1 1 PAOK 2. THR tlKNI) llUMiKTlN, IlKNI), HKDNKHDAV, Al'KUi 00, IB!!!. ' WILLIAMS HARD AFTER C. 0. 1. ACTION ON BOND THREATENED IS Trustee's Statement May llo Subject of Investigation Columbia South ern Sett lent Granted Two Years Extension of Time. RECORD QFTRANSFERS Deed niul Other Instruments Med With County Clerk at Prliiovtllo. Lovl D. Wlest to lloml Co. Ub 8-D-12-13-H, bill 37; Us 9-10-11-13.13-14-1 5-1 G, blk 39; It 1, blk 41, Wlos torln. $1. llcnd Park Co. to l A. Peterson, It 13, blk 11C, 1st niUl Menu Park. $150. Gertlo Q. Pry to J. N. Hunter ot nl. NH SBU, 8WU Nl-:Vi, 812 NWtt, 8-S2-9. $10. I.. C. Whlttcd to Thomas A. Thom son, It 10, blk 19, Deschutes add, to Hend. $350. N. S. Lolthend to Pond Co., It 15, blk 35, Center Add., Hcud. (Special to The. Ucnd Bulletin.) . SALEM, April 2S. After deciding that It would tako no action that might embarrass the. Central Oregon Irrigation Company, which has an Irrigation project lu Crook county. In ratalng funds for tho completion ot tho project, tho stato desert land board yielded to tho Innlstcnt de mands ot E. II. Williams, a land owner In tho Powell llutto district on the project, nnd at a meeting last week passed a resolution calling upon tho company to .appear beforo tho board within 15 days and show cause, It any, why the board should not bring action on tho company's bond for its failure to comply with tho provisions of the contract be tween tho company nnd tho state. Tho company Is said to have failed to cnlargo tho main Central Oregon canal to a capacity required In tho contract and for which tho bond of $25,000 was given. A statement from tho trustee, through whoso hands certain funds ot the company were to pass, shows a discrepancy of $25,000. which Mr. Williams requested that tho board should Investigate. ' Columbia Southern Extension. The board granted a two-years ex tension of tlmo for settlers on the Columbia Southern project. In Crook county, to completo their filings on water rights In Tutnalo creek. This extension was granted lu view of the fact that the state Is now ready to complete the project, thus giving the settlers, who have individual filings, opportunity to comply with tho re quirements of law. Completed water rights in Squaw creek In Crook county as adjudi cated by tho board were defined in an order entered by the board at Its meeting lost week. CHURCH NOTICES Methodist Kplscopnl. Rev. K. C. Nowhnm, pastor. Ser vices every Sunday at 11 a. m and at 7:30 p. pi. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Epworth Leaguo at 6:45 p. m on Sunday. Choir practlco Thursday at 7:30 p. tn. Prayer meeting Wednes day at 7:30 p. in. Junior League at 3 p. ni. Sunday. ItltptiMt. Sunday services Hlhlo school at 9:45, preaching at 11, subject "Tho Crown of Creation;" brotherhood at 3; youg pcoplo'a meeting at 7, and preaching at 8, subject "Tho Right Cholco at tho Parting: of tho Ways." Wednesday evening, prayer meeting at 8, the regular business meeting Immediately after. Thursday even ing, the Sunday school choir meets at 7 and tho regular church choir at 7:30. Church of the llrcthrcu. Services Sunday, .fay 4, at 3 p. m.. at tho Baptist Church. All aro welcome. Ira II. Fox, minister. S SUCCEEDING W MRS. a. W. SHRINER HAS PAYING. FLOCK In i:inht Mouths Her Illnck Ijuik- fchiuiH nnd Hhodo Islam! lleds Have Paid Over $1(1(1 Offer of K(K 1'or Two Softool Children. Catholic. Services next Sunday at tho regu lar hour, 10:30 a. m conducted by the pastor, Hot. Father Luke Shce- han. Presbyterian. Special services at the Star Thoa tre Sunday, May 4, at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p.m. Subject, morning. "Truth and Freedom;" suDjcct, evening, "The Value ot Introspection." C. H. Hunter will play a trombone soo at the morning service. The choir and orchestra will meet Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the home ot A. C. Lucas. XOTICK. To holders ot school warrants: Crook County school district No. 12 hereby calls for redemption all outstanding warrants. Interest ceases from this date. H. E. ALLEN, Cicrk, April 30, 1913. Hend, Oregon. Although the residents of lloml lu general seem to havo little apprecia tion ot tho protlts to bo derived from poultry keeping, as