tiik iiknh nuTiiiKTjtxt i. WKmtiwi4V M'kh e, 13 m .. 1AGK 3. n,"; "v it-is Proceedings of County Court County Court of Stnto of Oregon for Crook County. Pursuant to nd Jurnuicnt of March loth, 1913, court was convened March 29, 1913. All officers woro present. The follow ing proceedings wore had of record: Whereas, It nppenrs thnt a certain warrant No. 1176, Issued by order of this court July 16th, 1912, for tho sum of four thousand sixty-tlireo and 9100 dollars ($4063.09) has not boon applied to tho purposo for which It was Issued, that Is for the purposo of taking up two certain promissory notes issued by this court to the Beach Manufacturing Company, n corporation; And, whoreas, it appears that the consideration upon which said war rast was founded has utterly failed, that said warrant Is In other hands than thoso for whom It was Intended nnd the notes for which It was Intend ed to bo substituted arc still out standing against tho county of Crook; It Is therefore ordered and ad Judged that said warrant No. 1176 issued on tho 16th day of July, 1912. at tho direction of this court far tho sum of $4063.09 to Pcach Manufac turing Company, a corporation, for the purposo of taking up two certain notes made by this court In the fa vor of said Peach Manufacturing Company, bo and tho same Is hereby forever recalled and canceled and tho clerk of this court Is hereby direct ed to mark the-tub for said warrant "Void" and tho treasurer Is hereby dlrectod at onco to tako notice that' said warrant Is recalled and can celled and ho is hereby directed to cancel tho registration of said war rant and not to tako up and pay said warrant It presented. Dated this 29th day of March, 1913. In the matter of tho transfer of the cruising fund to tho general fund. Whereas, on the 6th day of Janu ary, 1912, by an order of this court, a levy of ono and one-half mills on the dollar on all tho taxable property of this county was mado for tho pur pose of creating a fund to provido for tho cruising of tho timber lands of this county subject to taxation, and Whereas, said levy was and has been duly extended upon tho tax rolls of this county, and taxes col lected thereon to tho amount of twelve thousand four hundred seventy-seven and 88-100 dollars t$12,477.88) which amount Is now in tho hands of the treasurer of this county and set asldo as such timber cruising fund, and Whereas tho matter of cruising tho timber lands of this county tor tax ation and assessment has been, and la hereby abandoned, and tho pur poBo tor which said fund was created has been abandoned nnd ceased to exist, nnd necessity no longer re mains for tho creation of said fund or tho maintenance of tho samo, and Whereas, said fund hns boon and Is raised by general taxation tho samo as tho gcnural fund of this county, theroforo It is ordered nnd adjudged by tho court that tho county troasuror of this county transfer nnd turn over to the gcnoral fund of this county all moneys now wttln said cruising fuud, thnt said cruising fund ho discontinued and thnt all moneys herenfter collected on said cruising fund bo transferred ami paid Into the general fund of this county. Dated this 29th day of March, 1913. In tho mntter of tho Alfalfa road district. No. 40, nnd tho Deschutes district to bo known ns Contrnllo No. 39. Whcroas, tho county survoyor has mnde a report In tho matter of Des chutes and Alfntta road districts pe titioning for new districts, and Whereas, tho county surveyor In tho ndjustment-ot boundaries has ad vised that tho boundaries of tho Des chutes portion, to bo called Ccntrnllo No. 39, bo as called for In tho peti tion; and that tho boundaries of tho Alfalfa district. No. 40, described as follows: Sections 13. 