The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 14, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAflK 2.
thr nnNn nuiiLHTiN, wkni, wkonichday, may h, iiiar
l? Finds Tlint Records Show Many
Ttamcs Missing Trouble Comes
From Failure to Keep Record of
Transfers Posted Bays Fosters
The Bulletin tins received tho fol
lowing statement from L. D. WIcst
In regard to taxpayers on the tax roll:
On account of intimations of IN
legal voting on tho high school site,
In the last two editions of Tho Bulle
tin, I feel It Incumbent upon mo to
stato tho position of those who
favored the Wlestorla site.
In general there can ba no law
passed which In terms will cover ev
ery case that can possibly nrlso un
der It, and cases arising not within
tho letter of the law must bo decided
according to Its manifest Intent. Re
ferring to the qualifications required
by tbo law for school voters In dis
tricts of the second class (as the
Dead district Is), probably It will be
admitted that tho real Intention of
of said law Is to permit all taxpayers
resident within the district to vote
at all school eleclons of tho district
for the obvious reason that they have
a' direct personal financial Interest In
tho affairs of tho district. Unless
such a liberal construction of this
law is followed, approximately from
40 to bO per cent of the resident tax
payers of tho school district are not
eligible school voters at the present
time. This statement Is mado after
careful actual examination by myself
of the 1912 tax roll, as the same ap
peared on May 5, 1913, In the sher
iff's ofllco. This examination showed
as to Center, Kenwood and Park Ad
ditions that approximately tho names
of not to exceed SO per cent of the
resident taxpayers therein appeared
upon tho assessment roll of 1912,
while tho Bend and the remaining
additions were similarly affected to
the extent of about 30 per cent.
In view of this state of affairs, I
submit that If come votes wero im
properly cast for the Wlestorla site,
fully as many wero cost for the other
sito discussed because as above stated
the tax records show a larger per
cent of non-qualified voters In thoso
additions to the city whoro tho oppo
sition to tho Wlesorla Blto was pre
sumably greatest.
However, 1 am convinced that no
Illegal voto wno intontlounlly cast in
tho selection or tho slto or tho bund
(Signed) I D. WIEST.
Agreeing with Mr. Wlest thnt tho
names of many who might and ought
to bo on tho taxroll, by the ncgllgonco
of someone nro not there, Tho Hullo
ttn asked tho county assessor at
Prlnevlllo to Indicate Just what n tax
payer must do to bo sura his namo
la on tho roll and has received from
Assessor II. A. Foster tho following
"Yours of 10th Inst. Just to hand
and noted, and will beg to say, you
of course know that tho 1913 roils
were compiled by my predecessor,
and tho only reason that I could sug
gest for names not appearing no tho
rolls Is that the record of transfers
wns probably not given duo consider
ation. "1 am at loss to know who would
have tho correction of this matter,
unless It would be tho shorlff, who 1
think would have tho authority to
mako the proper corrections. I will
call his attention to tho matter to
morrow, for consideration.
"As to what local peoplo will havo
to do to get tholr property assessed
In their own name, I will mako
an offort to get every ono's property
properly assessed for 1913, but tho
laxity of tho past In keeping up tho
record of transfers may causo mo
somo trouble. I will nlwajs bo glad
to hear from anyono that has reason
to bcllove that they tuivo been over
looked, or neglected In any way."
For Quarter Ending March tit, tho
State Engineer Indues It to Var
ious Person In CVntril Oregon,
Mottly For I r.r I s ft lion.
HTTP ntUnnnr MM II IlinUV test uml secure tho cancoiintion oi
linn iiininnr hh hi mm m vour desort lnmi. Entry w
VALE, May 9. Tho driving of tho
Malheur canyon tunnel for tho Ore
gon Eastern Railroad tapped a largo
subterranean reservoir, which has
been flowing n steady volume of somo
500 Inches or mora of water. Re
cently Gcorgo Donaldson of Vale
mado an Irrigation filing for GOO
inches of water in this stream. Tho
area below the tunnel consisting of
bench land along the Malheur river
will be covered by tho waters filed
on by Mr. Donaldson. Tho steady
flew of water In an undlmlnlhslng
volume up to the present time prom
Ire a sufficient flow to cover from
500 to 1000 acres of land.
Tho Fraternal Brotherhood wishes
to express its thanks to all who
helped to mako Ita performance of
"That Rascal Pat" a success. Es
pecial thanks are due those who took
part in the play and to Mr. and Mrs.
