PAOR 8. TTI1? BRN1 nUIiT.KTm, HISTO, KKDNKHDAY, ArillTi 10, 10HI. :i 4--4 -----'-- CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. --------- ----------- -- W-WTI w-rw-ww POWELL BUTTE (Special to Tho Ilend ltulloitn.) POWF.U. HUTTK, April 13. A good ncrengo of potntoos will bo planted horo this spring In splto of there being no mnrket for Inst year's crop. Georgo Schohcrt lends with n spud pntch of 90 acres. Many othcrB nic near seconds. Guy Lafollettc. tho locnl nursory mnn, delivered enough fruit trees nt the J. D. Davidson homestead last week to set out nn aero orchard, anions them being peaches, apples, prunes and pears. William Johnson and son arc clearing and plowing on tho Henko homestead preparatory to Mr. Henku proving up. Tho water has been turned on In the canal for tho season now. Joe Sharer and Walter Foster nro tho ditch rldors for this section. A. D. Morrill was nt llond last week doing some work on his home Rtond there. He also mndu applica tion to provo up. Tho premiums arc now being paid those who took prizes on exhibits nt the county fair last fall. Mrs. T. D. Osbcrn got first on doughnuts nnd second on bread; Miss Delia Osborn second on carrots and Georgo Mor rill first on the beat collection of wild flowers and first on mounted bugs. There were between 80 nnd 90 In his flower collection. The full list of prlzo winners In this sec tlos has net been learned by the writ er. Nicholas Appcl has gono to tho Willamette valley for tho summer where ho has a contract working In the woods. Jce Elliott has returned from tho valley where he was summoned by the serious Illness of his aged mother, who la recovering. Harvey Wlnslow proved up on his homestead this week under the 3 year law. tatoes. Resides this, ho will havo In tho neighborhood of 50 acres of dry land potntoos. Clark Morso wns In Prlnovlllo last week. Ho says everything is railroad talk but that tho locomotives hnd not yet disturbed tho peaceful quiet of the town. ---a HAMPTON l'OWEIX nUTTE. April H. E. A. Ilusset was a business visitor among the Powell Ilutto folks last week. C. C. Ilrix, a Prlnevlllo attorney, turned farmer the first of the week and aided his brother Jako with tho spring work. It seemed like old times to see Crls on tho farm again. Henry Tweet Is working on a "40" of the McCaffery-WurawIIer place, which he has rented. "Munz" WHeoxon says ho has ob tained part of the Allen "80" next to Alvln Rlggs', for potato ground. Farmer Saunders Is building a large concrete collar on his place. Ho Is hauling the gravel from George Hobbs' cistern. Tom Langdon. Charles and Roy Titus visited at tho Hobbs placo last Thursday afternoon. The boys say they have the'r old Jobs back which they had most of the time since com ing to tho Powell Butte neighbor hood. A. J. Rlggs made a trip to Dend with hay Thursday. George Morgan, who Is planting a large acreage of spuds, made several trips to the Hobbs and Langdon pits for seed last week. Lee Hobbs made a trip to Redmond Friday for seed cats and barley. Ho Is experimenting this year with black barley, which yleldB much heavier thin the other kinds and equals corn as a hog food. There is quite an In terest being taken In It and If It proves to be successful, there will bo an unlimited amount planted next year. The Landfare family, who havo the old Russet place, started for a Jeyrlde with Guy Lafollette in his Marlon flyer one day last week and fully appreciated tho "Joy" part while walking home. The breakdown was only slight, however, and Guy was soon ablo to run his car to the nursery. Jim Green Is plowing on the Fos ter boys' ditch land In payment for a gang plow which he bought of them. Jim says he plans to leave the ranch the first of May, to go to trading horses in Redmond. In six teen months he has made $30 off the ranch and over $1000 trading horses, ho says, which shows where his ability lies.. Rev. Cooke Is home from his charge at Fossil. He is setting out about flftoen acres to orchard. There will bo religious services In the Shepherd school house Sunday April 20. Thero will also bo