The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 07, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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1'AQK .
lUI I i .' t
Tho Rrldgo Club will moot with
Mrs. Goorgo A. Jonoa Friday.
Louts Doonnr Is now operating tho
picture ninchlno nt tho Drontn.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sharp and MIm
Uertha Ualdwln wero visitors hero
Tho r'Irst National Hank has hod
nwnlngs jmt up over all tho windows
In tho building.
John Hfteland, ..HarrylV Wilson
and Tom Allison canto up from Ter
robonno Sunday.
E. M. Lara wont tp Portland Sun
day on a short buBluoss tflp . Ho re
turned last night.
Rort Q. Kimball, who has been
trapping In tho woods this winter,
has returned to llond.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Q. Dlackwoll
returned Saturday from San Diego,
Cal., where thoy wore for several
Mrs. Delia Nichols of PlnohuratJ
and sister, Mrs. May Wilson Levcr
enz of, Tuinalo, wcro visitors In Head
Tho Harry & llcrdlo Lewis Co. will
present a repertoire of comedy drama
and feature specialties at tho Dream
next Monday night.
Howard Turner has sold the Mad
ras Pioneer to W. H. Rohannan, for
merly of Vancouver, Wash., who has
taken charge of the paper.
Garth II. Young and wife, formerly
Miss Edith Schultx, arrived In Bend
last week, having spent the winter In
Indianapolis. Mr. Young has a ranch
near town.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Rowo leave
this woek for Salem to make their
home. Louis RUadeau will have
cbsrge of Mr. Howe's 160 acre Irri
gated ranch east of town.
Tho state legislature passed the
bill appropriating G000 to provide
funds with which both Union and
Confederate veterans of the Civil
War may attond the forthcoming re
union at Gettysburg.
According to reports from Klam
nth Falls, tho suow In Crater Lake
park Is still a foot deep. Construc
tion of roads into tho park has been
started by the governmont, and will
continue through the summer months
A. C. Lucas of Rend, Is making
preparations to tako charge of the
Hotel Redmond. Mr. Lucas is an
experienced hotel man, having con
ducted the Pllut Dutte Inn at Uend
In former days. Redmond Spokes
Delegations went to Prlnevllle this
morning to appear before the county
court on behalf of road Improvement
in this section.. In the party were
C. S. Hudson, Donald May, Clyde Mc
Kay, J. K. Sawhlll, Clark Rhodes and
R. E. Koon.
J. M. Smith, engineer of bridges,
and W. C. Lancaster, maintenance
engineer of the Oregon Trunk, have
been In town this week to make ar
rangements fqr the improvement of
Greenwood avenue whero it passes
under tho tracks.
Ror. Fathers Julius E. De Vos and
Peter J. Cicuoxki of Chicago wero In
Rend Sunday, having been looking
over the Harney country. They are
in search of a location for a colony
and expect to return to Central Ore
gon later In the summer.
At the annual meeting of the
Women's Union of the Iiaptist church
last Thursday the following officers
were elocted: President, Mrs. W. E.
Scott; vico president, Mis. E. J. Wil
son; secretary, Mrs. C. J. Leverett;
treasurer, Mrs. R. D. Ketchum.
Hot bread at American Ilukery CV'
try afternoon at O o'clock. Xetv store
on Well (.U-oct.dAdr. Htf
Served from 5:30 to 7:30. Plates 7Sc
Puree of Asparagus
Cucumber and Lettuce Salad
Chicken a la Southland
iTeg 6fkLamb,, Currant Jelly .
Prime Roast Ribs of Reef a'ujus
New Potjtoes in Cream
nuttered Deets
t 4 , 1'lneapple.Ice " t
4 . - :
Fresh Strawberry Shorty Gaketi .
Whlpjiedf Qream
Mince Pie
., Coffee ' '
. J , I
Piano Music by Miss Eya Q raves
Songs by Miss Arrle Black. '. ',
"Orass and Rosea." '
"Gopd-bye, Sweet Da."
'A( Necklace of Lovo,"
T'hinklnff of Thee."
Preceded by a loud ponl of thunder,
a light shower visited llond this
afternoon nt 1:30 o'clock.
Goorgo Young, who was In Prlno-
vlllo InBt week, reports that tho Ruck
Mountain road from Prlnovlllo to
Rums, Is entirely out of commission.
