The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 07, 1913, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin
) f?fs"
NO. 9
Mt 1'lirn.oiiM Are Imllrtril for Hiimc-
Htcnllni; Deputy Hherlff Huiiiu lml
four Oixt AKiilimt llcnd llrlck
A1 Lumber To. DUpimed of.
HMIInrliil Correspondence.)
PIUNKVILLK, May 7. Truo bills
bate already been returned I')'
llm Krnml jury nKlnt John uml J mid
McPherson nnd Maco N'owshnii for
kH-nlltiK n inaro boloiiKltiK to (loonjo
Mllllcnn. Jtultt McPherson nnd New
than nro nt lnrt;). Tho Jury also
i.rrniKlit In truo lillU against Aloiua
inver anil Oeorno Mcsslnucr for
larceny of tho dwitllliiK of Kdward
Hanson, n homesteader southeast of
llvml. on February 13. Mialna;er li
mIko Indicted alone for tint theft of
tow. V. M. nnd W. I- lloiunson.
Willis Thorp nnd llolmnn Cnllioun
were Indicted for atenllnic Kcldlwc
mi Aiienil 14. 1012. IkiIoMkIiIIC to J.
W llrady, The ItohltiMHis nro under
1000 ImII rnoh. A truo bill waa
returned aitalnst Charles llrasley of
llrdtmind, wlia In chanted with aa
Mult with n deadly weapon, n pitch
fork, Tho case of Hahn va. llnlfour, nn
action liroiiKht to collect turn aa
deputy sheriff, 1 being beard by tho
Jury todny. llnlfour nllcgca thnt tho
ff nru properly pnynlilc hy th
rounty court, nnd not hy himself.
The rlvll cas of O. H. llnmlllon vn.
M-nd llrlck & Lumber Co. wna heard
tratmlny. V. A. Forbes roprcsMiitlng
the plaintiff and Q. 8. llonson the dc
'rtnlniit llnmlllon asked damage
for tho loan of a flnner whllo niovltiK
wimo machinery for tho defendant
fompnny Tho Jury lirouaht In a
verdict laat ntRht nt 11 o'clock, al
I'.wiiik no daiiMKca.
A new complaint filed In tho In
junction rase hroiiKht by llcdmond
parties ncnlnut tho payment of ccr
(nln county wnrrnnta rovenla tho fact
that J II llaner la bvhlnd tho movn.
The dlnlrlct attorney hna filed n do
murrrr In tho case which la lelnK
heard thla afternoon.
Tho peraonnel of tho grand Jurv,
tlrkerf-Monday, la aa followa: C. P.
Merkcr. l.aldlaw: J. V. Kerry. Sis
tera. Jerry Achley., I.amonta: O. It.
llenrv. Paulina; J. W. Livingston.
Pntievllle. Isaac Martin, Opnl City;
Klher I-ogin. Hold. evening tho rirand Jury re
ported true Mil Bgalnfit Frank Coff
timn and M. A. Ilohlnvon, the former
f.-r mlaunH of fund. U latter for
mulling a miurlMia ehek for f 7 5.
Not true Idlla were found for Nick
llann charged with iinilleinus d
struriinn of proBertv at Motolls.
nnd N IC. N'lon for limnVinic Mi
nuarantlno law m Mndrai. T-m'hv
mornliiK ludKC nrailahnw ri-'iMiiied
iKtih llnlilnn' n and (Joffmnn on pa
role, afior thev had pleaded Kulltv
The peiiHontlnry term for thulr of
fennea la from one lo llvo yonr.
Tho (Ireut Northern Hullwny'a
flKrlniltiiinl export, Prof. Thoa.
Hhnw, la coinltiK to Central Ore-
Kon to dollviir Hovornl addreimea
n lid will apeitk In I Ion (I on Miiy
22, In tho old Comnierclnl Cluli
rocm. Tho Iccluro will ho froo
ami tho public la InvlUid mid
urjted to attend, oapeolally tho
fnniiora In thla torrltory.
IlMrllittlon HIiom-h Niunen of Htlnnil
Kli't-floii Votcra Not on To Itoll.
