The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 07, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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(Special to Tho Hond Hulletln.)
LAIDLAW, May 4. School days
will soon bo over horo.
J. A. Hartor came down from Dond
Thursday with n load or sightseers.
GVP. Rocker and C. II. Hatch nro
In Prlncvlllo this week, having been
drawn as Jurors.
Ray Corking was In Redmond on
Wednesday after seed oats.
Tho cheese factory Is prospering.
J, !!. Winter, tho owner, reports that
everything Is looking good.
Billy Brown and J. W. Brown visit
ed Bend last week.
Teal Baker, J. J. Coon nnd Mrs. B.
C. Cndy are on the sick list.
Tho church going peoplo hold a
picnic dinner after the morning ser
vice Sunday, down on the Island, and
ns usual thoro was plenty of good
things to cat.
Mr. Jackson of tho Bayley ranch
vas-ln Bond Friday.
C.J. Mock was delivering hogs In
Bend last week, getting SVi cents
llvo weight. This looks good to tho
farmers, although hut fow of thorn
have any to sell.
Prank Murk and J. M. Slry woro
visiting Mr., Updlko on the Motollus
last week. Thoy report a good tlrao
but a poor catch of fish.
Mrs. Jackson, who went to Iowa
to eeo a sick sister, will bo homo
about tho ISth. Sho was In a rail
road? Wreck but Is now able to travel.
J. N. II. Gerklng was In Prlnevllle
last week, returning to the county
officials his books, as he has finished
thoassesslng in this vicinity for this
Jack McCormlck is up the river vis
iting some of his old-time friends.
Mr. Ramsay has been sick for tho
last few days but Is now ablo to bo
D. R. Smith and Fred Wilson were
In Redmond this week buying seed
potatoes at from 1C to 40 cents a
Mr. Tulla -will open a butcher shop
this week. This no doubt will fill a
long felt want. Mr. and Mrs. Tulla
will occupy tho Myers property on
Main street.
Dr. Snyder, who visited his brother
here last winter, was hurt in a street
car accident recently in Seattle, but
not seriously.
Several of the young peoplo visited
opal spring Sunday and found opals.
F. E. Dayton is building a ten-room
house that will be modern through
out, on his place north of town.
A. Hess of Portland, who bought
tho CO acres of ditch land lying south
of the Howard Wilson ranch, three
miles west of Laldlaw, has moved
his family upon the place.
There is a story going tho rounds
that one of Laldlaw's fair young la
dles recently played a good Joke on
her mother. It seems that she ac
cidentally found a love letter that
her father had written to her mother
in the days cf their courtship. The
girl read tho epistle to her mother,
substituting her own name and that
of her lover. The mother raved and
stamped her foot In disgust, it is
Bald. She forbade her daughter to
have anything to do with a man who
could wrlto suoh nonsensical stuff to
n young lady. The girl then gave tho
letter to her mother to read, and the
home suddenly becamo so quiet that
one could almost hear the leaves on
tho trees In the back yard bursting
through their winter Jackets
(Special to The Bend Bulletin.)
PINEHUR8T. May 6. A farewell
party was given in honor of Miss
Thora Hasselberg at the home of
Mrs. Delia Nichols Friday night. The
amusements of the evening were mu
sic and games, after which refresh
ments wero served. Those present
were Mrs. L, H. Root, Mrs. F. W.
Lcverenr, Mrs. Cnarlcs Johnson,
Misses Nellie Snyder, Ruth Bayjoy,
Bernlce Couch, Edna Root, Thora
Haaselherg; Mrs. Nichols, aod F. W.
Leverent, L. II. Root, George Camp
bell Earl Smith, B. Y. Couch, Floyd
Marlon, Maqlon Couch. Crover Mc
Allster and Melvln C jucIi. Miss Has
selberg left Monday for Kelso, Wash.,
for an extended visit with her par
ents. i Gene Winter made a business trip
to Bend Friday.
Mrs. Horner went to Laldlaw to
trade on Monday.
Mrs. F. W. Ieverenz and Mrs. D.
W. Nichols went to Bend on business
Mrs. C. E. Nichols spent Saturday
In Laldlaw,
Reginald Ilayley went to Laldlaw
Thursday morning.
