The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 07, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Jhoy Aro Slmplo In Principle and
Certain In Operation.
fh RIm nd Pall of tin Wstsr Olvt
, Birth to Thslr Psn.trsllna ShrUke.
Piscina unci Removing Thtm Art
Tiikt Fraught With Osadly P.rll.
i i
' ' Hvu tmvoltint tip itml down our count
' lm often lii-nr it Htruueu, welril niiiiihI
Id Hiit or Hlnrlioiiril, 11 sort of coin-
miiihI of inoiin mid Nlirli'lt, nt onco soft
, mil IiinInIoiiIi Milnltitil nml Mwutrntliii(.
It Im Hid mil of I lie wliUtlltiK buojr to
it'c'innii nt tlm linliii, wiirnliiK htm of
dIiimI or iliiiiKcroiiM place,
Ttu'o wliUllliic liiioyn, which nro
I'liitriiintiH iiihhhi of Iron, often wriuh.
l k ki ttrnl toiiH, nro ns slnipU' In prill
lpl as tlicy nro ml it hi In operation,
I In- Imii)' proper I'oiislsta of n htiKO
I m-ii r hIiiik1 Imlh. Mile i'inl up. on top
if width m n imwrfiil wlilllt. pro-
twl from ihtMi'IiIiiI lilow or collision
is a friiiiiewiirli of iron Intra, itml mi
n I r liititko. Ili'luw nml projwtlnu fur
Y'lwu Into tlut wnter It mi omui tuho of
n.etal. Tim wholu tlilnil U scciim! In
poklilon with mi anchor and n chain.
which Inxt loitix vtioiit;fi for the diplli
. . ... ... i.i.i. .1 i. ...... i.
ii ii win wnter in tthicii iiiu muj n
placet! to permit tint freu morciuont of
$ Hi. iiuim mi mill ilntvn
" IV'lii'U u wnvu lifts tho liuojr up In tlm
itlr lliu wnter In the lul, nctlntc
, pinion, sucks In nlr IhroURh tho Intake.
It U roiirtnetl In tho hulli of tho Imor
tiy n simple valre which parents it
mrrM tliroimh tli Intake When tlm
Mate drop the Imoj; In tlio trough of
t tlm wave tlm water In tin tnhe
' prtitiMHt up on tho cunflnrd nlr nud com-
pre.! It. It find exit ttmiush tlm
whUtle, which thus sound tit warning
It uilKht Im mipiKMiftl that. Iiarlwr no
niechaiiUni hut a ralve, such Ituojrit.
oiii'ii put In position, could be left there
for an Imletlnlle period of time. Hut
Km sea linn atriums ways, with her
' Hardline, nnd even If tlm iieceltjr of
(oimtitnt pnlutlmi of tho Imof to pro
tect It from the ni'llon of sen wnter wan
not eilMciit It uuiild still Ixj neccssnrr
to keep n wutrh on then mIkuiiU and
to toko ttiuin up and replace them
rather often, for tlm bin tuho project
Ink down Into tho wnlrr In n treat at
' trhiilon to haruncle and seaweed, and
dot infrequently lhee niarliio Krowth
mi hilrrfcrt with tho action of the buoy
tut to keep It Mh'tit In ordinary weather
ami to dim It wtov In bud weather.
It then become necwwni-jr to "work"
a new vthlMler In potllloii, which Im n
leKtilnr part of tho duty of n llRhthoimo
lender or buoy tender, of which vim
r.eln iheie are umuy In tho nervlce.
hen a buoy In to Im "worked" tho
lender repair to ii yard or Motion and
bv menu of her en no lift on deck the
fivHlily painted uud tboroiiKhly rcpalr
il new buoy which I to rcplaco that
one which Im either nllent or which ha
nerved ll allotted tlmo nnd H now duo
for replacement.
Then Im nothing dirflrult about thl.