14. 15, 22, 23, 24. 25, 26, 27. 34, 35 and 36 of T. 17 S R. 13 K.J also tho uH of T. IS S., R. It. 13 E.; also the sH of T. 16 S.. It. 14 E.; also all of T. 17 S.. It. 14 E; also all of T. IS S., It. 14 E.; also all of T. 17 S.. It 15 E.; also all oi T. 18 S., R. 15 E. It Is therefore ordered and ad judged that said report of tho coun ty surveyor bo ncceptod by this court. That tho Deschutes road district nb petitioned for is hereby created and formed; that It bo known ns Contralto District No. 39; that It Is described as follows: Commencing at NE corner of sec. 1, T. 16 8., It. 13 E., and running thence on township lino to SE corner of sec. 36, T. 15 S R. 12 E., thenco north to tho center of the Deschutes river on tho cast lino of said sec 35, T. 15 S.. R. 12 E., thenco up the center of said Des chutes river to the north and south center lino through sec. 16., T. 16 S.. R. 12 E., thence south throug tho center of sec. 16, 21, 28 and 33, T. 16 S., R. 12 E., and sees. 4 nnd 9, T. 17 S., R. 12 E., to the one-fourth cor ner between sees. 9 nnd 16, T. 17 S R. 12 E thence cast on tho section line nlno nnd one-hnlf miles to tho SE corner of sec 12, T. 17 8., R. 13 E., thence north eight miles to tho nlaco of beginning. And. Thnt Alfalfa district No. 40 is horo by created and formod, that It Is uos- cribed ns follows: Sections 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 20, 27, 34, 35 and 30. T. 17 8., 11. 13 E.; also tho H of T. 18 S R. 13 E.; nlBo tho stt of T. 16 8.. R. 14 K; also all of T. 17 S 11, 14 H.; also all of T. 18 8.. R. 14 K.J also all of T. 17 S., It. 15 E. also nil of T, IS 3 R. 15 E. CHURCH NOTICES Mcthodlxt Kplcopnl. Row K. C. Nowhnm, pastor. Ser vices every Suudny nt 11 n. m nnd nt 7:30 p. in. Suudny school at 10 a. in. Epworth Loaguo at 6.45 p. m ou Sunday. Choir practice Thuradny nt 7:30 p. in. Prayer mooting Wednes day nt 7:30 p. m. Junior League at 3 p. m. Sunday. lUiptUt. Sunday sorvlus: Tonchurs meet ing nt 9; lilblo school at 9:45; preaching nt 11, subject, "Tho Holy Spirit, and tho Christian I.tfo;" brotherhood mooting at 3; young people's meeting at 6:30; preaching at 7:30, subjuct, "Tho Importance 'of a Right Choice." Wednesday evening, prayer meeting nt 7:30; Thursdny evening, Sunday school choir practice nt 7. Church choir meets sniuo evening at 7:30. otnoln rdlu ihrdshrdlu shrdlu shrdb I'rcHlytcrlnn. Services Suudny morning nnd even ing at tho Star Theatre, 1 1 n. in. and 7:30 p. m. Tho pastor will bo at Prlnovlllo unless ho should return nnd a suitable supply will bo sent by presbytery to occupy tho pulpit.- Sunday school at 10 a. in., Ross tarn hnm, supt. Choir and orchestra prac tice at Mrs. Lucas' at 7:30 p. in. on Thursdny. Church of the llrrthrrn. Peglnnlng with Sunday, April 13, tho Church of tho lirothron will, for the present, hold services In tho First Ilaptlst church of Pond each Sunday at 3 p. in. Irn II. Fox, minister. HKIKKRS ARE limit. Tho Portland Journal of March 27 said "that n new record was estab lished in ono branch of tho cattlo market at North Portland today when ono lot of Prlnovlllo heifers sold nt $7.75. Tho only shipment for tho day was mndo by tho Prlno vlllo Land & Livestock Co., which had four cars in from Terrebonno." roads nirrrlXfl noon. In splto of tho unusual amout of snow anr rnlu that has fnllon this spring, tho roads to tho south and west nro roKrted as being In very fair condition. On tho Fort Rock road thoro la ono lmd spot nt Alton lano, whllo botwoon hdro nnd Hums tho only dlllloult plncu In ou tho top of Bagohoii hill whofo ono or two automobiles havo been stuck, INTEREST IN THE SESSION. For ths First Tims In Many Yssrs Dtmoerats