The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 14, 1913, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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    " ftsajs-xk, "
About tho greenest thing In Crook
county, noxt to some of tho back
country witnesses, la tho court houso
Judging by tho wny tho grand Jury
brought In Indictments, tho county
1b well named (with tho "s" added).
It. S. lrIco and Perry Poliidextufr
have been court bailiffs bo long that
no one remembers who served beforo
Qhaunccy Decker, t.nldlr.w, had tho
distinction of being ono of tho two
men on tho grand Jury who didn't
bnvo whiskers of eomo kind or other.
Ex-Shcrlff HnUour doesn't drink
coffee or tea with his nienle. Hot
water Is his limit. It tho Governor
only know that, perhaps ho might be
more considerate of Tom next time.
There seems to bo a lot of common
- senso and business sense about the
' wny Addlo Foster has started out to
'steer tho good ship As8csorshlp. It's
possible he may have a rough pas
sage but ono Is inclined to bellovo
that he'll reach port with flying col
ors. Of course, it cnn"t bo true, but
there's a wonderful little story dug
up from tho dead past about a coun
ty ofllcial. It has the O. K. of a lot
of the old timers who say they know
what they're talking about,, and
seems to be pretty generally believed
by everyone around the court house.
The yarn relates that onco tho gen
tleman entered somo Poland China
hogs at the county fair. Now, a P.
C. nog has white spots. But It seems
that theso particular hogs had too
many spots to be perfectly marked,
and so the man who entered them
gave nature a helping hand and, with
me aid of some stove blacking,
marked out tho superflouB spots,
showing conclusively that a hog can
chango his spots even if a leopard
can't. He might havo won the pre
mium, too, if a shower hadn't hap
pened along so that by tho time tho
judges got around all the spots had
"run." Next time perhaps he'll use
rainproof blacking!
Judge W. L. Bradabaw of Tho
Dalles has served as Circuit Court
Judgo for the seventh judicial dis
trict for 22 ytars. He was appointed
by Governor Pennoycr in 1891 to All
the vacancy caused by the resigna
tion of Judge J. H. Dlrd and has been
elected to the bench four times since
Uy large majorities.
Just now J. E. Myers, tho county
school superintendent, is a trifle bus
ier than the proverbial bee. Until
the close of this term ho is at tho
head, of the Prinevlllo schools as well
jis bossing tho connty's education.
After June be will devote himself ex
clusively to count)' affairs, and Judg
ing by tho wny ho Is handling hlB of
fice, the county will bo Industriously
cared for. Certainly truants will
got n good shaking up. Tho newly
chosen bend of tho Crook County
High School Is J. A. Itibbnrd, former
ly of Kellogg, Idaho. Whether or
not ho tilled nil tho blacksmith-hog-rnllmr-carnnntnr4hnokkootar-irttlli:l-
: cur (lualttlcatlons demanded by Judgo
Springer Is not Known, isoxi year a,
T. I.owark of Metotlus will bo prin
cipal of the Prinevlllo eohools.
It Is reported that tho sheriff stuck
his head Into tho Jury room tllo other
day at noon.
"Well. gentlemen. Is It 12 dlnit-
nors?" ho asked.
'. , -... i.. n.n.
ilW, klUlltl'U , Jill J 1114,11, IIIW
rMnlv rocnrillns nnn nf thn 13
"Mako It 11 dinners and ono halo of
Many Improvement nt Fnlr (JniumN
Include .Vow Halt Mile Truck, flood
CntmKtund, Kxlttbtt House mid
Stable for the Livestock.
Personal Itcim nnd Other Notes of
Oliver Johnson has rented tho pas
turaga of tho flold across tho river
from tho mill.
Tho Illness of Jack Savoy's Iwy de
veloped Into pneumonia. He Is slow
ly Improving.
Hoy Allgood tins been out of tho
mill the past week taking cara of his
cow and her now calf.
Jack Engebretson went up to La
Pine Saturday to visit his family. He
returned Monday morning.
Frank Slavln has gone out to tako
up a homestead.
The boarding has been taken off
tho front of tho mill, giving better
circulation on the warm days.
The Kae brothers are building an
addition to their cabin.
Ncls Hagcn has taken his brother's
placo on the sorting tablo.
Two unusually large timbers wero
sawed last week to bo used as foun
dations for ono of tho engines. They
are 24x30, one 14 and tho other 16
feet long.
