tiik URN!) nvuhnrts, iiknd, wkiwichdav, apiul jo, join. PAOR 5. D 1 Y OF CAIN. SON OF DISCOVERED ON LAVA BUTTE Central Oregon Savant Unearths Record of Oregon's First Native Son, Which Throws Light on First Chapters of State's Development Htmit Ih nonr tho cniitor of tlinHerHt. my natural ttioitowty couplotl in urlKlmil olvllUntloti. I'nln, mm 'f Alllllll, HIIW till) Nltll of lloiitl Wllllll um nifornmrH ilrlvo liliu from tlm Kiiiin- ti country. At Innnt. no any n llmnl writer In tho folluwlnu iirtlcln which npptmred In tho Omxoii Journal, I'ortlnnil. of Sunday. April 1: Hpurrml to Hctlnn by thn nniiiiuiico liiciit of tho nliiKnl pnihUtorlu ilia iovrlew of I'rof. Mullock of liar vnril. iih piihllahd III I'ortliiml pnpurH noun) wmikn iiko, it Central OroKoii nnvniit, I'rofciiHor V. It. Knay. llm viiilnunt nrchicoloKliil of Hhnnlko lata. Iihm thrown off III" Inherent .iclfiitlllc niudnal mill today kiivu to llm worlil n pitrtliil alory of IiIn iik loutiilliiK Mlt'llcnl llinl 'iniiilo uunr Intro I'rofcwior llalloek, It will Im rciiiitiiilKircit, clalma thnt Im him lo cated tho lout city or Knoch. Imllt hy ('Mil, tlm Hon of Ailnm, mtnr lClnm iith I'ltlln, I'rofcioior Knny mil forth facta Hint amplify tlm tntiuimnUt of tlm fnmoim IVnbody Mimciiin ex pert, nnd no iloiiht will cnmtii a ntorm if lutormt In aclniitlflo clrclra. In brief, tlm monl lntnrcKlliiK docu incut of tlm nK" I" claimed to huvo f rcn liroiiKhl to IlKht. It In tlm diary of Oil n Through tlm fortimiitit ill" mvery of it key to tlm ImiKiiitKo In which It In written tlm worlil U now Klvrn it unique nml Intimate InalKiil i ,,,. ,27th t,rtti.iny Inxt week iiiiii riiiiuiunim iiihi iminciniuoijr ,,..m(o ,(r n(w ,ht,Hth nwn of la t:il tlm l.lrth of man. Alao tho ,IIVI1I wtn UmU-K ,,0WI1 ,r,j(,r. j diary eatablluhe mini proof of I'm-1 ,,,,,,,-j ,,,, t ,,,,, , Kv kpi, with my illNiiiNtii for publicity Iiiih uiiiinimI mo to wltholil It. It Ih trim Mint I mIho fonrml honin crltlclMii of my vornclty. Hut now that my im tiiiiiiiitit contemporary llutlock Iiiin iiiiiiIiiIiIh ritport. nml ovoryono In wty- Iiik ho Ih it liar. It hdiiiiih diwlrnhlii to puhllah tlm nmiilln of my ro MimrchoH mill ho coum to tlm niHitim of my fnllow miffiirur In tho realm of rcMKitrch. On mm point nloim do I illffor. Mul lock iniiliititlnH Unit tlm (lnrilitn of Kllltll WIIH MltlllltVll In "i L'ontlimutiil rKlon." known iih TiiIii, which hiiIi Hinimntly wnn hurled beneath tho HitiiH. Thnt Ih lncorrict. A footnoto In Oiln'n ilitlry (wliono private nntiiro provouta um from trntiHlntliiK It) ox proiudy atatea thnt tlm orlKlnnl (Jar iliin wan In OrtiKon. If miyono douhta It, thity nro referred for moilitrn vurl llcntlon to tlm Oregon Alumnae nml otlmr publication of tlm Htiito liiiinl Krutlon nKi'iit. .Mr. t'nlii Hpciikn I'or MlniHcIf, Ho I will lot Cnlii Hpcnk for him Hitlf. tlm following parncrnpliH holiiK vitrlintlm trmnilntloiiH from IiIn illnry: "Tula, February 0 -Tho rnlny MtHKon linn iit In. I'atlwr complalua of rhoiimatlMii. nml apimkH florcoly ri'KartlliiK whnl Im call Oregon mixta. I four Im Ih axing Mother "till lookH Ilko n Klrl, although nlm rolobratetl Ahul go out nml Kot n homoatondt "Koliriinry 10. I've hooii thinking. A (In in told mn how to think, although Im mild I wouldn't ovor hnvo to do It If I jiiHt wnntod to ko to NomotliliiK ho ciillml tlm Hlitto LiiKlHlnturo. Kit tlmr In nlwnyH tnlkltiK nhoiit HiIiikh I don't iindnrHtitud, It mtouiH iih If Im wiih lookltiK iihuiid ami could hco thliiKH that will coiiio to piiHH hull ilrodii of yuarn lator. Ho (it.'lM llm C'oIoiiInI Idea, "Knhriliiry 20. ThltikliiK nKnln. What wo pood Imro Ih population. You can't hnvo dovolopnmnt without IKioplu, and diivolopiimiit InuroiiKiiH laud Valium. Adam nn)H IncrniiHliiK land valiicH will provo it lind IiiihIiikmh and that moiiid day koiiio oiio will HprliiK tlm HIiikIo Tax Idmt and try to Kot a coiiHllttitlouul mimudmout. Hut Dad HiiyH It won't work. Don't know what to do aliout It. "March 1.