The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 07, 1913, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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    Uax4trri& A -.,
KIcctrlcitl Kqtilpmcnt Now in Ue
Cimblo il Producing Pour Times'
the lYescnt Consumption Plant
Costing $.10,000 Is Complctci!.
Electric current 4 hours in tho
day, 7 days In the week and 52
Weeks' In tho year l what Manager
Xoley of the Uend Water Light &
Power Co. says Uend will now get,
with tho putting Into service ot tho
new plant Sunday evening. The big
new gonerator Is In operation and
running without n hitch. It Is al
most noiseless.
Unless there should bo something
very unusual In the way ot accidents,
the town need not be without elec
tricity for more than flvo minutes at
n time. The old power plant is
maintained as a reserve, and It will
require not more than this number
of minutes for tho man in charge to
pull one switch and walk over to
the other plant and push in another,
thereby restoring the current In case
it were necessary to shut down the
new generator.
Unit Wlttcd l-'cllow Placed Spikes on
Crooked itlver llrltlge Truck.
tKdltorlnl Correspondence.)
PIUNKV1L1.K, May 7. Attempts
to wreck trains on tho Crooked Itlver
hrldgo have been made for tho past
two weeks by the placing of spikes
nml other obstructions un tho track,
mitl yesterday the guilty person was
npprehendnd when Orvlll Morris, it
half-witted follow, about 19 years
old, confessed.
Special Agent Gassnwny of tho Ore
gon Trunk and Deputy Leonard, from
Multnomah county, have been work
ing on the case. Yesterday Sheriff
Ulklns "sweated" Morris and he con
fessed. It Is probablo that ho wilt
not be tried but committed to somo
house ot detention.
Morris Is known at Uend whero
his 'sister, Millie Lehman, formerly
lived, her husband working at the
old Kecd and Steldl sawmill. Lehman
also built the Mitchell cottage,
(Continued from Pago One),
ma sau' i il i inia
Locals Fall to Mnke (Joud Showing In
Triple Kvent.
In tho clcslug shoot of the state
contest Sunday, tho Uend Hod and
Gun Club mado Its poorest showing.
Three events were shot. Against
1 Grande the total score was 96,
against Pdrtland 94 and against
Troutdale 102. The fine weather
seemed to attract tho sportsmen to
the river for fish moro than to the
traps, and the absence of somo of
the crack marksmen told In the re
The Individual scores in tho Ln
Grande event were: Skuse 20, Main
20, Deyarmond 19, Hallberg IS,
Rhodes 18. Against Portland:
Mala, 22. Hallberg 20, Weston IS.
Skuse 18, Hunter 16. Against
TAtil.1.tAi 1l1tt.A.v 41 1l..tnH 1
There Is capacity for producing 'kUB0 20Ma,n 19, uh"0lles 19. " '
The third division finished yester
day und J. C. Rhodes was declared
the winner ot tho trophy, a hunting
coat donated by Gus Pcrct ot tho
Peters Cartrldgo Co. Tho best
scores yesterday in this event were
Rhodes 68, J. N. Hunter 57, Furst
Si, out ot 100,
Tho local season closed Sunday, as
there will bo no regular shoots for
a while now. Those who wish roay
go out to tho traps, however, and
try their luck.
Tho score in the state shoot up
to and Including April 27 Is an fallows:
about four times as much electricity
as is required for tho present con
sumption, and it will require only a
short time to set the second unit of
the new power station going to take
care ot the demand when It arises.
The carpenters are giving the fin
ishing touches to the building and In
a few days it will be entirely com
pleted. The exact cost has not yet
been figured up, but it will be
around $50,000, Mr. Foley thinks.
Of white chickens, have you seen
them when passing through Mecca,
Oregon? They are White Plymouth
Rocks of the highest type. EGGS
per setting f 8. E. W. Twiss, Mecca,
Oregon. 3-10
Stoldl ns councilman was road nnd
forthwith laid on tho tnblo by unani
mous vote.
Council Pays llltf 1IIIN.
No buHlnesH was transacted at tho
monthly meeting of thu council Inst
night other than paying bill. Tliosu
for which warrants were- ordered
drawn total IR'Jfl.Sfi, ns follows:
Pcsthouso, contract 2SG.OO
Supplies smallpox patients . .
Patterson Drug Co.. snuto
Geo. S. Young, engineering
u A. W. Nixon, dray ..,..
11. W. L. & P. Co.. March nnd
April water nnd light .
