The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 14, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PACKS 4.
Editor and Publisher.
Managing Editor.
Associate Editor..
An Independent nowspapcr stand
ing for tho Bquaro deal, clean busl
nets, cloan olttlc8 and tho beat In
terests of. llend and Central Oregon.
One year. . , 11.60
Hlx month 80
Thrco mouths .BO
All subscriptions aro duo and
of expiration will bo mailed subscri
bers and II ronownl Is not mado with
in reasonablo ttnio tho paper will bo
Plcaso notify us promptly of any
change of address, or of failure to ro
celvo tho paper regularly.
Mako all checks and orders pay
able to' Bond Hullotln.
The llulletln has tiecii dcHlsinated
br the County Court of Crook County
to publNh oltlclally nil the proceed
ing of tho court.
trlcts It scorns n fair prediction that
unless Mr. Springer sees fit to adopt
a broader viewpoint, unless ho Is lils
lllusloncd concornlnrt the Identity of
tho Txnr of Crook County, unless ho
devotes himself moro to his own af
fairs and Icbb to thoso of tho other
county officers, and nbovo nil, unless
ho In tho future exorcises a doal more
care In his attltudo toward tho peo
ple unless, In short, Mr. Springer
turns over a now leaf, tho dull weoka
of July qulto probably will bo enliv
ened hy Crook county's first recall
WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1913.
For soveral months It has been an
open, secret that County Judge
Sprlngor was having his troubles.
Th'atfln Itself was not remarkable,
fofeounty judges and trouble are
pretty apt to bo Intlmatoly acquaint
ed. Hut these rumors recently have
become more acute, and have been
reinforced by sundry yarns, some of
them simply humorous and some of
them serious, alt of which tended to
diffuse a general belief that If Judgo
Sprlngor was not actually unfit for
his office through sins of commission
ho was at least disqualified from ren
dering worthy servlco to tho county
becahso of personal inability.
Whether or not our county judge
knowingly and wilfully stolo a couple
of wagon loads of cement, whether or
not he has said he stood for one thing
and did one thing while actually
standing for and doing another, are
not questions essential to tho point.
It is just posslblo that a satisfactory
explanation does exist regarding the
cement escapade (though Heaven
knows his "reply" to tho charges is
a masterpiece of evcaslonl) ; It may
be that ho was simply Ignorant of the
true condition of county finances
when he made statements regarding
them that wore misleading; It Is con
ceivable that he actually thought he
was opposed to the purchase of the
county auto despite the sworn state
ment to tho contrary of competent
witnesses. Ignorance of facts or a
genius for forgetting need not hope
lessly condemn a man.
Out when a "public official has the
brazen hardihood or tho Imbecile
lack of common sense to take the
stand Judgo Sprlngor occupied (or
tried to ocoupy) when he appeared
before the meeting of taxpayers in
terested in good roads, ut Prlnevllle
Wednesday, his case would seem to
he hapeloss. The fact that all his
fellow officials havo turned against
him in disgust was not suulolont to
damn him; people perhaps entertain
ed a suspicion that jealousy or some
kindred fooling caused the criticism
of the Judge. Hut last Wednesday
some 40 taxpayers were glen an In
sight Into his character and ability.
It Is fair to say that every ono of the
40 Is today heartily disgusted with
Briefly, Judge Springer tried to
compel a meeting to do exactly what
he wanted, despite the fact that it
was unanimously opposed to his plan.
Dllndly and stupidly he won the en
mity of a group of Influential men
whose only desire was for a progres
sive admiulstratlon of road matters.
The most charltablo thing that could
bo said Is that It was astonishingly
poor politics. It was a clumsy exhi
bition of a big stick supposedly used
to force a swap which no ono wanted
but the'Judgehiraself. That It failed
dismally was inevitable.
Just what wiU happen next It is
hard to conjecture. The situation tp
duy exhibits tho Judge with all his
brother officials opjioscd to him, and
with an evor-lncreaslng body of oU
flers awakening to the fact that the
county chose Its Judge with little wis
dom. That be is, p'r will be, next to
paperless' seems a fair presumption,
for'oneman 'opposed to two can ac
complish little.
$ Sounding tho matter from all sides
with expressions from Prlnevllle,
Redmond, Sisters, Metnllus, Madras
a and even the eaafara country dls-
Modestly tucked nwny on nn In
side page, under tho caption of "l.o
cal Mention," tho following graphic,
comprehensive and enthusiastic ac
count of tho progress of railroad
building to Prlnevllle Is found In
tho Crook Cdunty Journal of last
"Tho railroad surveyors ore stilt
working out of Mctollus but hopo to
Jiiq. through on that side of the gap
by tho end of tho week. Thon work
will bo conducted from this end of
tho line. Everything Is progressing
smoothly and every Indication points
to n railroad In tho near future."
Thoro seems every reason to bo
ncvo that n real railroad actunlly Is
coming this time, and Prinevlllo Is
to be congratulated heartily, as Is
tho rest of Central Oregon for de
velopment of ono section or one com
munity cannot but benefit others.