- Katlmr hnd nuothur iitio of IiIh droamy Hpojla today. Hald Im could foo what would tm hnppun Iiik thoiiHiiiiilH of yoarn from now. That alwayH makcH him fnnl Idim. When tlm old iiihii KotH thnt way I humor him mid ho I Untuned whllo Im told um that away iiIoiik I" l""" folkn wouldn't liollovn wo ovor lived or that thuro ovor wiih ii pjacn called tlm Oardun of Kd"ii. Tiiai maim nun mad. Mo told nm to wrlt down firnior Mallock'ii contntlonn and n- tcioviH nny vchIIko of douht thnt tlm Klnmnth country wnn tlm flmt homo of civilization. Ah n matter of Ma to irldu llm lltorary hnrltaKO of Oro Kin flmt natlvo hoii Ih vantly vnlu it'ile. nnd Ih helUK clonrly Kunrdud In tlm vault if n local Imuk. Oilu h illnry In written on copper. It. Koumhnw thnt hoy Alio) nlwnyn Ki'lH ahead of lint. "Knlirunry 10. Tho untiirnl ro noureoN of thU plnco are wonderful, Init Admn nay they don't compnro with IiIn old iiinrterH In tlm Onrden of Kdiiu. Thnro It wnmi't niceniutry to Irrigate at nil, ho Hay. Mo In fun- !iiy nhout Kdnn doeHn't Ilko to ll Dad'a too wlau for mo." Morn n niimlnir of tho coppor platen of hlnroKlyphlcH nro iiiIhhIiik. I proHiimu they woro dcHtroyod or loHt, Tho nurrntlvo apparently In again tnkon up it hundrod yearn lator. In tho Interim Cain had heon cant forth from tho homo of Adam nnd IiIh wmidnrlriKH had taken him to Klamath county, where ho founded tho city of Knoch, dcNcrlbcd hy pro fcHxor Mullock. If I nm able to (Un cover tlll'HO IIIInhIhK pdKOH an I think 1 may tho ntory of tho devel opment of tho race prevloua to tho Kloiid will ho complete. If iiuc ccHHful I plan to give tho prlcelcHK record to Heed College In I'ortlnnil. HiiMy. J Tin I'lrnt Knocker Knocked, "AiiKUHt I. Woll, that Ih over, anyway! Ahul wiih a knocker nod I had to do It. I 'hated to, for it fol low geta attached to IiIh brother after living together two centurion. After tho row I had to move, nnd fell In with it lot of people and we came down here Into tho land of Nod, and hulk a city which I called Knoch. for my olditHt noil. I forgot to any I got married. "I often wonder how father Ih get ting on. Me wiih 900 yearn old when I lant heard of him. l,ant night I dreamed that the time will come what I did. ho thero'd ho a record for when liiHtead of killing peoplo they future generatloiiN and no one could will ho put In prUon for life. Think doulit my word. Hald I would, hut of being Jailed for ho many years! don't hub where Hiohh future Ketiern- "December 25. Tho other day wo tloiiH are coining from. TIiiiI'h n formed the flrat commercial club In myHtery to me. And how the douce the world. There wnn n glorloua nro we going to Ret linmlgrnntH? meeting and line RpeochcH. Hut when "March 11. (lot an Idea. I'll get It came to paying tho ducn there waa married' Father hcoiiih to have a row. My ninth wife sayn wo'vo not made n hiiccchh of It, ho why ahould- an example that nlways will ho fol u't n I lowed. Thnt'B tho worst of being "March 12. Durn Ahol. Mo haa a .forefather; everything ono does the mnrryltiK Idea, too. "March IK. Abel Ih after my girl. He'd better look out. "May 3. Not much fun Hipbo days. The old man mndo um ko out nnd till tho fields. Abel tends sheep. I'd rather till sheep that) tend fields. I'sther talks about the bnck-to-lbe-laud movement, hut It doesn't look good to me. Ktc Turn Over New l.ciivr. Ih an example. It's a nuisance. Karllcftt Irrigation In Oregon. "January 23. Things nro happen ing fast these days. Yesterday n man enmo to mo explaining that tho way to make money wan to start an Ir rigation company. Mo Hald that ns I owned nil the land there wns, It would bo easy: nil I had to do was to make tho settlers put up tho cash, then Kimnd It on what ho Hald would "May 9. Sunday, nnd I don't hnvo wo would call 'organization expenses' to work. Talked t Dad about tho and leave tho