Rudow for their assistance In the
(Special to Tho Itond Bulletin.)
SALEM, May 12. During tho
quarter ending March 31, last, tho
state ongtnoor Issued 11 penults to
appropriate the waters of tho Des
chutes river and tributaries. Henry
Cram of Pilnevlllo has appropriated
o second feet of tho wctera of Craw
foot springs as a municipal water
supply for tho city of Prlnevlllo. It
Is proposed to construct n two-mile
plpo lino to convey this wntor from
tho sprlngB to tho city.
Tho largest appropriation for Ir
rigation purposes In this dralnnga
nrca Is by I. M. Mills of Paulina, for
tho waters of ltonvor and Wolf creeks
for tho Irrigation of 283 acres, the
water to ba diverted In sections 18
and 31, township 1C south, ran go 24
N. A. Nowblll of Orlxzly has ap
propriated tho waters of an unnamed
Hnrlnl tin. 08800. Ill ml 0 April 88
1011, for HWH NWW, Section 13,
Township J 8 H., llnmiu 13 K., Wll
litmnttu Meridian, and as iirouiuls for
hln contest lie alleges thnt imld entry
mint linn railed to innko IiIm Improve
uiuutH and alnu hU second unnuiil
prour and that liu hits tloiio nothing
wliatoxor in Improving thn land slnco
hln nuiuinl proof offered In July,
1911, nnd thnt ho Is n nou-rosldont
or tho statu or Oregon.
You nro, thereto, further notl
lied that tho said allegation) will bo
taken by this otllcu r having boon
cMnfcsHcd by yon, nnd your mild entry
will bo cnncolod thereunder without
your furthur rlh t be lionrd there
in, either before thin ofllco or on np
pen), U you full to fllu In thl office
within twenty dnys after tho
KQPHTII mihllcallun of tills notice.
gago. for $1000 given by Patterson to w Mow, our anwor. under
V. A. ftrlioa, who defended him at "' "Peclflcally mooting nnd re
tho trial. .spending to these allegations of con
i iuui nr ii vim inn wiiiiui iiiiii iiinu in
Tho Patterson proporty consists of'nin in thin mnr du nroof that you
u acres ui umoer nnu iuu acres oi
timber nnd meadow laud up river,
in all worth from J3T.00 to $4000. C.
8. llcnson, Mrs. Patterson's attorney,
snyn thnt nppllrntlon will bo tundo to
tho county court for the appointment
of n trustee to havo ohnrgo of tho
Mary L. Pnttomou Alien Decree
From Man Who In in Penitentiary.
A decision Iiiib been rendorod by
Judge V. Ii. Ilntdshuw giving Mary
L, Patterson n divorce from Itnlpli
Patterson, together with nlluiony,
Pnttersun, it will bo recalled, is sorv
lug an indeturmtnatu sentence of 3
to 20 years In tho penitentiary, being
convicted nt tho May term or court
nt Prlnevlllo Inst your.
Mrs, Patterson gets one-third or
tho real estnto or Pnttotsan and In
addition $1(100. Tho. mortgage for
$1500 given by Pnttorstn to W. E.
(luorln, Jr., nnd J. L. Summit, hln
attorneys nt one time, Is sot nsldo na
fraudulent, and tho claim of Mm.
Patterson la mndo prior to n wort
Department of tho Interior, United
States Land' Office, Tho Dulles, Oio
gun, May 9, 1913.
To tho heir of James A. Mitchell, de
ceased, of Prtnavltlo, Oregon, Con
trsteo: You nro hereby notified that Elmer
I. Gardner, who gives Itond, Oregon,
as his postolllco address, did on May
Cth, 1913. Illo In this office his duly
corroborated application to contest
and secure tho cancellation of vour
creek In settlon 34, township 13 S., homestead, entry No. 15301, serial
rango 15, E., for tho Irrigation of No. 04009, made October 17, 1900,
200 acres. If0r 8Vk8WVi. sec. 17. NEUNEU,
In addition to tho foregoing tho sec. 19. NHNWU, section 20, town
following permit havo been Issued. ship 19 south, range 11 eost, WIN
for water In this dralnago basin
J. M. Conroy of Tygh Valley has
appropriated tho water of an un
named spring In sec. 30-3-14, for tho
Irrigation of 3 acres, Including do
mestic supply: Sarah Goodman of
Prlnevlllo, Williamson creek, for tho
irrigation of 15 acres In sec. 14-18-1C;
Oscar A. Hudlund, Crooked river,
for tho Irrigation of 93 acre In sec.
