s -f.- !i i TAOR 12. THK IIKNO nULLKTIN, 1KNI, WKDNKHDAY, AIMMI. 0. 1911). PHONE LINE TO BE HEADY S N FOREST SERVICE HAS SIX MEN AT WORK Crone Pralrlo Wire N ltclnjr StrtitiK to Trees Public Will Ito Allow oil to Uko It Without Chnrjjo Spur to Top of Round Mountain Forest Supervisor Morrltt reports that, work on tho forest servlco tolo- iPhono lino to Crone Pralrlo Is pro- KfesInK rapidly. All of tho material Is now on the ground and n crew of six men is at work. The crew Is In chargo of Hanger Rlls and Is com posed of Mansers Curl and Hrlnkloy, Forest Assistant Sproat and threo temporal? men. Tho tine Is about IS miles In length, extending from Crane Pralrlo to the Ills River ranger station, which Is already connected to tho Pioneer Telephone & Tele graph Co.'a line at a point about 3 miles south of Harper. Already sev eral miles of right of way havo been cleared, tho trees trimmed and part of tho wire strung. The line is suspended from trees for nearly Its entire length, and Js being so constructed that the wire will not break even though largo trees should fall across it during n storm, thus making it dependable at all times of tho year. It is an ex tremely Important line since it con trols so large a territory in which there Is more than normal flro dan ger on account of the many campers and others who frequent this excel lent camping region each summer. A spur will extend up Round Moun Ing fires aud by moans of well plan ned lookout points counectod with pntrol stations by telephone. Tho Crano Prntrlo Hue is but ono of many that tho forest service, expects to build for this purpose. Another such lino was constructed last year to tho Bummlt of Hlnck Dutto In tho Mo tollus river country. Ouiveiiloiit For tho Public. Not only will this lino bo of vnluo for flro projection but for other mat ters of forest administration as well, and what Is of vastly greater personal Interest to tho public, as n public con venience. Tho forest service plans en so placing their phono Instrument that It will bo accessible to any ono desiring to tto It. Thus campers or others at the pralrlo niny keep In communication with tho outside world. No chargo will bo mado by tho forest servlco for such ubo of their phono and line, although,, of course, tho regular oxchango chargo will bo mado by tho Pioneer Com pany for tho ubo of Its portion of the servlco to llend and other points. and pay his flno. Mr. Sherman Is Justice of tho ponce at FIfo nn well aH United StateB com missioner. In view of tho ovldenco against him, (tovornor West, nctliw through v Doputy District Attorney Wirtx has demanded his resignation of tho Btnto onlco, RAISING FUNDS FOR HALL Plalnvlcw Literary Society Presents Play at taldUuv. Several llend people attended the play and dance given at Laldlaw Sat urday night by tho Plnlnvlcw l.ltorary Society. The amateurs wcro greet ed by a large houso, thoro not being even enough standing room. A neat sum wob clonrcdby tho performers, which will bo devoted to building social hall at Plalnvlow. Charles It. Powclson has donated land for a site and Robort Davis wilt cut tho logs free of chargo nt his sawmill, the literary club raising monoy by Its histrionic work for buying other equipment. Already a good start has licon mado. Among those who took part In tho play Saturday night, which was en titled "More Illunders Than One," wero C. R. Powclson, Robert Davis, Miss Davis and Miss Violet McKIn- ney. After tho play Miss Myrtlo Scoggln gavo two recitations, Ralph tain to the south of Crano Pralrlo ' launbeck sang a solo and Mrs. Flor wagon road for tho use of lookout. cnc Powclson and Miss Mlidron Scsa - men. From the summit of tnis pcaK nearly all the southern end of the - Deschutes National Forest is visible, and one man there can do more effic ient work in locating and reporting fires than could several elsewhere. It is the experience of those who have fought forest flro in this region that It the flro Is reached tho same day in which it starts, it seldom