Travel between tho two towns goes
south to Milllcnn, there Joining tho
tnnln Dond-Rurns road.
Tho first hall ganio of the season
here was played Saturday between
tho llond Juniors and n team picked
from tho schoolboys. Tho latter won
by a seoro of 1(3 to 11. Tho battery
lof tho winning loam was mado up
of Krod Cottrcll, John Hates nnd
Hugh Thompson, tho latter pitching.
Scoutmaster A. M. Lara led n party
of Uoy Scouts out to Tumalo creek
Sunday nftor n Hag pole. Thoy cut
and peeled a 70-foot pine which thoy
plan to brlog In with a team uoxt
Sunday. Karl McClure. John Steldl.
Jr., Jesse Gourd, Roy Fuller, Charles
Hartwlg and Tom Rauch wero In tho
W. M. Dlckcrson, who Is located
on a homestead -IS miles southeast
of Uend, was the first to strike water
on his 320-ncre claim In that vicin
ity. Thero wns some water nt 31
feet nnd plenty of It at 41 feet,
rising S feet in tho well. This Is
very encouraging to the other set
tlers near, Mr. Dlckcrson.
The shipment of cows which the
First National Dank will receive from
tho East Is being delayed owing to
the tact that the state Inspector of
Illinois has resigned and his succes
sor has not been appointed, In tho
meantime shipments of cattle not be
ing allowed to be transported out of
the state without Inspection.
Rev. II. II. Fpskett and Rev. D. Lo
rce of the llaptlst church wero hero
last week, starting out on n trip cov
ering all of Contral Oregon nnd the
oastern part of tho state. They will
visit every hamlet and town In this
bjg territory, traveling In their own
rig and carrying a full camp outfit.
They expect to devote the summer to
this work.
State Will Also FurnMi 23,000 Ham
for Paullitn Lake.
Tho Rod and Gun Club has mado
application for 17G.000 trout fry,
and the state has acceptod It. Thore
will be 25,000 Eastern brook trout
for Fall river, 20,000 rainbows for
tho Metollus and tho rest of the
number will be rainbow and brook
trout for the Deschutes. Thero will
also be 25,000 bass for Paulina lake.
District Game Warden McKay's
efforts to get China pheasants for
this territory are meeting with hearty
cooperation on the part of the club
and of tho farmers around Rend.
It Mad a Dlfftrtncs.
-If I ever get hold of Dinks I'll
thrash him so that his mother won't
recognlxe him."
"What's tho matterr
"lie's been slandering me. lie says
that I beat him out of $3 In a poker
"Not at alL beard tho remark my
self." "What did he sayr
"He said that yon beat him out of
33.000 In a wheat deal.
"Oh. well. then. I suppose It Is all
right. I hardly thought he was tho
kind of man to go round telling stories
that reflected on my character." Lite.
Successful Exptdltnt.
"1 tried to xing my youngest boy to
sleep." xald Senator Horghuui. "but It
wouldn't worn Then I fold nlui h
story, nnd that wouldn't work either."
"How did yon get til in to sepl"
"My wife eaui to the rescue with
one of her elever suggest Ioiin I dellr
ervd one of my Kwiiei to hiui."
,The most comfortablo
rooms Ire Oend. Steam
heat, hot and cold water,
now furniture. TAULE
ful location on the banks
Hus to and from Depot.
W. I. CUltSEY, Prop.
118 5 8 5'8 8 8
Hsr Visitor Was Gorry Tor That Until
Ho Was Enllohtantd.
It wns snowing In the north, hut In
Now Orleans the nlr was ns soft us
May, and In it gnrdon brilliant with
Ituwers nnd sunshine the whiter vis
itors dmtik after luncheon the famous
ervole cotlVo.
"How good this crvolo eoffeo M"
snld it young limn.
"I untke It," Hiild the hosiers. "I am,
you know, it creole."
The young untit looked shocked, hurt.
"Well, after nil," ho wild in it tow voice,
"j on uin'l help that, mid I'm sure no
sensible person thinks any the worse of
Ills hiwIciM, who witt very beautiful,
with Intlr and eye like night, laughed
"Hi'llne the word creole." she said.
And thejnuiig man replied. "A emtio
Is n defendant of Freiteh or Spnulsh
luiuilgmtit. with a touch of uegro
bliMMl In liN or her vein-."
