The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 16, 1913, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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    THH HHNII liriil.KTI.V, HUM), WIJIINKHDAV, Al'itlh 1(1, J DM.
PAon 0.
Through tin) cmirlimy of Col. J.
WlllniiKliliy nff r Dloknyvlllo, Tim
lliillulln Ih itlilu to Klvu IIh minimi
l ho ptlvlluKo or pciriiHlnu Hi" follow
ing uholcn (ixIiiioIh from (luit Mtiiillnit
(ikiiii of piimn'MM, ilin Dlclfoyvllln
Olntlon. Thomi puruKriipliM will Imi
roiillniKiil ho Ioiik "H tint Coloiuil
hiiiiIh tlin ollppliiKH- or until Hiiino
hiiliHurllinr liiditii up tlm mlllor.
HI lien olio of our IuiiiIIiik (iltlroiiH
Iiiin tnUim up piuutlcliiK on u I'rwii'li
In in, proporty In IiIh vicinity Iiiih dn
piijcliitml lumrly lldy pur runt.
Ily gravy, ou can't Imllnvn till )oti
o lit tlin pitporH. Ill I'urily hihv mi
Mil Wlllull Hlllll H COIIipHliy tlOVWI to tilt)
flty IiiiiI nlckitl nlitrin rliirkit for wilci
hiiiI lio wmit iIomii ilium, hut could
n't Mut olio for it nli'knl iinjwlitini.
Ml k Kupliniiilii I'lirldiiN. our pout
i'M i,f pumrIoii, Ih tiilldu' of Htiirtln'
Hlllt HKtU til" IlKlTH Hllll HH KUH llf
I. at i' 1'rliiKlti wlio punned nuiy hIhiiiI
I WtMllJ-HlHHIl )I)UI'H MHO. AlHIIIt Ittll
iiniiiiliH iik" Hi'') ilt'i'lilitil to cruet a
limllUllltilll for till) ltl! lllllU'lllMil Hllll
lilii'il uur pocttHiN to wrltn t Iik upltlut.
'Ur II wiin mII cnrvi'il on tlm (nnili.
Monti ho Him roiililn't tulio It tiHck,
ilii'i riifiiMHil to pit), hh) In' tluit tlm
M' llllllDlll WHMtl't (IXH('tl) WllNt tlmy
V. .Illlt'll. NH It HlWIIlml t llHVH It llttlll
miiiihin oiilo tlm tall mill of It mill
tiurii whm lou iimi'li frcM HilvHrtldliiK
tor tint nutlior In It. TIiIh wiih tlm
l IllK-l
l in imki'il to wrltit n lit tin JIiikIo.
In memory of old man I'rliiglu.
I wrltlu cpltliiitM, oii xi'o,
Tlm Knivi-yard'H full of my txmt
Vdl Ml).
on miKlit ko furtlmr nnd do worm.
A iiTHdin vlrtuoM I'll mliiiHli
till nil imk half down In unnli.
Old man I'rlnglu IIih Imimuth thin
a tone.
I or many yoom lin llnM nlonc
luit wliitn thity know Hint ho would
'Ilm ntlntlvi'H of all milled nigh,
I or Im had qiillo n lot of dough,
And thin tlm rolnthon did know,
Mc whh tlm ilieori'nt of old ohapii,
lira K' no to Ida roward perliapa.
Tlm lawor a)w that Kuplmmla
t: mitt havi) unlit a llltlo moro nliotit
ItiiikIi) and a llttlo I" nlxiiil liur
riir on tin) toiutmtoim. hut ho will
try nod win tlin cuno for her iiovor-I'KU-aM
6no Idro of pronporlty Ih to limo
n wift) who cnllttclit alimony from
tlirc.t foruiur liunliandit.
Wo don't know who tlin umancHt
inn on earth In, hut llank Tiiiiiina
linn nioln a footototm out'n tlm knim-
itrd ti ui) a a paucako grltlilto.
hpnikliiK of rotor nclimiiiw. many a
mrl may rimiiilin an niigt'l In Allro
I i . tint mill look llku Melon pink.
