IWOK IS. TMK 11KNI) 1IUI.I.KTI.V, 11KNI), WKDNKHUAY, AIMllli 1(1, IIM.'I. I 4 E CITYCOUNCILWILLNOT RAISE WAGE I'iiU Force Xow on the Juli Mcv Migo Threatens to llluw up M) or Unless 1. V. W. lcniiiiuN Arc Grunted, Srt)s PoMal Curd. Last Friday a number of workmen on thu municipal sower Job "struck." After walking out, they camo to Kn giniHir 'Koon and doiuanderi an lu oroaBe lu 'their imy from 25 to 30 cents. .Mr. Koon told thorn thory was nothing doing. Saturday tho strikers prwonted to tho mayor a petition demanding tho wage incnwse, better protection from danger limn they alleped they wore receiving, ami a guarantee of steady employment. At n meeting of the council Monday morning the pe tition was read and laid on the table. In commenting upon It the concll men made It clear that they saw no reason why tho city should bo obliged to pay higher wages than anyone else. It was stated that 25 cents Is about tho maximum throughout tho North vest, much of he labor nearby being on a 224 cent basis. Tho raise de manded would Involve the expendi ture of some $5000 extra on the sew er job. As rogards the othor com plaints, rull satisfaction with Engi neer Koon's administration of tho work was expressed by the council. In effect, tho council said: "Koon Is being paid to to run this Job; we stand behind him while ho runs It." In connection with tho eight-hour state law on public works, It was de cided to pay sewer workers 25 cents an hour for an eight-hour day and time and a half, or 376 cents, for the ninth hour. Monday morning several of the strikers went hack to work, and this morning six of the IS who "walked out" are back and the regular force of CO is on the payroll. Several of the "strikers" went to their homesteads. It is understood that local labor agitators have formed an organiza tion of the Industrial Workers of the World here. This morning Mayor Putnam re ceived the following message through the malls: "give thboys what they want or :: sw aaagx . ,,, -..- .. a a - a a a r a a oftHfaa, t HI :! i Hi i I I HOUSES WANTED I . : III t ? i i i i you get blown up. This Is no fooling. Wo mean busyness. Tho 1. W. W. hnB como to stny. A friend of the Workman." Tho throat wna typewritten on n postal card, and evidently was mailed last night, probably Just before, or while tho train mall was being distributed. BEND HfflXSMEN ARE HIGH Coot) Scores Helug Made liy Tlioin In the Stato Shoot. Tire lloml lied and Uun Club, In Uh shoot with other chilis of the state. Is taking high rank, a number of local men showing themselves to bo good marksmen. The highest score so far made In tho shoot Is 11$, Heml and Kugeno both having made this. The locals reached this mark on Sunday, April (5, the Individual scores being: Wes ton 25, Wllkey 26. Tolles 23. Kuut- sen is. SKuse xx. rcugenes score was made on March 30. On the 0th lletul'H opponent was Kugeno. but at that time the latter made only 100. The shoot last Sunday was with l.u liranrie and Henri nude a score of 115. an excellent showing as the men faced a high wind. No report has been received of the Im (irnnrio result as yet. The Individual scores here were: llallberg 25, Kurrle 23. Myers 23, Weston 22, Wllkey 22. The third claim In the local shoot has not yet finished. Those who shot Sunday were: Furst 13, Rhodes 13. The first and second classes finished some weeks ago, Kurrle winning the gold watch fob In the first division and llallberg the sliver watch fob In the second section. The prlie lu the third class Is a hunting coat. IIK.YltlXC IX POUTI.ANII TODAY. As advertised In The Hulletln last week by the referee, creditors of II. .1. Bggleaton are scheduled to get a hearing today In Portland before the referee In bankruptcy, Chester (1. Murphy. According to a letter from the referee, tho bankruptcy proceed ings will not Interfere with the lien obtained four months ago by n Port land bank, under which the stock of Bggleston was sold by tho sheriff a short time ago, a few days after tho harness man had filed bankruptcy proceedings. STO.VK WOKK COMI'IiKTKI). W. A. Heaver of tho Henri Stone Company completed the stono work on the P. W. Hrown building on Horn! street last week. The stono front Is handsomely finished, and Is nn example of the fine effect that can be secured with tho locally