The Sunday school attendance Is
romarkably good -for tho time, of the
year. Last Sunday the attendance :
wos 40. ' '
Jay Nichols went to Bend o nbusl
Tippa ftattirrinv ' JH
Mrs. Nellie 'Snyder spent Saturday1
in Laldlaw, tho guest of Mrs. Byron
Cady. ,
Fred Wallace had some work done
Boino work dono on tho Bond cutoff
tho past week.
Melvln Couch was In Laldlaw on
Miss Edith Root was tho guest of
Miss Snyder Sunday.
Mrs. Frnttk Swisher and Miss Mary
Dlotrlch wont to Bend Saturday.
---- -- -
this week with n load of supplies.
Q. A. Johnstons Is expected In with
supplies trom Bend. COL.
(Special to Tho Bond Bulletin.)
Harris of Ixtst Creek valley passed
through hero on hla way to his home
stead from Bend.
Jnmoa A. Wells canto In Tuesday
to establish residence on his home
stond near tho Lake county lino.
Mr. Woods also established rest-
donee on his claim nnd Is putting In i
a Tow acres of rye.
A. J. Abcrnnthy from Bend In In
this vicinity doing eonio work on his
desort claim.
O. C. Ilenklo of Bend and a party
of prospective homesteaders In this
locality last week.
W. O. Ketchunt of Knappa, Ore.,
and T. W, Ponn of Chicago located In
Lost Creek valley this week.
Five auto trucks pass horo regu
larly with freight from Bend to the
Harney country.
11. O. I.ocdy, right of way man for
the Hill railroad Bystcm, was In this
locality last week. He took sevoral
photographs of scones In this vicinity;
Horaco Brookings made a business
trip to Burns this week.
Henry Mensler, who has been
working In Bend, returned to his
homestead Saturday.
A, K Richardson, sheriff of Har
ney county, was a visitor hero this
week, returning from a trip to Salem
where ho took some prisoners.
Rex Hughes, who spent tho winter
In Spokane, Is again running a truck
for Furst Bros, of Bend.
James Brlckcy, the local black
smith. Is qulto busy these days re
pairing machinery.
Bert Mccka returned from Bend
(Special to Tho Bund Bulletin.)
FORT ROCK, May 4. J. T, Rho
tcn was n business visitor In Frontotit
E. X. Anderson, who has bcon vis
iting with the Walshes the past
month, left for Bend tho first of tho
Bill Horuo, "Slick" Rhper and C.
V. Carmlchuel wore Fremont and
Fort Rock visitors from La Plnn last
T. Hlllls nnd Ira Ashwortlt loft
for Bend Monday, Mr. Ashwortlt go
ing for supplies and Mr. Hlllls to
work with the Pino Forest Lumber
Mrs. Mlko Mtckol Is reported qulto
sick, at this writing.
Roy Foils nnd family left for Bend
Wednesday where they will innko
their home for the summer.
(Special to The Bond Bulletin.)
CLOVERDALE. May D. Charles
Carson and I. G. Gruho wont to Red
mond for potatoes Friday.
Tho young men of the neighbor
hood havo organized a baseball team.
The first practice was hold Sunday.
Thoso on the team are Mr Rivet, Mr.
Skclton, Dyer Grubo. James Pray,
Jack Rlret. Vcrno Skclton, Arthur
Grubo, Blytho Buckley and Floyd
Fred Bozollo of Redmond was hero
tho first of tho week buying oats.
Dona Cyrus and Opal Kolly spent
Tuesday eycnlng with Mary Fryrear.
James Pray has boon working for
Mr. Hodson tho past week.
L. G. Grubo lost a fine Jersey cow
Mrs. Storllo Fryrear has been 111
Sash and Doors
We hnve now n full line of Siish nnd Doors
in stock. Bring us your odd sizes. We
meet const prices.
Doors $1.60, $1.75 and up
Let us figure with you.
Bend Sash and Door Co.
Pilot Butte Hotel
J. F. TAddART, I'rop.
Good Dining Room
- -
Headquarters for Commercial Men
Electric Lighted Throughout
Special Attention to
Transient Travel
BEND, OR EQ ON) OoorfMeals
Good Room
Free bus to
f and from trains
AH arrangements made for persons
desiring to go south and east of here
. -.- --- -
on iUa iflghjU hgre l?t week.
