The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 07, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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f AGK 8.
mtl iti Hi
C. O. I. Company Ofllclnls Appcnr
llefore Innl Oomnilslon ami mm
ltoult State Decides Against
Forfeiture of the lloiul.
A Salem dispatch of the 3rd to tlio
Portland Orogonlan Bays:
lly a voto of three to one. tho State
Desert Land Hoard refused to com
ply with tho application of K. I).
Williams, of Crook county, calling
for tho forfclturo of a $25,000 bond
Klvcn by tho Central Oregon Irriga
tion Company to Insure tho enlarge
ment of tho Central Oregon canal of
tho project, and also to lnsuro the
stato aa to a llumo constructed by It.
Williams announced after tho
vote that ho would Instltuto manda
mus proceedings to compel the board
to declaro tho bond forfeited.
Charging that the company had
failed to comply with Its contract
in enlarging tho Central Oregon
Canal of Its project, and that becauso
of lack of water settlers were unable
to secure patents to their lands,
'Williams, an owner of land in tho
ptoject and representing a number
of settlors, appeared beforo tho
board a week ago and asked for a
hearing. The board directed the
company to appear before It and show
cause why Its bonds should not bo
forfeited, and today Roscoe Howard,
manager of the company, and Jcsso
Stearns, of Portland, secretary, ap
peared beforo the board for that
Flume's Condition Good.
The afternoon was consumed with
the Introduction of evidence to show
the soundness of tho flume and it
was all to tho effect that It was In
good condition. During the after
noon the board devoted Itself to the
question as to whether the central
canal could supply sufficient water.
Howard admitted It ought to bo en
larged, but said that it would be
Impossible- at tho present to secure
money to do the work. He contend
ed, however, that for tho present It
was large enough and declared that
If tho company is not further har
assed that It will bo In a position to
enlargo It or comploto tho north
"All theso complnlnts to tho board
como from n fow dlssntlolled settlors
llko Mr. Williams horo, who Is In nr
renrs with his payment, and lujuro
tho company and do not bonollt
them," said Howard. "Hack of
much of It nlso is Stato Kuglncor
Lewis, who scut Incompetent men
Into tho Hold and whoso Bourco of
Information Is Incorrect as to tho
cannl nnd our llumo. Tho llumo Is
In good condition and wo are doing
our lovel bcBt to reclaim tho lands
in the project and it wo can got rid
of this continual agitation from n
fow disgruntled settlers wo will bo
nil right. They aro not farmers, but
Jaw artists, and being unable to
mako any progress in farming, they
exorcise their Jaws. None of tho
real fanners aro hero presenting any
g'rlorauces, but aro at work."
"To mako nn order directing thnt
our bond be forfeited or directing
vis to pay now would bo futllo," de
clared Stearns In addressing tho
board. "You cannot mako a bank
rupt pay. You can force us to the
wall, but neither tho state nor set
tlers will be benefited by that. It
Is practically Impossible to secure
money on irrigation securities now.
Tho company is doing Its tcst."
"Now that you have grunted tho
company everything thnt It wants, I
would suggest thnt you allow It to
withdraw notes amounting to $10,
000 en deposit with a trustee," sar
castically declared Williams, after
tho board had ruled against htm
when tho question of allowing tho
company to substitute notes with tho
trustee for cash It had collected from
"Turn them all over to tho com
pany. This Is just horso ploy to
keep thorn with tho trustee as a
guarantee fund. If jou aro going to
do anything: with them at all, turn
them over to tho company and let
It use them In securing money to In
vest In the project."
Howard Protests Further.
Mr. Howard protested, however,
against such a procedure and after
discussing tho subject it was finally
decided to allow the company to sub
stitute with tho trustee notes for
about $2700 of cash collected by tho
Tho company represented that it
Intends to sue on a $15,000 bond
given by one of tho contractors on
tho project, and this, together with
tho further fact that the board do-
strcs to givo It every opportunity to
flnanco the project and wna unable
to neo where any benefit would flow
by reason of the forfeiture of tho
bond, refused to declaro It forfeited.