W. A. Ilntca
R. 8. Woodford
Uend llullotln 41.30
II. J. Ovcrturf, salary 50.7.
II. C. Kills, salary 30.00
. At Forbes, salary Jnn, to
May ,,,,,,,,,,.,,... oO.ou
S. E. Roberts, salary 125.00
A. Ilarrymnn, nurse 25.00
Anton Anno 20.25
President Allen presided over the
meeting In tho absence ot the mayor.
Other councllmuu present wore Bath
er, Stetdl nnd French. Adjournment
was taken to next Tuesday night.
(Continued from Pago One)
rtewcomera should get the habit
ot going to Innea & Davidson's bar
ber shop. Adv.
Team Won Lost Tied Pet.
Wallowa 6 0 0 1000
Troutdale 4 1 0 800
La Grando 2 2 1 500
Pendleton 2 3 0 400
Dcnd 1 2 1 333
Portland 1 3 0 250
Eugene 0 5 0 000
In evidence, ouano says he litis a
good one on Stearns. The first
night hero someouo took O'Kano's
bag from tho hotel lobby by mistake.
About midnight It had not turned
up. "Any Idea whero It might bo?"
asked tho hotel man.
"Well, the only man 1 know who'd
toko It Is Stearns," ropltcd Hugh.
So tho hotel man was persuaded to
go and wnko up Stearns; but no bag
was found. Steams' version of tho
yarn la that O'Kane never had a bat;
and was trying to get a frco room by
pretending to hunt one.
County Judgo Springer returned
this morning from Portland. He
strenuously denies tho report that he
has ontered tho holy bonds of matri
mony, but does not offer affidavit
that some such step is not contemplated.
Springer vs. Polndexter.
And that brings up n story that Is
going the rounds here today. In fact.
It Is occupying moro attention than
even the probablo outcome of tho
grand Jury session. Tho yarn
which Is backed by the facts. It
seems has It that one afternoon
last week tho county Judgo wai tho
victim of a fistic encounter In front
of the Prlnevlllo Hotel. Nuto I'oln
dcxter, aged nbout 20, was tho ag
gressor. Just how tho disagreement
started the chronlclo relates not, but
bystanders maintain that Nuto land
ed a lovely loft hook to the vicinity of
tho Judge's whiskers. However, tho
i g) L Myy "52S1SJ
( &A UVA VIII JW Vr .0 yr twrcMDii iirf couth V
1$ P& V YjT y waunrowt J
J uc-xcg . ff vvi .iN SfJL O y niTiN f
I I h I CHwySwSw rnxKnaitiM
A hit (VS wrtl-.- I
m .,-.&. - w m sl. ajv wi wm i " wnn n ra L w
I I . 5..I r a i iiv . tf a. -
v iji -ff f : - j in v . ruutina mills
r::.' cw 'ai . xij MMnrtrMc
; sv
1 i? ..t
iTBrirw a -
ivnirn MILL
rxAMiwe MILL!
SccwmCwM aTWTmi
A4THS MflPfifJ-uny t T t N y E STICflTE. 54?.
"V CU,,1J Caa f & t)HiA kikI l utriii tins catiulr jr Th lil Us llch. Ip vtfnK h (lnmi
I Ol 0110llU OC6 fLfO. JrlllC '" noiwW.U Uvcl, Im Kt iltln. '! rmlUal Uifnklii wnltr
nrtrft U(xr linn wfrl. TliltrUlcl Uml wllli (Kilul wlrr llhl
can txpiirchiinlit f4,rorcton cn.y Inmt Th urtuuiiilliiK (incotrJ tiiouiillnt full ol titluial womlrit unit Jutt lh Ucti
for cttlon I l1uUuu1jmU)ut two )cir vlJ, but glowing iiiMly It ht ltlrilioiif ytlrm, lu guuil hoUli, twu lil gdtrr
ratrthiiKllMr Hi rr. Crtl cU lurry mi) lrrl, nettUnl nt4f (Hit I lliir Inter HuumUIii), um uf Ihr mtl wugiculie
romnirrtUI cImIm In thciltK ndttiHcIub by th wnjr. hiiluunii pruMity ml thr l tr trrcttil theirun mi tliscll club him
Thrr Mtlhtrt iruU mw nntU In the tlctnlty of Ln finr whl.h I. Jii.Uh Ujlunluif ol lli Idg luniWilnj ml nilllliig builurM lht will M
itourbctc Thtvrctol o;nlo In imiiiifuctuililK ml Whr butlnrw lint h'l? In r.tiKnlloiiil icmilria l, I'litf t iuitculr II li
tto-ctrKhuHirk mlht bctt ufllirrtiklrncr Trilun.anil now ltK(hfUiluthlwctllb srnlr. A Culhullf cliurih will b built hue
IhUtprlnt. Klolhrr thurthrikir pUuiiliirlurtUbllih tlitniMrlvrt, M flur hut over ll.iu IUII tlntrle tiurK yomtt which Ihr