I In nk Tiiinma ai tlm harden! fU
li r lit- known of to entertain In tlm
r In on the whter wagon and
i t:;il Hinoke or ehnw, play enrda
i liilk aliout hl t ulghtMira.
Notlre In hereby glwn thai tlm
F rk'ln di'Hcrlliud Imlow, lillilUrliiK
7 h IS acren. within the DtHwhutmi
NntiiiMl I'orent. OreKon. will Im will
U:i to HotileniHiit and entry ttnilwr
It ' IMlll' III Ul tun lllllllUKlfmil innii
i f the I nlted HtNte nnd tlm act of
'roll 190(5. 131 KtBt.. MSI. at tlm
I uit I KlHlen Land Olllre at Tlm Dal
it 2 OreKon, on May SO, 1913. Any
t nil r who waa artually ami In kh
f Ith rhlinliiK any of aald lamU for
i.ri 'ilturnl purpOH prior to .lanii-
or 1, ll'OC, and luta nit niiividnned !
Hiiniii, Iiiih a profoNinco rlKht to mako
a lionioHtoad mitry for tlm IiiikIh ni;
tually ocniiplnd, Hiild landn wnro
lliilnd upon tlm nppllcatloiia of tlm
purHoiiH nmiitloimd below, who havo
a piofoniiicn rlxht Hiibjert to tlm prior
rlxht of any Hindi Hottlor, provided
audi Hiittlor or apptlcatit Ih iiialllled
to itiitko lioineHleiid entry ami tlm
profenuiro rlxht Ih oxorvlHed prior to
May K), I!) i:i, on which dnlo tlm
lllUllH Will 1)0 HIlllJDUl to Hllt-
tliuueiit 11 ml iiutr) by tiny
iiiiilllled perHon. Tlm IiiikIh itro,
iin follown: Tlm ' of HKVt.l
Ilm V',4 of W4 of HK','4 of HIC'4,1
Hei 211. Ilm NKV of NH'4 or NWV4,1
Ilm N'A of NW'V, of NK. Ilm WVi
of NIC W of NIi4 Hec. :ir. T. 20 M.
It. Ill li., W. M oxciipl a Htllp 30
lent wide ilitwrlbwl aa IiIiik on tlm
wil Hlilea or tlm HUV( of MK'i. nee I
20. and tlm NIC', of NIC',. Hec r,,
ll el area bollix I US. IK hitiih Hubl
I nic I whm IIhI'-iI upon Ilm application
ot .I0I111 A. I'HrkliiH, of llenil, Ore
K n: l.lnl O-Hr.f,. TIm W of KH.
Hec r., T 20 H II. I 1 K., 10 acrca,
anidlcallon of Henry McKIMhIi, fill
N 2m Htreei. I'oittaiid. OreKon;
I.IhI fl-KTI. The KU, of K. w r,. T.
20 H. It. 1 1. K., mo aciia. application
of .In. ob linker, MS N 2IH Mtnwl.
I'orlhiud. DrnKim: l.lnt 0-K73. Tlm
i nr ', Kec. R. T 20 H It. II
I", 1110 acret. application of Clinton
McCIIIhIi. Till N. 21 Htreei, i'orl
laml. Orexon; I.Mt r,-K7t Tlm U'H
of NV V, . tlm M f NW ' of HV V .
tlm NWW ol 'NWVi of HWV.. tlm
NIC", of HWVi of HWVi. Hec. h, T.
20 H, It It K 120 iirreN, applica
tion of Claud MoKIIIhIi. Ml N 214
Htreei, Portland, Oregon; Mat r,-812.
Approved Marrh IK, 1913, K V.
I'roudtlt. Atmlnlaut CoiumlNNloimr or
tlm Unimml l.ainl Oltlce. 0-9
In tlm Circuit Court of tlm Htalo of
OreKon for the County of Crook.
t C. Con, IrUHleii, plaintiff, a. Jcmh
J lto)d, Jan. A. Iloyd and V. A.
Ilooth, defelidanlH.
