i I PARK . TOR RKND mntiTiKTlW, RAITO, WKDNKHHAY, APRIL tW, ltltl. ;r. r : CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. ; POWELL BUTTE .. mini (Special to The Uend Uullotln.) POWELL RUTTB, April 28. M. Conway, a horseman of Redmond, whs In this locality tho mlddlo of Inst weok. Ho had with hint a largo Slilro two-year-old Btalllon. ilert Koynotds camo out from Prlneville Wednesday on hla now Indian mstorcycle to look after hla Interests hero and visit among old friends. Crts Slots has a rigging which ho belloves to ho n euro for any balky horse. Ho has a heavy weight hung to a block and tackle, then whenevor ho feeds tho contrary ono he hitches It to tho weight and makes him null It up In order to roach tho feed box. It has proved very successful so far. James Green haa moved from hla ranch to Hedmond to engago In horeo trading. Ho left behind him a rec ord which will bo apt to stand many n day. Ho says ho seeded 30 acres In 11 hours and 40 mlnutea with a four-horso drill. That's traveling some. Frank McCaffcry has rented tho lower eighty of his ditch land to a Mr. McFarlano of the Sisters country. Mr. Huston and family will take pos session In tho Immediate future. Mlsa I la Charlton ta stopping with Walter Foster and w'fo at present. Dr. Morgan, tho Powell Uutto veterinary, made a business trip to John Paulsens Saturday. Miss Miller spent tho week-end among Powoll DutU irlends. H. J. Edwards and family and J. Gideon and family were Redmond visitor Saturday. G. SI. Cornett has been looking around tho buttes for seed potatoes. Guess ho found a-plenty. Joe Shear mado a trip to Dcnd Saturday, returning Sunday with his wife and family, who havo been visit ing there for some time. Mrs. Charles Charlton attended the W. C. T. U. meeting In Prlneville Saturday. Thcro la soma talk of organizing a local union. Allan Wllcoxon broko the Sabbath by building a bridge across the waste ditch. Looks liko a new road super visor for Powell iiutto. Thero was a fair crowd at Sunday school at tho Shepherd school house Sunday afternoon. Now that Sunday school is to be a regular thing, it Is hoped that a good many will tako an Interest Frank McCaffery and Max Wurx weller wore out looking over tho Powell 'Uutto district last Sunday. After a very successful eight months' work, the Shepherd school closed list Friday. In tho evening about 76 parents and friends of tho pupili gathered at tho school house to listen to the rendering of a short program. As cnly a week was used In preparation, It proved that Mrs, Forrest had been doing an excellent class of work with the children for tbey were ready to meet such emer gencies on short notice. The fol lowing program was given: bong. My Own U. S School The Chambered Nautlllus, in Unison School Raatus Johnson's Sunday Pants Ruth Foster In School Days,. . . .Rudolph Johnson Tho Wind Charles Charlton The Drown Thrush Edna Alley Dialogue Four Puphs Little Hoy lllue Mildred Alley A Monotonous Menu . . . .Alex Miller Duct. .Phoebe Heath, Lucy Shobert Wreck of tho Hesperus .Ruth Foster If I Knew Roy Alley Little Illtllo Alva Elliott Lady Clair Lucy Shobert Abou Den Adam.... Leonard Osborn Song School Charge of the Light Drlgade Dowey Shobert When I Was a Bachelor. . Earl Tweet Little Orphan Annie. Phoebe Heath Flattering Grandma, .. .Axel Miller Farewell Song School - --"----'- - homestead last week. Ho has 330 acres and proved up under the three- year law. Although ho Is nearly blind, ho hns worked very hard on his place, building (cttce, clearing and cutting posts and cordwood to sell. HAMPTON BUTTE --------- (Special to Tho Dcnd llulletln.) HAMPTON' llt'TTE. April 27 Owing to tho backward spring, or ipa are not ns good as they should bo nt this time of the year. 0. A. Johnson Is In Uend on busi ness. Ho will bring back aupplltvi. Ilert Meeks Is In Rend for a load of supplies. Mrs. Horaco Drookings mado a quick auto trip to Uend for supplies for her hotel. Mrs. Urookluga reports much travel and trado brisk. Over 100 guests havo registered thero dur ing tho past week, Several parties of prospective homesteaders called hero during vhe past week. Good claims nro ns Bcarco as "hen teeth" In this locnlltv. J. K. Smith