does any material damage, nor Is it ex pensive to extinguish. The aim of the forest service and of cooperative tlmbermen this year will be to reach and extinguish all fires the same day o'n 'which they start. This can only Ito accomplished effectively by the hearty cooperation of tho public in preventing, reporting or extlngulsh- of llend rendered a duct. SAYS RAILROAD SERVICE FINE A. K. Murphy, of Harney County Re llghtetl with Quick Shipments. A. H. Murphy, who operates a H 00 aero ranch In Harney county near Iron Mountain, nud who wns hero yesterday, had a lot of nice things to say about llend and tho treatment tho Oregon Trunk Railway has given his shipments. "it took Just threo days to get my stuff from Portland to llend," said Mr Murphy "Thoro certainly Is noth ing tho tnnttor with tho railroad ser vlco you follows get, and It's also true that wo folks over In Harney are fortunate In- having such a good railroad point." Mr. Murphy is an old friend of J. P. Rogers, suporintendont of tho O. T., they having been tllllcums In Montana and Alaska. On his ranch Mr. Murphy has a complete Irriga tion project, and ho Is making many Itnprovements and developments. ODD FKM.OWS AXNIVICRNAUY. Tho ninety-fourth anniversary of tho founding of Odd Fellowship In America, at Haltlmore, was com memorated by tho llend lodge Mon day evening with appropriate exer cises. Tho Rcbekahs were present, and following tho program refresh ments of enko and ico cream wcro served. After this there was danc ing for an hour or so. IUO KAI.K ON HATS. For tho next week I will soil all milliner goods at cost. Ladles, now is the time to buy a hat. Come early beforo tho stock is nil plckod over. MR& OMA SMITH. On corner next door to old postomce quarters. ' Adv 8 0( NKA IP ll JN AY 4? S rjuraMpijfRirtoiiiK V m( I 1&V$ "IIT tu s wstisrewgn j rSi $vi4rlVf5 V which MRf I 'f5.7 r !i Wl: rtfKs. "-n urMMij. Miui. I , .OJ"srv i u. r. jMftNumct I vuorA r? r i w c J?VE THIS MflPaSffUPy ITINVESTICflTE. MOPULPMUll tVitnrK fowtn ITwatsTsTwi H1MSn RU0S.T3 The Uiul l rlh. lti tlcnle iti foimi Hon iiotock.U ttvtl, hat k"1 trlnKf, mut rcUrtit iltliiklitR wlr iirvftilmxrlltdi Mfrct TlielttUtnl lnl Willi txrwtuM Ur lijlit nn t urthnl nt t jA.eo xrat on tiy Irrmt Th unouixllnc pln iurtini iiiouiilalni rr full ut iiklumt mumiUi unit Jut lh 4ttv for vmallun La Itn l only about (wu jrn iiM, tul uruMliix tilly II haa a tlihon ijtUiu. Iwu kuwI holcla, mu til( (rncra rorrchamtlw at, tr. a Aril cUtollrrry ami lrl ataMr, aiillrnl nwipr llhr I. a Una Inlrr Mountain), our of Mi inuat i0(ttaflrv nnnrnrrviaiTiuiM in inriar aiui inia emu. or in way, na ua uwn Muttfiy an,i in mii rar recifu invrrun in aiivaKiivr cimu rii.i4U' Thn at Inft amall aaw nulla In Ihr vicinity 11IU rinr. whlh l Jut III lK(lnnluKr the ll( lunitwtlnf ami mllllnf lnilna mat V CUa..U C f l):M aiil.la.iitrinlincwunlry iuh ouvimu occ i.a rnic u hi it roMl otwnluwa In nianur,rtii,liiir ami Mhir tmkintfta liitr hff In nlurallunal lualltia Iji liac u tirovftaal, II has a ttn-ctKlnol park Inlht htt of 'liilil(iir arrtlon.antl now ttk(huluinlwtlth Rtailr A Caiholkchurih will Iwlll hi Ihliaptlnf and other clmn.hu at plaunlnc loitatllb thiiitl,c Iji line haa orcr imuo available ilrUrlC hula xiwrr winch Ihr nwncia nT rummrncru muiniop, ami wnicn aion woum uuiii! a aeon aiimcily Tn ui( (ta 01 lann laim iruxnary tu i.a nn -wouki Ion tmltilanit maintain Kwal alrrl tlly. That lratao( inula rlllbmaiy In M fin wunM alon bulM .! lrl ttly. With Hi hiK rallinad ayatrnta to M I'lm which will b aooii, ilcttloruiicnl In ami aiuumt l.a I'm will l rapid. Ur .Nor.. N ! . O V- U ftN ami V kti. Vou nn mikt nu t. burli tallroada. uihcraarilolnii It. why not UV WAKIt VV lolhr ( thai a aolnl, wtlMoralof town In o of Ih kikiiI ami UM Mitluna romlu ollht two! can b rrachnl na Or Nor., La I'm nc of ihr Jury Has Its Hands Full (Continual from rage One) SHRINER ARRESTS JUSTICE Cliarlcs A. Slieniinn of Fife Cliargctl With Violation of Game Imw. Acting under