To Jt'N J. llo)d and Jan. A. Iloyd,
above named defendniltn
In the naiim of tlm Htatn of Ore
gon ou are hereby nxpilreil to
aiHar and niuwnr the rotuplalnt of
tlm plaintiff filed agaliiNt ou In tlm
abovu entitled cniinp within ten dnN
of the date of tlin aervlcn of thin niiiii
iiioiin iimiii you If Nerved within
Cniok county; or If Nerved within
any other county within nnld Htatn,
then within twenty daya of the nor
lre of thin miinmnns upon you: or If
nerved upon you by publication there
of. on or before tlm Hth day of
May 1913. And ou and each of )ou
am hereby notified that If you fall
no to appear and anawer. for want
thureof tlin plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for
In tho rotuplalnt filed herein, to-wlt:
Tor a decree of thin court for tlin
nnln of tlm northwMtt quarter of tlm
nouthweNt quarter anil tlm nouth
half of tho northwent quarter and tlm
uorlhcanl quartur of tlm northwest
quarter, nectlon twenty townnhlp
thirteen hoiiiIi, runge eleven iwtat, V.
M.. (natim being tlm property den
crlhed In tlm t mat deed mentioned
In tlin comidalnt hureln) by ylm
Nhnrirr of Crook county, Oregon, ac
cording to law and practice of thin
court for Ilm aatlafactton of tho
amount duo the plaintiff on tlm
note neciired by nnld tnut deed, to-wlt-
the mini of $0711 00. with In.
toreai at ten per cent per annum
from the 0th day of J iiiih. 1910. and
tlm further aum of $70 00 attorney
fH and for the eoata and dUburite
inenlH of Ihl Hull, toKMther with
cent and chargt of making the aale
HwiiihI, Hint the Intermit of tlm de
fendant. W. A. ItiMitn, he decreed to
bo aulHt(Huent and nubject to the In
terenl and lien of the plalntirf here-
III, Third, tluit tlm plulntlff havo Judg
limnt agalnnt tlm iliifoiiilaula, Jena J.
Iloyd mid Jiih, A. Iloyd for tlm
atiiii of $07r.00 toKotlmr with Inter
nal at ten per cunt per annum from
tlm (ith day of .limn, 1910, nnd
$70.00 attorney fee and for tlm
cohIh mid dUhunmmcnta of thin ault
That tlm plalntirf havo execution
mtaliiHt tlm property of the ilefen
iIiiiiIh, .NiMH .1. Iloyd and .law. A. Iloyd,
for any dellcleuey rumaluliiK upon
mild Judgment agiiliiHt Huld dufoti
dantH after applying nil 01 tlm pro
ceedN or tlm Halo or tlm property
hereinbefore described properly ap
plicable to ilm payment of mild Judg
iiienl, mid that tlm plalntirf have
hiicIi olhnr and furtlmr relief iih to
the court may hohiii meet and equi
table Till HiiiutiioiiH In aerveil ition you
by publlL-atloii thereof III Tlm llend
llullellti, 11 weekly iibwapaper of Ken
oral circulation p'uhllnlmd at llend,
Crook county, Oregon, for hIx hucciw
hlte Heeka by order of tho Hon. (1.
Hpilnger, .ludKe of Ilm county court
Tor Crook Countv, Hlato of Oregon
Kad order being made and entered
on tlm 20th day of March, 1913, In
the aboii) otitltM cauae. Till aum
inotiH In dulud and publlnlied for tho
llrnt time thin 20th day of March,
3-9 Attorney for I'lalntirr
In the Circuit Court of the Htato of
Oregon for the County of Crook.
V. C. Con, plalntirf,, h. Joaa J. Iloyd
mid Jh. A. Iloyd, defendant.
To Jena J. Iloyd and Jiih, A. Iloyd,
nlfovo named defendant:
In the name of the Htato of Ore
Kon: you and each of you are hereby
required to appear and aner the
complaint of tlm plalntirf filed
agalnnt you In tlm nlmiv entitled
catiHo within ten day a from the date
of tho crvlco of thlh Hiiniinon upon
you If nerved within Crook county.