Control. Kli'inontN in the oxtni kohnIoii of oun icreti nro iiiiuhimI I'rt'Hulont Wlbnui turn iiilbil tho urout Ixxly tnuolboi mi n tluio wln-n hi purty Iiiih iibmilnii' wii iml ot ovory lirtuii'li of thv uovi-rib uioiit rolntlim to ii'uMiitlmi Till Iiiih nut boon tho iiiho bofnro In twoiitv vonrx hiirliiu tluil htIim nf mm lien ulion tin- lioumorutt 0.010 In (tiiuiT I'l-fMili'tit Cli'Veliiliil railed mi oxtni HOHitiii, nut ttio iiiiiilltiiiim woru viihiij tlltToront fnuu now Tho ovini onIiiii iiinlor I'roMdont WIW1111 H loinurkiililo lioomiHo tho Iimv iiinkor in 11 mrvo Htotil nro 111011 of ' iiiiimiiithii looont rwo tn pmuii IICIH-O Itll lllt' "T till' titii thnt tho tiKiiiiKi'iiih' puny l pnivnliim 11 iintnuo rrniii lloi'iibiii-tii nil.- fur ibo Mixt iluio 111 nIxIooii 011r uroiil lnti'f"t In tn toroil iimiii tin' liilinic nl oiiiiuri'HH Vlrtimllr ti now uoiionitlmi nt IobIh uitni Iiiik priiliu up VltM but h torv row oxiviitlitiiH tlior nro no iin-n wiiu iluuril In tuiurooi'liMiiil ilitPik'N "f iwontv voiiiN 111:11 wim nro Hhiirlim tho roKMiiililloi of llio ImhIv ihiw. Of mil.i 0110 ililnu hiix tho putillo Ihhmi ntoiliitoiv loriiiln. mill llnil W Dint tho limit wiuilil it- Hot mill iri'inii-t mniiiiu' tho muIiix-i fur work by tho u'Li-outcr-i. mill Hint rvviNluii iluwiiwnnl wiuilil bo tho iiirHi-o Tho IruMxlHlnrx IllOlll-OIVf IIMVO lint UlHUVII UHl IMIW tho rvvMun Ik ii iiiiiIiiiu'iiI. mill ll mil boon won iiiiiIoiXimkI t tin t thoy Wiuilil not nil In' plonol oor nil tho itoinlt" or tho iililiiinto chnuiro I'lio iilioot hii iimi thninhoil oVMt kii nfloii mill oiiriiiMtl.v Unit Its Iniriiiirlo tino iMtiuiiH fourtil t'bo wnji. mill niiim nituiiillloo tviid'h nn ttinl llio in-k of dniftlim tb" toiitiitlvo fnrin nt tho now tnrtlT mii nro in - I 1 1 minbio in muiniiiM'o iinn pA'ilmi nt n work Hi MilmiMv nf tho oxtni miiii. inn tho prniuiltlllty I Hint tho iiio'i-nro will bo tukoii up M'hoillllo b "CllllllllO Tho pulillo lni Ih'oii inl to otoot ttmt nflot llio Mrin I dNino-oil nt mil it rv will i'mliloi riirroiioy. tho In .111110 ihx riilllpplbo IniloiH-iiitoiiio ntul tho I'hiihiiiii lull- iiii-tliiii Mm h piiblh li hit Ih-oii L'lron n tho im;Hi.it iiiitloiuil liii'inno tux Tho tn m'IIi 'mlmbt Hpil nnl in liicuiiio nl nwi . iMiniiiiiinllr IVrtiiln iiioiiiIh nt iiiiftt-" h'Hit thnt thl wrl nt loo; iriniiil lo 11111M1111I tn but n oiuiipnm tlvolt xiiiiiI! imxirtlnn nt tho puhllo mid Unit llio rowmio woiili) nnt tw mir nVloiit Ttio. nruiio Unit nn liiliiTilniM-o tiu lmuhl bo ndilod loluiniro tbuia-til l n'Voiuio. Milliard, Gibb & Juliussen CEMENT CONTRACTORS SIDEWALK. CUIUI, VAIjiiJjUiM2I!ig-ANIJ fuunilndnn construction, I)t im litJL WS2 moiit RJiluwnfk for yn now. Kvuryonti minjttjo ho .IDOIN'JIV' ROOM 25, WRIGHT HOTEL I H. G. FARRIS Auto Trucks Operating Regularly Botwcon BEND AND BURNS PROMPT SERVICE Stop Paying Rent OWN YOUR OWN HOME IN KENWOOD JUST ACROSS THE RIVER IClTftiVlOCVn 's on' 10 m'n Wfl rom aIl TV JJU tjie business center of Bend KENWOOD Lst!ie bestLv;ew xr w on tne market and is bound to be the most valuable residence property in Bend KENWOOD 5Su water "nd KENWOOD S&rSnT "" Buy a lot in Kenwood; we will make the terms to suit you. The money you are paying for rent now will in a very short time make you the owner of a HOME OF YOUIl OWN. L. Oregon landL& Immigration Co. -1'.:: ' : u 1 J, Ryan, Ag:ent no;i .ly.i ;v .. h'l 4 rr" f . M ni ntt a; Ilcnd'a Iloat Harbor Hhop, aa well as tho oldoit, li Innoa & Davldvon'a, on Oregon atroet. Adv. Kl'.MMONH. In tho Circuit Court or tho Stnto of OroKon for Crook County. Tho Klnit National Hank of Hand, n Corporation, plaintiff, vs. J. II. Hoflii, J. 8. Ikau utul A, C. f.umiM, dofondants. To