l THKIUWD IIUM-KTIN, nKNI), WKIMfKfllrAY, APftir, 00, JOin. PAGR R. i . P0TAT0E8BEST GDOKEO Anollior I'nrnioi' Heinle 111m U Ik'iIcikon of I'Vcillnx lUw To Tho Mill tor of Tho lltilliitlii: Noting In your nolo ntpor roHpoct- Iiik tho viiIiki of potatouH iim food for Btoclc, I unoloHu my oxporlunco for Iiohh, cllii(Hl from tlio Inlly Jourtinl. Thorn Is no rnnnon wliy thuy hIioiiIi! not lit) n vnluulilo food, lint 1 am con II limit that much imttor rcmillH would havn Moil tho oiitcamo If thoy hnd boon cookod ovon wliolo and fad to tho liOK". im I Imvo tiuim nt homo mntiy times. At nil ovants, It will put on Ilosh quicker and I think would tako Iuih Rrnln. A. 0. VATBH. I'OIITIMND, Ore, April 10. To tlo Kdltor of tho Jourtinl NotltiK nil irfmulry In your rolumnH nt to tliu vnluo of iotntnn far fond, I will nay Hint my own tupurloiico prows tlium to Im of grunt vnluo. Nucannlty on llltlitctnotl ma to tho fnot. In tho '80n, nt my much nt NYstticon, Tlllninook county, wu oxporlfiicotl a vury snvoro winter, with doop snow, nnd nn jiloii ciiin wo worn not well prnpnruil to euro for tho Mock, having hardly nny food hut gnus nnd ft llttlo liny. Hut wo hnd plenty of potiitot's. I hnd to f'M'il my horsnn with it npnro nck or .two of flour. I cookod tho polnloes nnd mixed n llttlo flour and n lltMa unit to tttiupt (hum. Thoy got usml to It nt Initt nnd woro foil nil tho wlntnr. In tho sprlriK I notlcod that thuy hIkhI off hoc nor nnd I novur Nnv horsoH look morn itlunk nnd honlthy, When lining thorn, In pulling up tho mountain, I notlcod Hint thuy hnd hotter nnd tongor wind, nnd noyir sunned to tiro, Hut I urn of tho. opinion that, foil rnw, potatoes hnva no vnluo or vury llttlo, oxcapt to clnnn out nio wound Hint Infoit tho stomach of many anliiinU, Potatoes should nlwnvi hi' cooked. yV. O. YATtifl. NOTICK OK OONTHHT. Dopnrtmont of tho Interior, United Htntea Land Otnco. Tho Dalle, Oregon, April 19, 1913. To Wllllnm H. Ayora, or Dayton, Wash., Contostco. You nro horohy notlflad Hint Vic tor Horcovltx, who given Hond, Ore gon, ns liln poilomco address, did on April fl, 1913, (Ho In thin office hU duly corrohoratod application to con tett nnd nocuro thu cancellation of jour liomeitiwul, entry No. , Horlnl No. 0N428, mndo March 33, 1911, for Ntt.NHU, BWUNKU, NWU. NKUHU'U, unction IS, town hip 30 H., rntiKo It K., Willamette meridian, nnd us ground for hi rontett ho nllogen Hint said Wllllnm H. Ayorn Im novor established hi rosldunco upon said tract; Hint ho hiu wholly nhnndonod said tract for moro Htnn lx monthn last past. You nro, thoroforo, further noti fied Hint tho itnld allegations will ho tnkou hy thl olllco nn having boon confessed hy you, and your said entry will bo canceled thoraiiudor without your further right to ho heard therein, cither hoforw this of fice or on appeal, If you full to file In thin oftlcu wllhln tuenty days .after tho I'Ol'ltTII publication or (III notion, n shown Imlow, your answer, Mtulor ottth. upoclflenlly meeting mid rMHiiidliiK to thene allegations of ouiitest. or If you full within Hint time to nio In thl ollleo duo proof thai you nave nerved n copy or your answer on the Mild contestant elllmr In person or by rKlsturod iiihii. ir thl Horvloo In mndo by tho deliver) of n eopy of your nniwer to thu eon twDtnnt In person, proof of miicIi sorvlco must l-o either the nnld con testant'! written acknowledgment ol IiIh receipt of the copy, howlug the date of It receipt, or the nlllilml. or tho person by whom tho delivery wnu mndo tntlng when nnd where thu copy was delivered; If miido by regletered mail, proof of such nor vice mint consist of the nflldnvlt of tho pornon by whom tho copy wn mailed Minting when nnd tho pout ofllco to which It was innllcd. and thl ninUnvIt muni he nccouipnnled hy the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You ihotild ntato In your answer tho nnmo of tho pout olllco to which you dcalro futuro notice to bo aunt to you. C. W. M00KK, ItCRlBtor. Date of flrat piibllontlou April 23. 