and C J. StauRcr of Glass Uutto Valley were calling on frlcmls In this vicinity Saturday and Sunday. T. C. Ewing has n well on his placo which promises to supply Ice water nil summer. Doth tho liottum and sides to a, height of several ftuL are covered with Ico from 4 to IS inches thick. COL. tHMHOHt - CRESCENT homestead, taking with him na wit nonscs, Gcorga Gottlieb, F. M, Cleaves and J. H. Harrison, who was already thorc. Paul Peterson took thorn over In hla mnohlito. Mrs, I). C. retoraon, Misses Mnv Unguo and Maud IVjunhtio, Paul Peterson and Ernest Ueesley mado tip an automobile ptrty who visited Crescent Sundiy. Irwin 11. Wilson, str,r fish ctilttir 1st, left Frldty for l.ukovlow when ha goes to iqak Into the petition for hatcheries nt that place. Mr. Woods, roprcsoht'iiR Lang & Co., and throo other iklcsmcn wore in Crescent last weok. An enjoyable dancing party was given nt tho Crescent Hotol Wednes day evening as a fnrowoll for Miss Mlnnto Thomas nnd MIbs lona Apple gato, who nro soon leaving, tho for mer for llakersflold, Cn and the latter for her homo In Southern Ore gon. Lunch was served nt olevon o'clock by the ladles of tho Sowing Club to whom both Miss Thomas and Miss Applegato extend their appreci ation tor thu pleasant uvenliig. Alfred A. Aya was it guest trout La Pine. HAMPTON (Special to Tho Dcnd Uulletln.) CRESCENT. April 2C Ed Santry roturned Wednesday from Klamath Falls. Claude Heard and DA. Jones went to Camp Lonroth where the former takrs charge of the Hunter Land Company's experimental farm. C. G. Dowers is In this week from Ulg Marsh. Tom McCord left Friday for Odoll Lake where ho is employed at tho hatcheries. E. G. Rourk Is giving his residence a now coat of paint which gives It a neat and attractive appearance. Luman C. Rich left on Thursday's stage after a fow days visit with friends nt this place. Ho will not return as forest ranger this season as ho haa a good position with a large lumber company nt Point Ange lus, Wash. Joo L. Rln?o went to Silver Lnki Thursday to make final proof on his t-4-- -- t --- (Special to Tho Dcnd Dullotln.) HAMPTON, April 22. Arthur Hunting, principal otlo High School at Rathdrttm, Idaho, spent n couplo of days here recently and filed on a homestead whllo hero. Ho will move horo In tho summer nttor school la out. Sovcral are breaking land now. Mr. Hoguo Is having 20 acres plowed, Molvln Crow 20, and A. Hunting 10. A. S. Fogg Is cloarlng 20 with tho pttltor and many others aro making plans to havo clearing done. L. C, Peck seeded 20 acres for his mother, Mrs. M. L. Peck, during tho past weok. Mrs. Ring and small sons, accom panied by her brother, who has a homestead here, arrived horo from Portland last Friday to Join "Mr Ring, who hns been horo building for several weeks. Mrs. Wallers and a nolihlwr from Harney Holes woro In Hnmpton on business tho 19th. - -- 100-ncro clearing contract on tho Wl inor ranch. John UyorB nnd wife of Uond woro horo today looking over tholr Intnl. Mr, llyors Is having lumber hnulod preparatory to putting up n house on his 100-ncru ranch. Tom Trlplett nnd Mr. Do Lap of Ashlnnd spent tho dny yesterday nt thin placo. Mr. Do I.np Is looking tor n dairy ranch location. Ho Is well pleased with tho country. Ho nays several of his Ashland friends wish to come to Central Oregon, Tho milk wagon cornea by this placo gathering milk for tho choose factory nt Lntdlnw. John Scott of Gist was nt this placo one day last week for hay. Thoro In still an ahuudnuco of of baled hay In this part for nnlu hut tho market Is dull nt present. -------- TUMALO (Special to Tho Uend Uulletln.) Tl'MALO. April 21. John Winter of Laldlaw was n caller at this placo Friday. Arthur Drlnson has completed hla ------ t IMPERIAL ---- --- (Special to Tho Uend Uulletln.) IMPERIAL, April 19. Mr. Wen yor from St. Paul has been visiting horo with his brother, Emit tho past two weeks. Ho Intends to go to California soon. Thomas Hums nnd family nro liv ing on tholr homestead now, Ills son filed on n claim recently. Mr. Huffman nnd Mr. Van Lako each mndo a trip to Hand this weok nnd whllo thoro each sold n horse. Miss Ulrby has been visiting with Mrs. Hasklns near tho 43-mllo post tho past