The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 30, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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rAGS 4.
Editor and Publlshor.
Mnnnglng Editor.
ii i . i "i -
An Independent newspaper land
ing for the squaro deal, clean busi
ness, clean politics and tho best In
terests of lloml and Central Oregon.
Ono year. f 1.G0
Btx niontlis SO
Three months.. CO
All subscriptions nro duo and
nf expiration will bo mailed subscri
bers and It renewal Is not made with
in reasonable tltno tho paper will bo
Plcaso notify us promptly of nnr
change of address, or of talluro to re
colvo tho paper regularly.
Make alt chectts nnd ordors pay
nblo to Ucud bulletin.
The Kullcthi Unn Iwn' deslKnntcd
by the County CViiirt if Crook Comity
to publMi olHclally all the proceed
ings of tho court.
thing of tho sort will take its place
In our law. From It there- will bo
but ono move to amendment of tho
whole constitution.
Tea, years ago a suggestion that
the Constitution of tho United Stcs
be amended by a general convention
which should have for its purposo
tho making of radical changes In this
Instrument would liavn been received
ns unthinkable. Eren to add a
single amendment to tho Constitu
tion as It stood seemed almost an Im
possibility. In over 100 years thero
bad been only two sets, aa thoy may
bo called, of amendments. One set
of twelve came within twenty years
of Its adoption before It had become
oauotined by age, vrhen many of Its
makers were still allvo and willing
to rccognlte wherein their work was
Imperfect. The second set of three
was born of slavery and the Civil
War and could not In any senso bo
considered as undoing the work of
tho "fathers." In the years that fol
lowed no amendment camo out of
Cougress. Whenever ono was pro
posed whatever other argument
against It was roado there was always
tho cry raised that tho Constitution
was sacred, that It was a hallowed
instrument, that sacrilege was being
done, and the proposition was de
The Income tax amendment was
not open to this sort of attack. It
was impossible to know Just what
the constitution makers bad In mind,
if anyblng, on this subject. The
Supreme Court which bad the last
guess thought that they had pro
vided against such tax; the last
previous guess of ttie court was the
other way, and that which has be
come the sixteenth amendment was
propoccd simply to clear up the
doubt that tlioso two conflicting opln-
iuno had created.
The discussion of tho Income tax
amendmout as well as the political
unrest and change that have been
noticeable throughout the country
for the past four years have brought
forth many propositions for changes
in our fundamental law. One long
agitated was, by tho now spirit of
the time, forced from tho reluctant
senate and In record time added to
the constitution as the 17th amend
ment. Mauy others are now pend
ing and nearly every one has for Its
purpose an addition to the rightB of
the people as distinct from their
Now Senator La Toilette has pro
posed an amendment to facilitate
amendments. llred of obstruction
and delay and certain that the people
will not bo able to rule so long as
the laws they regard as necessary
are put off as unoonstltutlonal while
amendments to remove the difficulty
are voted down as tampering with a
sacred wvrk, he offers an amendment
which, if adopted, will enablo tho
people to get what they want without
suffering tho heaitbreaklng delay of
senatorial action. The legislatures
of ten states or a majority of tho
voters Of ton states may propose
amendmonts and they will becomo
valid us part of the constitution when
a majority of tho voters in a major
ity or the states and a majority of all
the voters approve, it Is a sort of
constitutional iuitlatlvo which la a
logical development from the
people's present law making power
ja the states "BFhcro the Initiative oV
talim and aUo.a natural stop la-the
preaeisj. advance toward popular gov
ernment as distinct from delegated
government. Sooner or later some-
Tho Bugnr growers Want n BUgnr
coatcd tariff bill. Memphis Com
mercial Apponl.
What appears to bo needed most
Is n downward revision of tho middle
man. Now York Press.
It Government oxponsos could bo
cut $SO,000.000 n year Abl Tnat
Is a different mattor! llrooklyn
Schcdulo K will soon bo nblo to
appear in u hobble skirt without
looking ridiculous. Now York live
ning Sun. "
Tho reduction of tho duty on mir
rors Is expected to reflect favorably
on tho Domocratlo tariff. Jackson
ville Florida Times-Union.
Wood pulp on tho treo list should
reduce tho cost ot breakfast foods.
Daltlmoro Evoulng Sun.
It begins to bo evident that tho
discussion ot freo wool will reveal
a good many black Bheop. Chicago
Tho removal ot tho tariff on type
writers and newsprint paper ntiKht
to give tho needed Impetus to liter
ary art. llrooklyn Eagle.
