r i TIIH IIKNH lIULMSTIN, RIJNI), WKIWKHDAY, MAY 14, JOffl. PAOH 11. . i i 1IUHINKHH AND I'HOI'IJHHIONAI rr,T,. ... a... -r.,-. r .7 it OH Kit T II. (iOUM) Civil KnRlnccr Kent! OrcKon 0. 1. NIBWONUlSIl, llund, Oro. UMlKUTAKKIt. Llceused Kiiilmlmer, ! I'uiicml Director, IMiono. Lndy Assistant mmh, m. :. roit(ii:v Doineatlo Nurse llcnd, Orugon t JtOHH 1'A UN HAM Attoihey nt Law Olllco In old First Nntloual Dank lluMlng. Dietetic, Hygienic, Naturnl Thora- pontlcM. Chrotila Disorder a Bpcclulty DR. It. D. KIJTOII U.M DrtiKlr t'liytilclan Hour 0 to & ilnthor Illdg Till: J. II. llAMilt AIWTHACT CO., IncorjKtntted. Complota tract Imtoxcs nnd photo graphla copies of all Crook Count) records. I'rlnovlllo, Oregon. W. W. FAULKNKR, U. M. D. I i: X T I H T O'Donnull UulldliiK II o ii d, O r o k o n U. O. UOi:, M. I). I Ii jmlclnn nnd Huruoon Oitlca over Flnt Nntlount Rank Olllco Hours: 10 to 12 u. tu.; 1 to 3 nnd 7 to it . in. IIKNI), :: OREGON U. H. II UN HON Attorney At Imvt Omco In old Flnt Notional Hank IlulldlllK llcnd, OrcKon VUIINON A. FOItllUH LAW Villi First National Dank llulldlng, Rend, Orogon ouoiuu: h. youncj Civil) Mining ihmI Irrigation Hngliieer. Ontco nt Hooui 6, First National Hank UulldliiK. ffl vjjS F. O. MIXOIt I'oitomctt llulldlng LI KB Kl It B ACC I HUNT - I N H U It A x c i: Notary I'ubll" and Coii"oyanclng--All Legal Papera Correctly Drawn ' Fidelity Hondo. U. N. HOFFMAN X O T A It Y P t' II I I C . Hunter's nnd Angler'n Mcciiko Papers n Specialty. Ilullclln Omco, (lend, Oregon. MISS KVA I.. QIIAVBS Teacher of PIANO PI.AY1NO , Hcaldriirc Studio at Mrs. A. M. Lara's! Telephone II. C. HI. MS Alloriiey-at-lrftiv i United Htate CommUnloner First .National Hank Hultdliig HBXD. ORBOOX DR. J. II, COXXAIt.N , ' HHNTIST ' Over Deschutes Honking & Trust Co. Olllco Hours 9 to 3. ------ -- R.H. DEYARMONDJ Machine Shop and Garage Wo know how to do nil kinds of Mnchlno Work. frnv no Avrr ocn " " nn" V Ai-4"4 - TELL US OVER THE PHONE 1- WHO BOE.3 jour, iraxvIAUliDRY s35Es 1 si IjGL Swllvv-V9i r 'vsmsarM,ffi5rani i.'ia ZZJi i Then split next week's wash Compsrs obr bait with tbs other (How's. That's j rJoV PRICES, BETTER SERVICE I)end Steam Laundry, WATER-RIGHTS ADJUD GATED SQUAW CREEK CLAIMS TABULATED Report on liiwtigullon Hlartcd In Nm ember, iOlt) All I'rlorlllc iU'inbiUlicd CcrlllliutfK Will llv ConnldfiiM by tliu Court. TttroiiKli tin' courtesy of (I, II, HruuMlur, Tliu liuliutlli lu ubio tu publish tliu (ollowliiK tabulation or tliu duiuriiiiuulloii ol wutor iliflitn hi Hiiuuw Ciuuk. In 1V11. 7C22 auru ol Iniid Irrigated troia bijuuw Crock olHuluml cortllloate. Tliu amount involved liuio I 7612 acres, if nil tho laud shown on tliu map woro grunted water rights, thcro would bo it total of itlHJiit 16.GU0 acres to bo supplied tiy tliu walets of Hiuuw Cnuk. 'Ilia certificates Involved In tlili rupoit will iu coiiHlduiod by tliu Cir cuit Court, prohuldy lu vacation term, and, aftor ainuiidiiiiiut, grautud final ly. It U understood on good au thority that lu many Instances Inac curacies occur, no that tho acreage shown In thin report. In all probabil Ity, will not bo tho ucreago ultimata ly pad. Tim Investigation cointnenced Oc tober , ll 12. Tho following tabu lation shows simply tho natuo of tho owner and number of acrct, each grouped under auparato data of pri ority: Priority of Xocinbcr 11, 1803. Name of No of acrea Water User Irrigated It. O. Andrua 08 Tho. Arnold, W. F. Arnold, successor lu Interval .... 08 lllack llutto Und Co 701 Vlda Arnold, Biva M. Hodaon, aiicosunor 70 O. L. Ilrnntou, Ceo. F. Scott, successor 84 a A. Clluo Renn Oyrua, Harvey J. Harris, successor OS (eo. P. Cyrua 126 W. I). Cyrua, (I. M. Hlocuni, successor 03 Vi O. W. Fuller I), II. Fryrcar, Harvey J. Harris, successor 0& M 1). W. Farthing, Bd HUouioru, successor 138 W. F. Fryrcar 1G0U It, A. Ford. B. M. Hrayauc- .. -TT-T-'TTJ Or, bettor v Bend i Xz&ZA cciwur , .,.,,.... 