The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 16, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    IWGK 2.
Portland Paper's Kdltorlnl Com.
mends Hudson's Activities nnd
CiivcH Livestock lniiortntlon
More Kxccllent Publicity.
Tho following paragraphs appear
ed as nn editorial In tho Portland
Oregonlan's issue of Thursday, April
"To do something worth whllo for
himself and associates, and at tho
snmo tltrio accomplish much tor his
community and follow citizens, .has
been the fortunato achievement of
Mr. C, S. Hudson or llend, Ore.. Mr.
Hudson, nB cashier of the First Nat
ional Hank of ltcnd. Is one of thoso
gentlemen who bellcvo that Crook
county. In fact all Central Oregon,
will never 'arrive' until tho land
owners and land tillers devoto tho
principal portion of their attention to
tho dairy cow and tho hog.
"Tho columns not only of tho Ore
gonlan but of scores of other news
papers throughout the Btate, havo
been laden with advlco to newcom
ers, as well as old-timers, that they
pin their faith to tho cow and tho
hog. As to tho condlt'ons In that
section for success there can bo no'
"When Mr. Hudson went to Bend
four or tlvo years ago ho soon dis
covered that there was a wealth of
opportunity thcro for dairying and
hog raising, with n poverty of accom
plishment from tho sheer lack of
breeding stock and tho Inability of
tho settlers to Import such stock for
the want of means.
"To take advantngo of theso con
ditions merely as an advertisement
for his bank would, Mr. Hudson
thought, bo a good move. Indeed,
he claims that ho undertook his stock
operations merely with that end In
view. However this may havo been
at tho beginning, It is now certain
that tho work accomplished has prov
en a philanthropic advertisement of
more valuo to tho community than to
the bank.
It is recorded that in April,
1912, Mr. Hudson shipped from El
gin, 111., two carloads of finely bred
Holstcln cows. In November. 1011,
ho received one carlond of Duroc Jer
soy hogs. Theso wero of pedigreed
Btcck, and wero mostly brood sows.
"This stock was nil sold to set
tlers on time, no cash payments be
ing required. 'I sold,' says Mr. Hud
son, 'to those who wore not financial
ly abto to bring In stock for them
solves, but men of good character.
In fnct every salo was mndo purely
os character. I am glnd to sny that
In not n slnglo lnstanco did my Judg
ment go astray, for every dollar of
tho principal and every cent of In
terest has been repaid.' Homcmber
there was no pro lit In tho transac
tions. Indeed, upon tho cows there
was n loss of nearly $50 through un
foreseen expenses.
"Three of tho purchasers, to whom
tho Oregonlan Is Indebted for their
testimony, nro Leo Hobbs, Henry
Tweet and Knrl Saunders, all of tho
Powell Ilutto section, northeast of
Hem!. Mr. Hcbbs bought tlvc sows,
costing '$1 4 S, and had up to tho llrst
of April sold J425 worth of stock and
hnd on hand 20 brood sows mid 155
pigs, in all worth J15S5. Mr. Tweet
bought two sows for $5S from tho
same shipment. Ho sold stock to
tho amount of $250 tho first year,
and had 20 head left. Mr. Saunders,
who made the most phenomenal suc
cess, purchased but ono sow for $29.
Ho has sold stock to tho value of
$153 and had on hand April 1 brood
sows and pigs to tho vnluo of $CG0.
"These aro but three of nbout 75
examples that are on record and no
failures occurred among thoso who
purchased hogs. As to tho cows, tho
returns como slower, but tho whole
county Is dotted with tho slock
shipped In nml their progeny. Soon
wonderful sti.rles onii bo told of
them, and Inter of tho cnrlouds of
similar stock to nrrlvo tho coming
month. Mr. Hudson Iiiib Just
thoroughly entered the battle to
mnko Crook tho banner hog nml dnlry
county of Oregon."
Denver llUpiitcli Say Mr. A, J. .lack-
ttou V Hurt In Train Wreck.
(Portland Oregonlan)
DKNVKlt, April 11. A relief
train sent from Denver nt noon to nld
pnssongors In n t'nlon Pnelllo wreck
near Cheyenne Wells returned to
Denver with somo of tho Injured to
Mrs. A. J. JnckBon oi I.aldlliw,
Ore., nml P. A. Sawyer of Tuldes,
Alnskn, wero nmong thoso most se
riously Injured.
