The bend bulletin. n r r; i - VOL. XI, DEND. OitKGON. WKUNKSDAY. Al'HIM), 1013. hO. 5 . . VOTERS Oil ISE SCHOOL SITE LOCATION PICKED . Wl ESTONIA IN (ito llelueen Park Addition unit UleMoilu I'lrM ItoMill In Tli I 'lot Kiitioix'ii It (too ii)' ann P'eet iiihU I r lc. Ik l.10l. cowh mime .MAV t M. HiiiIhoii rwolvml Monday fiom MniiiiiHlilrH Imk t Ik t tliv flial unrtoait COWS Wlllttll tlllt I'llMl National UllflK In bringing to Hunil will Im started In n fow iIhjth, Till Hlilpinmit will consist of 7ft IiIkIi grndo llolstoln uuwb- Mini will l iut oil sulu About Mr)' 1. TIih HoInIiiIiik will hit fol. lowed by two cnra of .liirs)H, TIih hsnk Ihih ttxperlHiiceil (toiiitt dllflcully In niNkliiK Km purchase but now ox pecm to linvii no moru trouble. iisOOUBLE SHIFT COUNCIL SETS AT POWER PLITj IRK RECORD At n meeting of aehnol voter Mon day nlKlit. llio iiii)Ntlon of selecting a site for tint propound IiIkIi hoIiooI building wnn deoldod by ballot. Of Ihrett niton offered (tint In Wleatorln a chosen on it Miwonil Imllot by n narrow uinrKln, tint Urol Imllot voto having resulted In a tin. Wlillo school mcetlnga tliim fnr ha claimed a iiinxlniuiii attendango of nlmiit throo persons, ' this oiio brought out In uxress of 100, nml th Urcit room nl tliu school was fllloil, l llfKolltutlvc of Din eiml-oMhe-ttB(kn territory being especially In evidence. Tim tnreo Mlo one rod worn oh follows: Ixita 2 to H Inolimlvu In Mock 24, Park Aitillllon, flf.00; loin I -'. 3. 4, 12, H, U unit 10, lilook :k. Center Addition, $3000; loin 1 t" 12 Inclusive, block H, rtiplal of WlfitorlM, MSOO. Tint flml two Hern offered ItJ the I). IC. Hunter Ho altv Company anil tliu third by I.. U. Wlest. Tho first Imllot ronultuil In tlio I'nrk Aililltlon alto receiving 47 vote, thn Center Aililltlon situ 27 and thu WieMorla silo 31 votes. Throwing (tit tint luwiMt, a niiiibiiiieiul would ii done m tint outset, n second voto M-iulted In n tin, (0 person votliiK for Wlestorla nnd to for I'nrk Addl lieu A third Imllot, taken after tunny had litft Hid room, showed Wlestorla thn wlunur by B0 to 39, ap parently Indlcnttuic Hint nil tliu Wis. torlaltes present stood mt. Iiorntloii of Trnrt. Thn trnrt chosen la S00 by 286 feet, nnd occupies wtmt on thu oriel nnl plat wna lot. 1 of block 1, Wloa torla, and Iota 1 ,10 C' Inclusive of blork 10, Center Addition. It la two I. locks east of thn rnllrond and two blocks north of (Iri'tmwood avunuu, nnd In noinvwlint low. Tint bond Imiio, It will bo riMilnin-iri-il. la to ! called for $U.OO0. Thn ilalo of olcctlon lini not yet boon pov'nil by thn nfhonl Inmrd. Inlnr vlitwn with n worn of rnprnfltailv rm vnninrdnv. Iiielinllne witiio from the dlatrlct that pronunmbly would h imjt bnniltiid, dlMlod what teeaia to In n atniiiK Iwtkrf that thv Ifiad imiio will not erry nt the vlectlan. DISCOVERED, AH HONEST Wi PUCE BURNS, NAME, DAVEY (Hut MvcrjlHMly Mm In OnrToxn) I'liprr Kiiji I'lliijtlo milt Tliu ItiilliMlu Art I'l'OvnrlnitoiN. Tim other dny Dloismmp, with hln (tlnctrln litntnrn, whh itncouiiturud In llniid. Ho wiu pretty aiiibod; wild no couldn't llnd ouu lumenl innii. Hut n friend aolvud hla dlllli'ully by rIiow Iiik him ii, copy of Kdltur Havuy'a lliirnny County NnWH of Hurna. It nhowed ronclimlvnly that there In nt leant ouo honeNt iiihii nxtnut. Thu clipping which Mr. DIokoiioii rend foltown: "Kit her Tim Hen it llullutln or A. M. I'rliiKlo f tin) Unltud Wnnihouni) Co. of Hint town la aurforliiK from u mtvern Attnck of irovnrlonttou, na wliniim the followInK twin Tim