an at tempt to organize a Sunday school. Everyone Is cordlalty invited. W. .1. Iloardman of Colorado Is vis iting with W. a. McNenly and look ing for a location in this section. N. P. AHey returned home from Portland Saturday night. Edward Williams Is In Salem at present on business concerning tho deeding of segregated land. The Shepherd school district, No. 64, lias been divided. Illmrock dis trict, No. 88, has been formed. The new school house will be located on the John Ferguson placo. Although this has boon a very backward spring, tho crops aro all showing up well, the alfalfa esoec- lally, which is ahead of tho neighbor -------- (Special to Thn tlond Uullotln.) HAMPTON', April S. Hurr lllnck Is busy putting In seed gratu. Mr. Tishmer and wlfo, tho latter n daughter of William Dennett, havo returned to llond on routo to Okla homa, their homo. Mrs. Anderson nnd Mrs. Holts of Imperial spent tho day last Wednes day with Mrs. D. R. Dunn. Messrs. Shaver, Rtggs, Ncold Ti tus, Dunn, Smith and Hrtckey all left for Hend Inst Thursday. Mr. Neeld oxpects to have dental work dono while there. This section wns visited by n sovoro windstorm last Friday, which over turned several small buildings. I. Zlorolf returned to his home stead Saturday nfter spondlng tho winter In tho Willamette valley. Mr. Gllhnm nnd son Guy mado n quick trip to llond recently, return ing homo last week. W. T. Harrison nnd L. C. Peck loft today with loads for tho Gap ranch nnd Riley which thoy brought from Hend last week. Thoy expect to bring In two tons of oats and whoat for Hampton store on tholr return trip. Mrs. J. N. Crow Is on tho Bick list. O. Drogsvold who loft hero tho day after election Inst fall returned to his homestead tho last of March and Is busy improving his claim. Melvln Crow recently cleared IS acres on his placo and expects to clean up tho balance of 50 In tho near future. Those who attended tho April 1 dance at Imeprlal report a good tlmo. ----- I P1NEHURST ------ ------ (Special to Tho llond Uullotln.) PINEIIIUIST, April 13. Llttlo Volmn Nichols hnd n narrow escape from n bucking horse Friday uvon lug. Tho nulmnl beenmo frlghtouud nnd Mrs. Nichols who wan loading It received n severe blow from Ita hoofs ns sho caught the falling child. Tho school celebrated nrbor day with nn appropriate program nnd sot t'ug out shrubbery In tho school yard. The farmers In this vicinity aro busy plowing preparatory to seeding, while some havo already planted tho hardy grains, chief among which Is rye. Mrs. Arthur loft Monday for l.o ralue, Iowa, to visit bur mother, who Is sick. Mrs. J, L. Couch mndu n business trip to Laldlnw Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. l.overenz were hero Saturday on their way to Laid law. Mrs. Swisher nnd sister. Miss Flora llassolborg went to llond Saturday. Mrs. Gono Wlmor Is on tho sick list this week. G. W. Snyder has added two more flno cows to his dairy herd. Mrs. Dietrich and daughter went to l.nldluw Tuesday on business. Mr. a ltd Mrs. George Couch made a business trip to Laldlaw tho last of tho week. --- FORT ROCK ------ (Special to Tho llond Uullotln.) FORT ROCK, April 12. llauman & Grlmon arrived from Portland thu other day with an olght-horso load of furniture nnd groceries and will com mence to Improve their homesteads at once. Mr. and Mrs. K. Kendall and Mrs. Volt, her daughter, left for Idaho tho first of tho week. E. F. Anderson, county commls- A Cook Book Worth Having! THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. "Good Living" Is n splendidly printed, strongly bound, and well written up-to-date Cook Book by Surah Van Buren. It contains 605 PAGES nnd n complete index. It is bound with an OIL CLOTH COVER, that can be washed when soiled in the kitchen. The Regular Price is $2.50 Our Price is $1.00 WHILE THEY LAST. We have only u small number. Housekeepers should hurry. The Owl Pharmacy ft Ralph Poindexter. First National Bank Building. lng sections, George Hobbs plans to start plow. Inc on tho McCaffery placo the first of don It, IS" VII" IllUUnilUi; 'IHbU fci.V AII0V f the