TIIK REND RULLKTIN, REND, WEIIXICHDAV, APRIL tn, MM. TAOK 4. THE BEND BULLETIN GEOROR PALMER PUTNAM Editor nml Publisher. U. N. HOFFMAN Mnnnglng Editor. An liulopcmlent nowsimjior stand ing (or tho squaro deal, clean busi ness, clean politics and tho beat In terests of Rend and Central Oregon. Uno year I1B0 Blx months. SO Three months BO . All subscriptions nro duo and PAYAHLK IN ADVANCE. Notice of expiration will bo mailed subscri bers and It renewal Is not mado with in reasonable tlmo tho paper will bo discontinued. 111...1. ..nilfv- na nmmntlv of aUV change of address, or of failure to re ceive the paper roRularly. Make all cheoks and orders pay able to Ilotul Uultotln. The Uullelln lm lon tlcMSnntotl by the County Court of Cnwk County t putilMi oltlclnlly nil the pnxced Iiikh of the court. will cast envious eyes upon It. One ol tho pfunuvt nsROtB of Demi's resi dential lots la their trees; It Is n ro markaiilo pity If any of thoin which pcsslldy can bo retained are dostro)-od. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1G, 1913. Tho owners of property alonB the EOAer ought Immediately to avail themselves of Uie opportunity to have concctlon with It made as pro vided by tho resolution adopted by tho council last week. Tho trench Is open, tho city has the necessary tools and equipment and tho organ ization to do the work. It can bo done most cheaply now. In the tnoro cosmopolitan sections of our country such things aro done about as follows: A street Is laid out and a contract let for expensive pav ing which Is laid. When tho pave ment has been down about long enough to begin to feel at homo someone 'recalls that no water mains tvero put In. and three feet of pave ment Is torn up and tho water mains put down. Then the pavement is replaced. After a while somiuone thinks that a sewer ought to be run along that street. Up comes three more feet of pavement, in goes the sewer and the pavement Is put back, Next the process Is repeated with gas mains and they are followed by conduits to contain the unsightly wires thut had been carried on poles. Each time tho pavement is replaced, to the great delight of contractors and at the equally great expense of the taxpayers. Finally It Is decided to run a subway under the street and everything Is ripped out and done over. That Is the sort of thing that the resolution of the council is onloulated to avoid. Every owner will ulti mately have to mako the oonection. Why not do It now? GIVE UP WHAT? In tho Portland OrcKonlan last Wednesday wo read of n young man of Chicago who, hnvlug sot his ctothut, nflre while smoking a cigarette In bed Jumped Into n tub of wntor to extinguish tho names nml was drown ed. In his rush to the tub he hit against n gas cock, turned on tho gas which lighted, llnrcd up nml set the house on tiro. After reading this we began to wonder, nml nro still wondering, whether wo ought (1) to give up smoking, (I) to give up smoking In bed. (3) to keep away from the bath tub. (4) to light the house with elec tricity or (.') to stop rending ills patches from Chicago. The service nt the federal pie coun ter seems to bo slowor than ever be fore. Unless the Democratic leaders hurry to ladle out the goodies to the patient custotuors, some of them tuny get disgusted and abandon waiting. Often cne hears It said that "there are very few birds In Hend." The people who say that usually are the ones who don't know the difference between a bluejay and a skylark, and who never notice the birds. AX all events It Is quite untrue, for not only are there birds hereabout, but a surprisingly large variety. Even during the winter many birds have lingered along the Deschutes, and thousands have passed through Dend on their migrations. Robins, for In stance, have been here all winter. A bird lover, who Is simply an amateur and is no close-student of blrdlore, has supplied the following catalogue of birds seen hero during the last thirty days; examination of the list shows an interesting acsortment: Hngllsh sparrow, song sparrow, ground sparrow, junco or snowbird, cblcadee, white-breasted nuthatch, Juniper Jay, American robin, Ameri can bluebird, red-winged blackbird, flicker or helgho, meadow lark, downy woodpecker, roBe-breasted grosbeak, sandpiper, chicken hawk and hoot owl. That Includes 17 birds not a bad record for a chanco observer during a single month jn a place "where there are very few birds," Is it? The attractive results that can 1)1 secured with a modest expenditure are well Illustrated along St. Helens drive In Park Addition- -and for that rnattor ' many other sections of the residential districts. There aro clev.er piMiaUous of rocks, pleasant lawns ami tasteful houses. It Is a satisfaction to cee b now resldenco fjelng eriCOid so planned and place! $iat all the yjrroundltis trees are jreservjJ. s few years 'hence, when jWUltlupIauj rotalns.the beauties of Ha tive. ether landholders who now rasn in aud cut off overy treo synopsis one em law M ensure Will llrcinm Effect he on June St. Tho following Is a synopsis of the game law of district No. 2 of Oregon, comprising the counties of