Ilul- letln: " 'Thorn wnnn't n mIiirIo kick from it iiurna innrchant, anld Mr. rrlniclo yeiitordny, 'The talk which a Hurna pnpitr tirm been nproadliiK nboui dl content with tlm frulicht forwnrdliiK from hero la nil twnddlu, nnd worao. Thiirti la no foundation to It, nnd thu iimrchanta went out of their way to how tlmlr frlondllnoM for Huinl unit tlnrlr coiitumpt fur thoau who havu nttoiiiptoil to throw mud nt tin.' "Tim depth of the fnUvhood con veyiHl In tho nlxivo la niwront, from thu fact that tlmrv .haa not been n linn In n Hurna paper nlout nuy dla content hum with thu frulicht linn UIIiik from Hend. The N'uwa haa nl no lennmd from the mitrchnuta that not ono of thum Rave Mr. I'rltiKlu any cauvu or wnrrant for the cloalnx dco Inrntlon credited to him." ADDITIONS ARE BEING RUSHED Colupiiuy lo J'lnMi New Work by .May I IiinIiiIIIiik Itlritrln Cook- lute '"nl HeutliiK liiilpiueiil. He nil HiiIiIn Iteconl. Ordera for the "Juleo" nro coming LICENSE $1200r3LACK LIST ORDERED Pool ItooliiM Mmlteil, Itenlty Deiilem Moulded VISOl) in utreet Im protemenift INtkt Hou-c nnd IHuIiIiik I'lnii Aiillmt-lril. Tho common council had nn tin- no flint to tho llund W'ator, MrIiI &. I oomnion honalon laat nlsht, going on I'owur Co. thiu It hna Imruh to ruah I ,,, "'''k''" ""J1 'jrMlelnit all apt-cd ., ... ' ruoordn. More bUMlnuM aa trann- inu worK on ua nuw powur iniiui in acted than at anr tirevlotm rnoptine ordor to get Into poaltlon to tnke'i,, thu memory of the oldest lulmbl carn of thu domnnd. In addition tOjtnnt; nt lonat, itocorder Ullla aald ro, thu regular dny crow, a night ahlfti"l ,' iuv hna boon on tlm Job hn. been put on nnd will b eontln-l""1; l"c JiY.miTtv iH?. i "h hi'lH ued until thu work la done, Hnya I-o- Jj.!" iu,"cl"a,l,' and ho ou"ht Willi tliit nrrlval of the venurntor nn"""UH, l,"- "hulr CompletO itn hid arrival or mo gcnurnior, , , , tmj,iuhh.l nl.whf,rn in ihi. M.t. ... II... M.Hfl fpflltl III.. llntllirAl I " " " """ ilU" Ull (IIU IUHU IIUIII . UUHVINl Klectrlc Comimny a plant nt Kcheti ectndy, N. V., all the machinery will be on tho ground and, It la expected, inane, The flrat In nn amendment to tho liquor llcenno ordinance. It fixes the bv tuv 1 ..vervtiilnir will bo In. work-'""'" " ,,lt""e '" - aunuunj-, L "ft... J K .payable In advance on January 1. Tho coat will bo borne by nn rh Roanmont dlRtrlct. Dutalla of the n portfonuient will he tnken up nt a nicotine; of the council tomorrow. The lioallli committee, which re ported that n pout hoime could le constructad on an laolfltftd portion of rlty proporty aouth of Pilot -finite at an RpproxluiHte cost of $340, whh Iti tiueted to have the hoime built at once. Tlm call for lild la puhllahod on another page. The mayor directed attention to (ho financial ntrnlta In which the Hond Library finds Itself, urging n iBrgor monthly appropriation than the $5 now allowed. All Joined In praising tho work of tho library nnd Ita value to the town, nnd Kord Im mediately moved that tho appropria tion bo made J 15, the motion being paused unanimously. An ordinance was ordered drawn prescribing tho connections that will bo made with the newer, compelling all adjacent property owners to con nect with the ecwer when completed ind to abandon septic tanks, regulat ing the construction of tanks else where In the city, nnd being a general plumbing nnd sanitary ordinance The health committee was author ized to nnke any Improvements ncc- 1R All OF CONTEST SIX VALUABLE PRIZES OFFERED llciul IStiflneM .Moil Want llcnil Hcliool