It also granted tho company an exten
sion of time to complete Its north
canal. The company represents the
largest Irrigation project In tho
Tht Qrssk Flours.
Greek figures of men nppcar tailor
and more graceful than thoso of mod
erns. Modern artists make the upright
figure seven nnd ouc-lmlf times tho
length of the head. The (Irvt'lts mndo
It eight times, lengthening tho shin,
nnd tho longer sweep from knee to heel
gave the figure Increased gmce and
dignity. The same plan was frequent
ly adopted by Um l.elghton. In whoso
paintings the same effect Is obtained.
His Method.
"I always did muku u hit with tho
women." bragged Henry VIII.
"With your wit, nlreV murmured tht
obsequious courtier.
"No," answered tho monarch, with n
sly smile, "with an nr." llnltliiioro
BHa Was Anticipating.
"When he proved to her she knock
ed Id in down."
"(Jrnrloits! What did hc-sny to thnir
"He yelled 'Hull on, hold on! Wo
ain't married yetl "-Houston Post
Words With tho Tsschtr.
First Pupil - Wtant makes you so
late? Heroud Pupil I had words with
the tenrher. First Pupil Yes? Sec
ond Pupil Hut I could not spell them.
Methodist Kplscopal.
Ttov. E. C. Kewkam. uastor. Ser
vices every Sunday at 11 n. m nnd at
7:30 p. m. Sunday school nt 10 a.
m. Kp worth Lenguo at G;45 p. m on
Sunday. Choir practtco Thursday nt
7; 30 p. m. Prayer nicotine Wednes
day at 7:30 p. m. Junior League at
3 p. m. Sunday.
Sunday services Illhlo school
u:io a. m.; prcacning ai u a. m.
nnd 8 p. m.; brotherhood at 3;
young pcoplo's meeting at 7. Prayer
IlirUilll), nTMlKIUHJ UllMllllf, Ml MIIU
choir practice Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
Special services Sunday, May 11,
at Star Theatre, 11 a. m. and 7: IS
p. m., conducted by tho pastor. Sub
ject morning, "Keeping tho Heart."
Subject evening, "Esther and tho
King of Persia." Thoro will bo ono
or two special musical numbers.'
Sunday school nt 10 a. in.
Floatlnrj Perils That Drllt With
Winds nnd Currents.
Church of the llrethren.
There will bn no services Sunday.
May 11, as announced beforo. Ser
vices will bo hold In tho Methodist
church, Sunday, May 18, nt 3 p. in.
Cordial Invitation to all. Ira H. Fox,
No services Sunday.
Stop Paying Rent
- j
KENWOOD s onuly ? min rom,
-r v w " r" the business center of Bend
KENWOOD is llu besV v'rv pr?perty
mmm- -ww- on jjg inttrket antj 1S bound
to be the most vuluable residence property in Bend
KENWOOD ZS Wttter mi
icirwvicoi pr'ces an( terms are tne
VVJL best offered in Bend
Buy u lot in Kenwood; we will make the terms to
suit you. The money you are paying for rent now
will in a yery short time make you the owner of a
Oregon -Land & Immigration Co
J. Ryan, Agent?
r, t
Thtit Vamplras of th 8s, 8am of
Thtm Wholly Submtrntd, Ar Drssd.
td by All Msrlntrs Methods ot Lo
eating and Dtitroying Thtm,
Today, mtiinlliw to Popular Klec
trhlt.v. there lire iiboiit U,(MK derelicts
hi the witters of the world-lloiitluif
pcrlU Hint k where wind nnd currents
hid them, livery Hen Is made tmtitrd
on by llielr prenenee. They Imve crash
ed Into omiii liners unil Into Junks
of the CIiIiiii sen. To them nil vessels
lire ullke soiuelhliiK to In1 ilrstroyitl,
They crash mmliixt them In the (tend
of nlflit. when Inky hliifkiicHX tildes
their ctiiiilmt. Wnvks themselves, they
M-fiu to strive to drug all others to
their own fate.