Ml week n atory apiKjnred In Tho
lltlllutlu roKrtlliK tbo atntementa of
Mra. C. M. Thoinpaon thnt M. O. Coe,
llluncho Itlco and U. T. Movcli woro
not iunlllld votoia In n recent achool
election. U D. Wleat and othura
hnve eomiiieiited conildernhly on thla,
chnrKltiK that thn atntement w un
truo nnd unjuntined, nnd Tho llullvtln
waa riitl t0 l,rlllt " "lonUI. Care
ful InveatlKatloii of tho facta appar
ently JuatlflvH tho orlKlnnl atntemonta,
H. T. Iloeclt'a nnino mny hnvo ap
ponred on tha tax roll lnt year; In
thla mutter tho letter from tho alter
Iff 'a oltlce, ipiulvd by Mra. Thompaoii,
wna Incorrect. Jlowover, nccordlnK
to n Htatetnunt mndo Bnturdny by
lluooh'a bmthur, CeorKC, B. T. Hoech
la now occupying nnd provInK up on
a tionieatead In tho Hampton country.
Mra. Itlco doca hold n tax receipt
from tho sheriff, for lota In Wlea
torln. However, Investigation In
Prluovlllo ahowa that Mra. Itlco'a
nnmo did not appear on the tax roll;
It waa entered there thla yar by tho
horlff'a ofllco, apparently by request
of Mra. Itlco nt the time of paying
taxea. According to county Attorney
Wlrtx and other nttorneya, thla clear
ly dlsquallflea her from voting on
achool mattora, ns tho law specific
ally slates that thoiinmo must uppear
on tho tax roll Itself and not lw en
tered thero later. Mra. Illce clearly
wna n property owner, nnd her tech
nlcnl disqualification wna caused sim
ply by tho fallura of tho previous as
sessor to enter her name.
lteclniuatlon KiiKlnrrrN Itgl" l'n
llmluarlrN tin Iecliute Pmjecl.
Prellmlnnry work on the coopera
tive atnto and federal survey of tho
Deschutes river, for which $60,000
wna npproprlntcd by tho Oregon Isg
Mature nnd 160,000 by tho federal
government, ban been stnrtcd. En
gineer John T. Whistler of tho U. 8.
Iteolnmntlnn 8crvlco was hero Inst
week for n few days, returning Sun
day to Portland whuro ho has head
qunrtors. Assistant Knglneor Tbomaa Haw
thorn Is hot) now and has begun
rveuitnalssaniM work at h Uenham
rail iwurvolr slle. At tb llvtvl
llend Moudav evening be said that n
cruw of men Mill nrrtve In a tow
dnH and i;o Into camp at tli falls.
The wurk will proUaiity requlro 1$
munths for eomplollon. Tho Itcola
niatlon Service Is In uhra. Put tho
atutn will have aupxnUlon also. Mr.
Whlstlor, who did thn englncoring
work In connection with the imlVl
Ing of the power dam hert, will ho
up again from Portland In a short
m Pliin nnd Itcriiiionil People AImi
.Inlerftiil In fwprm omenta
Trmmfer of Crnlslni; I'litul Will
lie Knjolued, It la Hold.
(Kditorlft! Correspoudonce.)
PUINKVILI.I-:, Mny 7. A petition
bearing tho algnnturca of CO poraona
wna presented to tho County Court
today nnklng that It. M. tildcr be
given funds sulliclent to put In good
shape mid keep In pnssnblo condition
tho roada In his district around Jlend.
A delegation cat no over from Ilcnd
to urge fnvorablo action by tho
county offlclals,
A petition waa also presented
signed by 2C La Pino peoplo who ask
that the sevendaya-a-week mall road
and tho Central Oregon canal brldgo
between llcnd and La Pino bo kept
In passable condition.
