r-7 ...ww? - "l!M4WIIH'WWWWm N, M PAGR 10. THK nKNt) HULLF.YIN, URNI), WEDNESDAY. APRIL JVO, 10in. .? -:? BILL ROOGERS WAS A TRAPPER BEAVER CAPTAIN TELLS OF WINTER Portland Rasctmll Chief, "Who Camped on Upper Deschutes, Now Featured ns Mighty llond Uullder for the La Tlno Folks. t Thrt fntlnwltlir In nvtrnftml fmm an OrcgonlaiTartfclo recounting tho exploits Inst winter of 11111 Hodgcrs, captain of tho Portland Denver baae ballltos: For tho past two winters Rodgera has been dolvlng into the wilds of Oregon In search of oxcltoment, game and pelts. Last year tho trip wiiis much moro arduous, so 1)111 sent Mrs. Rodgcrs East and hooked up KQTIQK TO CREDITORS. In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon for tno county oi urooic. In tho matter of tho astnto of Ocorgg 11. Pulllam, deceased. Kotlco Is horeby glvon by tho un dersigned, tho duly Appointed, quail fled and acting administratrix of tho eatuto" of Oeorgo 11. Pulllam, deceased to tho creditors and nil porsotiB hav ing claim against tho said deceased or said estate, to present them, verified as required by law, within six months after tho tlato ot tho first publication of this notlco to the said itdmlnltitrn trlx at tho oftlco of her attorney, Ver non A. Forbes, In the First National Hank Dutldlng ot Rend, Oregon, tho sumo being tho place for tho trans action of tho business ot said cstato In said county and state. LOUZKTTA PULLIAM Administratrix of tho cstato ot Oeorgo 11. Pulllam, deceased. 5-9 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In tho County Court ot tho Btnto ot Oregon for tho Count)' of Crook. In tho mattor of tho cstato ot Oeorgo V. Knapp, deceased. Notlco is hereby given by tho un dersigned, administrator ot tho es tate ot Oeorgo V. Knapp, deceased, that ho has made and tiled with tho clerk ot tho County Court of Crook county, Oregon, his final account ot your furthot right to bo hoard, thoro- In, clthor before this office or on np poal,, It you fail to fllo In this ofllco within twenty days after tho FOUUTIt publication ot this notlco, ns shown bolow, your answor, undor oath, specifically mooting and re sponding to thoBo allegations tit con tost, or it you fall within that tlmo to fllo in this ofllco duo proof that you have Borvod a copy of your answor on tno said contestant In person or by registered mail. If this scrvlco is mado by tho dollvory of a copy of your answer on tho said contestant In portion, proof ot such sor ylco must bo either tho said contest ant's written acknowledgment of his receipt ot tho copy, showing tho dato of Its receipt, or tho affidavit of tho person by whom tho dollvory was mado stating when and whoro tho copy was delivered; if mado by regis tered mall, proof ot such service must consist ot tho nllldavlt of tho person by whom tho copy wns mailed sta'lng when and tho postofflco to which It wns mailed and this nflldavlt must bo accompanied by tho poatinstqr receipt for tho letter. You should state In your nnawor tho nnmo Ot tho postotllca to which you dcalro further notices to bo sent to you, 0. V. MOORE, Register. Dato of llrst publication April 10, 1013. Dato ot second publication April 33, 1013. Data of third publication April 30, 1013. Dato ot fourth publication May 7, 1013. HUM.MONB. In tho Circuit Court ot tho Btnto of Oregon for Crook County. Unttifd Warehouse Company, n cor poration, plalutlrt, vs. W. F. and Maxo I.ockwood, defendant. To W. F. Lock wood and Mn.o I.ock- wood, nbovo named defendants: In tho nnmo of tho Btnto of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint ot tho plnlntlft filed against you In tho nbovo untitled suit within ten days from tho tlnto of service of this sum mons upon you It served within Crok county, Oregon, or It served within any other county of tho stato of Oregon, then within 30 days ot the duto of tho service of thin sum mons, and it served upon you by publication, than ou or before thu FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. I. O. O. I Ilend !odg No. lilrt Regular Mootlngu ovary Monday night Visitors welcome. W. L. Wing, V. N. Hoffman, N. O. Hooy. for a long stay in tho Cascades noar """ ,." "- Ul the Beadwaters of tho Deschutes. ffK.'iK.To Flvo camwi. 