Children to Itnlno Ucnil KggH O. A. V. to Help Will IlrliiK in .Moving Pictures. Through the public-spirited gen erosity of the linnks of Hend and sev eral of Ita buBlnesa men, Tho Hullc tln la able to announco a poultry con test open to the school children of the district to continue for air essnry toward erecting hitching posts months. Any boy or girl under 18 in tne yard back of the city fire houno years of age now living In district Itvarybody Ilea but Dnvoy, Who writes tho truth all day, Sarapplng Hurna' dutraalora In hla own particular wny. Prlnglo film most shocking, Ho tinea Thu Hullo-tan, Kvurybody Ilea In our town, Hoys that truthful nmn Thu dear old Duvey, lug order. As n result of tho lectures glvuu by Mr. Turnbull laat Thursday, thu company haa received orders for new service amounting to 75 homo- power. Among the largost of these aro special Installations contracted for by Corkott'a and W. I). Cursey, lloth will equip their kitchens with electric composite ranges, ovens, grlddios ,nnd hot platen. At tho Mountain Vlow, where tlm Installa tion will bo mndo for Mr, Cursey, a slttinllon othorwlno dlttlcult to pro vide for will bo tnken care of. In addition to theso equipments, arrangements have been mado for a water heater with a capacity of 10 gallons per day by tho owner of a prtvato residence In town. Hend already holds n record na a consumer of olectrlc current, using about 1C0 kilowatta per thousand of populntlon, whllo the general nvur- ago Is only 100 kilowatts. With this new consumption, it seems probable that tlm record will bo put at n still higher figure, and another step taken In establishing Hend as a real electric city." WHAT BEND HAS DONE RECENTLY AND IS NOW DOING ItAKKIIV KTOHH CP TOWN. It A Puett of the American linker)- has rented tho store on Wall street now occupied br C. II. IMwr nnd will conduct a bakitry f'oru hem nflr May 1. Mr Mr any hat O. A. Thoraon will cmi''muo to f rcilpV mlf of IhO Htore. J. K, Hlutf Mn of P'lrtlind. pii oinort linker, Is now with tho American llnkcrv. lOlil. ....... .$un,nno.oo lU.noo.oo ! tmtxi.oo ItiilhlliiUN CoiupleliMl Klnre Jnnunry I Vhft Netlnnnl Hunk (brick). Coot Im A. Snllier, (brick), ( it ,......,. rlMiiuill lino., (brick), t'nt Miller l.iiiulH'r Coiiipituy, pluiiluit mltl ten I Memo l.n'iiuliy (brick), hit lulling new equipment I . ( C h: i esldeiicn , II. J. Oveilurf, i-ildenie 'lilliloteinentN of water mid eltvtrlrnl ltein n iidilltlou iiimiy c nerelp hldewnlkN Imve been laid, ninny vkmhIcii unlks 'aid nnd (i M-ore or noit of Trunin rekldeiireM Imvo Ihtii erected, nt u total .o-t of not rss (tutu 9.'0,llll(I.OO. Impitivrii.eiilN Now In (ourc of t'oimtrurlliin. Muiilrlpitl M'uer nyte n, cokt $7.1.000. M) P. W. Hmuii, btioluexH btilldliiK (htiine) IHOO.OO Hlectrlcnl potter pliuit (niucrele nnd brick) .10.000.00 MyerN .V Wllkr-y bii.ii IiiiIIiHiik (In Irk unit Mono) JHOO.OO A. Ii. Prcnrli, rclilence (.tone) 000.00 Ktt-enl IliiproVPineiit flOOO.OO Commencing May 1, the data at which all existing licenses terminate, those itossoHslog licenses now may ro new them, pulng on the )1200 basis fcr the balance of the year; that Is, ISOO In cash on the 1st of May. No license may Ihi transferred, and they shall terminate nt any time tho pros ont holder ceases to bo an active member of tho firm. No new llcenxos shall bo granted until such time as the number of saloons shall bo less than five. Drunkard Tnlxxxil. Tho second ordinance passed pro vides for tho enforcement of a black list, a procedure In uso