week, Mr. Adams' wife, who Is In tho East, Is reported critically ill. Mr, Ring's family and brother-lit-law from Portland arrived horo yes terday and are living on tholr claim. Mr. Corrall mado a business trip to Portland Inst week. Tandn and Ring hnvo dissolved partnership In the locating business. Hugh Harmon and Itlnny Volgt are working together plowing and cloarlng tholr claims. McConnotl Is going to sow somo vetch this spring ns an expcrlmnnt. Ho sees no reason why it should not do well hero. Ivnn Knntls has 20 acres plowed nnd Is proparlng to sow It before going to Uond tor tho summer. Wost, who left 'hero two wcoka-ngo writes front Tho Dalloa that no work Is to ho hud thoro nnd ho expects to lenvo tor Uniutda whore ho linn sovornl mining claims to dispone of. ' Mr. and Mrs. A, 0. Mottd, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C, Lntidliigltnm, Mlsa Ma Aiidornon, Mlsn Ivn (Hover, O, W. JoiiNon, Claude McUatiloy and (Uoim Cox took In tho iiliow and dnuco nt Lntdlnw Saturday night. Mr. Prltchnrd mid fnntlly, who emtio hero from Texim n short tlmo ago, bought a placo southeast of town nnd movod thoro Sunday, Thoro was n social dnuco nt thu hull In tho hotol last Thursday night. Good music was riinilnhod and nil enjoyed n pleasant uvonlug. Thoro will bo n tlnitcn In thu hnll Hntiirdny, May .1, to which everybody la Invited. - j MILLICAN (Special to Tho Uond Iltillotln.) MILLICAN, April 21. At Ynuoy toft yesterday for Dear Creek to look after stock In that vicinity for duo. Mllllcan. Charles Hurt wig has received n shipment of 2(100 fruit and nut trooa, Ho will pi tint somo 2000 troen on his claim hero, which will rover In thu neighborhood of 40 ncres. A num ber of tho homesteaders hnvn placed their orders with Mr. Ilnrtwlg for enough trees for family orchards. Ulll King of Harney county Is visiting relatives in tho valley. Mr, King Is n brother nt Mrs. W. II. hold a short meeting today for tho purposo of qualifying atid accepting tho clerk's bond, Gcorgo Mllllcan lett Inst Saturday Kolgor. Tho school directors of dlntrlct 87 j noon to look after tholr property horo' for Prlnovlllo on a business tilprOu hln return ho will bo accompanied by Mrn. Milllcnn, who has liuon Slnltfng lit Prlnovlllo for tho pnHt two mouths, Fred Kolgor mid A. I). Norlou hauled two (our of alfalfa tiny from tho "low dosurt" Inst wituk. Irfiuln Hall, it co u h I it of Mrs, P, II, Johnson, haa nrrlvod front llrokou How, Nob., urn! will illu oil n liuinu stead in this vicinity, MIhsoh Anno nnd Oortrudo Markol nnd Enrl nnd Mrn. Povvora of tho oast end atttmdod nit Informal dnuco nt tho Mllllcan ranch last Saturday OVMllllg. Thomas Moffatt loft for Uond to day to bring out' n load of upplu treim tor Charles ilnrtwlg. MILLICAN. April 28. Tlioimm Morfott and I. L. Ownit hauled two big loniU of fruit trees from lloml Inst tu'ok for Oharloa llartwlg. Mil Hartwlg haa nnothor shipment of 2000 trees on tho way mid will hh nbout 00 ncros to fruit nnd nut trooa thin spring llisulnd of 40 ns Muted before. Sovornl contentn havo been start od tho past week ugnlnst somo of tho delinquent hoinvstoadurn. II. E. Dnvla nnd sou John aro on gagud now setting out n llve-acru or chard of ".Mcintosh Heda" fur Thou. Mofrett. Mrs. Ada II. Mllllcan has roturned from a two months' visit nt Prlno vlllo nnd other points. Hlio wiih ac companied by hur sister, Mm. Ilusey. Ed Kopper, who loft tho valley Inst November for tho benefit of his tioalthi died last week nt Malum, It Is understood that Mrn. Kopper nnd children will arrive In tho vnlloy For quick wile IM your property with HottMVMHkr Iwiiul t.'o. Wo ran fell It If the prlct U right. Adv. flit ----- "-- li P1NEHURST Sash and Doors We have now a full line of Sash and Doors in stock. Bring us your odd sizes. We meet coast prices. Doors $1.60, $1.75 and up Let us figure witli you. Bend Sash and Door Co. POWELL DUTTE, April 28. Dorn to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foster, a 6 Iound sou. Mrs. Long of Prlneville, Mrs. Foster's mother, U staying with her. Horn, to if r. and Mrs. E. F. Archer a 9-pound girl. Elder J, J. Nethery, Adventlst min ister, and brother. W. O. Nethery. stopped horo a few days last