niu jikk iiullktin, nriNi, wkiWimijay, may 7, iojji. PAGK'iL. h I r I I u u W I ! i ( Vn ' ttlL '. IIUHINIIHH AND I'llOFHHHIONAL. It () II I) II T 1. 0 O U h I) Civil I2nlnccr Rend Oregon 1 sstassessssssw 1 1 - '. J 0. 1'. NIHWONUHIt, Hand, Oro. UNIHJHTAKHIi. ' Licensed Knihiilmer, ' Funeral Director , I'tioiio. Lady Assistant I. " ' ',. .MIIH. .M. K. I'OIUIKY ,-k IKitiifNlIu Nurse Hend, Oregon 1 11 IIOHH V A It Ml AM Attorney nl Law Otnco In olil First Notional Hank llulldhiK. Dietetic, Hygienic, Niitnrnl Thorn- penile. Cltronlu Disorders a Hixiolulty lilt. It. I). KETCH UM Druuless l'li)slclit Mourn 0 to 0 Bnthor llldg tiii: J. ii. iianicu ahhthaot oo., Incorporated. Complete truot fiitluxuit and photo ernphla copies of all Crook Count) records. 1'rlnavlllo, Oroxon. W, W. FAULKNUIt. I). M. D. I) I! N T I 8 T O'Donnoll ItulldlitK IJ o lid, Ortmun U. O. OOK, M. I). I' Ii y I c I it ii unit H ii r it a u ii omctt over First National Hank Office Hours: 10 to 1! n, in.; 1 to 3 nud 7 to M p. in. 11BNU, :: OREGON C. H. II EN BON Attorney At Law Offico In old Klrat Notlounl Hank Uulldlnjc Ilcnd, Oregon VKItNON A. FOKHKH LAWYKIl First National Hsitk Hulldlng, Ilcnd, Oregon OKOIUli: H. YOU NO Civil, Mining uml Irrigation Engineer. Omco at lloom 6, First National Hank Hulldlng. 1 O. M I N O It I'ostofflco IlulldltiK LIFE FIRE ACCIDENT I N 8 U It A N C E Notary Fubll" and Conveyancing All Legal I'apers Correctly Drawn l-'ldrllty Ikuids. 17. N. HOFFMAN N (I T A It V I' l II I I (i Hunter's nod Angler's I.lceiuo l'ntrr ii Hpcilnlty. Ilullotln Office, Hand, Oregon. MIBMKVA L.OHAVIM Teacher of I'lANt) 1'I.AYINfl Ilrldciiro Hludlo at Mr. A. M. Lara's Telephone. ' II. C. If 1. 1. 1 s AttiriieyAfI.nw I'nltnl Htnte CotimiU'.loiirr X Firm National Hnuk HulldliiK HEND, OHEOON '. lilt. J. II. CO.V.N'Alt.N ( i DENTIST OTor Deschutes Hanking & Trust Co. OlMco Hour 0 to 3. - R. H. DEYARfllOND Machine Shop and Garage : Wo know how to do nil klnda of Mnchlno Work. TRY US AND SEE. ---- . - TELL US OVER THE PHONE WHO rsoEs YOUR' AUNDRY )'rrnn tpllt neat wttk'a Vvnih Compar kx half with lb oth.r (llow'a That' . LOW PRICES, BETTER SDRVICO Bead Steam Laundry. lb3vtf l---wvP ----i. V.'nT-- . T aHiti i " I "Put YoUKQiftf ' Id bur SVdi" DEATH WARNINGS, Soldiers Who Foresaw Tholr Fato on tho Evo of Battlo. KNEW THEIR TIME HAD COME. It Wt Not Mir Fanoy, but Qrlm Pro monition, That Movad Thtit Mm to (Uad Thtlr Own Otath Warranto A Cat of rttd Tap and a Dulltt. rroiiiunllliiiiH Kut llltlo ntU'iitlon. nnd tliono who Imvo them llltlu H'iuinthy In thou ilnjH. Durltitf tliu war. how ovur, it pri'iniinlllon inmc to bo looked upon nit it mot uutvolcomu Kinttt. In tho coiiipmiy I wont out with there weru two (Inrllulil hrollicrn. Tin youiiK er, it iiik't, loodi-Mt follow who apunt hit lulriiiru llnio writing Ictlcm uud ri'iidhiK, novur Jolui'd In camp nmiio int'iilN, told it tvw of IiIm uioro lutlmatu filvndt while tho rrulineiit witd In rnmp opHwllu Fnilerlckiibtirir, Viu In 16H-.', (Imi liu would Imi wuundtil In tliu llrnt bnttlo ho wont Into mid dlu from tho cffettM of IL Tliu boy IiiukIi til tit him mul lrlfl to ehevr hlin up, hut In wnt of no iihi. Iiu never chiiiutud hit mind. Aim. 'M, IWli wn tho flrxt Uttlo of tho reulmuiit. Vouiik Uur fluid wnii int bravo ut tho br incut nt aiilni'tvllly. "i'liln la my flrxt and taut flit lit. boyt. nud 1 tluill do my duty." It what he mild when tho reuliuuul plunged Into that hnttle, lu which tho Iron brlcndo of four ri'KliuvutM and two reKlmeiita of Dtiubleduy'M liriitado. tho Flfty-tlitb I'eiiutylvniitn nud tho Beventy-ttith Now York, met "Htonuwall" Jackton't tlxtii'ii regiments and held them lu check for four houra. our brigade alono lotlnif WO of Its 200 men. "I'm hit; Koodby. boyt." tatd Oar Held, at bo fell out and went to tbo rear. "Youra Is n fleth wound In tbo calf of the left and lu a few days will bo all right," snld tho Burgeon to Garfield. "Tell my parents I did not shirk my duty." pleaded the poor toy. And he lay there without a word of complaint and died. Near him was "Kicker" Finch of tho same coiuuy with n shattered knee, a much worc wound than Onrfleld'a. Finch demanded attention. Ho forced tho nurMM to keep his wound bathed In cold water, nnd If they wvro nt nil neg lectful hi swore nt them. Finch lived to kick about xor hardtack nnd salt Junk cut from dead liorsen, but Garfield la aleopliiB lu tho Hull Kim cemetery. Frank King wan n rollicking young follow In tbo saiuo comiwny, generous. bravo nud opular, a singer who nlwnys drew nn audience. Like n hero be fought nt Gnlni-srlllo, Second Hull Itiiu, Houth Mountain. Autletam. Fred erlckhburg and FlUblub Crotilng. it Or, better Bend t . V .