settlers to finish the marrying Idea. Mo Just grunted, project. Hut JiiHt then I was busy Asked hi in what n woman was made with a plan to keep our peoplo from of nnd he said, 'Hpare ribs." I didn't going to Canada, ho I told him not understand, but never let 911. Asked to bother me. Another crank had a him what a man was made of, nod ho Hchemo to keep the home folks pros- said, 'A woman thinks a man Is made t porous; It was n poor year for tho and wns found by Professor Kasy In lrM n(((, njyof ol( , w,y ,, ,f, n invo tnni wmiis miner um in,ii nllr 1 ilnlirii him -, ,ihi.r tlclds stirrouiidliiK Uva buttn. n ,,, , ,,, ol, ,l(iyil ,, ,,y prominent hill hoiii.i 10 miles south lMl ,,,,. nXmil nllw mt ,mt of Hcud Tlm report Ih nn follows: , ,,, tllnkltm. u h,.nm thftl Hy l'nfror r. It, hn)-, of llm npiln nnd n serpent hnd HomethluK 4'nnik Count)- AlitlmiM)logUnl i:pfrliiiciil Hlntlon. Whllo long In possession of this to do with the move, i'crhaps ho hnd trouble with the Apple Orowent' Union, and that's why they made him Sand jand Gravel Plastering Sand. Concrete Sand. Roofing Gravel. Concrete Gravel. Road Material. Sidewalk Material. All Material Washed nnd Screened. Bolton, Ruetenik and May Heiul, Oregon mMffHWMH tmnmrnnnamni of money, son.' Me Is soro these days because Kvo Is getting queer Ideas about dresses. Uho'a nlwnyn wnntlng to turn over n now leaf and Father thinks that Is nwfully extravagant. Me says two Rood outfits of loaves Is nil anyone needs. Tho other day ho told her that n wife should bo natl lied to live In tho stylo she was nc customed U before marriage, nnd when she asked him If ho know what she wns nccustomed to ho told her never to nrguo n question. AiIuiii'h flu fill, An fill I'iiii. "Mny IB. I nsked Dad today what Kvo wns mndo for. 'Adam's express company.' said ho, nnd It wns tho (Irst time I'd seen him grin since tlm dny Abel poked his hand In tho flro to nen what It wns Ilko, yearn before. Mo said to mark today red In my diary, because thai wan tho first pun ovor mndo. Mo also said thnt n cou ple of thousand years from now a thing called an editor would kill a man If ho trle.il to repent It. Mo said nonm day when the world got really clvlllied there would bo n law against puns. Hut thnt pun sot him thinking altout an animal ho called an exprHM company. I didn't under stand much of It. hut gathered that an exprtMHt company Is n sort of oc topus thnt some day will mate with a boast cnllod tho hlgh-cost-of-llvlng; Its grontest enemy will ho n quarrel some niilmnl named parcot-post. jr FAMOUS KELLERSTRASS tf White Orpington Chickens Thoroughbred Blue Ribbon Winners Settings of Eggs nnd Unrelated Breeding Stock. These chickens laid before Roinpr, to the Poultry Show, laid at the Poultry Show anil are still laying. Get your orders in enrly START RIGHT NOW Raising HIGH GRADE CHICKENS. PPFH HIIPY Bend, Ore. hunters, and his Idea wan to put a tariff on Igunnadun nnd other dino saur hides so that hunters from other districts couldn't bring thorn In nnd undersell our men. I started tho tariff and ever since there has been a row nnd the common people nay tho privileged classes got all tho host of It. Thoy say they want a tariff com mission and n special schedule on stoneware. Mfe Is getting nwfully complicated. "March 10. Spring heftro last n man started n newspaper horo. Mo calls It tho Knochonlnn. It conies out on co every year nnd la a nowsy sheet. It In cut on stono tabletn that are very convenient; the other day a man killed his mother-in-law with ono of them. "July 4. 