week w(heire,ht,and Tom Lang on exye'ef'toput Id' 6Qtucrea;jt ify FIRST CLASSEQUIPMENTAND SERVICE j Pilot Butte Hotel J. F. TAdCJART, Prop. Good Dining Room FREE AUTO BETWEEN HOTEL AND DEPOT --- FRUIT TREES Our nursery is located on Powell Butte, fourteen miles east of Bend. Our trees are the kind we recommend after over thirty years experience in the fruit business in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will please you. Catalog free on request. Come and see our orchards and nursery. Office address, Prineville, Ore. LAFOLLETTE NURSER.Y CO. A y-i -V - . sinner, was horo Monday, Ho Is n bo Hover In tho good rondn movement and Is looking over this pnrt of thu county to so what work can bo douu to thu best ndvautngo. .1. P. Cnrson and William A. llusoli wore Fremont goers Haturday. James llounlck left for Astoria tho first of tho week whore ho will fish this senson. II. ('. Carmack nnd Miss Allru M. Noel were married Sunday. .1. A. Krnst. It. A. Hchnub nnd H. M. Wngnor left for llond Hunday where they will bo In tho employ of the Pino Forest Lumber Co. J. A. Norman started to llond tho first of tho week where ho will meet his family who spent tho winter In California for Mm. Normau'H health. C. I,. Hupp, who tins spout tho winter In Montana and Ilrltlsh Col umbia, returned homo Sunday. A very pleasant evening wns spout nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Ithoton Inst Friday where about 2R of tho neighbors gathered nnd In dulged In games until 12 o'clock when n lunch wns served. Dr. T. II. Short, tho Silver l.nko dentist siHint the week In this town. Five new postntllcca havo been pe titioned for In the surruundlug Fort Rock country. 9 4 M1LLICAN (Speclnl to The llond Uullotln.) MH.I.ICAN, April 14. A. I). Nor ton, with one team of horses, plowed 10 acres of ground In four dnys last week and with the help of It. B. Davis and son John cleared nnd burned tho sagebrush therefrom nnd planted to rye In nnothor four days. Mr. Nor ton now has 40 acres seeded to rye. II. K. Davis has named his ranch "Avondalo" nnd same has been reg istered nnd recorded by tho county clerk. II. Masters struck a pood flow of water In tho old river bed at n depth of only live feet. Mr. Roohcokor. n homesteader at Horse Ridge. Is erecting a store building nt mlleposl 23 and oxpects to ho open for business In the near future. P. II. Johnson and Krlc Nosteland, who own adjoining claims aro prepar ing to teticu their entire section. Cy Lease walked to Hend last Sat urday and hiked all thu way back thu following day. Thomas Mnffctt and A. I) Norton commenced plowing for II. r. Davis today. Aliout ten acres will bu seed ed to rye and alfalfa. Two new homesteadors by name Spencer arrived In thu valley from Ciieiiaiis, waali., last Sunday nnd havo sottlod on tholr claims. George Mllllcan and his buccaroos havo been busy branding horses thu past few days. Fred Klger has finished plowing 10 acres for Krlc Nosteland, utid Thomas Moffett C acres for P. II. Johnson. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Gllmoro called on .Mrs. A. D. Norton and rs. I. B. Davis Sunday. AT THU MINI) COMPANY'S Ml lib. Miner Larson Is plnuuliig (o lunvo for his homestead next Hundny, (loorgo (lelger hns mndo one trip out to Ills homestend In tho Hamp ton lliuto country and will shortly muko tho limit move with his threo children. The breaking of (ho lino shaft Inst Friday caused tho mill to shut down for thu rest of tlio day. Repairs worn mado that night sulllrloiit to run tho planer Saturday and llnlnh a car or der. The mill wan running again Monday morning but before It nnd the planer can run nt tho nniun tlmo again n new mid stronger shntt will havo to be put In. Material for this has boon ordered. Hoy Allgood'M two AhodnloH Hpeut Hundny morning worrying u porcu pine and a good putt of tho rent of the day having ciullls removed from their noses. An attempt Is being mado to havo tho pinner shavings blown Into tho base of the waste lire Instead of on top, thereby lessening the lire dan ger. Tho Rae brothers llulshed their cabin on