The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 30, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 8
, s
lliiitioml Tlml llltf HyMem Pimm
Itouto I'roiu rorllidiil Aero
Mimntiilim mid Through Cm
(ml Ort'oi I! it n t w it r it.
(Tlio Ori'Kon Journal.)
divided only liy two ron 1n.
At vnrloiiH tlmoH It linn linoii rit
tnorcd Hint lliu Chicago, Mllwmikco
& Ht. I'nul Iiiih llgiintd on tlio pur
cIiiiho of tlio Oiokoii Water I'owor
dlvlMon of tlio I'ortlnnd Itnllwny,
Light & I'owor coiiiiuiiiy, Including
tlio linn to Troutdnlo mill KHtncndn
ovor which It won Id ft nil onny nccocM
to tliu rlty mill oxcollunt tormlnal
fnrllltlctf on tliu oiiat hIiIo of tlio Wll-
liiiuotto, Nutitli of tlio ilnwtliurni)
hrldgo. Tlio Kntnemln lluu, too,
would Klvu It entrtiuco Into rontrnl
Orniion If iixtundud, for iri)lliuliiiiry
HiirviO'K nhuw Hi at mi uxli-imlon from
CiiMiiiluro Into Warm HirlliK Indian
rtHorvntlun could do onVctud throiiKli
n wry fnvornlilo (limn nt n roiuiinriu
tlvuly miufll coit. Much n project tins
boon iiroiioiiticod vi-ry foanlhln by a
number of export rallrond liulldor
mid It In Raid this ammo would bo
iiurmiml Mliould tlio property bn so-
qulntd by tliu Chicago, Milwaukee &
ill. I'nul Hytituiii.
Tim parly of rnllroml tin-n utoppod
Our Munlrrrr mid Many Cuttle
TIiI(n Will Occupy Attention of
Circuit Court nt I'rlncvlllfl Xi'Xt
UYok Lltlto From llctiil.
Tlml ITKNldimt A. J. HnrlliiK. of "" '" i niiminiy. i ney tot it no
tbn Chlouito, .Mllwnukno & Ht. Iaul ' utnlreootl tlmt tliry woro Inml
rHllroml, did not hurry onnt from Ho- wkw and that lliidr dcitlnatlon
nttln nftnr tlio complotlon of n tour, wn" nlttloy.
of Innpootluu of tliu company's lino - -
in tiio I'uKot nouuii dutrict, but in- nrim nnuniuv niUUC Ull C
i uliiu uurninrii unnu iinLt
Moml trnvidiMt iiuliitly Into OniKUi
mid tliroiiKb tlio ontlro to lit nil pnrt
of tlio Ktnto In nuto, U tlio ritort
Hint linn Jtiiit roncluid horn, With
lilui wuro n nuuibor of oatorn cnpl-
tnllitM and hondu of law Induitrlnl
propoRlllouii. Ho left Hnttlo nbout
two wi-oks iiko.
Tlio party Hint trnvolcd with 1'renl
dont 1'nrlliiK In WnnhluKton Included
I'i'rcy A. Ilockrfollor, of Now York,
chairman of tho executive commlttno
of tho Chicago, Mllwnukro & Ht.
I'nul; John I). It) an, of Now York,
proildnnt of tlui AmalKainntud Cop
por company; M. Ilobftcn, of llulto,
pri'ulilunt of tho Montana I'owor
company; H. K. Pryor, of Ht. IijuIr,
mco protldcnt of tho Hluimoim Hard
waro company; Hay Maria, of New
York, tf tho Imnklmf firm of While,
Wold ft Co.. liwrcnco Kllclt. of
Milwaukee, and Dr. Jtimc C. (Iroen
way, of Now York City.
Wlmthor all of thrto dlMlniculihad
tiitin and flnanclorn accompniilml
I'ri-nldi'nt HarlltiK on tho tour of cen
tral Ori'Kon la not known, for ito wl
woro tludr niovummiln concealed that
Hioo likely to uproad tho nawa had
tlmy known that tho prominent rail
road bond and builder wa In that
pnrt of tho country, were left In tho
dark. In thin rcuprct tho tour itrlk
ItiKly rwonihlud that niado by John
P Htnvctm, who whlla reconnolterlnK
for Jnine J. Hill, travolod over cen
tral Ori'Kon In tho dUjcuUe of a cow
iMiy under tho name of Hnnnon. Tho
remilt of his InveatlRfltlona nt that
tlmo led to tho iiilmoiiucnt construc
tion by Mr. Htoveus for tho Hill
system of tho OroKon Trunk lino.