quarried stone. Mr. Heaver says be Is figuring for the contract on two new build ings, one for Dr. I. II. Kcrmott's proposed office building on Wall street and one for a bungalow for W. C. McCulston. We have so many inquiries from people wanting to rent, small houses, which we cannot furnish them. that in order to encourage building to meet this growing demand we have selected a limited number of our inside residence lots which we will sell at the following prices and on very easy terms of payment: n 20 Lots in "SS 20 Lots in v V These are all nice large lots 50 foot frontage and most of them 140 feet deep. Large enough for a home and a good garden. They are all available to city water and electric light and close to sidewalks. Come and see us about these lots if you want a bargain,, The Bend Company D. E. HUNTER, Real Estate Manager WOMAN Ml'ST IIAVK Mt'KXHK. Thu Hulletln Is requested to pub lish tho following letter: Portland, April 12th, 1013. Mr. Warren Drown, County fllork, Prlnovillo, Oregon. Dear Str: Replying to your Imiulry of the IHU lust., relative to the new law requiring women to have a li cense to angle, will state that mioh Is the ease. This law heroines nffea tlH ,lunu 3rd, and nftor (hat date each nnri every person over tho ago of II years will Po,retiulrori to havo a license to hunt or angle off of tholr own Inttds. The old laws under which ro aro now governed do not require that women should have a license to an gle, but It does require that they shnll have n license to hunt. Under the new game cede boys under the age of 14 yours will not bo allowed to have firearms off the premises of their parents or guardians. Yours very truly. Wtl.UAM I,. I'INI.ItY. Stato (initio Warden. Hy K. S. Cattron. Chief Clerk. TIIK I'ltAST OF PASSOVKIt. (Written by Itihhl Hold.) On the 22nd day of April falls tho Feast of Paswvor. The holiday be gins on Monday evening at sunset. Heglnulng on that date the follow ing ttrvpn day we are not allowed to et bread, only uuleaveueri bread. This holiday has to be celebrated with wine, meat and other whilesome foods. On this night every Jew roads the history of the freeing of tho Sons of Israel as slaves from Kgypt, to his wire and children. It Is 3225 years since the Jew from all over the world on this day fires the Feist of Pass over, as n remembrance of tho freeing of slaves from Kgypt. Tho Hlble tells us that Moses not only took the Jews out of Kgypt, but he took out all slaves that were found In th Land of Kgypt. This holiday should not only be a holiday for the sons of Israol, but for all civilized humanity. In later times there were other great men that tried to duplicate this ex ample set by the great t each or Moseu and they also freed slaves. Moses put the slaves on such a bright system that they should not have to sell themselves for a piece of bread In order to exist with his wife nnri children. He put them on land whore to support themselves and families. The laws of the land were In such an order that even If tho clrcumstnces brought one to sell his piece of land It would have to bo returned to him In Yobel. Cod said, "I created the onrth for everybody. The earth Is initio and nobody can sell forevor." This holiday has another meaning, too. This means It Is also a holiday of spring. Whenever tho sons of Is-' rnel wero on their land as nn agrl- Park Addition at Center Addition at PC if V si sL. in 0 ttiu . tiw iiia. i r- nn -. m i I M f N. JUi jyiitiir- e-llli jr y ,1 r i w f 11 &? . s&s.a xrrt f m r- A' V-l OfAP AixWv f V V II - -v'itX iVi t UL ... 'VV Aito" Hi v N?v. V3v Lr vrB (A JflFV' I 11 01 &SX flV Mt Ay 01 RESOURCES OF ' II ,i XJ. l;i T viall .ill V .t4' Mriuot to PrttriAKO I am U( Svt U A Vlll ! A A . y mrcnmtnmtmti V. ml I I XV 1' lIII I Y .ir...( ruin ai I ciMrvr-x 1,2 I xVr- A till . or s iinrieM I U I I I . VV,s.l5w,.'V- S mtffitrwHt, I , TA nmmto ? T JiO j.V.HVs o ponoi. flute otc I, i'0 UfflllJA Q Jt T- flljM.BUTIf6ClNTR I 'l ' ( ZfL, f Wl I"?-, tl io- HMfH HIUI. I yZt't u O ttHBvmnttt ,. 1 Miorenoif I wooopuupmiuj i I . $r i Jifl' MiotiN miuj V c..