-v t - allk I "Mine, thlN IIuImIm-h my fighting," wns wluif Frank King xnlil lo I.lmo Wlillir, n loinrmtc, Juxt lis the Blxtli Wlm-oiinlu twiing Into Hut' for n churgo tho llrnt day nt (ictiyxhurg. "Killed lu bnttlo" Is whnt Iho orderly entered nftcr Frank's nitnio that night "Have nil the fun with mo you de sire, geutlmueiii It Is your Inst chiinee." was what Major I 'lit I I'lummer ( the Klxth WImcoiinIii wild In a company of ollleem who wero elm fling him about being ro very coher the day before (I in lit moved Into the WlldernexN In IMH Forty-eight hours later they roll ed lib blanket about him nnd burled til ! where he fell. Nothing could con vlui-e til in that he would not, bo killed In Unit buttle, though he had escaped In ii other greut buttles, fnpltilu Itnllln P. Couvermt. who had won tils wuy from the ranks nud gone through a score of great buttle, went Into the llrxt day's fight of the Wilder liens. May ft. IWVI. rontldent flint he would do lil hist fighting that day. He never fought more dm rely. They left him on the Held with n (nigh cruelly torn nud dentil looking him siuurely In the t-je A Confederate surgeon told Converse that his leg would bare to eomo off. "Tliul would imi pave my life, so let It uloiie," n tils iiili-t reply. Hut the surgeon began In iirrnuge for un umpu tntlou "l-l Hint leg nliiue." snld Conrerw The surgeon pnld no iitteullon (o the wounded I'liptnlu until t'onverxe had taken out his revolver nnd pointed It at fit in There wns no amputation, mid the next day they burled Converse with both legs. Meulennnt John Tlmtnon of Com pany C wns entitled to muster out July HI. ISA), his three years having ended, hut rel laM Intervened nnd delayed the order Days nnd weeks pused without the word which would take him out of the service On the night of Aug. If). 1801, nn order en me for the regiment to march. A march then. In front of Petersburg, meant n battle. "This I tough." snld Tlintnons. "I ought to have been mustered out and gone home n mouth spa lu A day or two we shall have n fight, uml 1 shall go to my long borne bo killed." The first of the Weldnn railroad unt iles. Aug. IK John llmmons was killed -died of ml tape and a bull Chi cago Itecord' Herald. Tokyo's Pool of Tsars. One spot In Japan shunned by all Is the "Pool of Tears," a little pond on the execution ground of an old prison ut Tokyo. It never dries, and even the hottest weather seems to have little rffect upon It. Blut-e the re mo vol of tho prison no buildings Imvo been erected on the site occupying tho brow of a bill, lly night It Is supposed to be haunted by the ghosts of tho many prison victims, nud no person, it Is rv Inted. Is bold enough to venture that way after dark. In the daytime the hill Is the resort of students who seek fresh Mir and exerclso. ArgonauL r - .m I'ss's-i IIMSStSJB-aSSJtSSSSSSS,.. ! Twill Be Ready in a Minute As a matter of fact this wonderful little disk stove is ready to cook in much less than one minute from the instant you turn the switch. And you can cook on it practically anything you wish. It is, perhaps, the most convenient and useful of tho great variety of electri cal cooking devices now within the reach of all, not excepting those receiving the more modest incomes. It lepresents the genius of the "Light House Keeping Age" now opening to us banishing as with a fairy wand all the nuisances of smoke, soot, disagreeable odors, and tiresome delays, , You cannot fully appreciate its many virtues until you actually use it. Come in