That tho ChlcaRo, Milwaukee ft St.
Paul will eventually extend Itn own
line Into Portland Is roarded as
prarllrally settled and while Presi
dent HarllnR'n Inspection of central
Ori'Kon nt this tlmo may have boon
for tho pur mine if beoomliiR person
ally Hniualiitod with conditions and
J, I'. Keyen, Who OpjMm Iloml In-
aim on OroiimlN of I'll nee rnry Kx-
tnmiKBiicc, Milken HlntPincnt.
Tlio election on tho $45,000 bond
Insiio for tho purchaso of property
and erection of n high school build
lute will tako place next Haturday a
week, May 10. From Kcueral Indi
cations thcro seems n fair prospect
for a cloto election, especially as
those most directly Interested In Retting-
tho school located In Wlestorla,
tho site that will bo put up, are cam-
palKtiliiR hard.
Ono fact In connection with tho
matter that, It Is ballove.d has not
been Kuncrnlly known, was developed
yesterday, In nn Interview with J.
I. Knyi'H, manaRer of Tho llend Com
lisny. Mr. Keycs Is frankly opposed
to tho proposed bond Issue. tnklnK
tho Kround that It Is more than tho
town need or can ufTord, and that
tho hlRhor taxes may prove a very se
rious obstaclo to those contemplatlnR
local manuracturltiK Investment.
"Hut what I especially want to
say," added Mr. Keycs, "Is that Tho
llend Company owns sIlRhtly moro
than half of tho proponed alto. I want
this to bo known rlRht now. Up to
tho present It has been Reuerally un
derstood that Mr. Wlcst wna tho solo
owner of tho tract, and I hao under
sood that this has been usod as an
nrRiimnnt In favor of this property
as opposed to tho other tracts offered
by this company."
Hlxtrrs llenild Points Out Tlmt In
steml of HiirpliiN Thero Will Ho
Deficit- letter J'rom County
TreaMiirer Ottln Vlnurim.
Tho term of circuit court tfhloh Whon County JudKO finrlncor was
convenes nt I'rluoviiio next Monduylln llend early this month, ho mado n
promises to bo tho henvlest over i statement ns reported in Tho IluJ
mustorcd before a Crook county lotln of April 2, to the ofTcct that
Rntiid Jury, Thero In no doubt that, the county'o Indebtedness was about
It also will bold a record for oxpohso.l $117,000; that moro than $125,000
llvlow lire I luted tho chief cases, had then como In In taxes and that
Hint w como up, Deputy District as much again was duo. From these
Attorney Wlllnrd II. Wlrtx huvltiR figures It was assumed by tho Judgo
furnished tho Information covering! Hint nil warrants would bo paid at
such actions as can bo mentioned In J par an soon as tho money was paid
advance. It Is understood that some1 over to tho treasurer and that tho
very Interesting developments may
crop up for tho consideration of tho
Krnnd Jury. Tho Ilulletln'a readers
will bo given a complete report of all
tho court proceeding, as O. I'. Put
nam will remain In Prinevlllo while
It Is In session.
(Jaylord McDanlol is charged with
murder In the first degrco for tho
killing of Herman Poch, n small
rancher and hldo dealer who lived
abovo Prinevlllo about two miles on
tho Ochoco river. Tho murderer
was a stop-son of tho murdered. It
occurred December 31, last The
defendant has been In Jail since tho
occurrence. This caso will bo tried
wiwioui tnn. j no murderer usod n
shot gun, nt short ten paces, shooting
victim In breast.
Many Cat Ho Var.