Sunday and moved In. Sunday Nels llagou and Ingvald Holt started for their homesteads at Hampton Ilutto with a load of lum ber and supplies. Thoy expect to bo gono about n week. Mat Nelson has given up riding his mnro bareback, having bought u sad dle for her. Auue expects lo IIiiIhIi his log haul ing conduct in about two weeks, hav ing between threo nnd four million feet still In thu woods. who on February 2.'ld. 11)12, mado dosmt land entry, No. OOlHlR, for NWHWtt nnd HH.NWU, miction 32, township 10 south, range 12 east, Willamette Meridian, has tiled no. tiro of Intention to mnko llnal desert pruor, to establish claim to tho land abovo desurlbed, before II. U. Kills. II. H. Commissioner, at his olllco ill llond, Oregon, on the 21th day or May, 101.1. Claimant names ns witnesses: Henry II. Ford, Otis 0. Ilenklo, Junius Ityau, Albert llarrymau, all of llond, Oregon, (UlOp O. V. MOOKIJ, Register. NOTICi: FOR Ft'ni.H'ATION. U. H. I.nnd Olllco at The Dalles, Ore gon. April llth. 10 13 Notice is hereby given that John P. Hnusmau of Portland, Oregon, NOTIt'i: OF HAI.K OF KKAL IW. TATi: IIV K.VIfCUTOII. In tho County Court of tho Htnto of Oregon for Crook County. In tho matter of tho eslato of Anna T. Anno. Deceased. Notice Id hereby given that pur suant to the provisions of tho last will and testament of said Anna T. Anne, the undersigned will, from and after May 1 4th. 1U in. proceed to sell at prlvatu sulo for cash, In ouo par eel, the fcllowliig described real its tato belonging lo said estate, to-wlt tho WV4 of Nlflli. Hl',i of NKVt. the NKVt of HKVi. of section K. In township 17 H rimgo 10 K., W. M . subject to tho approval or tho court as provided by law. Dated this lllth day of April, HUH ANTON A. Al'NK. As Kxecutor or tho Mat Will and Testament of Anna T. Anno, Re ceased. 01) if )oit Imto properly, no matter ulicro (.Knitted, wlilrli )' lli to exrlliinge, rnv the llnliiee,kri'" IjiihI Co. Tliey can arrange It for you. Adv. nif Threo skilled barbers nro nt ln nes ft Davidson's barber shop to servo you. - Adv. TUMALO We Are Still Selling Fishing Tackle at Cost Bend Hardware Co. (Special to Tho llond Uullotln.) I TUMAI.Q, April 13 - Mrs. I.. J. Wlmor from tnn Star ranch wns vis-, Ring homo folks today In Plnehurst. Charles Wlmor wns transacting, buslnoss In Hend Thursday. Ditch cleaning Is now completed In tho Columbia Southern nnd tho water has been turned on for tho Irriga tion season. Water has also been turned In tho Wlmor ditch. On account of tho hoavy snowfall tho past winter It has been Impossible to get water In these ditches much sooner. G, W. Horner has mado many Im provements on his 200 acres In the way of getting the land ready for crops. Millard Triplett Is also gottlng a large scresgs ready for crop. Arthur Hrinson will soon com plete his 100 acre clearing contract on the Wlmer lands. This finishes tho clearing of the entlro COO acres formerly owned by the Wlmers. Garden making Is now in order. f CIST (Special to Tho llond Uullotln.) OIHT, April 13. Tho extension of tho Fanners' National Telephone Co. Is completed throughout t)lio Gist neighborhood. A number of tho stockholders havo Installed their In struments, Matt Kulesch has recontly located on IiIh ranch which ho bought from II. C. Schumacher. Ho brought u herd of 27 fine dairy cows in with him. Mrs. Pulllam nnd youngest son went to Sisters to visit Mrs. John Mc Klnnoy. Ralph Limbeck's grandmother, Mrs. Smith, Is In vory poor honlth, Mrs. Rlchnrds has boon suffering with asthma and rheumatism of Into. Mr, Hall has returned to his homo and Intends to remain on tho farm. BEND MADE BUTTER IS GOOD BUTTER SEE THAT YOU GET IT We Guarantee Our Product Money Returned If not Satisfactory. Pioneer Cream Company 'The Hend Creamery" ICU CROAM llinTHRMILK CKI2AM --------- - 4 Headquarters for Commercial Men lilectrlc Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Translont Travel THE BEND HOTEL I HUQHO'KANCMANAasn t :ND,0 REGION flood Meals J All arrangements made for persons I desiring to go south and east of horo f Qood Rooms Pree bus to and from trains