J. S, Bonn, ahovo naniod defen dant: In tho narno of the Statu of Oro Kon: You are hereby rHiilrod to np poar and aniwor the complaint of tho plaintiff niud JiKalniit you In tho nlovo entitled action within tun day from tho dnto of tho mtrvlco of tho aatno upon you if aorvod within this .county or If aorvod within nny other I county in this atato then within twenty days from the dato of tho nor- vlro of tho samo upon you or If serv ed upon you by publication thereof then on or bo f oro tho 8th dny of May, 1913, and you nro hereby notllled 1 that If you fall so to npimur and an- swor for want thereof tho plulntirf ! will apply to tho court for tho rullef prnyod for in tho complaint on fllo herein, to-wlt: For n decroo that tho convoynnco NWtf of tho 8WU of 8tc. 27, Tp. 17 S., It. 12 B., W, M., to J. 8. Hean bo doclnrod fraudulent nnd void as nKalnst this plaintiff nnd that tho said J. II. Uoan ho doclarcd to hold tho said property In trust for said defendant J. II. Uoan and his credi tors. That tho convoynnco of NW'4 of NHM nml KKlf. nf MWK land Lot 1 of Sec. 7 and HWli of SBV4 of Soc. 0, all in Tp. 13 8., It. 11 B., W. M., to A. C. ' Lucas ho docreed fraudulent und void ns against this plaintiff nnd thnt the said dofendant A. C. Lucas ho deoreed to hold thlu proporty In trust for tho defendant J, II, Dean und IiIh credi tors. I And that tho said J. 8. Donn and I A, C. LucaB account under tho di rection of this court for all of tho proporty aforosnia ho convoynd to them and that said proporty bo Bold and the procooda of said salo bo ap plied to thu satisfaction of plaintiffs Judgment and that tho plaintiff havo JuuKiuent agnfnHt snld dufendauta for the costs nnd dlsbursomentH of this niiit nnd for fluch other and further rollgf ns to tho court may Boom Juat and oiiultablo. Tlils summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In Tho Done! Ilullotina weokjyjiiowHpnpor of son oral circulation' published at llond, Crook county, Oregon, for bIx buccob slvo woekB by order of tho Hon. a, Springer, Judgo of tho county court ftl and forsook county, Orogon. ffiil'd ordor0olriK mado and ontorod fjjpi2flth; day-pf March, 1.P13, In tho abovo causo and this eummons is nU)l!l'h.flA''and dated for tho first tlrao this 20th day of March, 1913, Wall Paper and Paint Store Now remly for buainciui with n now llnu of pnjxjr nnd pnint. Wo havo nx.r from 10c or boil nnd up; (11 bolt is two rolls). 1'nlnt from 70c to $1.76 pur , Villon. Vnrnlsli, llnaccd oil, shellnc Btuln, ennmol, knlsominu nnd khm, nnd cvury tiilnj? In tho paper nnd jmlnt lino. When you need nny pnint or pajH-'r, call nnd acu us. If you want nny pnpcrlnir or pnlntin done, would like to figure with you, for wo bellovu wo can do it cheiijM.T thnn nny one. Give us n chunco nnd nee. We Ounrnntcc Our Pnlnt nnd All of Our Work JONES & RENSHAW OLD l'OSTOFFICK HUII.DINO Deschutes Addition TO BEND Is one of the choice residence parts of the town. If you are looking for AN ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT, you should see the owners of this proper ty who are old-time residents here. Lots that are close in to the business part of town From $250 to $400 We also deal In Farm and Timber Lards j HUNTER & STAATS ! Office In Saltier Urlck Building: i ftt Your Fire Insurance -' "X placed with us wilj, iijvnys he ; t written so tlmt your, piotee- i ;..- . tipu will be complete. Thgrtj y ' will be no expiring of policies I ; without your knowledge. va ; ;W. S? LATfiN b CO. FIRE jliaMMy BpNDS u I ' 1 1 1 . 'I J f -Wfcfv0-VV V JA fcflhit-JM liMl .' av Attornoy JX.A1. laSi" r-s! - 'AftArli.CiQjw- jL I nn in st tlMf tf t.ts sba -t mk mMM m .. . . Ibr PHrriWK "' --....