1 havo becomo a promot er. Somehow Adam (slnco ho sees what tho world Is coming to, he's not na soro about my trouhlo with Abel nn ho used to be) got wind of the matter and wrote mo; he nays the tlmo will come whon they'll build n penitentiary for promoters, what ever that Is. So 1 called him up nnd explained, hut the old man never entirely approved. The scheme Is to sell orchard tracts and wo'vo named tho corporation tho Knoch Orchards Land Company. Father asked' If wo could ralso applos ho thinks he Is home export on applos after tho Hden Incident- nnd I told him of courso wa couldn't, hut that It didn't matter, because nil wo wanted wnn tho money. Mo accused mo of being crookod, hut I said It didn't look nny worse to tnu than stealing forbidden fruit. That made him mad nnd ho rung off, HklunliiK llio OrlKlnnl Hcttlcra. "Augunt 2. Company groat hiic cchh. Hettiorn coming in iasi. "August 11. Trouhlo. Hottlcrn find Homo of tho orchard Innd Is un der wnler nnd some of It on tho lavn fields, Thoy innko ridiculous com plalnta. Thoy nnnoy mo. "August 20. Moro trouhlo. In fact, I'm having an awful tlmo. A letter from Adam snyn ho hoard tho federal authorities nro nfter tno. Tho settlers havo formed nn association and Homo of them today got out tho world's (lrst petition. I find that u petition In nn affair that makes ev eryone think that ho known moro about running things than tho peoplo do who are running thorn. That's why thoy nro popular nnd ovorybody signs thorn. Tho day after tho first ono there were 102 of thorn on tho ntreetn. Ono In nddrofsed to tho governor and asks him to Investigate tho moral condition of Knoch, which In bad I mean, tho petition Is. "Hoptembor 7. What do you know about that? Tho governor wired mo to resign. Shan't do It. Mo must bo a relative of mine, and I won't let a relative boss mo. "September 9. Noah's Ark! Kv oryonc has turned on mo. Now they've got out a recall petition and Wllllarnn Jennings Hums, tho fam ous Hlbllcal detective, la on my trail. History Is being made fnst these days hut that doesn't help mo at all. "September 10. Hurncd my led gers. Going to leave. The I. tickle I'rrlilxldotcrous. "Bcptembor ll.-On tho road north. Left nil hut 11 of my wives, for a man enn't ho too careful In a matter of thin kind. Itnn over a prehlxldo toroun that weighed four tons hut left him In the road. "September 12. Horrors! Wo nro pursued. An I write, my faithful men are equipping the pcrtablo fly ing machine. Theso may ho ray last words that over wilt reach futuro generations. I nm standing upon tho top of a steep volcanic cone. He low mo lies a beautiful river and n great body of timber. If It were not for those petitioners and that or chard scandal, I'd start another city down there, for it looks awfully good to mo. It has takcu four hours to scratch thoso last words upon the brass. My men will hide this diary noarhy. Good-bye. world of tomor- iow I nm off ." And thun, abruptly, ends this fragment of Cain's diary, and tho re mainder of Ita remarkable story la lost to humanity, unless Professor Mallock perchance discovers missing pages among tho reported finds of the ruins of Knoch. Kasy. Wowcomors should got tho habit of going to Innos & Davidson' bnr- hor shop. Adr. I-'or quick nalo list your property with liomrwcckr Lnml Co. Wo can sell It If tho prlco Is right. Adr. fitf IIIO HUIM'IMHi: TO MANV I.V IIKNI Local peoplo nro surprised nt tho QUICK results received from slmplo buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc., nn mixed In Adter-l-kn, tho Gorman ap pendicitis remedy. Tho Patterson Drug Co. ntatcn that thin slmplo rem edy nntlsoptlcUcs the- digestive sys tem nnd drawn off tho Impurities no thoroughly that A SINGLE DOSB re lieves nour stomach, gan on tho stomach and constipation IN STANTLY. (Advertisement) ----- - i ; I HOT BREAD j EVERY MORNING at DESCHUTES GROCERY CORKETT'S SHUEY'S MISENER'S McCUISTON'S C. D. BURGIN'S BAKED DY American Bakery DONT ENVY am Wfrl in a Minute 9m IT T'wffl Be Ready in a Minute As a matter of fact this wonderful little disk stove Is ready to cook in much less than one minute from the instant you turn the switch. Anil you can cook on it practically anything you wish. It Is, perhaps, tho most convenient and useful of the great