The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 02, 1913, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THR mtttt nVhhKTlS, IJKND, WKIlNKfllMY, AI'Mf. B, J9M.
Going Fishing!
We cim everybody, from
the expert angler who uses n
limey ioI with automatic reel to
the .small hoy who ties his line
to a juniper .stick.
Come in and look over our
complete line of Hamhoo Rods
Steel Rods, Silk Lines, Enameled
Lines, Spoon Hooks, Sinkers,
Leaders, UaskcLs, Flies ot all
grades and assortments, ete. ete.
Prices to suit.
Patterson DRutj Co.
J. i:. Hnwtilll went to Portlnnd
Saturday morning.
Frank Bennett It suffering from
'nn attack of thn grip.
The livening "600" Club meets nt
;&lr. Putnam's tonight.
0. A, Jones was rcnlntorcd last
week nt Iho Hotel Portland
Mm. A. JT. Morrill of Powell llutto'
' U I h 1 1 1 n k frlcnda In Hand.
V. 1.. Hlmvut, county school aupor
'(Uor, km In town yesterday,
Tlis Bridge Club will meet at tho
lioino of Mra, Hkuao th'd wenk.
, Jou MoKny la back In Hond after
un absence of n montli or inoro.
. It. II. Post la now connected with
,thu Oregon Invustiuuiit Coiiimuy.
Clnudo Kclloy hna ntout rccovorod
'from a ten daa' alt-go of thn grip.
4 C. M. MoKny returned Inal night
from n trip out toward Mllllcan's.
' Tho Prtsb)lerlan Guild will moot
thin afternoon with Mra. W. II. Sol
'lera. Tho Episcopal Guild Ml meet to-,morrow-at'3:30
nt .Mra. Naomi Trip
Ictfa. - '
' Mra. Goojgo W. Ilcaa of Uodmond
apont tho week cud with Mra. 0. a,
Vonderholl. T '
, Itogulnr aervlcoa will ho Held nt
tho Catholic ohurch Hunday nt
.10:30 n. in.
Tho Hubscrlptlon Club will hold
n tlnnco nt Bather's Hull thla Satur
day ovcinlng.
W. P. Hlmor and lfo hnvo gone
to tholr humestniid In tho Hlstors
country for tho aummor.
Mra. V. K. Parker wont to Port
land I'rlday and la Making In tho
Krand opera thla wrok.
Mantnr Carl lion of Itedmnnd
" pent n fow da) a tho pant wnok with
Mra. OJ A. VondoTholt.
Mra. C, K. Nlohola and daughter.
MIm llontrleo Wlugato, nro visiting
in npoanno lor a low unya.
Mra. A. M. I.ara roturnod from
Portland Inat ovoulnK. Mr. lara la
exprctcd hack In n few daya.
4Oi,F. Hurt haa cloicd hla ahoo
hop on Oregon atrcot nnd will on
KifKo In othnr bualnraa In llond.
Tho 'Chinese reception that tho
Baptist Women's Union haa boon ar
ratiKl'iR for April 17 hna boon poat
poiiod Indefinitely.
Harold B. Hinltli, for cut rancor, la
In (uhii ngiiln. Ho haa boon out In
tho Pino Mountain territory noallnR
forest boundarlra.
Thn Altar Kooloty of tho Catholic
church la arranging n aorloa of liv
ing plctuma to be given on tho oven
InR of Friday, April 11.
Mend, now haa ton cunt picture
alio a, both th cthontrcs cutttnR tho
prices froni 15 nnd 10 couTa to 10
and 5 conta, effective taat Saturday,
Tho band Ravo a concert Hunday
afternoon In front of I.nrn'a ntoro,
nnd la showing 'Improvement In Ita
playlnR as n result of regular prac
tlCO. t v f
Thn Royal Neighbors will give
th(lr ill mo aoclnl In Hnthor'n hall on
Friday evening. Thoy will hnvo a
program nnd aorvo leu croniii hnd
Tho choir nud orchoatrn of tho
Prcabyturlati church nro requested
to uinko nn oapuclnl effort to attend
tho mooting tomorrow ovonlng at
7:30 nt Mra, Lucas'.
lion McCnffory, who hna boon do
M K nuraliiR In Portland for tho pant
four inoutha, blow Into (own Friday
for n vlalt of n fow dnya nnd. to truna
net noine bualnwia itinttora,
V. I(, Mcllonoy, who hna 80 ncroa
of land near ilaschutes, la In from
HullliiKhnm for (several wookh. mo
la acoompnnlod by C. W. Johnaon,
who OHinu on it pionaurc trip.
