The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 30, 1913, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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    THM 1IKNI) IlOMiKTIK, IJKNI). WttUXKHUAY, AVllUi J10, lOitt.
Tliroiijth tho courtony of Col. J.
WllloiiKliliy (luff or lllckoyvlllo, Tlio
Dullultii Ih alilo to Klvo Its raniluiH
tliu prlvllcKo of poruMiiK tho follow
Iiik choice oxtinctu from Hint storting
orKRii of proiii'dBH. t'io Dlakoyvllto
t'liu Ion. 'l'liono imrnurntiliH will lm
uontlmiuil ho Ioiik iih tho Colonol
M'IkIh tlm olliilnK or until nuiiio
hiilHtcrllmr Ileum up tlio editor,
Mr. Anion IttittM. our Kuiitloninnly
mill uoiikiiiiIiiI iiiulurtiiloir, nlnu
livery, food ami hiiIu ntnblun iiiuI
roldliiK ulutlrH to runt, Hiiyn, by nrnvy,
Ilia puoplo of our vIIIiikb don't on
ouurnKO liomu liidtiHtrliiH nt nil mill
tlmy don't noma to think tlmt no i
uiidurtiikor lutn koI to imtku fin lion
tt IIvIiik. Thorn linn linen only onu
luntiriil In tin uo yours mid tlmt fullur
vrnti ililpjiml In from out of town.
Aldus nnyn lm cnu't nmj whnt tlio old
liwfplo of thin town nru wnltln' for.
Hit nnyn tliom nlu't ii omit for him
In h eiituiiiirlnii.
l.vnry follnr oiiRht to hnvo nn nlm
In lift. Then lunylio ho on Kt n
Jolt nhnotln' Klnw Imllit In huiiio wild
uwt show.
lUnk Tumiiin nlwnyit hiiyn iIoiikmIIo
clHr whim hu wnntH to ninuku nt
Mod I'urdr nhvnyn carrion hln
lunch to work with him, hut ho out
It heforo lit) Hlnrta no iih to imvo tlmo
Ml llOOII.
' Old l.nfii Tubus nays whon ho wan
In tho tinny ho wn whoro tliu bullotn
tons thlokrnt, hut Aim Honfruw ma)h
(hut It Ih n durn llu, for tlio hullutn
. vitH ill I ho nninu thlcknunn nnd ho
Known It.
Lnm HIrrIiih nnyn ho nlwnyn HtopR
ttmokln' durln political cnmpnlKnn
nud ho know ho him Midori nt loan
twunty yonrn to It Ik Ilfo hy to daltiR,
Tliu old phllniophor who nnld thoro
wnn uolhluK linpomitlilu in thU world
'iinvor trliul to Kt ft roal pooni iul
llHhod In a nftcnii-coitt umKndno.
If otory wouinu apoitt dh much
llinu thlnkln' itltout iiiurrlnKo hofom
tho eoroniony n thu rioon nftorwnrdt,
there would ho fowor divorce! In thin
llniilt TumiiiH nllown Hint Tnft Iihh
liuon dflfnntiMl, hut nn)n Hint ho will,
'iievotllioti'iut, lm n Mndldnto for rud
ociniiilPhlonur nKtu' Ornndnm I'orklm
,iixt iprliiK on tho Itopuhlloau tlokot,
or what Ih loft of It.
(Huron Tlinnn-llornld)
, Kkarln Klklnn of Crook county whh
ovor Innl wntk lookliiK for n nun
wnntd for tnklnK a tcrnm nnd wauon,
fill Hi olnlmliiK nny of mild Inndn for
nxrlQUltiiml purposes prior to Jntui
nry 1. 1000, nnd linn not nlmndonod
huiiio, linn n proforotico right to tniiko
n homoHload ontry for tlio Inndn nc
tunlly occupied, rtnld Inndi worn
llHtod upon (ho applications of tho
pornoim montlouod holow, who Imvo
n pri'formiio rlnht Hiihjicl to tho prior
rlKht of uny mich nnttlor, provldod
Htich nnttlor or nppllunnt In iunllllcd
to iniiko lioiiiontnnd ontry nud tho
preference rljht l uxoralHod prior to
Mtiy 30, 1013, on which ditto tho
liindn will ho subject to nut
tleineiit nud ontry hy nny
(iik1II1iiiI person. Tho IhiiiIh uro
nn follown: Tho WW or HKV.,
tho WW of WW of BBV4 of HK'i,
Hee. 20. tho NIVt of NI.V, of NW",
tho NW of NW'Vi f NI.'. tfio WV4
of NKV4 or NHW. Hoc. 36, T. 20 H.,
It. 10 )i., W. M., oxonpt n ntrln 30
fcut wltlo dimcrllicd nn hnlni; off tho
wont nlik'H of tho flit '4 of BKU. nou.