27-10-17; Earl Forest of Prlnovlllo.
a spring for domestic supply. In sec,
lamctte Meridian, and as grounds for
his contest ho allege that James A.
Mitchell died on or about tho month
or July, 1911, that tho heirs or said
James A. Mitchell have not cultivat
ed or Improved said land or any part
thereof ns required by law or other
wise or at all nor havo either of them.
That tho heirs of said James A.
Mitchell and all and each or them
havo neglected and deserted said
land and railed and neglected to lin-
liavo served u ropy of vour answer on
tho unlit cnntoHlnnt either III person
or by registered mall. If this service
is made by thn delivery or a copy or
your nnswor to tho contestant in por
son, proof of such sorvlco must bo
either the snld contestant a wriuon
acknowledgment of hi receipt or tho
copy, showing tho dato or Its receipt,
or tho affidavit or tho pnrm by
whom delivered: If mndo by register
ed iniill, proof of such sorvlco must
consist or tho affidavit of tho person
by whom tho copy was mailed stating
when and tho postottlcn to which It
was mailed, and this nflldavlt must
bo accompanied by tho postmaster'
receipt fur tho letter.
You should stato In your answer
tho namo or tho postoffico to which
you deslro futuro notices to bo sent
to you.
C. W. MOOHE, Register.
Dato or first puuMi lion May 7,
Dato or second publication May 14,
Dato or third publication May 21,
Dato of fourth publication May 28,
Clover creek, for Irrigation or 5
acres. In sec 31-10-17; J. C. Powell,
or Prlnovlllo, Ochoco river, ror tho
Irrigation or 40 acres, in sec. 4-15-1G;
Deschutes Railroad Company or Port
land, Hunt' spring, for domestic usa
and tho Irrigation of 40 acre in sec.
5-5-14; Ross Nicholas et al, ror do
mestic uso and tho Irrigation of 113
acres In sec. 6-17-12.
Stop Paying Rent
V "
KIT NVliHH 's on'y 10 m'n wak 'rom
the business center of Bend
IlJilkll3l"" is the best view property
' "" XVy on tj,e murketand is bound
to be the most valuable residence property in Bend
KENWOOD lZ Xte watcr nd
KirNWOnn prices and terms are the n yy jsmj best ofrered in jend
Buy a lot in Kenwood; we will make the terms to
suit you. The money you are paying for rent now
will in a very short time make you the owner of a
0iQgonIandL& Immigration Coo
rr 5,ymi, t&cuL-.
11-18-16; John Payne or Ashwood.J,roVo or cultivate the same or any
part thereof for a period or more
than one and one-half years last past.
You are, therefore, further noti
fied that the said allegations will be
taken by this office a having been
confessed by you, and your said entry
will be canceled thereunder without
your further right to be heard there
in, either heforo this office or on ap
peal,, ir you fall to fllo In this office
within twenty days after tho
FOURTH publication of this notice,
as shown below, your answer, under
oaUi, specifically meeting and re
sponding to theso nllegntlons or con
test, or ir you rail within that tlnio
to flio In this office duo proof that
you have served a copy, of your an
swer on tho said contestant either In
person or by roglstorcd mall. If
this sorvlco Is mndo by tho delivery
of a copy or your answer to tho con
testant In person, proof of such sor
vlco must be either tho snld contest
ant's written acknowledgement of
his receipt or tho copy, showing tho
dato or Its rtcolpt, or tho affidavit or
the porson by whom the delivery was
, mado stating when nnd whore tho
copy was delivered; If mado by rgo
istered mall, proof of such sorvlco
jmust consist ot tho affidavit or the
person by whom the copy was mailed
statlug when and tho postoffico to
! which it was mulled, and this nllldnv
' it must ho accompanied by tho post
master' receipt for tne letter.
iou should stato In your answer
tho namo or tho postoffico to which
you deslro futuro notices to bo sent
to you.
I C. W. MOOItB. Register.
Date of first publication May 14,
Dato of second publication May 21,
Dato or third publication May 28,
Dato or fourth publication Juno 4,
Department of tho Interior, United
Htnlcs I .and Office, The Dalles, Ore-
roii May 9, 1913.