nwncii niTrruDimt ncni iducttiop uu wnicn loof wuum iiuiui fool iiini cuy The Mf ! Mini I1 ItHMKry la l. nni wuum
Ion bullit ami miinuln iwhI lrf J tily 7h ! ticuuf timUr lilbulnty lu l lin wtnbl lont bulM goul ilitil rtly. With thr
turning of lh wuWilf'..d jr.irma to La fluv which will be tuuii. iltvtUpincnl III Oil aiouiul M I'lnt will b rplit. . 11n
cub t mchrd th r Nor , N. I . U W. H H J ami V f. K. Von na raali money by buying proprity t I. I'lnr In ntltaurr uf the
lllrol. Othut t doing It, why nul VOl WAKlt I'l'lolht fct that a, nolul. wlllltl town In one of lh tiTwtnl it butt Mrnlon
of ihr Notlhwui u twuud to grow rapidly, and that piourily Tabic will ctlmbacttirdlngty I'llcri now from ! up. Thlremt arrrtiy,
onl a few dolUiicr month ou acb lot Vou don't win th mouty, but fott aoon aculiT raluabl proprtly. Will loUy for plat, pllcca
and tcrrnt to
KcllaMr agcnla, wltb good bank rfructt, waalrd In all t-aitiof In United Klalra,
Judicial experience cost Nuto 111,
that amount being tho fine Imposed
by Recorder llowman. It Is under
stood that U Is the exact sum set
by precedent for similar lapses In
this favored municipality.
Koine OiMm nnd Knu.
Next to good Deschutes lava rock,
tho benches In the Circuit Court room
are the hardest things extant.
Apparently ywomhn suffrage has
not made any considerable dent In
the procedure of this Circuit Court.
At least, them are no Jurors In bon
nets this term.
Judging by tho presence of a lot
of nlco shiny new tin cuspidors, tho
legal profession practicing before
Judgo Hradshaw fears an Increased
tariff on tobacco nnd Is working aver
tlmo before tho raise comes.
Wlllard Wlrtx, tho newly appoint
ed county attorney, Is busy as a one
armed puper hanger with tho hives.
He wears n smile and a square bow
necktie, and doesn't seem to care
whether or not tho rumor that thu
new county attorney law Is to be ro
ferended la true.
Warren Drown, tho county clerk,
Is the busiest man In Prlnevllle these
days. Also, one who watches his
quiet efficiency Is Inclined to bollovo
that hu comes about as near handling
his Job as could bo.
J. M. Crenshaw, tho pugilistic pas
tor of Hcdmond, was prowling around
yesterday. It was rumored that ho
wanted to got action against A, J.
llonoy, who unkindly took a fall out
of him after a sermon which Cren
shaw delivered.. Hut seemingly Mr.
Crenshaw gave up the ghuil, and jm
returned to his flock,
Dillon, the governor's detective,
who raised ex.Mayor Jones' "ante"
In a little poker game at Redmond
last summer, Is also hero. He sayn
that the case against Jones will prob
ably bo dUmlssed, as all his wltnesscH
are out of tho statu now.
Prank Coffman, whom Judge Hrad
shaw paroled, has been In tho county
Jail somo flvo months, HI offi-iiso
Involved misuse of tinrnturued fund
totaling 117 which Is cheap board.
anyone will admit.
----- --
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We have so many inquiries from people wanting to rent small houses,
which we cannot furnish them, tihat in order to encourage building to
meet this growing demand we have selected a limited number of our
inside residence lots which we will sell at the following prices and on
very easy terms of payment:
20 Lots in Park Addition at $150.00 Each
20 Lots in Center Addition at $200.00 Each
These are all nice large lots 50 foot frontage and most of them
140 feet deep. Large enough for a home and a good garden. They are
all available to city water and electric light and close to sidewalks. Come
and see us about these lots if you want a bargain.
The Bend Company
D. E. HUNTER, Real Estate Manager
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