H. M. Dell, who works on tho sort
ing table, has put up a tent in tho
draw west of the yard and Is now liv
ing there.
J. W. Scott, who works on tho log
ging engine, is living In Allgood's
tent near the yard. I
Carl Hagen and his brother-in-law, I
Ingvald Holt, started w'th a load this
morning for their homesteads In tho
Hampton Tiutte country.
Tho shop Is now graded at tho
car Instead of at the planer. This
gives Peter Jensen, the grader, a bet
ter opportunity to do the work.
(Editorial Correspondence)
PltlNKVlLLK. May 10. Just nt
present J. F. Cndlo Is guardian of tho
grand Jury, or keeper of tho key, or
bailiff, or whatover you chooso to call
tho gcutlemnii whoso duty It is to
loiter about that door In tho west
corridor of tho court house and watch
over tho Boven good men and true
who occasionally fllu Into tho court
room with an indictment, much nu a
hen presides over a three-day old
flock of chicks.
Hut when tho grand Jury Is back
on tho farm, Mr. Cndle Is secretary of
tho Central Oregon fair Association
And even when oppressed by his r
duoiiM court duties ho finds time to bo
an ardent booster for tho fair.
Much Improvement Work.
Give him half a ennnco and ha'll
tell you that tho association has spent
closo to fSOOO -in Improving tho
grounds during tho year. Tho im
provements Include changing tho race
track from a mllo to a half nillo and
materially bettering its condition;
tho erection of two wings, of 40 by
30 feet, on the pavilion, of a cupola,
tho finest poultry exhibit houso In
the state, a new grandstand to ac
commodate 1000, a new Judges' stand
and 600 feet of stabling for track
horses., with box stalls.
"We now can accommodate 350
head of stock, and will be ahlo to
care for moro this season," said Mr.
Mr. Cadle Is especially Interested
In Impressing on everyone thnt tho
annual county fairs aro In do way lo
cal events, hut are for all tho county.
Ho repeats whenever ho gets a chance
that he, and the other officers, want
and expect exhibits from every sec
tion of tho county. Last year llend
wasn't represented, and the neglect
of tho wcst-slders left n soro spot.
Mr. Cndlo urges that this summer
Itnnil rft lma nmt runlet, n r,nl ir.
hlbit of timber, brick, stone, gravel.
Of NS IN A Wll JN aV V s iwcwnwrMTn V.
f IS ISrVy. 7iT WMnrowt J
I wtJtco 5 x'vXi A tflLm O S imimtism f
kl ' I I AW V7. A AST " &uvimq
a m i ftWircyKyjXrtk.
of tU rwv!
w ISM mi!$m&ZJ-
L?nyc THIS
arniB rrriv:iNiyflAiM
LtrMsrn Mikts
kmm i)WA Mtrntr
S!icrwVt twmmrn
"V Clmv14 Cam B m. n nuuftuuii(iiiciuiitry Tlic Uml ! Hch, itttp lMnl sth furmi. .
I Ol) OilOUlU OC6 Lea JrlllC lrl. I.m wI Ulns, m. rirtllrnl lilnklns nltf
tictrrilrcrr than wfrcl. Tlif IiiIkIciI Urnl with lrtul water llglit
cn b purttuM-vl M J.(A.oo ixr f r cm my irenia Thn urtoiinillm yln rurcirtl mooiilitlii arc Mlol iilittl wumlft ami Jutl Ihr t(t
for a yicMIoii La I'mcli only about twu) rat old. tiMlxruMliiK iaiilly. ll hat a UUplioiic ayilrm. two ikI lioItU, two Ms nit
rorichtn(Tlilt. a Sr,t claM llrtry ami ltl tulilr. ancattlltnt ni,mr (h Im line ulr-Muuntaln), n? u( tht mot iiimUc
cummttcial dub In Ihr tlr- ami thla club by Iht way tint lit own roir ly ami th lt Jf lrl,il Ihriruu an allracllr club Iimim ,
There arc ihrt tniall uw mlllt In Iht lclullyof Iji 1'iiit, wnlh Itjuti the Ixk'tniiltiK orihcl.l lumlxtlNf ami mllllns butincta lhal will b
Oonchcrc There arc aooil venlut In uiauufunuilnie amlMher butlutMllnet here In tilurallnnal matlria Ia line It iiiuxreMlee. Hint
alD-crcKhoul park in tliehtarl uflherctlilemc trcilun.anil now lfk(heuiloclnelllhiailr. A Calliallcchunh will I bultl ii
Ihlitpilnx. anil vther churchet arc planning, luetlablnh I hemlett l.a line hit urcr u.cvo available cltvtllr hart uwer which Ihr
tiwncrthtrccvniintnCTd ludcetlap and which alou wouM bullil a itoolalied clly The Ms area aflaim laiwl irilxilarr to l.a l"n wiml I
alone bullil anil irainlaln a (ivl ilrrtJtlty The att tracttuftiintnr tllbuUry tn l.a rine would alune InilVI a (uul tlteil city. With Ihr
comlna' uflhe Iwulna rallrtMiit artteim to La Hue. which will 1 i il...lnnmiil In ami aiountt La I'lnc will W ranlil. l.a Hint
J...- . . .. -. .. .. '.. ... .. .. .. : ' . t. ...:". .. - . ."- . -----: - .. - - ...--' ... i ....
