The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 02, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    MMWMWritlftt - VWJFVA.9VkrinmB91eW?TW-
SHARE IS $1996.06
hret building to bq put up on Wall
street, CrooJ Trlpjbtt having n fur
nlturo 8toro thoro 11 ycara ago.
Qrovlcstn No. 41348, 64077, Am.
ferlcan foreign, the pure breed Ini
porlod"Porchoron Stnlllon owned by
Hoy Smith of Hond, will mnko tho
season at Laldlaw, Oiy Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday of, oaoh
wook and nt Uond, Ore,, Thursday,
Friday and 8nturdny or each wook nt
tho Uonansa Ham, Tonus 16
por noason. Podlgroa: Cassluo
(46875) alro; Couragouso (54433),
dam; Victoria (42905), alro of alro;
Paaotho (40334), dam of alro; Sully
(40430), alro ot dam; Coqulno
(345S4), dam of dnin. Adv.
It wo Shouldn't Have a Pair, $710.01
Would Go to ltoads Five Per
"Cent of .Public Land Salo Pro- !
. coeds ,for Highway Work.
.(Special to Tho Hond Ballot In.)
'SALH.r, March 31. Uundor the
mlllage tax law for county fairs that
was passed by tho' Legislature, there
will bo M4.033.21 avallablo this
year for tho various counties. This
sum will bo raised by a 1-20 mill
tax on' assessablo property in tho
state. Tho tax will ralso J 15,807.55
In Multnomah county but as tho law
limits thatcounty to 10,000 and
provides "that tho amount derived
from tho tax In excess of thlssum be
divided among tho count'es, each
countyv2'will receive $173.46 la addi
tion toBlulown "tax. rf
Thefmonoy for tho county fairs
will beayatlablo n July. lf any
county doesn't hold a fair the money
may bo used In building and repair
ing roads. According to a statement
Issued by Secretary of Stato Otcott
tho various counties will recclvo tho
following amounts:
Uaker $1296.64, Denton 9726.7G.
Clackamas $1703.60, Clatsop $1223.
93. Columbia $922.22, Coos $171.47,
Crook $749.04, Curry $349.27. Doug
las. $1766.64. Gilliam $C21.C3, Grant
$644.06. Harney $660.96, Hood Riv
er $6S8.43, Jackson $1704.43, Josc-
rhlno $728.60, Klamath $863.36.
Lako J53C.I3, Lane $1986.65, Lin
coln $529.68, Linn $1657.73. Mal
heur $664.61. Marlon $2247.77. Mor
row $670. CG, Multnomah $10,173.46,
Polk $1032.49, Sherman $694.28,
Tillamook $889.13. Umatilla $2175.
78, Union $1203.77, Wallowa $704.
68, Wasco $946.44. Washington
$1281.14, Wheeler $275.05. Yam-
bill $1196.31.
ltoad Improvement Fund.
There is now in tho state treasury
$15,328.30 ready for distribution to
tho various counties for road im
provement purposes. This fund- is
5 per cent of the amount received
by the government from tho sales of
public lands during tho last fiscal
year. Each county will recelvo the
following amount: Baker $490.63,
Denton $110.30, Clackamas $298.85,
Clatsop $131.63, Columbia $106.14,
Coos.$261.01,Crook $1247.02. Cur
ry $240.17. Douglas $789.13, Gilliam
$192.55. Grant $724.67. Harney
$1592.52, Hood River $87.06, Jack
nbn $454.68. Josephine $280.73,
Klamath $961.80. Lake $1269.78,
Lane $739.42, Lincoln $161.61, 1.1 nn
$359.61, Malheur $1584.50, Marlon
$191.43. Morrow $324.66, Multno
mah $72.31. Polk $113.67, Sherman
$134.03, Tillamook $180.37, Uma
tilla $508.71. Union $334.60. Wal
lowa $604.23, Wasco $375.64. Wash
ington M17.20. Wheeler $273.20,
Yamhill $114.47.
has taken charge of the
- AND -
mountain view
The most comfortable rooms in Bend.
Steam heat hot and cold water, new
Beautiful location on the banks of the
Free buss to and from depot.
Airs. Cuntcy Now IlunnliiK the Moun
tain View and the Altaniout.
Mrs. W. D. Cursey, who has had
charge ot tho Pilot liutto Inn dining
room, has rented the Guerlri house
or Mountain View and the Altamdnt
Hotel and will conduct these two ho
tels. Tho change was made Monday,
and the first meal was 'served under
the new arrangement at the Alta
xnont last night.
the court at the Mountain View
will be made Into a dining room for
use of- tho guests of both hotels. Un
til the Improvements are completed
meals will be served at the Alta
mo'nt. but later It will be used to ac
commodate commercial ;iind transient
travel, while the Mountain View will
bo1 for tho regular roomers, primari
ly., X bus will meet tho train morning
and evening.
The Altamont, which has been
owned Jointly by J. J. Klein and Dr.