In other cit ies. It Is very comprehensive and. In brief, prohibits tho selling of Intox icating liquor to any portion whoso namo hns been placed on tho "black list" by relatlvoH or by officials be cause ho Is n confirmed drunkard. Tho third ordinance limits tho number of pool rooms to one for each 1000 population and fixes tho annual llcenno feo at 1 100, payable quarter ly. Tho fourth, drawn up and acted on at tho petition of practlncally all tho real tstnte and hotel men In town, la designed to regulate he "curbbone nuisance" In thu local real estate bus- Inovs. It requires an annual llcerno of $100 from Hend realty dealers .who handle land or locations uon a com mission hauls, and prohibits solicita tion tf trrde upon the streets or In hotel libi'(M. This morning several persons who snld thoy signed the petition com plained thru In asking for the ordl- in tho rear of tho Hend llardwara Co. store, east of Hond street. Two gates will bo put In and public hitching fa cilities provided, with a wptnrlng trough. petition waa presented, -with 19 signatures, for tho Installation or an arc light at the corner of Fir and 9th street. In Center Addition. At 12 and either attending school or eligible to do so may enter tho com petition, which will bo In two sepa rate parts, with prizes for tho win ners In each The value of tho awards totals $48. Tho primary object of tho con test is to arouse Interest in this Im portant branch of profitable local pro- tms timo it was decided to place one ductlon, and to stimulate Hcnd'a of tho smaller lights there. boya and girls In an activity that Hills totaling $338 wero ordered paid. 11.100.00 il.loo.oo UKOO.OO KliiiJk Wh i 11000.00 nnnc "loy "IU "rt """ that any iiceusu ieo wuum no ouargeu. Much StrtH't Improvement. City Knglneer Young presented a detailed roort dealing with proyoied street Improvement and grading on Nevada streot and elsewhere. Tho total cost will bo bbout $4500, and when completed tho vork will place prnctlcall all the main streets la I'.und snare and on (.irdo. MUM - DOKH.VT I.IKK TIIIflTKKX. The combination of thirteen - letters In tho name "Pilot Hutto Inn" Is not to the liking of Joo P. Taggart, the proprietor, and so last week, starting on Frl- ' day, ho began calling It the - Pilot Hutto Hotel. Joo says ho -- wasn't going to tako any chanco with the thirteen combination In - 1H13. RECITAL IS INTERESTING Ijtrgo Audience Knjoyn Program at tlio Star Theatre. will bo both of real educational com mercial value to them and alio provo Interesting and amusing. Tho local school authorities and the Oregon Agricultural College are cooperating with The HuIIetln to mako tho con test a success. That It will give Hend much valuable publicity Is evident. The two classes are: (a) The Poul try Contest and (b) Tho Iteport Con test. In the former class tho con testant must begin with at least 12 chicks, or ono setting of eggs, and may have In addition enough older birds to bring tho flock up to 26. It Is not essential that ho have tho full number of 25 hut it Is required that he have the chicks or the set ting of eggs. Each contestant shall choose his own chickens, and they may bo of any breed or variety ho nrefers. or tbev mav l crnnm Thn I . tf . , . Itrltes will be clven to thosn srorlnir Tho humorous and dramatic re-'the highest In tho manner Indicated cltal given last Wednesday evening 1 below. at tho Star Theatre was enjoyed by I Hlanks on which to keep records a largo audience, proving to bo a de-'wlll bo furnished by Tho Hulletln. llghtful entertainment., All those All food must bo weighed and tho taking part acquitted themselves with ' amount placed on tho record sheet, honor. , its cost will also be recorded; like- Miss Nclle Rauch's readings wcroiwisA the number of eccs lal.i each excellent and she was heartily en-1 day, nnd the amount of money re- cored, as wore the others on the pro gram. Miss Ilauch showed good abll-i Ity In this line, presenting dramatic and dialect selections that won much favor. 