week. Elder Nethery held baptismal servi ces Sunday morning, baptising Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Patterson. Mrs. A. D. Morrill has been sick with an attack of tonsllitis the past week. Mr. and Mrs. James Green are moving from tho ranch to Redmond. J. P. llownian traded several head of horses to Jim Green last week. ( Six-foot rye and potatoes like cord wood sticks are not tho only produc tions hero that have "class." Ono of Mrs. Landfare'sgeeeo has made good by laving an egg u inones in circum ference and 12 inches around tho long way. Tup alfalfa In the old river bed Is showing up beautifully green now; clover in coming on flue, and spring wheel Qf. dry lapd Is moatjy well up and a'good stand. ' Whfln there are a few farmersWfto havo uot finished seeding potftlo) planting Is now well under way. nndl Powell mute terruorv is snowing a good acreage again this year. Mr. HenkV'ade nl to$ot 1 u& HI4 I .. - l FIRST CLASS EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE f fa m Pilot Butte Hotel J. F. TAQQART, Prop. Good Dining Room FREE AUTO BETWEEN HOTEL AND DEPOT t FRUIT TREES Our nursery is located on Powell Rutte, fourteen miles east of Beijd. Our trees are the kind we recommend after over thirty years experience in the fruit business in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will please you. Catalog free on request. Come and see our orchards and nursery. Ortice address, Prineville, Ore. LAFOLLETTE NURSER.Y CO. Mr A WODH m nuMMiimm mi !! .! in i immai.iniiiiMiMi.iw mil i is all a lit rm WANr ap Wit L COST YOU J ".---- (Special to Tho Uend Uulletln.) PINBHUR8T. April 28. Mr. nnd Mrs. Winter. Charles Spnugh. George Campbell, Mrs. iydla Nichols and Misses Flora Hassolberg and N'elllo Snyder attended tho play In Laldlaw Saturday night. Mrs. I. W. Dietrich and daughter went to Lsld low to trado Friday. Mr, and Mrs, George' C"iich went to Uond on business Saturday, Owing to the Illness of Mrs. Nich ols Tuesday Mlsa Thora Hassolberg had charge of tho school and filled the placo very creditably. Cecilia and Edith Chapman enter ed school Monday, making thu en rollment 30. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Couch mado a business trip to Uend Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F; W. Levorenz of Ttimnlo spent Saturday night with Mrs. Delia Nichols. Somo of tho fishermen tried their luck Sunday and roport u good tlmo and lots of fish. Mosdnmes Root and Johnson called on Mrs. Charles Spugh Friday. Mrs. C. E. Nichols of Laldlaw haa moved to her ranch to spend th summer. J. W. Peterson ol Deschutes was a Pinehurst visitors Sunday. Gcorgo Campbell Is assisting Charles Spatigh with his seeding. Mrs Delia Nichols attended the lecture in Laldlaw Wednesday night. Misses iLaura and Lola Marlon spent Tuesday aftornoon with Miss Dernlco Couch. Mrs. Gay, Miss Ruth Ilayley and Arthur Jackson wont to Uond Sunday. We Are Still Selling Fishing Tackle at Cost Bend Hardware Co, FORT R.OCK J X --- (Special to Tho Uond Dullotln.) FORT ROCK, April 27. School closed for tho season last Frlduy at this place. Mrn. J. I), Dodmond of Silver Lnko wno visiting with tho Ponroso family Friday "and Saturday. Dr. Thorn and wife of Sllvor Lako woro business visitors nero Saturday. O. C. Pnlmor loft for Uend tho first of tho weok to upend tho summer at tho Pino Forest Lumber Co. mill. O. I. Uozell of tho Uond flour mill was In this burg tho first of tho week, Tho hard times danco given nt the hall 3st Friday wos woll attended and all had a flno tlmo. Oscar and Alfred Andrews hnvo gone to Uend whore they hnvo cm ployment for tho summor 1 DESCHUTES --- .--. tupeciai to The Uend Uulletln.) DESCHUTES, April 28. rtliur !-" BEND MADE BUTTER IS GOOD BUTTER SEE THAT YOU GET IT We Guarantee Our Product Money Returned if not Satisfactory. Pioneer Cream Company "The Bend Creamery" I CP. CRHAM IIU1THRMH.K CRHAA1 5 ----- --- t4 --4 Headquarters for Commercial Men filcctrlc Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Translcn Travel THE BEND HOTEL HUQH p'KANB, MANAaan BEND, OREGON Good Rooms Good Meals Free bus to and from tralnf All arrangements made for parsons desiring to go south and sost of here --..