rAOK 10. T1IK IIKNI) I1UM.KTIN, IIKNI), WKDNKS1UY, APIllIi Ifl, 1010. II lUilttJM 18 CITED 0011111- Judgo Informed That lcr rtmnlN Sell to Minora. Tho llullctln has received tho fol lowing comnnmlcntlon from tho county Judge's o(llco: "It .hns recently boon brought to tho attention of tho county Judge thnt n number of merchants are vio lating n stnto law which prohibits tho sale of tolmcco to minors, nud also that boys nro using tobacco In public places. Tho ofllco fools that In many cases those offenses nro be ing committed In Ignorance of the law, nud Is anxious to do all In tho way of warning before any ncttou Is taken In the matter. To this end tho following lottor has boon sent to n number of parents: "Dear Sir: It has boon reported to the Juvenile Court of this county thnt a number of boys under tho ago of eighteen nro vlolnttng a stnto law rogardlng the use of tolHicco In any form by a minor In public tSec. 2149 I.. O. I.). Your boy Is among the numtKT, so In order to save yourself and him future trouble, wo would ad vise thnt you take stops to correct this evil tendency on his part. If you can ascertain from what source your loy obtains tobacco, wo shall be glad to cot pernio with you In en forcing tho law ngaltiBt those who are knowingly contributing to the delinquency of n minor by furnishing him tbbneco without the consent of his parents or guardian. (Sec. 2HS, 2150, h. O. L.). "Trusting this note of wnrnlng will bo sufficient to put you on tho alert, wo remain, "Yours truly, 0. SPHlXOKIt, "County Judge of Crook County." NOTICK TO CltKRlTOHS. In tho County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon for tho County of Crook, In tho mnttor of tho cBtato of Gcorgo H. Pulllam, decensed. Notlco Is hereby given by tho un dersigned, tho duly nppolutod, quali fied and acting administratrix of the estate of Ooorgo H. Pulllam, decensed to the creditors ami nil persons hav ing claim against the said deceased or said estate, to present them, verified as required by law, within six mouths after tho dato of tho first publication of this notice to the said administra trix at tho olllco of hor attorney, Ver non A. Forbes, In tho First National Hank Building of Uond, Oregon, tho same being tho plnco for tho trans action of tho business of said estate In said county and state. 1.01'ZKTTA PUM.IAM Administratrix of tho estate of (eorgu H. Pulllnm, deceased, fi-9 .AVEKKIA" MAKKirr HF.PORT. NOrtTH PORTLAND, April 11. Receipts for tho week have been: Cattle 1C70, calvos 15(5. hogs 3220, sheep 2673, horses S. Market steady tQ a shade lower. Tho yards were filled with a very liberal run. Trad ing was extremely active tho first if tho week, but lost prestlgo toward tho clone. Only one load of prlmo steers sold at $8.25 Monday. Hulk of sales averaged from $7. CO to $7.90. Weight decreased and beef quality graded medium good. Hutch- er stock sold well. Hulk of cow sales ranged between $C50 and $7 with a few small lots realizing over soven cents. Hulls are firm, but a slight loss to the real trade shaded the $9 top to JS.75. Generally the cattle market la off ten to fifteen cents with demand not so urgent. Extreme quotations are $8 to $8. IS for best steers, $7 to $7.10 for cows, JC to $0.25 for bulls and $8.75 for calves. Tho hog market was shattered In quick time after buyers commenced hammering the high level of last week. Falling Eastern markets, to gether with liberal liquidation gave them an opportunity to lower bids and there after the decline was rapid. From the unsteady Monday top of $9.60 prices hit bottom at $9.30 on I Wednesday nnd Thursdny whore It settled temporarily at least. All i grades of swino decreased propor-j tlonately with the best light variety and Is still on unsteady basis. Mut-. ton buying was limited to a half doz en cars of wethers, ewes nnd lamb. Mil selling at recent high prloes. Wool wethers at $7.25 .and ewes at $G.Ifi indicate the range In prime stuff. Hest lambs soil easily at $S. Sheared stock a dollar less. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In the County Court o( the Statu of Oregon for the County of Crook. In thu mnttor of tho estate of Ceurgu W. Knnpp, deceased. Notlco Is hereby given by tho un dersigned, administrator of tho es tate of George W. Knnpp. deceased, that he has made and llled with the clerk of tho County Court of Crook county, Oregon, his Hunt account of administration of said estate and that tho llanorablu Judge of said County Court has set Thursdny. the 15th day of May, 1913, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at tho County Court Room In Prlnovllle, Orogon, as tho tine nd place of hearing the llnul settling of said estate'. Dated this Sth day of April, 1913. O. C. 1IKNKLE. Administrator of tho estate of George W. Knnpp, decoased. Vernon A. Forbes, attorney for ad ministrator. 5-10 will bo cancelod thereunder without your further right to bo hoard there in, either before this olllco or on ap peal,, It you fall to Ma In this olllco within twenty dayn nttor tho FOURTH publication of this notlco, as shown bolow, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to these allegations of con test) Or If you fall within thnt tlmo to file In this olllco duo proof that you have served n copy of your answer on tno said contestant In person or by registered mail. If this service Is mndu by tho delivery of u copy of your answer on tho snld contestant In person, proof of such ser vlco must bo either tho said contest nut's written acknowledgment of his receipt of thu copy, showing tho dato of Its receipt, or tho allldavlt of tho person by whom tho delivery was made stating when nnd where tho copy was delivered; If mndo by regis, tered tnall, proof of such service must consist of the ntlldnvlt of tho person by whom tho copy was malted stn'lug when nnd the postolllco to which It was mailed and tills allldavlt must bo nccompanlod by tho postmaster's receipt for tho letter. You should stnto in your answer tho nunio of tho postolllco to which you desire further notices to bo sent to you, 0. W. MOORE. Register. Dato of first publication April It), 1013. Date of second publication April 23, 11)13. Dato or third publication April 30, 1IU3. Onto of fourth publication May 7, 1913. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho State or Oregon for Crook County. United Warehouse Company, n cor poration, plaintiff, vs. V. F. nud Mazo l.ocKwood. dofondnnts. To W. F. Kockwood and Main Look wood, above named defendants: In tho name or tho stnto or Orogon you nro hereby required to nppenr nnd answer tho complaint of tho plaintiff llled against ou In tho above entitled suit within ten days from tho dato of service of this sum mons upon you lr sorved within Urok county, Oregon, or If served .within any other county or thu state or Orogon, then within UO days or tho ditto or thu service or this sum mons,, nud If served upon you by publication, then on or befoio tho FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. I. O. O. F. lleud ldgo No, IMS Regular Meetings overv Munday nluht Vlsltois wo. come. W. L. Wing. U. N. Hoffman. N. 0. Heoy. M. V. OF A. Pilot llutto Oninp No. 9791 Meets every Tuesday In Slither llnll. Visiting NolghborH alwas welcome, V. W. Oicutt. Consul. Mm (In It. Kuutsoii, Clork. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of the Interior, United Stntes Land Olllco. The Dalles, Orogon, April 7, 1913. To John H. Williams, or Sumner, Wash., Contest: You are hereby notified that D. P. Hcou who glvos R. I). No. 1. Hond, Oregon, ns his postolllco address, did on April 3. 1913, file In this o trice his duly corroborated application to contest and securo tho cancellation or your homestead entry No. , Serial No. 0CS10. mndo April 2t, 1910, for Wfc, Section , Township 20 S., Range IS, E.. Willamette Me ridian, and ns grounds ior his contest he alleges that said John II. Wil liams has never been on tho land since filing on same; that ho has abandoned samo fcr moro than one year last past. "iou are, therefore, further noti fied that the said allegations will bo taken by this ofllco as having been confessed by you, and your said entry The V p I Stone Bend Stone Company DESCHUTES We have just completed the Brown Building on Bond Street. Why Did We Get (he Contract? Because we were able to show -- that - is the Best and Cheapest HullcHnjr Material nnd thnt we nrenlloto do n first class job In n first clnss manner That's Why. Think it over and then let ns figure with yon. w r. 