The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 16, 1913, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 0
n d
Mllllll I'lINN A'MIN ('(!( iiilc MllUlllillllN
Ik Itond llnuliii'i'f K)l' of thai
()ii'Umi Hnllituiil 'iiiimny Mny
lti Ui'naimtliiu Hill Mm.
Wf'Ml. Illlll wIlO llllM llllOII IIMHIIClll l('(
Willi tlm Mill liitiiniHtH III iii liny pro-
VldllH KIltlirprlHIM, Willi HlHl III" Kill'.
vcy iirriiDH (Iih iiiiiiintHlim Inm not
Iiohii coniileli)il, I mi 1 Hist tint projaict
or croHHliiK tlinin Is imilroly fmtsllilo.
"Wo Inti'inl lo ;o to llonil." sulil
Mr. KylH, "lint prnluilily will not
htillil lo Unit city rlKlitiwny."
i I'orilHinl OpinoiiImii)
h,,;m, April IX. AniiiiimnmiHmt
.ih uihiIi tiiUy ly lolin II. McNitry,
jxuriiiy for lln cKimimny, lht nr
i iinz.uiiiii of tlm ()rNm Hullroml
K.imny was kIkiiiI ptirfwitHil niul
'(::it within Hiram wunk uontrncU
' r riiiiNiriirlli-n of portion or thai
" : (xil w (iiilil lm awarilml.
The roiiipniiy propiHtxit to rtniMlruct
n i. i.ul from KsIhiii In llnil by way
if HIjiMi n ami tlironch tlm Mlnto
I', ii, on of th few nvnllnliln roll
r i DHH4 tliroUKh tliu CftSCMilo
t DlllitllltlS.
ihi coinpuny ntiil Nrtlolmi of In
riorntlon Kulirtinry SI or this yimr
unli cnplulUMtlon of 100,000. IIm
i:.riir4rntori arti: (I. A. Kyl, A
I Mrt'loml nml J. I" MoftnoH. No
Ht.-ltl'llll'lll was iiihiIu kh to who wort'
ciKlril nlflcft-ria or iHHinlair of tlio
' !,inl cf iIlpK-tors toil)-.
Jimt who In Imeklnic tlm rnnil In
not ii-rtuln. llowMVur. It was nil-
niuici'il tlmt nil of thtt liionny namtlml
for tint cotintruetloii or tint road win
nnllnlili) liniiK'illntuly.
Kjlii was thtt miKliii'or for th Hill
1 1 urn iii iIih construction of the North
limik niiiil. McCloml lm complutml
rirt'ntly one of tho litrKi'ot concrutu
firlilKi In IIih worhl for thot linos
c.nil .Mr .McN'nry linn nrlml for tliuin
as nn utti rni')' nt thU point ror n
iiiimlM-r or ynars. I'roin Hia fncts
it Appt-nrn muplrloiiHly strong tlmt
the proponi'il Him from Hiilum to
i;iiil la lnrkiil hy lint Hill IntorimtH.
It In prolinhltt tlmt tlm road will
wrMi oh a fct'ilnr. It will hnvn dlrix't
(t.iiiifctlonN horn with thu Hill nml
ll'irtliiinn propHrtlwi nml will Iihvw
hr mitno In I Intnl. It will tnp the
II miTiIi dlntrlcU ho throtiKh tho
Uist Htm ion Irrigation district nnd
will tnp one or thtt rlrlitmt tlnilmrHt
r v'Ioiin In tlio attain hIiiiik t m Kno
ll It) ntnl the MrttltttHlt4Nh..
- far flit rami nana . I rml nvttr 1 1
r h h of rlKht of way lmtaajaj haara
a- I Hi i won
liylit l.nlo on Hill Tiilk.
I rnn t ssy littlinr Mr. Hill In
Ititi rmti'il In the OrHftnn lUllrond
Conil .in or not." M 0. A. Kylw,
i no of Hit Inroriiorntiim. lNt iiIkIh
In I'ortUnd). "In rel, n hnvMi't
c iilttnl our ormiHUHtloii."
In .Mr Hill IwckliiK your nwdT"
III' wna HHkcd.
I W'nildn't wnnt to Miy unytliliiK
n'Mtit that," lm Hiikwttrttd.