OreKon. or If nerved within any nth
nr county within nnld ntate then with
in twenty day from the date of the
nervlco of thin niimuionn Uxn you
and ir served upon you by publica
tion thereof, then on or before
Ilm Hill day- of May, IIMJI,
and you and each of you are hereby
notified that If you fall o to appear
and anawer. for want theieof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
tho relief prayed for In tho com
idalnt on flln heroin, to-wlt. Tor
judgment agnlimt you and each of
you for tho niiiii ol $803 with Inter
nal on $271 Ihnreor at 10 per ennt
per annum from March 2fith. 1911.
until paid, together with Interest on
$100 00 thoroof at ten por cent per
annum from tlm Ifith day of January,
1912. until paid, together with In
tercttt on $07.00 thereof at the rate
of nix per cent pnr annum from tho
0th day or March. 1910. until paid
and Interent on $366.00 thereof at
ten per cent per annum from the 2 6th
day of March. 1913. until paid! to
Kotlmr with $RR 00 attorney fee and
tho mxt and dlbursomont of till
That till Ntiiniuonn la publlnlied
In Tho llenil llullntln, a wookly now
paper of general circulation, publlnli
ed at llend, Crook County, OrcROn,
for alx niicconnlvo weekVby ordor of
tlm Hon, (), HprltiKor, Judge of tho
County Court for Crook County,
Htato of Oregon. Haiti ordor being
mado and entered on tho 20th day of
March, 1913, In tho above entitled
(mono. TIiIh Hitmiiionn I dated nnd
publlHlied for tho flrnl tlmo thin 20th
day of March, 1913.
3-9 Attorney for I'ltilnlirf.
In tlm Circuit Court of tho Htato of
Oregon for Crook County.
J. II. Iloan, plalntirf, vh. William
I laid win and I'rank I'lkltin, nherlff
or Crook County, Htato of Orogoti,
To Wlllam llaldwin, alwvo named tie-
feinlan t:
In tho name of the Ktatu of Ore
gon: you are hereby reqtilrod to ap
pr and anawor tho complaint of tho
plaintiff (lied agaltiHt you In the ulmve
eutltletl ault within tend day from
the date of nervlco or Hummomi iimn
you, If rved within Crook oounty.
or If nerved within any other county
of thin Hlatu then within twenty daya
from tho tlato of tlm iwrvlee of nuin
iiiouh upon you. and If wtrvod iiK)U
you liy publication therwif. then on
or before tho Mb day of May, 1913;
and you aru hereby notified that If
you fall ho to appear and answer,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to tlm court for the roller pmyed
for In the complaint on file herein,
to-wlt 'I
Por Judgment agalnnt you for the
niiiii of Twenty-five hundred dollar
and for the coata and dlHhuraementa
of thl action.
Second: That an Injunction order
heretofore Itued In thl court he
mado permanent rcHtralnlng you and
all person acting In aid or assistance
of you and restraining Prank Klklnu,
sheriff of Crook County, Oregon, and
all persons acting In aid or assistance
of him, from selling or attempting to
sell tho NKVi of section 3B. Tp. 15
8.. It. 14 K.. W. M.. or any portion
thereof In pursuance of that certain
Judgment obtained by you In tho
nltove entitled court on tho 9th day
of August. 1912. In favor of you and
gainst the plalntirf herein, for the
sum of Two Thousand Dollars, Inter
nal at 8 per cent from the 9th day
of May. 1910. until paid, and for the
sum of Ten Dollars cost.
This summons Is published In The
llend Hulletln. a weekly newspaper of
general circulation published at
llend. In Crook county, Htato of Ore
gon, for six successive week, by or
der of the Honorable O. Springer,
Judge of the County Court of Crook
County. State of Oregon, said order
being mado and entered on tho 20th
dnv of March, 1913, In the above
entitled cause.
Thl summons Is dated and pub
llnlied for the first tlmo this 20th
day of March, 1913.
T. K. nitppv.
3-9 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
,iW ffUrlsUt. -. I 1 xF VI Xl - '
Uy ij-z, Jr 1 T
. K
Hudson and Reo
Also the Haynes Car and Reo Trucks.
Central Oregon Agent,
Mndrns, Oregon.
Tjffir 5 J?)
what he thinks of OUR FEED.