Although n special order wna made
at tho last term or county court
transferring aoino 112,000 from tho
timber cruising fund to tho general
fund, tho county treasurer has taken
no action to mnko tho transfer. It
la understood that the use of thla
money In tho general fund will bo
enjoined, on the ground that It waa
raised on tho 1911 valuation and If
so transferred it would bo n. special
advantage to persona who had ac
quired property since tho 1911 levy
k niiiilft. It Is declared thnt it
should be repaid to the taxpayers,
from whom It waa collected, lnoa-
much aa tho purposo for which It waa
collected haa been apparently entirely
Jn.irn Mutineer stntca thnt ho hna
Instructed a special accountant to pre
pare for publication n atntement or
the county'n finances thnt will ho
Intelligible to tho taxpayer.
For tho Information of persona
holding county warranta, It may bo
of Interest to them to learn thnt
warrants can bo used In paying
tnxvs only to the extent of 17 mill,
the hnlatica being required to be in
A delecntlon la expected thla
afternoon from Redmond to present
n petition to tho County Court asking
action on n bond Issue, as provided
by loglslntlvo act. for road bulldlnK
In tho county.
The Matter of Wall Hlreet Kxlrnslon
In Again Hroarlieil Dlfllculty
In OettliiK Hewer Itlgbt of
Way In ISncotiutcrrd.
We Are Quite in Earnest.
v - l
In our recent announcement thnt ench
bnby born In Bend up to September first
vlll 'start Its journey down UiIb vule tot
tenra with one dollar of our money in tho
form of n bank account. So for our tff
fd'r hua not met with n Rrntifylnp; re
sponse nnd we beIn to feel that wo nro
not tnken seriously. t
We uro quito In earnest.
This is not a philanthropic Bchejno
in the lontf run we expect to make money
by it, l'lt'UBO report all new arrivala to
us promptly.
- p, l'URRBM., Prca4nt ., .f F, O.MlNORJ.lkcretary
V ". I i : IbTW, IAAA, CasUUr 4 J I 1 .
PlttN'BVILLK. May 7. Among
ihoHii over from Ilond this week nro
the following:
Prince Staats. V. A. Forbes. C. S.
Uenson, Koss Knrnhnm. L. D. Wlest,
I. II. atnnlay. O. W. I). Itlloy. Oeorgo
Iloovor. Hugh O'Knne. John Kotx
man. W. B. Scott. II. II. Kord. A. II.
Horn. W. M. Douglas, W. A. Urinaon,
P. B. Martin, A. L. French. M. U
Merrltt, It. M. Smith, Oeorgo Ocrtaon.
Illda for the street Improvement
work advertised by tbo city council
wero opened nt n meeting last week,
nnd tho work given to Jntnea T.
Adams, tho lowest blddor. Adams
lild-$r,,m.23. about $f00 less than
his nearest competitor.
Adams' bid Included all tho work
advertised, with cost of moving nnd
replacing sidewalks and cross walks.
Murphy & Peterson bid 2.25 for
rock work and 3S cents for dirt,
which, Including tho cost of handl
ing walks, brought tho figure up to
IG.112.C0. The bid of Jamca Scrc
valle for rock was $2.35 and for dirt
forty cents, making a total of $C,
424.10. Tho estimate was $4,940.
Upon tho filing of Adama' 50 per
cent construction bond tho work will
Ikj commenced. It Involves the
grading and Improvement of much
of tho northern portion of the bual
ncss district.
Illds for the street sprinkling were
opened and developed a tie. Wenandy
and Aune both having offered to do
tho work for 55 cents. The council
called tho two principals together to
draw straws, ns required by law, but
thla Wenandy refused to do, and
after considerable talk nothing wus
done. Later, a compromise agree
able to all concerned waa arranged,
nnd tho work for the season divided
between tho two bidders; Aune has
It In May. Wenandy In Juno, etc.
Ilv unanimous vote the city attor
ney wos Instructed to commence con
demnation proceedings against A. II,
llnln, owner of a tract of land tltlo
to which moat be secured for the
openlns of Wall Street northward.
This matter has been hanging Arc for
tuoro than a year.
After considerable discussion It
was decided to tender Mrs. Ada R.