76 miles from llend .X5tl da of Mn l9.J3l 10 Mm mi I f mm mmmm ft- I mm. mn mW m a 1 1 m A m A a f with Dill Shanglo, a veteran trapper. . "k .. it , , , fn - i,, . in h ron.i nr tl,a th Honorable Judge of said the clock In tho forenoon at tho County Court Room in Prlnevtllo, Oregon, ns the tlno snd plnco of hearing tho final settling of said estate. Dated this 8th day or April. 1013. O. C. HENKLB, Administrator of tho cstato of Oeorgo W. Knapp, deceased. Vernon A. Forbes, attorney for ad ministrator. 6-10 .Flvo camps. 76 miles from Uend and to tho southwest, wero tho cen ter of tho activity of tho two Dills, SBanglo and Rodger. "At these Ave camps, tho highest ono being on 15 feet of snow at tho top oL tho Cascades, lines of trap's to) tho number ot 150 extended for 20 miles. , -'Whcn wo left tho wickiup, our main camp, and went to our Crane Pralrlo camp, 12 miles up tho moun tains; Graft and" X, who wont Into partnership to 'trap marten, wero snowbound from January 2 to Janu ary 25," naya tho ballplayer-trapper. After the storm had subsided the duo started out for La Pino to get 500 pounds ot provisions. When they arrived t the town, a side trip was undertaken, Rodger and Graft figuring as Toadbullder. VL& Pine people wero anxious to have a road opened from their town to East Lake, whero a hotel Is to bo built at tho hot springs. Thoy pre vailed on Rodgera and Graft to un dertake the job, so for a week the two sklled for 18 miles between the two points seeking for a favorable grado for a road. 'VTho trip was successful and the La Pino people have promised to name the road "Rodgera Road." WKKKIA" MARKET REPORT. NORTH PORTLAND, April 25. Receipts for tho week have been: Cattle 1522. calves 34, hogs 1680, sheep 842, horses 67. A steadier cattle market due to a 'largo proportion of well finished steers. Top load during tho six days sold at 8.15, others at 8 and $8.10. Hulk top is Just steady at $8. liutchcr stock has been comparatively scarco and: all lines Armor. Deof liquidation was liberal and outlet is ,none too broad. Medium and poor stuff is difficult tn sell at nny price. Steers at 8, cows J7. bulls JC and calves $9 are ex'remo levels In tho oattle market. Swine trade sufferod fjirthor losses this week whloh would have bosn more severe had not receipts been small. $8.75 Is con sidered a liberal top with an oc casional sale at $8.85. Tendency Is downward and market circles pessl mlstlc. Another slow week In tho sheep house featured only by an f$8.75 lamb transaction. All mutton classes are strong. Demand Is good isnd prices on firm basis. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Office, Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 7, 1913. To John H. Williams, of Sumner, Wash., Contcstco: You are hcroby notified that D. P. Boon who gives It. D. No. 1, Uend. Oregon, aa tils postofflco address, did on April 3, 1913, (lie in this offlco his duly corroborated application to contest and sccuro the cancellation of your homestead entry No. --, Serial No. 06510. made April 25, 1910, for WH. Section 4, Township 20 S., Range 18, K.. Wlllamotto Me ridian, and as grounds tor his contest he alleges that said John H. Wil liams has nevor been on tho land since filing ou same; that ho has abandoned samo for more than one year last past. You nro, therefore, further noti fied that the said allegations will bo taken by this offlco as having been confessed by you, and your said entry will bo canceled thereunder without WE ARE BUSY. Why? Because our Stock is fresh and our PRICES the LOWEST in town ' Mr. Homesteader, it will pay you to get our prices before buying elsewhere. L. B. MISENER CASH OROCERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TELEPHONE. Bend, Oregon. Candies, Fruits, Nuts FRESH POPCORN AND PEANUTS POST CARDS 1c EACH. Photographs of Deschutes Valley Boyd UullJlng--Oreenwood Avenue CLIFFORD UUROIN If you are In need of fire protection ur nurviy uunu, we can lUKC care or you lii die bent conuuinl. No mis take made In on: office, jlomeseek erg Land Co. Adv. ntf 'NOTICE FOR I'URLICATIOX. Department of the Interior, U. S. . Land Offlco at The Dalles, Oregon, April 19th,-1913. Notice Is horeby given that James .A. E antes of Rend, Oregon, who, on May 2nd, 1910, made homestead en try, No. 06666, for NHSWVi. SW SWU, Sec. 20, Jand NWHNWJi,' Section 29, Township 17 South, jinnge 12 East. Willamette Meridian, Iiob filed notice of Intention to make fiail flute er proof, to establish claim to thu land above described, be fore,!!, C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at his office, at Pend, Oregon, on the,! i in any or June, i9iii. Claimant names as witnesses: John S'tcldl, Frank O. Minor, Thomas Tweet, Urllng C. Coe, all of Dend, Oregon. 