Rosri uuifif vIaqt Root 'acas
Our nursery is located on Powell Butte, fourteen miles
east of Bend, Our trees ure the kind we recommend
nfter over thirty yenrs experience in the fruit business
in this neighborhood, Our prices and treatment will
please vou. Catalog free on request. Come and see
our orchards and nursery. Office address, Prtneville, Ore.
for nearly two wooka,
Hnxol Tomploton nnd Pyor Grubo
woro In Uedmoud Suiidny.
llnaol Tomploton la now working
In tho olllco of tho Sisters Hornld.
Misses Eleanor nnd Mtuulo Grubo
npont Sunday with Miss llnwley.
Mr. and Mrs. Hndmiii woro Hod
moml visitors Thursday.
George Hurusldo bought n enw of
Mr. llodton rccontly, paying ?8fi.
W. P. Slitter wnn qulto sick with
rheumatism but 1 somewhat Im
proved now.
- ---
(Special to The Hond llullottn.)
CHKSCKNT, May 3. Kd rMnhu
returned to Odoll station ns U. 8,
forest guard.
Joo L. Ulngo and Claude Henrd
went to Lonroth this week,
J. L. Howard brought up a load of
freight Thursday for K. G. Hourk.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ingles nnd
Robert Welsh passed through Tuos-
day from Heaver Marsh where thoy
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bam Welsh.
Tom Tolly has returned nfter an
abaenco of several months. Ho has
been acting ns editor of tho Crook
County Journal at Prlnovlllo during
the abaottco of It. E. Gray.
Mrs. J. L. Howard, Miss Arda Ed
wards and Miss Genevieve Howard
wore visitors at tho Hourk homo last
Kddlo Santry Is rapidly making
Improvements in tho Crescent Hotol,
with the assistance of C. G. Mowers,
and will probably bo ready tn accom
modate tho public by tho 10th of this
Word has been received that Wil
liam Lafplletto, father of Fred. Guy
and Hilly Lnfollotte, who aro well
known horo, died In a sanatorium In
Michigan. He had recently received
an appointment to Washington, I), j
C, and oxpected to tnko up his duties'
In a short tlmo. Mr. Lafolletto was
n brother of Senator Hobert IS. la
folletto of Wisconsin.
We Are Still Selling
Fishing Tackle
at Cost
Bend Hardware Co.
------ -
(Speclnl to Tho Hend llullctln.)
Fred Lund and friend, Martin John
son, arrived on Mr. Lund's homestead
Monday evening, April 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Cnrpnntor nnd chil
dren arrived on their homestead on
Monday. Warren Llbbey inndo
n trip to Hond for tho family and tho
household goods.
Jlnrry Kvans will put In an aero
of potatoes this spring. Mr, Martin
will do tho plowing.
Dan Reynolds railed on Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. A. Halsley Sunday aftornoon.
Mr. Hakcr Is busy grubbing nnd
plowing. Ho Intends to put 1 na big
Mr. and Mrs. Martin vlsltod Mr.
and Mrs. II. Kvans Sunday.
Charles Miller has been busy plow
ing nnd picking up sagebrush. He
bus qulto an acreage plowed.
Thoro will ho a wedding on Prlngle
Flats In tho near future, It Is re
ported. Preaching was hold on tho flats
Saturday night and Sunday morning.
Thoro was n basket dinner and ser
vices again nt 2 p. in.
Charles Marrln has been plowing
and clearing sagobrush for n wquk
or two.
A. II. Taylor has nbotit nlno acres'
cf grain In, mostly wheaL Mrs. Tay
lor says sho will rnlso tho first rail
Ishcs this spring on Prlnglo Flats.
many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Domp
ttoy left Friday for Portland, which
Is Mr, Dompsey'a home,
Mrs. Harvey Wlnalow nnd chil
dren havo moved fiotti their home
stead to tho Hums country whoro
Mr. Wlnalow will soon go to work
for hla uncle, "Hill" Hrown.