1913. Dnto of second publication April 30, 1913. Date or third publication May 7, 1913. Dnte or fourth publication May 14, 1013. IMI'HOVIJ I,A 1'INM ItOAl). (l.n I'lno In tor-Mountain.) Itoad Uuporvlnur John I'otorH and n gnng of men mid .toaiua, boenu Im- provemout work on tho county road nt Allen' lane, about 13 mile north of Lit I'lno, Monday morning. Mr. I'olnm, who wnn In l.n I'lno Mondny after supplies, mild that work all along tho road would contlnuo to thl point. Anton, i.i'i.o men claim If Allen's limo la piojicrly graded and halliiHtod with mino nnd gravel, It would he possible to run machine botwoeti llniid, l.n I'lno and Oliver Lnko the yonr nrotiud, m-i-U.XJtJUUUILJIJl.1' J lll.WJL . -HJUJWIL! NOTICI FOU I'IIIII,IOATIO.V. Department of the Interior, U. R, Land Olllco nt The Dnllo, Oregon, April 24th, 1913. Notice I hereby given Hint Milton A. 1'nlmer, or llend, Oregon, who, on Mntch 3rd, 1910, mndo homestead entry No. 011131, for NV4, Section 9, Township 17 Kouth, Itnngo 14 Kat, Wllliuuetto Meridian, hau filed uotlco of Intention to rnnko II ti it t three y e n r proof, to eitnhtlKh tlhlnt to thu land nbovo de northed, befora II, U. ICIIIn, U. H. Cam mlHHloner, nt hi olllco nt llend, Ore gon, on tho 2nd day or Juno, 1913. Claimant name an wltiumies: I'mory J. Taylor, Juiiio I). Dnvldton, Hoy A. Wool ley nnd On Ilnnkeo nil of I'owoll Hutte. Oregon. 8-12 C. V. MOOHI5, lloglntnr. " "'NOTiTin'tiit TaMli.u'ATioxi nepnrtmout or tho Interior, V, fl. Land Olllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 24th, 1913. Notice I hereby given Hint Jacob F. ThomnH, nnslgnco or Cora A. Hwlgor, or llend, Oregon, who, on Juno Int. 1909, mndo Denort Land entry No. 09742, for Wtt NV, Section 12, Township 18 south, Itaugo 12 Knst, Willamette Meridian, hn tiled notice or Intontlon to rnnko final proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, beforo II. C. Kills, U. S. Commissioner, at hi ofllco at llend, Oregon, on Hie Slit day of May, 1913, Claimant names n witnesses: Jacob F. Thomas, Nicholas DaVrle, fleorgo H. Young nnd Ceorgo F. Hoover, nil or llend, Oregon. 8-12 C. W. MOOItn, Itcglator. Msl 'your farm ml city property wllfi me-, f ivlll rnnko an honest droit to kcII It, V. V. HlhVIMAtlr, IJA1LV THAI.V ttCllKUVlAl. Joint Orogon Trunk-Dcuchuteii Lino. Arrival. , 8:10 I, M. Doparturo 0:45 A. M. NOTKJIi FOIl rUJJLICATION, U, ti, Lfmd omed nt Tho Iklle, Oro gon, Mnrch 2Cth, 1913. Notion I hereby glvon th(t John Kgloy or llend, Orogon, who on De cember 1st, 1910, mndo homentend oulry, No. 06032, ror HMHWli nnd WMiHICU, section 30, towmihlp 18 south, rnugo 13 east, Willamette Me ridian, has (Hod uotlco or Intention to rnnko final threo year proof, to estnhllah claim to tho land abovo Dtl I'C doMcrlbed, bororo 11. O. Ullln, U. 8. VLI O CommlsRtonor, at hi ofllco, nt llend, OREGON and WASHINGTON Oregon, on tho lOtn uay or May, 1913, Claimant nnmo an witnesses. Fletcher Kdwnrds, Itnlplt A, Dunn, Mllo W. Wilson, Kdward H. Knottn,; nil of Hond, Orogon. 6-9 O. W. MOOHB, Itoglster. vnu Business Directory Dlwtorr of h Cllr, Town uid lllsg, slrlnr dtcrlptlv sktlch of sett pls, loesilon, popaUllon, UU RTapb, stilpplnr snd bnikln polnlt Im CltMlflod DlrMlorr, complltd try btulntsi sod pro'tulon. U. U POLK A CO flKATTXB NOTICK OF VIS Ati HHTTLK.M1JNT. Nc-tlce In hereby given by tho un dersigned that ha linn mndo nnd filed I with the clerk of tho County Court' of Crook county, Oregon, IiIh final account an exooutor or tho last will and teatnmont or Arnt Auuo, do- coascu, ana that said county court linn not Saturday, tho 17th dny of May, 1913, at 10 o'clock n. m. of snld dny, at tho County Court Itoom In l'rlnovlllo, Oregon, an tho tlnio and placo for tho hearing and settlement of said Dual account, at which time and plniv, nny person Interested In i nnld estato may nppenr and object to ' said settlement ) Dnted till lCth day of April, 1913.! ANTON A. AUNB, J Hxecutor of tho Last Will nnd Ten-J turnout of Arnt Auno, Deceased. C9 J SEEDS KxiearsteEMjuccEEDi SPECIAL OFFER: TMU i fcn l II . A trill win uika Tin ota Mrmsocnt cuitotuar. Prize rollcctloH .trrtHiii-vi 1 1 Urn noMt Tr!. f fplMrf I dates, I (rt T(t (JUAUAKTKKU TO VUCAhZ. Write today : Mention thlt Paper. VMWAftAAftWWWftftM TafcE?a! SEND 10 CENTS mm m4 rklf a4rMl-tBlTi nOMtba X p-tl, vth wOi m, u , iMliHttit, litfmjfil tttl a4 Mt !,, I flit tu thml IU Il mAw m , ruaw, M. i ,H.W.Il6t,"'"'yxoB,.l1 BEND VIEW is nt tin average elevation 100 leet above the city of Bend. Commands a charming view of the city of Bend and the surrounding country, 15 minutes walk from business center. Lots 50x110. BEND VIEW CO. Bend, Ore. a NOTICi: FOIl I'UHI.KWTIO.V. