The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 02, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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TAQti 4.
Edltqrt and Publisher.
Managing Editor.
An ludopondont nowapapor stand
ing for tho square deal, clean busi
ness, clean politics nud tho best In
terests of Ilund and Control Oregon.
Ono year. J1.E0
aix months 80
Throo months.............. .CO
All subscriptions aro duo and
of expiration will bo mailed subscri
bers and It ronowal Is not mado with
in rcasonablo tlmo tho papor will bo
I'lcnso notify us promptly of any
chnngo of address, or of falluro to ro
colvo tho paper regularly.
Make, all checks and ordors pay
allo to Doud Uulletln.
The Uulletln ha been ilwIKnntwl
by tho County Court of Crook County
to publloh ortlcUlly all tho proceed
lugs of the court.
"Lay on, MacDuff, and damned bo he
Who first cries, 'Hold, enough.' "
Of course, fow hens aro called Mac
Duff, becauso It Isn't a namo appro
priate to a member of tho fair sex.
Also, anyone would certainly bo
damned It ho or she Tentured to call
n halt when a hen threatened to lay
Tho plnt is this: We have heard
a lot about harmony, hogs and cows.
All of them are excellent assets.
Some of us may enjoy the ffrst named
but production of tho other two, eren
with procreaalrt financial help, must
be limited to such of us as hare acres
upon which to keep them.
Dut consider the hen in the hen
nery; she tolleth not. neither does
ho spin. Hut her boss reaps a har
vest of ecss. pleasant to eat and prof
itable to sell. Almost anyoni can
raise hens, aud almost any hen can
raise eggs Just now, Indeed, Is tho
tlmo of tho year when hens have the
habit, and as a result egg prices are
low. Howercr, gropo back In your
memory a few months and recall pay
ing 50 cents, and more, a dozen, for
eggs Imported eggs at that, pro
duced, perhaps, a couple of thous
and miles away, reared in a cold stor
age plant and ripened In coses.
Yesterday The Bulletin made In
quiries at all of Dend's groceries:
"About how many eggs did you Im
port from the outside during the
jearT" was the question asked.
While exact figures wero not obtain
able, enough information was forth
coming to establish tho fact that
Ucnd imported last year at least 4500
dozen eggs; valuing these at 40
cents a doxen (the heaviest Importa
tion is at tb time of high prlcss),
ono sees that we spent somo 11800
uu Imported eggs, not to mention tbo
ndded amount doubtless paid for eat
ing chickens.
Now, Uend is a good hen location.
Everyone who raises poultry is ob
taining good results. The pity of It
is that more peoplu do not try It
In this issue of The Bulletin are sev
eral advertisements of chickens, hens
and eggs; it 25 people who now have
no chickens would start a few, and
It 25 who buve some would double
their number, next year Rend might
be able to supply the homo demand
Instead of sending good money away
for a product that could easily be
raised here. Aside from the very ap-
jarcnt cjunlng for a large egg farm,
It Is a patent fact that every family
would do well to keep a few hens;
the waste food from a rmall home Is
uivayu enough to supply sufllcleut
hens to keep It ta eat:?.
Next wook The Uulletln hopes to
publish somo examples of what local
people have accomplished with a few
hens. Wo have had prizes for tho
lieHt kepi lawns, and prizes for the
prettiest flowers; why not a prize
for the owner of the small chicken
yard who pau show tho best results
this summer? It would bo a proflt
ablo trophy for everyone.
satisfactory ono from a financial
point of vlow. Wo havo always
wondered Jest what a county super
intendent imd l. do to earn his
bacon, and now, It must be confessed,
wo are further mysttrtod. In fact, It
a man can run I'rlnovtllo'n schools
satisfactorily .tnd bo county suporln
ton don t at tro anmo tlmo, ono Is
loiced to IioIho elthor that tho lat
ter job Is a howling farco or that
IU duties aro noglcctcd under tho
dual nrraugomont; ono of tho two,
or that Mr. Myors Is a cruelly over
worked mnn, for anyono who knows
tho amount ot work that a school
principal phould do realizes that to
saddlo him further with tho duties
ot ' n presiding county oducatlonnl
officer is almost to add Insult to
Injury. Rut then, perhaps tho
doublo salary salves tho wound
even though there Is n shadow ot n
doubt na to whether or not ono per
son can hold tho two offices with
entire Icgalltr
"Having becomo wealthy growing
alfalfa and grain on their homestoads,
a largo numlter of bachelors of lan
gell Valley, near here, havo appealed
to Rev. George II. Fcese, ot Klam
ath Falls, begging him to secure for
them "carload lots" of marrlagcablo
Tho above is a dispatch from
Klamath Falls published In Portland
papers. Dear, dear! Another case
ot supply and domand not being bal
anced. It thore was only n railroad
from Rend to Klamath, how easy It
would be to .-mlve tho problom that
confronts thoso rich but unhappy
bachelors. And even as It is, surely
a well-known local organization of
tho feminine gender should Imme
diately communicate with Mr. Fecso.