Crook, Lake, Klamath. Sherman, Wasco, Umatilla, Wallowa, Union, Daker, Malheur, Harney, Hood River, Mor row, Grant, Wheeler and Gilliam: Tho open season for deer with horns Is from August 1 to October 31. Dag limit, three deer. Geese, ducks and shore birds, frcm Septem ber IS to February IS, bag limit 30 birds In seven consecutive days. Sage hens from August 1 to August 31, bag limit Ave birds In one day or ton In seven consecutive days. Grouse, rough grouso or native fed, from September 1 to October 31. bag lim it flvo birds In one day or seven birds In seven consecutive days. Quail front October 1 to October 31, bag limit ten In seven consecutive days. Doves from September 1 to October 31, bag limit ten In seven consecut've days. ' It Is unlawful to sell any game or fish, to shoot or discharge any gun upon any railroad right of way. road or public highway, to Issuo license to any person under 14 years of age, for any unnaturalized or foreign-born person to hunt, angle or to have In his possession a gun without having first taken out gun license from tho game commission, paying therefor J 25 license fee. The open season for trout over C Inches long Is from April 1 to Oc tober 31 .bag limit 75 In number or 50 pounds. Trout 10 Inches and over open all tho year, bag limit 50 In number or SO iwundn. The age of anglers Is 14 years. It Is also unlaw ful under the new law for women to fish without license. The new law goos Into effect June 3. Tho Dend Co. to Harvey E, linn sett, It .1. blk 30, Center ndd., Ilend. Tho lloud Park Co. to Voshlsahuru Mlyauchl, It l), blk 107, lot ndd to Dond Pnrk. $100. Dead Park Co. to. Carl H. DyHtroin, It 7, blk 104, 1st add. to Demi Pnrk. ?1C0. Adolph II. Fischer to 11. J, Lo Oiilre, Its 1 and '.', title I. Kenwood. lMtl 1-nrk Co. lo Carl 8. Ilystrom, It 3, blk 105, 1st add. to Demi Park. $110 Lnldlaw Townslle Co. to (1. l Ev erhnrt. It 0, blk 20, Lnldlaw. $12fi. J. 8. Pnrmltitcr to C. It. Kurrlu. all of nwUneVj. section '.MS 13. east of Central Oregon canal. $100. UVNI) OFFICE APPOINTMENTS. WASHINGTON. D. C. The tenta tive slate of Oregon laud olllce ap pointments has lioeu HUtnultted to those who know the men recommend ed by ChamlxtrlHlu and l.ane. nml It was said that four out i f live of tho selections were correct. Which one Is wrong Is not ludlrnted. Tho ululo .s: Deceiver at Hums, ham Mutli ershtad; receiver Ht I .a Grande. W. A. Maxwell; register at Lakevlew. James F. Durgoss: receiver nt Tho Dalles, L. A. Dooth; register nt The Dalles. 11. F. Woodcock. Tecd for Aoncta Jcvcob A JTA- I f Sm RECOBDOFpSFERS Deedi nml Other Internments Filed With County Clerk nt Prlnevllle. The Dend Co. to E. It. Jackson. It 3, blk S, Dend. W. II. Staats to George D. Tiros tor tious, Its 1 and 2. blk 10, Its 1, 2. 7, S, blk S, Deschutes addition, Dend. George II. Drosterhous to J. N. Hunter, ne4 of lot 11. trik 5, Dend. J. D. Dodgers to Earl D. Houston, ntfneVi. neUnwVi. sec. 1C-17-12. L.S U, f flf II l , If U.U...I A i tltltilt C, (.( April 16, 1913 Dear friend: Do you use soap? We use soap at our house, and a washboard too, when we wash. They tell me I soil lots of clothes and soil them lots. That's why they make me go after the Isoap and washboards. 21 bars white soap cost $1.00 32 bars yellow soap cost $100. 3 large bars Ivory soap cost 25c. Glass washboards cost 50c Wire clothesline C03t3 15c Your friend, Jacob. P. S. to get good soap and a good wash board and a good clothesline that won't break I go to McCUISTON'S GROCERY Shingles Mouldings LUMBER I CEMENT Building Material The Miller Lumber Company BendJ Oregon. RIVERSIDE and LYTL ---These are the two additions which comprise the northern end of tiie town. Look at the map and yon will see some of the advantages of these two pieces of property. The railroad cuts them directly In two, run ning for three quarters of a mile through the center of the plat, making a full mile and a half of property bounding the right of way. Every foot of this is hound to become very valuable for warehouse and factory sites or for any other business that requires proximity to a railroad foreasily and cheaply receivingorshlppinggoods. These lots are GOINQ FAST, so don't hesitate another day. Call or write for further particulars. Bend Park Company 455 Empire Huilding, Scuttle, Wash. First National Hunk Huilding, Henri, Oregon. Descriptive literature untiled upon request. w: w.i ' . . Or eg. Investment Co. I'l.MUtt NISWONCIUR W. V. VANDUVhltr Wall Street, Bend, Oregon OREGON INVESTMENT COMPANY If You Want Good Residence Lots Business Sites Irrigated Land LAROE OR SA1ALL TRACTS, 320Acre Homesteads AND RELINQUISHMENTS, investigate what we have to offer. We have the best on the market, at the best prices and terms. This firm also makes a specialty of Fire Insur ance, Indemnity Bonds and Plate Glass, Show Case and Mirror Insurance. Our companies are the best in the United States, and pay their losses promptly. flWe are the oldest established real estate firm in Bend, and have a first class record for fairness and efficiency. If you have something to sell, or wish to buy, let us help you. I31MWTTW fl