The most Important cases this
torm, however, aro tho horso and
Thero has been registered slnco Janu
ary 1 $10,70(5.67, making n total of
$10,832.0(5 registered wnrrnnts still
outstanding with no funds on hand
to pay for snmo. If the noxt turn
over from the sheriff to. nn largo as
I think It should be. (about $20.000 1
the county will be out of debt once
moro, for n short tlmo at least. Tho
county Is owing moro thnn tho
nmount mentioned aoove, ns thero Is
a large number of warrants Issued
which have not been presented for
"Tho total Assessed valuation of
the county for 1912 Is $9,979,152
agslnst $9,531,013 for 1911, a gain
In valuo of $448,139.
"Tho mlllngo for this amount is
divided ns follows: Utatc and coun
ty, 17.45 mills, general school 3
mills, high school 2 mills, road fund
i mill, library 1-20 mill, total 24.
"I have received from tho shorlff
slnco January 7 general fund $99,
11471, school fund -9:9,423.04, road
fund $5214.52, high school $88CC
70, cruising fund $130.29, library
fund $277.61, special school fund
$41,280.74. Total $174,508.11."
Tho Ilulletln Is not yet In nosses-
slon of enough facts to mako com
ment on this letter. There arc cer
1a?a dlscrcincles In It, however,
which a little figuring will disclose.
These this paper hopes to havo ex
plained next week.
county would then have about $100,
000 on which to run for a year.
Commenting on this statement,
the bisters Herald has the following
to say;
"For anyone not familiar with
county affairs and tho collection and
disbursement of taxes such state
ments only dccclvo them for the tlmo
being. Tho assessed valuation of
Crook county for 1912 was $9,979,
162. Tho county levy was 24 mills
of which 7.76 mills Is for speclsl
funds, leaving 10.2b mills or $1C2,
1C1.22 with which to pay off $117,
000 of Indebtedness and conduct tho
county for a year. A conservctlvo
cstlmato of tho expense of keeping
up the court house for a year is
placed at $66,000. Tho expense of
tho county for tho past few months
has been very heavy and Is not In
cluded In tho $117,000. The Clr
cattlo rustling enses. An effort haaj0Ut court docket for tho May term
All Warrant to lx Itiilremeil Itonnl
HIixIh Now IIIkIi XcIiimiI Tcnrhor
In addition to th teachers for
prospect. In e.ntral Oregon. It I. also;"?,1 ?'?T:l!lTt ."u."'"!l
very probable that ho ls T ",,"";. ?." " ""J
riu, - .1 svn -If. flJIHW " Ul
entertaining plans ror Invasion of
that Immuuso territory now tapped
inly by tho Hill nnd llarrluian sys
tems. MnkliiK Itnplil Dmclopinrtit.
Tho Chicago, Milwaukee ft 8t.
Paul Is making rapid development In
tho Pnclllo northwest nnd by b tlidlug
Into Central Oregon nt this tlmo by
Cottonwood. Iohh, toachur In tho
High School.
Tho bcnaol district has Just re
ceived from the ooanty treasurer
been luado to round up all suspects
and get tho matter finally settled
tht-URh It Is a sort of continual per
formance. Tho defendants now In
Jnll or under bonds awaiting trial nro
OeorRO Kentner, Alonxo Weaver,
George Mceslnger, V. M. Robertson,
and John McPhorson. Of
Kentner Is tho only ono In Jail.
MeHslnRer Is under $6500 ball for
larceny of a dwelling and stealing
cattlo from George Mllllcan. V. M.
and W. L. Hobertson woro tried In
December for wholesale larcony of
I horses, having shipped from llend to
ITcppoiilsh, Wash., throo car loads of
stock during August and September
last fall. Kentner la held In con
nection and the officials x
pect to got other Indlctmonts before
tho grand Jury Is sent home. Kncli
of tho Hobortsons Is under $2,000
ball and John McPhorson la under
$4,000. Ho Is charged with tho
larceny of a maro and colt belonging
to neorgo Mllllcan, nnd wns taken
Thire Who Ifeliied Select Wlctorln
Kite Were Not QiialMel.
That at least three persons who
voted at tho meeting rrhen the Wles
torla site t7wb chosen for the proposed
high school voted cllegally is tho
s'atcrncnt mado this afternoon by
Mrs. E. M. Thompson. Inasmuch as
It is practically certain that these
three voted for the Wlestorla site.
and nn tho first ballot, as vrlll bo re
membered, was a He 50 to 60 for
Wlestorla and Park Addition sites-
Mrs. Thompson and others declare
toot tho election was fraudulent and
maintain that no bond iasuo election
should bo held.