Tho pilot of tho lending engine
broku from Its fnHteulngs when tho
train lilt n snowdrift and rolled be
neath tho engine. Tho second en
gine was turned ovor completely nud
Is lying 30 feet from tho track.
According to n message received In
Lntdlaw from Mrs. Jnckaon, since
tho nccldent, sho wns not hurt nor
was her young traveling compnnton,
Waverly llnlley. They proceeded to
their destination .
Oregonlan Wilier Pii)n ltepectn to
KutlitiNliKiu of lioenl People Nays
llllillrnl 1'nltli Won .nthlng In
Comparison Willi llend's,
Milliard, Gibb & Juliussen
foundation coiiHtructfon. Lot u put In n jp;
jmotit nidownlk for yon now. Kverynnn might t
liu 'DOIN' IT."
For quick sale list your property
with Homeeekrn Inntl Co. We can
hell It If die price It right. Adv. ntf
nrnPRrTr r Jirr re J '"M-I" TiTlT n"d farther still be It from mo to In-
IHL1 I L, I jH1U JO lVKJVV UWUVJ " t"t a deed to a lot of any
Tho following Is oxtrncted from nn
nrtlclo, written by Addison Dennett,
which nppenred In tho Portland Ore
goulnn'H Issue of April 11:
"There nro tilt en the Htenk;
There nro tiles on the enke;
To the HIoh (hero Is no end:
There nro Mies In tho ten;
There are tiles on me;
Hut there are no llles on llend."
"Item! Is llend. There Is nolle
other. I believe the citizens of lleud
could stnke out n townslto on
the crest of Mount Hood, or In the
depths of the deepest, darkest, dank
est cavern In llulgarla or (lulbarln,
or nnywhere else where caverns are
deep and dnrk and dank atul build
thereon or therein a city, a city with
real people nud real corner lots.
"Fnr be It from mo to Intimate that
there nro not corner lots In lleud,
Auto Trucks
Operating Regularly Between
llulldlngs Completed Since Jnnunry 1
First National llnnk (brick), Cost
K. A. Sather, (brick), CW
O'Donnell Unix, (brick), Cost
Miller Lumber Company, pinning mill
llend Steam Laundry (brick), Including new equipment :W00.00
I . C. Coo, residence flOOO.OO
H. J. Overt urf. residence UOOO.OO
Improvement of water nnd electrical systems (1.100.00
In addition many concrete sidewalks luivc been laid, tunny wooden vinlk
laid nnd a icorc or more of frame residences linvo Ix-cn erected, nt total
cost of not lev than $20,000.00.
Improvement Now In Courao of Construction.
.Municipal sewer system, cost $
P. W. Drown, business building (stone) ....
Klectricnl power plant (concrete and brick)
Myers Al Wilkey Itultdlng (brick nnd stone)
A. I. French, residence (stone)
kind In llend does not make of Its
I possessor a 22-knrat booster, llend
Is the terminus of tho O.-W. II. & N.
.7-..,ww.,...w and tho North llnnk lino up tho Des
. i2,ooo.o 'C'U,,,'H canyon.
(KHiO.nn I " Contrast the old with tho
"soo'oo w "'"' "00 wnB' ',BB ',t'on tccom
piisiieu lur mo imerior uy ino mum
Ing of these roads up the Desohutes
river, enabling ono to get from Port
land to llend In 10 hours and IK
minutes with 'ease nml comfort,
while under the old order It was n
wonrlsome nnd heart-breaking trip
of three days.
"Uettlng bnck to llend again, get
ting aKaln Into an atmosnher Hint Is
.1,000.00 charged with tho fiercest boosting
U.100.00 spirit It has ever been my pleasure to
.10,000.00 1 witness well. It Is like gottlng mon
(1.100.00 ,oy from home to learn how one can
iiecomn a millionaire, or nearly n
Vl llllfklmnlvn ! liiKnallnx I !!....
Street Improvement .1000.00 , """""-"'; , ! '" '" ' "s '':.,.