- VLi oi.nil l flCtT(tlV-MTMJflATflH V You Should See Mil I i'iirchril l i r cr oil ty trnin Thr uiiwiiikIIiik 4nrtvri.l muHHUItia air lull l italuial Mumlri mnl .il III for vnvHlioii l. liiiv I wily khiI Inu yiiill, Iml KiunlHii illy It ho ul,ihHr lrm. tnu k-k-I hMrli, lo lit r t i WTlchnHillMr l ir Rtt clax llvriy hI Iml Ulilr. mt rollHl HtnMH-i (Ihf I. I'mr lMlt MimhUIm) our of thr lu l Iikic r rommrttiaUlulM in thr laic . lhl iliil. l.y Ihr y haa ila una ,iuifl)r mnl Ihr l4rt )tai iiuikI IhirvM ait alllaill i..l I, ' Thrlr-lt Ihirr amall ww uilll. In Hr MclHIly "I" (j, I'mr whl'h l ( Ihr !IiihIiik ul Ihr ll lumtwiliiK ami hiIIIIhk I.h.iii.m that ill iluHr hlr Th.ir air kI umi .,v. In iiiai.iiliHdilMK ainl lh.t IihiIhih ll hut In r.lmalh.iial mailna I .a 1nr la nifur lit a Uli'acir arhoil Mia, in Ihr hta, I if .hr Inwiuir ar.tiuii ali.l Mow Iraahra km l lir Iwrltlh kiJ A laihli' thUHh Mill Iw l.oi'l t thla apllHi;. aiitlulhri ihurchra arr ilaiiul( lutalat.liah ihtmarlvra . hr haa rr inm aniUMr rlrtllk hHr lfttr win. h I -nwtwaa hvaromH.tl lutlrvl,ii. aHat whuh aloHr wtniM hulltl aal ailtcily 1 h tot am, i lalMi law.1 mlwlaiy tu l.a I'mr w I aloHf Irnilil ami HiaiiilalH a nol airtal tlly rhr iihIi ul t.mfaat lillwiaiy Im M I'tttr wihiIiI alir l.IM a tt-l alM.I rily Willi I ? rumlHK ullhr iwuh lall.'wl ajr..iflll M I'litr whKh willtw a,i. ilrrl.i.niiil Ih ami alumni l.a llnr will hr lal.i.l la I' t r eas b trachrrl m r Net. N ! . O W K Jk N ami f V K,a V ia makr moy by Mlhj (Hufly al 1 llitr in a.limcf ill'? rallcuarfa uihriakirOutHi II. why huI ul WAKK. I l't Ih frt I ha I mII wtll IwtalrU luH IH uwr tit ISr Hrwrat ami wa aril a w lit .-tor inwrai la i-mn.i io Biuw iaaiiy illy a ftvr ttullala li HttfMlh H rath lul ami Ulmatu cultural peoile, the farmers gather ed or. this day with their families to celebrate and pray to (lori for dew and rains In time of need. They also had this day as a holiday before go ing out to till the soil. I think every man's motto should lie, "Hack to the soil." I intend of being slaves and working ftr anoth er, work for yourself. We are now In a free country and the govern ment wants us to make homes that we should not have to look for work every other day. Work for yourself In the soil where mother earth will give you the means of support. Do not take notice of tho people that want to prevent you from taking land. They may discourage you In different ways, but don't tako notice $ 1 50.00 Each 11 J $200.00 Each ff " iT .-. .AY S, J y t --7 11 XVfc-WC'Xl' "77 yTvl.l ,W ...-iu..." - 'IIi r-,XVr'Z dWV ' ,U IT"". II La Pine ::.:::- iuK(tlii omilr ck. u Irvri, h nrtri lrttr! than M frtl Thr ami thai (.rwiii) aalura will cllinlarrunlHitly YuHiluu't miaaihr Mioaiay. Irttl yww hwh araUHr LA PINE TOWNSITE COMPANY, La Pino, Oregon. HrlMbtr agnail, with (uul baHk irfririwra. walilt.l im all fNiMauf thr I'Hllral Hlalra of thuiu. You ran find an example lu the Hlble. Ulieli the sous of Is rael went out from Kgypt, they said to Moat that they want to Investi gate tin'" land to where he was going to take theiu. They wero then lu twelve tribes and Moses told them to pick a man from each tribe and send them to InvoNtfKato. Whim they got I back leu Mere against and two for It. i Hut all the same, they went and had the best of success. I believe that lieoplo who "knock" this land must hawi some Interest and reason for doing It. Ask the pioneers from lands that are settled and you wilt find tho same thing. Many went away discouraged hut some tn)eri and had the best of success. In land that Is not settled tho cli . Tlir Uml l IKH, ilri KrflKC It.: :: K"l Iiihii. hikI rtirllritt ill 4(1 V. I ll K nal f illUlfl Uli.l nh twiiicliial Millet (,y I rma now limt tai h hi Thr Ifima atr ' ltMl4 luMily Wtllr Iwlay M ial l mate Is wild but laud that Is sctilnl. the rllmalo Is mild. Here Ih Henri you find tho (iilii very friendly and where you ask fir fHirtlculars about laud they will sure ly Klve you the right advice KIiik iMvIri said In his book of Psalms that (Itiil salri, "In ever) l.iro. where yen mention my name I will' come to you and I ileus you Tltnt iiiihiiim even In a shuck on the r..l- rlett will (lud seiiil Ills blessing i i you. When you will be friendly Ut Vnlir linlifhbura, without tinllri, nf ri-, Union or nation, ami when you will not let iiKiitUin better vim. vim will surely make a success. The HI' In am it you will Im good to line an. other, (lod will give you rain lu time. , til t t t T t :: f t .. ES '1 i! 'T Si