20, nud the NKVt of SltVi. Hoc. 3R,
tho not nron linlim 13R.1K ncron. Hiilil
tract wan llntod upon tho application
or John A. I'nrkltiH, or llnml. Ore
KftiS 0.R6B. Tho WVS or KV4,
Hoc. 5, T. SO H It. II !:.. 100 ncron,
appHontlon or Henry M'-Klflnh, r.11
N. 21 Ktroot, t'nrtlnnd, OroKon:
Mnt 0-871. Tho 15 4 or KH. Hoc. r., T.
20 H., It. 14. 13., 100 notcn, uppllcntlon
or .In toll, Rl.t N. 24 V, Htrcot.
I'nrllnnil, Oroonj l.tnt 0-873. Tim
I!W or W'M, Hoc. 0, T. 20 B U. II
K., 100 noroH, nppllontlou or Clinton
MoKlflnh, Till N. 24 Htroot, I'ort
land. OroKoiii Mnt C874. Tho V
or NWU. tho KM, or NWMi or HV4,
tho NWM or MV or HW4, thu
NBH or HWU or HWVi, Bee, G. T.
20 H It. 14 K 120 ncron, nppllrn
tlnn or Claud McKlflnh, 611 N. 2Mi
Htrcot, Portlnnd, OroKon; Lint 0-802.
Approvod March 18, 1013, H. V.
I'roudflt, Annlntant Conimlmloner of
the tionnml J.itnd OITIco, 00
In tho Circuit Court of tho Htnto or
Oregon for tho County or Crook.
U. C. Coo, triintoo, plaintiff, vn, Jena
J, lloyd, Jan, A. Iloyd and W. A.
Mouth, drfondnntn.
To Jchh J, lloyd and Jan. A. Iloyd,
nhovn tiatnod dofcndiuitn:
III tho n a in o of tho Htnto or Ore
Kon: you nro horohy rofiilrod to
iKnr nnd nnnwor tho complaint or
tho plalntlrr niod nitnlnnt you In tho
noova entltlod ouuko within ton days
of tho dntn of tho ncrvlco or thU mini
tuonn upon you U norvod within
Crook county; or If norvod within
nny othor county within nnld Htato,
then within twnnty dayn or tho nor
vlco or thin nuinmonn timn you; or If
norvod tiKn you hy puhllontlon thoro-
or, on or licfnro tho 8th day or
foinlnnt, W. A. Booth, ho docrood to
ho nuhNO'iuonl and Htihjnct to tho ln
toront nud lion or tho plaintiff hero
in, Third, that tho plaintiff hnvo JikIk
ment nKalnnt Ilia dufondnntn, Jonn J,
lloyd nud Jan. A. Iloyd for tho
num or 07f.00 tojtothar with Intor
ont nt ton por cent por nniium from
tho Ctli tiny of Juno, 1010, nud
70.00 itttornoy roc and for tho
contn nud dlnhurnaiiiauln or thin null.
That tho plaintiff hnvo execution
iiKnliiHt tho property or tho ilofon
dnnln, Joh J. lloyd und Jan. A. lloyd,
for any dollolonoy romiilnliiK upon
nnld JiidKiiiotit aKnlnnt nnld ilofou
dnnln nftor ripplylng all oi the tiro
coodn or thu nnlo of tho property
liondnlioforo donorllMid proporly np
pllcnldo to tho pnymont or Maid Judg
ment, and that tho plaintiff hnvo
nurlt other nnd further rnllof nn to
tho oourt nniy noum moot nnd oqut
Thin HiiiiimoiiM In nervnd upon you
hy pitlillcntlon Ihoroof In Tho liont!