7-11 C. W. MOORE, Register. NOTICK FOK rUIILICATIO.V. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 14th, 1913. Notlco Is heroby given that Arthur D. Morrill, son and only heir at law pf llolman W. Morrill (deceased) of Powell Rutte, Oregon, who, on April 9th, 1S08, made homestead entry No. 15950, Serial No. 0437C, for lot 4, (8WKSWU) Sec. 30. and NW NE4. NHNWU, Section 31, Town ship 17 South, Range 12 East, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of luteutlon to make final five year jiroof, to establish claim to tho land jtbove described, beforo H. C, Ellis, U. 8, Commissioner, at his office at Ilend, Oregon, on tho 24th day, of May. 1913. IS Claimant names as witnesses: William A. Dates, Elmer Nlswonger, Michael J. Kelly. William P. Down ing, all of Dend, Oregon. 7-11 O. W. MOORE, Register. Free Government Lands IN CENTRAL OREGON 0 We have been locating Government Lands In Central Oregon for four years. We know all the country and all the land -;, open to entry. We have located 90 per cent of the settlers In Central Oregon. We own our own cars and can show you all the country for less money than anybody in the business. We guarantee all locations made by our engineers. If you want to see the best lands In Central Oregon, It will pay you to call and see us. Our fee for locating is right and for reference we suggest any bank or business house in Bend. Call at our office, corner of Oregon and Wall St.. and see samples of grains and vegetables grown in the homestead country. Any infor mation we can give you will be gladly given. Oregon Land & Immigration Co. ' Oregon anil Wall Sis, O. C. MGNKLli and E. R. POST, LOCATORS. M. W. OK A. Pilot llutta Camp No. 0704 Meota every Tuesday In Bather Hall. Visiting Neighbors always welcome. W. W. Oroutt, Consul, Martin It, Knutson, Ulork. loihii: n o. luii K. of 1. Meets every Wednes day evening at 8 p. m. In Castle Hall, 10. A. Hnther lltdg. Visiting Knights welcome. Juu In ties, C-O, L. M. Mclteynolds,, K. of R, & 8. IlKHCIIUTIS REND LOIXli: NO. 12IU A. 1 A A. M. Meets ou Thursday on or bo foro tho tuli moon uf each month. Visiting brothers always welcome J. D. Davidson, A. M. Irn, W, M. Secretary K$& 8th day of May, 101H, nud you nn, eaah of you are hereby notified that if you fall so to appear and answer. , for want thereof thu plaintiff wilt up. ply to tho court for iho relief prayed for In thn complaint mi fllo herein, to-wlt! For Judriintmt against you and each of you for tho num. of 7r..(!H, together with tho contn mid illHbursomentH of this notion. This summons lit published In Tho llond llulletln, n weekly nowspnpur of general circulation, published at llond, Crook county, Oregon, for six huccdkhIvo weeks, by order of tho Honorable (1. Hprliitfor, Judge of tlio County Court. Htnlo of Orog nld order being miido and entered on thu SlOth day of March, 101II, in (ho nbovo entitled caso. Dated A n d published first tllun this 20(h day of March. 1019. VERNON A. KOHIIK8, . .1-0 Attorney fur plaintiff. ritATEUNAIi IlltOTIIHIUIOOD. Regular meetings hold by llond Lodgo No. 897 In Bather's Hall on tho first and third Thursday evening each month. Visiting members ot order always welcome. J. II. MINER. Pros. FRED HUEY, Soc RElir.KAllH. Rend Lodgo No. 208 meets ovory socond and fourth Friday evening, other's Hall. Visiting brothors and sisters welcomed. Mrs. Lucy French, N. O. .Miss au V. Force, Rec. Secy, ROYAL NKlOHROItS Regular meeting on first snd third Friday evenings at Balhor'n Hall. Mrs. Margaret Rates, Oracle. Mrs. Alfarcttn Orcutt, Recorder. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR. Rend lodge meets In regular ses sion on the Second and Fourth Mon day Evening each month, In Masonic Hall. Fnunlo Farrls, W. M., Arrlo Rlaek, Secy. DIRECTORY OF OIT1CIAI.H. United Htitle. Rresldont Wood row Wilson Vice President. .Thomas R. Marshall Secretary of State W. J. Ilryan Secretary of Navy , . Josophus Daniels Secretary of War . . . . L. M. Oarrliun Sccrotnry of Interior . . . . F. K. Lane Scorolary Agriculture D, F. Houston Secretary of Treasury AS'. F. MeAdoo Beorctary Commerce . .W. U. Rudflnld Secretary of Labor . . . ,W. II. Wilson Attorney Oeneral ..Jas. MoRoynolds Postmaster Oeneral .Albert Rurleson Nfntc. Oovornor Oswald West f Secretary of Stato ....II. W. Olcott Tronsurcr Thos, R. Ku Atty Conors! A. M. Cruwford Superintendent Public Instruction . . U R. Alderman State Printer W. S. Dunlwuy Commissioner Labor Statistics .... O. P. Iloff Game Wardon W. L. Flnloy Stuto Engineer John II. Lonlb United Stales Senators (1 cor ce E. Chamberlain . Harry W. Lnmi Congressmen A. W. Lafforty N. S. Slnnott Seventh Judicial District. Judge W. L. Ilradshaw Attorney W, R. Hull Crook County. Judgo O. Springer Clerk ............ Warren Drown Shorlft Frank El'kltis Treasurer ..Ralph Jordan Assessor ............ II. A. Fostor School Supt .J. E. Myers Coroner P. II. Polndoxtor Survoyor Fred A. Rico Commissioners ...... II. H. Rayloy Willis w. Drown Iho Courts. Circuit Meets first Monday In May and third Monday in Octobor. Probato Moots first Monday In each month, Commissioners' Moots first Wed nesday In January, March, May, July, Boptombor nnd Novombor. Ilend School DUtrlct No. 12. Directors H, J, Ovorturf, Climn F. M. Ray Clydo M. McKay Clerk II. E. Allen City of Hentl. Mayor Q. P. Putnam Recorder II. O. Ellis Treasurer ......... .11, J. Ovcrturf Chief of Pollco 8. E. Roborts City Englneor , ...Ocorge 8. Young Councllmon II. E, Allen A. L. French ,.,,......,., ,A. 8, Collins I..,,...,,,,,,, 11, D, Ford John Stotdl ............. ,E. A. Bather Justices of the Pence Rend Precinct . . . . , .Ward II. Coble Deschutes Proclnct ,..W. W. Orcutt SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court ot tho Hiito of Oregon fur tho Cuunty ot Crook. Ralph II, llrownlow, plaintiff, vs. (vn M. llrownlow, diifuudant. To Ivn M. llrownlow, nbovo uamod defendant: In thu name of tho Stnto of Oregon you nro hereby required to appear ami answer complaint of tho plaintiff filed ugaliint you In the nbovo in-, 4 titled action mid Con it within ten days from tho service ot this' sum mons upon you, If served within Crook County, Statu of Oregon, or If served within any other County within this State, then within twenty days from tho dato of thu service of this siiiuuioiih upon you, or If not served within thu State of Oregon, then on or before Thursday, tho Mb day of May, 1913; nud you nro further notified that If you fall to appear and nuswor for want thereof thu plalutlrt will take Judgment ugnlnst you m prayed tor In the com plaint on fllo herein, to-wlt: That tho bonds of matrimony now oxUtltu hotwucn you and plaintiff bo forever dissolved and held for naught This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In The Ilend llulletln, a newspaper of general cir culation published at Ilend, Crook county, Oregon, for six successive weeks commencing with the Issuo of March 19th, 1913, and ending with the Issuo of May 7th, 1913, by order of the Honorable O. Springer, Coun ty Judgo of Crook County, State of Oregon, made and entered an thu 13th day of March, 1913. I Dated and published tho first Hum March 19, 1913. VERNON A. FORRES. 2-8 Attorney for Plaintiff. I ltooflng of nit kinds. Kopalrinsf promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Gutterlnj,', Spouting, Cornices unit Skyllhta. 1 1 f J. J. RYAN Sanitary Plumbing STUAM ANI) HOrWAlUKIIIiATINd. JOHHINU Promptly Attsndcd to. I'ostoUlce Hox No, 171 Office on Wall Str with diss. Hunter Billiards and Pool Flnoo.n1 Popular Lino of CIGARS Robert Blackwell Wall Strcot, Uend, Orctton ( M'lMMtMllttHI N. P. WEIDER, PAINTER AND PAPE&HANGER. EatlmntcBon Wall Pnpor at- application l'ortlnnd Prices Chcniwat nnd Beat Wall Paper Samples In tho county. Get My Prices. Shop on Orrxou fittttt, 1IOX ? Hur of IKKliutc liouk UltND.OHHCiON Clover Leaf Dairy ' PURE MILK AND CREAM """'Sin nuiwM TBLGPMONB and wo will deliver S. L. STAATS, Prop. ' i rf 4J . ,