Mr Kli'. who In cntt or th limit
known rnllnmd eimliH'om In . tlio
Hod mid Jnn dull I'Ihiim lo llfplrii
Mi 1 ,4 mii I KMilnu.
A iiii'HtliiK or Iho Hod Hllll (Inn
Chili WHH liclil MonilHy i'vuiiIiik to
rtniHlilHr tint olfer or MtMte (Ihiiih Wur
ilnii Klnley to ulilp In tji llimd llli fry
or VHt'lOtllt Wirt, HIIKKlttltlllK. how-
ttvur. tlmt tor wnIhih In iIiIh nllltiidn
ritlnliow m tul inoiiiitHlii trout would lm
lit!. TIihio would lm h1iIiihi to nr-
rlvo liuro nlHiut tlio Urn I or .Mny mid
tlm pin n of the chili In lo Iinvh hkiiii
ImrH nnd olhorN Intenmleil meet Iho
Mlilpineiit with nuiomolilltm mid lnk
thtt yoiiiiK IIhIi to thtt river Ht ohch.
Thtt pretient plmm look lo piitlltiK
(lift fry In tlm river Ht LmIiIIhw
tirlilKtt, Ht tlio dmim inmr HkiiiI, hy
the niftHilowN fartlier up (ho river
mid at Itenliniii fiillH. In Mildltlon.
tlm clul) will HNk for a Hlilpmeiit of
lilHt'k Iihm fry to lm pIncinI In I'mii
llmt Inke.
At tlit meet I iik Ketmriil plmiN for
titkliiK cwrn or thtt Hull woru dlwnitned
hut no dellnlie HrraiiKt'tiinnt nkreed
iimiii. All who nr lnteriHiid nud
who will kIvo their HiwlHtmire In do
liiK Hid work when tlio IIhIi nrrlve
itre riHiien(nd to coiiiiiiiinlrte with
Chirk IthodttN.
EW G K 0
MluiN or Coiiipiuiy OIIIcIiiIh Art; He.
Ileuil To lliuc Amllliiry I'lnnt.
IIimiiii I'or AddllloiiN I'loilileil.
(rolli ln llel'll I'ltxt.
Court IIHiik IjiIiI Out Ariii the
Ktnft I'nuii the Altniiiout.
Toiinln oiitlniHlmtN or thu town
who hnvn hint no place whnro they
inlKht exhllilt their rncket propeii
nltliHi hnve formed tlio llenil TuhiiIn
CI uli. There w lm ionic IK or 20
inemlierN In thu oltili. OrKiuilrntloii
will hit effected nt n nieetlllK to ho
held ul .Mniiiihuliiier'N more at 7:30
tomorrow (Thurmlny) evonliiK.
A court In nlremly heltin laid out
on propurly which Tint lleud Com.
pany Ktumrotiiily Kranted tlm uno,of.
It In on I'ront atrvnt, norom rroin tlio
AltnuiLiit. Clay from thu hrlck yard
In IiuIiik put on aa n tnp dntiNltiK,
nud tht) court will ho mado a kimhI
one In every iwrtlculnr. When the
dull iiiomltorH, hnvo Kbttun In Kood
coinlltUiii they will nrratiKu coutevta
with twuiiN from othor towiiM. Till
In the Unit ciuli court to he Imlli In
lend nud aa the nitmihendilp Krowa
other KniundH will lw laid out.
All thtHttt who have NlKNlHml their
Intuition nt Joining the rlud ahould
lm treut at IIih nitttttliiK tomorrow.
The new Kenerator ordered hy thu
Mend W'Ntpr Unlit &. IVwttr Co. from
the (leiinral Klectrle Company r
rlvd HiiikIhV nud la now lielnn ln
Ntalled In the now power home. Thin
XHiittiHtor Iihh a cHimclty or 4U0 horiw
ItoMtir or twice that or the one now In
iiNe. An hoi ii ntt II In Htit up and the
varloim coiiiiectliiim miide, the roll
load will lm triMiHforreil to It mid the
priHtent "Juice producer" will lm held
hh an auxiliary lo earn ror the Hltii-
atlon In chihj any accident ahould put
tlm new one out cf coiiimliwlon. TIiIn
HrrniiKemeiii will take a uolKht or
anxiety from the iiiiiiiIh of tlio local
ollliitila or the company. I'or home
time now thu plant hna lienn cnrrylnK
an uuiiNually heavy load with no re
nerve or nuxlllnry lo en re for the
Kervlce In cnio or nroakdowu.