'J Sand and Gravcl"AII SizcS"Pair Prices I.OIIHE NO; IOU l(. of I'. Moots oory Wodnos ilii) evening at H p. m. In Castle Hall. E. A. Bather Hldg. Visiting Knights welcome. Joe iniiiis, C C L. M. MeRo) nobis, , . K. of It. H H I V im UEND LODGE NO. A. L .V A. M. Meets on Thursday on or bo. fore tho full moon or each mouth. Visiting brothers always welcome. J. I). Davidson. W. M. A M. I.nrn, Secretary 8th day or May, 1913, nud ou and ench or you nro hereby imtllleil thnt If you rail ho to appear and answer, for want thereof thu plaintiff will ap ply (o tho court for thu mllnf prayed ror In tho complaint on lllo horelii, to-wlts For Judgment against you nud each or you for tho sum of 7 r. . l 8 , together with tho costs nnd dlsbuisomoiils of this action. Thin HiiiiiinoiiH Is published In Tho lleud llullotln, n weekly newspaper or general circulation, published at lleud. Crook county, Oregon, ror slv. silci'osslvo weeks, by order or tho llouoiiiblo (1. Springer, Judge or tint County Court. Htato or Oregon, said order being made nud enteied on tho I2ilth day or .March, 1913, In tho above entitled oiise. Dated .and published llrst tlmo tills UDtli day of Miiielt. 1013. VERNON A. FOHIIUH, U.'.i Attorney for plaintiff. FRATERNAL IIROTIIERIIOOD. Regular meetings hold bv lloiid l.odgo No. Mi 7 In Mather's Hall on the llrst nud third Thursday evening each month. Visiting members ol order always welcome. J. II. MINER. Pros. FRED IIUKY. See. THE BEND STONE COMPANY W. A. BEAVER, Bend, Ore. POLK'S DIRECTORY OUT. Polk's Oregon and Washington Di rectory for 1912-H has just been Is sued and was delivered to Rend sub scribers last week. It contains a bus iness directory of Oregon and Wash ington, and contains Information of much value to business people and others. A descriptive sketch of each town and city Is given. CALL FOR IHDS. Notice is hereby given that tho Common Counoil of the city of Rend will receive sealed bids for certain street Improvements to be mado In accordance with the plans and speci fications and undor the terms and conditions attached to said specifica tions now on file nnd open to public Inspection at the olllco of the record er of the city of Head. All bids must be accompanied by $250 In cash or a check payable to the treasurer cf the city of Rend, duly certified, the same to le a guar antee, of good faith on the part of the bidder In case hejgpwarded the contract. The'1' Successful' bidder must furnish a bond, with sureties to bo approved by the council of the city of Hend in an amount equal to CO per cent of his total bid, Hlds may bo fllod with tho mayor or the recorder at any time prior to six o'clock p. m. April 30th, 1913, and said bids shall be opened and consid ered at 8 o'ekek p. in. on the 30th day of April, 1913, at the council room on Wall street In tho city of Hend, Oregon. Illds herein requested are called pursuant to resolution No. 2 now en file In the office of the city recorder and passed by the Com mon Council of tho city of Rend on the 14th day of April, 1913. All of tho improvements required by said resolution to be done shall be let in one contract. The contract for such improvements shall be complet ed within ninety days from tho date of the awarding of the contract. The council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dy order of the Common Council of the City of Bend, Oregon. Attest: G,,P,.PPTNAM, 11. C. ELLIS, '" Mayor. Recorder. Free Government Lands IN CENTRAL OREGON i i M '' r We have been locating Qovernment Lands in Central Oregon lor four years. We know all the country and all the land open to entry. We have located 90 per cent of the settlers in Central Oregon. We own our own cars and can show you all 'f?H. the coijntry for less money than anybody In "the business. We guarantee all locations made by our engineers. If you want to see the best lands in Central Oregon, it will pay you to call and see us. Our fee for locating is right and for reference we suggest any bank or business house in Bend. Call at our office, corner of Oregon and Wall St.. and see samples of grains and vegetables grown In the homestead country. Any infor mation we can give you will be gladly given. Oregon Land & Immigration Co. ' Oregon and Wall Sts, O. C. HENKLE and E. R. POST, LOCATORS. .- ? KEIIEKAHS. Hend lodgo No. SON meets every second nnd fourth Friday evening, other's llnll. Visiting brothers and sisters welcomed. Mrs Lucy French. N. (J. Miss Lois V. Force, Hoc. Secy. ROYAL NEIHIIRORS Regular meeting on llrst and third Friday evenings at Hather'a Hall. Mrs. Jennie Harper, Oracle, MRS. A. ORCUTT. Recorder. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR. Hend lodge meets In regular ses sion on th Second and Fourth Mon day Evening each month, In Masonic Hall. KhhiiI,, Karris. W. M , Arrlo Hlack, Secy. DIRECTORY OF OI'I'ICIAUS. Culled Stale. President Wood row Wilson Vlco President. .Thomas It. Marshall .Secretary of Slate W. J. Ilrjan jKeeretnry of Navy . . Jinwphus Daniels floeretary of War . . . . L. M. Harrison Xoeretary of luturlur . . . . F. IC. Itie Secretary Agriculture D. F. Houston Secretary of Treasury .W. F. McAdou .Secretary Commerce . . W. C. Hodneld Seerotar) of luilKir .... W. II. Wilson Attorney (iwiersl . .Jhs. Mcltoyiiolds Postmaster (lensral .Albert Hurlesoii Stole. Governor Oswntd West Secretary of Statu . . . . II. W. Olcott Treasurer Thus. It. Ka Atty (iunurnl A. M. Crawford Superintendent Public Instruction . . L. R. Alderman Statu Printer W. H. Dunlwuy Commissioner I-abor Statistic . . . . O. P. Holt (Jamo Wnrdtn W. L. Flnle State Engineer John II. UmU United Stales Senators Ueoruo E. Chamberlain Harry W. Lutio Congressmen A. W. Lnfforty N. H. Slnuod Seventh Judicial DUtrlct. Judgo W. L. Hrndshaw Attorney W. 11. Hell Crook. County. Judgo .0. Springer Clerk Warren Drown Sheriff iraiiK i.ikiiih Treasurer Ralph Jordan Assessor ........... .11, A. Foster Soliuol Supt J. E. Myers Coroner P. II. Poludoxtor Surveyor Fred A. Rico Commissioners R. H Hnyloy Willis W. Hrown 'I ho Courts. Circuit Meets llrst Monday In May nnd third Monday in Octobor. Probato Meets llrst Monday In each mouth. Commissioners' Moots llrst Wed nesday In January, March, May, July, September nnd November. Hend Sclibol DUtrlct No. lii. Directors II. J. Overturf, Clunn F. M. Roy Clydo M. McKay Clerk H. E. Allen City of lleud. Mayor G. P, Putnam Recorder 11. C Ellis Troaeuror II. J. Overturf Chief of Police S. E, Roberts City Engineer ....George S. Young Councllmen H. E, Allen ............... a. i4 v rencn A, 8. Collins H. D. Ford John Bteldl K. A. Bather Justices of tho Peace Bend Precinct ...... .Ward II. Coble Deschutes Precinct , ..W. W. Orcutt SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tlm Htato or Orogon ror the CiAiuly of Crook. Ralph II. Ilrownlow, plaintiff, vs. Iva M. Hrowiilow, defendant. To ha M. Hrowiilow, above named dolunilnul: In tho name or the Statu or Orogon you aro hereby roqulrml to appear and answer complaint or tho plaintiff llled against joti In tho hIhio en titled action ami Court within ten days fioin the servlro of thjs sum mons upon joii. If nerved within Crook County, Stnto or Oregon or R served within any other County within this Stnto, thou within twtnty daH from tho dato or the sertlio of this summons upon ou, or If nut served within tho State of Oregon, thou on or before Thursday, the KHi day of May, ID 13; and Mm nro further iiolltled that If you rail to appear nud answer tor wnut thereof tho plaintiff will take Judgment against )ou ns prsed for lit tho com plaint on lllo heroin. to-wR That tho IhiiiiIs ot matrimony now existing between jou and plaintiff be forever dliwolwd and held for untight This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In The lleud lliilletln. n newspaper of general r lr eolation published at lleud. Crook county. Oregon, tor six mirresslm weeks commencing with tho Issue of March I Dili, 1113. and ending with the Issue of Mny 7th. 1913. by ordi r of the Honorable (1. Springer. Conn? ty Judge or Crook County. State of Oregon, made and entered on tho llth day of .March. 1!U Dated and published tho first tlmo Mareli ID, Hi 13. VERNON A FORHIH I-S Attorney for Plaintiff. J 1 Itoofinir of nil kinds. Kctmirinif promptly done. J. A. fllacCLOSKEY TINNINQ AND Furnace Contractor GuttcrlnKi Spotttin, Cornices ufnl Skylights. P " J. J. RYAN Sanitary Plumbing STEAM AND HOT WAlllRHRAriNO. JOHBINU Promptly Attended to. Postotlice Hex No. 171 Office on Wsll Street with diss. Hunter J Billiards and Pool FIno nn I t'opulnr Lino of CIGARS Robert Blackwell Wall Streut, Hernl. Oreuon ( N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPER-HANGER. EstlmntoB on Wull I'npor nt application Portland Prices Cheapest anil Hest Wall Paper Snmplea In tho county. Get My Prices. Shop on Oregon Mutt, Kr ori'cMTliutri Hunk IIOX 4 II11N1), OklWON Clover Leaf Dairy PURE MILK AND CREAM TELGPHONB and we will deliver S. L. STAATS, Prop. "