Ilullotlu, n Weekly newnpnpor of gen
eral circulation puhllehod at Ilond,
Crook county, OreKon, for nix nuocon
hIvo wtokn hy order of tho Hon. U.
Hprlnger, Jtidgu of tho county court
ror Crook County, Htnto or Oregon.
Hnld order heliiB mntlo nnd entered
on the 20th dity or March, 1013, In
the nhnvo entitled cnuno. Thin num
moiiH Ih dated nnd puhllnhed for tho
flrM tlmo thin 20th day or March,
3-0 Attornoy for I'lalntlfT.
That thin nurnmonn In puhllnhed
In Tho Ilend Ilullotln, a weekly now-
paper of Konornl circulation, puhllnh
ed nt llond. Crook County, Oregon,
ror nix nucccnnlvo wcokn hy order of
tho Hon, O, Hprlngor, Judge of tlia
County Court for Crook County,
Htato of Oregon. Hnld order helng
inndo nnd entered on tho 20th day of
March, 1013, In tho ahovo entitled
cnuno. Thin nummonn Is dated and
puhllnhed for the flrnt tlmo thin 2Cth
day of March, 1013.
VJtllNO.V A. romiiiB,
3-0 Attornoy for I'lnlntiff.
nro horohy notified that If you fall
no to appear and nnnwor, ror want
.tin well an other property that ho. May 1013, And you nnd each or you
tht'tiKht might ho handy. Ho went
1 on over Into Malheur county, nccom-
'iwnlod hy Duke oung of thin place, thereof the plaintiff will apply to
too court ror inn rotioi prayed ror
In tho complaint filed herein, to-wlt:
For a decreo of thin court ror tho
nnlo or tho northwent quarter or tho
nouthwmi quarter and tho nouth
hair or tho northwent cjtinrtor nnd tho
northonnt quarter or tho northwest
quarter, nectlon twanty township
thirteen nouth, rango cloven onnt, W.
M., (nnnto helng tho pnipcrty des
cribed In tho trunt deed mentioned
u the coinkdnlnt heroin) hy (tho
nhorlff of Crook county, Oregon, ac
cording to law and prnctlco of thin
court for tho natlnfnctlon or tho
nmnttntn duo the pVlntln on tho
noton nectired hy nald trunt deed, to
nnd found hln man nt WvMfall, no
tmred tho ntolen property and enma
'hack hero whoro ho allowed tho man
to Kt awny. Tho Crook county off!-
.corn do not noem very nticcennful In
IfeopliiK their prlnonern, nt leant
thona caught over In thin nectlon, nn
'they hail n nliitllnr oxparlonca not
long ago, allowing their man to
enonpo even a necond tlmo after get
ting hold of hlni.
, Notice in horohy given that tho
lntvln dencrlhcd holow, omhihclnR
731.18 ncron, within tho Dcnchuten
In tho Circuit Court or the Btnto or
Oregon ror the County of Crook.
U. C. Coo, plaintiff, vn. Jens J. Iloyd
und Jan. A. Iloyd, defendants.
To Jena J. Iloyd and Jan, A. Iloyd,
alKvo named dnfendantn:
In tho nnmo of tho Btnto or Ore
gon; you nnd each or you aro horohy
required to appaar and annwor tho
complaint of tho plaintiff filed
agalnnl you In tho nhovo entitled
oattno within ten dayn from tho data
or tho nervlco or thin nummonn upon
you ir norvod within Crook county.