0, W, Thoruthwulto, who haa opon
d a hnrnvaa ahop In thu Hggloston
mention, la bavins hoiiio ohangaa
jiiado In tho building. pnrtltionliiK
on n apnea whoiu tho Art Shop will
bo loentod.
Mlaa (lortrudo Hlrrotor of Now"
York nrrlte tonight for nn oxlond
od lalt with Mia. 0. P. Putnam.
Mlaa Htrcotur wna n Wcllesloy claan
malo of lior hostess and la an no
oompllahod iiiualclan.
J. C. ItoMiinon, tho automobllo
mnu, drovu over from Prlnevlllo Hat
urdny In n lloo car nnd Monday ho
and J. II. Wcnnndy went to Croacont
In tho mnchlno. Thoy oticouiitorod
hoiiio very bad roada but Rot through
nil right.
Itobort Wnllbrtinn of linker waa
horu yoaterdny mukltix nn extuualvo
atudy of tho town, with a low to In
vcattnont and opftiliiR up In bualnoia
horo. Ho cxproaaod hlmanlf a wull
plonard with tho outlook, nnd par
tlculurly apoko ot tho an or work
na ono of tho utmoat Importance In
tho dovolopmnnt of a community.
AdrrrtUumentH Inxcrlrd under till
liriullng nt thi mo of no cent n
mini for tvicli liucrilon, DUcount nn
pxtcndnl Irtnrrtloii. t ClMnt" "
INiynble In advance except for ndtrr
lluni linvlnx n rrRulnr account with
Tim Iliillrtlu.
-- -- -
To tho Kdltor of Tho llullotln:
I have ndvortlaod for aalo
lota, a saddle, fruit, guna, also
houaca for rent nnd othnr thlnga
In Tho llullctln'a clnaained col
umn, and In every Inatnnco got
replica and made aalea. When
1 ndvortlaod aomo Irrigated
land, I received replica from na
far away na Toxaa. 1 conaldor
thla tho beat nnd cheapest nd
tortlilnR 1 hnvo ever aeon.
V. II. mail.
For I tent.
lNh ft
i , S.rt i".
i-t ' ?'" ? J
Spring House Cleaning
at once suggests new CURTAINS
We've the Popular Scrims, both figured nnd plain. Curtain
Swisses and Nets at.. 12;c, 15c. 17ct 20c, 25c and 30c per yd.
- in all wanted colors blues, blacks, mixtures at
$5.00 to $9.00. Alterations free.
'Men's, Ladies' and Children's. Better lay in a sup
ply while our stock is complete.. Ladies' Union
Suits at A 50c to $2.50
Ladies' Vests 10c to 50c
Children's Union Suits 35c, 50c, $1.00
5 to 8 inches wide, at per yd.... 10c
Exclusive Representative . V. Price (Sb Co., Chicago, High Class Tailors.
Flrat to Show
tho now thlnga
The Dependon
I .
,M1i r? V
r. 1 -T M YtV iV n PHHIiBf-VVjL.'frvrKWL' . a a.
FeTwgnl J&xstrzftt&g&XaBUamuifi
w ygja--'
)tar flmyi-
2ouVc aJA.ccl me vhcrc io Jbuy youAuAni
uAe. oV7 tell you, fra viAere otlclo. Vfhy,
do you know, vticn John and of ucAc maAAxcri
paka. LoxipUi u. from idem, a jc of furni
tic foA a yrejeni. Hoi, a single piece of ii
ha A IAoken, noA ha& any of Ifrt vaAnish
ciacked, and here aS am now ihc maihcA of a
o-Acai Jbl$ youXo, LaLyl
T1 2ou and &oL, jiah muJi Aun ovcA io aee u.
1 diuayi lovingly',
(P,S.-0f couAie you'ii'Xiy ha new AockeA,
you need, fAom.
& ja.jAi
i .
ompson , ,
Whore Your Dollar. Does Its Duty.
FOIt Un.VT Three-room uouao.
Inquire Innca &.' Dnvldaon'a barber
ahop. -ttt
FOR HBST Furnlahed cabin. 6.