Instructions from District Deputy Gamo Warden Clyde McKay, Deputy Warden Shrlnor last Thursday arrested Charles A. Sher man of Fife on a chargo of violating the game laws by having in his pos- Mrs. L. II. Kerwood, charged with session part of a deer. Although tho unlawfully soiling and disposing of trial has not yet been held. It Is un- mortgaged chattels or personal derstood that tho defendant has ad- property. Sho is held to appear be- rattled tho truth of tho chargo against fore tho f.rand Jury under it $500 him and when tried will plead guilty bond, the order having been made Garrett, who was on parolo at tho time, suffered his parolo to bo re voked and has lieen released after serving his full sontenco to faco an other trial next month. She Trlc-tl High Finance. Another caso of Interest is that of of the Northwrat 11 laiund toarow ranldlv ami that molarity tatura will rtimb amiidlHalv only a few itollata r rauulh on each lut Vou don't wlaa Ih money, but you aoon acijuli taluabU iruarty mlUrualo lrlrra bow from turn un. Tli Itfma atrtaiv- .- - w- .- -. - , - - r ' wrn twiay lor iai, juKta LA PINE TOWNSITE COMPANY, U Pin, Oregon. HcllaU agenta, wllh oo) bank rtfefneca. waatrtl In all arlaof Ih Uullrd Slalra. by tho Prlnovlllo Justice. A. II. Kennedy. Among the minor offenses Is tho ono charged against Frank Coffman of Madras for obtaining monoy under false pretonso; X. K. Nlssen of Mad ras, charged with vlotatlcn of thn quarantine laws establlihrd against small-pox by tho health Ixiard this winter. Doth tho foregoing defend ants havo been In Jail, not being ablo to give londs, for several months. Former Deputy Sheriff Nick Ilahn Is also accused before the grand Jury of malicious destruction of personal property, having destroyed n largo looking glnsa in the tho hotel at Mu tollus, It Is alleged. Ho Is under a $100 bend. Alt these cases were certified to the circuit court by Justice J. 11. Jackson of Madras. Untidy Wllh Pitchfork. From Redmond thoro Is tho caso of State of Oregon vs. lleaaluy, charged with assault with a danger ous weapon, ha having struck C. II. Fry with a pitchfork during an alter catlcn. breaking tho arm o( Mr, Fry. F. I J. Ilroslus, a satoonmaii of Prlnovlllo Is held under bonds by tho local Justice for selling lluor to a minor. Albort Illrdsong. M. A. Robinson has been hold to the grand Jury by Justice Walker of Redmond on a ohargo of obtaining money by false pretenso In panting checks without having funds to meet them. Robinson Is In Jail In default of ball. . PitlU (Inn In Hchool. William Pause!!, a youth from Camp Creek country, Is hold to th( grand Jury for flourishing n gun In tho face of Kdgar Powell, a schooj teacher, after the lattor had ex i el I oil tho youngster from school. For tho moil part llend bus been free from any serious crlinu thin winter. Weaver and Messlnger wero taken at llend and hound ovor to thn grand Jury on tho first charge foundf against them, that of larceny from nf ' houiftstoador cabin, by Justlrn Orcutt. Thero have been minor illf- Acuities at llend but no work for thn grand Jury as for as Is known nt this Utc. 1 -- ----- - a ---- - --- ---. lPl I AA.4 - SWIBM Hi : t - r HOUSES WANTED 1 We have so many inquiries from people wanting bo rent, small houses, which we cannot furnish them, that in-order to encourage building to meet this growing demand we have selected a limited number of our inside residence lots which we will sell at the following prices and on very easy terms of payment: tt t A , , , . A , , , , 1 , . , , ri 20 Lots in Park Addition at $150.00 Each lLi 20 Lots in Center Addition at $200.00 Each f"" ? u t i! u These are all nice large lots 50 foot frontage and most of them 140 feet deep. Large enough for a home and a good garden. They are all available to city water and electric light and close to sidewalks. Come and see us about these lots if you want a bargain. The Bend Company D. E. HUNTER, Real Estate Manager n ' , c l ;J f . lift t " -- . " ,. ., .. i, , , ii .. .1, m