Oregon, or If norved within any oth
or county within Raid ntato then with
in twenty dayn from the date or tho
nervlco of thin nummonn upon you
nnd ir nerved upon you hy publica
tion thorcof, thou on or hoforo
tho Hth tiny or .May, 1U1SI,
nnd you nnd each of you nro hereby
notified that if you rail no to appear
and annwor. ror want thorcof tho
plalntlrr will apply to tho court for
tho roller prayed ror In tho com
plaint on fllo herein, to-wlt: For
Judgment agalnnt you and each of
you ror tho num of 1803 with Inter
et on 1271 thereof nt 10 per cent
por annum from Mnroh 2Cth, 1911,
until paid, together with Intercnt on
$100.00 thorcof at ton per cent per
annum from tho ICth day of January,
1912, until paid, together with In
tercnt on $07.00 thorcof at the rato
ot nix por cont per annum rrotn tho
Rth day of March, 1910, until paid
and Intoreit on $305.00 thereof nt
ton por cent per nnnum from tho 2Cth
day or March. 1913, until paid, to
gether with $55.00 attornoy fee and
the contn and dlnhurnomonts of thin
In tho Circuit Court or tho Htnto or
Oregon for Crook County.
J. H. Ilean, plalntlrr, vn. William
Ilaldwln and Frank Klklnn, sheriff
of Crook County, Htnto of Oregon,
To WIIIhiii Ilaldwln, atiovo named do
In tho nnmo of tho Htato or Oro
gon: you nro horohy required to np
poar and annwor the complaint of tho
plaintiff film agalnnt you In tho above
entitled milt within tond dayn from
tho dato of ncrvlco of nummonn upon
you, If norved within Crook county.
or ir norved within nny other county
or thin ntato then within twenty dayn
from tho date of tho nervlco ot num
monn upon you, nnd If served upon
you hy publication thereof, then on
or heforo tho 8th dny or May, 1913;
nnd you aro hereby notified that if
you rail no to appear and annwer,
ror want thereof tho plaintiff will ap
ply to tho court for tho relief prayed
for In tho complaint on fllo heroin,
For Judgment agalnnt you ror the
num or Twcnty-flvo hundred dollars
and ror tho coitn and disbursements
or thin action.
Hocond: That an injunction ordor
heretofore Untied In thin court be
inndo pormnnont restraining you and
all pornona acting In old or nnslntance
or you nnd restraining Frank Klkinn,
sheriff or Crook County, Oregon, and
all persons acting In aid or aiil-tancj
or him, from soiling or attempting to
sell tho SKY of section 35, Tp. 15
8.. It. 14 K., W. M., or any portion
thorcof In pursuance of that certain
Judgment obtained hy you In tho
nhovo entitled court on the 9th day
or August, 1912, In favor of you and
agalnnt tho plaintiff herein, for tho
num of Two Thousand Dollars, Inter
ent at 8 por cent from tho 9th day
of May, 1910, until pnld. and for tho
num of Ten Dollars contn.
Thin nummonn Is published In The
Ilend Ilullotln, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation published at
Ilend, in Crook county, Stnto of Ore
gon, for six successive week, hy or
dor of tho Honornhlo 0. Springer,
Judge of tho County Court or Crook
County, 8tnto or Oregon, nald order
being mado and cntorod on tho 2Cth
day or March, 1913, In tho nhovo
entitled cnuso.
Thin summons Is dated and pub
lished ror the first tlmo this 20th
day or March, 1913.
3-9 Attorneys ror Plaintiff.
a ii j
Hudson and Reo
Also the Haynes Car and Reo Trucks.
Central Oregon Agent, : : Madras, Oregon.
(JctVour The Full Bag
of Feed Is necessary, but
the quallly of tho con
tents is of much more
Importance. To keep
your horses In proper
condition, sleek and fat
enough for working pur
poses, they should bo
given our choice, selected
Feed, made of the fresh
est and purest grain and
nlways of uniform qual
ity. Ask any horseman
jgT what he ;thinks of UUK btlKV.
uur Hour is on sale at united wareiiouse ips warehouse
(I (PT"".')) H
JEvlitw Jp'
"Fine and Light"
and excellent for the
making of bread, biscuit,
rolls and pastry, is our
splendid household Flour
-the best help the house
wife could have in the
production of all brcad
stuflfs. Try it once, and
you will find it no good
that you will always use
it afterwards. It yields
delicious, sweet and
sum ,
nourishing loaves that every one in the family will enjoy.
The Purest and Best Always at
Bend Milling & Warehouse Co.
