The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 02, 1913, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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fAGK .
I)m(1k mid Oilier Instrumaiits I'llml
, Willi County Cleric At I'rliiovlllo,
I IIimiiI Park Co, to Olnf 10. Kalkon
Htriun, It u, hlk 101. 1st mid to lluud
Park, $ir,u.
U. H, lllidMon lo Tim IIdikI Com
nuiy, IkikImiiIiik (MD foot south and
(lilt) fuut wont of northuiiHt cornnr
hoc. 3!M7-1SI) noulli ilOO fout, wimt
tOO foot, north 200 font, onxt 201)
foot; I)ukIihiIik 172 fimt smith utid
ijflfJ foot wimt of iiortlinant cornnr
of sec, as-17l, aoiltli 200 foot,
wuttt 200 foul, north 200 foot, omit
300 foot.
U I), WIOHt to Mr. Do IChIo C.
Vcott llnmllton, It 3, hlk 11, WIdh
torln. $aoo.
I.i IMno Tnwnsltn Co. to Mlnnlo
Korimkl, It 12, hlk 3, U Pliitt. $07.f.O
l.n Pino TowiiHlto Co. to Tumi
.ohiimn, It 11, hlk 13, l.u I'lno,
lltMid Park Co. to John J. Kucny.
rt DO, hlk 121, lit ndd to Hum!
Park. 200.
r I , John II, llltttior to Win. ItohortM,
1 tiV'j It U, hlk 17. Pnrd Add., Ilond.
I Hdwln Kulloy to J. N. Iluiitor,
yf't al, It C, unKnwli, W"o ,i, nwVi
sow, moc. u-Ji-n.
1 J. N. Iluiitor ot nl to John J.
lttiiM'i oniun description it Innt nhovo,
i (luorga It. Hutu to IajiduoI A.
llrnndmihurKh, no & w ' , oc. 28
1 linporlnl Towtmllo Co. to MndRo C.
MontRoiiiury, 1U 1 to 10, hlk 40, hit
M. I Job to John Hlrot ct al,
nuUt sec. 01311, 0S00.
(Icotki) K. Cntnpboll to Alfred C.
BUuillcr, iwti. hoc. 20.18-12.
Itln. Campholl to Alfred C. Muol
l(r, iw sec. 37-18-12.
W, II, Htnnts to A. h. Iluntor, Ita
1, 3, 3, Doschutcs ndd, ilond.
Thi Ilond Co. to J, Kdwnrd Ur
on It 13, hlk 1, North Add, (lend.
Tho Ilond Co, to Mrs. Kit Arnold,
It 13, hlk 18, Centor ndd., Ilond.
Janim A. Holm to M. J, Kolloy,
half Intercut In swVisoH, sec. 7;
yWno'4, nw Knott, sec. 18-20-U.
Theo. M. Post to C. W. Allen, It
i, hlk 9. I.ldlw. $76.
, John O'Donnoll to 11. C. Hilton,
"Wnwi.i, ioc. 618.13. 14300. (Con-
I Mel for deed.)
C. A. Clin to Frank DM ton, nVi
tiwVi. sec. 171413. HOOD.
, J. A. Holmes to Nett'e Rtevenion,
tjnlf Interest In: lexlnnlnx at north
mst corner lot 4, sec 31-17-12, west
210 fret, south 310 feet, csst 210
feet, noith 210 feet.
Ilond Park Co. to John K. Larson,
I 4 l.ll 1AA I.I m.1.4 ll.n.l tl..1
kJA trm ,W b nut, tu uvtiu rum
Ilcnd Park Co. to Axel K. Larson,
l 4, hlk 101, lat add to Ilond Park.
' II. J, Ovnrturf to J. flnnw Parmln
tor, part of lot 3, hlk 1, Ilend.
Tho Ilend Co. to K. W. Mchard
eon, It 11, hlk 19, Center Add, Ilend.
II I i I I 111 MM III li I -
In the Circuit Court of the Btato of
Oregon for tho County of Crook,
If, C. Coe, trustee, plaintiff, va. Jess
J. Iloyd, Jaa. A. Iloyd and W. A.
Ilooth, defendant.