Johnston $250 for a deed to land
necessary to get tho main sewer
across her property southeast of
town to tho disposal plant, and tnnt
if shn fill) nnt rnre to accent the offer
to commence condemnation proceed
ings for the property. Hngineer
Koon waa ended upon, nnd stated
that tn lmrv the tilno. as Mrs. John
ston Insisted should bo done, would
cost the city an extra $1000: for
about GOO feet thn 20-lneli pipe la
half above tho aurfere cf a field, and
when oovercd would, with the dirt,
form n email rldgo porhar ti-o feet
height. Mrs. Johnston refused tho
offer nnd proceedings have been In
augurated. Saloon licenses for tho balance of
tho yonr woro grantqd to Wllkev,
Smith, McGrnth. Hiking. Draglch and
Byre. The resignation of John
1 lliiftlnc Men tiifcrvJcivctl on TIiIm
Ijticntton ami Mot of Tlicm Arc
Agnlimt lUmiUun District .Vow.
In order to lenrn how tho buslnoss
'lien of llcnd look upon the proposed
Issue of bonds for tho construction of
a high school building, The HuIIotin
Interviewed n number who mnde tho
following statements:
II. W. Skuse "A building costing
from $15,000 to $20,000 is enough
for the present."
W. C. McCulston "The proposed
Indebtedness Is too much for the tax
payers nt present."
II. H. Ford "A fine school house
Ih a good advertisement for a town.
On that account I will vote for the
londs, although I dlsapprovo of tho
Clnrcnco L. Mnnnhelmcr "The
proposed amount la too high for a
li'.lldlng ti- Meet the present needs
of the town."
A. L. .'rench "The amount Is too
largo and the roposcd alto is a bad
one. I would vote funds for the com
munity building proposed but only If
a more central location were chosen."
1, U. T.J senor "A $45,000 build
ing If more than the town needs at
the present time."
L. L. Ic "Hen I may need a
achool house, but the amount la
rather high nnd there are objections
to the proposed site."
Floyd Dement "I am opposed to
putting the school building on the
Wlestorla site."
It. M. Smith "The proposed slto
is too far out. It waa only a short
time ago that a fight waa made to
keep thla district out of the city lim
its." J. N. Hunter "Tho proposed elte
alopea to the center from all aldea,
and for that reason alone la unsuit
able for n school building. If the
site Itself were desirable. Its location
Is such aa to make It a poor choice."
D. E. Hunter "The members of
the achool board who made the trip
of Inspection toll mo that what they
saw has changed their Ideas of what
tho new building should be. The
modern Idea, as exemplified In Spo
kane In particular, la to erect a com
munity building having n gymnasium,
auditorium and baths, which can be
used not only for school purposes but
for various community Interests aa
well. Such building, thece members
tell mo, should be In a central loca
tion and can be put up tor less than
$45,000. The Wlestorla site is un
suitable for such a community build
ing, not being centrally located, and
1 am therefore opposed to It."
Men Draun for Jury Krvlce Hare n
Worried I,ook Judge Bpringer
ami .Vote Polnilextcr lime Lit-
tie Hnconntcr With Fixts.
Kxplnln Thnt He Han Full Power
to Offer School Site.
In discussing the ownership of the
land in Wlestorla that Is being of-
fered for a school site, In roforeneo
.to statements niado by J. P. Keyea
of The llend Company last week, L. torney Meyers said
U. Wleat 8ald Inst Saturday:
"I want to confirm what Mr. Keyea
said, whon he statod that Tho Iloud
Company owns half of tho slto of-l
fered. Hut some people hnvo mis-1
(Bdilorial Correspondence)
PRINEVILLE, May G. From tho
non-legal standpoint. Circuit Court
week, which commenced here yester
day, has Its Interests and pleasures.
Among the first rnny bo numbered
sundry bucking contests, official nnd
otherwise, and a couple of catch-as-catch-can
Tho pleasures may bo minimized
-for even the most enthusiastic can
not maintain that It la specially ex
citing to hear Judge Bradahaw charge
a grand Jury.