Tho clnuso in tho Wilson Dill pro
hibiting tho Importation ot plumps
may navo tho Uvea ot a lot of egrets
and cranes, but It'll deprive a wholo
heap of roosters ot tholr tall feathers.
Boston Transcript.
ncy Johnson said that ho did not
think anything could bo gained by
such methods and that furthor It wna
unJiiHt to leave a man tho Govern
ment nover Intends to prosocuto
under nceutntlon.
Ot whlto chickens, have you scon
them when passing through Mocca,
OrvgnnT They nro Whlto Plymouth
RockB ot thn blithest type. KQC1S
por setting ?2. E. V. Twlss, Mocca,
Oregon. 3-10
Somowhoro the sun Is shining
Somewhere hearts are bright,
Out thero ts no peace for Will R,
While that Federal job's In sight.
Ho thought he bad It, landed
For he'd worked with might
main ,
If they double cross our William
Twill be a howling shame.
Ho's been a stalwart Democrat
Never guvo a single ding
For Taft or other leader ,
Our royal, uncrowned King.
But wo'ro weary of his troubles
And hopo. with all our might.
That Wllson'll hire or Are him
Then Will R. King, GOOD NIGHT!
In tho County Court of the State ot
Oregon for Crook County.
In tho nynttor of tho ostnto of Anna
T. Auno. Deceased.
Notice Is lioreby glvon that pur
suant tu tho provisions ot the last
will and testamont of snld Anna T,
Auno, tho undersigned will, from nnd
after May 14th, 1013. proceed to sell
at prlvato sstn for cash, In ono par
col, tho following described real es
tate belonging to said estate, lo-wlt
tho Wtf of NKVi. SEtt of NEV1,
tho NEU of SKV,, of section 8, In
township IT S., range 10 K., W. M.,
subject to tho approval ot tho court
as provided by law.
Dated this 16th day ot April, 1913.
As Executor ot the Last Will nnd
Testament of Anna T. Auno, De
ceased. G-9
(Madras Pioneer.)
Criminal prosecution initiated by
tho Federal Government during tho
Honey trials of land fraud cases.
which has been hanging over tho
head of Ex-Congressman John N.
Williamson, of Prinevflle. for olght
years, was lifted last Monday when
United States Attornoy E. A. John
sou appeared beforo Judge Wolver-
ton at Portland, and moved the dis
missal of the case. Williamson was
convicted In tho Federal Court on
the third trial In 1905. on having
paid sundry Individuals to take up
land claims and then deed them to
him for a consideration In violation
or the law of the United States. Tho
United States Supreme Court revers
ed tho decision of the Oregon district
on tho ground that Williamson had
always bought the land after tho
first entry had been made. Uy a
ruling of the Department of the In
terior the purchaso of this land be
fore tho flii.u entry was made was a
criminal action but tho Supremo
Court ruled that there was 'no
authority In tho Btatues for such a
statement. Since that time, 1905,
nothing hns been done on tho oaso
but the charge has hung over tho
Ex-Congressman's head In the United
States District Court here to furnish
an example to others. U. S. Attof-
I fmmn
Cp;rikl tpj,hf AJttftUUj C. , 0
Dear Friend:
Do you know macaroni
makes a nice light din
ner for little boys and
girls to go to bed on.
Grown folks too will
find macaroni good vto
go to bed on, if they
get good macaroni. To
get good macaroni you
must go to a store that
keeps good groceries.
Your friend,
P. S. Do you know
where we buy our gro
ceries? I'll tell you.
Shingles Mouldings
Building Material
I The, Miller Lumber Company
Bend, Oregon.
On the River. On the Railroad.
Close to Business District.
Beautiful View. Great Big Lots.
Wide Streets and Alleys.
' Avate'r Piped to Every Lot. Easy Terms.
Prices $ 1 00 to $400
Call or write
Bend Park Company
455 Empire Building, Scuttle, Wash.
First National Bunk Building, Bend, Oregon.
Descriptive literature on Bend and Central
Oregon mailed upon request.
If You Want Good
Residence Lots
Business Sites
Irrigated Land
320Acre Homesteads
investigate what we have to offer. We have the
best on the market, at the best prices and terms.
This firm also makes a specialty of Fire Insur
ance, Indemnity Bonds and Plate Glass, Show
, Case and Mirror Insurance. Our companies are
the best in the United States, and pay their losses
promptly. flWe are the oldest established real
estate firm in Bend, and have a first class record
for fairness and efficiency. If you have something
to sell, or wish to buy, let us help you.
Oreg. Investment Co.
' .i i
Wall Street, Bend, Oregon