W. II. Loth, lot 11, block 15, Center
Addition. 48tf
FOIt HUNT Improved Irrigated
lamia nonr DtMtchutoa, Oro., Inquire of
Wm. Johnaon, Doachutoa, Ore. 49tf
POIt ItKNT l'lvo-room liouao,
with bnth, cIoko In, furnlahed, at Sfi
n month. Imiutro of Mra, K. I). Wil
ton. 4p
I'OIl ItKNT Tho beat located
Htoro In Hond for n grocery, mldny
iiotwoon tho Klrat National Hank and
tho now poatotllco. Shelving nnd fix
tures complete. Iong lonao given If
dcalrcd. Sou owner. A. M. Iira. tf
WANTBD Good pnaturo for 2
horaua. J. A. liaxuka. 4Cp
WANTBD An oxperloncod cook.
Mra. W. D. Curaoy, at Altamont Ho
tel. -tf
WANTBD Bxperlonccd cook nnd
ttlahwaahnr, Inquire of Mra. W. D.
Curacy, Pilot Uutto Inn. Stf
WANTBD Olrl fpr Ronornl houao
work, Rood wngoa. Apply by tolo
phono to Mra. Itoacoo Howard, Dca-
ohutea, Ore. -ttf
WANTBD All vacant houaea In
(tend llatnd In thla column, na wo
hnvo Inquiries ovory day from poo
pin looking for houaea to rout. Tho
llond nullotln.
To KxchniiKC.
WB 1IAVB Portland property to
cjcchnngo for Uond real oatnto. Hond
Itcalty & Inveatment Co., t22 Cham
bor of Commorco, Portlnnd, Ore. Itf
lir Sale.
ROOD J BUSBY bull for Borvlco nt
Star ranch, Tuiunlo, 3tf
l'OU BAI.i: Good rolliiqulalimout,
by, owner, lnqulro 'it,' llullotln of.
Ilco. i 4-5p
KOU 8A).K Sesond band wajjon.
In good condition. F.' M. Cnrior. In
Kenwood, 4-5p
KOIt SAI.K Now cornot for and
dlo horHo or blcyclo, Loo Penrco,
Fromont, Oro. 2-4
' FOIt SAI.B Thoroughbred M,n'
prca ngga, 1.-G n netting. Inquire
nt Sathor'a atoro. 4tfoh
. FOR 8AL.B Pair of light marea.
hsrneaa nnd wngon, Cheap. Horn!
fcjaah & Door Co, -' A
FOK 6ALB Team of horaea, wt.
alkout 150D each, S and 7 yeura old
iGoorxe Oertaon, Bend. SStf
FOR 8ALB Tho Altamont Hotel
building and furniture, nil now nnd
first claaa. J. A. Hasten. 4tf
FOIt HALF; Timothy nnd clover
hoy, $12. 8. A. Dutt, C mllca caat
of Hond, Prlnevlllo road. 47p
FOIt SAI.B I havo aome of those
flno applea yet nt n small price In
Lnldlnw, Oro. C. H. Hatch, l-4p
LOST Alredalo pup, six months
old, wearing leather collar. Iteport
to forcetry ofllco for renrd. 3tf
FOR 8ALB Strawberry planta at
CO eta per doz.'Placo ordera at onco.
P. II. Dencor. It. F. D. llcnd. 2-6p
FOR SALK Haled hny In any
quantity nt the Star ranch at $11 a
ton. Star Ranch Co., Tunialo, or. stt
FOR 8ALB Laying- hena, also
bronze turkoy egga for hatching.
Mra. 8. A Dutt. It. F. D., llond. 3tf
FOR SAI.K Joraoy red boar, wt
over 300 pounds, 2 yeara old, price
J IS. Hond llrlck & Lumber Co. 3tf
FOR 8ALK Flrat claaa piano.
Melator mako. Terms. Inquire of
W. It. Gay, 4 blocka north of tho do
pot. 3-4 p
ALFALFA nnd clover nnd timo
thy hny mixed, nt Pouoll Hutte. Ad-
dreaa O. L. Ilraxee, Rodmond, Ore
gon. 4-13p
FOR SALB 200 sacks Kitntocs,
In good condition, well matured and
good site. At a bargain. Otto Zel-
gler. 3-5mgc
FOR SALB Ono bay team oung
horaca, woll broken; harness and
wagon. W. It, Gay, 4 blocka north of
depot. 3-4 p
I HAVlJ very good Huff Orpington
cockerela for aalo at very reasonable
prices. R. O. Immolo, Redmond.
Oregon. 60tf
FOR 8ALB My '. delivery team
and harness, also mV freight wagon,
complete outfit, $300. Seo me. A.