One of the really Interesting sights
Is that of the grand Jury men whom
one encounters here and there about
the streets. They look worried. Sev
eral ball from llend. True, no Dend
men were drawn for the first Jury,
but all were obliged to remain here
over Tuesday. After questioning, It
becomes apparent what Is tho matter
with them; they are confronted with
the problem of the high cost of liv
ing. In abort, the question that la
marring their Prlnevlllo sojourn la
this: How can a grand Juror, who
gets two dollars a day and ten cents
a mile for coming here, make any
money when It costa two dollars a
day to cat and sleep (plus two more
to smoke and drink) and twenty
cents a mile for transportation?
When lost seen none of the five
Dend men hod been able to solve the
riddle. The puzzled ones are A. S.
Collins. Anton Aune, P. II. Dcncer,
E. T. Luthy and J. U. Heybuni. .
Ktock Tlilevw Up.
One of the familiar figures about
the court house Is that of Georgo
Mllllcan, the stockman... Mr. .Mllll
cnn la one of the heaviest losers
through stock thleres. and la "on tho
Job" In the hope of seeing someof.
them sent over tho road. He Inti
mates that It Is his belief that tho
only really satisfactory way to stop
the growing catlc-rustllng activity
is to decorate some of the big Juni
pers with tho next suspects caugtit
John McPherson Is In the court
room constantly. Together with his
brother. John Is up on horse steal
ing charges. The brother, however.
la at large: considerably so." as At-
Hc Is tho man
who got away from tho sheriff's party
a nicnth or so ago. Tho eoat of tho
McPherson oases, nnd tho Roblnsoa
thieving cases ou which there was
a hung Jury run up In tha thous-
understood this statement, and seeman(S 0f dollars. Next week the flg-
( Continued on last page.)
I k W . . 1 ! fa. il.n ". I lift nlr tnlla
FIAlill, IlOpO W1U VjlUiniy, lliu uuuu nuu mm
us, nre the cardinal virtues. For Borne time
paat I have done business pretty much on
faith, nnd whllo I have not lost hope, I fear
that jny present course may et me on speak-
inir termB with charity.
This, then, is to say that on and after June first
this store will be run on A STRICTLY CASH BASIS.
All accounts 90 days past due that are not paid by
May 10th will bo pluced In hnnds of nn attorney for
I hnve lost none of my love for the American peo
ple; this is purely a business proposition, absolutely
impersonal, actuated by a desire to give my patrons
lower prices and to give myself more money In tho
drawer and less on the books.
"Pay aa you go," 1 believe, is the better way, the
safer way, especially in these Btrenuous times when wo
treat tho dollar lightly and thrift has become u for
gotten virtue.
Everybody knows that a certain percentage of
charge accounts eventually go to profit and loss. Who
payB tho margin of loss? Tho honest man, of course.
Most of my trade will rejoice in this chnngo and
be glad to avail themselves of the re-pricing from
oil along the line,
Your every need in Hardware, Stoves and Ranges,
Kitchen Utensils, Pure Aluminum Ware, China Ware
and Builders' Supplies can be supplied here, and re
N. P. SMITH Wall Street
to Uelievo that It Implies that I havo
no right to offer tho tract for sa'o.
1 wish you would stnte In The Ilulle
tln that I havo an option from The
tires will be dug out and presented
for Interested taxpayers.
O'Knne Loes Hug
Hugh O'Kano nnd Jesse Stearns.
Ilond Company for their portion or attorney fcr the C. O. I. Co.. nro much
tho tract, to bo usod for a sohool
glt0. (Continued on page twelve.)
r- H
EXT S3G 5 G 36 $) G S JG &M Mi SJGSJG&U&
The First National Bank jfe
Of. U. O. CQE, Prld.nt B. A. 8ATHER. Vle Pr,ldnl
O. 8. HUDSON. Cilhltr
Capital fully paid
Stockholder,' liability
75 Head of High Grade
will arrive In Bend about May 20th. A
few days later they will be sold at nuction.
Definite sale date will be advertised in
The Bend Bulletin and by posters, at the
different Btores in and near Bend.
Terms will be part cash, balance pay
able Jan, 1st, 1914, or one-half of cream
We do not tie you up to sell your
cream to any particular party, but whero
you get the best price.
Write or call for particulars.
t - -