National Forest. Oregon, will ho nub-' wit: tho num of JG7S.00, with In
ject to nettlomont nnd ontry under! toreit nt ton per cent per nnnum
,th provlnlcnn or tho hnmentend lawn front tho 0th dny ot Juno, 1910; and
or the rolled Htnlcn and tho act of ( tho furthnr num or $70.00 attorney
June II. 1900, (31 8tt.. 333), nt tho i foes and for tho contn nud dlshurno
United Stnten l.nnd Office nt Tho l)nl- nionln of thin nult, togothor with
In., Oregon, on Mny 30, 1913. Any contn and chargos or making tho nnlo.
pettier who wan actually and In good Second, that tho Intercnt or tho doi
ii wmmMmHwmHMMmmmmamm
I1M77. I ;....,... --. ... -,..,
buy a Studebaker, then
it's a safe investment"
Of course it ia! Sludcbakcr wagons nre
built on honor, with sixty enrs of wngon
building experience and with every wagon
goes o Studebaker guarpntee.
You can't afford to Imvo a dealer ncll you aomo
other wagon roprcaenled to bo "just as good,"
If you wnnt a wagon that will loot, run easily and
ctand up to its work, thero is only ono wagon to buy
and that's a Studebaker,
Don't trndo ten extra years of service for a few
dollars diffcrenco in price.
Studebaker wngonn are mado to fit every require
ment of business or pleasure, in city, town or
farm W.-9DI
1 soy Curias t
Each tho belt of Its kind.
Su our Dccitt et writ uu
South Bend, Ind.
Nnw vik
. --
Only Half an Hour from Town
; ODERN business men nnd farmers
liavo ceased to measure distances by
miles. Minutes servo instead. "We
are just half nn hour from town,"
says a farmer who lives seven mile3
out and owns an International car. "I went to
town today, starting half an hour after my
neighbor went by my gato with his team, and
I passed him just where the main street pav
ing begins. Ve visit every friend within thirty
miles, hear lectures, see entertainments, have
a better time in every way since I bought an
International Commercial Car
An Ohio business man says "When I am
using my International Commercial Car the
expense is about tho same as with a team, but
when it is not in use it is not eating, and,
therefore, costs nothing. Aftern. year's experi
ence, I find tho repair bills to be no more
than tho bills for shoeing, harness repairs,
wagon repairs, painting, etc, nnd there is tho
added advantage of gutting around threo times
as fast."
When you own an International Commercial
Car you make tho trips you used to neglect
because you did not want to taho thu horse3
from their work. It can bo used in all sea
sons when the road is passable to horses. The
wheels nro high enough to give ample road
clearance Solid tires give good traction nnd
eliminate many tire troubles. The engine is
simple and powerful. It will pay you in many
ways to know all about the International Com
mercial Car. A letter brings full particulars
with many interesting facts and figures,
International Harvester Company of America
Portland Ore
We Deliver the Goods
liny, Barley, Oats, Wheat nr.d Bran at lowest prices.
The Largest Barn in Central Oregon.
Bend, Oregon.
Through Train Daily
Portland From Central Oregon
Leaves Bend 6:45 A. M.
Arrives Portland 5:30 P. M.
Limited Trains East.
Direct connection is made ut Fallbridge with limited train on
S. P, & S. Ry. arriving Walla Walla 7:45 p. m., Spokano U:45 p.
m. same day; Helena 11:.H5 a. m., Butte 12:50 p. m. next day;
Minneapolis 10:20 p. m St. Paul! 1 p.m. stcondduj; Chicago
noon third day; with connecting sen ice to Denver, Omaha.
Kansas City and St. Louis via Great Northern or Noi thern
Pacific and Burlington Route.
Willamette Valley Points.
Oregon Electric and Oregon Trunk Railways use the namo
citation in Portland. Trains via Oregon ElectricRy. reach Fjrest
Grovo, IlilUboro, Salem and Albany the same day and Lugeno
early next morning,
Through Tickets.
Oregon Trunk Ry. agents sell tickets, check baggage and
arrange sleeping car accommodations through to Eastern, PugeCJ
Sound and Oregon points. ' $
Details will bo furnished on request.
TraJllc Manage Cortland, Ore. Agent, Bend. U