Tho names of tho voters who cast
their ballots Illegally arc M. O. Coo,
Ulancho nice and :. T. Hoech. ac
cording to Mrs. Thompson. She has
been advised by the cheriff that none
of thcuo wns on last year's tax roll.
It is Mis. Thompson's belief that
theso voted under tho impression thtt
they were properly qualified.
if Ife'il Hwlttcil ii Itnllrtiml For Prine
vlllo It Might Have Keen Worth
Mentioning Consider Himself
to 1S "Public Property."
In tho heaviest in tho history of tho
county, Including mnny criminal
cases, which will mean a long and
expensive terra of court. Then thcro
Is much expenstvo road and other
work planned for this year that will
add additional oxniinso. an that It
"jc can vory readily bo Been that It will
require careful and conservative man
agement of tho county's affairs to
prevent coming out ut tho end of
the year with moro Indebtedness than
wo started with."
A. ,.., o-.... . I. . .11,, P-'uu "" " i
once of o,,in n M. rVL; im. Lho tournament In the state league.
portant matter, Tho Ilulletln has
asked Judgo Springer to mako n
statement by which It could be ceen
Just what tho situation is. This It
oxpects to havo in tlmu to publish
noxt wcok.
Tho Ilulletln has been seeking In
formation on tho subject from Coun
ty Treasuror Jordan alto and In re
ply to a recent latter of inquiry ho
nenr tho Nevada lino n month or so
ago by Sheriff Klklna.
Among the cattlo rustling cases Is
jhas written tho following:
$11,092.66 on account of taxes for the Htnto of Oregon vs. Donald Onr-
1911-1912 which Is sufficient to tako
euro, of all outstanding warrants.
Notice Is being giteti to-day that all
wnrrnutH aro called for redemption
wny or Portland, It would get n good-1 nnd lutorest, which Is paid nt six per
ly sharo of n developing business now cent, now censes.
We Are Quite in Earnest
In our rcceitl unnouncoment that ench
bnby born In llend up to Soptcmbor first
will Blurt Its journey down this vale of
tenm with ono dollar of our money in tho
form of n bank account. So far our of
fer hna not mot with a Kratlfyinjr re
Bponso and wo bvuin to fcol that wo mo
not taken seriously.
Wo aro quite in earnest.
rott. Ho was Indicted last fall for
larcony of a Kteer belonging to Voaxlo
nnd llrown In tho northern part of
tho coti'ity. As n rosult of this act
(Continued on page twelve)
Tho following clipping Is from tho
Sisters Herald:
"Thero la a report going over tho
county that Judgo Springer appro
priated for his own uso 200 sacks ot
cement, or thereabouts, belonging' to
the Oregon Trunk Railroad. The ro
poit goes further and states' that tho
railroad stnt In a detective and traced
the loss to the Judge and gave him
48 hours to pay for the same or be
arrested. The editor docs not be
lieve the story, but as the Judge haa
been in print lately saying that ho In
willing at all times to Inform tho tax
payers on all things and to have an
accounting mado of tho expenditures
ot his predecessor, wo wonder If ho
would not be willing to come out and
deny the report or tell the taxpayers
the straight ot 1U"
The Ilulletln requested an expla
nation from Judge Springer, and his
reply Is tho following letter:
"The fallowing letter was mailed
to D. W. Harnett of Madras, In rc
sponso to a letter from Mr. Uarnott
Informing the county Judge that a
rumor was being circulated that the
Judge had paid tho O. T. It. It. some
money to save himself tho trouble ot
answering to a charge of swiping a.
carload, more or less, of cement:
The letter.
Mr. D. W. Darnett, ,
Madras, Oregon.