It Im Retting tho cnormouidy largo nud
unwieldy itiiiHM of Iron orerboant and
tnkhitf on IxHird tho ono which l in
the wnler width valine tho dllHculty
Tlm ery win en which nro iievcnary
to tho mieceimful o'Hirutlon of tho buoy
uirtko It hard to manage at tho did of a
ntim on board n comparatively mimll
Whoii a buoy teniUr jam to "work"
n wliUller ulie elcnr her divk of overy
HiliU eUe but tho buoy, which U ne
t tired with cliuvkx nud cIihIum nbolint
tho Mil of tho veiMvl. Tho old tniuy Im
npprooehod iaulliuly, within a toupto
of hundred feet, nud tho iimv buoy Im
nlloHed to Hlldn overlHiant rather than
pliked up uud placed In tlm water, tho
crow KiiblliiK It by miy roptn. whllo tho
powerful emtio llfU Jut euoiiKh to per
mit tho buoy to move. With tho vomnoI
tdotvly rolllntr from wldo to ldo on tho
xlovv hciiM of ovon a quiet day tho iwod
daya nro purposely picked for thl
work the iuiim of frctdily ialuted Iron
with It Iouk tulw present, poteutUlb
tie fur rll which miMt b clooly
watchHl. IM tho buoy but Kot clear
of the deck uud tho fall tacklo tot
Jammed mid I hero would come Into b
Im; a thrco ton pendulum with un Iron
Hall thirty-nix fwt loiitf capabto of
Hiimwlilin; the boat to bit nnd certainly
of weeplnK broken boned men about
tho deik with no more effort than If
(Uhey wcro ao many die.
" Hut, f gottlnu uo pow buoy oa-
bonrd U dauseroua work, uaullujr tho
old one In la more no, Tho buoy I first
Hccurcd by Rood aeamnuNhlp, mnnaRlug
tho atenm veiuol, with a rope throutli
tlio I. on cago nt It top. Worklns,
from thla, ropca, chain and "riprlng"
or heavy cablca aro brought Into play
I and the wholu very cuutlouly lifted
I nnd Mectired a It come ovnr tho aldo.
1 It Ih nllowcd to awing free not nt nil,
8.1 vo perhapa for an Inatitiit, Jut n It
,, li laid lint on tlm deck, nnd thou, np
parontly In tho very face of doath, n
itoxen men Kprlug nt tho 11111, ready
- to HWlnj with tho wnve nud to de-
iiioIIhIi them and IhrtiHt huco billot
of wood uiiilftruenth It akte to hold
It lonK eiiotuh fur IiinIiIuk to pinko It
neciiro, I'ho bout bolng lielnyod to tho
1 niichor chiiln thou ciiutlmmly back
1 nwuy to ralo tho anchor, and thoro Is
, a kuiioi'iiI Hcnmporliii; nwny from tho
cnbtu whllo till I being done, no
Hhoiild It break It would bo llko hnv
log n couple of cannon bulla come
tearing along.tho dock, (J j, 1
However, ao ikTllfnl nrq tncno bans
v diem of heavy mairnes of Iron on anim
I atablo keel thnt It U rnro that nn oo-'l
cldent hnppeiia.oO, II. daudy la 8cl
ehtlfle American.
Pergonal Item nml Other Notva of
I'M. (lontry hna moved Into n tout
In tho mill ynrd,
Ocorgo (Inlgor han loft tho Com
pnuy and la iiiovIiik nuLto 111 homo
ntnnit, Klmor l.tirait- roiurnnd from hla
homoHtoiid Innt week mid him goun
hunk to piling groon lumbor with
Mat NoIhoii.
Nil Ilngon wont to I'rlnnvlllo un
Monday nn u wHiiohn In n oao to bo
tried nl thl torui of court.
.1. II. Ilonn hna hcon nwny for tho
priht wcok.
M. I). Conway hna returned to
work In tho plniiormlll,
V. Ii. Dnvln wit laid up for n nhoit
tlmo Innt wnok.
Ono of Frank Vnvoy'a lioya wan
taken nick on Hntunlay.
Tcnmi worn ongiigad nil day Hun
day In li 11 u I lug hack nbovo tho mill
log Hint had beou onrrled by tho
boom and down rlvnr.
Tho HUHta II ro pit wna clonuod out
on Huudny.
Tho qunrtor night nhlft han boon
dloontlnuoil tumpnrarlty.
(Ircou alnlm liavo been thrown off
tho rhiitn thl week to mako up n
cnrluud for Culver.
Ml ConteUne.
"Oh, yea. lie a xvtj Dim nldorman.
"Why. I'm told ho con Im bribed."
"Of rotirmt. Hut bo hai bouio con
oelenco nhout It."
"How lulhatr
"Why. you can buy him to aupport a
inmiiiini, but he won't tay Iwusht."
Cloveland Plain Dealer.
To do Jut one Ihlmt nt n time ha led
ninny n ham! miiiI Into quletuwu
and order mi rvaU
An Enprt.