.....- .. ,ai n i-n 111,1 lunn iuuk1
Flint Presbyterian Church (Stone)
Stop Payin
10 min. walk from
the business center of Bend
is the best view property
on the market nnd is bound
to be the most vuluuble residence property in Bend
hits sidewalks, water and
electric lights
prices and terms are
best offered in Bend
Buy n lot in Kenwood; we will make the terms to
suit you. The money you are paying for rent now
will in a very short time make you the owner of a
.:.. Oregon LanlS Immigration Co. .
J. Ryarij Agent;
4 " W -"t ,-- -.
,ed Inrger than It did tho night be
I fore. I spent tho day prowling
around nnd by tho end of tho first
l dny tho town seemed much larger
than In tho morning.
"What builds towns and cities nnd
communities? Is It not faith In
yourself, faith In your co-workers,
faith In your envlrtns? And where
will you find more or greater chunks
of faith than among (ho llend boost
ers? Talk about the IIIMIeal fulth
the sle of a mustard Heed' (very
Demi booster tins faith as large as
his anatomy will hold without burst
ing. "During tho last year (lend has
grown, there Is no doubt of that.
Quite a number of brick, stone and
concreto buildings have Inwn erected.
One of theso, tho First National llnnk
building, really Is a line structure
and others are nearly Its equal. Tho
residents assort there havo been 300
dwellings erected In the same time.
In thu llend school district there wero
ever -ISO persons of school ago at the
last school census, November 26. A
move Is on foot to erect n high school
structure nt nn expense of $40,000.
"Tho city Is now putting In a sewer
system nt a cost of $76,000 by day's
work, the contractor having fallen
"Ilombember llend Is the termlntiH
of tho railways. A vust country
stretching south over 100 miles, vast
150 tulles, Is nil paying tribute to
llend Is a measure, for tho freight Is
all handled from llend. Tho United
Warehouse Company has a wurohousu
280 by 80 feet, and It Is constantly
tilled with goods. Over 1C00 car
loads of Incoming freight have passed
through It during the last year. The
company handling this buslnoss also
Jobs staples. Dy prosont udvlcca
about ,000,000 pounds or wool will
pass through their hands this Hummer."
Wall Paper and Paint Store
Now rendy for business with n now lino of pnpor
nntl pnlnt. Wo hnvo iner from 10c jwr bolt
nnd up; (n bolt Ih two rolls). Pnlnt from 75c to
$1.75 per ,Kllon. Vnrnlsli, linseed oil, nhcllnc
stain, ennmel, knlsotnlnu nnd Klniw, nntl everything
in the pnpor nnd pnlnt lino. When you need nny
pnlnt or pnper, call nnd see us. If you wnnt nny
pnperlng- or painting- done, would llko to flk'uro
with you, for wo believe wo can do it cheaper
thnn nny one. Give us n chnnco nnd see.
We (lunrnntcc Our Pnlnt nnd All of Our Work
Deschutes Addition
.Methodist llpUcopul.
Rev. K. C. NowHurn, pastor. Bor
vlces every Sunday nt 11 n. in nnd ut
7:30 p. in. Sunday school at 10 n.
m. Hpworth League nt C: IG p. m on
Sundny. Choir practice Thursdny'itt
7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes
day nt 7:30 p. m. Junior League ut
3 p. m. Sunday.
, Dnptlht.
Sunday services; Teachers' meet
'iig ut 0 o'clock; lllblo school nt i: 15;
preaching sorvlco nt 11; brotherhood
at 3; young pooplo'H meeting nt 7:30.
Wednesday evening, prnyer mooting
at 7:30, Thursday evening Sundny
school choir meotH at 7, Tho church
choir moots at 7:30 tho uamo evening.
Church of tho Ilrcthren.
(Commonly known as Dunkards)
Sorvlcofl next Sunday lu tho First
Daptlst phurcji nt 3 p, m, EvQrybody
Invited, Como nnd worship with us,
Iru II, Fox, mlslster.
is one of the choice residence
parts of the town. If you are
looking for AN ATTRACTIVE
INVESTMENT, you should
see the owners of this proper
ty who are old-time residents
here. Lots that are close In
to the business part of town
From $250 to $400
also deal in Farm
Timber Lands
Office In Saltier Drlck UutMIng
Your Fire
placed witli us will always be
written so that your protec
tion will be complete. There
will be no expiring of policies
without your knowledge.
M. S. LATTIN (2b CO.