Jea J. Iloyd and Jaa. A. Iloyd.
nhovo named defendants;
'In tho nntnn of the Htatn of Oro-
Kon: you urn nerony required to
Hllpcar nnd nnswer tho complaint of
tho plaintiff tiled aKalnst you In tho
n'rovo entitled oaimu within ten day
of tho ditto of the service of thin mini.
iijona upon you If sorvhd within
Crook county; or If served within
nny othor county within said Btato,
thon within twenty days of tho ser
vlco of thla Hiiintiiona upon you or if
nerved upon you hy puhllcntlon thoro
of, on or hoforo tho 8th day of
May 1P1,'I, And you nnd onch of you
nro horohy notlflod that If you mil
ao to nppoar nod nnawor, for wnnt
thiiroor tho plnlntlff will npply to
tho court for tho relief nrnvmi for
In tho complnlnt fllod hornlu, to-wll:
Kor u docron of thlH court for tho
milo of tho nortliwoat qiKirlur of tho
aotitliwoat iiuurtor mid tho aouth
imir or the northwont ijimrtor nnd tho
northomit iiunrtor of thu northwont
quurttir, euctlou twenty townahlp
thirteen mitith, rniiKn olovon onat, V.
M.. (mimo holiiK tho property don
crlhml In tho truat dood uiontloiuid
n the complaint hurolu) by lio
Bhorlrr or Crook county, OreKoii, no
cordltiK to Ihw and prnctlca of thin
court for thu Mtlarnctlon or tho
iiinouutM duo the printlrr on tho
nolea ftociirod hy anld truat deed, to
wit! tho miiiii or 076.00, with In
tereat nl ten per cent per minimi
from tho 0th day of Juno, 1010; and
tho further nuui of $70.00 attorney
reea nnd ror tho coal a nnd dlahurao
iiionta or thla autt, toftolhor with
coatM and chnrKca or mnkliiK tho ante,
Hncon d, that tho Intnreat or the do
roudnnt, W. A, Ilooth, ho decreed to
ho auhae(uont nod auhject to tho In
tereat and Hen of tho plaintiff hero
in. Third, that tho plaintiff havo Judg
ment analnat tho dofonilnnla, Jcaa J.
Iloyd nnd Jaa. A. Iloyd ror tho
aillii or $075.00 toother with Inter
eat at ten per cent or annum from
tho 0th day of June, 1010, nnd
$70.00 nttornoy reea and for tho
coats nnd dlahtirnementa or thla atilt.
That tho plaintiff havo execution
nitalnat tho property or tho'dofen
dnnta, Jeaa J. Iloyd and Jaa. A. Iloyd,
ror nny deficiency remaining upon
anld judgment mcnliut aald defon
daut after applying nil oi the pro
ceeda of the anlo of tho property
Imrolnlioforo deacrlled properly ap
plicable to tho payment or aald Judg
in (int. and that tho plaintiff havo
audi other and further relief aa to
the court may aocm meet and equi
table. Thla aummona a aorved upon you
by publication thereof in Tho Ilend
llulletln, a weekly newapapor of gen
oral circulation publlahed at Ilend.
Crook county, Orogon, ror alx auccea
alvn weeks by order or tho Hon. O
Hprlnger. Judge or tho county court
ror Crook County, Htato of Oregon.
Raid order being made and entered
on the 26th day or March, 1913, In
tho above entitled causo. This aum
mona Is datod and publlahed for the
flrat time thla 26th day of March.
3-9 Attorney for Plaintiff.
thnreor tho plnlntlff will npply to tho
court for tho roller prnyod for In
tho complaint on fllo herein, fo-wltt
That tho plnlntlff hnvo Judgment
against you nnd onch or you for tho
an in of Hlx Thouannd Dollars, togoth
or with Internal thereon nt tho rnto
or 10 per cant por milium rrom tho
17th "day or Juno, 1912, until inld;
ror tho nil m or Hlx Hundred Dollars
nttornuy'u focH mid ror tho coats nnd
disbursements or thlu suit, mid ror
tho snlo or lots 6 and 0 or lllock 11
or Ilond, nccordlng to tho recorded
pint thereof now on file In tho oftlco
or tho County Clerk In nnd ror
Crook County, Oregon, tho sutno be
ing deacrlbod In tho mortgage oxo
nuted hy you to Kdwnrd M. Lnrn on
tho 20th dny or July, 1910, nnd con
ditioned for tljp payment of tho sum
or money, Internal nnd nttornoy reea
Imrolnlioforo montlonod, to satisfy
siild nmounts nnd that tho plnlntlff
hnvo execution ngnlnat you nnd ouch
or you ror nny deficiencies romnln
ing upon anld Judgment after apply
ing nil of the proceeds or tho snlo or
the mortgaged property liorolnlmforo
described properly nppllcnhlo to tho
payment or snld Judgment nnd Hint
tho plaintiff havo such furthor re
Her ns to tho court mny snein meet
nnd equltnhlo In tho premises.