w wr it . n. r . it h n . ami v. r hi, vou can make money uy wring properly ai ia nnr in auytMrr ui in
aredolni II. why nol VOf WAKK I'l'tothr (ct lhal a totnt. wcl-loralcf town Inune o( the newrtl ami lxt Mttlunt
meet i
can I reached via
ta Iroada. tither
or the Norlhwttt It Ivond to grow rapidly, and that properly ealuea will climb accordingly.
i nut from luo
cnlra few dultata .er nonlb on each lot Vou don't ntltt the money, but yott toou aciulre ealuable pioerly. Ville tay lor plat, ptkea
p. The Utnie are eaty,
and trrnit to
Meltable agenta, with good bank refereocet, waateti In all parte of I lie United Htaltt.
sand and similar things, In addition
to the usual agricultural exhibits.
From tho statements of many Ilcnd
men In I'rlncvllle, there seems good
rcson to believe that this time llend
will redeem the neglect of 1913, and
"come through" with a first class
(Continued from I'sge One)
jury, In effect, condemns thu Judge's
The grand Jury In eight days' sit
ting returned 21 truo bills and four
not truo bills.
George Ktuitner, Indicted by tho
grand Jury, was acquitted after a
hard-fought trial.
Tho grand Jury found not n truo
bill against Mrs. U II. Kerwood, who
was charged with unlawfully dispon
ing of mortgaged chattels of personal
property. l- K. Ilroslus, a saloon
man of Prinevlllo, Indicted charged
with selling liquor to a minor, plead
not guilty and will bo tried probably
this week. Henry Taylor of Culver
has been Indicted charged with draw
ing n gun.
Among tho civil cases dliimscd of
since tho first of tho week of special
llend Interest aro tho following:
Henry Ltnster vs. tho C. O. I. Co., In
which Judgment sustained nn Injunc
tion stopping flooding of I. luster
property by water backed up by (ha
North Canal dam, Tho matter Is re
ferred to a referee.
V. C. Coo vs. J. A. lloyd a default ,
decree was granted. United WanN '
hoiuo Company vs. W. I Ixickwood. i
default duorcu granted. It. II. Ilrown- ,
low received a divorce decree. H. C. (
Cnldwoll vs. J. V. Usher, default and
foreclosure, iltowart vs. Rtewart, ill- i
vorco decree granted. In all of thriit j
cases V. A. Korln's was attorney for
tho plaintiff. '
A complete resumn of (he work of j
tho grand Jury nnd tho Circuit Court!
will Ih) published next week, tngnthcr'
with the ofTlclal proceedings of thu j
County Court, which was In session
last veek.
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We have so many inquiries from people wanting to rent small houses,
which we cannot furnish them, that in order to encourage building to
meet this growing demand we have selected a limited number of our
inside residence lots which we will sell at the following prices and on
very easy terms of payment:
20 Lots in Park Addition at $150.00 Each
20 Lots in Center Addition at . . . . . . $200.00 Each
These are all nice large lots 50 foot frontage and most of them
140 feet deep. Large enough for a home and a good garden. They are
all available to city water and electric light and close to sidewalks. Come
and see us about these lots if you want a bargain.
The Bend Company
D. E. HUNTER, Real Estate Manager
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