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Itnd Ofllco nt Tho Dnlles, Orogon, April 24th. 1913. Notice Is hereby given Hint Mnry K.lioovor, assignee or Corn A. Swlger, or llend, Oregon, wtio, on Juno 1st, 1909, mndo Desert I -a ml Ktitry, No. 010218, rtr SH 8Vtt and NWVi HWW, Section 12, Township 18 South. Itnngo 12 Hast, Willamette Meridian, hm tiled notice of Inten tion to rnnko final proof, to cstnbllsh claim to tho laud above described, before II. C. Kills, V. 8. Commiss ioner, nt hi ofllco at llend, Oregon on tho 31st dny or May, 1913. Claimant names n witnesses' Jacob F. Thomas, Nicholas DoVrles, fleorgo 8. Young nnd (leorge F. Hoover, nil or Hond. Oregon. b-13 C. W. MOOIti:, Iteglitor. NOTICi: OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In tho County Court of tho State or Orogon ror tho County or Crook. In thu mutter or tho estate or W, II. belters, deceased. Notice I hereby glvon by thq un dersigned, the administratrix of the ontuto of W. II. Sellers, docwued, that she ha Hindu and t1!d with the County Ctiurt of Cook county. Ore gon, her final account or hr admin l.tiutlon or Mid estate; nnd Hint the llonotnble Judge or kjUI County Court has Met Thuisduy. the 15th of May, 1913, at 10 o'clock In tho foreuoon of uld day nt tho County Court Itoom In l'rlnovlllo, Oregon, as tho time and placo of hearing of suld final account. Dated this 10th dny or April. 1913. JKNN1I-: 8KLLKH8. Administratrix or the estate or W. 11, Sellers, deceased. Vernon A. Forbe. attorney ror administratrix. C SPEED'S THE THING In a Typewriter it means the UNDERWOOD It's the world's champion for Speed and Accuracy Holds every world's record since tests began. "Tho Machine You Will Eventually Buy" Underwood Typewriter Company, Incorporated io' a 08 Sixth Street, Portland,. Ore. Branches in all Principal Cities. Shoe RBPAljRING First Class Work of all kinds done promptly. Washington and Alaycr Shoes hold. R. H. LOVEN Wall street, Bend, Ore W. E.PARKER & CO. SANITARY PLUMBING Stcaan and Hot Water Heating We carry the largest stock of goods In Cen tral Oregon. Jobbing promptly attended to P ATENTS YAX.CAM.K INFORMATION FRKK If yoti bare an InTtntlcn or say patcvt matttr, write Immediately to W V WKIGIIT, f til.l-rcd atlornty Loan & Truit Bids. WMoton,D. C THE WHITE IS KING fiiCrPry?2sfflnaMiir The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 14G0 Market Street San Francisco, California J TELL US OVER THE PHONE Then split ntxt wtak's wsh Compnrs our halt with I ha otlmr tallow's. Thai's all LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary Brick is absolutely fire proof in any ordinary conflagration. Brick Buildings never burn, although they arc sometimes injured by falling timbers or combustible interior woodwork. A brick building is absolutely fireproof if wire, glass is used in the windows and if burned -clay floors are used. An interior fire in such a building is confined to the room in which it originates; no outside fire can attack it. The proportion of burned clay in a building construction measures its fire proof qualities. Burned clay is the only building material that has been through the fire before you get it, in such a manner that it will' resist fire. All combustible material is burned out or the brick before you get it. WHEN YOU BUILD USE BRICK. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co The United Warehouse Company Bend, Oregon I i j STORAGE AND FORWARDING General Commission Merchants We handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar, Flour, Salt, Hides, Land Plaster. MEATS Fresh. Hams, Bacon and Lard. Salt an ItTa United Warehouse Company A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon O'DONNELL BROTHERS iV' Bend Steam Laundry. UNION MARKET Put Your Duds In Our Suds"