variety nt eiectn cal cooking devices now within the reach of all, not excepting thoso receiving the more modest incomes. It represents the genius of the "Light House Keeping Age" now opening to us banishing as with n fairy wand nil the nuisances of smoke, soot, disagreeable odors, and tiresome delays. You cannot fully appreciate its many virtues until you nctuallyuse it. Come in and cook on the tine little G-E staves we carry in stock and learn a lesson in real convenience. Or, bottor still, take ono homo to try. Bend Water, Light & Power Co. 1144 SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Crook County. Tjio First National Dank of Dcnd, a Corporation, plaintiff, vs. J. IF. Ilean, J. K. Hcan and A. C. Lucas, defendants. To J. K. Hcan, above named defen dant: In tho namo of tho State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to an- poar and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you In the nbovo entitled action within ton days from the date of tho servlco of the namo upon you If sorted within this county or If served within nny othor county in this stato then within twenty days from th date of tho ser vice of tho tamo upon you or If serv ed upon you hy publication thereof then on or before tho Sth day of May, 1913, and you aro hereby notified thnt if you fall no to appear and an swer for wont thereof tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief prayed for In tho complaint on file herein, to-wlt: For n decree that the conveyance NWVi of tho SWVi of Sic, 27, Tp. 17 8.. R. 1! K., W. M., to J. F. Ilean bo declared fraudulent and void as against thin plaintiff and that the said J. II. Ilean bo declared to hold tho said property in trust for said defendant J. II. Ilean and bin credi tors. That tho conveyance of NW U of KBU and KBU of NW4 and Lot 1 of Sec. 7 and 8WU of SEU of Sec. 6. all in Tp. 13 S., R. 11 E W. M to A. C. Lucaa ho decreed fraudulent and void ns against this plaintiff and UiatJthe said defeudant A. C. Lucaa be decreed to hold this proporty In trust for the defendant J. II. Ilean and his credi tors. And that tho said J. F. Bean and A. C. Lucas account under the di rection of this court for nil of tho property aforesaid so convoyed to thorn and that said proporty he sold and the proceeds of said snto he ap plied to tho satisfaction of plalntlff'a judgment and that tho plaintiff have Judgment against said defendants for tho coats nnd disbursements of this suit and for such other nnd further rellot ns to tho court may seem just and equitable. ThlB Bummons is sorved upon you hy publication thereof In Tho Bond Bulletin, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation published at Bend, Crook county, Orogou, for six succes sive weok8 by order of the lion, O Springer, Judge of tho county court In and for Crook county, Orogou, Said order being made and onterod tho 26th day of March, 1913, In the above causo and this Bummons la published and dated for tho first time this 26th day of March, 1913, VRRNON A. FOURRS. YOUR FRIEND his perfect-fittlnjr Suit. Get one yourself that will irfvo you the same satisfaction that his frfves him. Our Suits aro as perfect in fit as they arc faultless in ma terial and finish. They are guaranteed to give satis faction from every stand point and they do so. Miller-Watt Clothing A. L. FRENCH Sather Bldjr., Wall Street. A00- Spring is Here April 26th Opens Our 1913 FOUNTAIN SEASON kOftfC& dfc. L tpSHKu hlJh&p SEEDS Frilk.Rtlltblt.Pur QutrtntitdtoPUil ETerrOirducrtaJ PltsttrtbouUiotibt inferior marlUol Our NoUirnUtowaBia. SPECIAL On'18 FOR 10 CENTS w will mbA pottpald our PAMnil!) COLLECTION I ii. r,iuu4uk , . . . tot I ii. di-Url.l CfT t . 1 fit, trlj lm.4Hl rVW , 1 ki . rlkrU UUH. . . JM il.W ft Write toitil 4 19 (rata to hl yr mU w4 MckUt u4 MCl? IU ttwrt "Iumi CelUOba." fc UHKAT NOUTUKHN SKUQ CO. 1148 lto St, I'.nckfoni, IlUnali J )3-9 Attorney for Plaintiff. I