-And the word mount Just the opio
sltef" the woman erled. "A creole- Is it
ilo-iiemliint of French or Spanish Itnntl
grant whose veins hold not it drop of
negro blood "
"Well, welll I didn't know that."
"No!" she said, "Nnlody from Iho
north doe. The won! creole l prob
ably the ttubpie word of the dictionary,
a word that Is universally mlsundcr
stood Why. It Is ns though you thought
up there tit the north that white meant
black." New York Tribune.
English Bakir Had to B Careful In
the Old Days.
In the time of Edward I. or England
Innkeeiiers were not ermltted to make
either bread or beer. The former they
were obliged by law to buy from tho
baker and the latter from the brewer.
In "Custom of Old England" F. J.
Snell declares that If the law dofended
what was consldsred the legitimate
claim of the baker to a procr liveli
hood It was equally solicitous for tho
welfare of his customers and was most
severe uiou the baker who sold bread
deficient In weight or quality.
For the first offenm be wns drawn
on a hurdle through the principal
streets, which would le thronged with
tieople and foul with trnttle. with the
offending loaf luixpended from bis neck.
From a ten nnd Ink sketch of thfs cere
mony It appear that the unhappy
tradesman won neither shoo nor
HtiH'hliigs slid had his arm strapped
to hU sldc-t. It seems also that two
born- drew the hurdle, whleti migcests
that It rattled along at n pretty lively
For tin eond offene the baker en
Joyed another ride uon the hurdle and
then underwent an hour's exposure In
the pillory. If he proved so incorrlgt-
bio as to commit the offene a third
time Ids oren wns demolished nnd bs
was forbidden to follow his trado.
Queer Egyptian Burial Customs.
The Rgyptlans bare many curious
customs in connection with the burial
of their dead and the healing of tho
sick. At every Moslem funeral, for In
stance, there are hired mourners, vary
ing In number scvurdlng to the wealth
of the deceased. These funerals are ah
war bended by old blind men. carry
ing long staffs In their hands and wall
ing loudly They are followed by the
rclrtllre slid friend of the devensed.
and then come the cotlln. Tbl la suc
ceeded by two or three of the native
tint curt common to Cairo, tilled with
women mourners Mourning. In fact. Is
ipille a pnifelii Miuoiig the women.
Every dny you ee group of them
iquattlng ou the ground outside the
hoMpliiil at I'alro. walling to he hired
for a funeral. Wide World Mngiizluu
Unique Signs In Franco. ,
Frederick C. Pentleld wa walking
along n New Jersey road while Ills
chauffeur fixed a broken tire He no
ticed a duuger sign at the roadlde.
"In France." he said, "at the eiitrnnce
to their town they have lgn that are
characteristically French and seem to
me delightful In spirit. Over the road
as you enter the town llmlr Is an ant) .
ou which I printed the tiame'of the
lowo. the iiuuiIht of the road for rill ,
tho road are numbered In Fmnceniid
the name of the department In which
the town He Then below ttioxe In
larger letter. 'Attention mix enfant'
CIV enrefn' nbout the children'!. And
thou n you leave the town you see the
back side of it linllnr lgu which says,
Mercl (Tbank'i."-New York Post.
A Miserable Orafter.
"That look like mime crib to crack,"
uld the first burglar to hi pal as they
imcd a auburbaii iiniuslon.
"None o that for me," nld the pal.
"One of th biggest grafters in the
CnltwVKtate live there"
"How do vou know that 7" asked the
tlmt burglar
"I broke In there once nnd he caught
me wit' the good on." maid the pal.
"I hud to pay him IIS to let mo go."
ilariier's Weekly.
"Reg pardon, sir." said the doorman
st the Stnghorn club "Haven't you
mnde a mistake?''
"I reckon not," replied 81 Corntassel.
The sign ou the door say 'No AdniU
lou,' and If they' uo admission it's
free, itlu't Itr-Jtidgo.
Didn't Find It So. .
Willie All the world loves n Ipverf'
Wtillle- Rally He. you know. Nellie de
Wink' pet terrier has bitten me four
-4ine. bull JoveJ-Exchange.