3-9 Attorneys ror Plaintiff.
in Tho Ilond lliillotln, a wookly news
paper ot general circulation, publish
od nt Ilond, Crook County, Oregon,
for nix successive weeks by order or
tho Hon, O, Hprlngor, Judge or tho
County Court ror Crook County,
Htnto or Oregon. Hnld order being
mndo nnd entered on tho 20th day or
Mfircn, 1013, in tho nbovo ontitlod
cause, This summons Is dated and
published ror tho first time this 20th
day or March, 1913.
3-9 Attorney ror Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court or the State of
Oregon ror tho County or Crook.
I,. II, Ilalrd, plaintiff, va. Marcollua
Lara, 8ada Lara und A. M. Lara,
To Marcollua I.ara, 8ada Lara, above
named Defendants.
In the naino of tho State of Ore
gon: you are horohy summoned and
required to appear and answer the
complaint of the plnlntlff filed
against you In the above entitled suit
within ten days rrom tho data or tho
sorvlco or this aummona upon you,
U served within Crook county, Ore
gon, or U served within any othor
county or tho Htnto of Orogon, then
within twonty dnya of the time or
tho aervlce or this summons upon
you, and If served upon you by pub
Mention, thon on or before tho 8th
dny or Mny, 1913, nnd you nnd each
or you nro horohy notified that If you
fall to nppenr nnd nnswer, for wnnt
In tho Circuit Court of the Btato ot
Oregon ror tho County or Crook.
U. C. Coe, plaintiff, va. Jess J. Iloyd
and Jaa. A. Iloyd, defendants.
To Jess J, Iloyd nnd Jaa. A. Iloyd,
above named defendants:
In tho name or tho Btato or Oro
gon! you nnd each or you aro horohy
required to nppenr nnd answer tho
complaint of the plaintiff filed
against you In tho nbovo entitled
cause within ten days from tho date
of tho sorvlco of this aummona upon
you If served within Crook county,
Oregon, or If served within any oth
er county within aald state then with
In twenty days from the dato ot the
sorvlco of this aummona upon you
and if served upon you by publica
tion thereof, then on or bororo
the Htli day of Mar, IDI.'t,
and you and each of you aro hereby
notified that If you rail to to appear
and answer, for want thoreof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the roller prayed ror In the com
plaint on file herein, to-wlt: Kor
Judgment against you snd each of
you for the sum ot $863 with lnter
eat on $271 thereof at 10 per cent
per annum from March 25th, 1911,
until paid, together with Interest on
$160.00 thereof at ten per cent per
annum from tho ISth day of January,
1012, until paid, together with In
terest on $67.00 thereof at tho rato
of six per cent por annum rrom tho
6th day or .March. iaio, until paia
and Interest on $385.00 thereof at
ten per cent per annum from the 25th
day or March. 1913, until paid, to
gether with $55.00 attorney reea and
th coats and disbursements of this
That thla aummona la published
In tho Circuit Court of tho Btato or
Orogon ror Crook County.
J. II. Dunn, plnlntlrr, vs. William
llnldwln nnd Frnnk Elklns, sheriff
of Crook County, Btnto of Oregon,
To Wlllnm llnldwln, nhovo nnrnod do
In tho nntno of tho Htato or Oro
gon: you nro hereby required to ap
pear and answer tho complaint of tho
plnlntlrf filed against you in the nbovo
entitled suit within tend daya from
tho ditto or aervlco or summons upon
you, ir served within Crook county.
or ir aorved within any other county
of this stnto then within twenty days
from tho date of tho sorvlco of sum
mons upon you, and If sorved upon
you by publication thoreof, thon on
or before tho 8lh dny of May, 1913;
nnd you arc hereby notified thnt if
you fnll so to nppoar and answer,
ror wnnt thnreor tho plaintiff will ap
ply to tho court for tho roller prayed
ror In tho complaint on file heroin,
For Judgment against you for the
sum or Twenty-five hundred dollars
and for the costs and disbursements
of this action.
Second: That an Injunction order
heretofore laauod In thla court be
mado permanent restraining you and
ail persona acting In aid or assistance
or you and restraining Frank Elklns,
sherlir of Crook County. Oregon, and
all persons acting In aid or assistance
of him, from selling or attempting to
sell the NEU of section 35, Tp. 15
8 R. 14 E., W. M., or any portion
thereof In pursuance or that certain
Judgment obtained by you In the
above entitled court on the 9th day
or August, 1912, In favor or you and
against tho plaintiff herein, for the
sum of Two Thousand Dollars, inter
est at 8 per cent from the 9th day
of May, 1910, until paid, and for the
sum of Ten Doll are costs.