Sn they mi drlftlnir on the sewn sens.
Mure imrtli'ulnrly they seem to swarm
ritwrly In the srtiir strenm.
I 'rum t'nx Utittertis rvnrutng north
to (tie Oriunl hunks of Newfoiindluud
In the "Kntveyiinl of the Atlniillo." It
Is a rolling waste where mnuy ships
ntv liurletl. It is n place where dere
licts tsirne liy the swi-vp of the KUlf
xtniim Hnd the cnunterchurn of the
Ijitirndiir current dnrt ntsiut like nu
ll ry sharks, ctmer to fasten their tusws
on the hull of come shl.
In the hyilmsmphlc otllce at some
KciilHirt the wireless Is aoiimlliijj. A
nieswiKe Is (tuning through the void.
It Is n messaee of peril conituc from n
stenuiHhlii. It wnrus thnt a derelict
hgs lieen slphtrcl siUiirely In the path
uf in-run (ravel. For days the men at
theotntlon linve U'eii wnltlujr for ward
of this drrrllct Its position on the
rbsrt that nil hydroprnphle vfQces
keep lius nut uioved fur n wevk. They
have lust trark or It Its drifting are
hs n mystery. The statlou men bate
tieen nnnhle to wire bark orer the
ens warning rnptnlns of tu wbtrt
stMiuts. Any moment they may bear
that It bus attacked nnd wrecked.
Hut now the derelict bus come Into
the light. The Hnltlc bus sighted It
sod scut n warning butnnilnjt over the
mil. Now the men nt the stntluu are
iulck to act. At n wont from their
chief they relay the tncHjutKC to tho
rniiiiiinnder of the revenue cutter Bene
on, lyln by. The Heneca hss been
waltfm; for this iiieewtce wnltlnc for
the derelict's whereabouts to be rerral-
cd. And now. knowiiiK them. It pcta
up stenm and sails forth, n purser of
the sen, uu destnuilon bent.
Of derelicts there are two kinds
thime thnt float observisl ntxl tho that
Cunt unolwrvcil Mont people Imaetno
that wrecked ships are ulttmiitrly driv
en ashore nnd that veels reported
sinking nt the time of abandonment ko
down soon after That U not true.
Almiidotied ships breed vnmplrcs of the
deep. For munths they flout. Water
loKk'ed. half sunken, pltrhed and torn
by storm, they yet somehow seem to
survive. They will live In irnles that
M'lid the stutichest vessels to the bol
torn. Only time cnti dextruy them
Hint Is. uuleK eleirii'lty Hikes n hand.
Too luiiry to rlxe to the surface nnd
yet oot water soaked euouKh to sluk
to the bottmn nnd remain there, they
crawl iiIoiik Just under the rldtiiK
swells. Their nlilillriK pluiv Is nowhere.
From the untnivcled tracks of the sens
they may Is currleil by n storm direct
ly In the piith of iiiivlurt'loii Whither
they ko no word K"c In-fore them
Tlit-y iIc-htihI unoliKerved, quietly.
Brlmly. .Not until they have struck I
their presence known Then they take
their toll They destroy n ship, and
from It another of their kind Is made.
It Is their wny of iiiiilitplyHnt sud
spreiidltiK the bni-d. That H why It Is
so liiiKiriiut Hint they be i!triyed.
Hut now the Heuei-n bus steHtued Into
the proving- of the derelict HlKh lu
the mast Hi" lookout Is cnntlnK bis eyes
on all sides If be is not alert the dere
lict may uttnek those on board the Hen
hii. Helf preservation Is stronx In a
Hut now the tip of n submersed mass
rises ulsive n distant swell. CnuKht In
it sudden pitch of the sen, the derelict
has re veil led Itself From the lookout's
nent the cry sounds. The speed of the
Hnei Is reduced. It moves slowly
toward Its quarry And now the work
of Imniu nlnK electricity for the de
struction It must do tK-Klns. From the
miipuliif ure brouvht mines chanted
with sixty pound burdens of iriincot
ton. From the storehouses nre broimht
Insulated electric rabies and a hand
miiKPeta A small bout Is lowered, nnd
the uiliifs nre token on hoard Then
the boat rides over the i'i toward the
derelict, n risky ride If the swells are
runnliitf IiIkIi
And the next comes the work of pine-.