and cook on the finejittle G-E stoves we carry in stock and learn a lesson in real convenience, still, tako one homo to try. Water, Lightl& Power "HIKING STENOGRAPHER" HITS TRAIL TOWARD BEND Man Who Is Plodding for Central Oregon nil llio Way 1'ioni Texas Hays Oirgou N llio Only Place. II. (1. Dunloji, tho "hiking steno grapher", la headed for Ilcnd. Just now he Is somowhuru lu Utah, hitting tho plko across country for Centrnl Oregon. IJunlop In n legal nnd general atonographor, who Intends to open an olllco Jintc. Ho heard of Hend whllu ha wns In Texas, wroto for copies of Tho Hulletlii and for litera ture, and nftur gutting all tho Infor mation ho could, decided that Hend Is tho best town anywhere, and has started this way. Ills long walk commenced at Oklahotnn City. Thenco ho went south to Fort Worth In Toxns, nud thenco northwesterly through Colorado and Utah. Tho last part of tho long route wilt take him via Pocatello, Pendleton and Ilaker City. "I was In Oregon n year ago and wish I never left," ho writes. "Tho Pacific Northwest bents anything elo In tho country. As I go nlong I am boosting for Onigun and Hond all tho time. Already I know of one group of Oklahoma settlers who will go to Central Oregon." NOTlCi: OF CONTKHT. Department of the Interior United Htntet l.and Ollke, Lakeview, Oregon, April 28th, 1913. To Charles B. Ocorgo of No. -107 Lumbcrmana Hank Illdg., Port land, Oregon, Conlestee: You nro hereby notified that Fred 0. Miller, who gives Hend, Oregon, oof C. H. Demon, as his post-office address, did on March 19th, 1913, lilo in this of lice his duly corroborated application to contest aud secure the cancellation of your Homestead. entry No. , Serial No. 02811 made December 7th, 1909, for NBU NWVi. Bcctlon 13 and Lots 2 and 3, 8W NEK, KM SWU.SEK NW. NWK SKU. Section 12, Township 22 8.. Itaugu 20 B., Willamette Meridian, and aa grounds for his con test he alleges that Charles E. George has wholly failed to establish his residence on said tract, has totally failed to cultivate nnd Improve the snino aa required by law and has abandoned the snnio for tnoro than one year last past. You are, therefore, further noti fied that tho said allegations will bo taken by this office as having been confessed by you, nnd your said entry will he canceled thereunder without your further right to lie heard there in, either lcforo this office or on ap peal, If you fall to fllo In this offico within twenty days after tho FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under Co. "- "- - !' oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to these allegations of con test, or If you fall within that tlmo to fllo In this oftlco dun proof that you have sorvad a copy of yuur answer on tho said contestant in person or by registered mail. If this service Is made by tho delivery of a copy of your answer on tho said contestant In person, proof of such ser vice must bo either tho snld contest ant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of tho copy, showing the date of Us receipt, or tho affidavit of the person by whom tho delivery wns mo do stating when and whoro tho copy was delivered; If made by regis tered mall, proof of such service must consist of tho affidavit of tho person by whom tho copy was mailed stating when and the postofflce to which It was mailed, nnd this affidavit must ho accompanied by tho postmaster's receipt for tho letter. You should stato In your answer tho name of the postofflce to which you dcslro further notices to bo sent to you. FKED P. CrtONBMlLLBK, Kcglstcr. Date of first publication May 7, 1913. Dato of second publication May 14, 1913. Date of third publication May 21, 1913. Date of fourth publication May 28, 1913. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Tho Dalles. Oregon, April 28th, 1913. To James Herb of Hend, Oregon, Monroe, Wash., No. H35 Com mercial Drive, Vancouver, H. C, Contestee; You are hereby notified that Isaac I. Corby, who gives Hend, Oregon, as his post-office addrns, did on April 28, 1913. file In this office his duly corroborated application to con test and secure tho cancellation of your desert land, Entry No. , Serial No. 0880C. made April 28, 1911, for SWtf NW4, Section 13, Township 18 8.. Range 12 E., Wil lamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said entry man has failed to make his Improve ments and also his second annual proof and that ho has done nothing whatever In Improving the land since his annual proof offered In July, 1911, nnd that he Is a non-resident of tho stato of Oregon. You arc, therefore, further noti fied that the said allegations will be taken by this office cs having been confessed by you. and your said entry will be canceled thereunder without your further right to lie heard there in, cither before this offico or on ap peal. If you fail to fllo In thin office within twenty days after tho FOUIITII publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to these allegations of con test or if you fall within that time to fllo in this office due proof that you havo served n copy of your answer on tho said contestant either In person or by registered mail. If this service is made by tho delivery of a copy or your answer to the contestant In per son, proof of such service must be either the said contestant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of the copy, showing the dnte of Us receipt, or tho affidavit of the person by whom dollvered; If made by register ed mall, proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom tho copy was nmljod stating wnen anu tne postoEico to wnicn it was mailed, aud this affidavit must bo accompanied bv the postmnBtor's receipt for tho lotter. You should state In your answer tho name of tho postofflce to which you dcslro futuro notices to be sent to you. C. W. MOORE. Register. ' Date of first publication May 7. 1913. Date of second publication May 11. 1913. Date or third publication May 21, 1913. Date of fourth publication May 23, 1913. NOTICE FOR PUIH.ICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Offico at The Dalles, Oregon, April, 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Wilbur X. Hunnoll, of Laldlaw. Oregon, who, on December 3rd, 1909, mado Home stead entry No. 065E4, for SEVi 8EVi. Sec. 32 and SWU NWU, WVS SWV4. Section 33. Township 1C South, Itango 12 East. Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice cf Inten tion to. mnko final three year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before II. C. Ellis, U. S. Coinutfstoner, at hla office at Hend. Oregon, on the Oth day "of June, 1913. Claimant names ab witnesses. James It. Hcnham, of Laldlaw. Ore gon. Fred N. VunMatre. and Lnvern O. Reed, of Hend, Oregon, and Lomuol A, Hrandonburg. of Des chutes, Oregon. 9-13p C,W MOORE. Register, CM m 5;.iwsivf Will S ; Bit Tm Situated in the hub of the principal theater and shopping district. Recently redecorated and refurnished throughout, and betterequipped today than ever before. '- EUROPEAN PJLAN. Rooms .wktKWit hath, Sl.OOjwr .Asy ja. KoosbswHJi katfeH -K&OO ft-tUy on stay THE JONES DAIRY Hns every modern facility for handling milk nnd crenm in a scientific nnd abso lutely cleanly mnn ner. Deliveries made nnywhere in JJend. THE JONES DAIRY See Us for Photo Portraits Copying Enlarging. and all-around COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY We are located here and guarantee our work. Elite Studio l ; New PALACE MARKET Charles Boyd, Prop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. I DEPOT HTEL I RIGHT AT THE PAS- t SENGER STATION. HEADQUARTERS FOR 1 HOMESEEKERS. Rates Reasonable. L. C. FLEiWINQ, Prop. SEEDS BOCttEPS SEEM SUCCEZ. I SPECIAL OFFER: UU U fcttU M IIUa. AtrttlwUP milt you our iwniuae&t cuitomtr. Prlrr Toller tlrm sa,ituuiiuvl V 1 I1T KTIITlIlgl ... 1. fcliwliiT, II.M. I UlteeaMtTral,TltaiL4iiaiM,il)ti'ut. I ttl t StrtM 4miU S.lW-i TUItilf la alt. Write tody; Mention this Pmer. , srlssi'a4sAsASsJsAaXAs" SEND 10 CENTS i toeovM yU 14 rklM 4 rl tfeU valaalU l tUtMUOB m ptfl MfUt Wlt H lf LH. W. fcclb.V""' ""iUiVoWAK. . Portland? Famous Hotel Noted for the Excellence of ity Gui5inc.Eurcpm pfad -,-. 0. J. KA'UFMANN, MAMftr N. k'. CLARKE, AMt. Mr.