Guy Scars, mall carrier from Ued
moud to Powoll lltttte, has sold his
priperty In Itodntond sad will prob
ably buy and sottlo down In this
neighborhood again. Mr. Scars sold
his homestead hem nhout two years
ago to Henry Edwards and moved to
Jim Grim n has bron hauling his
jMilatooa to Hend whoro ho finds n
ready salo for them at CO cents a
nack, ho says.
Miss Alma Johnson canto homo for
n fow days' visit last weok from the
county seat where she Is In tho high
school this your.
Pearl Fulkerson ,nd son woro
here last week to got tho hursca thoy
loft when thoy went away Inst fall.
Thoy will rldo thorn to The Dalles,
shipping them from there.
tollus are clonrlug their 120-acro
Itnlph Limbeck and Hilt Vent were
In Slaters Thursday.
Mrs. John Strnhin and sou Kd wore
trading In Sisters Thursday.
Mr. Adams has returned front Cul
ver and reports that soitto of tho
grain In that section Is (rozon nnd It
will bo necessary to resecd.
Mrs1. Pultlant was visiting with
liar daughter In Slaters Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kuril o McAllister re
ceived a tnosaago from 1'rlnevlllo on
Sunday stating that their daughter,
Mrs. I'oarl Davenport, was seriously
Harry Wyso of I ho Modorit Press
Ing Parlora at Hond had a pressing
engagement In this neighborhood last
(Special to The Ilcnd llullctln.)
PLAINVIKW, May C Tho play
given by tho school was n success,
nnd much credit Is duo Mlis HI Ion
Crawford, tho teacher, who got It up.
Phil Smith was in Sinters Sunday.
Mrs. M. W. Knickerbocker nnd two
dnughtors woro trading In Slaters on
Mr. Lambert and two eons of Me-
(Hll to Tho Hend Hullutln.)
TI'MALO, May I.--Ooorgo McAI
llatur of Gist was hauling hay from
this place ouo day la.t week.
George Crawford and Karl Updlko
woro oallent nt this place last Friday.
John Myers Is building a house on
Ills ranch nt this place.
Tho weather of tho lust few data
, has bcon warm, nnd the farmers am
glad. It has been a cold backward
Charles Wlmor was a Hond visitor
Garden making nnd needing aro
now under way.
Want ad
will cost vou
(Special to Tho Hond Bulletin.)
HAMPTON, April 29. II. La Vere
of Pa Ell, Wash., spont several days
In this vicinity during the past woek,
Mr, Dozona left for Hond Thurs
day to bring In provisions and house
hold goods.
Messrs, StaufTer and Smith of Glass
llutto valley were business vlaltors
here the 27th and 23th.
D. R. Dunn and family moved to
their ranch at Last Chance last week.
They spent tho winter here for the
purpoae of sending their children to
Miss Kate Ilrlckey la spending sev
eral days with friends at this place.
L. o. Peck seeded 20 acres on his
placo last weok.
Hurr Hlack has been verv poorlv
tho past weok, with "gatherings" In
the bond.
Mr. Hassett and Mr. Walkup visited
rolatlvos horo and looked over tho
land with a vlow or taking home
steads. Mr. Hassott Is a brother of
the Into B, F. Hassott.
W. T. Harrison nnd L. O. Peck loft
for Hend for loads tho 28th.
Mrs. Leo Miller has beon on tho
sick list tho past woek.
- -- .
(Special to The Bond HullotJn.f "
rlod nt Prlnevllle May 1, Miss Cecil
Johnson and Thomas Dompsey, Tho
bride Is a daughter of William John
son and his lived here moat of her
life. Although Mr. Dempsoy has I
been hero only a year, ho has raadel
My Practical Baking Lessons Will
Appear on This Page Every Week
So much interest has been shown in my work, nnd so
many ladies have asked me why I did not publish my
lessons, that I havo prepared a series covering practically
the whole field of home baking.
By special orrongemont with tho Manufacturers of
KC Baking Powder and tho publishers of this paper, the
lessons will appear on this page every woek, beginning
this week.
Z have tried to moko theoe lessons thoroughly practical
end I believe that every one contains at least one recipo
worth saving, and soma now idea that every housewife can
adopt to advantage and that wiU repay a careful reading.
' u