E. R. Jackson, is now the sole prop
erty of Dr. Jackson, tho final trans
fer, having been mode last week. Dr.
Jackson has been here several weeks
loo'l'lns aftor his intorcsts,
Mrs. Cursey will cater, as hereto
fore, to locl people, 'jut sho expects
to "serve a large number of tourists.
Alreadv reservations have been inndo
by. several Seattle parties for tho
8jimnir. The Mcntaln View has a
splendid view of the mountains and
Deschutes river, and there Is an ex
cellent lswn running down to 'the
wnJcr edge. The house has been
qlosed since last Octnlter when Mrs.
Hanford Shultz left Uend. Tho prop
erty 1" n"ud w. K. ,GuerIn, Jr.'.
of Columbus, Ohio.
' The iMte is beln;r cleared for the
fltojie or brJok Jjuildlng which L, H.
Kyuptt of wfnot, N. D vIH erect
QiuWnll gtre't-nexfc to Howe's store,
yhft. '.little building formerly occu
pied) fa a shoe shop but now the of
fice of I. J Ryan, the plumber, has
twjen owed to the rear of the lot.
Tha old tmnrt building on the Mut-
alsNlc Smith says t.bla was the
Men's Clothing
Every Day
To keep our stock right up to the
minute always, we get in new
things new ideas every d a y,
so .that this store is especially val-,-
uable to the man who always wants
the new things while they are new.
R.M, Smith Clothing Co.
Everything to Wear for Men Who Care.
L 3
HptHHL jf
U. Vi
Good Groceries and
Dry Goods.
- ff5'. 's wnat you know you are
getting when you buy at this store
, rthe store where quality is al
ways first and the prices right, where
even the children can trade. We handle
an excellent line of Kitchenware also.
Our stock of Shoes and Gentlemen's Fur
nishings are being closed out; at great
...ft-eductions, in prices. Make your pur
chases here und save money.' i .
Tho Prlscltlns wero eutortalnod
by Mtsa lllack Monday evening.
Mrs, W, 1 VnntUvort and son
Will hnVo gone up to tho nuioh,
Tho Afternoon "COO" cltth wilt bo
ontortalnod tomorrow by Mrs. tioorgo
8. You DR..
Miss Grnco Vnndovert la visiting
her Bister, Mrs. Chester Cntlow, ut
Summor l.nkn.
E, A. Veck and family ot Clrcnn
vlllo, 111.; enmo In Inst week to lako
up homestond land.
II, K. Vincent, 'forest ranger lo
cntod nt Bistort), t In town this wook
dolus hoiiio work In tho forestry of-
it. W. Sawyor. who hns lxcen work
ing nt tho llnnd Company's mill for
sovorr.1 mouths, la now lit Tho Hullo
tin olllco.
John Itlls, who has been surveying
tho Crane Prairie forestry telephone
lino route, is expected In town In a
fow days.
Jamon Uontson and fnmlly of Three
forks, Mont., , arrived Sunday night
to go on their homestead southeast
of Uond, nenr Mlllloan's.
C. K. Morris, who formurly resid
ed hero and who owns residence mid
tiusluoss property, has moved from
Tuscon, Arls., to Knn Diego, Cat.
The recital by Miss Nolle Itauali
for tho Hoy Scouts benefit will bo nt
the. Star Thoatro tonight, nt S o'clock.
Miss Craves and Mies lllack assist.
Mr. and Mrs. Ingvnld Holt of Bpo
kino nro visiting Mrs. Holt's broth
ers, Carl and Nils llagen, at their
homo near tho (lend Company's mill
Tho streets of Deschutea addition
are bolng cloared of trees and tho
stumps pulled, mnklng nn attractlvo
Improvement In that residential sec
W. 11. It. Williams, who spont tho
winter In Senttlo, returned Friday to
go on his up-river homestead. Ho
wan accompanied by his wife and a
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. .Dorsctt of
Minneapolis, and a grandchild, are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Corkett
and probably will lo hero all summer.
The, laundry Is now housed In Ita
new brick bulldln, having moved
the first of tho week. The new inn
chlnery- will bo hero In about two
Dr. Y. I I.Thompson returned Hun
dsy night from Salem. Mrs. Thoni
son romnlnlng over as she is still
sick. Dr. Thompson went over to
soo her today.
No objections having been mado
by tho Oregon Railroad Commission
tho now water rates of tho Uond Wa
ter, Light & Power Co. wont into ef
fect yesterday.
J. T. Hardy of tho Oregon Trunk
Railway last week presented Tho
Hullotln with a largo framed picture
of Mount Jackson, In Glacier Nation
al Park, Montana.
Miss Kdlth Hastes has been visit
ing Miss Lcta llcnn at the lattor's
ranch In tho Powell llutte country.
Tho Ilonns havo also been entertain
ing guests from Portland.