IriK the mines where they will create
the' greatest explosions If the wreck
Is submerged the task Is more dllllciilt
More mines must be used. Hxqulslte
cure must bo employed In their plnclnx
Finally the explosive elm rues are con
nected by melius of the Insulated elec
tric cobles, nnd the wrecking party
dniWH off to it safe distance. The mun
with the bund miiKneto provides the
necessary current, the detonators of
fulminate of mercury explode, ths
primers of dry !iincotton nre dealt a
hnrsb blow, the explosion Is sufficient
to loosen all the heavy powers of the
munser pf wet truticotton, Mnd then tb,
derelict flies Hpnrt Its tmck broken. Its
Ides tyHg tliroupb thf fllr. n sera pug
snu- reniimc or pianasv me suuun
splash as toey bit the water agalt-
the souud of a vampire dylmj.
New (Nuiit of Herenlly OrKimUeil
Club Pm-iI First Tlmo HiUunlny.
Tint now court of tho llond Tennis
Club witN chrlstunod Hnturdny nutrii
liiK when Prof, .1. II, HIiouho nnd For
est Hupurvlsor M. li. Merrltt begun
piny shortly after nuurisu. Whllo n
little rotiKh yot, tho court In u K"d
one, siirfncod with clay,
Tho membership of tho club,
which la limited to 20, uus com
pleted list Thursday evening hy tho
election of tlirco inonibors, Thero
worn iippllcutloiiH from suvwi, hut It
was nut possllili) (o tnku Ilium nil in,
Thu following Is (ho cluli inunUiifr-
Oliironco and Olnudo MamilKilnigr,
U. N. Iloffnmn, Donald 0. May, h,
0. Fttriit, J. Hilwnrd I.nrson, .1. H,
Hlioimo, M. 1i. Merrill, P. I). (Iiirrlsifn,
(I. P, Putnam, Louis Dooiuir, It. 13,
Koon, O. H. Iluilsoii, (luy Molli.y.
Holds, W. II. Cohlo. W. M. I.nrn,
HwIiik Mnrlln, lloss Fnriiliani, w.
Faulkner. II. A. Miller. '
I), H. Hunter and J. P. Koes aro
h'imirnry momlKirs.
COMING! to the
Dream Theatre
Monday, May 12
The Harry & Berdie Lewis Company
A reliable, dopondnblu company of profctulonnl pooplo,
presenting a repertoire of comedy dramn with IiIkIi
class fenturo sHclaltlc, IncludlnK THK GHHA.T
KNOLL, known as "thu man of n (housand forms;"
HILLY MACK, clinllenjro dancer of tho Northwest,
comedian and singer of popular songs; LKWIS &
LEWIS. mnKlclans nnd IlluslonlsU, and FIX). SMITH,
tho Klrl with n silver tone voice, a singer 0f claastcul
SHOW, guaranteed to please, strictly clean, reliable,
and up to the minute. PUICES HEASONABLE-bnly
" 25c and 50c
That'll our advertised Kuarnntee.
Hilliard, Gibb & Juliussen
founilntlon construction. IasI tin jiut In n ce
ment Bldewolk for ynu now. Everyono ought to
Auto Trucks
Operating Regularly Between
I Deschutes Addition
Is one of the choice residence
parts of the town. If you nre
looking for AN ATTRACTIVE
INVESTMENT, you should
see the owners of this proper
ty who are old-time residents
here. Lots that are close In
to the business part of town
.from $250 to
We also deal In Farm and
Tlmb'er Lands
Of lies la Saltier Brick Uulldlag