32 John W. Oottor 32', John It. Hrfward , lOKUi It. It. Howard 110 J. W. Howard 1.1016 Koko Hilton 27 C'lydo JoliiiHon , 83 B, U, Johnson, (Joo. B, Goodwill HIICCUHMUr , , ..,..,. 14 Jaspor Joliimon, Frank Hodyfolt, HIICCOHNOr CO (I. W. Null, Kdw, Mcaiothlcn, aticccsaor ..,.. tU'A (I. A. W. Itussull, Alva Prossor, Hucci'ssor , C Waltor Ilublo 09 A. J. Ilublo , . . 36 14 AluxThuiiipft0ii, Chinook hand Co., successor .......... 294 A. 0. Tralmn 21 Win. Wtirzwlllor . Fred Wloso 129 J. A. nnd H. B. West ...,. J. Y. Winter, John J. Dokken, successor f. 09 F. A. WUndorllcli C9 Priority of Xotrmber, 1001. Tho. Arnold V Bmlly Clluo 42 C. C. Cooper. O. F. Ohiilfati, successor 34 Bnoch Cyrus 20 It. '.. Davis 3 T. J. Fry roar, Morton O. Cross,' UHrresHur iJ't Btta P. Fryronr 80 John II. Fryronr 17 C. L. (list 107 J. W. Howard, Jr Mahal Howard ........... Win. Ilardt, W. W. Whltnkur, successor ............. Osrar Hydo -....- Italph Johnson, W. Bdmunds, successor Alex I.ovoroiix 18 0 27 97 8C 3G X. J. Lninbcrt, Hlack llutto Co., successor Maria Murk ...... F. M. McCullcy Maria Murk 102 F. M. McCullcy, A. B. Imbler, successor 70 F. W. McCaffcry. Frank Kelly, Buccossor 31 Martha A. Htlblo 41 r. C. Ilooy. ........... b Sarah Thompson, Hlack llutto Co., successor .......... P. Van Tassel ......... 33 It. M. Wright. Marlon B. Uurk- hardt. successor 18 llertha Wurzwlllcr Winnie M. Hunt 1C2 F. M. Phillips, Bdgar W. Glllott, aucccssor 100 M. V. Turloy, John I). Strnlim and Kdwnrd C. Strahtn, sue'rs 84 h. A. Hunt 40 Btta h Howard 70 Luoy A. Hnyder, Walter May aucccssor 81 Hoy I.. Kidder 74 Indltldufll Water Vnvnt From Kqumt Cwk. John lllois 2C I). A. Clayimol Cloverdalo Irrigation Co. .. G24 P. II. Davla and T. M. Haldwin 40 John II. Fryrear - 11.J, Orimth C2 ,x- m..!,,., jpiim ii ,1 ""ii "' Pwill Be Ready in a Minute As n matter of fact this wonderful little disk stove Is ready to cook in much less than one minute from the Instant you turn the switch. And you can" cook on It practically anything you wish. It is, perhaps, tho most convenient and useful of the great variety of electri cal cooking devices now within the reach of all, not excepting those receiving the more modest incomes. ( It represents tho genius of the " Light House Keeping Age" now opening to us banishing ns with ti fairy wand nil the nuisances of smoke, soot, disagreeable odors, and tiresome delays. You cannot fully appreciate its many virtues until you actually use it. Come in and cook on tho una little G-Estoves se carry in btock and leant a lesson in real convenience. still, tako ono homo to try. Water, Light & Power Jopthla Jeffries (iuy C. McCalllstor 232 Uwls McCalllstnr, F. V. McCal llstor nnd C. M. Biking, sue cussora 1.13 Matilda A. McCalllstcr ...... 2C3 V. W, Lovoron 31 Julia B. McCnlllBtcr 20 (leo, McCnlllstor 76 F. W. McCaffcry, Wesley AVhlt beck, Riicccflsor .......... 168 0, W. McPharlnno, Matt Kulescli and Jus. lllnmnn sue'rs. 103 Frank Paul, Jacob Qulborg, suc cessor 103 J. II. Palmar, Franklo Painter, successor In Interest with Tay lor 40 HI wood Roberts, Hartley ft Bdglngton, ..successors .. C Itohorts llros,, Hartley & Bdg- Ington, successors 13 M. W, Knlckerbockcr.succossor lo Ilurghard & Htockloy, P. F. Powelson successor In In lorest In part ........... 