"Ma your wife du much fancy
"Ve: when I'm Jate In getting homo
ereiilnt(.i tm fnTiei nil torta of
thing "-HoMton Tnllmcrlpt
If you leap Into n well Providence
m nut IkiuiiJ to help you out. Gorman
18.20 with bulk from 17.75 to (8.
Heavy hoove aenrco with quality
good nnd hotter outlet. Hog took
nn upward turn tho warty part of
tho wook nnd prlco wont back up to
tho 0 mark. Cooler wmtthor, aumllor
rocelpta and doplolod packing Iiuuho
pork prodtlcla, tho cnuno of reaction.
Hottnr totio to nhoop lioufco trade, n
fow moro recolpt; n hunch of fnnoy
owe wore Inrgoly bought up $0,25
"off tho earn." Lnmba $7,215, nnd
$7 "off earn". Demand fur mutton
oxccodlng supply.
Wowcomorn aliould got tho hnhtt
of going to Iiinoa & Davldaon'a bar
hor nhop. Adv.
Itccolpta for tho week havo boon: '
Cuttle 1130, calve 184, hog 3S70,i
aheep 3013, home 3, Good trndo
In ateora, aevoral loads nelllng at
Dopnrtmnnl of tlio Intorlor, United
tiito Land Olllco, Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, April 23, 1013.
To John Vnjon ft No. 8G16 8th nvo.
8., Heattlo, Wanli., Cotitoateo:
You nro hereby notified that Kd
ward A. Fogg, who given Hamilton,
Orogc 11, fin hi pottoltloe address, did
on March 22, 1013, fllo In thl olllco
hi duly corroborated application to
content and secure the cancellation
of your iKjinoMcnd entry No, ,
Horlal No, 08937, made May 17, 1011,
for NK Vt , N 4HK H , HK V, NW , , Hoc.
18, HWUHKH, Hoctlon 7, towimhlp
10 H., ratigo 20 K., Wlllatnctto Merid
ian, nud n grounds for his contest
ho allege that anld John Vnjyn has
wholly failed to ostabllnh hi resi
dence on said tract nnd ho a wholly
failed to cultivate and Improve snmo
as required by law and has aban
doned samo for moro than ono year
last past.
You aro, thoroforo, further noti
fied that tho said allegations will ho
taken by this olllco ns having bcon
confcsiod by you, nnd your said entry
will bo canceled thoroundor without
your furthor right to bo heard there
in, oither beforo this offlco or on op
tical,, If you fall to fllo In this office
within twenty days ntter the
FOURTH publication of this notlco,
as shown bo low, your answer, under
oath, specifically meeting and ro
siondlug to those allegations of con
test, or If you fall within that tlmo to
fllo In this offlco duo proof that you
have served n copy of your answer on
cue Bald contestant In person or by
registered mall. If this servlco la
mado by tho delivery of n copy of
your answer on tho said contestant
In person, proof of such ser
vlco must bo cither the sold contest
ant's written acknowledgment of his
receipt of tho copy, showing tho date
of Ita receipt, or tho affidavit of the
person by whom tho dellvory was
mado stating when, and whero tho
copy waa delivered; If mado by regis
tered mall, proof of such servlco must
consist of tho nffldnvlt of tho person
by whom tho copy was mailed sta'lng
when nnd tho postofflco to which It
was malted and thl affidavit must
bo accompanied by tho postmaster's
rocolpt for tho lottor.
You should stnto In your answer
tlio namo of tho postofflco to which
you deslro furthor notices to ho sent
to you.
C. W. MOOHB, Hoglstor.
Dato of first publication May 7,
Dato of second publication May 14,
Onto of third publlontlon May 21,
Dato of fourth publication Mny 28,
In tho Circuit Court of tho Blnto of
Oregon for Crook County.
Tho First National Ilnnk of Ilond, n
Corporation, ,p!n!ntlff, vn. J. II.
Iloan, J. F. iloan nud A. C. Lucas,
To J. F, Iloan, nliovo named defen
dant; In tlio namo of tho Htato of Ore
gon; You nro hereby required to np
poar and answer tho complaint of tho
plaintiff filed against you In tho
nbovo entitled action within ton days
from tho dato of the servlco of the
samo upon you If sorved within this
county or if served within any other
county In this ntnto then within
twenty days from the dato of tho ser
vice of tho samo upon you or if sorv
ed upon you by publication thereof
then on or before the 8th day of May,
1013, nnd you are hereby notified
that If you fall so to appear and an
swer for want thereof tho plaintiff
will apply to tho court or tho relief
prayed for In tho complaint on file
herein, to-wit:
For n decree that tho conveyance
NW of the SWU of 81c. 27, Tp.