In addition to tlio new Kenorator
now IiuIiik ant up nud thu old one held
hh an auxiliary, provision haa lieen
made In hulldliiK the new power plant
ror h Mecond Keiierator of the iinme
co hi city or tlio now one. The hulliU
InK In all ready ror thin ao whenever
the Hiipply In needed n new one can
lie put In without delay.
If- the experience of the pant la
anythliiK hy which to JuiIko, It will
not he no very Ioiik liefore tlio new
liihtnllntlou will have to he miule.
In 1'JlO. nccorilliiK to (ienernl Maun
Ker Foley. A. M. Drake, then owner
or the power plant, put In u genera,
tor or 100 ho rue xiwer citpiiclty, By
Iiik It would aupply nil tlm demand
lleud would make on It for live yeum.
In alx montha It waa overwhelmed,
hut NtruKKli'd nlotiR until in 11)12
when Tlio llend Compiiny, which had
aticceeded to .Mr. Drnke'a ownership,
put In thu prenent one. Tlmt was Iohh
than one year ni;o. It In turn In
now overloaded making nocemiary thu
additions which tlio proHont ownora
ii ro now HnUliliiK.
Hohtm llrolliertt of I'lmell llutte
.Mnke 111k .Money I'eedlnn SpinN to
I'orkei-h linestiiient of K7."(l
NIioum (iilck I'lolll or 5!t.".
or Ktntoea ror Iior rood, lm lnter.dH
to plant no acrca or dry land mid CO
acre or Irrigated land to apmla. Laat
year tlio yield avflraged CO aacka to
the acre, and thin wtfuton ho oxpecta
It to ko alHittt "T, aacka. lift reckon
that hy midwinter tlm plH will av
ernxe 200 poutiila each. At the prea
ent market price or allKhtly over $9
tlila would mean that the 100 plga
now reckoned at helii worth SI0.
on a $ I a piece hnalM, would hiing
next winter 28S0. And In the tnoan-
tlme another Keneratlon or plfi will
have arrived, adding atlll further to
the leturiiH.
ArrmiMvitmulH ,are Iwlug made by
th lloud 1hiIk of Odd I'ttllowN to
cflliratH Dm nlnetv-rtfth anulver-
itaty or the routidliiK f the order on
Monday ovonltiK, April 2S. tlm Html-
VHriwry dale ImInk tlm 2th. Thu
culehratlon will he In Snther'a hnll,
mid mi Invitation Iihh lieen extended
the Iteliekahtl to iwrllclpato. A. U
I'roiuii Iihh heeu uIiiwoh mn tlm orator
for Die occhhIoii.
Sample of Product Itix'flvrd lleud
1'iiriiKlii'N ltort I'or It.
Tlm Hulletln vHterday received'
a Mitiiple of tlm cheette IniitK inami"
fNitiired at laldlaw. and very kimuI
ehetwe It In. John Winter, head of
thtt new ludtiNtry, reiwrta that the.
idant la making hIkiiU 17f iHiunda
dally, and that tlm output la lu
(ThnmIuk. Thu cliuenu IioIiik made
will lm kept tor wime time to "ripen"
ho that when It la put on tlm mar
ket It will lit) oniruly lira I clntm.
lleud U taltliiK a part In thU new
ludtiNtry. ordura havliiK huen re
ceived ly The llend Company ror
material ror hoxea In which to pack
the cheene ror Hhlpment.
Tlm accomplUilimentN with pork
i era, iiIkm and itotHtoeN of CeorKw and HohlM of the Powell Unite coim-
try, nortlienHt or Mend, wore out-
lined hy them when In town laat
'week. In coiiiKKtlon with the pul-
lliity Klven the luiHrtatli;n or Iiokn
I by the Klrat' National flank In tlm
Portland OreKoulau. reprinted
lelmtwheri' In tlila Inane, and InaHinuch
iih iHitatoKN are m drtiK on tlm market
.tlila year, the experience of thu
Holtlw hrotherH are Nicially Inter
etttltiK now.