Hut tho point Is that some folks aro
wondering what the Journal would
havo to say about a roally Important
ovent like a funeral; of courso such
a roero trifle as n railroad Is worth
nothing more than a'bretlty In a
sanely progressive journal!
Lost week Prlnevllle had a tag
day; tho ladles' raised monoy to Im
prove a city parkx Ono of tho special
purposes is to plant trees. It Is a
good plan and ono that merits enthu
siastic support. Also, for other com
munltics it Is an admirable example
and a lesson. For Instance. It shows
a town that already has trees how
important It is to preserve thfin. Jf
a few people were given their way,
every tree in Uend would bo de
stroyed and then some day we. too,
would be having teg days to raise
money to plant trees. Ldt us ronicnt-
and dreaming of Demi's future.
1. Tho first mill between track nntl
rlvof'wlll threat' roslduncos 'across
rlvor and track.
2. Tho first real fnctory In Rlvor
aldo will forco residences across track
and rlvor.
3. A school Blto already exists to
caro for tho district between trnck
and river. It tho present buildings
arc or become Inadequate, they will
bo torn down and n building oroctod.
4. A school must nomo day bo
built across tho river. Hero facto
ries will ultimately occupy tho low
lands nml waterfront. Thoroforo,
buy nn ontlro block on tho most sight
ly hlRh ground In Konwoud, llond
View or the rear of tho lloulovurd
Addition, affording playground, and
either erect a small building, bo con
structed that It may be n portion of
a larger building Inter, or hold thel
property tor a future muitiing. tho
district will some day buy such n
block In this region, nnd never enn
do so as ohenply as now.
G. Tho Center Addition will ono
day he business property; nnd four-
tUt lis of Hond's residences will bo
northeast nnd southeast of thnt ills
trlct. with tho majority southeast. Ac
Copt as a gift block 3, Html Park, and
block 12S. First Addition to Hond
Park", over 200x500 feet, enough for
school and playgrounds, and erect
there a building carefully planned tb
bo n part ultimately of tho most
beautiful Central High School In tho
C. If you do thin, wn will also glvo
tho district block 4D, lllvorsldo, block
56, Hond Park, and block IS 2, Sec
ond Addition to Hond Park.
T. Refer to tho map published. In
The term of C. K. Cranston of
Pendleton as chairman of the stato
fish and gamo commission soon will
expire. Mr. Cranston has demon
strated his Intorest in tho work tho
commission Is concerned with and
has shown his ability as one of Its
officers. Not only Eastern Oregon,
but tho sportsmen throughout tho
state aro united In hoping that Mr.
Cranston will be reappointed.
Wrtt ?
SttMA.1, C M. MMM U.
Henll Park Company Will Proent t
HlockN For Future Hiilldlng.
To the School Hoard and People of
Wo understand that a deadlock has
developed In the school site matter.
Let us picture the situation as It ap
pears to the blrdseye view of men
100 miles away who spend all their
days brooding over the map of Hend
May 14, 1913
Dear Friend:
Do you like pie-plant
pie? I Just love it.
It io better than
gooseberries. It you
get pie-plant that is
not tough it makes the
pie good and juicy I
like the Juice. When
mama sent me for pie
plant today I saw all
of these things at the
Pie-plant 7 cents a
Your friend,
P. S.-That was good
pie-plant we got at
this Issuo of Tho Hultotlu, on which
thoso sites nro mnrkod, nnd sun tho
results. Right at tho atari you havo
pruvldod site for n - perfect school
system for a city of 35,000 people;
and Hond will havo sot an example
among cities for fnrslghtoilnees nnd
economy In tho administration of
funds for such purposes.
8. Tho owneru of ovory alto In
llend will benefit hy this; and wo
think you will hgrco thnt wo nro pay
ing for nny bonclU wo tuny dorlvo.
0, It our Central High School slto
now ttunins Inconvenient, It will not
seem so when tho Mr tit scholar enter
the building. Hy the time tho build
ing Is llnlshed more than half of
lion d 's population will bo living east
of tho trnck.
10. Furthermore, wo predict that
you will build n school nlto In tho
Second Addition to llend Pnrlc with
in two years, nnd In tho North End
within thrco years,
11. Our offer holds good until nn
election tnken plnce, tho election to
bo called within thirty days and to
occur us soon as tho law permits, to
voto on bonds to purchase the site
west of tho rlvor nnd In erect the
Central High School on tho site hero
In offered.
12. And whatovor you do, provldo
nmplo playgrounds.
This I merely a statement of tho
school problem as It appears to us;
and wo will neither say nor do any
thing to Influence your opinion.
Seattle. May 10, 1913.
Shingles Mouldings
"Building Material
Th Miller Lumber Company
Bend, Oregon.
" -, i ?
t ' X
Train on New llond RitniitnK l Hitr
; ,pe" NaT Vnle Piper
(Malheur Enterprise Vale)
Work progresses steadily on tho
Oregon Eastern nnd rails will bo laid
through tho tunnel by July 1.