132 It. J. Bkolton 72 O. W. Blayton Dan Winkle, McCaffery & Den nis, successors , . Bdwln O. Wymnn 73 J. W. Wilt, J. M. Allen, succes sor 101 Hamuol Wlohl Kdward Whlto, Puller, sue 30 W. T. B. Wilson 31 Proofs Mwlr on Trans fern Allowed. (I. W. Fuller 104 D. P. Moffat 46 Carl 8. Woods 40 Allwrt Wurxwelllcr Bdward Whlto POWELL BUTTE (Continued from Pago 8) of tho week. Al Lucas, tho hotel man of Rod mond, wan In this locality Friday. Ho brought a party of landacekcrs. Mrs. Xanney of Deschutes visited with tbo Wilcoxons tbo last of tho week. Dr. Morgan, the veterinary, took dlnnor with tho llobbs and Morse boys Saturday. Dick Vandevert was out among bis Powell llutto friends tho first of the week. He said he believed he'd get fleshy on tho "home cooking" ho got at Gcorgo Hobbs. The Borosls Club met with Miss Mabel Allen last Wednesday after noon. Miss Allen started tho first lwok, "Tho I-ady of tho Decoration," to Ikj read before the club. Tho ladles meet again In two weeks with Mrs. J. J. Chapman. I,co Hobbs took his black colt to Redmond Sunday to run against tho Doty and Cllno horses. Though ho tost tho raco, ha Is very much pleased as this wbb the black's second race and ho was completely untrained. Tho Powell llutto huccaroog lost out nt their exhibition In Redmond last Sunday. The gato receipts were Co. r 11-04 light nnd wero consumed when one of tho Redmond boys rodo tholr Crooked river outlaw for $16, Tho wild west boys made a kick about It, but ns It was tho best ride of tho day tho Judges didn't besltato to give lilm tho money. Leo Hobbs nnd Alton Landfnro wcro among tho Powell llutto pco plo who attended tho creamery meet ing In Redmond Saturday, --'--- CLOVERDALE ---- - (Special to The llcnd Ilullotln.) CLOVBRDALB, May 12. Geneva Rlvot entered school Monday. Verne Hkolton and tho Misses Fry rcar and Kleanor Orubo took tho 8th grade examination last wcok. A number of tho Cloverdalo peo ple gave Mrs. Stcdhm of Sisters a surprise dinner Sunday. During the afternoon they presented her with a silk friendship quilt. Mr. Bhnrpeck spent tho first of the week at Urandvicw. Mr. and Mrs, Andrtis spent Bun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Cyrus. Mr. Waldron Is making a business trip to Walla Walla, Wash. Arthur Orubo and Miss Hawloy took Sunday dinner with Mrs. I,. 0. Q rube. Tho cattlo of L. O. Orubo strayed away some tlmo ago and ho has not been able to find them yet. Most of tho young pcoplo of tho neighborhood spent Saturday at Red mond nt tho track meet. John Sharpcck Is working on the Matt Kulesch ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Ankers moved to Redmond last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Donovan called at tho homo of W. F. Fryrcar Wednesday. Georgo McAndrew was thrown by a bono a few days ago but was not seriously Injured. Mrs. Walter Gumport has been on the sick list for the last few days. Mrs. Sterile Fryrear called at the home of W. F. Fryrear Thursday. Mrs. Elra Hodson called at tho homo of Mrs. Myrtlo Arnold on Mon day last. John Fryrear, who has been work ing at Roberts, Ore., returned homo n few days ago. Illy the Hucklcy spent tho week end at Redmond, " TUMALO -- tMMMMIM4t (Sptclal to The Rend Bulletin.) TUMALO, May 11. Tho weather of the -past week has been Ideal for tho growing of crops. Surely the rain that came was badly needed. It has been one of tho most backward and dry springs since tho settlement of Central Oregon. Leonard Ilarr, tho milk wagon man coming by this place, reports tho milk supply Increasing rapidly at tho Laid- law cheeso factory. We supposo tho woods will soon bo full of engineers making the pre liminary survey for tho state In the Tumaio project (Columbia South ern). PLAINV1EW t ----- (Special -to- The nend llullctlu.) , PLAIXVIBW. May 12.