To Chnrlc M. Davis of Ucnd, Oro-
gon, Contested
Yen nro hereby notified that I-oiiU
A. Mrll who give llcnd, Crook coun
t. Oregon, as his postofllco address,
did on April 33, 1913, fllo In this of-
Ilea his duly corroborated application
to content nnd micuro tho cnuctillntloii
cjf your homoHtond, Entry No,
Herlul No. 08323, mndo March l.'lih
1U11, ror North East qunrtor (Nn
noo. 10 nnd North West quarter
INWU) Bootlon 11. township
south, iiiiigo in itimt, Wllliinietlo Me
ridian, and ns ground ror his con.
tout liu fillt'KOH that snld Chnrles ,,
Davis Iiiih never estnlilUlied his rexl
deuco upon until tract thnt ho llm
not resided upon or cultivated snld
tract mid thnt ho tins utterly nhnn
doned snld homestead for upward
or six montliH Inst pant, ns I am In
formed mid verily believe; that sal,
lihHonro I not duo to uinployinent in
tho army, unvy or mnriiio corps of
tho V. H in time of war.
You nro, therefore, further noti
fied that tho snld allegations will i
taken by thl office ns having been
confessed by yuu, and your mild entry
will he canceled thereunder without
your flintier right to bn hentd thetfw
In, either heforo till office or on ap
peal., If you rail to fllo In this olllri,
within twenty dnys after tlm
I'Ot'llTII publication of this notice,
as shown below, your nnswor, under
onth, specifically meeting and re
spoiidlug'to those allegation of con
tost, or If you rail within thnt thno
to fllo In thl office duo proof that
you linvo served n copy of your mm.
Kwer on tho snld contestant either in'
ponton or by roglstorod mail ir
this service U Hindu by tho delivery
or a copy or your nnnwer to the con
testnnt in person, proof of such ser
vice must bn either the said contest
ant's written nckiinwIedRtinieiit or
his recolpt or tho copy, showing tho
date or its recolpt, or tho nmdiwlt or
tho person by whom the deltvory wn
mndo slating when and where tho
copy wn delivered; If mndo by rge
Istered mail, proof of such nonlco
must consist of thft affidavit of thiv
person by whom tho copy wan mallei!
stating when and thn postoffico to
which It was nulled, and this affidav
it must Ix) accompanied by tho post
master' rocelpt for the letter.
You should stato In your answer
the namo or thn posiofflco to which
yuu deslro future notice to bo sent
to you,
C W. MOOIIB, Register.
Data or first publication May H
Date of second publication May 21,
Dato of third publication May 2S.
Data of fourth publication Juno 4,
Milliard, Gibb & Juliussen
foundation construction. Iet Put in n ce
ment sidewalk for ou now, Everyonw ought to
bo "DOlN' if."
M & "
Department of tho Interior, U. 8.
Land Offico at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
April 28th, 1913.
Notlco is hereby given that Wilbur
X. Hunnell, or Laldlaw, Oregon, who,
on December 3rd, 1909, mado Homo
stead entry No. 00564, for 8E!4
8B. Hoc. 32 and 8W14 NWU, W
8W, Section 33. Township 10
South, Rango 12 East, Wlllumotto
Meridian, has filed notlco or Inten
tion to make final three yonr proof,
to establish claim to tho land above
described, lioforo II. C. Ellin, U. 8.
Comi.iirslonor, at hi office ut Uond,
Oregon, on tho 9th day of Juno, 1913
Claimant names as witnesses:
James R, Ilonhnm, of Laldlaw, Ore
gon, trod N. VnnMntro, nnd Luvorn
O. Rood, of Rend, Oregon, and
Lemuel A. Urandonburg, of Des
chutes, Oregon,
9-13p O. W. MOORE, Register.
Auto Trucks
Oncratinsr RcKularlv Between
t i
j Deschutes Addition t
Department of tho Intorlor, United
state Land Office, Tho Dalles,
Oregon. April 28th. 1013.
To James Herb of nond, Oregon,
Monroe, Wash., No. 1430 Com
mercial ' Drive, Vancouver, D, 0.,
You aro hereby notified that Isaac
I. Oorby, who give Uond, Oregon,
a hi DOSt-Ofllce address, did ou
Aprjl.,28, 1913, flje In this offico his I
duly coMoboratod application, to con-1
Is one of the choice residence
parts of the town. If you are
looking 'or AN ATTRACTIVE
INVESTMENT, you should
see the owners of this proper
ty who are old-time residents
here. Lots that are close in
to the business part of town
From $250 to $400
We also deal in Farm and
Timber Lands
Office la gather Brick DulkUsg,
,v - II
t 4