PACJK 4. THK I1KND MJM.KT1N, ItKNI), WKINK8I)AV, AlUllIi U, 101(1. THE BEND BULLETIN OKOnOB PAtMEll PUTNAM Editor nnd Publisher. U. N. HOFFMAN Managing Editor. An Independent nowspnpor atnnd Ins for tho squnro doal, clean busl ness, cloan politics nnd tho best In torestB ot llond nnd Central Ortogon. Ono year $1.00 titx months.. 80 Thrco months...... .".. .50 All subscriptions nro duo nnd PAYABLES IN ADVANCE. Notice nt expiration will bo mailed subscri bers and It renewal Is not mauo wun m reasonable tlmo tho paper will bo discontinued. Pleaso notify ws promptly or any chnngo of address, or of fatluro to ro colvo tho paper regularly. Make all checks and orders pay nblo to Bend Bulletin. The Uulletln has-been designated by the County Court of Crook County to publish oHIclnlly H the proceed lugs of tho court. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1913. SOME SCHOOL! Tho" follo wing letter, tho. county judge tells us, has been sent! to all applicants for the prlnclpalshlp of the Crook County High School. It Is "Intondcd to set forth the Ideals of the school board," writes Sir. Springer. "We are In the market for a high Bchool principal, and this is what we want taught Wo want our pupils to develop Ideal physical manhood and womanhood, healthy In bbdy nnd rnlnd; know how to take the best enre of the body, how to keep a ward robe so as to be well and properly apparelled at the least expense; to know how to use tho typewriter, to write commercial letters, and to bo nblo to cast up accounts quickly and accurately; to bo fairly skillful In tho use of tools, especially In those of tho carpenter, cabinet-maker and black smith: to know how to plant and caro for a garden and to feed aud caro for pigs and poultry profitably, and bo able to express their views readi ly and forcibly In public. And lastly we want all our teachers In every de partment to be Ideal Christian citi zens, so that our students will learn from their teachers only that which Is profitable." It Is an Interesting document. Ono might add that it is unique. Of course we aro glad to know that the pupils ot the county high school, which Is moro particularly Prlno vllle's private school, are to bo reared In the ways of righteousness; it Is satisfying t,o learn that they are to be instructed In the oare of thoir bodies, how to dress properly, how to type write, keep accounts, be a carpenter, blacksmith and onbinct-maker all In one, not to montlon gardener, pig raiser, poultryman and orator but in tho raoastlmo, nrc they to uc IxMikNV What of a little reading, writing and arithmetic not to men tion such trivial adjunots as alge bra, geography, geometry. Latin una J literature? Mueh as wo favor Intructlon in the manual soionces, wc emphatically feel that a school whloh pursues eduuaf tion long the lines Intimated in tho above communication cannot but prove a farce. If the applicants live up to the letter, heaven knows Just what they will be. In addition to tho "ideal Christian oltizens" asked for, If serins a safe guess that several blacksmiths, hog-ralaers and book keepers will apply. way of proper handling of boat or canoe, tho parent who assures hint' solf that hta child )o at homo n tho water' may feel (hat ho is eafo on tho water. Thou thoro nro tho obvious dangers to 1k pointed out, dangers which to tho young may seem not so apparent. Hocking tho boat, changing plncos In tho boat, fishing Just nbovo n rap ids or venturing upon a swift river with Inexperienced rowers; In each ot theso Ho dangers. Lot them bo shown and warned against but keep on with tho BWlmmlng lessons. Accidents will happen, nro bound to happon dally and weekly, but nt tho samo tlmo their effects may bo mlntmUcd by proper caro nnd precaution. THE INCOME TAX. To complain about tho Income tax is said to be popular because It sup plies nn Inexpensive way ot giving tho Impression of largo wealth. Do- splto which, editors, who may bo ac quitted on any such motives in tho promises, are Just nt present slnlhor Ing n vnst amount ot Ink upon tho subject. Briefly, tho federal income tax will rcqulro ovoryono In tho United States who earns moro than $4000 a year to pay n tax of 1 per cont, Tho need of the new tax is to uuko good tho expected Iobscs to tho nation's revenue resulting from tho new tar iff Inw. Tho law will work out as follows: Amount Income. $4,100 5,Jua '... 