-Bd Strahm and Bllen Crawford attended Sunday school and church at Cloverdalo Sun day, Miss Mildred Sees spent Sunday avgnlng with tho Knlckcrltookors. A few of tho people of this vicinity attended tho ball game at Redmond Sunday. Mr. Knickerbocker and wlfo called at F. McAllister's Sunday afternoon. A number of people In tho sun rounding ocuntry aro seeding alfalfa now. John Strahm was transacting bus iness In Rend Tuesday. Mrs. Crawford and Josle and Bllen wero trading In Redmond Tuesday Mildred Sess and John Llchtern stlne wero In Sisters Tuesday A number of peoplo from this vi cinity attended the co-operative creamery meeting at Redmond. M W. Knickerbocker and F. McCalllstcr woro elected directors ond Mr. Mc Allister president. The creamery la supposed to start up this week. PINEHURST (Special lo Tho Rend Ilullotln ) 1MXBHURST. May 10. L. II Root nnd family and Charles Johnson and family spent Sunday fishing ou tho Deschutes. Misses Nelllo Snyder and Ruth Dayloy si out Saturday with Mrs D ai iSwi SiS!i! jt.5 E:wjw.i.i:iai'i Situated in the hub of the principal theater und shopping district. Recently redecorated and refurnished throughout, and better'equipped today than ever before. EUROPEAN PLAN. Rooms without bath, $1.00 per day sad up. , f jv Rooms wlUV bath, $2.00 fr day '! u. W. Nichols. Mr. Ilarr, tho mllkmnn, has changed his routo to nceommodato a number of PInehurst pcoplo who now send tholr milk to tho Laldlaw cheeso factory. School visitors this wcok woro Mesdames F. W. Lcvoronx nnd John Richards and Miss Maydew Triplett. Mahlon Couch mado a trip down river Wednesday. Mrs. Crawford nnd daughter of Gist passed through hero Tuesday on tholr way to Uend. Mrs. L II. Root was tho guest of Mrs, C. B. Nichols Thursday. J. L. Couch wont to Rend Friday with a load of fine potatoes. Mrs. C. B. Nichols and son wont to Laldlaw Tuesday morning, John Strahm of Gist rujmml linro Tuosday on his way to Laldlaw. Mr. uiinpman caned at tho Nichols ranch Friday. Mrs. Delia Nichols visited her sin ter, Mrs. F, W, Loveronz, of Tumaio, Saturday. ----- -4 GIST (Special to Tho Rend Ilullclln.) OI8T, May 11. Many of tho far mers have recently purchased stock In tho co-operative crenmery at Red mond which was organized Satur day. The directors meet tbo 12th for tho purpose of making arrange ments for resuming operations at once. Ono of tho King brothers of Walla Walla, Wash., was hero jn few days last week looking after his Interests. Mr. Harr, formrcly of Pennsylva nia, and Mrs. Pulllam s brother, Mr. Trent, from Indiana, spool the week with Mrs. Pulllam and family. Mr. Harr has returned to Pendleton and will spend a few days there before go ing east. Mr. Trent expect to locate here and will snd for his family as soon as convenient. Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Will Lor erenz were visitors at tho PInehurst school Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Levcrenz went to Redmond Saturday and visited at Henry Schumacher's. The Scogglns bavo qulto a curi osity In their herd of swine, as Ono lltllo pig has no eyes and Its ears resemble those of a dog. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Levcrenz wero In Redmond Saturday. Jack Richards called at F. W. Lev erenz'a Wednesday on business. Mrs. Chalfan and niece, Grace Rlggs. attended the Plalntlcw Sun day school today, Velraa and Rartlett Nichols aro visiting with their aunt, Mrs. F. W. ivverenz. New PALACE MARKET Charles Boyd, Prop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. DEPOT HOTEL RIGHT AT THE PAS SENGER STATION. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMESEEKERS. Rates Reasonable. L. C. FLEMING, Prop. SEEDS BUCtteW SE0S SUCCEED I SPECIAL OFFER: 'UU U fcttU JUw UiuImm. AtrUlwtU1 mika you oar MtmuMul ctutomu. Prlrp rnltirtlon "li i.uH Fit lh fiBMt 1 Tinlr, t nln&4 1 Uw, bM ," CCM.UAKTEKO TO 1LKAK. " I TTT TIIT1H1 r. UMHUDIUITMMMM Writs tty-day; Mention tola Paper. MWWVWVMAA SEND lO CENTS i to cent fUf4 ut4 icll&f u4 UU vtlaftlf k Utcuoo tjc bmi pipia, Kftuirwiw vtj m l jatimcHvi siwisu f luii ) L WM ftU MMW1 1C UM WWMI M Ba, rUAU. M4k . , H W. BaclbM,"0" "VSSMlWVLt Portland'y Famou? Hotel Noted for the Excellence of ij$ Cui5ine.Eun?eaii pkw) Hut Your l)ud rnOurBuda" .'' wn v ,m N.' K CLARk, A4. Htr. Q, J. KaIMANN, MMfr