8ho gave "The Yulo Yarn." "The Squl of the Violin." "Just celved from the sale of eggs and chickens. These records will bo eas ily kept with the blanks that will bo furnished. The flock and yards of each con testant will bo Inspectod once a A-Wetryln" For You." "I Canna Mar- month or oftoMr by ono or more of LmaL m'Ai i&? j r tv itmrnmmta im saWaasasPiJt?r51r3aw tl ?H2iTfTl ytttR tutitUvjm3imidtm " "TBJg-;iTTTTI-- Jam ft t. o . B4Ji4MMM Wt tktf -S--l .test- 'JHg MTXiRVTCT J' Ue7 Pay Hotel BUls with "A.B.A." Cheques Hotel pcoplo nnd others who deal with travelers, nil over tho world, ore glad to nccept "A. B. A." Cheques, becuuso they nro good ns gold nnd identify tho person tendering them. Wo Issue theso cheques nnd recommend them ns tho best form of funds for your next trip Abroad or At Homo. DESCHUTES BANKING (SB, ' TRXJST CO. OF DEND, OREGON II, PimUHLiL, President P. 0. MINOR, Secretary It. M. LARA, Cashier . , Dirkct.omb: b. PBRRBLL, P. O. MINOR, K. M, LARA, Going Fishing? Of Course You Are. Then you will need TACKLE ---and the best place in town to get It is at this store. Everything you need Is to be found here, at reasonable prices. It is all the A-l kind and with it you can land the smallest or the biggest fish that is unlucky enough to bite. NINE DOLLAR FLY POLE to the nngler catching the larg est trout before June 1st with tackle bought at my store. rv lloth of Them," "Skldoo," "At tho Photographor'a" and "Money Musk." Miss Arrla Hlaok was at bor best In tho two solos which she sans, "Good-bye, Sweet Day," and "Little Hoy Hlue." XI If Kva Graves ployed the accom paniments and also, rendered Grieg's "Wedding Day at frpldhougen" and "Huttorfly" and Chdmlnade's "Au tumn."' The Hoy Scouts will uso their share of tho proceeds to help outfit i them for their annual camping trip. ' the Judges and markings will bo giv en en the following basis: .SCALE OP POINTS. Pts 1. Good record-keeping to count 2C 2. Good condition of tho tlock 25 3. Good housing IC 4. Oood arrangement of yards 10 6. Cleanliness of yards and houses IS C. Completion of reading course 10 DEMERITS. Marks will bo deducted from tho (Concluded on page cloven.) The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Dr. U. O. OOE. Prildf t E. A. SATHER. Vie Prttldant O. 8. HUDSON. CMr Capital fullr paid ... (2B.0OO Stockholdtrt'llabllltr SI 6,000 -Rurplut '. . . SIOOOO N. P. Smith Wall Street fiHi f hend of high grade, Holstein Dairy Cows from Illinois will ar rive in Bend about May 5ih. They will bo sold at miction about May 8th. Definite sale date will bo advertised in The Bend Bulletin and by posters, at the different stores in and near Bend. Terms will be part cash, balance payable Jan. 1st, 1914, or one-half of cream check. We do not tie you up to sell your cream to any particular party, but where you get the best price. Write or call for particulars. in,rnjcTKiATiniUaM hauv av &. jots' saw a imiiwivnw axruin. war avjbnv . DIRECTORS: (fj u. v. w n. n- an ma, .-. o. MtUKJON X O, M, PATTKUSON H. C. KLUS