recent Investiga tions of Tho Uullntin havo shown, tlioro aro n few who havo takon ad vantage or local conditions nnd mado extromoly good records, as wot! as profit. Ono ot them Is Mm. a. W. Shrlnor, wlfo of tho deputy game warden, A year ago Mrs. Shrlnor, who had had Utile experience In keeping lions, decided to try n small tlock for tho Interost there might bo lu tho export mont as woll as tho financial gains. Uollovlng In making n beginning In tho right way, Mrs. Shrlnor paid high prices for thu beat thoroughbred Ulack iLangshan ana Ithodo Island Hod eggs sho could got, In souio In stances paying as high as 50 conts an egg, and from these hatched about ?o of each breed, halt pullots and cockerels. In flvo months and a half the pullots had begun to lay and they kept on laying right through the win ter. Since December Mrs. Shrlnor has had from seven to ntno doicn eggs a week and for noarly two months of that tlmo has hsd a mar ket for all sho could furnish at 60 cents a doxen. With tho beginning of tho hatch Ing season, Mrs. Shrlnor advortisod sottlngs of eggs for sale In the clas sified column of The Bulletin. Somo 20 settings were sold In llcnd and a number ot sales wore mado to peo ple In nearby towns. Using the par cels post, sho sent eggs to La Pluo, Powell Iiutto and otner towns. Two settings went In this manner to a friend In California. Mrs. Bhrlncr estlmitcs that since her pullots began laying last fall sho has sold $120 worth of tholr prod ucts and In addition sho lias used In her own homo at least $40 worth of eggs ami mtmt. In ordor to nrouso mora Interest In, tho poultry contest, Mrs. Bhrlncr of fers two settings for children who Havo not been nblo to enter because ut Inability to procuro onus. Rho will give n sotting of Illnck LnugHhun oggs to a boy and ono ot Hhodo Is land Hods (o n girl. One reason for Mrs. Bhrlnor's suc cess, sho tools, Is that every morn ing sho gives tho birds warm water and warm food. Asldu from this, bIiq has no regular feeding schodulo. SUNDAY SCHOOLS THRIVE Attendance nt the Three AvcragCM More Ttiiui SJOO. Tho Sunday schools of lloml aro having a remarkably largo attend ance this spring, thiiro now bolng moro children and grown-ups going than over before. Tho llaptlut, Moth odlst and Presbyterian churches each has a school which incuts every Sun day morning. Tho llaptlut, which Is tho oldest and which was formerly a union or sanitation, Is tho largest. On Hun day, April 20, tho attondanco broke all previous records, thu 100 mark being reached. A year ago thu at tondanco was 09, nnd recently tho pupils who wero In tho school at that time wore found to bo only 16, show ing a big gain In now members. Tho iiaptlsts have n cradle roll and homo department, bringing thu uurollmout to 178. During tho past month the average attendance, at thu Mothodlst School has been about 57. Tho total enroll ment Is 72, giving a high perceutnge oi attendance. Tho Presbyterian school Is also In a thriving condition despite the fnct that It hna had obstacles to overcomo In the way of meeting placo, the new church not yet being complotcd. On last Sunday the attendance was 52, this being about tho average figure. Hilliard, Gibb & Juliussen CEMENT CONTRACTORS smKuuim, WALL. nuifiPiNO and foundation construction. Utt jm nut In n w: mont Milownlk for yjui now. Kvuryonn oM to "Ifi "POrN' IT." ROOM 25, WRIGHT HOTEL fr Stop Paying Rent V ,1 OWN YOUR OWN HOME "IN KENWOOD JUST ACROSS THE RIVER KITNVUYTi k on'y 10 min wak rom ' V t VA the business center of Bend ljMM'T is the best view property " VVly on tne market and is bound to be the most valuable residence property in Bend W trWXJtafVr has sidewalks, water and iyn.ni w uun electric light8 K"l?MJ prices and terms are the IIM1 TV JJU best ofrered in Bend Buy a lot in Kenwood; we will make the terms to suit you. The money you are paying for rent now will in a very short time make you the owner of a HOME OF YOUR OWN. i IU MXIOIXO CONTIIACT. W. E. 8cott legan a logging con tract Saturday for The llcnd Com pany, using a big trsct'on onglno, Ho will haul from tho woods to the company's mill 5,000,000 feet of timber, which Is being cut about thrco miles west of tho mill, noar tho brickyard. Mr. Scott has four big trucks to be used with the engine. Two will be loaded wbllo tho others aro convoying logs to tho mill. Mr. Scott has employed about a doxen men. H. G. F ARRIS Auto Trucks Operating Regularly Between BEND AND BURNS PROMPT SERVICE List your farm and city property with me. I will make an honest effort to sell It. C. V. HILVIB Adv. For quick sale list your property with lionimeekrn I.anil Co. We can sell It If the price Is right. Adv. fltf ii'ewcomers should got the habit of going to Inncs & Davidson's har bor shop. Adv. .