7.G00 i....v 20,000 In commenting' upon 'the proioscd law, the Now York Gloho (Ind.) has this to say: "Tho incomotnx Is designed to make taxation moro equal between the poor and the rich. It is n correc tive and counterpoise of levies that now bear moro heavily on tho poor and to perform this function there roust bo an exemption. "Grading Is merely nn application of a prlnclplo as old as taxation, that men should contribute to the stato proportionately to their ability. It is not open to doubt that a man with an income of $1,000,000 Is better able to pay 4 per cent than a man with an Income of $10,000 is able to pay 1 per cent. In measuring ability to pay what is left is of consequence" Throe skilled harbors aro nt ncs & Davidson's barber shop sorro you. Adv. In. to NOTICE l'XHt PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Olllco nt Tho Dalles, Ore gon, April 14th, 10 in. Notice Is hereby given that Jolm P. llausumn of Portland, Oregon, who on February 2311, 1012, mndb desert land onry, No. 09DOR, for N8WU and SWNW'tt, section a2, (uwnshlp 10 south, range 1U cast, Willamette Meridian, hns filed no tice of intention to make final desort proof, to establish claim tu tho land nbovo described, boforu II. C. Ellis', y. B. Commissioner, nt his olllco nj: Quiul, Oregon, On tho 24th day of May, 1013. ' Claimant names as witnesses: Henry 11. Ford, Otis C. Heuklo. Jnmca ttynn, Albert llnrrynian, nil of llond, Oregon. C-lOp C. W. MOOilH, ltbglstor. of Tax. $1' " 10 35 1C0. NOTICE OF SALE OF llKAIi EH- TATE 11Y KXKCUTtm. In the County Court ot tho Stato ot Oregon for Crook County. In tho matter ot tho ostnto ot Anna T. Anno. Deceased. Notice Is horoby glvon that pur suant to tho provisions ot tho last will nnd testament of said Anna T. Auno, tho undersigned will, from nnd after May llth, 1013, proceed to soil at private silo for cash, in ono par cel, the following described real es tate belonging to snld estate, to-wlt: tho V of NHVi, 8E4 of NEW, tho NEU ot SYIM, of section 8, In township IT S., rnngo 10 E., W. M., subject to tho approval of tho court as provided by law. Dated this ICth day ot April, 1013. ANTON A. AUNE, As Executor of the Last Will nnd , Tcstnmcnt of Anna T, Auno, Do- ceascd. C-0 TEACH THE CHILDREN. The whole community was shocked by tho drowning of tho two little boys last Wednesday. While to their parents tho deepest sympathy is ex tended, it seems hut proper at the present time, with tho accident fresh in mind, to consider what can bo dono to prevent a similar occurrence in tho future. Over and again has the lesson been thought of for moment and then forgotten. Let us remein bor this tlmo. In tho first place, all will say that children should not be allowed to go upen h rlvar, Just there n nils take is made. Rivers and boats al ways have aud always will attract children as much as their oldersThe bolutlon lies not in forbidding them the wutcr, for almost surely they will go-lp It Jn spite of warning anjl admonition. The solution lies in making thorn able to cafe for them sphep on the water or In the water. Ail children, jelrls ,dh well as boys, THE LITTLE IIASCAL. (Harney County News) The Iicnd Uulletln is an Interest ing nnd amusing llttlo cuss, even If It Is a slippery and artful dodger. Caught with the goods so far as Durns and Harney county maltreat ment by Dend Is concerned, and with Its car tightly griped in tho fingers -f the News, it turns a smiling leer In our direction and seeks to avoid punisbmcut by n Joke. Well, It's all right. There Is no uso of venting anger on the llttlo rascal and per haps there may bo no further offense. The News likes The Uulletlu ns n live exchange and is always ready to olasp hands with It In the upbuilding if Central Oregon; but it must treat Harney county fairly. It Is woloomo to all tho fun It can have at tho ex tienso of "old Davey," but whonever It or any other man tramps on tho toes of Hums or Harney oounty, then friendship ceases and bowle knives are in order. ftfnl .( v X MM aL"- ijhr lil? nil III V' TS 1 "X.,.y e TEi T l CI I xu'-t TFesrj vegpicsbl' cftcob. 9jCoutr- 'ii On CwUtl 9 fcf Owu A4tn April 23, 1913 Dear friend: Do you love radishes and asparagus and cel ery and all kinds of vegetables? I do At the grocery you can get these vegetables. Your friend, Jacob. P,. S. You can always get the freshest vege tables at McCUISTON'S GROCERY should bo tauxht to swim, Ability to swim 'should be the preequjslte tu "nyio.3tWB or cnnoolngr and' al though muck may be learned in the t Shingles Mouldings LUMBER CEMENT Building Material The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. Ot g iisswrtrtO tu RIVERSIDE and LYTL On the River. On the Railroad. Close to Business District. Beautiful View. Great Big Lots. Wide Streets and Alleys. Water Piped to Every Lot. Easy Terms. Prices $100 to $400 Call or write Bend Park Company 455 Empire Huildinjj, Scuttle, Wash. First National Dunk liuilding, Iicnd, Oregon. Descriptive literature on Bend and Central Oregon mailed upon request. m OREGON INVESTMENT COMPANY If You Want Good Residence Lots M Business Sites Irrigated Land LARGE OR SMALL TRACTS, 320Acre Homesteads AND RELINQUISHMENTS, investigate what we have to offer. We have the best on the market, at the best prices and terms. This firm also makes a specialty of Fire Insur ance, Indemnity Bonds and Plate Glass, Show Case and Mirror Insurance. Our companies are the best in the United States, and pay their losses promptly. JWe are the oldest established real estate firm in Bend, and have a first class record for fairness and efficiency. If you have something to sell, or wish to buy, let us help you. Oreg. Investment Co. l'i.MER"Nl5WONOUU W. I. VANDEVIilU' - ".;? Wall Strpet.jBciKli Oregon k . m ': I-