Funny. Rack at stricken Dayton,
In the hour of need, affairs are placed
In the hands of tho one man to whom
all turn Instinctively as the best qual
ified John Patterson, the head ot
the cash register company, a convict
ed criminal, at least in the eyes of
the law. Truly "a man's a man for
all that." When the crisis comes, ho
who haa demonstrated his ability, he
whoso prowess is known and trusted
by tho people. Inevitably rises to the
top. For at such times men are
Judged by their fellows not on their
tochnlcat shortcomings, but upon
their fundamental worth as workers.
Now that we've done our share for
the flood sufferers, why not organize
a first-ald-to-the-lnjured relief cam
paign for the tax sufferers ot Crook
In tho Circuit Court of tho State
ot Oregon tor Crook County.
Alma D. 8towart, Plaintiff, vs.
Harold E. Stewart, Dofondant.
To Harold hi, 8townrt, abovo nnmod
In tho namo of tho Stato ot Oregon
you nro horohy required to appoar
and niiBwcr tjio complaint ot tho
plalntm "led against you In tho
abovo entitled suit within ton days
from tho dato ot the Borvlca of this
summons upon you, It served within
Crook County, Stato of Oregon, or It
sorved within any other county of
this Stato, then within SO dnB from
tho dato ot tho sorvlco of this sum
mons upon you, and If survod upon
you by publication, then on or before
tho 8th day ot May, 1013, and you
aro hereby notified that It you fall
bo to appear and answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho
court for tho relief prayed for In tho
complaint on fllo herein, to-wlt:
That the bonds of matrimony now
existing botweon you and said plain
tiff bo forever dissolved and that tho
said plnlntlff's name bo changed
from Alma I). Stewart to Alma I).
This summons Is published In Tho
Ilond Hullottn, a nowspapor of gen
eral circulation, published at Rond,
Crook County, Oregon, for six suc
cessive wook s, by order of tho Hon-
orablo O. Springer, Judgo of tho
County Court of Crook County,
Stato ot Oregon, said order mado and
entered this 20th day of March, 1913.
Dato of publication first tlmo this
26th day of March, 1913.
3-9 Attornoy for Plaintiff.
y JZrjS
Puzzle: Where will that $1247.02
the state Is giving Crook county for
road work be spent?
If a rock comes through the window
And bounces off your head,
If a blast is fired at sunrise
And shakes you out of bed.
If at night you seek the sldowalk
And hit the ditch Instead
Just remember Rond Is growing
And be thankful you're not dead!
Education appears to be a, partic
ularly profitable pursuit in Prinevlllo.
J. E. Myers, recently elee'ed county
school "superintendent, contrives to
hold two Jobs, and, what Is probably
more to the point, draw two salaries.
For his cou-ity Jouthe gentleman:
gets, we understand, tfoCO yea.r
and as iirlncjpaj pf tbq PrlnevlRe.
schools $1,G(M the co.tiblratlon mat
Of whlto chickens', havo you seen
them when pssslng through Mecca,
Oregon? They nro White Plymouth
Rocks or the highest typo. EOOS
per setting $2. E. W. Twlss, Meoca,
Oregon. 3-10
tf-wr r--
Cf-i1(kt If hj O.uult A4r ilalt( C C
April 2, 1913
Dear friend:
All eggs are not the
same Just because they
all have shells around
them. Its ihe inside
not the outside of an
egg that counts. Can't
you tell a fresh egg
vhen you taste it? I
can. My mama wants
fresh eggs from the
country. City hens
don't lay fresh eggs.
Fresh country eggs
will cost you 20 cents
a dozen.
Your friend,
P. S. They will coBt
you only this much at
Shingles Mouldings
Building Material
Jhe Miller Lumber Company
Bend, Oregon.
These are the two additions which comprise the
northern .end of the town. Look at the map and you
will sec some of the advantages of these two pieces of
property. The railroad cuts them directly In two, run
ning for three quarters of a mile through the center of
the plat, making a full mile and a' half of property
bounding the right of way. livery foot of this Is bound
to become very valuable for warehouse and factory sites
or for any other business that requires proximity to a
railroad foreaslly and cheaply rccclvlngor shipping goods.
These lots are GOING FAST, so don't hesitate
another day. Call or write for further particulars.
Bend Park Company
455 Empire Building, Seattle, Wash.
First National Bank Building, Bend, Oregon.
Descriptive literature mailed upon request.
- j-
If You Want Good
Residence Lots
Business Sites
Irrigated Land
320Acre Homesteads
investigate what we have to offer. We have the
best on the market, at the best prices and terms.
This firm also makes a specialty of Fire Insur
ance, Indemnity Bonds and Plate Glass, Show
Case and Mirror Insurance. Our companies are
the best in the United States, and pay their losses
promptly. IWe are the oldest established real
estate firm in Bend, and have a first class record
for fairness and efficiency. If you have something
to sell, or wish to buy, let us help you.
Oreg. Investment Co.
Wall Street, Bend, Oregon
ing the twin position an eminently J