( J. Pi) M '4 Ojegorfand & Immigration Go J. Ryan, Agehjt m . -.- t- - HUM.MO.NH. In the Circuit Court of the 8tato or Oregon for Crook County. Tho First National Hank of Ilond, a Corporation, plaintiff, vs. J. H. Iloan, J. F. Doan and A. C. Lucas, defendants. To J. F. Uoan. abovo named defen dant: In the name of tho Stato of Ore gon: You aro boroby required to ap pear and answer tho complaint of tho plaintiff Died against you In tho above untitled action within ton days from the dute of tho service of tho samo upon you If served within this county or if served within any other county In this state then within twenty days from thu date or tho sor vlco of tho tamo upon you or If sorv- cd UIKin Vol! Iv tititillftntlnii thnrnif 'then on or before tho 8th day of May, 1913, and you aro hereby notified that If you fall so to appear and an swer for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief prayed for In the complaint on fllo herein, to-wlt: For a docrco that tho convcyanco NW!4 of tho 8W4 of Stc. 27, Tp. 17 8., It. 12 B W. M., to J. F. Ilcan be declared fraudulent nnd void as against this plaintiff and that thu said J. II. Ilcan bo declared to hold tho said proporty tn trust for said defendant J. II. Uoan and his credi tors. That tho conveyance of NWK of NEK and NH or NW and Lot 1 of Sec. 7 and BW of 8BV4 of Sec. 0, all in Tp. 13 8., H. 11 K., W. M., to A. C. Lucas be decreed fraudulent and void as against this plaintiff and that tho said defendant A. O. Lucas bo decreed to hold this proporty In trust for the defendant J. II. Uoan and his credi tors. And that tho said J. F. Doan and A. C. Lucas account under the di rection of this court fur all of tho property aforesaid so convoyed to them and that said property bo sold nnd tho procoods of said salo bo ap pllod to tho satisfaction of plaintiff's Judgment and that tho plaintiff havo Judgment against said dofondants for tho costs and disbursements ot this suit and for such other and furtbor rollof as to tho court may scorn Just and equitable This summons is sorvod upon you by publication thoroof In Tho Dond Uulletln, n weekly newspaper or gon oral circulation published at Ilond, Crook county, Oregon, for six succes sive weeks by ordor ot the Hon. O. upringor. judgo or tho county court In and tor Crook county, Oregon, Said order being made and entered the 20th day of, March, 1913, In the above oauso and this summons Is published and dated for the first Jones and Renshaw PAINTS 15 cents to $1.75 per gallon. Wall paper 10 cents nnd up per bolt. Felt $1.75 to $2.00 per roll. Glass, varnish, stain, oil nnd everything in the paint nnd pnper line. We will paint or paper your house cheap nnd guarantee the work. JONES AND RENSHAW When Your Home is Burning Up your nolRhbors will nil stnnd nround until it ia n llttlu pile of ashes, then walk olT, nnd thorn will ho nothing left standing- hut tho chimneys nnd mc. I ro right after your money. My Companies all pay Iomch cash, no waitliiK or parleying. I keep up with your policy; thnt'n my business nnd my only business, Thai's Why I am Your Friend Allcr (be Fire. M. S. LATTIN Sb CO. GENERAL INSURANCE I Deschutes Addition I to bend l is one of the choice residence parts of the town. If you are J looking for AN ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT, you should see the owners of this proper- X ty who are old-time residents here. Lots that are close In to the business part of town from $250 to $400 We also deal In Farm and Timber Lands i) t.tti.i'i ,, '4- st . l', ( HUNTER & STAATS Office 1st Sather Urlck Culldlsg (Hj A 444 time this 26th 4sy ot March,, 181.3. 'fct '.. . -.... . ,, j. ,, . , ., VKKNUN A. FOllUKB, t- Attorney for Plaintiff.