17 B It. 12 B W. M., to J. F. Hcan
Im declared fraudulent and void as
against this plaintiff and that the
said J. H. Hcan Im dcclarod to hoid
tho. said property In trust for said
defendant J. II. Hcan and his credi
tors. That the conveyance of KWK
of NK?4 and NBtf of NW
and Lot 1 of Sec. 7 and SW4
of SB V of Sec. C, all In
Tp. 13 8.. It. 11 K.. W. M., to A. C.
Lucas bo decreed fraudulent and void
as against this plaintiff and that the
said defendant A. C, Lucas he decreed
to hold this property In trust for the
defendant J. H. Ucan and his credi
tors. And thnt tho nald J. F. Hcan nnd
A. C, Lucas account under the di
rection of this court for nil of the
property aforesaid so convoyed to
them nnd that said property be sold
and tho proceeds of said salo be ap
plied to tho satisfaction of plaintiff's
Judgment nnd that the plaintiff have
Judgment against said defendants for
U, B, Land Office nt Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, April 14th, 1013,
Notlco la hereby given that John
P. Hausmnn of Portland, Oregon,
who on February 23d, 1012, made
desort land entry. No. Q00S, for
N4HW14 and 8NW, section 32,
township 10 south, rango 12 cast,
Willamette Meridlnn, has filed no
tlco of Intention to make final desert
proofrto establish claim to the-lnnd
abovo described, beforo II. O, Ellla,
U. S. Commissioner, nt his offlco at
Hend, Oregon, on the 21th day of
May, 1013.
Claimant nnmea as wltnosses:
Henry II. Ford, Otis C. Henklo, James
Ityan, Albert Hnrryman, all of Dond,
C-lOp C. W. MOORE, RoBlster.
Sand and Gravel
Plastering Sand.
Concrete Sand.
Roofing Gravel.
Concrete Gravel.
Road Material.
Sidewalk Material.
AH Material Washed nnd Screened.
Bolton, Ruetenik and May
Bend, Oregon
. - I 1 - V J-Ji lBBgTgqg g-
the costs and disbursements of this
suit and for such other and further
relief ns to the court may seem Just
and equitable.
This summons Is nerved upon you
by publication thereof In The Hend
Bulletin, a weekly nowspaper of gen?
oral circulation published at Hend,
Crook county, Oregon, for six succcs
sle weeks by order of the Hon. O.
Springer, Judgo of the county court
In and for Crook county. Oregon.
Said order bclug made and entered
tho 2Cth day or March, 1913, In tho
abovo causo and this summons Is
published and dated for the first
tlmo this 2Cth day of March, 1913.
3-9 Attornoy for Plaintiff.
S&7 k IsbbUSP
Vienna Cafe
Wall Street
Good Meals, Prepared with
Cleanliness, nt Moderate
Largo Loaves of Whotesomo
Bread 5c Each
A Trial Will Convince
fc. roofing guarantee is
worth no more than
the quality
of the roofing. .
If the roofing is not made to
make good, the
maker never will.
-Buy Malthoid Roofing-lay it carefully
you'll never have occasion to request us to
protect our guarantee.
Malthoid will render you a
roof service so good i
so long . -'
. so satisfactory you'll forget the
Twenty-six years of practical experience
in making the original ir
roofing which always makes good Malthoid.
Made by Tjie Paraffine Paint Co. Skuse Hardware Company
San Fraacisco and Everywhere bend, oeqon
American Bakery
Fisherman's Lunch
Put up neatly
in boxes
that are light and
1 easily carried.
free lunches
srt i 25c
MtninM. i ,
kutHlM Orv ,X ;
Rooflas." Out
toe f
lumlil , A
TM Un tt. m
tkli kk wul saBWff
sir e-oKKBL-
FtuV, RilUbl. Pur
ETtrr Oudtntr tint
FUater tttoald U U .
attarla ineitu of Our
SfHtfJist. mma
vro win Mad iKMtiwld oar
t . Cut lm4ul hUin ,
WXMteitjl Iwl 19 Mk U tuli M, NA
U4ff HU lf m4 UrtruUt OahUM ttU.