Thoro nro two engineering par
ties In. tho field beyond tho tunnel,
itto.ln chargo of Willis (.outlier, who
aro checking up the cross sections
from tho tunnel to Dog Mountain.
Along tho line, ther la much activ
ity. Harper Is devotoplng Into h
modern town, with much building go
ing forward. Tho railroad company
has handled a carload of hogs tho
past week and la arranging to han
dle G0.000 sheep In tho near future.
Wcstfall is now freighting ho ma
terial from Harper. At Juntura tbnro
nro four or tlvo now stono building's
In course of completion, streot grad
ing going forward and many new
houses going up.
The now train, tho Yalo-Harper
limited, makes schedule time nnd is
apparently doing a fine business.
progress tundo In tho building of tho
Oregon Kantoru Railroad. Tho big
tunnel In Mainour canyon Is open
ing up rapidly nnd tho trnck will bo
laid through It by Juno 10, Tho ex
pectation la that tho road will bo
complotcd to Juntura by August 1
nnd to lllvorsldo during tho fall, In
tho meantime, grading will begin In
Crnno Crook gap and especially In tho
big rut nnd III! thoro which will takn
considerable tlmo. When tho rond
Is llnlshed to lllvorsldo, tho frolght
haul to Hums will bo ouny,
It Is confidently assorted thnt grad
ing on this rnad will begin front tho
west before tho minitnor passes nnd
that the two ends will meet In this
Methodlut h'pUcopnl,
Rov. E. 0. Nnwknm, pnntnr, Ser
vices ovory Sunday at 11 n. m nnd nt
7:30 p, in. Sunday school nt 10 n,
m. Epworth Itnguo at 0:4G p. m on
Sundny. Choir practice Thursdny at
7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wodnes-
' ' "i1 " "
day nt 7:30 p, in.
3 p. m, Sunday.
Junior nongutTnt
I Hnplltt. f i
, Hitnilny , . norvlces -IJJblo nohonl
p:4fi n, in. pronohlng nt 11 n. tit.
mid 8 p. in.) brotherhood nt 3
young people's mooting nt 7, Prayer
meeting Wednesday ovotiltig nt H nnd
choir practice Thursday nt 7:30 p, m.
Thoro will bn special rnrvlcim nit
Sunday, (ho 18th, nt tint Htnf Then
tro, nt 11 a. in., conducted hy tho
pastor; subject. "Wnlklng Willi
dnd." Mrs. K. R. Post will hIiik u
nolo. Tho eve it I tig servlco Is re
called In honor of n union meeting or
nil tho churches nf Hend fit tho M.
IC. church nn ncrouut of tho hlnh
school graduation senium by Ilnv. E
O. Nowlinm. Tho Sundny school will
meet at 10 it. in. nt tho Star, Howr
Fnrtihain, siipl.
Church of the Hrcthrt'ii.
Services next Sunday nt 3 p. in In
tho Methodist church, A cordial lie
vllatlon Is extended to nil.
The Following Office and Other
Supplies are For Sale at
(Harney County News, Hums)
Willla niMnnley. County Assessor
Donnogan and C. N. Thompson of
Nebraska took n run to Juntura last
week and bring back tho news of tho
The Bulletin Office.
I.tcit .Map of Crook County, (U.K.
Ijcgnt HlnnkM, 2 nnd t rrnU rrtch.
Tmriulilp Pint Hooks, 'M renin melt.
Underwood T)Mvrllrr RIIiInmis, blue anil black, 7.V.
Tyiwwrllrr Carbon, hlark and blue, letterhead nml
legal slir, '.! sheets net alio pencil curium In largo short,
JO cvntN each.
Photo Mallern, small and large Uo, Uic Mini Ac.
Horn! Paper, all colors anil slen.
Paper for taking rnrlxm coplr.
Maniikcript On em, printed and uuprlntcd. ,
Application to content blanks.
Soft lead pencils.
Receipt IhMikM.
Rent Receipt Hooks.
Monthly Time Hooks,
Cardboard, Mhlto and colors. ,
The Bend Bulletin
tub cirv or i-
inwriirp nt (
Mill rwi '
IOt2 '
ii i Willi i i
l" ' I mi nil, i ii J W n ii mmmimBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
. foK's.''' eh fninnifii
W mmBsssmssz t? saraa
ntirTL HSrwtfVirt'G.I I !("? 4Jmil fmrnimtmrnumm mmi v "
I res ts-'rj- i iv SsTr'tuj iCvVsrhsBr' i'-Au -r2lrt1rts Till uLi iiu N
T fT7JV'QrS,7S(k'rH vfri. .-iltrHr"f JP jjll V''
vffiwl USA R&bSM I
- MHflWIHMitaMMHwHUa),,)!!!.
n it i ,M
Bend Park Company
n 455 Empire Building, Seattle, Wflsh.
F4ht National Bank building, Bend, Oregon'.
. i i
Descriptive literature on Bend and Central Oregqn mailed upon request,