One's own thltle field dwirer to
him than hi neighbor's garden of
Hen. (ierwn n Proverb,
Advert Kcnteiitn Insetted under this
licndlint ut the tr.e of one rent n
word for each Insertion. Dlxcoutit on
extended Invert lon. Charge are
tmjable In advance except for adver
tiser having a remilar nccotitit with
Tho Itulletln. All paid ndveitUe
utents will lm Hite! In The Itulletln
ollh-e nt the time of rveclpt.
There are niiHMrrs .to nihertUe
niciitn ut The lliilletln olllee for K. T
II. V. and X.
For Rent.
FOR RRNT Furnished hotiso In
! Deschutes Addition. $15 per mouth.
IQ. W. tiertson, Mux 0, llond. Op
FOR RENT 10 ncres adjoining
town, 10 acres In cultivation. Thrco
room box house on place. See J. A.
hastes. Oban
FOR HUNT Modern stooping
rooms, $2.50, $3 nnd 13.50 per week
at Murphy building on Greenwood
Avenue. Op
FOUND A sovon-Jewolled Wnl
tliRtn watch with loathcr fob. Ownor
can have same by paying reward at
llullotln ofllco. Op
FOR RKNT Two suites liotiso
keeping rooms, ono on ground floor,
reasonable. Opposite Itulletln office
In old C. O. I. Co. building- Op
FOR RRNT Threa comfortable
rooms contrally located. Sultnblo for
family. Running wator and electric
lights. Very moderate. Inquire at
llullotln office. 8tf.
FOR RENT Two suites of house
keeping rooms In building opposlto
llullotln ofllco. Mrs. Frank Waltors,
llond, , 8-9p
FOR RRNT Thrco comfortable
rocms contrally located. Sultablo for
family. Running water and electric
lights. Very moderate. Inquire at
llullotln olflco. Stf
WANTRD Girl for houso work.
Phono Stanley ranch. Stf
WANTED Furnished houso or
apartment. 55, Itulletln office 9p
WANTED At onco a light wagon
by C. A. Ilurrls, nt Wcnandy Food
stable. up
WANTED Girl for genera house
work. Write or telephono Mrs. J. It.
Wlmcr, Laldlaw. 7tf
WANTED Man with team to rent
130 acres of tho Archie Fsjissott
place six miles east of Madras, Small
house, fruit cellar and stable. I will
furnish seed potatoes and anyono can
have all they ralso who will live on
the place. 8. W. Foster, 3201 Colby
Ave., Evorett, Wash. 8-9
To Exchange.
WE HAVE Portland property to
exchango for Rend roal estate llond
Realty Investment Co., 622 Cham
ber of Commorce, Portland, Ore. ttf
Well established grocery and feed
business in Hood River for trade.
Value $15,000. Also have orchards
for trsdo lu this community. Submit
your proposals. J. Rlmtner & Co.,
Hood River, Oregon. Op
Lost anil Found,
LOST A desk chair seat In or
near Rend. Finder please return to
llullotln otllce. 9-1 4p
Mix lonve of frrlt bread for IWe,
:t louve of Malo bread for 10c, chick
en bread ,10c n Fack. .American Ibtk
cry, Wall Street, New-nton-. Ad Htf
For Hale-
FOR SALE Second hand batik,
cheap. Call at Forestry Office. 7tf
FOR SALE Good relinquishment,
by owner. Inquire "R," llullotln of
fice 0-lOp
FOR SALE Early nnd Jslo cab
hago plants, 10c a dozon. Mrs, A,
Orcutt. S-0p
FOR SALE -Honey made by the
bees, 12c per pound. Rend Grocery,
1 hlk east of depot. 9tf
G hod young horse, Inquire of N. E,
Gilbert, Park Addition. Op
FOR SALE The Altatnotit Hotol
building and furniture, all new and
first class. J. A. Hastes. 4tf
FOR SALE x5 high grado plate
camora, with extension bellows. In
qulro nt Forestry Ofllco, 7tf
FOR SALE My now C-room mod
ern bungalow in Wlestorla. Rar
galn, with terms, E, H, Davis. 10p
FOR SALE Furniture of eoven
room house and house for rent. Oill
at rcsldenco of Mrs. J. W. Elklns. Stf
FOR SALE 1000 pound horse
and slnglo harness for MS. O. R,
Kurrle, Greenwood avo., third houso
from 8th at. 9p
FOR SALE Let us save you 10
pet on the opening orders of gro
ceries for the homestead. Road Gro
cery, ono blk east ' depot. 9tf
FOR SALE Thoroughbred White,
5 7 Varieties
Tho finest things to tako
along on your Ashing and
camping trips and picnic
Full lino of Groceries
and Dry Goods at this store.