The Full Bag
of Feed Is necessary, but
the quality of the con
tents is of much more
importance. To keep
your horses in proper
condition, sleek and fat
enough for working pur
poses, they should be
given our choice, selected
Feed, made of the fresh
est and purest grain and
always of uniform qual
ity. Ask any horseman
a Our Hour is on sale at United Warehouse Co.'s Warehouse
"Fine and Light"
and excellent for the
making of bread, biscuit,
rolls and pastry, is our
splendid household Flour
-the best help the house
wife could have in the
production of all bread
studs. Try it once, and
you will find it so good
that you will always use
it afterwards. It yields
delicious, sweet and
nourishing loaves that every one in the family will enjoy.
The Purest and Best Always at
I Bend Milling & Warehouse Co.
" Yea Sir! Studebakcr ivagono era
made to back up a reputation,"
"I know, becauao wagons of every mnka
come into my ohop for repairs, and I have a
chance to ace how tew are Studebakcra."
That's tho opinion of thousands of blacksmiths
who know tho quality of Sludcbaltcr wagons.
The owners never regretted that they bought
Tested materials, accurate workmanship insure a
wagon uncqualcd for durability, nnd this careful selec
tion of wood, iron, steel, paint and varnish has been a
fixed rulo with tho Sludcbaker Company lot sixty years.
That is why a Studebakcr wagon runs casicot and lasts
longest. It is built on honor.
Whether you live in town or country, there is a
SfWeiaJfeer vehicle to fillyourrequirementsforbuainess
or plensuro and harness of every description mado
as carefully as are Studebakcr vehicles,
St out Dact or tOrtt uu
STUDEBAKCR South Bend, Ind.
Hrwvnnir cilfCAGO DALLAS KANSAS cmr ih
Has Made Its Way By the Way
It's Made
HEN vc began marketing the Inter
national Commercial Car six years
tfco the one idea uppermost was to
sell a useful car. That meant a
car for country roads, that would
safely carry a reasonable load, always cet there
and back, and lost long enough to be very
Some of those first cars are still doing an
honest day's work every day. All of them
paid for themselves. None of them was so
efficient as the car we sell today. Now is the
time to buy an
International Commercial Car
For the merchant engaged in any business
requiring much light hauling, or prompt deliv
eries; for the business man who wishes to
extend his territory; for the man who wants to
cut down delivery expenses and at the sama
time be progressive and up-to-date, an Inter
national Commercial car is n good investment.
Simple, sure, powerful, it climbs hills, goes
through nuul-holus and sandy stretches, any
where a team can travel at any speed from 3
to 18 miles an hour. Transmission is simple
nnd direct. Brakes are powerful. Bearings
are strong. A singlo lever controls the car.
Write for catalogues and any information
International Harvester Company of America
Portland Ore.
We Deliver the Goods
Hay, Barley, Oats, Wheat nnd Bran at lowest prices.
The Largest Barn in Central Oregon.
Bend, Oregon.
Through Train DaDy
Portland From Central Oregon
Leaves Bend 6:45 A. M.
Arrives Portland 5:30 P. M.
Limited Trains East.
Direct connection is made at Fallbridge with limited train on
S. P. & S. Ry. arriving Walla Walla 7:45 p. m Spokane 9:45 p.
m. same day; Helena 11:H5 a. m., Butte 12:50 p. in. next day;
Minneapolis 10:20 p. m., St. Paul 11 p.m. stconddaj; Chicago
noon third day; with connecting service to Denver, Omaha.
Kansas City and St. Louis via Great Northern or Northern
Pacific and Burlington Rout1.
Willamette Valley Points.
Oregon Electric and Oregon Trunk Railways use the same
station in Portland. Trains via Oregon Electric Ry. reach Forest
Grove, HilUboro, Salem and Albany the same day and Eugene
early next morning.
Through Tickets.
Oregon Trunk Ry. agents sell tickets, check baggage and
arrange sleeping car accommodations through to Eajtern, Pugut
Sound and Oregon points.
Details will be furnished on request,
Traffic Manager, Portland, Oro, Agent, Bend.