This aummona is published In The
Ilond llulletln, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation published at
Rend, In Crook county, State of Oro
gon, for alx .successive weeks, hy or
der of the Honorable O. Springer,
Judge of the County Court or Crook
County, State ot Oregon, aald order
being made and entered on tho 36th
day or March, 1913, In tho abovo
entitled causo.
Thla aummona la dated and pub
lished for tho first time this 26th
day of March. 1913.
3-9 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
1 ""jMti
4 . tppffUjM
Town's fall cf
Studcbnkcr Farm Wagons, Studebaker Du
fj!c8 and Studcbukcr Delivery Wogons.
and every owner of a Studebakcr vehicle
is proud of it. Because he knows it is the best.
Studcbnker wagona nnd biiRffiea nro built on honor
end with tho experience thnt comes from nixty yeara
of wnson buildinc, nnd you get tho benefit of thia
experience when you buy a StudcbuLcr vehicle
Whether you live in town or country) whether you want a
work or pleaturo vehicle, there's a Studebaker to fill your require,
menti. Farm vraoon, contractor's wagons, true!:, municipal
vehicle, ice wagon; dump WAgona and cart,ror.l oiUra, buggies
depot wagon, aurreya, pony cart, runaboutiwo make them all,
alto rtarnet, for any sized animal, foe any vehtclvof tho
same high standard of quality a the Studebakcr vehicles
Stt out Dealur or uitt its.
STUDEBAKER South Bend. Ind.
Saved $150 in Six Months
N Illinois farmer whose specialty is
poultry bounht an International
Commercial Car for no other reason
than that of upending more time
with his chickens. At tho end of
six months ho wrote the ajrent, "That car I
bought from you ha3 put $150 in my pocket
already. When I am at work my time is worth
a dollar an hour, sometimes more. On the
road it's worth about half as much. That car
has saved mo two hours a day for six months,
300 hours, one hundred and fifty dollars."
You may be able to profit quite as much by
the purchase of an
International Commercial Car
The'Car That Has Made Its Way by the Way It's Made
An International Commercial Car does two
or three times as much work as a horse and
wagon, at a cost per delivery much lower, It
enables ou to cover twice as much territory.
On hundreds of farms the car has earned
enough to pay for itself in a couple of seasons.
Its usefulness is almost endless. Its solid
rubber tires reduce tire troubles and ex-
Eenscs to a very low figure. The wheels are
n'gh enough to give ample clearance on bad
roads. The ignition system is of the best,
The motor is simplo and easy to understand.
One lever controls the cor, Brakes ore
positive and powerful.
Write tqday for full iqfprma.tion regarding
an International Commercial Car a car that
earns its keep. A postal card will do. Address
International Harvester C npaiy of Aaterici
Perthnsl Or.
Hudson and Reo
Also the Hayncs Cor and Reo Trucks.
Central Oregon Agent, : : Madras, Oregon.
JOnyN. HERE'.'
what he thinks of OUR FEED.
The Full Bag;
of Feed is necessary, but
tho quality of tho con
tents is of much more
importance. To keep
your horses in proper
condition, alcck and fat
enough for working pur
poses, they should be
given our choice, selected
Feed, mado of the fresh
est and purest grain and
always of uniform qual
ity. Ask any horseman
ftur Flour is on sale at United Warehouse Co.'s Warehouse
"Fine and Light"
and excellent for the
making of bread, biscuit,
rolls and pastry, is our
splendid household Flour
-the best help the house
wife could have in the
production of all bread
studs. Try It once, and
you will find It so good
that you will always use
It afterwards. It yields
delicious, sweet and
nourishing loaves that every one
'HauUikJ aaSaM-ltaEffRrV
,. vcrDMTJT.
sz, 'l
ttrx .
lathe family will enjoy.
The Purest and Best Always at
Bend Milling & Warehouse Co.
We Deliver the Goods
Hay, Barley, Oats, Wheat and Bran at lowest prices.
The Largest Barn In Central Oregon.
Bend, Oregon.
Daily March 15th to April 15th
UMn-n . ff-
Chicago $ 38 00
Peoria 37.00
St. Louis 37.00
Milwaukee 3G.70
Little Rock - 42.50
Memphis 42.50
Now Orleans 48.03
St. Paul $ 30.00
Minneapolis 30.00
Duluth 30.00
Kansas City 30.00
Omaha 30.00
St. Joseph 30.00
Lincoln 30,00
Tell your friends in the East of this opportunity
of moving West at low rates. Direct train service
via Burlington Route, Northern Pacific, Great
Northern, Spokane, Portland & Seattle and Ore
gon Trunk Railways, ' t
You can funds with me and west bound"
tickets will be furnished people in the East.
Details will be furnished on request.
Traffic Manager, Portland, Ore. Agent, Bend,