisture, insects,
or any destructive agency.
Compared with other brands of roofing,
Malthoid has no equal.
Being the original Ready Roofing,
all the thought and study and experience
covcrinp; a period of
twenty-six years has been
concentrated in its manufacture.
Malthoid is a roofing of ,
unequalled excellence,
You are taking absolutely no chances
when you use MaUhwl Roofing,
MafctyTkhnftePafttCs, Skiise Hardware Co.
Sm fntdm vd bftpkm actio, one.
18,000. Tho expenditures to date
amount to $.14,750.44 and tho value
of material on hand Is estimated at
Thrco sklllod barber are at In
ncs & Davldflon' barber shop to
servo you. Adv.
- -
See Us
for Photo Portraits
and all-around
We are located here and
guarantee our work.
t Elite Studio
A w
bwk lalW
iu kmM
uii kMk wui
cwt.l It
Var ' lilifit erndn work and rlshfc
prlcos In dressmaking call on Mrs.
O. A. Thoirson, Deschutes Addition.
Advertisement. "Ott
Department of tho Interior, United
tntcs Land Office, Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, April 23, 1913.
To John Vnjcn of No. 8C1S 8th ave.
S Seattle, Wash., Contostco:
You aro hereby notified that Ed
ward A, Fogg, who gives Hampton,
Oregon, as his postofTIco address, did
on March 22, 1913, file In this office
his duly corroborated application to
contest and securo tho cancellation
of your homestead entry No. ,
Serial No. 08987. made May 17, 1911,
for NB , N SB , SB N W ' , Sec.
18, 8VytSK4, Section 7, township
19 8., range 20 B Wlllametto Merid
ian, and cm grounds for his contest
ho alleges that said John Vnjen has
wholly failed to establish his resi
dence on said tract nnd has wholly
failed to cultivate nnd Improvo same
as required by law and has aban
doned same for moro than one year
last past.
You aro. therefore, further noti
fied that tho said allegations will bo
taken by this office as having been
confessed by you, and your said entry
will bo canceled thereunder without
your further right to be heard there
in, cither before this office or on ap
peal,, If you fall to file In this offlco
within twenty days after the
FOURTH publication ot this notice,
as shown below, your answer, under
oath, specifically meeting and re-'
ponding to these allegations of con
test, or If you fall within that time to
file in this offlco duo proof that you
havo served a copy of your answer on
too said contestant In person or by
registered mall. If this servlco Is
made by tho delivery of a copy of
your answer, on tho said contestant
In person, proof ot such ser
vice must be cither tho said contest
ant's written acknowledgment of his
receipt of the copy, showing the date
of Its receipt, or the affidavit of the
person by whom the delivery was
tnsdo stating when nnd where the
copy was delivered; if made by regis
tered mall, proof of such service must
consist of tho affidavit of tho person
by whom tho copy was mailed staging
-when and the postofllce to which it
wns mailed and this affidavit must
bo accompanied by the postmaster's
receipt for tho letter.
You should state In your answer
tho name of tho postofflco to which
yon deslro further notices to bo sent
to you.
C. W. MOOItE, Register.
. Dato of first publication Moy 7,
lmio ui sccunu imuiicuMuu .'117 a-i,
1913. -
Dato ot third publication May 21,
Dato of fourth publication May 28,
Vienna Cafe
Wall Street
Good Meals, Prepared with
Cleanllne, at Moderate
Largo Loaves of Wholesome
Bread 5c Each
A Trial Will Convince.
Fisherman's Lunch
r a
Put up neatly
in boxes
that are light and
. easily carried.
I 4
Every Oardtntr tni
QDArtar marluof Our
pkcisl arFcst
V will Mad postpaid our
akf.rriMMubk . . . io
s sfeifcti.keMwr "
tfkf SmIj liiwtlhUm , . .iu
l;tf.hUutaallulrfUUu. . , . It
Witta thf I Sm4 V Matt to Ufe rT ? u4
wM.g 4 rtv UUaVm.TufcM CwumMm," to
Tn.t w riwn
UKTHUUI awut V. .