Friend Darnett: As far ns I am con
cerned, the yarn about the cement is
tho result of Ignorance or malicious
ness. Thero was nomo cement con
demned by tho contractor and left at
or near the Crooked river-bridge. I
learned from S. 8. Crawford that tlm
Km (.. T..n.n...nt win i i. . tman in charge, the conlractorTiio
htnto Tournament Will be Ilrought eve, Mr Ijlmbrccntf nUoWed auy
to a CIoms. jene to take as much as ho could uso;
Next Sunday thn linrt nn,i n.m'and so I sent my teams and got soma
Club will have a trlplo shoot, ending ' ot U ' ,caed recently that thero
is Duma uiisunacnianaing nciween
tho contractor and tho cement com
There wns no shoot last Sunday
owing to the cold wind that was
blowing. There Is a tlo to bo shot
off with La Grande, n postponed con
test with Portland nnd tho regular
event with Troutdale. A largo at
tendance of club momiiers Is desired.
'ino standing of tnc state leajcde,
You are at .liberty to mibllsh this
letter it you wish;
"Yours very truly,
'O. Springer,
'County Judge of Crook Co.'
"To ofjlclal papers, tho county
according to tho official figures soot Judge considers himself public prop
out by tho secretary from Eugene, , nrt' nQd while he mny not always
Is ns follows, tin to nnd Including tsko time to explain n little thine
Janunry 1 thoro was In tho gon-
otal fund $1040.30, cruising fund Wallowa
$11,812.16. Tho reglstored war- Troutdale
rants at tnnt tlmo wcro $111. SSI. 04.
I havo colled In slnco January 1 $70.-
302.05 and received in warrants
from tho sheriff $35,480.90, leav
ing n balance of $0126.09 still re
maining unpaid up to Janunry 1.
the shoot of April 20:
Won Lost
La drnndo
like a carload or two of cement. It
Pet. ho steals a railroad and gets off with
1000 ' It as easily as ho hit so far with the
C46 fl'roblem ot transportation for Prlne-
cement deal, ho promises to solve tho
vllle. Also, it will not prevent him
from investigating timber cruising
deals, or any other matter of Interest
to tho taxpayers of Crook county.
tSignodl "G. SPItlXGER."
This Is not a philanthropic schomo
in the long run wo expect to mako money
by it, I'leano roport all new arrivals to,
us promptly.
Fu in, iiopo ana unnriiy, tne uoou uook tells
I us, aro tho cardinal virtues. For some time
post I havo dono business pretty much on
faith, and while I huve not lost hope, I fear
that my present course may get mo on speak
ing terms with charity.
This, then, is to Bay that on and after Juno first
this store will bo run on A STRICTLY CASH BASIS.
All accounts 90 days past duo that are not paid by
May 10th will bo placed in hands of an attorney for
I have lost none of my lovo for tho American peo
ple; this is purely a business proposition, absolutely
Impersonal, uctuated by a desire to give my patrons
lower prices and to give myself moro money in tho
drawer and less on the books.
"Pay as you go," I bclievo, is tho better way, tho
Bnfor way, especially in these strenuous times when we
treat the dollar lightly and thrift has becomo a for-.
gotten virtue.
Everybody knows that a certain percentage of
chargo accounts eventually go to profit and loss. Who
pays tho mnrgih of loss? Tho honest man, of course.
Most of my trade will rojoico in this change and
bo glad to avail themselves of tho re-pricing from
all along the lino,
Your every need in Hardware, Stoves and Ranges,
Kitchen UtcnsllB, Pure Aluminum Waro, China Ware
and Builders' Supplies can be supplied here, and re
N. P. SMITH Wall Street
The First National Bank
Or. U. O. OOC. PrMnt E. A. SATHtH. Vice Pratldtnt
0. 8. HUDSON. CathUr
CUpltal fullr paid ... S2S.000
Stockholder' llabllltr S36.000
Surplm f , . . , sio OOO
09 f bend of hirrji grade,
f Holstein Dairy Cows
f from Illinois will ar
rive in Bend about May 5th.
They will be sold at auction about
May 8th. Definite sale date will be
advertised in The Bend Bulletin and
by posters, at the different stores in
and near Bend.
Terms will bo part cash, balance
payable Jan. 1st, 1914, or one-half of
cream check.
We do not tie you up to sell your
cream to any particular party, but
where you get the best price.
Write or call for particulars.
11, 1'lmunLL, President P. O. MINOR, Secretary
' ' ' , K. M. LAA, Cashier
B. 1'BRRRLL. p, O. MINOR, rp. M. LARA,