M. Larn, Bltf
FOR 8ALE HoIbIoIu cowa and
Duroc Joraoy hogs, S mllea oust of
Hond on Waugh road. C. V. Uarto.
R. F, D. , , ltt
sowing tnachino, In good condition.
Call on Mra. O. A. Thoraon, Dea
chutes Addition. 4p
FOIt SALB Bgga from puro blood
barred Plymouth Rock hena, $l,r0
por sotting. 1-oavo orders nt Sathor'a
Btoro. J. F. Plorco. 3tf
FOR SALB Half ton of seed artl
chokea at rooaonablo prlce8 by P. II.
Doucer. Hnndlod In town by Skuso
Hnrdwnro Company. l-5p
FOR SALB 15,000 "now Orogon"
atrnwborry planta, GO conta a hun
dred. Do woll lu this cllmato. N. P,
Vlnynrd, Hond. 2-llp
FOR SALB 100-acro rollnqulah
meot, with 100 adjoining; also othor
choice locations. Address n, G
care nullotln. 43tf
FOR 8ALB Three room houso in
-nrk Addition, cheap, Will take
Ilveat09k In part pnymont. O. II,
Genutig, Held, Oregon, 4-6p
FOR SALB 130 acres, house And
turulturo and all lmproYomonts. for
$1500. Thla la a big bargain. C. F.
McDermqtt Laldtaw, Oro. 2-5p
FOR SALE Furniture, rag car
10L IS yda., floor oil cloth, cooking
utTjalla, also fow farm tools, all
practically now. Inquire 8, Bulletin
orflcc. 3-4i
FOR SALB Completo sot of Dx-
turca, including acalca and counters,
trucks, Ice box, etc, tor an up-to-date
grocery atoro. Invoice $900. Also
store for rent. See A. M. Lara. GltC
FOR SALE Kelleratraaa "Crya-
tal White" Orpington egga; also R. I.
Rods. These chickens took no prizes
In the ahow room, they wero at homo
laying. Mra. Carl Hatch, Laldlav,
Oregon. 1-4 p
FOIt 8ALE 40 acrea Irrigated
land, about 10 acrea haa been in cul
tivation, only flvo miles from Hond
on good road. A bargain nnd will
pay you to Investigate, $850. J. A.
Bastes, Hond, Ore. 2tf
FOR 8ALE Flno ranch. 40 acres
In alfalfa, good home, outbuildings,
barns, fences and cross fences. All
thoroughly Improved and In profit
able operntlon. B. W. R'chardson,
2 miles cast of Hend. 49tf
FOR SALE 80 acres Irrigated
land, good C-room houso; nil fenced
nnd cross fenced; 40 ocrcs In culti
vation, $3250. Waa taken on a
mortgngo and tho prlco Is one to
make it soli. J. A. Baatea, Hend. 2tf
FOR 8ALE Four fine lota In
Park Addition in block 13. Water,
light and Bldewnlka; attractive
houses occupy adjoining property.
Same prices you pay for unimproved
lots far out, "Inquire "Bargain", nt
Bulletin offlco. 2tl
FOR SALE 160 acres under
ditch 8 mites east of Hend. School
on place adjoining. Good huose and
barn. Eighty acres fenced, aoveral
acrea cleared and about 1G acres
partly cleared. Over $1100 of Im
provements. If sold soon will take
C. O. I. prices. Bend Brick & Lumber
Co. 3tr
FOR SALE 120 acres cboico Ir
rigated land, CO acres cleared, GO
acres In crop, 3G Acres act to clover
and alfalfa, good C-room houae, rus
tic nnd celled and nicely, painted and
abdut 10 acres of waste land, only
$4300. J. A. Eastes, Hend; Oro. 2tf
I AM 8BLLINO lota In Aubrey
Heights at $150. $200 and $300. on
terms of $16 caah nnd from $C to $10
monthly, only G per cent on defer
red payments. This property Is the
moat sightly to be had and only 6
to 9 blocka ot tho business center of
Hend. J. A. Eastes, Bend, Oro. 2tt
FOR SALE 1C0 acres Irrigable
land near Bend, GO acrea set to clo
ver and alfalfa, 90 acrea in cultiva
tion; new bungalow. Ail fenced and
crosg fenced. Will soil this plaec at
$1500 less than present owner paid
for It a year ago. Compelled to sell.
'J. A. Eaatea, Bend, Oregon. 2tf
Skuse Hardware Company.
We Repair Uuns t All Klod.