W. E. Johnson, formerly propri
etor of tho Tcrrobonnu Oregonlan.
which ho recently sold, has moved
to Weston, Ore., whero he will hnve
chargo of tho Weston leader.
W. J. and K, il. Uoyd were over
from Uond Saturday. They have
both started contest proceedings on
abandoned homesteads, alxiut seven
miles oast of Slsters.-Slsters Herald.
The Hapttst Womon'a Union mot
nt tho homo of Mrs. It. I). Ketchum
Inst Wednesday afternoon, with nn
attendance of about 25. The noxt
meeting will be with Mrs. T. II. Fo
U. P. Mlnter announces that W.
JJK. Fooro, recently of Alberta, Can
aan, iibs acnuiroa a nan interest in
tho ilomeseekers Land Co. and here
after will bo an nctlvo partner in Its
L. M. McRoynolds has bogunw'orVfi
on a five-room house on IHife atroet,
In Deschutes addition. He will also
build two other residences on tho
samo street, at Its Intersection with
Front street,
II. P. Smith, who lives oast of
town, last wook sold off his scrub
chickens and bought three thorough
bred lllack Langshans of Mrs. O. W.
Hhrlnor and three Whlto Orpingtons
of Frod Huoy.
Klnier Ward has been laid up for
a wook with appendix trouble. An
operation will not bo performed now,
and It is oxpectod that Mr. Word
will bo buck In tho Pond Water.
Light & Power Co.'s ofllco this week.
K. W. (loodale of Portland was
here last week reproiontlng tho risk
Tiro Co. nnd Archer Wiggins & Co.
ot Portland, dealers In auto supplies,
Thoso companies will ho represented
locally by tho Wonandy iLlvory Co..
Oregon school boys hotwoeu tho
agon of 12 and 16 yenra will bo given
n short practical course In agricul
ture and livestock growing nt the
Oregon Agricultural College Juno
16 to 26. The management of the
stnto Institution Is arranging a camp
for boya from all parts of the stato
at that time, which will follow tho
close of tho school year,
- .
r ,r
My entire stock of
Merchandise is for
sale, either in whole
or in part.
A. M. LARA.f
iV l"t '
"The Store of Better Values"
Thn United- States Department or
Agriculture hns been figuring up tho
lossa by fires on the national for
ests for the calendar year 1013, and
finds that they were tho lowest of
recent years. I .ens than nno acre to
every thousand of timbered lands
was burned over, nnd tho total dam
ago la estimated at $75,200, or less
than ono dollar to every 2000 acres
of area.
Three prime dressed steers, one
from each of three lots now being
sent to market by William llanloy or
Hums are to bo sent with his compli
ments to tho students of thi Oregon
Agricultural College. They repre
sent threo different methods of fend
ing for market which Mr, llanloy has
been using. Ho has compiled data as
to the methods and results, and la
sending them also for tho boneflt of
tho students and Instructors of ani
mal husbandry, to demonstrate tho
value of Central Orogon for boof pro
duction. ,'' - , .
Mend's llcst 'Harbor Shop,' as well
as tho oldest, Is bines & Davidson's,
on Orogon street. Adv.
To Iniiiro U'hmI lulling ou iiuinl
havp good tnrklr, nnd till is ulint in
handled by Hie Owl I'lmnimcy. Adv.
C. Wj Thornthwslto, who bought
tho Kgglesion harness stock nt the
sheriff's salo Katurdsy, is dntly. ex
pecting thu arrival ot tl'm largo stock
of now goods whUh ho recently pur
chased In Portland. Upon their ar
rival ho will bo nblo to supply his
customers with anything In the linn
of harness nnd saddles. Mr. Thorn
thwalto will nlso Install a number of
now machines which will enable tilm
to turn out. any kind of leather and
harness work. Mr, Thornthwalto has
been In this community for 12
years and is an experienced harness
shop man. Advertisement.
Hereafter the flour manufactured
by tho llend Milling & Warehouse Co.
will bo on salo at tho United Ware
house Compnny.'a depot warehouse.
-Advertisement, 3-t
You will havo no Irritated fnco If
you havo your shaving dono at I li
nos & Davidson's barber shop. Adv.
Do you vMi to kerp your Hullo
tin mi lllo for reference? If so, buy
ronwnlciil lllr for tH.M nt this ofllco.
The Old Reliokle
Threo skilled barkers are at
nes & Davidson's barber shop
serve you. Adv.
FUhlnff Tackle nt the Owl Plmr
mscy. Nothing but new stock, nnd 'a
big supply to choose from. Adv.
v i
i ..I ,
The New Store Is Open With New Stock
and UP-TO-DATE Styles
Carpets Rugs Portieres
Couch Covers
Special Stock of Kitchenware
A few lace curtains from Cw -
sample stocks 5UC CdCl
A square deal for every customer
Wholesale prices on quantity lots.
A. L. '-Hunter
Nejcgdoor'to- Bend Jjardwnre Company
. Bend, Oregon '