E. A. Sather
Good Clothes
Does not, necessarily, niciin high pricefl
clothes, if yon buy here. We can fit you
out satisfactorily to .suit your purse. Our
line of Gentlemen's Furnishings i.s
New Stock of Nifty Neck
wear Just Received
The latest patterns
25c, 50c, 75c
Sather Building, Ik-ml, Oro.
Leghorn and Whlto Wyandotte eggs.
1 1 . 2 r per setting. Splendid laying
strain. Mrs. W. I. Vandovert. 7tf
FOR SALE Ono aero, ! two-room
houses, bun, wnodshrd, water. Closo
In on 7th street. $1000, $200 down,
bal. monthly. Jonos ft Renshaw, 7tf
FOR 8ALE lllsck Ingslian nnd
Rlu-do Island Rod eggs for hatching.
Roduco'l to $1 per setting. Mrs. G.
V. Shrlner. Park Addition, Rend. Otf
boar, one year old, weight about 330
pounds. Ed Halvorson, Rend. Ctf
FOR 8ALE Wo deliver to any
part cf the city. Rend Grocery,
where the sun rises. 1 blk east of de
pot. 9tt
ALFALFA and clover and timo
thy hay mixed, at Powell Rutte. Ad
dress G. L. Rrazoe, Redmond, Ore
gon. 4-13p
FOR SALE Furniture nnd under
taking business In Madras, Oro. Will
sell nr'rent building. W, O. Loucks,
Madras. 0-1 2p
FOR SALE 80 acres Irrlgatod
Isnd In Laldlaw district, partly Im
proved. $2100. Address A-CI, oaro
Itulletln. Cttbop
FOR SALE 100-acro relinquish
moot, with 100 adjoining; also other
iliolco locations. Address II. C,
csro Itulletln. 43H
FOR SALE 16,000 "now Oregon"
strawberry plants, SO cents a hun
dred. Do woll In this climate, N. I.
Vlnyard,. Uend. 2-1 lp
FOR SALE EggS from pure blood
Baby Buggies and Street Sulkies.
Come In and Get Prices.
, sua
Special 10c Counter
everything lorthe Kitchen.
'A Square Deal for Every Customer'
Wholesalo Prices on Quantity Lots .
1,11 I
Ai L. Hunter
. Next dcor to Bend Hardware Company
barred Plymouth Rock hens. ll.fiO
i per setting. 1-oavn ordots at Bather's
store. J. F. Plorce. 3tf
FOR SALE Cheap, 3 320-scro re
llnqulshmenls, with sumo good Im
provements. All plow laud. Write to
"Owners," enro llullotln. Ctf
FOR SALE or trade for Rend
proporty, 2, 3, or C acres, near car
lino, between Oregon City and Port
land. Ilox 138, llrnd. Ctf
FOR SALE 1 span mares, weight
3300. $130; 1 mare, gentlo, wt 10S0,
$75. Call at ranch 7Vi miles N. E.
nf llcnd on R. F. D. 1. Also for sain
1 COO-candlo power" hollow wire gas
oline lamp. Jnsslo Houghton. 8lf
FQR SALE Four fine lots In
Park Addition In block 13. Water,
light and sidewalks; attractive
houses occupy adjoining property.
Samo prices you psy for unlmprovod
lots far out. "Inquire "Rargalu", at
lliilletln offlco. 2tt
FOR BALIS ICO aero relinquish
ment, wator right worth $(0 per acre
I All fenced, nearly alt plowed, soma
I crop. Fine location 1H mlloc from
I town, $1000 below valuo for this.
, Need money. Address Ownor, Ilox
i 302, Rend, Ore. 8-0p
FOR SALE 100 acres under
ditch 8 miles east of llond. School
on place adjoining. Good huoso and
barn. Eighty ncres foncod, several
acres cleared and about IB acres
partly clearod. Ovor $1100 of Im
provements. If sold soon will tako
iC. O. I. prices, llond llrlok & Lumber
Co. sir
II ll-l-H