"liy fcedliiK my potatooB to the
plKH I itMilmate Hint I am netting
at liMNt CO centa a ack ror them."
That Ntatmiieiu waa made hy (JeorKU
Holilm and la the key to lottoona or
their recent experiment and hiic
ceH. On Novemher 1, 1912. Georse
llolilm purchnned 2S hrood howh. In
addition to tlm howh, there are now
1G0 plk'M. Thu down coot $ -5 ouch.
Thu pIkn arc nuw worth $4 each, on a
ectiHurvatlvo estimate, and It la fair
to aay that thu rows nru worth proli
aldy $30 each now, having Increased
In welKht and helng In first class con
dition and acclimated; they will pro
duce more plgH In thu summer. That
moans tlmt the sows and pigs today
are worth $1360.
(Vmt to Date 8103.
The Holilm hrothtra aro agreed
that It cost (icorgu to keep thu 25
sows nnd their pigs for five months
not more than $10'., on thu most gen
erous hauls of reckoning. Including
all laUir, food nnd n fair "overhead"
charge on thu general ranch Invest
ment. In other words, deducting tlm
upkeep nnd original cost, his hog
venture has nutted George Holilis In
five months hoiiiu $S3K on an Invest
ment or $7S0.
I. oo HoIiIih has secured equally
HAtlsfactory results. Ills first pur
chase waa 21 sowh, from which ho
now has 1SS pigs.
The brothers estimate the cost of
upkeep on n Itnsls of $1.26 per sow
for three months feed on stubble mid
$3 for two months red on ltotatoes
and grain.
The latter feeding consisted of
three parts or Ktatoea to one or
grain. George Hold femls about
400 K)tinds of iKJtatoon dally. Itoth
lirotherH Hay the plga and hows do
very well on the Hpiids, and lv care
ful figuring they nru confident that bv
feeding them they tire getting the
equivalent of fiO centa a sack for the
.Moio Potatoes This Year,
Just now George Hobbe has 190
toiiH of otatoes on hand. As nn in
dication or Ills confidence in thu value
Kverybody Mix up 'oP Treat nt
toiiCN lliilry Itnnrli.-
Wlinti tlm City Council, mayor and
all the municipal officers went out to
the Jones Dairy Thursday, anyone
who over wn so mean aa to enter
tain a notion that the new blacklist
ordinance waa intended for any or
them might have I wen disillusioned.
I'or they all drank milk; drank it hy
tlm pint and quart, too, and voted
It thu host or beverages, when George
Jones, bartender or the occasion, lab
eled It out In the cool milk houiw.
giving the city a seml-oillclal "set
ting up."
Thur was no camora In the party
so the historic Incident was not pre
served ror ruture generations. Hut
the facta of tlm mattor are that all
thu councllmun, thu mayor, the re
corder, tho city engineer and the
cltty attorney lined up and consumed
milk. So far as la known, the chief
of ikjIIco was thu only one who "reneged.
Maximum AsM'xMiirnt on Hcncilttcd
Property Will Ho Alnuit 75 Cents a
Front Fool Three Zones Hnvc
iteen Decided on Uy City
Children Arc TnkInK Interest anil
Preparing to Knter.
Considerable interest la being
shown hy tho pupils of tho local
school In tho poultry contest an
nounced In The Bulletin last week.
On Thursday the Judges visited the
school and made short talks in tho
different rooms explaining the two
parts of tho contest and urging tho
pupils to Join not only to aid In mak
ing tho contest successful hut to learn
At meetings of the City Council
last week and on Monday tho prelim
inaries of getting the street Improve
ment work announced last week wore
The wprk contemplated Includes
grading of Nevada street and Im
provements of tho westerly portion of
Greonwood avenua and northern
Ilond and Wall streets. Tho total
cost, as estimated hy tho city engi
neer, will bo about $1600, which will
be divided among specially benefit
ted property included In an assess
ment district.
The exact street area that will re
ceive Improvements can ho ascer
tained by reading tho official notlco
i published elsewhere lo this paper,
together with the call "for conetrue-
Itlon bids. The notice also seta forth
Urn owict boundaries of tho dis
The council has adopted a pro
cedure ofton employed In similar
municipal improvement and' has di
vided tho complete assessment dis
trict Into thre zones. Thp first
zone, which Is roost benefitted, will
bo taxed on n basis of paying for 65
per cent of tho total cost, the sec
ond 30 per cent and the third zono
IS nor cent. If the final cost la
about what has been estimated, this
will mean that property owners In
zone No. 1 will pay nbout 75 ccnta
a front foot; In zono No. 2, about 45
something about tlm care of chick
ens and to supply the family table cents a front foot, and in zone No,
with eggs. The prizes offered nrei3 about 20 cents a front foot. In
worth the effort of any boy or girl In
town and the knowledge to be gained
will be of great value to all who take
So far entries havo been received
from Isaac Itedell, who started out
zone No. 1 the corner lots adjoin
ing tho Improvements on Nevada
street are to pay on a basis of a
full frontage that Is, 190 feet.
Elsewhere corner lots aro assessed
on a basis of half the total street
with two settings of Whfto Leghorn frcntnge. or 95 feet.
eggs, and Cora Hates, who has one I Roughly described, tho zones In
setting of Hhodo Island itsds and 12, elude the following property: Zono
hens of tho snmo variety. Others 11 Hlock 1, oast half block 2, all or
who plan to enter have not been able i blocks 11 and 12, west half ct block
yet to procure tho oggs or chicks! 13. In Ilond, nnd block 7, North Ad
wlth which to make the start Itutdltlon.
will have them before the time ex
pires In which entries can be nude
Zone 2 Hlocks 1, 2 and 6, North
Addition, and In llend. block S3.
All entries must be In the hands of north half cf block 22, west half ot
Mr. Shouse cr In The Hulletln office .blocks 14. 15 and 2, and all of
before 6 o'clock next Saturday.
l -4S3i
C Uncle Sam will accent your "A. I)
Customs Duties on your return from
railroads, steamship lines nnd stores
countries, receive them like money,
necessary. Don't risk carrying actual
A. H, A." Cheques on your trip.
CT, Ask lor further information.
Uncle Sam
A. R. A.
. A." Cheques for
abroad. Hotels,
generally, in all
No identification
money, but take
The eafeterla supimr gtvoH by the
Library Club yestordty evening was
well attended and n satisfactory sum
for the supKrt of tlm library taken
in. Thu exact amount will be an
nounced by the treasurer after the
meeting of the club to be held next
blocks X and 10.
Xone 3 (All In ItoNd) east half
of blocks A, 9 and lit. east half ot
blocks 13, 14, and 15, bloaks 24 and
Crook county's oldest bank had Its
15tft "birthday Friday. The First
National of Prlnevllle oiened a quar-
Tuewlay afternoon at 3 o'clock. All ter of a century ago, with John Som-
tlm dishes used at the supper will lie ' morvllle as president and T. M. Ilald
fouud at the library. !wln as cashier.
m z raj a res rM-ramrariai
FXttl XubulLMduJhaMaM JTITSM
V nn nn ii TiiTi
g 1i,Ihjl1.w
0, l'HRUHLL, President P. O. MINOR, Secretary
l$. M. LA-RA, Csihler
Going Fishing?
Of Course You Are.
Then you will need TACKLE
---and the best place In town
to get it is at this store.
Everything you need is to
be found here, at reasonable
prices. It is all the A-l kind
and with it you can land the
smallest or the biggest fish
that is unlucky enough to
to the angler catching the larg
est trout before June 1st with
tackle bought at my store.
W 3fcj !fJ jP'JJ 'v!rvJ sfeffU P'7U ;!)
The First National Bank
Or. U, O. OOE, Pr.lld.nt E. A. BATHER. Vk Prldot
0.8. HUDSON, CahUr
Capltal fully paid S25.000
Btockhotdari' liability S25.000
Surplut .... . SIO OOO
N. P. Smith
Wall Street
pm f head of high grade,
Holstein Dairy Cows
, from Illinois will ar
rive in Bend about May 5th.
They will bo sold at auction nbout
Mny 8th. Definite enle date will be
advertised in The Bend Bulletin nnd
by posters, at the different stores in
and near Bend. .
Terms will be pnrt cash, balnnco
payable Jan. 1st, 1914, or one-half of
cream check.
We do not tie you up to sell your
cream to any particular party, but
where you get the best price.
Write or cnll for particulars.